Friday, July 26, 2024

Anointing Kamala...

Democratic Voters like Dervy are all cucks and eunuchs... that's the only possible conclusion that one can draw from recent events.
h/t - Woodsterman


  1. NewSpeakian redefining of "cuck" to mean a person who doesn't want d0nald tЯump back in the White House. I told you I didn't think Joe Biden should drop out. BUT if he did then the nominee had to be Kamala Harris or the Democrats would lose the White House. As per Allan Lichtman's Keys to the White House.

    If Democrats had given up the "No primary contest" key and the "incumbency" key with foolishness re not "anointing" Kamala Harris it would have meant a win for d0nald tЯump for sure.

    Key 2 (no primary contest) is turned true if the incumbent party nominee wins at least two-thirds of the total delegate vote on the first ballot at the nominating convention with no deep and vocal party divisions. Lichtman says the incumbent party's ability to unite behind a consensus nominee is reflective of successful governance, whereas a contested nomination is indicative of internal party strife caused by weak governance.

    Key 3: Incumbent seeking re-election. Lichtman says an incumbent president seeking re-election has several advantages, such as the ability to set the national agenda, and often attracts far more media attention than a non-incumbent.

    You are counting on key 4.

    Key 4: No third party. Key 4 (no third party) is turned false when there is a major candidate other than the nominees of the Democrats and the Republicans. ... For upcoming elections, key 4 is turned false when a single third party candidate consistently polls at 10% or more, indicating they are likely to receive 5% or more of the national popular vote.

    rfkjr isn't polling at 10 percent. As per YOU, he is at 5 percent. As per Allan Lichtman, Kamala Harris will win. Lichtman has correctly predicted the winner of every potus election since 1984.

    Fake Leftist Turds like Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy D0re, Aaron Maté and Matt Taibbi are cucks. Though you use the NewSpeakean term "intellectual integrity" to describe their turdness. rfkjr is a cuck. All d0nald tЯump's helpers on the "left" are cucks. You LOVE fake Leftist cucks.

    fyi, Barack and Michelle Obama have endorsed Kamala Harris. The Democrat's 2024 potus nominee was NEVER going to be Michelle Obama.

    Allan Lichtman: Gerald Ford won the incumbency key when Richard Nixon resigned, and he was nowhere close to the position Harris would be in if she became president. Harris is the elected vice president. A former U.S. senator. Gerald Ford was an appointed vice president -- never won any election larger than a congressional district in Grand Rapids, Michigan -- and then became an accidental president when Richard Nixon resigned. But I still gave him the incumbency key. And as I said, he came way closer than anyone expected. And, of course, Lyndon Johnson got the incumbency key in 64, Harry Truman in 48. So, you know, I don't adjust the keys...

    Meaning Kamala Harris has the incumbency key and the "no primary contest" key. Both of which the Democrats would have lost if the nominee wasn't Biden or Harris.

    You can stuff your "cuck" BS.

  2. Democrats, the Party of "Not Trump" forgo their first principle, democracy, for "not Trumpiness". LOL!

    The fat lady will sing before the convention. So much for all your "keys".

  3. Replies
    1. Looks like Dervish is moping because his false prophecy of Biden serving 2 terms blew up in his joebidenholes. His outhouse exploded when he took a dump.

  4. Minus: Democrats, the Party of "Not Trump" forgo their first principle, democracy, for "not Trumpiness". LOL!

    Bullshit. There is a process in place and they are following the process. If tЯump had been shot and killed republiturds would be doing the SAME thing. They certainly would not be rerunning their primaries.

    Also remember that d0nald tЯump attempted to overthrow democracy on January 6, 2020. So I really don't give a crap what Яepubliturds think re how the Democratic potus nominee is being selected this cycle.

    Minus: The fat lady will sing before the convention. So much for all your "keys".

    Is this you sticking to your prediction that Michelle Obama will be the nominee? Still?

    MysteЯe: Looks like Dervish is moping because... blah blah blah **mystere idiocy**

    Mystere predicted that d0nald tЯump would serve two consecutive terms and conclude his presidency in 2025. So (as per Mystere) d0nald tЯump isn't going to be pЯedisent after January of next year.

    Mystere: We will see President Trump serving as President until 2025... 9/10/2018.

    Not standing by your prediction, Mystere? Weren't you so confident because fake prophet$ assured you that Satan's chosen leader d0nald tЯump would be reelected in 2020? Mystere will be dumping in "hir gay thong panties" when Kamala Harris is elected president.

    If that is what happens. I'm not making a prediction. BUT I think she can and should win the election against such a terrible duo as d0taЯd and Vance aka Orange Hitler and America's Göring.

  5. \\Bullshit. There is a process in place and they are following the process.

    Yep. Process of feeding constituency with bullshit.

    Totalitarian BS.


  6. But well... can it even be called constituency... if it so eager to... ehm, consume, that totalitarian BS.


  7. There is a process in place and they are following the process.

    A process developed soley to get Biden "officially" on the Ballot in Ohio, not create a nominee from scratch. In other words, a sham process now to anoint Shamala.

  8. d0nald tЯump attempted to overthrow democracy on January 6, 2020.

    By following the legal process...

    Shamala's attempted coup won't stand.

  9. Again... your trying to persuade cretin to perceive a difference... :-))))))))))

    And it still puzzling me -- what for? ;-)

  10. He calls himself a Democrat protecting democracy. He's nothing of the sort. His a fake who spouts fake news. Shamala is himself in the mirror... and I want him to know it.

  11. Qtard: Totalitarian BS.

    Yeah... in your NewSpeak where democracy is "totalitarian BS".

    Minus: A process developed soley to get Biden "officially" on the Ballot in Ohio, not create a nominee from scratch. In other words, a sham process now to anoint Shamala.

    No. Developed to chose a candidate quickly because the primaries are over. SAME process followed by both parties. Kamala Harris isn't a "nominee from scratch". She is the VP candidate who ran on the Biden/Harris ticket. Now succeeding the Presidential candidate. A constitutional function of the VP -- to replace the president. Another reason why the nominee had to be Kamala Harris.

    Minus: Shamala's attempted coup won't stand.

    Kamala Harris will be the nominee. There was no "coup" to stand or not stand. Well, not from Kamala Harris. There was an attempted d0nald tЯump coup. He is being prosecuted in regards to his coup. Nobody cares about your "Shamala" imaginary coup.

    Minus: He calls himself a Democrat protecting democracy. He's nothing of the sort. His a fake who spouts fake news. Shamala is himself in the mirror... and I want him to know it.

    The two sentences you wrote before "He's nothing of the sort" are accurate. That is what I know. I don't "know" your lies. You are d0nald tЯump in a mirror -- a racist, misogynist, democracy-hating Turd.

    You're moping because the Democrats didn't stupidly try to put someone in as the Democratic nominee other than Kamala Harris. There is only one too old and senile candidate now -- d0nald tЯump.

  12. Too old in libtardese means Supernaturally Wise and guided by God Almighty. Senile in libtardese means Godly Honest, bolder than a lion and bad news for Satan's butt pimple lickers such as Dervish Sanders. That description fits. I prefer a candidate like Trump over a cackling birdbrain hen like Mamala. Besides, Mamala Hairballz is going to be assassinated by the Democratic Party goons after they take out Joey The Talking Chicken Bidet in his sleep by assassination very soon. And the assassinations won't be very obvious at first.

  13. Mystere: And the assassinations won't be very obvious at first.

    Because the people "assassinated" will still be alive. Yeah, that totally won't be obvious.

    btw, d0nald tЯump is superly stupid. As are the majority of his supporters. Though Mystere is exceptionally stupid, even for a tяump supporter.

  14. But still... DEMNs losing to him.

    Because DEMNs are biggly cretins? ;-P

  15. Qtard: But still... DEMNs losing to him.

    Reuters: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds. July 26, 2024.

    No "DEMNS" exist to be losing to d0nald tЯump. Or winning against d0nald tЯump. Because "DEMNS" are imaginary.

    Qtard: Because DEMNs are biggly cretins? ;-P

    I'm sure the imaginary "DEMNs" are "biggly" cretins. In your delusions. btw, the cretins are the people voting FOR tЯump, not the people voting against him. Nor are the cretins the people running against tЯump. That Democrats can't convince bigly duped cretins to vote for Harris does not make them cretins.

    But that is your cretinic playbook -- to blame Democrats for what republicans do. You do it over and over. republicans aren't responsible for anything they do -- everything is the Democrats fault.

  16. Polls that just ask more Democrats than Republicans or Independents... @@

  17. \\Reuters: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds. July 26, 2024.


    DEMN propaganda that trying to manipulate voters with polls numbers.


    I seen it somewhere.

    As yes, in that same Russia... where they showed OVER 80% polls numbers PRO liliPut.

    To reassure, that there is NO OTHER CHOICE.

    \\No "DEMNS" exist to be losing to d0nald tЯump. Or winning against d0nald tЯump. Because "DEMNS" are imaginary.

    Yeah. Because Demn-rats are "secretly republiturds". ;-P

    I get it. I do.

    \\btw, the cretins are the people voting FOR tЯump, not the people voting against him. Nor are the cretins the people running against tЯump. That Democrats can't convince bigly duped cretins to vote for Harris does not make them cretins.


    Go start calling em that OPENLY.

    Like in DEMN commercial. ;-P

    And victory in elections by DEMN candidate Haggis... will ensure. ;-P

    \\But that is your cretinic playbook -- to blame Democrats for what republicans do.



    \\You do it over and over. republicans aren't responsible for anything they do -- everything is the Democrats fault.


    Because -- who's in charge today? Who is on duty today?

    Ah... yes. DEMNs are on duty to day.

    But... they are virtually absent. Because their POTUS are demented cretin. And they all -- DEMN-cretins. And are "imaginary".


    But... continue-continue, DEMN-cretin. ;-P

    Oh... good answer from Gooooogle. ;-P

    Is Nicolas Maduro Republican or Democrat?
    United Socialist Party of Venezuela
    Nicolás Maduro / Party
    Image of Is Nicolas Maduro Republican or Democrat?
    Maduro was unanimously chosen as the Socialist Party's candidate in the election.

    Nicolás Maduro - Wikipedia
    Wikipedia › wiki › Nicolás_Maduro

    So... that mean -- that he -- Democrat, isn't it? ;-P

    Ah, DEMN-cretin? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  18. btw - It's time for Venezuelans to stop voting, and start shooting!

  19. Who knows... what if PRCia's army will decide to "help" Maduro to establish "peace and order".


  20. Well... have you seen it?

    Your own Rand Corp rised the death flag.

    And it already CITED and carefully read in China too (I think).

    About that, that you USA -- have NO freaking might, to oppose RFia and.or PRCia in a real war.


  21. Qtard: And victory in elections by DEMN candidate Haggis... will ensure. ;-P

    No. There is no "DEMN candidate Haggis". Nobody is going to vote for any imaginary "DEMN candidate Haggis" so "Demn candidate candidate" can't be victorious.

    Qtard: Because -- who's in charge today? Who is on duty today?

    There are elected officials from both political parties in charge. Also elected officials that are independent.

    Qtard: Ah... yes. DEMNs are on duty to day.

    No. There isn't even any such thing as "DEMNs".

    Qtard: But... they are virtually absent. Because their POTUS are demented cretin. And they all -- DEMN-cretins. And are "imaginary".

    100 percent absent. Because DEMN potus who "are demented cretin" and DEMN-cretins are all imaginary. Imagined by you.

    Qtard dumbly asked: Is Nicolas Maduro Republican or Democrat? United Socialist Party of Venezuela. So... that mean -- that he -- Democrat, isn't it? ;-P

    No. The Democratic Party is a USA political party. It only exists in the United States. Also, the Democratic party isn't socialist. Or Communist.

    Qtard: Who knows... what if PRCia's army will decide to "help" Maduro to establish "peace and order".

    So what? Who cares what some imaginary army does? Maybe Cobra Command or the Army of Thanos might also decide to help.

    Qtard: Your own Rand Corp rised the death flag.

    Me (asking the Bing Copilot AI): Someone told me "Your own Rand Corp rised the death flag". Do you have any idea what this might mean?

    Copilot: It seems like there might be some confusion here. The RAND Corporation is a research organization that focuses on developing solutions to public policy challenges, aiming to make communities around the world safer, more secure, healthier, and more prosperous. It's not associated with raising any "death flag".

    Qtard: And it already CITED and carefully read in China too (I think).

    What is this "it" that is cited and read in China?

    Qtard: About that, that you USA -- have NO freaking might, to oppose RFia and.or PRCia in a real war.

    Because a military budget greater than that of every other nation on earth combined isn't enough? Well, who cares? I'm certainly not concerned about the "might" of some imaginary RFia or PRCia.

  22. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: And victory in elections by DEMN candidate Haggis... will ensure. ;-P

    \\ No. There is no "DEMN candidate Haggis". Nobody is going to vote for any imaginary "DEMN candidate Haggis" so "Demn candidate candidate" can't be victorious.


    \\There are elected officials from both political parties in charge. Also elected officials that are independent.

    Officials -- execute orders. Orders from State Power.

    And WHO represent The State Power, ah?

    Why DEMNs brawling so bitterly (up to try to ki11 political opponent)... if they'd have their "elected officials" anyway? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Ah... yes. DEMNs are on duty to day.

    \\No. There isn't even any such thing as "DEMNs".

    Yeah. I know that Democrats are insufferable cretins. As good as nobody at all being in place of that "elected officials".

    But... it is rare for you DEMN-cretin to agree with me. ;-P

    \\100 percent absent. Because DEMN potus who "are demented cretin" and DEMN-cretins are all imaginary. Imagined by you.

    And... YET ONE time.

    \\Qtard dumbly asked: Is Nicolas Maduro Republican or Democrat? United Socialist Party of Venezuela. So... that mean -- that he -- Democrat, isn't it? ;-P

    \\No. The Democratic Party is a USA political party. It only exists in the United States. Also, the Democratic party isn't socialist. Or Communist.



    As national-SOCIALISTIC Party of Germany was a GERMANY ONLY political party. Existed ONLY in Germany... under Hitler's Reich.

    But... have it STOPPED any DEMN-cretin following DEMN propaganda narratives... to call this or that people "nazis".


    \\Qtard: Who knows... what if PRCia's army will decide to "help" Maduro to establish "peace and order".

    \\So what? Who cares what some imaginary army does? Maybe Cobra Command or the Army of Thanos might also decide to help.

    Pft! %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    But... continue-continue, DEMN-cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))0000

    \\Qtard: And it already CITED and carefully read in China too (I think).

    \\What is this "it" that is cited and read in China?

    "About that, that you USA -- have NO freaking might, to oppose RFia and.or PRCia in a real war."

    Talking about how your army would not have might to oppose aggression -- that is "rising death flag".

    No... it even worse -- it is pretty much the same as INVITING enemies to attack you.

    \\Because a military budget greater than that of every other nation on earth combined isn't enough?

    Not budgets fight -- people do.

    And your Rand Corp says that that budget WASTED on useless stuff. And you troops under-trained and unmotivated.


    \\Well, who cares? I'm certainly not concerned about the "might" of some imaginary RFia or PRCia.


    Because you are DEMN-cretin.

    To whom DEMN propaganda said that there is nothing to fear. Because Great and Victorious Bi-den leading you... into bright future of Build Back Better. ;-P

    Ough, shi-i-i-it. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But now it tells that that Bi-den is not great and not victorious... and there is NO bright future.

    If only not under Great and Victorious leader(ette) Captain Haggis. ;-P

