Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Leftist, et al, Perceptions of Donald J. Trump...

...seem mostly "Spot On".  But what will Trump's "legacy" be?  Does his d*ck still work?  Are his pockets still empty?  Or has he only seemingly "moved on" now?  Is he ready to build and seal his "legacy"?  Even many Trumpists would still believe, "...at least he's OUR mother-f*cker now!"

...but he's also older and more experienced now.  Has he learned nothing over the past 8 years? Or is he still grabbing p*ssies and chasing milf's?  if so, "te saludo!"  If not, "molto bene"!  It's legacy time!  Funny how a successful man's mind, at the end of his long and arduous "business" career, often turns to legacy and philanthropy.  Especially those of the "older generation".

So what's the verdict?  Does the Trump Family Godfather try and take his business operations "legit"?  If not for Ivanna, not even for Barron's sake?
For where would the Patriarchy be today without Patriarchs?


  1. tRump has NOT called the family of the man who was killed at his rally, while Joe Biden did call (but his widow declined to take the call because she believed her husband would not have wanted her to). Corey Comperatore's widow says she does NOT blame Joe Biden for her husband's death.

    Aren't you going to blame the rhetoric of Joe Biden for the fake assassination attempt?

    JD Vance is a DEI hire -- Dictator Enabling Idiot.

    I wonder if Tim Scott regrets how much he groveled, hoping tRump would pick him? What a non-surprise that the White Supremacist Orange Turd chose a white man as his vee-pee. JD Vance is a horrible misogynist Turd who believes women should remain married to men who beat them and that raped women should not be able to get abortions.

    tRump/Vance = megaturd ticket.

    tRump could have selected Haley and gotten her voters. Or he could have selected rfkjr (White man) and gotten his voters.

    "Even many Trumpists would still believe, "...at least he's OUR mother-f*cker now!""

    Yep. That is what you want. Because trumpers are terrible people. This (as per the quote) is by their own admission.

  2. Tim Scott... I guess Trump doesn't need any magical negroes now. All the bangers now see Trump as a BAD ASS! I don't even think that Korn Pop will be supporting Joe now, less Joe kills some Trumpian supporters single handed in a drive-by hit attempt. Cryps done smack da Bloods...

    As for RFK, Jr... look for him in Trump's cabinet post-election. :)

  3. A "magical negro" to you is any Black person (or Black man) who is successful? Seems like it. That tRump is now a "bad ass" is exactly why the fake assassination attempt was staged.

    donald tRump is Putin's bitch. He is a wuss, not a tough guy.

    William Morris aka "Corn Pop" passed away awhile ago.

    fyi, Every fact about this that has been independently corroborated — which is the overwhelming majority of them — backs up Joe Biden's account, and others in Delaware have discussed this altercation on the record for years", said Andrew Bates, campaign spokesman. "What’s more, his telling of it has been consistent and true". link

    So why do rightturds believe this true story is something to mock Joe Biden for?

  4. donald tRump is Putin's bitch. He is a wuss, not a tough guy.

    Really? I hear Putin took off his bullet proof vest after seeing Trump Matrix-dodge the bullet in Butler. Putin's Trump's b*tch!

  5. tRump wasn't shot. He's wearing a large bandage to cover up the fact that his ear isn't injured. What doctor treated him? What statement has that doctor made and/or what news conference did that doctor participate in?

    1. Assface Dervish The Prophet Of Satan Almighty Sanders July 16 2024 at 9:40 PM "tRump wasn't shot. He's wearing a large bandage..."

      Really, Assface Dervish? Even your pants pooper Biden says Trump was shot. Make up your mind, Stinkface Dervish. You can't have it both ways.

  6. donald tRump's legacy = worst potus in American history.

    I'm surprised people aren't shooting at him all the time.

  7. Naah! He wearing the mask on his ear to mock the Covid Lockdowns that Fauci tricked the country into following with his mRNA PsyOp.

  8. \\Putin's Trump's b*tch!

    Putin. I mean real geneticly liliPut. Is already dead.

    And hist doublers -- can catch as many bullets as they'd want.

    Well... though they'll never appear in a place where it can happen.


    \\ A "magical negro" to you is any Black person (or Black man) who is successful?

    Playing as mascot? ;-P

    \\That tRump is now a "bad ass" is exactly why the fake assassination attempt was staged.

    Your TDS grow yet some more, Pinoccio?

    \\I'm surprised people aren't shooting at him all the time.


    Got some balls to buy some AR-15 and try yourself, Pinoccio? ;-P

    \\Aren't you going to blame the rhetoric of Joe Biden for the fake assassination attempt?

    Yeah... it always "FAKE" when DEMNs are not successful with their DEMN tricks.


    1. Cretin's Pinocchio nose has grown so long to the extent he can now do grotesque things to himself.

  9. Naaaaaah.

    NewSpeaking liar and cretins... CAN.

    And not only TWO ways... multi-many ways


    That's why observing em -- is so funny. ;-P

  10. I MUST agree with whatever Biden says? Says who? fyi, republiturds know ALL ABOUT having it both ways -- they incite political violence, then blame Democrats when it effects them. Like with this guy -- confirmed to be a registered republican.

    Though what I'm hearing is that Thomas Crooks might be another John Hinckley. Hinckley originally planned to assassinate Jimmy Carter, then switched to Ronald Reagan after Reagan won the election. He just wanted to kill the president, whoever the president was. His actions weren't driven by politics but his insanity.

    The theory I heard is that Crooks wanted to do a school shooting to go out in a blaze of glory and gain notoriety. Then he heard tRump was coming to town, so decided to kill tRump for even more notoriety.

    "That's why observing em -- is so funny".

    You're "observing" your own delusions. Like "observing" alter egos that aren't there. You're amused by your own cretinity. You're just too crazy to realize it.

  11. \\Mascot? No. Absolver of sins.

    Is it a name of that mascot? Or just an euphemism?


    \\ Like with this guy -- confirmed to be a registered republican.


    And WHO he needed to be registered as??? Ahhh???

    To enter Rep rally???


    \\His actions weren't driven by politics but his insanity.

    Yet one dodge DEMN propaganda invented? ;-P

    \\The theory I heard is that Crooks wanted to do a school shooting to go out in a blaze of glory and gain notoriety. Then he heard tRump was coming to town, so decided to kill tRump for even more notoriety.

    Yet one.

    In all accordance with liliPu's propaganda rulebook.

    Like how he tried to thrug off MH17 accusations.


    \\You're "observing" your own delusions. Like "observing" alter egos that aren't there. You're amused by your own cretinity. You're just too crazy to realize it.

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  12. Biden quit the race yesterday when he cancelled his speech and flew home on AF-1 with Covid (but never wore his "mask". Covid = I quit.

  13. Joe Biden quit? Well it's a good thing he didn't make it official, because d0nald tЯump endorsed Joe Biden for potus...

    "In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand united, and show our true character as Americans, remaining strong and determined, and not allowing evil to win" -- d0nald tRump on tЯuth s0cial.

  14. The Mooch's roll-out won't be ready for another month, so yes, Democrats are stalling.

  15. There is no "Mooch roll-out" being prepared.
