Friday, June 28, 2024

The Gr8 (D) Bait...

Memetic Politics (Round 1)

Memetic:  relating to or constituting an element of a culture or system of behavior that is passed from one individual to another by imitation or other nongenetic means.
"the book shows various memetic lines of transmission"
...after the debate was over:


  1. Joe Biden farted at approximately 7:15 PM PDT during the debate. It was a wet sounding long loud fart. I gave out more details on a later post, so I'm not going much further into details.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No, Mystere. It was donald tRump who farted during the debate. It occurred when donald tRump was speaking and picked up by donald tRump's mic. Joe Biden's mic was OFF.

    Here is another video where the (same) donald tRump fart can be heard more clearly. They were 8 feet apart. A Joe Biden fart would not be picked up by donald tRump's mic. It was OBVIOUSLY donald tRump that farted because he was speaking and it was his mic that picked it up.

  4. Dervy's probably right. Biden was sh*tting his diaper at the time.

  5. Noel Casler (talking about tRump pooping himself)... The diapers is not a joke it's depends. You know #diaperdon is trending, but it's based in reality. He would often soil himself on The Apprentice set. He's incontinent from all the speed -- all the Adderall. He does the cocaine -- that he's done for decades you know. All that stuff has a laxative effect. ... He's worn diapers since probably the 90s.

    I saw it firsthand in the 2000s On Celebrity Apprentice in late 2000s. And we'd have to, uh stop the show and and change him, you know -- and that was Keith Schiller's job. He would take him off set -- he would wipe him down. Our nickname for Keith was "Wet Wipes". It's not a joke -- it's happened several times.

    And, um, you've seen it happen while he's in office. You've seen he was in the oval office with Erdogan. And you could clearly hear him ... evacuating himself. He did it in front of Senator Feinstein. Um Dianne Feinstein at a press conference. So he does it (poops himself) -- and he almost sits there like an unaware of it, you know. One time I saw Ivanka have to go kind of whisper in his ear -- and then Keith came and took him off stage.

    He'll also do it in a rage -- and this is where it gets really drug related. He'll start to freak out you know. One time there was the word "arbitrage" on a cue card and he started screaming that the ... script department was setting him up. "You're setting me up" and he just freaked out -- and then very loudly evacuated his bowels. And you could smell it.

  6. So what's the point, Dervy? That Biden DOESN'T sh*t himelf? And if he does, so what? Older people sh*t themselves. It's what they do. Both men are attempting to perform well beyond their labelled expiration dates.

  7. ...that's the real crime against good governance.

  8. Noel Casler: [tRump has] worn diapers since probably the 90s.

    In the 90s tRump was in his 50s.

    So, what you're saying is that tRump has been past his expiration date for almost 30 years?

    tRump poops his diapers because he has been abusing Adderall for a long time. It's also why he's sniffing all the time.

    Also, tell that to Mystere. Biden pooping his pants and farting are delusions he blogs about a LOT.

  9. Do we really need testimony as to when Brandon starting pooping in his for the crapulence comparisons? You want to hug every tar baby presented to you, that's your business.

  10. I'm now sorry I picked this one up. Carry on!

  11. Whatever, Joe.

    That is your time. Your generation time. To pick up The Power, and to resolve all that mess that senile fools created, and will continue creating.

    Well... you can (try to) postpone that duty on younger -- generation after you.

    But then, you'll lose your chance to criticize em for their blunders.

    And there'll be a lot of em -- that's how history works -- Revolution happen, when Very Next Generation to take power, showing itself inapt. So... someone need to occupy that place. And that... becomes ugly.
