Saturday, June 22, 2024

Urgently Needed: A New PUBLIC Corporate "Green List" for Shadow-banned Trump Supporters and Conservatives

from Brainly:   
Victor H. Green's "Negro Motorist Green Book" listed hotels, restaurants, clubs, and other businesses that were friendly to black people. It was a guide created to help African Americans navigate through the widespread racial discrimination and segregation during that time. The Green Book served as a resource for safe and dignified travel for black individuals.
Welcome to America (TM), Your New Society of Control. 
Got CBDCs Yet?


  1. Dervy, Nazi enabler. Or should I say "Stalinist" enabler?

  2. "Bobby Sinkfingers" is Mystere. You think it was me? Whatever problem was preventing me from commenting with my account (using my phone), the problem went away when I switched to a new phone (which happened a few days ago). But I entered my own blogger display name when I couldn't comment signed into my account. I didn't enter fake names.

    As for your post, I oppose enabling you and your fellow Nazi White Supremacists. As for "Stalinist", you can SAY any BS lie you want. I can't stop you. Nazi Germany and Russia under Stalin were both bigot-friendly. Which is what your "green list" would be -- a catalog of businesses that are bigot friendly.

    But businesses aren't "woke" -- they are concerned about PROFIT. And being bigot friendly impacts their bottom lines more negatively than positively. That is ALL there is too it.

    That you're saying that, as White Supremacist bigot, you are like African Americans -- in that you are both (as groups) being discriminated against -- that is PURE NewSpeak BS. rightturds are MASTERS of propaganda and NewSpeak. Also accusing "DEMS" of what THEY do.

    fyi, the "Bobby Stinkfingers" comment links to ""

    That is a non-existing blog titled "Joseph Robinet Biden Jr Best President Ever".

    That absolutely and very obviously is the IDIOT Mystere. Yet you were fooled? OR... just pretending to think it was me? If so, for what reason? Think it's funny?

  3. For what's its' worth, I didn't confuse you with Bobby Sinkfingers, Dervy.

    How the war on wrongthink going? Have you banned Trump from TikTok yet?

  4. Derpish denies being Bobby Stinkfingers so it must be him. After all, Fartbreath Dervish is a stinky troll.

  5. Now that Bobby Stinkfingers posted some fake blog site with a name Dervish wished he thought of, Dervish is raging with jealousy. Mystere, Porky, Donkey and I would never create such a blog site with that URL. I noticed it's up for grabs, Dervish. If you grab it, you can slobber all over your farting pants pooping idol all you want, Dervish. In fact, you can create a new blog ID "Robbert Stinkyfingers" and further your blog clown show.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  6. Minus: How the war on wrongthink going?

    How is yours going?

    Aren't people who agree with the following guilty of wrongthink?

    America isn't a Christian nation.
    Books shouldn't be banned.
    Christians aren't discriminated against.
    Conservatives aren't discriminated against.
    Covid vaccines are safe, effective and have saved lives.
    donald tRump colluded with Russia.
    Drag shows aren't indoctrinating children.
    Gay people should be allowed to marry.
    Parents should be able to support their trans children.
    Nobody is trying to turn kids gay or convince them they are trans.
    Women rarely lie about rape & sexual assault.
    Being woke is good.
    Calling woke a religion is absurd BS.
    The US should be helping Ukraine.

    What do I care about tRump being on TikTok? Is he on TikTok, or are members of his campaign posting things to TikTok for him? Like (he claims) some campaign staffer posted a video saying dotard's election will bring about a "unified reich"?

    Or is that wrongthink -- to be opposed to a "unified Reich"?

  7. Deleted my comment again. I listed a bunch of thought crimes as per trumpturds. Is that why my wrongthink was removed?

    URL that is up for grabs...

    Why don't you register that blog URL, Mystere? If you grab it, you can slobber over your farting, pants pooping, criminal, racist, rapist, fake Christian, senile, Putin puppet idol all you want.

    Though you already do.


      Having a bad month, Ichabod Derpwood?

      Didn't you just say you got a new phone, and before that, your Internet Provider was about to deep throttle you? Did your sugar daddy buy you that new device and buy you more data to keep you from being deep throatled?

    2. Whoops! My bad! A typo: should have been deep throttled, not deep throatled. Oh well 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  8. 4 of you comments went to spam, dervy. I liberated them.

  9. ...but does THAT experience give you an inkling of what us wrong-thinkers have been through?

  10. No.

    You %$&^*%#$-wrongdoers DESERVE it. ;-P

    While White Feathers DEMN-angels... have HOLY right to unload their HOLY punishment at you -- unholy heathens. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    1. 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  11. \\Or is that wrongthink -- to be opposed to a "unified Reich"?

    Russian Federation + China?

    Was you opposing to em??? WHERE???? %-)))))))))))))))))))))000

    \\America isn't a Christian nation.

    And what about Pilgrims that started it? What about Amishes and Mormons? ;-P

    \\Books shouldn't be banned.

    And who buy em? Who going libraries today?

    \\Christians aren't discriminated against.

    Return to FIRST point.

    \\Conservatives aren't discriminated against.

    Return to FIRST point.

    \\Covid vaccines are safe, effective and have saved lives.

    Yeah... that is only LATER untested behavior that make people die.

    \\donald tRump colluded with Russia.

    But still, that is Biden who are endorsed by Putin. ;-P

    \\Drag shows aren't indoctrinating children.

    ??? Dunno, some inner joke?

    \\Gay people should be allowed to marry.

    Which whom?

    \\Parents should be able to support their trans children.

    And they can't??? Who prohibit em???

    \\Nobody is trying to turn kids gay or convince them they are trans.

    ??? Dunno. Some yet one inner joke?

    \\Women rarely lie about rape & sexual assault.

    And also... they NEVER fake orgazms. ;-P

    \\Being woke is good.

    Yeah. In the morning. After good sleep.

    \\Calling woke a religion is absurd BS.

    "Credo ipso absurdum" ;-P

    \\The US should be helping Ukraine.

    USA should start helping to ITSELF.

    Against RFia+PRCia preparations to destroy it.

  12. Mystere: Kudos, Q!

    Translation: please like me!

    1. Why here you are my boy! I've been looking for you. I need you this Thursday night. I need you on standby between breaks during my BIGLIEST debate against that convicted felon Donald Trump and his crime family. I need you to scramble the audio feed when it's time for Donald to quack off to America. Make sure the feed is scrambled each time it's his turn. I'll make sure my guys have what you need to scramble his audio long enough whenever it's his time to quack, gobble and caw.

      After the debate is over, we'll have plenty of my favorite chocolate chocolate chip ice cream, my good boy Dervish.

  13. Minus: ...but does THAT experience give you an inkling of what us wrong-thinkers have been through?

    No. That's a Blogger algorithm error. They could work on improving that, but it is NOT comparable to (from YOUR side) intentional malicious censoring (book bans) and forcing of people to conform to your ideas of what is moral (parents of trans children FORBIDDEN from supporting their kids).

    Mystere: Whoops! My bad! A typo: should have been deep throttled, not deep throatled. Oh well.

    Mystere is bigly experienced at giving deep throat oral pleasure to male wieners... or "marshmallow wands" as he calls them :P

    fyi, "President Joseph Robbinit Biden Jr" is a Mystere sockpuppet.

    Qtard: \\Or is that wrongthink -- to be opposed to a "unified Reich"?\\Russian Federation + China?

    No. That is a reference to a video donald tRump posted on social media. It said that, after he wins the election, the "Reich" will be unified. The "Reich" being the republican party.

    Qtard: was you opposing to em??? WHERE???? **cretinic laughing and drooling**

    Who? Russia and China? They are the United States' adversaries. Of course I'm "opposing to em". Well, in thoughts and feelings. Individual citizens can't oppose foreign governments. Only governments can oppose each other.

    Qtard: \\America isn't a Christian nation.\\And what about Pilgrims that started it? What about Amishes and Mormons? ;-P

    "The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" -- Founding Father John Adams.

    Quote: The most important assertion in the Declaration of Independence is that "to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed". Note that the power of government is derived not from any god but from the people. No appeal is made in this document to a god for authority of any kind. In no case are any powers given to religion in the affairs of man. link

    The pilgrims were all dead when the revolutionary war was fought and the US was founded.

    Qtard: \\Books shouldn't be banned\\ And who buy em? Who going libraries today?


    Qtard: \\Christians aren't discriminated against\\ Return to FIRST point.

    What "point"? "was you opposing to em???" -- yeah, I'm opposing rightturds who say America is a Christian nation.

    Qtard: \\Conservatives aren't discriminated against\\ Return to FIRST point.

    wtf? What "point"? That rightturds aren't getting their way with their demands that America be a christianist nation is "discrimination"?

    Qtard: \\Covid vaccines are safe, effective and have saved lives\\Yeah... that is only LATER untested behavior that make people die.

    Behavior of not getting vaccinated for political reasons? I agree.

    Qtard: \\donald tRump colluded with Russia\\ But still, that is Biden who are endorsed by Putin. ;-P

    Putin lied.

    Qtard: \\Drag shows aren't indoctrinating children\\??? Dunno, some inner joke?

    No. Bigotry.

    Qtard: \\Gay people should be allowed to marry\\ Which whom?


    Qtard: \\Parents should be able to support their trans children.\\And they can't??? Who prohibit em???

    Florida governor Ron DeSantis. Among other rightturds.

    Qtard: \\Nobody is trying to turn kids gay or convince them they are trans\\ ??? Dunno. Some yet one inner joke?

    No. Bigotry isn't a "joke". Well, could be to you.

    Qtard: \\Women rarely lie about rape & sexual assault\\And also... they NEVER fake orgazms. ;-P


  14. Qtard: \\Being woke is good\\ Yeah. In the morning. After good sleep.

    Woke is a political slang adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination.

    You are woke (as per the definition above) after a good sleep? Why would sleeping make you alert to racial prejudice and discrimination? I don't buy it. I say that is bullshit.

    Qtard: \\Calling woke a religion is absurd BS\\ "Credo ipso absurdum" ;-P

    Yeah, you're always saying facts are absurd. Spouting absurd BS and calling it factual. Like rape is really a "sexual adventure", "dRump" will "bomb out Moscow", "DEMNs" are stalling aid to Ukraine and repeating Putin's propaganda, Obama and Biden are Putin's puppet. All completely counter-factual. Qtard is ipso absurdum incarnate.

    Qtard: \\The US should be helping Ukraine\\ USA should start helping to ITSELF. Against RFia+PRCia preparations to destroy it.

    It is. By helping Ukraine. It will be a big help to reelect Joe Biden and regain control of the House and keep control of the Senate. But you likely think donald tRump getting back in the White House is the way to go. Because aid to Ukraine won't be "stalled" any longer. Because stalling (as per your delusion) is being caused by "Bi-den" and "DEMNs".

    If tRump gets back in office he will "bomb out Moscow" and Putin... err "LiliPut" will be cowed and immediately withdraw his troops from Ukraine and end the war.

    That is per your delusions as well. Though I doubt you will ever admit that you are wrong. Even if tRump becomes predisent again -- and does NOT do that. Even if he tries and (in your delusions) is blocked by the EVIL DEMNs. Because tries do not count. Those are YOUR words. So then what? Will it FINALLY be republicans fault? Or STILL DEMN's fault? Probably. Because they "stalled" for so long.

    btw, what "preparations to destroy it"? They can't defeat Ukraine. Yet they are going to wage war with Nato? Ipso absurdum. I'm not worried. If it happens maybe I'll be vaporized by a Russian ICBM and never know what happened :)

  15. \\No. That is a reference to a video donald tRump posted on social media. It said that, after he wins the election, the "Reich" will be unified. The "Reich" being the republican party.

    DEMN Deep-fake?

    \\Qtard: was you opposing to em??? WHERE???? **cretinic laughing and drooling**

    \\Who? Russia and China? They are the United States' adversaries. Of course I'm "opposing to em".


    You only SUPPORT em.

    Like. With spreading liliPut's propaganda -- that "Ukrainians are nazis".


    liliPut's lies. That CNN "very truthful" reporter lies. DEMN lies.

    But... you just conveniently forgot... because DEMN-party now teach you "We, DEMNS, ALWAYS was saying that Azov are patriots of Ukraine!!! And that that they was called nazis -- that is republiturds propaganda... on CNN". ;-P

    \\Well, in thoughts and feelings.

    VERY conveniently.

    And non-testable.

    \\Individual citizens can't oppose foreign governments. Only governments can oppose each other.


    Like for example you tried to accuse me... in NOT opposing to Gitmo.


    \\"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" -- Founding Father John Adams.


    They are Masons-based. ;-P


    \\No appeal is made in this document to a god for authority of any kind.

    Only... "in god we trust" on dollar bills. ;-p

    \\The pilgrims were all dead when the revolutionary war was fought and the US was founded.

    Genocided by True 'Mericans? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\donald tRump colluded with Russia\\ But still, that is Biden who are endorsed by Putin. ;-P

    \\Putin lied.

    So... when he endorsing Biden with words "because he predictable" -- that is a lie???

    Because Bi-den -- NOT predictable? ;-P

    And that is good thing... that current POTUS can unpredictably shit into own pants and embarrass whole country...

    \\Qtard: \\Nobody is trying to turn kids gay or convince them they are trans\\ ??? Dunno. Some yet one inner joke?

    \\No. Bigotry isn't a "joke". Well, could be to you.

    Oh. I see.

    You DEMN-bigotry... is not a joke.

    But very-very severe case.

    \\Qtard: \\Women rarely lie about rape & sexual assault\\And also... they NEVER fake orgazms. ;-P


    Mentioning that women often cannot feel orgasms and forced to fake em, because of inept and careless man? ;-P

    \\You are woke (as per the definition above) after a good sleep? Why would sleeping make you alert to racial prejudice and discrimination? I don't buy it. I say that is bullshit.


    Because you are DEMN-cretin with your DEMN-NewSpeak.


    \\Qtard: \\Calling woke a religion is absurd BS\\ "Credo ipso absurdum" ;-P

    \\Yeah, you're always saying facts are absurd.


    How should such a DEMN-cretin recognize that quote.


    Credo quia absurdum is a Latin phrase that means "I believe because it is absurd", originally misattributed to Tertullian in his De Carne Christi.

    Credo quia absurdum - Wikipedia
    Wikipedia › wiki › Credo_quia_absurdum

    \\ Like rape is really a "sexual adventure",

    As it was depicted in document provided by COURT itself...

    on the base of COURT tested evidences.

    And that FACT -- that dRump -- was NOT judged and put in jail for it.


    \\"DEMNs" are stalling aid to Ukraine


    and where's F-16s???? Already in Ukraine -- helping to protect innocent people in its cities from Russian bombs and missiles???

    \\All completely counter-factual.

    Obvious lie.



    And therefor -- cretinic. Lie.

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Your cretinic lies. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

  16. \\Qtard: \\The US should be helping Ukraine\\ USA should start helping to ITSELF. Against RFia+PRCia preparations to destroy it.

    \\It is. By helping Ukraine.

    So now liliPut can brag about taking MORE and MORE of Ukraine territory.

    And demanding more and more SEVERE conditions of complete surrender????

    THAT???? "helping Ukraine"????? %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    More cities of Ukraine bombed. More people of Ukraine killed.

    You call it "HELPING"???

    Obvious DEMN-lie.


    \\ It will be a big help to reelect Joe Biden and regain control of the House and keep control of the Senate.

    For providing even more SUCH "helping"???? %-)))))))))))))))))))

    Or... for him able to say "I will be more flexible... after elections"? ;-P

    \\Because aid to Ukraine won't be "stalled" any longer. Because stalling (as per your delusion) is being caused by "Bi-den" and "DEMNs".

    And who STALLING giving F-16s to Ukraine???

    dRump??? AGAIN????!!!!!

    Going over head and around Chief in Command... and embarrass whole USA.

    By unloading ton of poop into Biden's pants.

    \\If tRump gets back in office he will "bomb out Moscow" and Putin... err "LiliPut" will be cowed and immediately withdraw his troops from Ukraine and end the war.

    Who knows...

    \\That is per your delusions as well.

    Naaaah, cretin.

    That was claim about Future.

    About which NOBODY can know.

    \\Though I doubt you will ever admit that you are wrong. Even if tRump becomes predisent again -- and does NOT do that. Even if he tries and (in your delusions) is blocked by the EVIL DEMNs. Because tries do not count. Those are YOUR words. So then what? Will it FINALLY be republicans fault? Or STILL DEMN's fault? Probably. Because they "stalled" for so long.

    And who SHOULD care about... such a president of USA blander(s)???

    Some USAian???

    Or some foreigner???


  17. (parents of trans children FORBIDDEN from supporting their kids).

    There are no trans children who haven't been socialized into hating their own selves by gaslighting parents and educators.

  18. "I'm SPECIAL". People pay attention to me when I pretend to be TRANS! Yipee, cut off my peepee!"

  19. Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse or manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim's mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.

  20. ...creating "identity-products" in a political marketing campaign's "market segmentation" operation.

  21. At its core, market segmentation is the practice of dividing your target market into approachable groups. Market segmentation creates subsets of a market based on demographics, needs, priorities, common interests, and other psychographic or behavioural criteria used to better understand the target audience.

  22. \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

    \\ Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse or manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim's mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.


    What DEMN-cretins do when trying to gaslight innocent and open-minded foreigner from far-far-away... into being Trumpist. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
