Monday, July 1, 2024

American Pathologies to Breakdown and Collapse

When Owners of an Achievement Society Preclude all Paths to Future Successful Achievement and Regress to Attempting to Impose "Disciplinary Society" solutions through "legal/ law enforcement means" and not through grants of further "access" to "REAL opportunities" for true Achievement.  There's a limit to Democratic Party patronage (DEI/ Affirmative Action)... and we've crossed it.

So why are so many immigrant "Achiever" wannabes dying to join the Achievement Society?  Answer: unlike the Nativist drop-outs and burn-outs, they simply haven't been here long enough to recognize the ever-higher Successful Achievement Ceiling that's receding before them like in a gallery inside Disneyland's Haunted Mansion... all they've heard of are the opportunities America promised for past immigrants.
...whilst the Nativists currently with 2-3 Side-Hustles in the Gig Economy... they KNOW!  Depression and despair are NOT mental health issues owned by individuals that more healthcare can solve.  They're the result of a societal problem imposed upon individuals by their leaders.  It is a Psycho-Political problem resulting from bad governance.

America needs Small Business OWNERSHIP opportunities, NOT MINIMUM WAGE JOBS!  Higher Floors won't fix Receding Ceilings!
Kamala cynically "selling patronage dreams" to gullible immigrants...

"Knowing What Can Be
Unburdened by What Has Been"


  1. Of course not. But then he's not selling "wrong solutions", either.

  2. He selling non-solutions. :-))))))

  3. ...old ones... that once worked but may all no longer be completely appropriate. The point is, to challenge the currently PREVAILING and FAILING thought.

  4. The point of classical liberalism was to experiment and find measurable and measured solutions, and not simply implement change for change or desire's sake, and then become a "conservative".

    Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others.
    - Ambrose Bierce

  5. One can only pursue "THE good" with commensurable values. To pursue "A DIFFERENT good, introduces possibly incommensurable values opposed to the first good. And so to "wisely" pursue MANY Goods requires different sets of commensurable values for different times, not universalized incommensurable values ALL the time. And so we (America) have two Parties with different value sets, some commensurable at times, some not at times. They need to respect one another, not attempt to DOMINATE each other. Ecclesiastes 3.

  6. Like a tribe with one Chief during peacetime (for economic growth) and another during wartime (for social preservation)

  7. Not "one chief (and corresponding set of values)" for all situations. Plato, "Statesman".

  8. (6:42) It's the story of overcoming. The most important song of the Civil Rights movement being "we shall overcome", not "we shall remain victims forever".

    And THAT is how I know this guy is a rightturd and (most likely) all his ideas are bad.

    That is the rightturd view, that Democrats want African Americans to remain victims forever.

    Michael Shellenberger Tweet: According to multiple credible sources, President Barack Obama's Director of the CIA, in the summer of 2016, illegally mobilized foreign spy agencies to target 26 Trump advisors to claim, falsely, that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin controlled Trump. ... Then, in January 2017, after Trump had been elected but before he took office, the U.S. Intelligence Community falsely claimed that Putin had favored the election of Trump when, in reality, the intelligence showed that Putin favored Hillary Clinton. ... Today, Democrats are pioneering new ways to weaponize the government. .

    That's just an excerpt. The BS goes on for awhile. He isn't anyone that I'd go to for any useful knowledge, only bad ideas.

    donald tRump isn't selling wrong solutions? What a load. His "solution" of ending democracy in America is definitely wrong.

  9. Aren't those the same 13 (of 16) economists who sign all Democratic party globalist economic solutions that led to trillions of debt??? lol!

    They probably all drive EVs.

  10. Dervy's argument, "shoot the messenger"... the facts are irrefutable! MY messengers, all trustworthy fellows, all 16 of them...

  11. Minus: Aren't those the same 13 (of 16) economists who sign all Democratic party globalist economic solutions that led to trillions of debt??? lol!

    Medium: Starting in 1960, just before JFK was president, the National Debt went from $286 billion to $30.9 trillion at the end of fiscal year 2022. During that 62 years, there were 32 years with a Republican president and 30 years with a Democrat president. Looking at each year, I can calculate that during the 32 Republican years the National Debt increased by an average of 9.7% per year, while during the Democratic president years it increased by only 5.9% per year. Thus, Democrats are roughly twice as good as Republicans at not increasing the debt! Link

  12. Only one problem with your hypothesis. Congress allocates the funds, not the president.

  13. The voters often hold the president in "check" by granting control of the purse strings to a Congress composed of members of the opposite party.

  14. ...or worse, an admixture that prevents a consensus from imposing ANY limits to spending. And since 1996 was the last time a budget went through the "regular order" appropriations process, I doubt that you place the blame for out-of-control spending on any party. Just add 5% to the last budget, deem, and pass.

  15. Fiat money do not work without inflation... yawn.

    You want return into Ol'Goo'Tims of Great Deperession? ;-P

  16. ...which explains today's inflation. Government over-spending its' fiat money.

  17. Naaah. Just a demand/supply... of money.

    Just nowaday governments found that pouring in money -- is nearly cure-everything remedy.


    Well... until Leftists not conquered that Eldorado. And not started use it for ACTUAL expenses...

    which created Latin-America Economic Wonders... what? you didn't heard about it?

    Well... that's it.


  18. Minus: ...which explains today's inflation. Government over-spending its' fiat money.

    Largely wrong.

    CNN Fact Check: While some economists say the stimulus packages passed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic are having an impact on inflation, it’s misleading to suggest that’s the only explanation for the recent rise in inflation. Blaming it exclusively on Democratic spending proposals misrepresents what’s actually been passed, and ignores the trillions of dollars in spending passed last year supported by Republicans and signed by then-President Donald Trump which economists say have also contributed to inflation. 8/6/2021

    Economic Policy: ...the nonfinancial corporate (NFC) sector -- those companies that produce goods and services of the economy ... makes up roughly 75% of the entire private sector. Since the trough of the COVID-19 recession in the second quarter of 2020, overall prices in the NFC sector have risen at an annualized rate of 6.1% -- a pronounced acceleration over the 1.8% price growth that characterized the pre-pandemic business cycle of 2007–2019. Strikingly, over half of this increase (53.9%) can be attributed to fatter profit margins, with labor costs contributing less than 8% of this increase. This is not normal. 4/21/2022.

    Google: ...Trump said the [covid stimulus package] package was "twice as large" as any prior relief bill. "This will deliver urgently needed relief to our nation's families, workers and businesses," he said. Mar 30, 2020.

    Government spending is a stimulus and beneficial to the economy. Though the government "stimulus" money has to actually make it into the economy to be stimulative.

    AP: An Associated Press analysis found that fraudsters potentially stole more than $280 billion in COVID-19 relief funding; another $123 billion was wasted or misspent. Combined, the loss represents 10% of the $4.2 trillion the U.S. government has so far disbursed in COVID relief aid. 6/11/2023.

    House Select Subcommittee: ...the Trump Administration ... failed to take reasonable steps to prevent Economic Injury Disaster Loan program funds from being lost to fraud, and they wasted additional public funds by overpaying a contractor that did little to implement the program. 6/14/2022.

    donald tRump signed the largest stimulus bill in American history. The tRump administration FAILED to take precautions to prevent fraud. donald tRump and friends received covid stimulus money.

    ProPublica: Trump Friends and Family Cleared for Millions in Small Business Bailout
    Beneficiaries of the PPP included a lettuce farming venture backed by Trump’s son, Kushner companies, and a dentist who golfs with the president. 7/6/2020.

  19. (continued from above)

    Want to blame someone for government spending that contributed to inflation? Blame donald tRump. Largest stimulus in HISTORY. And money that is lost to fraud (and went to tRump family and friends) wasn't stimulative. For that government spending we got inflation and no stimulus.

    But you might be able to tell me how that wasn't tRump's fault? Even though he TOOK CREDIT.

    Google: The checks will instead bear Trump's name in the memo line, below a line that reads, "Economic Impact Payment", the administration officials said. The IRS will mail the checks to people for whom it does not have banking information. Many of them have low incomes. Apr 14, 2020.

  20. \\CNN Fact Check: While some economists say the stimulus packages passed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic are having an impact on inflation, it’s misleading to suggest that’s the only explanation for the recent rise in inflation. Blaming it exclusively on Democratic spending proposals misrepresents what’s actually been passed, and ignores the trillions of dollars in spending passed last year supported by Republicans and signed by then-President Donald Trump which economists say have also contributed to inflation. 8/6/2021

    Blah-blah-blah, DEMN-splaining.


    Money... like a water in a pond. Pour additional -- more fish (and frogs) will fill themself at home there.

    Pour too many -- it will go overboard.


    And babbling of a manager that that was solely because of rains... up the stream -- is LAME excuse.

    HE MUST... he one who was given that position -- to take into account SUCH POSSIBILITY, and take PREVENTIVE counter-measures.

    And NOT use it as excuse.

    ESPECIALLY... if that is LIE. In and out.

    Lie to cove own incompetence.


    \\Google: The checks will instead bear Trump's name in the memo line, below a line that reads, "Economic Impact Payment", the administration officials said. The IRS will mail the checks to people for whom it does not have banking information. Many of them have low incomes. Apr 14, 2020.


    You'd prefer it turn Great Depression 2.0.

    So Lefty Neo-FDR could come forward with Commie "New Deal".(instead of BBBullShit)


  21. Qtard: Blah-blah-blah, DEMN-splaining. Yawn.

    Too complex for a cretin like you to understand. You like simplistic (but wrong) explanations like -- government social safety net spending is "fish food".

    Qtard: Money... like a water in a pond. Pour additional -- more fish (and frogs) will fill themself at home there. Pour too many -- it will go overboard.

    "Overboard" = poor people having it "too easy". Not starving, freezing to death in winter, suffering unnecessarily or dying due to health problems that are treatable. I can see how that is "overboard" to rightturds.

    Qtard: And babbling of a manager that that was solely because of rains... up the stream -- is LAME excuse.

    Yeah. You are that "manager", saying the sole reason for inflation is government spending. In agreement with your fellow rightturd, Minus FJ.

    Qtard: HE MUST... he one who was given that position -- to take into account SUCH POSSIBILITY, and take PREVENTIVE counter-measures.

    Exactly. Counter measures like stimulus spending to prevent a recession. But you're opposed.

    Qtard: And NOT use it as excuse. ESPECIALLY... if that is LIE. In and out. Lie to cover own incompetence.

    Calling donald tRump incompetent? He mishandled the pandemic and the tRump administration stimulus spending was the "In and out lie to cover own incompetence". I definitely think you're on to something.

    Qtard: \\Google: The checks will instead bear Trump's name in the memo line, below a line that reads, "Economic Impact Payment", the administration officials said. The IRS will mail the checks to people for whom it does not have banking information. Many of them have low incomes. Apr 14, 2020\\ Yep. You'd prefer it turn Great Depression 2.0.

    Huh? Pointing to the fact that donald tRump put his name on stimulus checks isn't saying there should have been no stimulus. But your comment contradicts what you wrote earlier about over feeding fish. Indicating disagreement with government stimulus spending. Now you say you support it? LIE and say I oppose it? What cretinity!

    Qtard: So Lefty Neo-FDR could come forward with Commie "New Deal".(instead of BBBullShit) Yawn.

    That didn't happen. tRump administration stimulus wasn't voted down by Democrats so Biden or next president (who the DID NOT KNOW would be a Democrat) could "save the day" with his own stimulus. Democrats voted FOR the tRump stimulus, cretin.

    Qtard: Yawn.

    It must be cretinism that causes you to yawn. Thinking (even the bad thinking you do) overtaxes your defective brain. Causes you to get bigly tired.

  22. No cretinic retorts here?

    Looks like Qtard ran away with IT's tail between IT's legs.
