Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Deep State Trump Purge

aka - The Return of Stalin's Purges and Expansion Plans for J6 Gulags


  1. Lame bragging. AGAIN!

    Your USA "gulags" -- on tropical islands, with officiant serving mohito???? ;-P


  2. "Expansion Plans for J6 Gulags".

    There aren't any. "Gulags" that don't exist can't be expanded.

    As per Bing, "As of now, 378 individuals have been sentenced to periods of incarceration for their involvement in the January 6, 2021 uprising at the U.S. Capitol. The median prison sentence for these rioters is approximately 60 days".

    I don't know why this would necessitate an expansion of "gulags". Only a few people have received very harsh sentences.

    Might an expansion be necessary because you are anticipating more violence? After Joe Biden is elected to a second term? Otherwise I don't know why an expansion would be needed.

    Also as per Bing, out of the 1,033 individuals arrested for their involvement in the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot, approximately 113 rioters have been sentenced to periods of home detention. Additionally, most sentences have included fines, community service, and probation for low-level offenses like illegally parading or demonstrating in the Capitol, which is considered a misdemeanor".

    You think fines, community service and home detention can be described as a "gulag"?

    Also, the statute of limitations is five years, which means people who were at the Capitol on January 6, 2020 and might be guilty of a crime -- they have to be charged by January 6, 2026. HOW MANY more people do you think (in your delusions) are yet to be charged? Certainly, if donald tRump is elected again (or manages to steal a second term) then those investigations will END. And (he has said) those who have already been charged will be pardoned.

    So... WHY might more "gulags" be needed?????

    I didn't watch the video. I pressed play and it said 18 minutes, which would take a lot of data. I have to keep my data usage down or I will run out and got throttled. Which could make others in my household angry.

    1. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    2. The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders at June 20, 2024 at 9:02 AM

      "I didn't watch the video. I pressed play and it said 18 minutes, which would take a lot of data. I have to keep my data usage down or I will run out and got throttled. Which could make others in my household angry."

      πŸ”ΊLame excuse to not watch a video because it tells the truth.πŸ”Ί


      Really, Dervish... Or shall I call you "Cretin"? πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    3. Posting replies without knowing about the topic is a recipe for making a fool of oneself, Dervish.

  3. Dervy faces the trials and tribulations of 'capitalist realism" every day through his data plan. ;)

    1. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  4. ...So he posts not knowing anything about what was discussed.

    1. Dervish posts while high on Ostrich farts.

    2. Does Dervish have supernatural powers to know what was in the video without watching it?

    3. Well, Dervish does call himself The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders, so he must think he knows what's in the video. Perhaps his occultic deals with Satan give him voices in his head.

  5. Mystere: Lame excuse to not watch a video because it tells the truth.

    So you did? Where are your thoughts on what was discussed, Mystere? Can you cite even ONE of the topics Jimmy Dore and his fellow tinfoil hat nutters discussed? I call bs. Mystere did not watch the video.

    I did watch it. It is over the top tinfoil hat nuttery. P Diddy is a fed? Robert de Niro is being blackmailed into being anti-tRump?

    Mystere wrote a post on his blog about how dumb Robert de Niro is. But he only said what he did because he's being "blackmailed", Mystere. Are you going to retract your criticisms of de Niro now?

    Apparently he is a pedophile who wouldn't be as vocally anti-tRump as he is if he wasn't being "blackmailed".

    John Solomon and Tucker Carlson? If these two liars are saying it, then that very strongly indicates this is bs. How can they purge the FBI of tRump supporters when there are so many? The FBI is MOSTLY conservative.

    Though, if the FBI is concerned about whether or not agents WITH SECURITY CLEARANCES support a Russian asset, I am inclined to think that is a good thing.

  6. Minus: ...So he posts not knowing anything about what was discussed.

    So did you. I heard NOTHING from Dore and his fellow tinfoil hat nutters about any expansion plans for imaginary "gulags". Maybe they discuss those delusions in another video? That was not mentioned in this video, Minus.

    I responded to what YOU wrote. Why don't you say something about the content of the video, Minus? Can you? Obviously Mystere can not. He commented NINE times and said absolutely nothing about the content of the video (the first "no" is him. He also commented as "Rattrapper" and "Helmut").

  7. \\There aren't any. "Gulags" that don't exist can't be expanded.

    And Guantanamo too???

    And camps for Japanese in ww2 times???

    And Indians reservations???

  8. Qtard: \\There aren't any. "Gulags" that don't exist can't be expanded\\ And Guantanamo too??? And camps for Japanese in ww2 times??? And Indians reservations???

    We aren't in "ww2 times". Those "gulags" don't exist any more. Guantanamo was gwb. Obama tried to close it. republiturds blocked it.

    btw, a "gulag" is "a camp in the Gulag system, or any political labor camp".

    None of those are "political labor camps". Or, can you explain HOW they are "political labor camps"? Even though we were talking about January 6 criminals and "gulags" in THAT CONTEXT. But Qtard doesn't understand context. Obviously. Why IT brings up these other non-gulags. THINKING IT is making some point.

    Minus: Dervy faces the trials and tribulations of 'capitalist realism" every day through his data plan. ;)

    Yeah. I think they need some regulations to force them to stop gouging me. There are MANY other providers that offer better service, unlimited data and at a lower price. I (as I told you previously) tried to sign up with Spectrum. They scheduled me an appointment to get Spectrum internet installed. Then they cancelled the installation, saying (after they sent a truck out to do a "survey") I was just outside their service area. So (what I found) is that there are TWO providers I could go with. One is expensive and the other is even more expensive. Neither offer unlimited data.

    Mystere: Does Dervish have supernatural powers to know what was in the video without watching it?

    I VERY CLEARLY responded to WHAT MINUS FJ WROTE. You don't have a clue what is in the video. Proven by your NINE comments in which you said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the video content. So HOW could you know the video "tells the truth"? Why don't you tell us about some (even ONE) of these "truths" told by the liar Jimmy Dore? I CHALLENGE you, Mystere. But I doubt you will. More likely you will say something moronic like "Where's Mystere? I don't see Mystere".

    Mystere: Posting replies without knowing about the topic is a recipe for making a fool of oneself, Dervish.

    Yes. What you did with your NINE comments in which you said absolutely nothing about the topic. Except to say the video contains "truths". EXPLAIN those truths. I bet you can not and WILL NOT. Maybe Mystere agrees it is a "truth" that P. Diddy is a fed? Or maybe I'm lying and Jimmy Dore didn't say such tinfoil hat nuttery? Mystere has no way of knowing, given that he did not watch the video.

    fyi, moron, I DO know what the topic is. It is "The Deep State Trump Purge" and "The Return of Stalin's Purges and Expansion Plans for J6 Gulags". But YOU don't know even that much.

  9. You want me to comment?

    So what will be the ramifications of what Dore talked about in purging all Trumpers and anti-vaxxers from law enforcement and government service in the name of Woke ideological purity? If being a wrong-think Trumper is a "fire-able offense", how long before Trumpers and Vax resisters are criminalized, rounded up, and sent to FEMA Camps and detention facilities established in the Judicial Trumper-Wasteland known as the 9th Circuit [and already used to hold without bail and punish thousands of J6 protesters]? Leticia James is already sending out "cease and desist" letters to people who refuse to follow NIH advice in prescribing Ivermectin. It's not a stretch to believe that "wrong-think" is being criminalized.

    Do you really think that DoJ would call them "Gulags" (as that is where the Soviets used to send THEIR political dissenters)

  10. Minus: So what will be the ramifications of what Dore talked about in purging all Trumpers and anti-vaxxers from law enforcement and government service in the name of Woke ideological purity?

    There will be no ramifications. Because that isn't happening.

    Minus: how long before Trumpers and Vax resisters are criminalized, rounded up, and sent to FEMA Camps and detention facilities.

    That will never happen. But some version of the opposite of that might. If donald tRump becomes predisent again. We already know he wants to round up "illegals" and people who protest Israel's war on Gaza. US citizens included.

    How long before progressives and Never-trumpers are criminalized, rounded up, and sent to FEMA Camps and detention facilities?

  11. \\Qtard: \\There aren't any. "Gulags" that don't exist can't be expanded\\ And Guantanamo too??? And camps for Japanese in ww2 times??? And Indians reservations???

    \\We aren't in "ww2 times".

    What was ONE time... can happen SECOND time too.

    Like with... Chinese, for example. When China will start a war.

    \\Those "gulags" don't exist any more. Guantanamo was gwb. Obama tried to close it.

    "Tried to close"????

    Like with that poor schmuk, who have had ALL court verdicts on his hands -- that he is innocent.

    About who EVEN MOVIE was filmed.

    But... WAS NOT released under Zero-bama administration??? %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\btw, a "gulag" is "a camp in the Gulag system, or any political labor camp".

    \\None of those are "political labor camps". Or, can you explain HOW they are "political labor camps"?

    Right after that as you'd explain how Ukrainians can be nazis and dRump -- fascist. ;-P

    \\Why IT brings up these other non-gulags. THINKING IT is making some point.

    About unlawful limiting freedom of people?

    Without court trial. Without right to appeal. Just because political power DECIDED to outlaw em, and people aligned with that power approved it -- in UNdemocratic way.

    \\So (what I found) is that there are TWO providers I could go with. One is expensive and the other is even more expensive. Neither offer unlimited data.

    And you are too dumb to cooperate with your neighbours... to buy a Starlink? ;-P

    \\Yes. What you did with your NINE comments in which you said absolutely nothing about the topic. Except to say the video contains "truths". EXPLAIN those truths. I bet you can not and WILL NOT.

    Trying to use MY, MUCH SMARTER opponent "tricks".

    But you are dumb shit, and cannot use em for good. ;-P

    Or... you can EXPLAIN -- why anybody should respond to such a lame requests from such a dumb shit??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well... I'll play with you here, for one more time.

    And will answer to that request -- because Truth are Self-Evodant -- and need not more explanation? ;-P

    But you are dumb shit... which UNable to understand truth. Because Reality to you -- are delusions. And your delusions is reality to you. ;-P


    Happy? ;-P

    \\Do you really think that DoJ would call them "Gulags" (as that is where the Soviets used to send THEIR political dissenters)

    As that is acronym. Hardly.

    Gulag... it's G.U.Lag. -- Glavnoe (Central) Upravlenie (Office/Comittee/Whatever) LAGerei (Camps)

    So... on USA turf it'll be something like COC/CCC or whatever.

    \\There will be no ramifications. Because that isn't happening.

    \\That will never happen.

    Oh... and we KNOW price of such your "never happening" HERE. And for sure.

    As being outright COUNTER-factual LIES.


    But... continue-continue, your cretinic lies, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  12. Because that isn't happening.

    They AREN'T investigating Trumpers? What about the official letters and enquiries then? What about the firings of anti-vaxxers from government positions during the pandemic? What about Letitia James new investigation?

    It's happening, alright, but once again you choose to sit in the middle of an Egyptian River and ostrich.

  13. I wrote "that isn't happening" in response to your claim there is a purge of "all Trumpers and anti-vaxxers from law enforcement and government service in the name of Woke ideological purity".

    The FBI is a conservative organization. The FBI isn't doing anything in the name of "woke ideological purity".

    The Washington Post: If the FBI suffers from bias against a political side, it's the left. In fact, the Bureau's history reveals that it has long had a conservative Christian preference in its hiring practices, culture and investigative priorities. ...the FBI's history and present makes clear that claims of bigotry against conservatives, religious or political, ring false. Instead, its culture has long been saturated with Christian conservatism and its biases have largely been against those on the religious and political left, not on the right. 2/23/2023.

    My head isn't in the sand (unlike yours). I am very aware of the right's false narratives about being persecuted. You buy into them because it is what you WANT to believe. That tRump and his supporters are "victims" are essential to your white victimhood narrative.

    Minus: They AREN'T investigating Trumpers?

    That's what tRump is promising to do if he becomes predisent again. Replace career civil service workers with political partisans.

    Minus: What about the official letters and inquiries then? What about the firings of anti-vaxxers from government positions during the pandemic?

    What "inquiries"?

    Bing: As of now, there hasn't been any indication that this specific situation has affected other FBI agents. The recent report by John Solomon focuses on a single employee whose security clearance was revoked after agents inquired about their political views and affiliations.

    Wasn't this person at the Capitol on January 6, 2020. The FBI has not made a statement, so I don't know know what the specifics are or why they revoked this ONE person's security clearance. I certainly do not believe anything John Solomon says. I do know the FBI is conservative, so I have serious doubts that what is going on is exactly how John Solomon is presenting it. In fact, I consider him a liar who I immediately disbelieve instead of believe.

    Why should people who refuse to get vaccinated not be fired? They're putting others in danger. In any case, I think this is covered under "at will" employment laws (which conservatives LIKE). Means your employer can fire you for ANY reason they want. Do you want to change "at will" employment laws? :P

  14. Qtard: "Tried to close"???? Like with that poor schmuk, who have had ALL court verdicts on his hands -- that he is innocent. About who EVEN MOVIE was filmed. But... WAS NOT released under Zero-bama administration??? **cretinic laughter**

    Because there never was any "Zero-bama administration". An imaginary presidential administration has no power to do anything. Mohamedou Ould Slahi, who was the subject of the documentary The Mauritanian was released in 2016. Obama was president. But not "Zero-bama". That person was not president. Because he doesn't exist. Well, except in your delusions.

    fyi, it is a FACT that Barack Obama tried to close Gitmo. Multiple times. But republiturds in Congress blocked him. Barack Obama signed an executive order to close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facilities. donald tRump revoked it. Yet you (due to being a moron) probably think it is the fault of imaginary "DEMNs", the imaginary "Zero-bama" and the imaginary "Bi-den". But definitely NOT the fault of "dRump" or Congressional republicans.

    You DO NOT CARE about this person. AT ALL. You only bring him up to criticize Obama. If Mohamedou Ould Slahi is who you are talking about. I remember that conversation, but I am not 100 percent certain this was the person we were talking about. As per Wikipedia, "Slahi traveled from his home in Germany to Afghanistan in December 1990 to support the mujahideen [and] Slahi trained in an al Qaeda camp and swore allegiance to the organization in March 1991". So he was an "accomplice". More so than the people being slaughtered in Gaza that you don't give a sh!t about either.

    Qtard: Right after that as you'd explain how Ukrainians can be nazis and dRump -- fascist.

    So that is a NO. Exactly the answer I was expecting. A dodge. Deployed because you realized what you said was stupid.

    Qtard: \\[quoting my comment directed at Mystere] What you did with your NINE comments in which you said absolutely nothing about the topic. Except to say the video contains "truths". EXPLAIN those truths. I bet you can not and WILL NOT\\ Trying to use MY, MUCH SMARTER opponent "tricks".

    BULL SH!T. That was no trick. It was a factual observation. PROVEN accurate by Mystere not answering and running away. He didn't watch the video, though PRETENDED he did.

    Qtard: \\Why IT brings up these other non-gulags. THINKING IT is making some point\\About unlawful limiting freedom of people?

    What Minus is discussing (video you didn't watch) will NOT happen in the United States. Though donald tRump wants to do that. Has said he is going to do that.

    Qtard: Without court trial. Without right to appeal. Just because political power DECIDED to outlaw em, and people aligned with that power approved it -- in UNdemocratic way.

    Gitmo was opened by republican president george bush. Obama tried to close it but was blocked by republicans. tRump signed executive orders to keep it open. YOU don't care about about anyone being held there. They are ALL (in your rightturd parlance) "accomplices".

    Mystere (an actual cretin, though you IGNORE that fact) thinks donald tRump is going to (in his second term) send lots of Democrats there and have them executed. The "prophets" have foretold it. Hillary Clinton's entire family will be executed at Gitmo. Including her three grandchildren. But you probably have NOTHING to say about that.

  15. Mystere's totalitarian fantasy...

    Mystere (from his blog): ...they get dealt the consequences for disobeying God. The Clintons and the Clinton run Democrat Party have been given the chance to repent, but refused to repent. Chelsea Clinton is not innocent either. She has aided and abetted the Cabal with her crooked husband, a nephew of George Soros. She will likely face execution in the upcoming military tribunals, along with her husband and children. (Posted on June 10, 2023 by myfoxmystere).

    Qtard: you can EXPLAIN -- why anybody should respond to such a lame requests from such a dumb shit??? **cretinic laughter**

    That wasn't a "request". I called out Mystere for NOT watching the video when he indicated he did. You can STOP responding to anything I write. It won't hurt my feelings. As opposed to BEGGING me for responses. With "no cretinic responses here" and whines when I abandon discussions with you after they have gone on and on and on and on. You just repeating the same lies over and over -- and calling your lies "bare facts".

    Qtard: Well... I'll play with you here, for one more time. And will answer to that request -- because Truth are Self-Evodant -- and need not more explanation? ;-P But you are dumb shit... which UNable to understand truth. Because Reality to you -- are delusions. And your delusions is reality to you. ;-P **cretinic laughter** Happy? ;-P

    No, because you lied. Well, as usual. You said "And will answer to that request"... but you did not. The "request" (to Mystere) was to say something about the video -- to prove he watched it. Obviously you did not watch it either. Still you also are commenting.

    Minus said "So he posts not knowing anything about what was discussed". But both you and Mystere did as well. But will Minus care? Give same criticism to 2 other non-watchers? NO. Absolutely not.

    Qtard: Oh... and we KNOW price of such your "never happening" HERE. And for sure. As being outright COUNTER-factual LIES.

    FACT. Unless donald tRump becomes predisent again. Then it could. But he will be purging anyone who ISN'T a tRumper. And that is another FACT (something you know NOTHING about). He has said so. But you'll probably still say no, ONLY "DEMNS" would do such a thing. In your rightturd delusions.

    Qtard: And you are too dumb to cooperate with your neighbours... to buy a Starlink? ;-P

    Elon Musk can go f*ck himself. No neighbor wants starlink. They ALL pay less for better internet. I just got lucky and am out of range to get either Charter or Spectrum (which neighbors have). I researched it, asshole.

  16. \\They AREN'T investigating Trumpers? What about the official letters and enquiries then? What about the firings of anti-vaxxers from government positions during the pandemic? What about Letitia James new investigation?

    (tongue in chickque) That is all tin foil nuttery and FAKE news. ;-P

  17. \\Because there never was any "Zero-bama administration". An imaginary presidential administration has no power to do anything. Mohamedou Ould Slahi, who was the subject of the documentary The Mauritanian was released in 2016. Obama was president.

    Yeah... because that would be UTTER SHAME... if dRump would do that. And use it to sunlight Zero-bama's crimes.


    \\fyi, it is a FACT that Barack Obama tried to close Gitmo.

    Who cares about anybody's "tryes"??? RESULTS is the King of all!

    \\Yet you (due to being a moron) probably think it is the fault of imaginary "DEMNs", the imaginary "Zero-bama" and the imaginary "Bi-den". But definitely NOT the fault of "dRump" or Congressional republicans.

    By now... I know as a fact -- whenever and each(?) time DEMN-rat lays out poop egg into its own pants -- THAT IS dRump's EGG!!!! %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\You DO NOT CARE about this person. AT ALL. You only bring him up to criticize Obama. If Mohamedou Ould Slahi is who you are talking about. I remember that conversation, but I am not 100 percent certain this was the person we were talking about. As per Wikipedia, "Slahi traveled from his home in Germany to Afghanistan in December 1990 to support the mujahideen [and] Slahi trained in an al Qaeda camp and swore allegiance to the organization in March 1991". So he was an "accomplice". More so than the people being slaughtered in Gaza that you don't give a sh!t about either.


    Gibberish waterfall of DEMN-feces.

    \\Qtard: Right after that as you'd explain how Ukrainians can be nazis and dRump -- fascist.

    \\So that is a NO. Exactly the answer I was expecting. A dodge. Deployed because you realized what you said was stupid.

    Yeah. DEMN-cretins are ALWAYS against fair-play. Like, "let's play fair -- I'll explain my point and you explain yours".


    \\Qtard: \\[quoting my comment directed at Mystere] What you did with your NINE comments in which you said absolutely nothing about the topic. Except to say the video contains "truths". EXPLAIN those truths. I bet you can not and WILL NOT\\ Trying to use MY, MUCH SMARTER opponent "tricks".

    \\BULL SH!T. That was no trick.

    You called it tricks.

    Me using logic and basing my arguments on stone cold facts.


    \\It was a factual observation.

    Than... it should pose NO problem to you -- to cite and/or refer to that said FACTS.



    You never able.

    And will never be.

    Because -- you are cretin.

    And that "facts" are your cretinic delusions. ;-P

    \\What Minus is discussing (video you didn't watch) will NOT happen in the United States.


    because Gitmo -- was NOT in USA too? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Without court trial. Without right to appeal. Just because political power DECIDED to outlaw em, and people aligned with that power approved it -- in UNdemocratic way.

    \\Gitmo was opened by republican president george bush.

    So what???

    \\Obama tried to close...

    Tryes... doesn't counts.

    \\tRump signed executive orders to keep it open.

    See... that's -- results.

    And I understand people that venerate dRump -- he, provides results. Instead of silly limp-dick "tries".


    \\YOU don't care about about anyone being held there. They are ALL (in your rightturd parlance) "accomplices".

    I'm powerless.

    I can't even go before WH to protest against it.

    So, WHY should I bother myself????

    THAT IS *YOUR* DEMN country wrongdoings. Wrongoings you do NOTHING to fix.

    But... trying to demand foreigner from far-far-away to come and fix it instead of you???? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  18. Qtard: Yeah... because that would be UTTER SHAME... if dRump would do that. And use it to sunlight Zero-bama's crimes.

    "Crimes" that exist only in your delusions.

    Qtard: Who cares about anybody's "tryes"??? RESULTS is the King of all!

    King. Yeah, that's what you think the USA president is. Obama could still close Gitmo (somehow) even though he was blocked by Congress. A coequal branch of government. But you dunno anything about that. As you have proven OVER AND OVER.

    Qtard: Gibberish waterfall of DEMN-feces.

    You say because FACTS to you are "gibberish". You CAN'T understand them. Also FACTS to you are "feces". Because you HATE them so much. Due (in part) NOT being able to understand them.

    Qtard: \\tRump signed executive orders to keep it open.\\See... that's -- results.

    PROOF you don't give a shit about anyone at Gitmo. And NEVER did. Even though you called it a "crime" to keep innocent people imprisoned there. NOW (when tRump does it) that crime becomes "results" and gets a thumbs up from you.

    Qtard: \\YOU don't care about about anyone being held there. They are ALL (in your rightturd parlance) "accomplices"\\I'm powerless.

    But you don't want them released. You just said keeping innocent Gitmo prisoners behind bars is "results".

    Qtard: THAT IS *YOUR* DEMN country wrongdoings. Wrongoings you do NOTHING to fix.

    Even more bullshit. You support it. Keeping innocent people imprisoned at Gitmo. You just called it "results". Also killing innocent Gazan citizens. You call them "accomplices" and support them being killed.

    You call Obama trying to close Gitmo "wrongdoing" but tRump keeping it open "results" because you're a bigly hypocrite. You probably think it was also "results" when innocent people were swept up along with guilty ones and sent to Gitmo under gwb. And gwb did nothing about it. Kept the innocent people locked up.

    Qtard: But... trying to demand foreigner from far-far-away to come and fix it instead of you?

    Bullshit strawmaning. I never demanded or even suggested you could fix anything. I only pointed out your MAJOR hypocrisy and bigly lies.

  19. πŸ”ΊOH MY! This is fun! πŸ”Ί

    I admit I enjoy being a smart aleck with few words. However, when I toss a few words here at Dervish, it, in the wise words of Liberal Race Hustler Jessie Jackson, "Chops His Nuts." πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    CHOP CHOP DERVISH! WHAT'S IN YOUR WHITE MAN CHOP SUEY?πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ¦˜πŸ¦˜πŸ¦˜πŸ¦˜πŸ¦˜πŸ¦˜πŸ¦˜πŸ¦˜πŸ¦˜πŸ¦˜

  20. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Yeah... because that would be UTTER SHAME... if dRump would do that. And use it to sunlight Zero-bama's crimes.

    \\ "Crimes" that exist only in your delusions.

    Yeah. Holding INNOCENT man in Gitmo -- that is NOT a crime, for such a totalitarian cretin as you are.

    And who could doubt it??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Who cares about anybody's "tryes"??? RESULTS is the King of all!


    That is figurative speech. When one want to say that something is one the top -- it is commonly understood metaphor -- to call it King.

    Like "king of a hill" game. Or... whatever.

    \\You say because FACTS to you are "gibberish". You CAN'T understand them. Also FACTS to you are "feces". Because you HATE them so much. Due (in part) NOT being able to understand them.


    You talking about ITself here. In NewSpeak -- substituting "I" with "you".

    Because that is you are one who calling Perfectly Factual Quotes -- dirty tricks. ;-P

    And dislike facts AKA references to Reality itself, very much.

    Like perfectly factual fact -- that dRump -- NOT in jail. And only going on debates... with Bi-den. ;-P

    "repist", "insurrectionist", "convicted criminal" -- as DEMN propaganda hawling.

    But still... DEMN POTUS going to debate with him... instead of showelling him behind bars. ;-P

    And that is what makes all DEMN-cerins CRAZY -- such a cognitive dissonance -- they cannot grasp. %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\PROOF you don't give a shit about anyone at Gitmo. And NEVER did.

    And why should *I*????

    As foreigner from far-far-away... who have NO saying in such a USA political matters?????

    You -- USAian -- IGNORING such a anti-human crimes of YOUR country.


    Somehow. That is MY responsibility, to care (and to FIX em) about em??????

    How come??? %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Even though you called it a "crime" to keep innocent people imprisoned there.

    And to you it not???

    Because you are wholeheartedly are totalitarian -- see not problem with it?

    \\NOW (when tRump does it) that crime becomes "results" and gets a thumbs up from you.

    I said what I said -- that I understand why SOME USAians do venerate him.

    There was NOTHING about my assessment of that person said.

    Moreover, I show my low regard to it, each time -- with calling it dRump.

    But... you DEMN totalitarian cretin need to spin it in accordance with DEMN totalitarian propaganda. "Those who not with us, is against us".


    \\But you don't want them released. You just said keeping innocent Gitmo prisoners behind bars is "results".

    I have NO means to achieve it.

    And even MORE than that -- my such tryes, could be seen as International Crime.

    But... you DEMN totalitarian cretin do not care about crimes, isn't it???

    Anything that done in a name of your holy DEMN propaganda -- automatically became Justice, yes cretin -- THAT is how you see things??? %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  21. \\Qtard: THAT IS *YOUR* DEMN country wrongdoings. Wrongoings you do NOTHING to fix.

    \\Even more bullshit. You support it.


    I living thousand miles away!

    I have NO involvement with ANY USA officials, or even plain citizens of USA.

    Well, except talking through Internet with some. Like here.

    HOW???? I can "support" something. Or "prevent" something from happening.

    On the territory of USA????


    But... you are totalitarian crazy cretin not for nothing.

    That's why you produce such a shitty thoughts.

    But... continue-continue, yo, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Keeping innocent people imprisoned at Gitmo. You just called it "results".

    If I'll say that stone fell on your head and killed you, as a result -- I'd became a murderer??? (just like detectives who investigate crime scene)

    Just by a stating fact? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Yeah. You are really totally completely are crazy cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\Also killing innocent Gazan citizens. You call them "accomplices" and support them being killed.

    They started a war.

    And that mean they reap what they saw.

    \\You call Obama trying to close Gitmo "wrongdoing"


    Lying scum like you are, cannot help it -- need to twist FACTS into lies.

    I was saying it about NOT FREEING innocent man, about which COURT JUDGMENTS was given.

    \\You probably think it was also "results" when innocent people were swept up along with guilty ones and sent to Gitmo under gwb. And gwb did nothing about it. Kept the innocent people locked up.


    That is YOUR country wrongdoings -- why YOU did NOTHING about it??? Ahhhh???

    \\Qtard: But... trying to demand foreigner from far-far-away to come and fix it instead of you?

    \\Bullshit strawmaning.

    Waaa... what!!!!!!

    Just in PREVIOUS sentence you ACCuSED me in "You probably think it was also "results" when innocent people were swept up along with guilty ones and sent to Gitmo under gwb."

    While *I* -- as foreigner. HAVE NO SAY about such matters.

    And even STRICTLY prohibited, to have such saying... by international laws.

    But... you are BIGGLY cretin.

    That's why such a staunch illogic... is not a problem to you. :-)))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\I never demanded or even suggested you could fix anything. I only pointed out your MAJOR hypocrisy and bigly lies.

    You. USAian. ONE who CAN. Have ALL constitutional rights and even obligations -- to make you country to NOT commit crimes -- but you DO NOT do that.

    Saying "not my business" EVERY time.

    But... trying to ACCUSE foreigner -- who have NOTHING, really NO BUSINESS into any of such matters...

    Yeah... because you really are totalitarian and hypocritical DEMN-cretin.

    100% of it.

