Thursday, June 13, 2024

Spokesman for White Supremacy... @@

A Prescription for Free AND Freed Men!


  1. Since Dervy isn't commenting on this I can only assume he's following the DNC unwritten rule to never criticize a Black man unless he has a hard (R) after it.

    On a 2017 episode of the Sam Harris podcast Making Sense, Loury stated that while he used to be "a Reagan conservative", he now thought of himself as a "centrist Democrat, or maybe a mildly right-of-center Democrat."[21] The New York Times described Loury as "conservative-leaning" and The Wall Street Journal described Loury as a “Reagan Republican”.[22][23]

    On January 9, 2007, Loury spoke out against increasing the number of troops in Iraq.[24]

    Presidential elections and candidates
    Loury was opposed to Barack Obama in his 2008 presidential run.[25] He continued to criticize Obama as president calling his tenure “depressing in the extreme" and also criticized Obama's closeness to Al Sharpton.[26][27]

    In 2016, he supported Hillary Clinton.[28] After the 2016 United States presidential election, Loury said it was dangerous for people not to recognize Donald Trump as the 45th President. During debates with John McWhorter, Loury defended Donald Trump.[29] During Trump's presidency he doubted claims that Trump was an existential threat to the public. After Trump refused to concede that he lost the 2020 United States presidential election, however, he rebuked Trump.[30] Loury would later blame Trump for the 2021 United States Capitol attack but opposed the second impeachment of Donald Trump.[31]

  2. Glenn Loury is an Uncle Tom.

  3. Nah, the Uncle Toms are all progressives. Glen's a field working negro, not your typical DNC bred plantation house negro.

  4. Neither you nor Mystere (faking a comment from me again) even knows what an "Uncle Tom" is.

    That "Uncle Tom" means a subservient Black person is due to an "erroneous interpretation of the novel. The original Uncle Tom is, well, no Uncle Tom. Like millions of his real-life counterparts at the time, Tom is enslaved. He also has courage, dignity and a strong sense of what is right. When ordered by his cruel master, Simon Legree, to whip another slave, Tom refuses; he later encourages two other slaves to escape, and when Legree confronts him, asking where they have gone, Tom refuses to reveal their whereabouts, a decision that costs him his life". link

    If Minus, when he says "the Uncle Toms are all progressives", means that Black progressives stand up for what is right regardless of the personal cost (like the Uncle Tom in the novel), then I say he has a point.

    But I DO NOT USE that term. Because of how it came to mean a Black person who is subservient to Whites. If that is what Minus is saying (which I am SURE he is) the reason is because he is a racist. As is Mystere.

    There is a diversity of opinion among Black people, same as there is a diversity of opinion among ALL people. I didn't hear Glenn Loury say anything that caused me to think he was acting as a spokesperson for White Supremacy. If you asked him, "are you a spokesman for White Supremacy", Minus thinks he would say "yes"?

    Naah. That's just what Minus thinks is the Progressive viewpoint. White racist rightturds think that, if everyone is competing on a equal playing field, then OBVIOUSLY the result will be less Black representation. Because Blacks aren't a smart as Whites. If you want to increase representation (as Progressives do) then OBVIOUSLY you've got to give jobs to LESS qualified Blacks. And discriminate against MORE qualified Whites (he made this exact argument when Joe Biden nominated KBJ to the scotus).

    But that is NOT what Progressives believe. Progressives believe that minority representation can be increased by selecting QUALIFIED Blacks (or other minorities) for positions. You don't need to compromise by rejecting the more qualified White to hire a less qualified Black.

    But that is how your racist minds' work.

    I have NEVER called any Black person an "UNCLE TOM". Mystere does so constantly. While faking comments using my display name. But writing such comments comes naturally to him, because he is a racist.

  5. I obviously disagree with what you cut and pasted about Glenn Loury's views concerning Barack Obama and donald tRump. tRump definitely should have been impeached the second time. And removed. Even though his term was at it's end. A conviction would have disqualified from running again (for certain). He is an insurrectionist and cannot hold the office of president as per the Constitution :P

    But I do not use that term. If you see a comment that appears to be by me that uses that term -- it is a Mystere fake. I don't use that term and I never will.

  6. Loury refuses to be a magical negro for any political party, unlike certain others....

  7. As for me, I can use any term I like. I don't have any "unwritten rules" about special words or hate speech or compulsive positivity.

  8. In other words, i don't need to patronize anyone.

  9. btw - Can you please send one of your qualified black men or women to run for Mayor of Baltimore City. The last three haven't quite worked out very well.

  10. Minus: As for me, I can use any term I like.

    Mystere knows it's racist. That's why he uses it when he fakes comments from me -- it make me look racist.

    So... you're proudly admitting to being a racist?

  11. I'm proudly admitting that I don't care what race anyone is. And if your "race identity BS" is dragging moral hazards into my American culture, I'm going to call you out for it.

  12. Minus: I'm proudly admitting that I don't care what race anyone is.

    Baloney. I remember you ranting about Joe Biden selecting a Black woman for the supreme Court. You were quite steamed the nominee wasn't a white man.

    Your obsession with race also explains this nonsense about Michelle Obama somehow becoming the Democrat's 2024 POTUS candidate. White conservative racists especially hate Black women. Because they are very reliable Democratic voters.

  13. Why did Biden select her? BECAUSE SHE WAS BLACK! Not because she was the most competent constitutional scholar or jurist. Race was the job's PREREQUISITE. THAT is what I object to.

  14. But plants... WANT Bwando! ;-P

    Why you STILL think that that is result of conscious process of thinking... I totally puzzled. ;-P

  15. Excluding evidence is also a product of the process of thinking (so as to not HAVE to think)... like "baby teeth".


    Hate to get into politics, but that is where doublethink shines the most.

    I am Russian, and I have seen countless numbers of people both making Russia out to be an all-powerful empire of evil that cannot be stopped, and then saying that it's a regional power, a "gas station" country and is gonna crumble any minute. I've seen people say that Russians are oppressed by the government and need to be saved, and at the same time holding the Russian people responsible for Putin still being in power.

    Now, I'm not advocating for any side, it's just that I've noticed that sort of thing so many times now, it's impossible not to mention. The Russian media are doing similar things here too, nobody's free of that crap, it seems.


    Orwell's conception of doublethink is pretty over-the-top, so you won't be seeing a lot of it clearly represented in real life.

    Oh, yes??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... same time.

    So 1984 is basically about thought control. Newspeak was the government's means of controlling thought about by breaking language down and essentially banning words with complex thoughts behind them. Doublethink was the government's means of controlling thought by getting them to accept contradictory ideas. If they believe "war is peace," then the government is free to pursue actual peace or war "for peace" without citizens having the intellectual tools to disagree.

  17. erratum above - "...not to have to re-think"

  18. \\Excluding evidence is also a product of the process of thinking (so as to not HAVE to think)... like "baby teeth".


    That's reflectory reaction. ;-P

  19. Laziness????

    In a form of spamming on the Internet non-stop??? %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  20. ...coupled with the obsessive compulsive Disorder (OCD) of a Manic-Depressive?

  21. ie - An activist? Doesn't think, just "acts" and produces thoughtless "motion" on the keyboard based in a priori conceptions.

  22. or much like Pygmalion, feels compelled to defend his beloved ideologies "honour" despite all her over-exposed 'defects'.

  23. ...for just look at how extensive his commitment to crafting and sustaining her it has been. He would certainly wish to avoid suffering the loss of energy and therefore adhere to a sunk cost fallacy instead of re-thinking his a priori thought position.

  24. Henlon's Razor. Yawn.

    My explanation is much more brief and to the point.

    He is cretin -- who have not own mental agency. That's why it clings to "those, who know better". And re-chanting their propaganda.

    Because that is -- effective.

    And seems like make it feel itself good.

  25. \\...coupled with the obsessive compulsive Disorder (OCD) of a Manic-Depressive?

    That would need it to be at least average smart.

    I bet that it's more suits DiDi... with his compulsion toward Hitler. ;-P

    \\ie - An activist?

    To be an activist... one need to have some STroNg ideals.

    And this one... leaping like that flee by a hot plate.

    One time he tells that Ukrainians are nazis... second time, that not, and he NEVER said it.

    Activist in such sense -- that is DiBi, with his cretinic ideas about wagers.

    \\or much like Pygmalion, feels compelled to defend his beloved ideologies "honour" despite all her over-exposed 'defects'.

    Oh... that's pShaw. ;-P

    \\...for just look at how extensive his commitment to crafting and sustaining her it has been. He would certainly wish to avoid suffering the loss of energy and therefore adhere to a sunk cost fallacy instead of re-thinking his a priori thought position.

    And this... more like... you. ;-)

  26. With your ideas that Ancient Greeks wisdom applicable today.

  27. ????

    Well... what is dead, cannot die further. It need to be de-spelled. ;-P

  28. Decontextualized and given a new "line of flight" and Recontextualized. Deleuzian reterritorialization.

  29. Qtard: Henlon's Razor. Yawn. My explanation is much more brief and to the point.
    He is cretin -- who have not own mental agency. That's why it clings to "those, who know better". And re-chanting their propaganda.

    Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.

    A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial matters. People with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally unhappy and disappointed when they're not given the special favors or admiration that they believe they deserve. They may find their relationships troubled and unfulfilling, and other people may not enjoy being around them.

    Delusions of grandeur, also known as expansive delusions or grandiose delusions, are a type of false belief that someone has extraordinary traits, such as wealth, power, or fame. People with delusions of grandeur are convinced that their beliefs are true, and they may see themselves as special, chosen, or destined for greatness.

    "I studied Physics in school. With excellent grades. And... I'm smart". link.

    Expert knowledge to Qtard is "propaganda". Because IT is MUCH smarter than any expert -- in Qtard's grandiose delusions.

  30. NPD - Everyone who posts on the Internet. Jes' sayin'.

  31. \\Delusions of grandeur, also known as expansive delusions or grandiose delusions, are a type of false belief that someone has extraordinary traits, such as wealth, power, or fame. People with delusions of grandeur are convinced that their beliefs are true, and they may see themselves as special, chosen, or destined for greatness.

    \\"I studied Physics in school. With excellent grades. And... I'm smart". link.


    For such a cretin as you are -- mere studing in school -- is "Delusion of grandeur". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    You revealed itself to the foolest, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))

  32. Qtard: There's NO END of scientist who showed their stupidity... like, most glaring example -- Einstein, that was not able to grok QM. ;-P

    To the (self perceived) uber genius Qtard, Albert Einstein (or "Alber Einstain" as the moron previously referred to him) is stupid.

    Delusion of grandeur CONFIRMED.

    And I never said that studying in school is a delusion of grandeur. Though Qtard said IT was "studing" in school. Maybe IT means IT was impregnating females while in school? Is that what Qtard thinks students do in school? Instead of studying, they spend their time "studing"? No wonder it is so incredibly DUMB.

  33. \\To the (self perceived) uber genius Qtard, Albert Einstein (or "Alber Einstain" as the moron previously referred to him) is stupid.

    Nobody can be All-Wise.

    But such a cretin as you are -- cannot get it? Yes.

    You think that merely beaten in you grammar... and ability to ask Google -- makes you all-wise wiseman, yes cretin???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Delusion of grandeur CONFIRMED.

    From knowing some trivia from History of Science?

    OK, Google "did Albert Einstein understand QM?"

    The mathematics of quantum mechanics is not difficult. Einstein was certainly very well acquainted with it. Einstein's problem was with the interpretation of quantum mechanics. In particular, he believed the theory to be incomplete.Jun 17, 2017

    Did Albert Einstein understand quantum physics? - Quora
    Quora › Did-Albert-Einstein-understan...

    \\And I never said that studying in school is a delusion of grandeur. Though Qtard said IT was "studing" in school. Maybe IT means IT was impregnating females while in school? Is that what Qtard thinks students do in school? Instead of studying, they spend their time "studing"? No wonder it is so incredibly DUMB.

    More self-revealing babbling?

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
