Sunday, June 9, 2024

RFK Jr and Tucker

^^Democrats Reaction to the above Video^^


  1. Democrats are closing their eyes to avoid seeing a video that isn't there? And it says it was removed by the uploader. So, not by YouTube. Still you'll probably cry "censorship", yes?

  2. "Censorship" message...

    If you see the "Video removed" message next to one of your uploaded videos, it means the video has been found to violate our policies and has been taken off YouTube.

    Self censorship message...

    The message Video Unavailable: "This video has been removed by the uploader" means that the person who uploaded the video has consciously decided to remove it, thus making it unavailable for viewing. It is unrelated to any technical issues or outages.

  3. After being pressed to do that? ;-P

  4. Tucker pushed it behind his paywall.

  5. Qtard: After being pressed to do that? ;-P

    Yes. By himself. Confirmed by Minus FJ. He knows because he saw the video behind Tucker's paywall? Because he is a paid subscriber to "Putin's propaganda via Tucker"?

  6. I know because someone who had access to content behind Tucker's paywall copied it and posted it to YouTube, and was then ordered to take it down. For a limited time, you could have watched it gratis... but you were just a lazy f*ck who was too slow, Derv.

  7. For a limited time, you could have watched it gratis... but you were just a lazy f*ck who was too slow, Derv.

    "Laziness" due to not really wanting to watch Tucker's bullplop. Now, for the rest of all time I can NOT watch it gratis.

    Someone who had access to content behind Tucker's paywall copied it and posted it to YouTube.

    Doesn't it mean "someone" stole it? And I would be guilty of receiving stolen property though my eyes by viewing? I'm glad I didn't inadvertently commit a crime.

    btw, NewsMax just sent me a text that says the politically persecuted Hunter Biden has been found "guilty" of being the president's son. But... let me guess, Qtard will have ZERO problems with this political persecution. Because IT is only concerned about the legit prosecution of the lawbreaking Orange Turd, dotard donald tRump. Thinks "dRump" should be allowed to commit as many crimes as he wants. Also donald tRump.

    You are probably very happy. Will call this "justice". Huh? Or a tit for tat. In which case (if it is a tit for tat) that is PROOF Hunter was politically persecuted. Well, your admission that it was. MANY people already KNOW Hunter Biden was politically persecuted.

    Quote: The gun charges stand out as unusual, experts have said. ... Even Sen. Lindsey Graham said ... "I don't think the average American would have been charged with the gun thing". ... The evidence against Hunter in the gun case appears strong, but it would be very unlikely to have been brought if his name was Hunter Smith. Politics has clearly affected the prosecution’s decisions. 6/6/2024

    Joe Biden has said he would accept the verdict in the republiturd persecution of his son and not pardon him, but I say f*ck that. As soon as he is reelected the FIRST thing he should do is pardon his politically persecuted son. Then fire Merrick Garland. He allowed this to happen. IF there is a prison sentence (which there absolutely should not be). If not he could wait until his second term ends.

  8. I know because someone who had access to content behind Tucker's paywall copied it and posted it to YouTube, and was then ordered to take it down.

    Is that "someone" you?

  9. Hunter Biden is a USIC intelligence asset. Any time he does will be supervised by "the farm".

  10. Is that "someone" you?

    Nope. I simply applied Ockham's razor.

  11. I didn't say you were wrong about the Tucker video. You are definitely wrong about Hunter Biden being a USIC intelligence asset. That is tinfoil hat nuttery.

    You have no opinion about his convictions?

  12. Hunter may be 100% guilty, but then, as a USIC operative, THAT was the whole point. He's the new Jeffrey Epstein.

  13. The FBI's new motto, "We break the law to catch law breakers!" And Hunter was a CI, kinda like Whitey Bulgar.

  14. wtf does "He's the new Jeffrey Epstein" mean?

    Minus: The FBI's new motto, "We break the law to catch law breakers!"

    That isn't new. But it has nothing to do with Hunter Biden.

    Minus: And Hunter was a CI, kinda like Whitey Bulgar.

    No. Why would the (imaginary) "deep state" allow their (imaginary) CI to even be charged?

  15. wtf does "He's the new Jeffrey Epstein" mean?

    Is there a deep state hit on Hunter Biden? He will commit "suicide" soon? If so, I think the likely orchestrators are rightturds. Because that might very well destroy Joe Biden. But it's probably leftists in your delusions. Get Joe Biden to step down due to grief and be replaced by Michelle Obama. Is that it?

  16. \\He will commit "suicide" soon?

    And what if he'd do???

    You'll just follow DEMN propaganda narrative. ;-p

  17. Epstein was an FBI and CIA CI who collected "kompromat" on the rich and powerful in order to use them in intel ops.

  18. For doing so, they kept him out of legal trouble.

  19. Qtard: And what if he'd do??? You'll just follow DEMN propaganda narrative. ;-p

    I don't follow propaganda narratives. Certainly not from this imaginary "DEMN" you keep babbling about.

    Minus: Epstein was an FBI and CIA CI who collected "kompromat" on the rich and powerful in order to use them in intel ops.

    What is the evidence that was the case? Your delusions?

    Minus: For doing so, they kept him out of legal trouble.

    It seems to me that Hunter Biden is in a lot of legal trouble. How do you think he is going to get out of it?

  20. Hunter, like Epstein eventual fell under public scrutiny for too flagrantly flaunting their immunity... so to "restore perceptions", were prosecuted for their lightest violations and given lenient sentences in the vain hope of tempering their hubris.

  21. ...and to advertise them to new power and criminal elements to gain new kompromat on them.

  22. Hunter and Epstein were USIC "bait".

  23. Why else would the ENTIRE USIC come out to deny Hunter's laptop?

  24. Minus: Why else would the ENTIRE USIC come out to deny Hunter's laptop?

    Because there is no "Hunter Biden Laptop" that was taken to the repair shop of a blind computer repair shop owner. That's the cover story. The source of the data was Hunter Biden's hacked iCloud account. Rudy Giuliani received the HD from his Russian spy contact. Then the HD (filled with the hacked data and Russian disinformation) was inserted into a laptop that may or may not have (at one time) belonged to Hunter Biden. The "Mac Issac repair shop" story is fiction. Though I don't know if Mac Issac was in on the frame job or was fooled. Given that he is blind. They might have had someone play "Hunter Biden" and drop off the laptop. That's why. What I don't understand is why Rudy Giuliani hasn't been arrested. We've been over this before.

  25. You didn't watch the trial. The FBI admitted its' complete authenticity.

  26. Proving the contents fake should have been an easy task for Hunter. But he couldn't. He could have called any recipient of any e-mail in the laptop to testify that they never received it. He called no one to dispute the contents.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Did the FBI (in documenting the chain of custody for the laptop and it's contents) contact the Russian hackers that broke into Hunter Biden's iCloud account? Did they interview Rudy Giuliani and he told them all about how he acquired it from Andrii Derkach? Was all that info (about the chain of custody) presented in court?

  29. Did the defense challenge or disprove even one laptop e-mail or picture?

  30. Don't House republicans have a copy of the hard drive and allegedly (I read on Mystere's blog) there are pictures of Hunter Biden having sex with minors? So why has he NOT been charged for molesting children or possessing child pornography?

    You say you think the FBI is covering up for his more serious crimes, right? But Rudy Giuliani has/had a copy -- and I mean even if you don't believe that Giuliani is the SOURCE of the hard drive. Mac Isaac says he gave it to Giuliani after Hunter "abandoned" it at his repair shop.

    So, if there is child porn on the hard drive (or proof of any other serious crimes), then it's the FBI AND trumpers who are covering up for him. Giuliani and Mac Isaac had the hard drive BEFORE it was turned over to the FBI.

    My guess would be that his team didn't challenge any of the laptop emails or images presented in court as evidence against him because those specific emails and images are genuine. That doesn't make everything on the laptop genuine. Did the FBI give Hunter's legal team a copy of the hard drive for his team of forensic experts to examine?

    According to YOU (I can logically conclude) House republicans (who have a copy) must have not gotten an unaltered copy? Otherwise they'd have proof of the more serious crimes that Hunter is guilty of. So the FBI must have given an altered copy of the hard drive (as part of their efforts to cover for him)?

    Or House republicans got a copy from Giuliani (I'm not sure where they got their copy. You tell me). If that is the case, then there obviously isn't anything incriminating (beyond the use of it to show he was still on drugs when he owned the gun). Otherwise House republicans would have DONE something with that evidence. Which means, Hunter Biden is CLEARED of any other wrongdoing.

    And the question still remains, if Hunter Biden's data was backed up to the cloud (and I have read that it was), why would he take a laptop with embarrassing and possibly incriminating stuff on it to a repair shop for data recovery??? Because the person recovering the data will OF COURSE be able to view the embarrassing and possibly incriminating stuff. When he would have (to avoid incriminating himself) get a new hard drive and download his backup to it? If not to incriminate himself, then because it would be EASIER and CHEAPER to do this. And then DESTROY the (allegedly) water damaged hard drive. That makes no sense.

    That is how I know the laptop is fake. He could have just trashed the laptop and bought a new one. Given that all his data is in the cloud. WHY would he take it to a repair shop?

    This is a selective prosecution. People are never charged with this crime unless they commit a violent act or crime using the gun they acquired by lying on a federal form. Then it's used as an enhancement. Hunter Biden didn't even have the gun for very long.

  31. Joe??? Is there a way to FoRBID for author to delete own comments here, in options of Blogger?

    Seems like our cretinic liar found a new trick -- to produce some lying BS... and then delete own post with it.

    Not like it'll be of much help... but still, it is little bit disruptive and distracting.

  32. Sorry, the user has control over their comments... although a record of the fact of the deletion remains unless I delete that (I think). Only the blog owner can delete record of the deletion.

  33. Pictures were printed from Hunters laptop, which then were subsequently falsely deleted by internet censors as "russian disinformation". But we understand. You're a strict oficialista that only believes the government's 'official lies" and misinformation.

  34. ...cuz they are all "NOBLE lies", like average group intelligence for all races is the same. @@

  35. Because intelligence is a happenstance of environment in which this or that "race" living? ;-P

  36. It's a "time dependent" process. Europeans are at least a millenium into it. Africans, not so much. Cultural bias? Youbetcha.

  37. Flynn effect? The racial "gap" persists as the cultural environment and technologies accelerate and reward "intelligence" (formerly only acquired in universities by 'elites' with already high hereditary crystallized intelligence levels.

  38. Until it not? ;-P

  39. Yup. And we regress back towards the mean (primates).

  40. It... not how it works.

    "It's not possible to enter that same river again"(c)

  41. Sell that mythology to the Eloi you techno Morlock!
