Sunday, July 14, 2024

Overwatch Failure? Or ROE Flub?

h/t Baysider:


  1. Tommyboy definitely was a Trump hating leftard like Derpwood. Derpy's baseless claim that the tomster was a "trumpster" shows his beyond venomous hatred against Donald John Trump Sr and the whole Trump Family.

  2. That guy was a lone wolf whack job, possessed by his own hatred. Even Satan didn't have any intel from his minions that this was going to happen. Tommyboy just gave the jackasses another idea by pulling off his failed attempt, but it will boomerang back. I'm going to swing by Boston Piggy's stinky barn to see what pig slop Shenehneh's feeding her piglets. I hope she has just enough decency to not gloat with glee over the assassination attempt.

  3. I just got back from Shenehneh's Boston Piggy Pig Pen. To her credit, she restrained herself.

  4. Mystere: ...shows his beyond venomous hatred against Donald John Trump Sr and the whole Trump Family.

    Why shouldn't I hate a fascist who is trying to destroy democracy?

    Mystere: That guy was a lone wolf whack job...

    And how do you know all about him, Mystere? You're his co-conspirator? Mystere better stop blabbing or the tRump crime family will have him eliminated. tRump will be in bigly trouble if his plan to stage a fake assassination on himself gets revealed. Even more trouble than he already is in.

    Mystere: I hope she has just enough decency to not gloat with glee over the assassination attempt.

    Why would Democrats "gloat with glee" over tRump's false flag fake assassination? Or failed real assassination? Whatever the case may be. Neither one provides a reason for glee.

    The real reason Minus wear sunglasses.

  5. \\Why shouldn't I hate a fascist who is trying to destroy democracy?

    You mean national-SOCIALIST Bi-den? ;-P

    That ready even to KILL political opponents, to stay in power.

    \\tRump will be in bigly trouble if his plan to stage a fake assassination on himself gets revealed.

    What fake assassination????

    If he'd not turn his head just a moment before -- he'd have nice round hole in his scull already...

  6. \\Or failed real assassination? Whatever the case may be. Neither one provides a reason for glee.

    Yeah... only scorny mourning... for a such a fine chance squandered.


  7. Why shouldn't I hate a fascist who is trying to destroy democracy?

    Because you've been hyped up on a diet of media BS.

  8. You think he dunno that? ;-P


    It fully and consciously are on that hook.

    Because it allows it to fill itself secure... and even POWERFUL.


  9. Ah-hah-ha!

    liliPut just said "I do not accuse DEMN Biden for that assassination attempt, he didn't do that"... but, he "always lying", isn't it? Yes, cretin? ;-P


  10. Qtard: \\Why shouldn't I hate a fascist who is trying to destroy democracy?\\You mean national-SOCIALIST Bi-den? ;-P

    I didn't say anything about the imaginary person that exists in your delusions you call "Bi-den". And now I know for SURE you're referring to some imaginary dude. Because Joe Biden is definitely not a "national socialist". He is a moderate Democrat.

    Qtard: That ready even to KILL political opponents, to stay in power.

    The imaginary Bi-den is ready to do that in your delusions.

    Qtard: \\tRump will be in bigly trouble if his plan to stage a fake assassination on himself gets revealed\\ What fake assassination????

    The fake assassination attempt that occurred on July 13, 2024. What we've been discussing here. You haven't been paying attention?

    Qtard: If he'd not turn his head just a moment before -- he'd have nice round hole in his scull already...

    Bullshit. donald tRump didn't have "a pair of small oars used by a single rower" with him on the stage.

    Qtard: \\Or failed real assassination? Whatever the case may be. Neither one provides a reason for glee\\ Yeah... only scorny mourning... for a such a fine chance squandered.

    Chance to kill donald tRump? But then he wouldn't get "elected" predisent, get back into the White House and end Putin's war on Ukraine -- by stopping all military aid to Ukraine. Surely you don't want Putin's plans foiled. Wouldn't that make you sad?

    Qtard: liliPut just said "I do not accuse DEMN Biden for that assassination attempt, he didn't do that"... but, he "always lying", isn't it? Yes, cretin? ;-P

    Asking yourself? Don't you think Putin is a bigly truth-teller? Told the "truth" about Bi-den being predictable and endorsing him for that reason?

    Liars don't lie 100 percent of the time. That would make it incredibly obvious they are lying. Good liars are careful with their lies. Mix them in with a lot of truths. That way the lies are more believable. But as a bigly liar yourself -- I'm sure you know all about that.

  11. Mystere: I just got back from Shenehneh's Boston Piggy Pig Pen.

    Impossible. You couldn't have "got back" from any place with that name. Because no such place exists.

  12. My response to Qtard went immediately to spam.

  13. Deserving. I presume. ;-P

    PS Google ramping up "prevention of hate speech", I presume.

  14. Nothing in the spam folder. Sorry Derv... Maybe it's getting lost in your cache. I'm not seeing it.

  15. Let me clear mine, just to make sure it's not on my end...

  16. Nope, still nothing in Spam. I don't think its' me.

  17. Minus: Nothing in the spam folder. Sorry Derv... Maybe it's getting lost in your cache. I'm not seeing it.

    It's there now. I assumed you restored it. Qtard didn't reply to it, so I assumed it was in Spam. Though maybe my comment was there when Qtard posted IT's moronity and IT was silently agreeing with what I wrote?

  18. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

  19. Yes, Spam's still empty... musta gotten misplaced, as you said.

  20. Laughing like an idiot. But agreeing with what I wrote. Otherwise IT would say what it disagreed with.

  21. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You wanna be called cretin some more times?

    I see. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  22. Oh, no... I have read that emerged from spam comment of cretin... no, The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders... and found it so full of facts and flawless logic, that I fell to my knees before such an Intelligence and Wisdom and ready to plead forgivness...



    Just usual cretinic drivel. ;-P

  23. \\Because Joe Biden is definitely not a "national socialist". He is a moderate Democrat.


    One you claimed need to turn US left, left... and then again, some time left? ;-P

    \\The fake assassination attempt that occurred on July 13, 2024. What we've been discussing here. You haven't been paying attention?

    And there under that stage was whole team of Hollywood action makeup masters... to add even paths of blood? In couple of seconds???

    \\Qtard: If he'd not turn his head just a moment before -- he'd have nice round hole in his scull already...

    \\Bullshit. donald tRump didn't have "a pair of small oars used by a single rower" with him on the stage.


    Lame cretinic dodge.

    But... continue-continue, cretin. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: liliPut just said "I do not accuse DEMN Biden for that assassination attempt, he didn't do that"... but, he "always lying", isn't it? Yes, cretin? ;-P

    \\Asking yourself?

    Again have problem with recognizing whose words you read? ;-P

    Well... you signed it with your alter-ego "Qtard" "nickname".

    So... easy to get why you got confused. AGAIN!

    But... continue-continue, being confused, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Don't you think Putin is a bigly truth-teller?

    So??? liliPut must be LIED... about current WH dweller NOT involved into dRump assasiantion attempt? ;-P

    \\Told the "truth" about Bi-den being predictable and endorsing him for that reason?

    Well... assassinating opponent. That looks quite unpredictable. Isn't it? ;-P

    \\Liars don't lie 100 percent of the time. That would make it incredibly obvious they are lying. Good liars are careful with their lies. Mix them in with a lot of truths. That way the lies are more believable. But as a bigly liar yourself -- I'm sure you know all about that.


    That's why you are cretin -- your lies are cretinicly OBVIOUS. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. ;-P

    1. Keep it up, Q!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 It's entertaining watching you spanking Dervish the farting cretin. He immediately dumps into his gay guy thong panties, soiling his KU KLUX KLAN Burqa.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  24. Qtard: Again have problem with recognizing whose words you read? ;-P

    No. I read your question to "cretin" aka the "foreigner from far far away". aka you.

    Qtard: Well... you signed it with your alter-ego "Qtard" "nickname".

    That's your nickname. I keep telling you but you keep forgetting.

    Qtard: So... easy to get why you got confused. AGAIN!

    Talking to yourself again. Yawn.

    Qtard: So??? liliPut must be LIED... about current WH dweller NOT involved into dRump assasiantion attempt?

    So, you're saying Putin knows who is responsible? Because it was tRump doing a false flag? Maybe Putin gave him the idea?

    Qtard: Well... assassinating opponent. That looks quite unpredictable. Isn't it? ;-P

    So, you agree it was tRump doing a false flag on himself? Or is Biden "unpredictable"?

    Qtard: That's why you are cretin -- your lies are cretinicly OBVIOUS. **cretinic laughter**

    Talking to yourself again.

    Qtard: But... continue-continue, cretin. ;-P

    Self encouragement. Yawn.

  25. \\Qtard: Again have problem with recognizing whose words you read? ;-P

    \\No. I read your question to "cretin" aka the "foreigner from far far away". aka you.

    NewSpeakean confession. As ever. Yawn. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But, continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: Well... you signed it with your alter-ego "Qtard" "nickname".

    \\That's your nickname. I keep telling you but you keep forgetting.


    And why you used it to sign OWN words with it? Then Joe's. And etc???

    Isn't because you confusing your delusions being Reality? ;-P



    \\\Qtard: So... easy to get why you got confused. AGAIN!

    \\Talking to yourself again. Yawn.

    Definitely confused.

    Or... why you say that MY words it's something you "talking to yourself"????? Ahhh??? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: So??? liliPut must be LIED... about current WH dweller NOT involved into dRump assasiantion attempt?

    \\So, you're saying Putin knows who is responsible?

    What's the point for him to try to embellish current WH dweller? ;-P
