Friday, June 21, 2024

Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America (John McWhorter)

from the video above:
...So, what is it about "the elect" that makes it a religion, even though not Supernatural? I Think I know but ,but uh...

For me the religion analogy was heartfelt. I really do feel as if I have seen a religion being born, especially in the 21st century. And, of course, it depends on what you call a religion. But where your cognitive processes are expected to be left behind in terms of logic going from A to B. And you're just supposed to have a certain Faith. You're supposed to take certain tenants as given, regardless of external evidence, that, to me, is religious thought. I'm Amazed by it, because I'm an anal kind of person who probably should have been a lawyer, and when I see people...

Well you're not a lawyer by the way, I'm very glad you're not a lawyer.

...sometimes I wonder, but watching people espouse things that really don't cohere except as according to this philosophy, I find, wow, you have one part of your brain that's sequestered off from this thing called logic, and for me that is religion.

So now, calling it Supernatural, to an extent for me, with all due respect to your friend, that's labels. But I think the thing people like least about Woke Racism is that I keep calling it a religion rather than, although the problem is what else would I have used, although I wasn't being exploitative. If I say "cult", I'm being mean, and also a cult would require more self-consciousness of organization than they have. If I say "ideology" not quite, because I'm talking about "not having a sense of things based on reality", whereas people can have different senses of how you're going to organize things which they can argue for carefully, that for me is an ideology. You're going from an ideology, you hang everything from your tree. Where a religion is where, frankly, you allow yourself not to make sense at all. And so to see, for example, good smart white people saying we cannot submit black people to standardized test, they're racist. And they're going from the fact that black people, for various reasons, often are not as good at them as white and Asian people. To say we should take them away from them. To not understand how condescending that is, to not understand that what you're saying is that black people just aren't as quick on the uptake as us, as opposed to thinking how do we make black people better on the test, that's religious. It means that you've been taught "that which bothers black people must be eliminated." "That which can be called racist," by a charismatic black person, "must be eliminated because I must show that I'm not a racist. And no one's thinking this, but, regardless of whether I'm actually reasoning from A to B. I see that as an unintentional kind of racism.

Now, "defund the police". Now that's all a little bit 2020-2021 now, but the fact that anybody would have said, "defund the police because of what happened to George Floyd," in the face of regular calls from disadvantaged black neighborhoods to have more police. And that's an ancient phenomenon that goes back to the 70s, and it was certainly there in '20 and '21. You get a kind of white person who kept saying that with their fist in the air in the face of the black grandmother who lost her nephew to gunfire a week before. That's not it's not a deliberate lack of compassion, but they are subordinating the feelings, the thoroughly legitimate feelings really, opinions, of black people who live in a neighborhood to their quest to demonstrate that "they are not racist". That, really, that, talk about supernatural, in order for that to really cohere of a good person, and I think that people like that are good people, it's that you've got a religion. It's the equivalent of you thinking that when you die you're going to be, you know, living in the grace of somebody who died 2,000 years ago. It's that disconnected from anything that we can actually see and reasonably describe right now. So to me, that's a religion. I literally see it that way. I think some people think it was a marketing ploy or I just want...

No no no, I think it's very convincing yeah, um and there's a very specific analogy to Original Sin, oh well, that's the privilege...

Yeah, and that you you can't live it down. None of that I mean it's a nice thing to talk about white privilege and to understand what it is. But the idea that you can't live it down, and that therefore, because you're a privileged white person, you can't write about other people than yourself, and then if you do write about privileged white people, you're John Chever and you're a racist, or that your opinion about anything connected to race is not valid because you have the privilege, although you can't specify exactly why it's not valid. And if anybody asks you to specify it, they get smacked in the face. All of that is religion.

And yes, so much of it is resembles Christianity, including, "this isn't a safe space. I can't be here." That means that it's, you're saying that somebody's a heretic. It's the same thing that happened to Galileo. It's a different word, but the notion that "I don't feel safe" and a lot of people were saying this on Zoom, "this person can't work here, I don't feel safe." What do you mean, and what is it that you're worried is going to happen to you actually? We're not supposed to ask all of that is religious thought. That's somebody holding you know their fingers like this (sign of Cross). And so, I saw religion coming. And I wrote that, it's embarrassing, I wrote it in like 10 minutes, I was really, really angry. And I had a summer...

It's a, it's a passionate book.

God I'm getting mad now. But yeah, I wrote it because I felt that a lot of people felt the same way, that a lot of them are black. And that has very much turned out to be true.

So that point is very well taken, and the point about patronizing is seemly, welting, it's condescending, that's awful patronizing, yeah um I I found it very, very convincing.

Thank you.

And I recommend it to all sorts of people

But they're not white.

So so so so...'re racist, right? No, actually, that one did exactly its job, it's already becoming obsolete. It's clearly something somebody wrote on their porch in 2020. I think things are different now, than they were, in terms of peak wokeness, back then. I think people have retreated and understood racism exists, and that we must expunge it as much as possible, but stop defenestrating people.

But something needed to be written then. And if my book played any part in the questioning, and honestly, I think it did, I'm glad and um, yeah, now we we move on. That is, I'll bet it's the only book I'll ever write that will actually get translations. "Woke Racism" is now in what? It's in Portuguese, it's in German, and I think French is is coming. That'll be the only book I have that gets translated. But that makes me happy, too, because wokeness was beginning to take over the whole world, and I don't think it should. We need to go back to a legitimate, 2015 kind of liberal left thinking about race that actually helps people. So now we've got, they call them in German it's called "the chosen" is what they called it. And then in Portuguese it's just, um, "woke racism". But we, I.. I'm happy to see that book get around.

Yeah, yeah... good. Um, what else? It is interesting, isn't it, that um, being black is something which is... it behaves like a genetic dominant, even though it isn't. Um, it's a, it's a mimetic dominant, in the sense that if, if, if you have, um, almost any ancestors of, indeed, know a great, great, great grandfather who's black, then you're called black.


It's not it's not quite a a genetic dominant. It's a cultural dominant. Um, but I mean, Barack Obama could just as well call himself White.

Oh yeah..., and yet um, I just... you've made the same point yourself so so...

...It makes no sense, yeah, and it is dominant in that even I, I am not the kind of person who would say that based on, you know, the cheek swab that I'm really half African, that therefore I'm not black, I was born in 1965, there's certain categories, and that's it. And I've got other things to think about. I would not say. "I'm not going to accept the category," but the fact that we now look at say, somebody who's a quarter black American, and say, "and therefore they're black." That is going to look so ridiculous in the future, and I think that future is coming ever sooner. But it recapitulates the way bigoted Southerners were thinking like 10 minutes ago, "if you got any black in you". And then you have somebody with a PhD say that you're denying your heritage. What's the Heritage? You have to specify. And if you ask the question, everybody's eyes roll, and that's religion. And so yeah, we live under that illusion. And it is quite dominant because I'm stuck in it. Although my kids are, you know, they're half me, and they're half their mother. technically they qualify as what used to be called, "mixed". But in the world they're living in, I'm frankly not sure that they are going to embrace a black American identity. I think they're going to think of themselves as just people, because they never knew the 20th century, and they're growing up affluent, in highly racially diverse places. There are already people in my life, and I'm sure people observing my life, who think that my wondering whether my daughters are black, is heretical. They're thinking, "he must not want to be black himself. He doesn't understand the racism that they're going to encounter." But the thing is, if I specify, "okay, what's the racism that they're going to encounter in this life, as opposed to, for example, racism I certainly encountered in the 70s and 80s, in this life, how often is it going to be, and how direct is it going to be? And if it's going to be something extremely rare, why do you base a whole identity on that? Why?" And of course, to put it that directly is considered socially obnoxious. But it's a real question in the 2020s, and the 2030s, are they, black women, aren't we supposed to be getting beyond race?

And there's a whole Cadre of people who don't want to get beyond it, and frankly, I think it's because the sense of alienation, and the sense of opposition to an other, can be a sense of group membership. That's the funny thing about being a human under modern, stratified conditions. You want somewhere to belong. And to be able to shake your fist at an outsider gives you a sense of warm tribalism. And I don't think that black people are exceptions to that, because no humans are. But that means that you're not supposed to ask the question as to, "isn't it time that we get Beyond race"? And of course a person will say, "but there's still racism out there." And then you ask, "well, okay, but what kind? And nevertheless, why does it mean that we can't start getting Beyond race and change our categories? Our categories are absurd."

But there are people, it's getting to the point where I'm getting old, I'm 58, Thomas Chatterton Williams in his 30s, Coleman Hughes in his 20s... these are up and coming, or up and came now black commentators. And Camille Foster, who was in his 30s, they are rejecting the category completely, especially seeing, you know, Thomas seeing his phenotypically white kids. I can't quite get there, but but they're right. So I'm kind of on the fence.

Yeah something else I going to say was, um well, what about the defenistration of historical figures like David Hume, um Lincoln, uh Jefferson, um, you say something about that?

Oh yeah, the defenistration of people in the past is a galloping absurdity. I can't even pull punches on that. To pretend not to understand, and I really do think it's pretending... I'm not saying people don't understand, to pretend not to understand that it's very hard for people to see beyond their time. And/ or to insist that you do understand that, but when it comes to black people in slavery you don't, which makes no sense. To pretend that, is a gesture. You're showing that you know racism exists, by showing that you know that it existed, and that of course there are legacies of that racism then, but to evaluate Thomas Jefferson on the basis of how he saw black people is willfully ahistorical. He was a great figure in so very many ways, and wow, big surprise, he thought black people were inferior, almost everyone did. The occasional person saw beyond it, but frankly, they rarely had a whole lot of influence in their view. It worries me in particular because, based on that way of looking at things almost anybody before about 10 minutes ago is somebody who you could barely get through dinner with now, including Martin Luther King, and homophobia, all of it. And so what it means is it allows you to assue history. You don't have to study history. And, you know big surprise, history is kind of difficult. History is a challenge. Well, if you are going to reject all of these people, you don't have to master how social history works. You don't have to learn all those old facts. You can just deal with the Charisma of thinking about people who you think are cool today. It's pernicious for education and honestly I really, I have no patience with it, whatsoever.
Now, there are degrees. So for example, Woodrow Wilson. Okay, he's white. He's Southern. He straddles the 19th and 20th century. Was he racist? Of course, but he was a especially racist. He wrote poisonous things about black people again and again, despite having a PhD, despite being president. I get why they took his name off of a building at Princeton. But it has to be an extreme case like that. It can't be just that you were white before last week, and that's where we're going.

It is remarkable, if you look at history, if you look at say the 19th century figure like TH Huxley, or Abraham Lincoln, who were in the Vanguard of progressive thought and at the time, and yet, read what they say. I mean, that Hideous racism by modern standards...

They were Progressive.

...and they were Progressive. And it makes you think about what people of the future, what a century in time going, look back at and um,

No one thinks of that. I mean for example, they're going to look at us and think that our sense of what white and black are, are ridiculous. But you know, feelings about maybe abortion? You know, feelings about owning animals? That may look appalling to people in the future. And the idea is, we're going to, you know, take somebody off of a building because they had a dog? That really is where we're going. Scares me. And it also, just, I think we can do better. It's a problem.

Well John, it's been such a pleasure to talk to you, and we better we better wrap up. I hope we can have another opportunity.

Richard this was fantastic occasion. I've wanted to meet you for 30 years. So this was great.

Many thanks.


  1. \\And, of course, it depends on what you call a religion. But where your cognitive processes are expected to be left behind in terms of logic going from A to B. And you're just supposed to have a certain Faith. You're supposed to take certain tenants as given, regardless of external evidence, that, to me, is religious thought.

    Magical thinking.

    Pre-religious, actually.

    And very contemporary and femalish. ;-P

  2. Replies
    1. You mean a false prophet for wokists, right FJ?

  3. Qtard: Nope for a dope.

    I didn't write "nope". I wrote NO in disagreement that woke is racist or that woke is a religion. Woke is anti-racist. Woke is not a religion.

    Bing: Contrary to the claim that "woke" is racist, it actually promotes anti-racism. Being "woke" means actively recognizing and challenging discriminatory practices and advocating for equity. It encourages critical thinking about societal norms and structures, aiming to dismantle oppressive systems. [end]

    Though, according to McWhorter, is "a cranky liberal Democrat". So, as per Minus, I'm not allowed to criticism him.

    Qtard: And very contemporary and femalish.

    You're making some cretinic misogynistic argument? Can you explain wtf you're babbling about?

    Minus: Dervy is the local parish priest for wokism.

    I'm not. It would be impossible for me to be one, given that Woke isn't a religion and has no parishes or priests. I like Reverend Dr. William J. Barber's message, which is that poor and working poor people of all races should join forces and vote in their interest. That isn't Whites infantilizing Blacks, it is people of all races working together as equals with a common purpose. That is what I support.

    republicans use race to divide poor and working class people. The oligarchs want poor and working class people fighting among themselves instead of joining forces to do something about the oligarch's exploitation of them.

    McWhorter, with this baloney about woke being "racist" and a "religion" (and conservatives loving it, of course) is a part of the problem, IMO. I support constructive criticism, but it does not appear to me that is what McWhorter is offering. Although I don't know a lot about him, so maybe I'm wrong. But I don't see "woke" that way AT ALL.

  4. You hate McWhorter, but lap up every Jussie Smollett fairy tale and defend all hate crime fakers. Sounds like w/o imaginary racists, the blackface-waering DNC would be identified for what it really is, the racist party.

  5. Dervish is back? He must have deep throated his sugar daddy to pay for his Internet connection.

  6. \\Dervy is the local parish priest for wokism...

    Naaah... he is needy beggar before that church. ;-P

    \\Bing: Contrary to the claim that "woke" is racist, it actually promotes anti-racism.

    "Nazis of the future will be calling themself anti-nazi"(c)

    \\Qtard: And very contemporary and femalish.

    \\You're making some cretinic misogynistic argument? Can you explain wtf you're babbling about?

    There's no people with magical thinking today?

    Females not known for manifesting magical thinking?

    Maybe they all materialistic and rationalist? ;-P

    So what... you in your wokeism seeing calling woman womanly... a "misogynistic thought crime"??????


    So what??? Maybe saying that they have boobs and don't have penis -- misogynistic TOO?


    \\republicans use race to divide poor and working class people. The oligarchs want poor and working class people fighting among themselves instead of joining forces to do something about the oligarch's exploitation of them.

    Commie totalitarian talks. ;-P

  7. Minus: You hate McWhorter...

    Because you say so? I have to hate who you tell me to hate? I disagree with what he says. But I don't think he is saying it with malicious intent. Or because rightturds love what he's saying. Although they do. He might be able to convince me he has some valid points. But overall? No, I disagree.

    It's republiturds that believe what Herr Führer donald tRump tells them to believe. All other republicans are "RINOS". The Democratic Party is a coalition of people with many differing opinions.

    Minus: ..but lap up every Jussie Smollett fairy tale and defend all hate crime fakers.

    No. YOU lap those fake accounts. You LOVE it when a hate crime is proven to be fake. F*ck Jussie. He's feeding your fantasies that hate crimes are all fake. While you'd probably tell him he did a good job faking a hate crime and getting caught. And extend to him your thanks.

    Minus: Sounds like w/o imaginary racists, the blackface-waering DNC would be identified for what it really is, the racist party.

    ...that African Americans vote for in 80 percent plus numbers. They are "hugging their chains" according to you. Black voters know which party is the racist party. It's the one that is running on white grievance and has (as it's potus nominee) a White Supremacist.

    American Prospect: How Racist Are Republicans? Very. ... The Public Religion Research Institute ... asked respondents whether they believed that, "It always makes the country better when all Americans speak up and protest unfair treatment by government". Then, it asked the same question, but substituted "Black Americans" for "all Americans". Democrats made no distinction between the two questions: 71 percent answered Yes to both. Among Republicans, however, 49 percent believed it made the country better when all Americans spoke up and protested unfair governmental treatment, but just 24 percent believed it when Black Americans spoke up and protested. Among Republicans whose most trusted news source is Fox News, the gap was 47 percent Yes for all Americans, and a bare 10 percent for Blacks.

    Indeed, 57 percent of Republicans believed that whites face "a lot of discrimination", while just 52 percent believe that Blacks do. Among Democrats, 13 percent said whites encounter a lot of discrimination; 92 percent said Blacks do. OCTOBER 22, 2020

    People don't believe your BS about the Democratic Party being the Party of the "real racists".

    Your "imaginary racists" are the actual racists. A lot of them by their own admission.

    The America First Political Action Conference is imaginary? And donald tRump posts imaginary videos promising a "unified Reich" if he is reelected? And talks about immigrants "poisoning the blood" of America in imaginary video clips? Who knew?

    Qtard: Females not known for manifesting magical thinking? Maybe they all materialistic and rationalist? So what... you in your wokeism seeing calling woman womanly... a "misogynistic thought crime"??????

    No. You wrote (didn't just think) your misogyny. Then you doubled down on it. But that's not a crime -- to admit being a misogynist idiot.

    Qtard: Commie totalitarian talks. ;-P

    rightturd oligarch-loving common-man-hating totalitarian racist talks.

  8. Black voters know which party is the racist party.

    ...and they all want patronage Magical Negro jobs. Who can blame them. They pay WELL ABOVE scale.

  9. Right. That's your racist narrative that White people are always more qualified and that Blacks only can get jobs/get ahead if they are infantilized and given jobs or admitted to college that they haven't earned and/or are unqualified for -- by their "white saviors". A message (as I said before) that is going to get Blacks voting republiturd in DROVES **sarcasm**

    1. Playing the race card as usual, eh Ickybod Derpwood bin §atan~§ander$666? How's your month been going? You deep throated your sugar daddy enough to avoid getting throated and got a new binky boo boo?🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘

  10. \\Qtard: Females not known for manifesting magical thinking? Maybe they all materialistic and rationalist? So what... you in your wokeism seeing calling woman womanly... a "misogynistic thought crime"??????

    \\No. You wrote (didn't just think) your misogyny. Then you doubled down on it. But that's not a crime -- to admit being a misogynist idiot.

    Misogynist??? For calling woman womanly? ;-P


    Because???? They must have flat chest and a penis???

    And If anyone would say -- that they don't -- that'll be oppression and misogynistic disregard???

    Even if WOMEN themself... WOULD NOT like to have flat chests and penises???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Commie totalitarian talks. ;-P

    \\rightturd oligarch-loving common-man-hating totalitarian racist talks.

    Yeah. And that too. ;-P

    There was NO more "common-man-hating" regimes -- than commies.

    That killed common man IN MILLIONS.

    Commies of Russia, of China, of Cambogia -- was exceptionally creative in ways of killing that common man.

  11. Psych Central: It’s not known how magical thinking first develops in adults, but it is a natural part of early childhood. For example, kids ages 2 to 5 are naturally egocentric and that belief that things happen because of their actions typically fades, briefly resurfaces at the beginning of adolescence, then fades again into adulthood. link

    So, to you, women are like children? But that isn't misogynistic?

    Qtard: There was NO more "common-man-hating" regimes -- than commies.

    And oligarchs -- they love the common man? That's why they insist on paying them fair wages --not stealing the fruits of the common man's labor to enrich themselves? **Sarcasm**

    fyi, I didn't endorse Communism. Yet you reply as if I did. I spoke against oligarchy. You don't like that because your hero Putin is the world's richest oligarch?

  12. \\So, to you, women are like children? But that isn't misogynistic?

    But they... need to. To be more compatible with their own kids. Be more caring. More forgiving. More understanding.

    Through ever human lives -- having kind caring mother is a MUST.

    But woke-cultist and totalitarian cretin want that NATURAL link between mother and child to be destroyed.

    \\And oligarchs -- they love the common man?

    What word "oligarch" mean???

    \\That's why they insist on paying them fair wages --not stealing the fruits of the common man's labor to enrich themselves? **Sarcasm**

    So... does your "**Sarcasm**" mean that you think that Marx's ideas are bullocks? ;-P

    Or... you just a cretin that dunno meaning of words you mean. :-)))))))))))))))

    \\fyi, I didn't endorse Communism. Yet you reply as if I did. I spoke against oligarchy.

    With words of Commie propagandist???

    \\You don't like that because your hero Putin is the world's richest oligarch?

    While that is YOU who repeat liliPut's missives.


  13. I'm going to keep our country United. A vote for Trump is a vote for destruction. If you don't vote for me, you ain't black. Remember to blast 2 shots at your front door before you open it. I love chocolate chocolate chip ice cream. My boy Hunter is the smartest person I know in the world. I'm going to kick Donald Trump in his ^$$ when I win the debate on Thursday night. Come on man! We must stop that convicted felon and his crime family members from stealing the election. We must arrest every Trump family member and execute them for treason.

  14. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    This DEMN-bot looks smarter than original. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  15. I'm being politically persecuted for raping that woman that I never met. My wife, Marla. Also for sleeping with a porn star then hiding hush money payments to her so the voters wouldn't find out. Because I was already in bigly trouble for telling Billy Bush I can grab women by their privates because "they let you do it".

    Did you know that, during America's Civil War, our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets' red glare, it had nothing but victory.

    When I was president I launched 59 missiles heading to Iraq, and I want you to know this. I was sitting at the table at Mar-A-Lago, we had finished dinner. Xi and I had dessert -- and we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake you've ever seen. I had two scoops of ice cream but only let Xi have one. He said "you mean Syria -- you launched missiles at Syria". And I said "Yes, Syria". Did you know the missiles are unmanned? That's brilliant. Xi and I, we love each other.

    It must be because of M.I.T., my relationship with M.I.T., very smart. I say, what would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there? I'll take electrocution every single time. I'm not getting near the shark.

    Do you ever go into a new home where you have a shower? Where the water doesn't come out of the shower head? I've had the experience. I take a shower, I want that beautiful head of hair to be nice and wet. Lather, I want it to be lathered beautifully and I get the best stuff you can buy. And I dump it all over and then I turn on the water and the water drips out.

    Blacks like me because I have a rap sheet like they do. I sold gold sneakers. Black people like sneakers. I have a lot in common with the Blacks, why their support for me is surging.

    I took a cognitive test, and I aced it. Doc Ronny -- Doc Ronny Johnson. Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He was the White House doctor.

    I know words. I have the best words. Person, woman, man, camera, TV!

    When I am predisent again I will put Crooked Joe Biden and his group of thugs on trial. Also Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis. All my enemies will find the tables turned on them. I have the wounds all over my body. If I took this shirt off, you’d see a beautiful, beautiful person. But you'd see wounds all over, all over me. I have taken a lot of wounds, I can tell you. More than I suspect any president ever.

    You know, in history, they say Andrew Jackson was treated the worst. President Andrew, he was a great general and a very good president. And Abraham Lincoln was second worst. Now he had a civil war. So, you know, you sort of think that was understood. And now they're rewriting the books. Trump was treated the worst, Andrew Jackson second and Abraham Lincoln third. But I definitely took top spot.
