Tuesday, June 4, 2024

New Infamy: American Digital Fence Now Replaces the Old Brick & Mortar Berlin Wall

There is a lot of speculation on Twitter, and by over-eager readers, that Judge Napolitano had his trip to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum also cancelled by US officials, and in a more extreme version of the tale, was traveling with Ritter and removed from the plane with him. Napolitano has twice denied it on his first programs on Monday.
It was about sticking it to the Russians’ – Scott Ritter on US seizure of his passport
The American journalist was prevented by the Department of State from attending a major event in St. Petersburg
American journalist Scott Ritter has been prevented from visiting Russia to attend a high-profile event in a move that he claims was motivated by spite on the part of the US Department of State.

Ritter was scheduled to participate in two panel discussions at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) this week. He was stopped from boarding a Turkish Airlines flight on Monday, when US border officials seized his passport, he reported after the incident.

“They didn’t just get me. They got the Russians, and that was the purpose. They stuck it to the Russians,” the vocal critic of US government policies said on his show later in the day.

The former US Marine previously served as a senior UN inspector and was tasked with searching for weapons of mass destruction in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. He opposed the 2003 invasion of the country by the US, and has since expressed negative opinions of many of Washington’s actions.

In 2011, Ritter was convicted in a sex-offense case in Pennsylvania, which he maintains was a miscarriage of justice. Arising from his conviction, he is obliged to inform the authorities about foreign travel plans at least 21 days in advance. Even if his passport is returned, therefore, he will be forced to skip SPIEF.

“This was a deliberate ambush,” he said. Ritter said he overheard an airline employee saying that his baggage had been loaded last because they were tipped off that he would not be allowed to leave the country.

The journalist said he was “100% certain” that the Department of State was retaliating against him for his friendly attitude towards Russia. The actions of the US government were “purely spiteful,” since it could just have called him to tell he was grounded, he explained.

The political commentator said he had also planned to attend a security event in Moscow, as well as touring several Russian regions to offer his audience an in-depth view on life in the country. He had given the US authorities notice of these plans, as required.

“I am thinking they’ve freaked out,” he said of US officials. “They saw ‘St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.’ They saw ‘Moscow International Security Conference.’ And they’ve said: ‘Shut this thing down.’ And that’s what they did.”

Ukrainian men now being Shanghai'd off the streets in "street conscriptions" to serve as Russian cannon fodder. 

Stop the madness.  America now leads the world' largest National Security (Stasi) State.  Is this trip cancellation anticipating an imminent major military or terror strike against Russia and the commencment of WWIII, or simply signalling the start of a new phase of USIC lead State repression?  We'll find out soon enough.

btw - The digital fence in action:


  1. Yap.

    Spies need to have free pass... EVERYWHERE!!!!

  2. US citizenship obviously means nothing. The Constitution has been rendered null and void.

  3. There's no chapters in US constitution devoted to war-time???

  4. Yes there are. But you have to declare war in order to implement them.

  5. Ah, THAT's right the WoT declaration covers Forever Wars...

  6. Class struggle is ETERNAL. ;-P

  7. Apparently, so are the Constitutional suspensions.

  8. There's not laws... just us. ;-)

  9. Right. Rule BY Law. Not Rule OF Law. Prejudicially applied.

  10. They are men-written anyway... that laws. Yawn. ;-P

    Well... "those who like sausages and venerate laws... better NOT look into how it made". ;-P

  11. "The more numerous the laws, the more corrupt the state." - Tacitus

  12. Maybe they should be allowed to travel to Russia, but then denied reentry into the United States? Google says US citizenship can be revoked for "committing treason against the United States".

    Them leaving the country to communicate (in person) with their employers in Russia -- that sounds like a good opportunity to get rid of these 2 turds.

    Most US citizens would take the advice of the State Department and not travel to Russia. One bigly reason not to go would be because Russia might not let you leave. But traitors working for Putin have no worries, of course.

    US State Department: Do not travel to Russia due to the unpredictable consequences of the unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces, the potential for harassment and the singling out of U.S. citizens for detention by Russian government security officials...

  13. Dervy now applauds the Berlin Wall. Way to go, Derv.

  14. Where did you see me say "I applaud the Berlin wall"? Must have been your delusions, because I've never said anything like that.

  15. Because some other of SAMEBODY cretin said it? ;-P

  16. ∆ crazy moron ∆

    Only "Thersites" said it. Now you think "Thersites" is an alter ego of mine?

    Or, you can QUOTE were I said it? Ehh, asshole?

  17. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
