Friday, June 28, 2024

The Democratic Party's Lame Kabuki Theatre Creaks On...

 Last night:

...this afternoon:

...they Upped the Dosage!


  1. That IS the 'exact message' and I just commented on my blog about it...they're BRILLIANT on the's perfectly said. It's a HUGE LIE but the public doesn't get that.

  2. And, by the way, how ELSE could Biden get off that stage? :-)

  3. It was a huge train wreck yesterday for Joe Biden. Right from the start, President Trump remained mostly civil and didn't go after Biden's baseless accusations and lies. Biden told one whopper after another, and basically hung himself politically. Mystere and I have photos from Twitter and other sources saying Biden is toast. We heard a loud wet fart at approximately 7:15 PM PDT when the sound tech forgot to turn off Joe Biden's microphone. Joe Biden farted loudly during the debate. Mystere and I were watching the debate on RAV TV's Rumble Chat and stream. Mystere immediately posted "Oh my! Joe Biden farted a wet one" on the live chat. Others quickly posted about hearing Joe Biden cutting a wet sounding fart. Towards the end of the debate, we heard what was being said into Joe Biden's ears, albeit not very clearly but we heard the handlers scrambling desperately for a way to save Biden.

    You can't make this stuff up. And you can bet Dervish is going to try and spin it in his favor if he has the gall to rip a Bigly Whopper.

  4. I suspect that for the next month, all we'll see of the President are select, edited 1 minute clips of an "energized" Biden...

    ...the 'reality' being a completely different story.

  5. Biden was sick (getting over a cold). He stumbled a bit. donald tRump lied nonstop. Putin was likely very pleased with his puppet's performance.

    I couldn't believe it when I tuned into Democracy Now this morning and Amy Goodman had a guest on who was babbling about replacing Biden. And she did not push back. Democrats are often their own worst enemies and that is a big part of the problem.

    If donald tRump gets back in the White House democracy is TOAST.

    Joe Biden is doing a FANTASTIC job as president and the American voters HAVE to give him a second term. Unless they want America to be transformed (fully) into a christianist White Supremacist theocracy.

    tRump told one whopper after another, Mystere.

    "Mystere and I" = Me and Myself.

    Dervish Sanders and I watched the debate together.

    "Others quickly posted about hearing Joe Biden cutting a wet sounding fart"...

    I heard it. It occurred when tRump was talking and picked up by tRump's mic... because it was tRump's fart.

    1. Dervish fantasizes sniffing Donald Trump's behind. That's why he emphasizes Trump's name.

    2. Mystere: Dervish fantasizes sniffing Donald Trump's behind.

      I never want to be anywhere near that a-hole. That is your fantasy, not mine.

  6. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  7. Biden didn't get the message. Even Snopes can't deny the truth of "Charlottesville" now.

  8. btw - What's Jill Biden doing @ 1:55 taking off her wedding ring and giving it to the Secret Service? Going to go out on the town? Or have him refill the Joe-Biden micro-dosing meds compartment?

  9. Why is that "wedding band" an object that Jill Biden must not be seen in public wearing? Were it an actual marriage symbol, the opposite would be true. Something's rotten in the State of Denmark.

  10. reeks of a criminal hiding the tools of his trade.

  11. And also... you usually saying/writing in NewSpeak lying mode. ;-P
