Friday, July 19, 2024

Honest Authoritarian Fascists? Or Compassionate Totalitarians? Choose...

How about Neither?:


  1. That isn't the choice. donald tRump is an Authoritarian Fascist but he isn't honest. And Joe Biden is compassionate, but not a totalitarian. rfkjr has absolutely zero chance of being elected president, so he is not an option at all.

    The news says tRump's RNC speech was rambling, incoherent, boring and incredibly low energy. People were looking at their phones. Some people walked out. tRump is toast. He dropped out already by talking about boats and "late great" fictional Hannibal Lecter. His very obvious cognitive issues were on full display.

    If tRump somehow gets "reelected" he is going to be puppeted by Peter Thiel and Elon Musk using Kevin Robert's Project 25 playbook. Thiel and Musk are paying bigly dollars to purchase the tRump presidency. JD Vance is there to be the primary tRump handler and magaturd successor. Putin is very happy with the selection of Vance.

    rfkjr is Kayne West 2.0. Except Kanye actually thought his presidential run was real (he was a useful idiot). rfkjr is running KNOWING his job is to be a spoiler. He admitted this on a phone call with donald tRump. Audio leaked by rfkjr's own son -- who doesn't agree with what his father is doing.

    It looks like Mystere can't make up his mind to agree or disagree.

  2. Blah-blah-blah... some more DEMN/liliPut's propaganda.

    Yawn. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

  3. The Mooch and the DNC Gucci Gang are going to LOVE stealing your money, Derv...

  4. Hah... what money? ;-P

    There is NO money under Socialism. ;-P

    Only foodstamps... for those who are faithful to The Party.

  5. Dachas... only For True Party-men. ;-P

    Those... who know well -- how to s*ck the dick of The Party.

  6. Can anyone use Beriozka? Or just Party hacks?

  7. Beriozka -- that was tresspasing from True Path. Yawn.

    Loss of piety.

    Result is imminent, and widely known.

    Next question.


  8. It's part of the CCPs "three represents" now. It's piety personified. :)

  9. Minus: The Mooch and the DNC Gucci Gang are going to LOVE stealing your money, Derv...

    I'm not at all worried about any of these imaginary people stealing any money from me.

  10. A person with nothing to steal has no fear of robbers.

  11. Fools... it's New Oil.

    And unlike previous -- that is never ending source. ;-P

  12. No. ;-P

    Carriages pulled by fools... driving DEMNs into WH and Capitol. ;-P

  13. I'd better get my rickshaw and start practicing. Doubt I'll win any "speed" awards, though :(

  14. Qtard: There is NO money under Socialism. ;-P

    Cretin loudly screams about how dumb IT is again! The United States isn't a socialist country. Also, the US dollar is the world's reserve currency.

    G00gle: The US dollar was officially crowned the world's reserve currency and backed by the world's largest gold reserves thanks to the Bretton Woods Agreement. Instead of gold reserves, other countries accumulated reserves of US dollars.

    But, according to Qtard, the USD doesn't even exist.

    Minus: A person with nothing to steal has no fear of robbers.

    You JUST said this imaginary gang was going to steal my money.
