Monday, July 1, 2024

Examples of Poster Children for POOR Leadership...

Framing the current problems of society as one of having "too many USELESS people" and NOT framing it as one of "certain people having excessive capital who are replacing people with 'ownable' computers and machines, as the 'modern' means of capital (Re)-Production"  

The same hold's true of the Government's typical classification of workers as either "Essential" or "Non-Essential".  It trivializes human "worth", especially under Capitalism where commodities typically mediate "social relations".  "Useless people" connotate "valueless (non-essential) people" unworthy of interacting with and conducting amicable social relations with.  They (Non-essential workers) are given the appearance (branded with a label) of something (or some people) that one (an essential worker) should avoid or eliminate contact with in a functioning 'Society'...


  1. Your spin that being "essential" is special is the exact opposite of the truth. As is very often the case with you. "Essential workers" were the ones forced to work in dangerous conditions (pre covid vaccine) and die. Like with the meat processing industry workers that predisent tRump commanded to show up and risk death or lose their jobs.

    "Essential worker" is NewSpeak. Proof you have no idea what NewSpeak is. You can't identify an obvious example of it.

  2. So the "essential' label is just a hypocritical neologism intended to impart a certain "specialness" to throw-away workers and make them feel good about themselves? Sounds kinda like affirmative action...

  3. Looks like you've made the complete political transition, from kynicism to cynicism. That makes me the Simpleton/fool now, and you, the Establishment knave!

  4. It doesn't sound like Affirmative Action at all to me. I don't know who came up with it, but the term was implemented during the tRump administration. And (like I said) these are the people who were commanded to put their lives in danger. In the case of workers in the meat processing industry, by predisent dotard. He commanded them to give their lives so meat could continue to be processed.

  5. Replies
    1. 🔺Satan's JoeBidenhole JoeBidenwipe Dervish Sanders using his fake Mystere account to comment.🔺

      God JoeBiden yourself, JoeBidenhole Dervish.

  6. Affirmative Action was implemented in '64 under Johnson and the Civil Rights Act. Trump was just a pup.

  7. The term "essential worker". That is what was being discussed. You brought up affirmative action. Only the first sentence of my comment was in reply to your non sequitur. Then I went back to the original topic.

  8. Why the f*ck would I say that the term "affirmative action" was implemented during the tRump administration? Qtard would say because I'm a cretin, but I think it was obvious I was no longer referring to affirmative action given the content of the rest of my comment. HOW would affirmative action effect workers in the meat processing industry?

    1. Never mind, I now know how it would effect meat processing workers in the meat processing industry. The beaners would take away jobs from the uncle Toms and aunt Jemimas, bringing the price of ground beef down for tacoheads to make burritos, enchiladas and tacos much cheaper. A BIGLY WIN WIN for everyone.

    2. Cretin shows his true colors.

  9. Oh. Playing Bi-den.

    "I was not saying what I saying". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You have LOW intellectual abilities... SAME as your fuhrer Bi-den.

    But... somehow, that is your opponent problem. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

  10. Qtard: "I was not saying what I saying".

    Your admission. Let me guess what you're talking about... The MANY times you wrote "suprime" then said it was "mystiping" and you really meant "supreme" all along? Even though, when I pointed out your error (due to moronity), you wrote, "who said?"

    I said exactly what I said. My comment -- after addressing Minus FJ's non sequitur -- was about the term "essential worker" -- which is what was being discussed. Affirmative Action was NOT being discussed.

  11. There is no "Bi-den". "Bi-den" the demon with "low intellectual abilities" who wants to stall aid to Ukraine because he is a puppet of "liliPut" -- only exists in your in your cretinic delusions. Delusions caused by having a defective mentally ill brain.

  12. \\The MANY times you wrote "suprime" then said it was "mystiping" and you really meant "supreme" all along? Even though, when I pointed out your error (due to moronity), you wrote, "who said?"

    Yeah. Challenging your credibility. As constantly NewSpeaking liar. ;-P

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That what example you chose to "defeat" me -- only scream about your staunch cretinity more, MORE, MOAAARRR!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... as I already said, continue-continue... C.R.E.T.I.N. ;-P

  13. \\I said exactly what I said.


    Cretinic BS.

    As always. ;-P

  14. I remember the term "essential worker" from WAY before Trump, when on government facility "Snow days"... only "essential workers" had to report.

  15. from 2014

    In January 2012, McCarthy closed county facilities during the storm and paid about 2,000 county workers their normal pay for the two days she ordered them not to report to work. She said she did so out of safety concerns for workers and the public. She faced some criticism at the time because about 1,000 “essential workers” — including sheriff’s deputies, road division workers and emergency management employees — were ordered to go to work during the storm. They were not given their normal pay if they couldn’t make it to work.

  16. ...of course, that was before government workers stopped reporting to work altogether.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 🔺Satan's butt pimple Dervish Sanders is a coward.🔺

  18. ???? Since the pandemic, Government workers now telecommute from home 4 of the 5 working days a week.
