Wednesday, July 17, 2024

JD Vance... Populist?

The "plus" of Vance is that NATCons are NOT the NeoCons.  Vance (and Thiel's) NATCons aren't for "forever wars" and a UniPolar Global Order like the NeoCons are.  Unfortunately, they ARE for a strong national defense and robust US Intelligence Community (USIC) and see no reason to dial back the raging corporatism that has transformed America from an ownership-based "Nation of Shopkeepers" into a nation of renters and  Proletarian corporate Workers... managed by a "salaried bourgeoisie" (CEOs & Investor "Boards of Directors"), not the former "ownership bourgeoisie" (Small Business Owners).  Trump OWNS his TRUMP companies.  So who do you think he favours?


  1. "Trump OWNS his TRUMP companies. So who do you think he favours?"

    I think donald tRump FAVORS (not "favours") the multinational corporations.

    donald tRump: We'll also end job killing corporate inversions and cause trillions of dollars in new dollars to come pouring into our country. And, by the way, into titties like right here in Detroit. (remarks from a 8/8/2016 address to the Detroit Economic Club).

    But tRump lied (no surprise). He did not end corporate inversions. Or even try to end them. Because his remarks weren't even about corporate inversions. His remarks were about giving the multinational corporations another bigly tax break. By allowing them to bring back money earned overseas without paying the US tax.

    tRump lies and Minus believes.

    Me: Are corporate inversions still allowed under us law?

    Copilot AI: Yes, corporate inversions are still allowed under US law. However, their popularity has waned since 2020 due to changes in the U.S. corporate tax rate. Inversions involve a corporate entity established in another country acquiring an established American company. The legal location of the company changes from the United States to another country, allowing it to benefit from more favorable tax treatment in the new home country.

    Notably, most countries have territorial tax systems that only tax income earned within their borders, unlike the US, which taxes worldwide income. Despite the decline in popularity, corporate inversions remain a legal strategy for some multinationals. [end copilot response].

    donald tRump did not end corporate inversions. He reduced the corporate tax rate -- and that had the effect of reducing usage of the corporate inversion tax dodge scheme. But he did not end corporate inversions or even try to end them. I don't think he even knows what they are.

  2. Time will tell if JD Vance is a Trump decoy to make the globalists squeal and expose themselves further.

  3. donald tRump re corporate inversions = verba not acta.

    Glenn Greenturd = Putin/tRump transponder, fake Lefty.

    JD Vance = rightturd "populist" aka White Supremacist, bigly hypocrite.

    Minus = Putin/tRump transponder.

    JD Vance: I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler.

    Vance also liked tweets that said Trump committed "serial sexual assault", called him “one of USA's most hated, villainous, douchey celebs", and harshly criticized Trump’s response to the deadly 2017 White nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

    "There is no moral equivalence between the anti-racist protestors in Charlottesville and the killer (and his ilk)", Vance wrote in a deleted-tweet. link

    But maybe donald tRump thinks JP JD Mandel said those true things about him?

  4. Yes, corporate inversions are still allowed under US law. However, their popularity has waned since 2020 due to changes in the U.S. corporate tax rate.

    How many Democrats and Republicans would vote for a Trumpian law against inversions, Derv? 1/4th?

  5. I think donald tRump FAVORS (not "favours") the multinational corporations.

    Then explain why no self-respecting corporate donors back Trump unil 2 days ago when JD Vance was named VP, and the Thiel NATCon billionaires came aboard (with resultant 700+ DJIA increase)?

  6. Yeah, donald tRump "doesn't" favor multinational corporations... "proven" by tRump naming a corporatist as his vp pick and then getting bigly donations from corporatist Peter Thiel. RIGHT.

    btw, G00gle says "Thiel was controversially granted New Zealand citizenship in 2011". So how can he donate to a US political campaign?

    The Federal Election Campaign Act unequivocally prohibits foreign nationals from contributing to American candidates' campaigns in any election -- whether state or national. Additionally, anyone who receives, solicits, or accepts such contributions also violates this statute. The law aims to prevent foreign influence over US elections by ensuring that only US citizens and lawful permanent residents can financially support political candidates.

  7. For once, while Dervish is still wrong, he's not bouncing off his rockers. His pain meds must have kicked in for once.

  8. While the United States allows for dual (or multiple) nationality, there are some requirements that U.S. citizen dual nationals must follow, regardless of whether they hold another nationality: You must enter and leave the United States on your U.S. passport.

  9. Mystere: For once, while Dervish is still wrong, he's not bouncing off his rockers. His pain meds must have kicked in for once.

    Wrong about what? What's the "right" answer then, Mystere? As usual, Mystere is totally clueless. If I really was "wrong" he would at LEAST be able to say what I'm wrong about. But he CAN'T. Because (as This One correctly pointed out) he is dumber than an imbecile.

    What does that passport info have to do with political donations, Minus? Technically he can make them as a dual citizen, but being a dual citizen does certainly make his bigly contributions more controversial. Without digging into it, I'd guess he's using his dual citizenship to dodge US taxes. And contributing to candidates that will enable his tax dodging.

    donald tRump probably bigly admiring of Thiel's tax dodging -- wants to help rich republiturds to do more tax dodging.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Mystere: Pookie Toot Toot is back?

      Yes. Because you aren't taking your Seroquel, Mystere. You're experiencing a psychotic episode.

      " general, 3 main symptoms are associated with a psychotic episode: hallucinations, delusions, confused and disturbed thoughts.

      Hallucinations are where someone sees, hears, smells, tastes or feels things that do not exist outside their mind. Sight – seeing colors, shapes or people.

      A delusion is where a person has an unshakeable belief in something untrue

    3. Pookie Toot Toot is This One, Derpwood. So he returned for some reason eh? Are you feeling that tingle up your L'eggs again, Derpish?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. SO-O-O... experienced! %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    But... continue-continue, cretin. ;-P

    Revealing more about reasons of your cretinity. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    1. Beware of feeding the cretin, Q. He'll start passing some Bigly joebidens in his L'eggs and Klan Burqa, stinking up the place when he rips a Bigly joebiden whopper.

  12. Thiel's just preparing for when Putin drops his nukes because of Ukraine and the Northern hemisphere becomes uninhabitable.

  13. donald tRump (as the next predisent) told Putin he can nuke the US and he won't retaliate? tRump will be fleeing to Russia in his private plane when the nukes are on the way? Air Force One will touch down in Russia after the nukes hit and completely destroy the US?

  14. Why wouldn't Putin strike now with Joe and Dr. Jill Demento hiding in their Delaware basement? Who's got the football? Hunter? Does ANYONE have it? Does Dr. Jill have the launch codes?
