Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Neo-Puritan Woke Imperialist World Order

Woke Moral 'Values' Superiority in Action - When FACTS no longer matter.

Woke:  The 5 Essentials

1. Woke-ism is Go(o)d for the Imperium
2. Woke-ism is a (but not the) Civil Religion
3. Guilt Pride is at the Heart of Woke-ism
4. Academics Are the Priests of Woke-ism
5. Woke-ism is Militant

The 1960's Peace & Green Movements Move Full Circle


  1. The Democrats should be enjoying this tragedy show of victory while it lasts. Maybe this is the final straw on the Camels Back for Republicans to realize that the Democrats will do anything to win, and we have to start playing by their rules
    My first reaction was not shock, surprise, or even rage. At least not the burning hot rage that makes me want to break things or hurt people. Instead, I feel a cold, calculated anger and determination to strike back first at the ballot box and pop the popcorn as prosecutors in Republican venues start lining up Democrats for revenge.

    However, there should be SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES for anyone who puts politics above national identity and for that which men died to Defend..For Example, Russian collusion hoax?, Global warming BS?, Virus launch spread shutdowns?, 2020 Election Fraud?, Hillary Clinton?, Menendez? Political persecutions? Jussie Smollett of the Trump Hate Crime Hoax Need i go on?
    I would not feel this way if I thought that Trump was guilty, although I still would have argued that prosecuting him was bad for the country, just as prosecuting Hillary for her obvious crimes of distributing classified documents all over the world through her bathroom server would have been a mistake in 2017. You do know that her server was almost certainly hacked, right? The Secretary of State's classified emails were in the hands of Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea almost as soon as she sent them. We will never know the extent of this because she DESTROYED THE EVIDENCE.
    This isn't good for the country. It is banana republic stuff. Not just the Trump conviction but the inevitable retaliation, as well. But here we are. Democrats picked a fight, and a fight they will get. If they don't get one, then there is no Republican Party worth speaking of. I don't like it, but as my wife said after the verdict, I guess we live in a banana republic, so we better act like we do.

    We didn't break the norms. They did. They need to pay a price, and it better be big. Really big. Not just to make them realize they shouldn't do this, but for straight revenge. Revenge is part of justice. Not all of justice, but if you don't satisfy the need for revenge then justice is not served. It is why we let victims speak at sentencing.

    Democrats have violated every norm of politics that has been built up over 2 1/2 centuries--norms that were hard fought for, and that made our country work. We were the envy of the world. And the Democrats blew it

  2. \\I guess we live in a banana republic, so we better act like we do.

    And what, to make a coup? ;-P

    What else they do in banana republics? ;-)

    \\And the Democrats blew it

    That's the spirit!

    But... do you know, do you able to admit -- they did it under supervision from Russia and China commies -- to redo USA into their image???

    PS If you'd have incorrect diagnosis -- all tryes to cure will be for naught.

  3. Woke isn't a religion. I disagree with with every one of your "5 Essentials". So how can I be an acolyte?

  4. Woke isn't a religion.

    Is that why they all "take a knee" at football games? It's not to pray to Zer Black Deity?

  5. I hate to tell you this, Derv, but when you start publicly displaying religious gestures and symbolism, you've arrived at religion.

  6. Minus: Is that why they all "take a knee" at football games?

    That is done in protest, not genuflection.

    "Zer Black Deity".

    What Black diety? Chernobog?

    If I am an acolyte, isn't this some information I should already know? How could it be that you know more about it when I am the acolyte? Maybe it's because you're full of sh!t?

    btw, Pastor Adam Ericksen says "being woke is essential to the Christian faith. ...was Jesus woke? Yes. In fact, much of the Bible is woke".

  7. Minus: ...you've arrived at religion. ...a civil religion.

    No. Woke is an essential component of traditional religions. Woke itself is not a religion.

    “Woke” is about love — agape love. Agape is the highest form of love that is given, whether or not it's returned. It's love without any self-benefit. In the Buddhist tradition, it is the central foundation of loving kindness for all humankind. link

    Maybe the most important passage for understanding the wokeness of Jesus is Matthew 25:31-46. In this passage, Jesus harshly criticized national systems that refused to care for the weak and vulnerable.

    Many call this the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats. The New Interpreter’s Study Bible has a much better title for this parable: The Judgment of the Nations.

    The term “nations” does not primarily refer to individuals. It refers to national systems. It is the nations and these systems that will be judged for how they treated those Jesus called, “the least of these". link

  8. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Woke isn't a religion.


    And what else NewSpeaking LIAR could say. ;-P

    \\If I am an acolyte, isn't this some information I should already know? How could it be that you know more about it when I am the acolyte?

    Isn't you demonstrating piety (Bi-den The Best, remember?).

    While same time loathing what it said to you to loathe.


    That's... what they do with people in destructive cults/sects -- to make people to show obedience without understanding.

    \\btw, Pastor Adam Ericksen says "being woke is essential to the Christian faith. ...was Jesus woke? Yes. In fact, much of the Bible is woke".


    That's what pShaw talking there. ;-P

    Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...

    I just re-read my above comment and thought of this paradox:

    Joe Biden is about as devout a religionist (Catholic) as anyone could imagine — consistent church goer, etc., and Trump is as far from a religionist as one can get — never see him in any church on Sundays. Yet it is the devout Catholic that wants to preserve our secular laws

    Oh, yes???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\“Woke” is about love — agape love.


    There are countless religions.

    That venerate COUNTLESS thing, in their dogmas.

    And this words -- look like a dogma. O.K.

  9. Agape love is Universal. It doesn't exclude DJT.

  10. Easy... just re-declare him as non-human. ;-P

    Or... just say "I *DO* deny..." em our precious love-to-everyone.

    Bu-ga-gah! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

  11. Agape love is also a "religious" aspiration, not a "factually based" scientific one. But then, woke-ism ISN'T a "secular-civil religion." @@

  12. Yeah... religious bigot do not need reason.

    They only need sticks (and torches?), and to gather in big crowds...

  13. To "defend the weak and alleviate their suffering" through displays of righteous ANGER (Nover HATE) and Agape Love...

  14. Minus: Agape love is Universal. It doesn't exclude DJT.

    What you're trying to say is that you love Joe Biden?

  15. No. I'm simply saying that you're a religious hippocrite. My secular-religious principle isn't "agape" love. My civil religion lies in individual responsibility and liberty. I leave the "agape-love Christianity" to Christians.

  16. ...you know the ones. The Christians your side despises.

  17. \\No. I'm simply saying that you're a religious hippocrite.

    Hardly... for it, IT ought to have brains. ;-P

    But IT,,, is just miserly cretin. Which confirmed with all that hundreds previous posts it runned away from, miserably, having nothing to answer. ;-P

  18. Minus: ...you know the ones. The Christians your side despises.

    rightwing christians don't despise Leftists? "Do as I say, not as I do". Means... "give up so we can crush you". btw, I very much do hate fake Christianity. Fake Christians are the worst. My preference is that they find redemption though. Not that something bad happen to them. Though some are beyond redemption. They will NEVER see the error of their ways. They must be opposed. Surrender isn't the solution.

    Qtard: But IT,,, is just miserly cretin. Which confirmed with all that hundreds previous posts it runned away from, miserably, having nothing to answer.

    Not "runned away". EVERY conversation can't go on indefinitely. You have NOTHING else to do but write replies on this blog? Someone HAS to have the last word. You make sure that it is always you. WHY should I care?

    I should run away from our conversations completely. WHY should I continue arguing with someone who will never stop babbling cretinity? What is the point? Though, if I'm such a cretin, I don't know what you think the point is.

    All for laughs? That's a lot of effort you're putting in for these laughs. I'm sure you could find other things/people to laugh at without putting in so much effort.

    The general consensus among psychologists and psychiatrists about people who need to have the last word is that they're either arrogant, or insecure, or angry, or egotistical.

    I think you are all three. I would have written "Qtard", but then you'd have replied "your alter ego Qtard?". As you always cretinically do.

  19. Qtard: ...having nothing to answer.

    That is a f*cking lie. I wrote PLENTY to answer. What a lying piece of crap. I bet all you do is tell absurd lies all day long.

  20. \\That is a f*cking lie. I wrote PLENTY to answer.

    And stopped when it fell to the level of bare fact -- against even such a cretin as you are -- have nothing to say... even you cretnic "no, you are fool" tactic.

    Yes, cretin? ;-P

    \\ What a lying piece of crap. I bet all you do is tell absurd lies all day long.

    Very... self-descriptive. ;-P

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Not "runned away". EVERY conversation can't go on indefinitely.

    Bull Shit.

    Our generous host do not close adding comments even in old threads.

    And well... what all that your cretinic tryes to dig out some shit, to throw back at me??? (like with that cretinic... and what else can one wait from such a staunch cretin... with "suprime" mistyping)

    As well... as we talking here about dRump... second year.

    All that are obvious and logical, factual counter-arguments, to which such a cretin as you can react only with "no, you are fool" tactic...

    but,,, continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\You have NOTHING else to do but write replies on this blog?

    And you?

    You, from visible facts, have even time to dig through all previous threads in this blog.

    LOTS of time you have on your hands... retired? ;-P

    \\Someone HAS to have the last word. You make sure that it is always you.


    I just generously answering to every and each of your stupid questions. ;-P

    Isn't I so kind? Am I so great? ;-P

    But... I can start ignore you too. ;-P

    \\I should run away from our conversations completely. WHY should I continue arguing with someone who will never stop babbling cretinity? What is the point? Though, if I'm such a cretin, I don't know what you think the point is.


    You are right, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Finnaly, you admitted it.

    That you cannot come up with any clue... in your silly tryes to wound much smarter opponent... with your dull and cretinic verbal venom. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. ;-P

    Your tryes. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Be my guest. Go test my benevolence further.

    \\All for laughs? That's a lot of effort you're putting in for these laughs. I'm sure you could find other things/people to laugh at without putting in so much effort.

    Because they are idiots???

    Idiots -- need very little to start laughing. ;-P

    \\The general consensus among psychologists and psychiatrists about people who need to have the last word is that they're either arrogant, or insecure, or angry, or egotistical.

    "among psychologists and psychiatrists" among your SAMEBODY cretins??? ;-P

    \\I think you are all three. I would have written "Qtard", but then you'd have replied "your alter ego Qtard?". As you always cretinically do.


    Why you use that "Qtard"... so often. While describing and even signing own words????

    I see it as very silly.

    But... continue-continue, Qtard. See... I even can start use such a precious to you name, to call you. ;-P




  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Qtard: Easy... just re-declare him as non-human. Or... just say "I *DO* deny..." em our precious love-to-everyone.

    Obviously you are describing what you do. Because this is certainly nothing I have ever done. Given that it is completely impossible for any human not to be human. You could "declare" it, but you'd be WRONG.

    Qtard: And stopped when it fell to the level of bare fact -- against even such a cretin as you are -- have nothing to say... even you cretnic "no, you are fool" tactic.

    No. That isn't what happened. That's your delusion. Most conversations stop after going on for a long time. You making absurd accusations, me explaining that you're full of shit or lying. You lying and saying what you wrote ("what Derpy really mean") is true. Your debate tactic of frustrating me with your cretinity wins in the end. Qtard feels very proud of itself. Yawn.

    Qtard: Yes, cretin? ;-P

    Asking yourself? I'm sure your answer to yourself is "yes". If you were asking me, my answer would be "f*ck no".

    Qtard: Very... self-descriptive. ;-P But... continue-continue, cretin. **cretinic laughing and drooling**

    Words about you are descriptive of you. They aren't self descriptive.

    Qtard: \\Not "runned away". EVERY conversation can't go on indefinitely\\ Bull Shit. Our generous host do not close adding comments even in old threads.

    I meant I am NOT going to reply to threads indefinitely. You would? Go back weeks to continue conversations? You'd go back years? Even IF we both wanted to do that (and I definitely do not) these conversations would end when one of us died. I'm not immortal. You think you are? Therefore your "bullshit" is BULLSHIT.

    Also, you obviously dunno what indefinite means. Due to your extreme cretinity.

    Google: If a situation will continue indefinitely, it will continue forever or until someone decides to change it or end it.

    You believe we are both immortal and that Blogger will last forever? Also that the Sun won't engulf the Earth in 7.59 billion years or so?

    Qtard: And well... what all that your cretinic tryes to dig out some shit, to throw back at me??? (like with that cretinic... and what else can one wait from such a staunch cretin... with "suprime" mistyping)

    That is a lie. A word you type ON PURPOSE isn't a "mistyping". You said yourself that you wrote "suprime" ON PURPOSE.

    Anonymous. May 23, 2024 at 9:57 PM.
    \\Because it is the WRONG word. (quoting me. "suprime" is the wrong word because he meant "supreme").
    Who said? ;-P You -- cretin. Your opinion -- is of NO importance. ;-P

    ^^Right there^^ I said it was the wrong word and you DEFENDED writing "suprime". "Who said" it was wrong (or mistyping)? YOU DID. Cretinity proven.

    Below are links to a number of comments where you wrote "subprime" ON PURPOSE...







  23. Qtard: As well... as we talking here about dRump... second year.

    I have never talked about this "dRump". If I mention "dRump" it is only to point out that it is imaginary. This imaginary "dRump" has "sex adventures", is being "politically persecuted" and is NOT Putin's puppet. As opposed to the real tRump, who is a sexual assaulter and raper. And is being prosecuted for committing crimes. And tRump (the real person) is DEFINITELY Putin's puppet.

    Qtard: All that are obvious and logical, factual counter-arguments, to which such a cretin as you can react only with "no, you are fool" tactic...

    Lie. You've never written any "obvious and logical, factual counter-arguments". You write illogical anti-factual babbles. To which I sometimes respond "no", but OFTEN give longer explanations. Give links and provide PROOF.

    Qtard: but,,, continue-continue, cretin. **cretinic laughing and drooling**

    Definite self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\You have NOTHING else to do but write replies on this blog?\\And you? You, from visible facts, have even time to dig through all previous threads in this blog. LOTS of time you have on your hands... retired? ;-P

    I asked YOU. You're telling me you're retired? Because YOU are the once saying you have unlimited time to write your babbles on this blog.

    Qtard: \\Someone HAS to have the last word. You make sure that it is always you\\No.


    Qtard: I just generously answering to every and each of your stupid questions. ;-P


    Qtard: Isn't I so kind? Am I so great? ;-P

    Arrogance and having a huge ego confirmed.

    Qtard: But... I can start ignore you too. ;-P

    You can do whatever you want. I not the one begging for replies with comments like "silently agreeing" or "no cretinity here?"

    Qtard: Yap. You are right, cretin. **cretinic laughter** Finnaly, you admitted it. That you cannot come up with any clue... in your silly tryes to wound much smarter opponent... with your dull and cretinic verbal venom. **more cretinic laughter** But... continue-continue, cretin. ;-P Your tryes. **even more cretinic laughter plus drooling**

    LOTS of self encouragement.

    Qtard: Be my guest. Go test my benevolence further.

    Cretin obviously dunno what the word "benevolence" means.

    the quality of being well meaning; kindness.

    Qtard: Because they are idiots???

    I was talking about YOU putting in effort to elicit replies from me. Replies you then laugh at. So, what you're saying is that you do this because you're an idiot? I agree.

    Qtard: Idiots -- need very little to start laughing.

    Yes! I agree with your confession about yourself. Finally you admitted it.

    Qtard: "among psychologists and psychiatrists" among your SAMEBODY cretins??? ;-P

    That was a Google search result. Qtard is obviously obsessed with these "samebody cretins". It babbles incessantly about them.

  24. That was a Google search result. Qtard is obviously obsessed with these "samebody cretins". It babbles incessantly about them.

    Qtard: Yep. Why you use that "Qtard"... so often. While describing and even signing own words????

    I never have. That is your crazy person delusion.

    Qtard: I see it as very silly.

    Your stupidity about me placing "Qtard" in front of YOUR words (which includes quotes of my words) means I'm Qtard? Yeah, that is very silly.

    Qtard: But... continue-continue, Qtard. See... I even can start use such a precious to you name, to call you. ;-P

    Naah. You're giving yourself self encouragement. AGAIN. How do I know? You used your OWN nickname. I could start calling you "liliPut". But won't. Because, unlike you, I'm not a cretin. I know that's the "nickname" you've been using for Putin. But (somehow) you don't understand that I gave you the nickname "Qtard". Well, you DO know. This stupidity is just your silly try to get me to stop calling you Qtard.

    Qtard: :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Qtard: :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Qtard: :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    ^^Laughing idiot^^

    Quote: "Idiots -- need very little to start laughing".

    Your idiocy confirmed. You just confessed to it. Thank you for your honesty. This time. Very out of the ordinary for you.

  25. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Easy... just re-declare him as non-human. Or... just say "I *DO* deny..." em our precious love-to-everyone.

    \\ Obviously you are describing what you do. Because this is certainly nothing I have ever done.

    NEVER said??? That you NEVER said "I *DO* deny..."??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue denying, cretin.

    It gives only more and more credibility to my claim that you are lying cretin and cretinic liar.

    That lie against obvious facts. ;-P


    \\Given that it is completely impossible for any human not to be human. You could "declare" it, but you'd be WRONG.


    That your alter-ego was WRONG... when it claimed that "having Human Rights"... can be denied. ;-P

    Because Humans are INHERENTLY human and have Human Rights, on that SOLE base that they are humans.

    It's good that you reformed itself on that issue... or not??? :-)))))))))))))))))

    You will start screaming "No", AGAIN???!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))

  26. \\Qtard: And stopped when it fell to the level of bare fact -- against even such a cretin as you are -- have nothing to say... even you cretnic "no, you are fool" tactic.

    \\No. That isn't what happened. That's your delusion.


    Hundred or more topics here in this blog, where you STOPPED responded. Suddenly.

    DO NOT exist??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))




    But... continue-continue, denying Reality, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Your debate tactic of frustrating me with your cretinity wins in the end. Qtard feels very proud of itself.

    Your alter-ego "Qtard"??? ;-P

    \\Asking yourself? I'm sure your answer to yourself is "yes". If you were asking me, my answer would be "f*ck no".


    In NewSpeak. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You ALWAYS answering with your lying "No"... when your cretinity PREVENTS you from devising any more eloquent answer.

    Because -- you are cretin. Have no brains to answer with something more sophisticated. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Words about you are descriptive of you. They aren't self descriptive.

    Yet more cretinic lies??? Well, yeah. :-)))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\I meant I am NOT going to reply to threads indefinitely.

    *I*. Replied each and every time.

    Even when you tryed to claim that I will not. ;-p

    That is... POWER of being MUCH SMARTER!!!

    \\Go back weeks to continue conversations? You'd go back years?


    And that is not you... (some other of SAMEBODY alter-egos????) who tried to rise some past year topic, and accuse me on that base??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Oh... but you already forgot/some other alter-ego talking now... that cretinic issue about "suprime"??? ;-P

    But. Lost. Spectacularly.

    Because of having gaps in memory and defective brain. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    So... now you trying to play it backward -- that remembering -- NOT needed?????

    Yes, cretin???? That is that tactic you devised to use here?????

    What a astonishingly hilarious cretinity!!! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Even IF we both wanted to do that (and I definitely do not) these conversations would end when one of us died. I'm not immortal. You think you are? Therefore your "bullshit" is BULLSHIT.


    \\Also, you obviously dunno what indefinite means. Due to your extreme cretinity.

    \\Google: If a situation will continue indefinitely, it will continue forever or until someone decides to change it or end it.


    That made you ask Google even? ;-P

    Because you are cretin who DUNNO even such simple things??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))\

  27. \\You believe we are both immortal and that Blogger will last forever?

    That is your hidden desire, yes cretin?

    That you staunch cretinity will be embalished... eventually??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    But, little you know cretin... that even if evidance of your cretinity will disappear -- you'll still be just a miserly cretin. ;-P

    And even AFTER your death, people will be remembering you "remember, that incredible cretin we was talking with/about???" :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: And well... what all that your cretinic tryes to dig out some shit, to throw back at me??? (like with that cretinic... and what else can one wait from such a staunch cretin... with "suprime" mistyping)

    \\That is a lie. A word you type ON PURPOSE isn't a "mistyping".


    And you can know it... from what???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    From your cretinic Delusion that substitute to you Reality???? ;-P

    \\Anonymous. May 23, 2024 at 9:57 PM.
    \\Because it is the WRONG word. (quoting me. "suprime" is the wrong word because he meant "supreme").
    Who said? ;-P You -- cretin. Your opinion -- is of NO importance. ;-P

    \\^^Right there^^ I said it was the wrong word and you DEFENDED writing "suprime". "Who said" it was wrong (or mistyping)? YOU DID. Cretinity proven.


    Oh??? We learned to make properly attributed QUITES... AT LAST. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    Yes, merry bunch of SAMEBoDY cretins? ;-P

    But... little you know, that it is NOT enough to provide QUOTE.

    NOW... you need to EXPLAIN. Logically. Why it mean what it mean.

    HOW??? My disregard to you miserly opinion of lying cretin... is anyhow is my admission that *I* "DEFENDED writing "suprime""???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    now, I'm ready, and I actually admitted -- that THIS your words have some base -- as you provided FACT -- QUOTE of my words, properly attributed.

    But... as always, still, trying to make some NON-logical claim out of it.


    But, continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Your progress is VERY fast pacing. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    ALMOST two years passed... and you LEARNED how to do PROPERLY ATTRIBUTED QUOTES.

    Bu-ga-gah! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Maybe, just maybe, I'll need to admit that you are NOT absolutely irredimable cretin that unable to learn... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    I'm sure, that you'll demonstrate that this was just a fluke... with waterfalls of slimy steamy bull shit ensuring...

    So... I will give you that chance, and will stop responding here, for now. ;-)

  28. Dervy wants to believe that in his America, the archon basileus is no longer required, because "virtue" in governance has been achieved through democracy. @@

    He should probably ponder upon how this function was re-allocated in the UK, between the Queen, and the Archishop of Canterbury

  29. ...for denying a civil religion within Government, like wokeness, isn't a very intelligent logical position.

  30. Perhaps he would be wise to acknowledge that the Department of Justice has been transformed into the Department of Social Justice. And that the attorney general has been promoted to its' bishop.

  31. The Auto da fe of Donald J. Trump is surely soon to follow, in a bonfire of the vanities.

    vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas!

  32. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ Dervy wants to believe that in his America, the archon basileus is no longer required, because "virtue" in governance has been achieved through democracy. @@

    Henlon's Razor. ;-)

    Another word... if a fool repeats some high quality BS -- it do not make that fool smart.

    Well... that is (secret?) reason of religion. ;-)

  33. It's a collection of lite motif's that allows society to function cooperatively.

  34. Physics are one and only "The Guarantor of Morality."

    Because only Physics define COST of this or that deed.

    Cost in most stable and never inflating or deflating currency -- Energy.

  35. Ever use lawfare to put a particle in prison? Yeah, we call it "matter".

  36. Qtard: NEVER said??? That you NEVER said "I *DO* deny..."?? **cretinic laughter**

    In regards to human rights? What you keep lyingly saying I have done (many many times). No, I NEVER have.

    Qtard: Continue-continue denying, cretin.

    What are you telling yourself to continue denying? That I STRONGLY support human rights for EVERYONE. Yes, I know you will.

    Qtard: It gives only more and more credibility to my claim that you are lying cretin and cretinic liar. That lie against obvious facts. ;-P

    "Obvious facts" is what you call your delusions.

    Qtard: **sustained cretinic laughter**

    "Idiots -- need very little to start laughing". YOUR admission, idiot :P

    Qtard: \\Given that it is completely impossible for any human not to be human. You could "declare" it, but you'd be WRONG\\ Yep. That your alter-ego was WRONG... when it claimed that "having Human Rights"... can be denied. ;-P

    Impossible. Given that I have no alter egos. And ME (the only personality that exists in my body -- there are no "samebody" personalities in me) has NEVER denied human rights. I have only ever defended them. CONFIRMED that they can't be legally denied.

    Qtard: Because Humans are INHERENTLY human and have Human Rights, on that SOLE base that they are humans.

    No shit. Yet YOU supported taking away the right to democracy from all US voters who did not want the results of the 2020 election reversed and the loser in that election installed.

    Qtard: It's good that you reformed itself on that issue... or not??? **cretinic laughter** You will start screaming "No", AGAIN???!!!! **cretinic laughter**

    Impossible. Something that has NEVER been done even once can NOT be done "again". You will NEVER reform yourself on this issue. Due to your hatred for democracy.

    Qtard: And stopped when it fell to the level of bare fact -- against even such a cretin as you are -- have nothing to say... even you cretnic "no, you are fool" tactic\\ No. That isn't what happened. That's your delusion\\ Yep. Hundred or more topics here in this blog, where you STOPPED responded. Suddenly.

    Lie. I never stopped "suddenly". I stopped after replying MANY times. Answering the SAME questions over and over. Because you refused to accept the bare facts that I presented -- said these facts were "lies".

    Qtard: DO NOT exist??? **cretinic laughter** **cretinic laughter and drooling** **cretinic laughing and LOTS of drooling** **cretinic laughter and drooling again** But... continue-continue, denying Reality, cretin. **cretinic laughter and drooling**

    "Idiots -- need very little to start laughing". YOUR admission, idiot :P

    But... YES, no such threads exist.

    Qtard: \\Your debate tactic of frustrating me with your cretinity wins in the end. Qtard feels very proud of itself\\ Your alter-ego "Qtard"??? ;-P

    No. "your alter ego Qtard" is imaginary. He doesn't exist. I was referring to YOU using your nickname. But you keep forgetting. Due to your brain worms. Still snacking on your brain, apparently.

    Qtard: \\Asking yourself? I'm sure your answer to yourself is "yes". If you were asking me, my answer would be "f*ck no"\Yap. In NewSpeak. **cretinic laughter**

    I don't use NewSpeak. As I have told you MANY times. Brain worm problems AGAIN.

  37. Qtard: You ALWAYS answering with your lying "No"... when your cretinity PREVENTS you from devising any more eloquent answer. Because -- you are cretin. Have no brains to answer with something more sophisticated. **cretinic laughter**

    Lie. <-- Non-NO answer. So, "ALWAYS answering" is FALSE. Dummy dunno what the word "always" means?

    Qtard: \\Words about you are descriptive of you. They aren't self descriptive\\ Yet more cretinic lies??? Well, yeah. **cretinic laughter**

    From you? Yes.

    Qtard: But... continue-continue, cretin. **cretinic laughter & drooling**

    "Idiots -- need very little to start laughing". YOUR admission, idiot :P

    Qtard: \\I meant I am NOT going to reply to threads indefinitely\\ *I*. Replied each and every time. Even when you tryed to claim that I will not. ;-p

    Lie. There have been a couple where mine was the last comment. BUT I never made a big deal about it. Because I realize conversations can NOT go on forever. Unlike you. An idiot who thinks they can.

    Qtard: That is... POWER of being MUCH SMARTER!!!


    Qtard: \\Go back weeks to continue conversations? You'd go back years?\\Yep.


    Qtard: And that is not you... (some other of SAMEBODY alter-egos????) who tried to rise some past year topic, and accuse me on that base??? **cretinic laughter** Oh... but you already forgot/some other alter-ego talking now... that cretinic issue about "suprime"??? ;-P

    You forgot because "some other alter-ego talking now"? Blaming your alter ego for your LIE about "suprime" being a mistyping?

    Qtard: But. Lost. Spectacularly.

    No. WON. But you can't admit it.

    Qtard: Because of having gaps in memory and defective brain. **cretinic laughter**

    You obviously do. CAN'T remember writing "suprime" over and over. Even after I gave QUOTES. Which you continually ask for. But then CAN'T SEE when I give them. Lie about me losing "spectacularly". Even though I PROVED what I was saying with quotes.

    Qtard: So... now you trying to play it backward -- that remembering -- NOT needed????? Yes, cretin???? That is that tactic you devised to use here?????

    Talking to yourself again? You can't remember? Even when provided with quotes? Another of your alter egos wrote "suprime" so many times?

    Qtard: What a astonishingly hilarious cretinity!!! **cretinic laughter**

    Yes. You've FINALLY realized this about yourself?

    Qtard: But... continue-continue, cretin. **cretinic laughter**

    Self encouragement... means... you realize it, but you're going to keep doing it. Figures.

    Qtard: \\Even IF we both wanted to do that (and I definitely do not) these conversations would end when one of us died. I'm not immortal. You think you are? Therefore your "bullshit" is BULLSHIT\\ **cretinic laughter**

    Idiots -- need very little to start laughing. ;-P

    Qtard: \\Also, you obviously dunno what indefinite means. Due to your extreme cretinity. Google: If a situation will continue indefinitely, it will continue forever or until someone decides to change it or end it\\ Self-admission??? That made you ask Google even?

    Provided to inform YOU. Because YOU obviously dunno what "indefinite" means. But, you STILL don't know. Even after I provided a definition.

    Qtard: Because you are cretin who DUNNO even such simple things??? **sustained cretinic laughter**

    Talking to yourself again. I agree with what one of your alter egos said to another of your alter egos. That first alter ego must be a little smarter. Just a little. Can correctly say knowing what "indefinite" means is a "simple thing". YET, none of your alter egos know what it means.

  38. Qtard: \\You believe we are both immortal and that Blogger will last forever?\\That is your hidden desire, yes cretin?

    For you to be immortal? No. Although, you did say "yes cretin?" So you were talking to yourself. You think living forever is possible? I'm going to die. Then I will definitely stop responding. If I have not already. Due to having had enough of your cretinity.

    Qtard: That you staunch cretinity will be embalished... eventually??? **cretinic laughter and drooling**


    Qtard: But, little you know cretin... that even if evidance of your cretinity will disappear -- you'll still be just a miserly cretin. ;-P

    Talking to yourself again.

    Qtard: And even AFTER your death, people will be remembering you "remember, that incredible cretin we was talking with/about???" **cretinic laughter**

    WHO are these people??? You see anyone else participating in these discussions? Minus FJ hardly ever interjects. But you think hundreds (maybe thousands) of people are reading and following along -- in your delusions of grandeur. Delusions in which MANY people are marveling at your awesomeness everywhere you go (both in real life and virtually). And (here) all these (imaginary) people are thinking that I am a cretin.

    Qtard: \\That is a lie. A word you type ON PURPOSE isn't a "mistyping"\\ Yeah??? And you can know it... from what???? **cretinic laughter** From your cretinic Delusion that substitute to you Reality???? ;-P

    Your own words.

    Qtard: Oh??? We learned to make properly attributed QUITES... AT LAST.

    No. I have NO IDEA how to attribute "quites". I know giving quotes is a waste of time with you. Like with your "suprime" stupidity. I just gave you LOTS of quotes to disprove your "mistyping" lie, yet you continue to lie anyway.

    Qtard: Yes, merry bunch of SAMEBoDY cretins? ;-P

    Talking to yourself.

    Qtard: But... little you know, that it is NOT enough to provide QUOTE. NOW... you need to EXPLAIN. Logically. Why it mean what it mean.

    I *did*. It means you did not mistype. You wrote "suprime" ON PURPOSE.

    Qtard: My disregard to you miserly opinion of lying cretin... is anyhow is my admission that *I* "DEFENDED writing "suprime""???? **cretinic laughter**

    That wasn't an opinion of yours! That wasn't an opinion of mine either. It is a FACT. One you ADMITTED. Why you're now lying about it being a "mistyping".

    Qtard: Well... now, I'm ready, and I actually admitted -- that THIS your words have some base -- as you provided FACT -- QUOTE of my words, properly attributed. But... as always, still, trying to make some NON-logical claim out of it.

    No. VERY logical.

    Qtard: So... I will give you that chance, and will stop responding here, for now. ;-)

    OK. Stop responding. Instead silently agree with this comment. I can have the last word this time. But I doubt it.

    Minus: Dervy wants to believe that in his America, the archon basileus is no longer required, because "virtue" in governance has been achieved through democracy.

    Why we "need" a "president for life" donald tRump?

    Minus: ...for denying a civil religion within Government, like wokeness, isn't a very intelligent logical position.

    It is smart to deny things that don't exist.

    Minus: Perhaps he would be wise to acknowledge that the Department of Justice has been transformed into the Department of Social Justice. And that the attorney general has been promoted to its' bishop.

    I wisely deny any such transformation has taken place.

    Minus: The Auto da fe of Donald J. Trump is surely soon to follow, in a bonfire of the vanities.

    donald tRump is a criminal, not a heretic. Unless you mean he is a Christian heretic. Because he is only pretending he is a Christian.

  39. \\Qtard: But. Lost. Spectacularly.

    \\No. WON. But you can't admit it.

