Saturday, June 29, 2024

Blacks Will Never Be Equal... long as Democrats Continue to Assuage their White Guilt-Pride (Vain attempts to achieve "Moral Superiority" through a "secular confession  of sins" achieved through virtue signaled acknowledgement of historical guilt)  with Patronizing Formal Gestures like DEI and Affirmative Action that Distort,  Undermine, and Otherwise Preclude the Possibility of Actual Racial Performance Reaching a Measurable Achievement level either at, near, or even close to approaching 'Equality'. Such an 'Experiment' will likely never be attempted, so comfortably guilt-pride ridden are the white Democrats.

Instead of perversely enjoying our guilt (and thereby patronizing the true victims), we need active solidarity: guilt and victimhood immobilize us. Only all of us together, treating ourselves and each other as responsible adults, can beat racism and sexism.


  1. "so long as Democrats Continue to Assuage their White Guilt-Pride".

    Democrats don't have this imaginary thing made up by racist rightturds called "guilt pride". Guilt causes shame, not pride. Democrats and minorities are allies, working together to make advancements for, and improve the lives of all. They aren't allying with minorities due to guilt or this imaginary "guilt-pride".

    America's oligarchs (and their servants in the republican party) use race to divide and conquer. Instead of working together, American's oligarchs want working people fighting among themselves instead of uniting against them. Gullible (and racist) republiturd voters (who are easily fooled) will cut off their own noses to spite their faces (see the scotus decision Palmer v. Thompson).

    It is republiturds who don't want Blacks to ever be equal.

    Glenn Loury is correct when he says, "we are fit for equal participation and equal performance within the modern civilization we inhabit". He is wrong to blame "white guilt". Or that Democrats are patronizing him or treating him like a child. Democrats do not have a lack of confidence in his ability to perform. Democrats of the past (like LBJ did) but Democrats of the present do not.

    Republicans of the past and present have no confidence that African Americans are fit for equal participation and equal performance. This is why they oppose DEI. Because ONLY White people (in their estimation) have the brain power to be able to hold skilled jobs.

    Trump on Supreme Court nominee: "It will be a woman".

    WHAAAAT??! donald tRump (as president) announced that he would select a woman to fill RBG's scotus seat and NOT the best candidate regardless of gender? And Minus did not object? Like he objected when Joe Biden announced that he would select a Black woman? The difference... B_L_A_C_K... That's it, isn't it Minus?

    btw, HOW did Loury become an economist, academic, and author with Democrats patting him on the head all the time? As per his stated concerns, the pit we are sliding into is one dug by republiturd White Supremacists.

    Shelby Steele: "That's what liberalism does. It keeps marking us over and over, with this inferiority".

    KEY to getting what you want is correctly identifying allies and enemies. You won't get what you want if you attack your allies and HELP your enemies. Which is what these two guys are doing. I am all for constructive criticism, but to me it sounds like both of these guys really hate Democrats.

  2. Guilt causes shame, not pride. Democrats and minorities are allies, working together to make advancements for, and improve the lives of all. They aren't allying with minorities due to guilt or this imaginary "guilt-pride".

    After WWII weren't German leaders PROUD that they were no longer NAZI's? And weren't the Democratic Party "freedom riders" PROUD that they were no longer racist Dixiecrats? Guilt-pride. Germans (ex-NAZIs). Democrats (ex-Racists).

    So, when was the last time you criticized your "ally"? When was the last time you resolved to actually "do something" to bring down Chicago, or Baltimore's, crime and murder rates? Is it because they are led by black leaders... and in Baltimore's case, complete idiots? Isn't that "shame" still preventing you from doing so, now?

    No, you just want to keep "confessing your guilt" without actually repenting your racism. Because if you actually THOUGHT that blacks were your equals, you would treat them so. You would criticize them when they were f*cking things up. But you don't. They'll never be your equals. The blacks are not "confessing" their error, like you. You must think them just "morally inferior", like you think Republicans, who actually FREED the blacks and always treated them as equals, freely criticizing their shortcomings as a culture, as part of the American culture.

  3. Evidence of "pride" - "86% of blacks vote Democrat"
    Evidence of "guilt" - Can't think of a single thing to criticize EXCEPT the 14% who vote Republican.

  4. Everything else, murder, crime, violence, stupidity... if OFF the table for criticism.

  5. Guilt-pride. Democrats are SWIMMING in it. They STINK of it.

  6. Trying to talk in some sense into "not my business"-cretin?


  7. Yep... he think's "86% of blacks don't think I'm a racist anymore. What is WRONG with those other 14%...."?

    Answer - they know better. You don't treat them as equals. You still "patronize" them with your feelings of guilt. The remnants of your racism still clings to you and guilt is exuded through your every pore.

  8. ...and the more you confess, the guiltier and less able to criticize them you become. Poor Dervy. The more he pretends to not be racist, the more racist he becomes.

  9. Racists... people who claim that their is "races"... even though that is thoroughly disqualified by science notion. ;-P

  10. \\Answer - they know better. You don't treat them as equals.

    More like... they have more and way more important problems in life -- than following DEMN-logic of some basment white trash.


  11. Minus: After WWII weren't German leaders PROUD that they were no longer NAZI's? And weren't the Democratic Party "freedom riders" PROUD that they were no longer racist Dixiecrats? Guilt-pride. Germans (ex-NAZIs). Democrats (ex-Racists).

    The words imply pride for feelings of guilt. Not pride for doing the right thing. Nobody in either group can feel pride for now doing the right thing, as they are all dead. Living Democrats don't feel guilt for things dead Dixiecrats did.

    Minus: So, when was the last time you criticized your "ally"?

    I don't criticize groups of people for what members of the group do. You do. I guess you don't (as a rightturd) believe in personal responsibility. I thought that was a big thing on the right.

    Minus: When was the last time you resolved to actually "do something" to bring down Chicago, or Baltimore's, crime and murder rates?

    When I vote.

    Minus: Is it because they are led by black leaders... and in Baltimore's case, complete idiots? Isn't that "shame" still preventing you from doing so, now?

    I don't have any shame for racism I had nothing to do with.

    Minus: No, you just want to keep "confessing your guilt" without actually repenting your racism.

    I don't feel any guilt. I don't have anything (re racism) to repent for.

    Minus: Because if you actually THOUGHT that blacks were your equals, you would treat them so. You would criticize them when they were f*cking things up.

    Because THEY aren't f*cking things up. I don't think all Black people are responsible for what some Black people do any more than I feel responsible (as a white person) for what some white people do.

    Minus: But you don't.

    Right. I don't. Because that's dumb. And has nothing to do with equality.

    Minus: The blacks are not "confessing" their error, like you.

    I didn't confess anything. Individual Black people don't have anything to "confess" re the "f*cking things up" that some other Black people do.

    Minus: You must think them just "morally inferior"...


    Minus: you think Republicans, who actually FREED the blacks and always treated them as equals, freely criticizing their shortcomings as a culture, as part of the American culture.

    republicans that "freed the slaves" are all dead. But they didn't treat them as equals. That's BS. And donald tRump is a White Supremacist. He praised his White Supremacist peeps as "very fine people" after the violence in Charlottesville.

    Minus: Evidence of "pride" - "86% of blacks vote Democrat".

    The Democratic Party best represents the interests of Black voters. Black voters have decided this themselves. "Pride" isn't why they vote for Democrats.

    Minus: Evidence of "guilt" - Can't think of a single thing to criticize EXCEPT the 14% who vote Republican.

    I criticized Glenn Loury and Shelby Steel here on this blog. They both say they're Democrats. What you want is for me to say something racist about Black people as a group. Guilt has nothing to do with why I won't do that. I won't because I'm not a racist. I criticize individuals for individual behavior.

    Minus: Everything else, murder, crime, violence, stupidity... if OFF the table for criticism.

    Yeah. You think those are things Black people do. Because you're a racist. You keep denying it, but you just very plainly admitted it.

    Minus: Guilt-pride. Democrats are SWIMMING in it. They STINK of it.

    Democrats are not swimming in, or stinking of, this imaginary thing rightturds made up.

  12. Qtard: Trying to talk in some sense into "not my business"-cretin?

    Who is trying to talk sense into you? They're wasting their time.

    Minus: Yep... he think's "86% of blacks don't think I'm a racist anymore. What is WRONG with those other 14%...."?

    I don't. They don't know me. A Black person being a Conservative doesn't mean they would think I'm a racist.

    Minus: Answer - they know better. You don't treat them as equals. You still "patronize" them with your feelings of guilt. The remnants of your racism still clings to you and guilt is exuded through your every pore.

    I don't do any of those things. I don't feel any guilt.

    Minus: ...and the more you confess, the guiltier and less able to criticize them you become. Poor Dervy. The more he pretends to not be racist, the more racist he becomes.

    I didn't confess. I'm not pretending.

    Qtard: Racists... people who claim that their is "races"... even though that is thoroughly disqualified by science notion. ;-P

    Minus is one of those people.

    Qtard: \\Answer - they know better. You don't treat them as equals\\ More like... they have more and way more important problems in life -- than following DEMN-logic of some basment white trash.

    Imaginary "logic".

  13. \\I don't criticize groups of people for what members of the group do.


    That is not you who called Ukrainians nazis... oh, shit. :-))))))))

    \\I don't have any shame for racism I had nothing to do with.

    Yap. You are shamlessly DEMN-cretin.

    Because your fuhrer Bi-den freed you from that "figment called shame". ;-P

    \\I don't think all Black people are responsible for what some Black people do any more than I feel responsible (as a white person) for what some white people do.


    Because your fuhrer Bi-den freed you from that "figment called shame". ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Answer - they know better. You don't treat them as equals\\ More like... they have more and way more important problems in life -- than following DEMN-logic of some basment white trash.

    \\Imaginary "logic".


    You are right.

    DEMN NewSpeak "logic". ;-P

    \\Qtard: Racists... people who claim that their is "races"... even though that is thoroughly disqualified by science notion. ;-P

    \\Minus is one of those people.

    Yet one of your SAMEBODY bunch of cretins????

    Because I remember vividly. And can provide quotes. When FROM YOUR ACCOUNT it was written. ;-P

  14. I don't criticize groups of people for what members of the group do.


  15. You trying to shame shamless DEMN-hypocrite which its fuhrer Bi-den freed from that "figment of shame"...

    and also cretinic DEMN-NewSpeaking-liar...

    that cretinicly denied EVEN OWN WORDS being said...

    with "I NEVER said it" screams.

    With referring to its words? ;-P

    And also... that is TOTALITARIAN cretin, that showed that it anti-humanly can extend or expel having rights, being human to this or that group of people: Palestinians -- become "innocent", J6 people -- "insurrctionists", Ukrainians -- "nazis"... &c, &c, &c. ;-P

    PS You are *BOLD*.
