Sunday, June 2, 2024

You Can Trust the Oficialistas... who will go to jail, other than Trump?


  1. Do you? Or do you trust only the facts that you value?

  2. the ones not hidden from FOIA requests through deliberate mispellings?

  3. As always, Dervy favours 'Oficialismo uber alles".

  4. Hoh... now it's "trust"??? ;-P

    And what happened with "I believe facts"???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Already regretting showing itself so cretinic... with claiming to believe in something -- that do not need believeing? ;-P


  5. Well, anyway, too bad...

    but that "FACTS"... will not answer neither to your imposing beliefs nor your unneeded trust. ;-P

    Sun will continue shining, and wind will continue to blow... no matter --- trust some cretinic schmuk em, or not. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But you... continue-contonue, revealing depths of your cretinity here, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  6. YAP!

    You GOTCHA!!!

    Because you are *not* cretin.

    Trust, beliefs, hopes, opinions -- have NOTHING in common with BEING FACTS.

    And most of the time they OPPOSITE and people who have em OPPOSING facts.

    And that time they happen to be in accordance with facts -- that's just by accident.

    "Correlation is not causation"!

  7. \\And most of the time they OPPOSITE and people who have em OPPOSING facts.

    Yeah, that describes you alright.

  8. The people involved in this FOIA avoidance technique should be in trouble. Why is Jimmy Dore calling for Anthony Fauci to be jailed? I don't see that he did that. Or was involved. Or knew. I'm watching MSNBC now, and they showed a clip of Anthony Fauci talking about the death threats he receives (to this day) due to rightturd tinfoil hat nutters being incited by the likes of the Turd Dore.

    btw, in regards to misspelling so things can't be searched... I mentioned that here before in regards to Qtard. That he keeps asking for quotes, yet his misspellings make it harder to find quotes. I suggested previously he was doing this ON PURPOSE.

  9. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ \\And most of the time they OPPOSITE and people who have em OPPOSING facts.

    \\ Yeah, that describes you alright.

    In your broken mind??? ;-P

    Yeah, it seems.

    You babbling proving it. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue your cretinic babbling, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\That he keeps asking for quotes, yet his misspellings make it harder to find quotes. I suggested previously he was doing this ON PURPOSE.

    I opened door... but you still trying to crawl through window.

    I admitted, openly and honestly -- that yes, some of my "mistypings" are deliberate.

    Either because I decided to make fun of your cretinic stance of trying to make something big out of my mistypings.

    Or... I just saw my err, but decided to leave it as is. Because I feel no obligation to fix such errors in responses to such a cretinic schmuk.

    Well, especially, as I said higher -- as it makes you so excited and feeling that you nailed MUCH SMARTER opponent... with revealing "truth" behind mere slip of a finger on keyboard. ;-P

    Be my guest, cretin, I say.

    Well... and that it relates, somehow, with providing quotes -- that is just YET ONE of demonstration of your cretinism. ;-P

    You welcome. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue, demonstreating it, you cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))0000

  10. Woke Moral 'Values' Superiority in Action - When FACTS no longer matter.

  11. ...and the 1968 Peace Movement merges with the NeoCons. Ya'll would make Scoop Jackson (D) proud.
