Wednesday, June 5, 2024

America's Failed Elites on Full Display

What does Zelensky want?  He wants a full fledged war between NATO and Russia.


  1. Naaaah.

    He just want to be re-elected. ;-P

    Because... same as certain someone from USA... he grown liking that view -- from above. ;-)

  2. When's he election? answer - He's ALREADY dictator for life (which Russia will end soon enough).

  3. Why liliPut made such a hassle to himself -- going through phony, but still calling it -- elections????

    Modern dictators -- do not want, do not like to call itself dictators... ;-P

    they want to call themself DEMN-OK-ra... oups, Democrats, of course. ;-P

    You still do not want to believe that you are not in Kansas any more. ;-)

  4. Funny... :-))))

    Is it lost in translation.

    That stated (I was giving to you link to that video): "hit Poland with 30-40 warheads... and in 10 munites, it will be void".

    But here schmuck citing "destroy Poland in 30 minutes".

    HOW????? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  5. I point to peculiar (as for me) effect.

    In ORIGINAL speech. In Russian.

    It was "hit Poland with 30-40 missiles/warheads/nukes... and it'll take 10 (ten) minutes... to render whole Polish non-existent"...

    And there... in that American stream/podcast? It was turned into "destroying Poland in 40 minutes".


    Obvious numbers gone through unchanged.

    But... what happened in brain of that one from American side... to MISREAD/MISREMEMBER that numbers????

    Is it Antipode's Effect? ;-P

    PS Not surprising, that such a big problems with assessing/understanding...

  6. Maybe Zelensky is "president for life" because he's going to die soon? Assassinated? Killed by a Russian missile? Captured and executed?

    Any of those scenarios would end the reign of this "dictator" and free the Ukranian people. If he was captured and forced to surrender.

    A development that might make Minus and Qtard both happy. As I recall Qtard accused Zelensky of being a huge thief with millions stashed in a Cayman account.

  7. Perhaps because we have an ABM site in Poland, and the Russians would need a second salvo to replace the missing warheads?

  8. What a cretinic try, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Perhaps because we have an ABM site in Poland, and the Russians would need a second salvo to replace the missing warheads?

    Henlon's Razor.


  9. Seeing is believing. ;-P

    For now -- everybody see only how Mighty Russians scarring to shit miserly nato and usa. ;-P

  10. Is it about you???

    And not about millions of... chinese, iranians, that same russians, all other kinds of "we are great... of only there'd be NO USA"... crowds.

    What made Hitler possible???

    Isn't that inepteness and (looking like?) cowardice of that time Western higherups...

    and eagerness of multitude of followers seeing him as promise???

    Was Japan and Germany attack on USA... in ww2 ANY LESS stupid and incredulous, than it is today???

    Answer is simple -- no.

    They all was stupid. But, USA was stupid too... for not reading cues... from a flight of wild gussies. ;-P

  11. Europe can join together and conquer anything/ anyone. They don't do it though. So who are the real fools?

  12. You asking why sheep do not became wolfs? ;-P

    Well... if you'd give em enough time to evolve. ;-)

    You know story of whales become whales????

  13. "Why the west hates Russia"? The reason? The US isn't urging Ukraine to give up. The US isn't stopping aid in an effort to force Ukraine to give up.

    "Censorship won't save a dying empire"? The message from the right is -- you can't stop our disinformation, so you should give up.

    Minus wants everyone to give up. Everyone EXCEPT his side and those he sides with.

    Putin's puppet dotard donald is down with the giving up strategy. He's ready to begin implementing his master Putin's strategy if he returns to the White House. I know that is what Minus wants. Qtard says he does not want that. But I don't believe IT. Given how desperately IT wants the puppet tRump to return to power.

  14. \\Nope. Just stories of how sheep remain sheep.

    Even stupid sheeps can stomp in the ground cunning wolf... if there is enough of em, and they run wild. ;-P

    \\The US isn't urging Ukraine to give up.

    Yeah. Because that PoTuS that proposed to president of Ukraine to take refuge -- it, unexisting. Imaginary. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\The US isn't stopping aid in an effort to force Ukraine to give up.

    Yeah. Because there was NO stopping of munition and vehicle delivery... last year, when Counter=Offensive of Ukraine was on its peak.

    And was NO delays... for HALF a year.

    That is all that nasty dude Reality... with it's delusions... %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Putin's puppet dotard donald is down with the giving up strategy.

    Like??? Not appealing against unruly verdicts? Admit being convicted? ;-P

    Claim that Bi-den must be prez, because "he is more predictable", as its puppet master said? ;-P

    \\ Qtard says he does not want that. But I don't believe IT.


    Relations in between your alter-egos... very conflicting. ;-P

  15. Qtard: Yeah. Because that PoTuS that proposed to president of Ukraine to take refuge -- it, unexisting. Imaginary. **cretinic laughter**


    Qtard: Yeah. Because there was NO stopping of munition and vehicle delivery... last year, when Counter=Offensive of Ukraine was on its peak.

    Stopped by republiturds. Given orders to do so by donald tRump, in service of his master Putin.

    Qtard: And was NO delays... for HALF a year.

    Delayed by republiturds. As already noted.

    Qtard: That is all that nasty dude Reality... with it's delusions... **cretinic laughter**

    Reality Winner? What delusions of her's are you talking about?

    As per Wikipedia... On August 24, 2018, President Donald Trump tweeted, "Ex-NSA contractor to spend 63 months in jail over 'classified' information. Gee, this is 'small potatoes' compared to what Hillary Clinton did! So unfair Jeff, Double Standard". Winner expressed appreciation for Trump's support, saying, "I can't thank him enough". ... On August 31, Winner said that she would ask Trump for clemency as a result of his tweet, adding that her legal team was already working on her pardon application. [end]

    I don't read that tweet as being supportive of Reality Winner. Looks to me like donald was complaining about HRC not being charged with crimes. And NOT saying he would pardon Reality Winner. Proven by him not doing it.

    So, is that (one of) the delusions of her's you were talking about? That there was a chance donald tRump would pardon her? I agree. There was no chance. Or very little chance. Yet, I think it was worth a shot.

    Qtard: Like??? Not appealing against unruly verdicts? Admit being convicted? ;-P

    No. Not for himself. For Ukraine. He wants Ukraine to give up. He will NEVER admit being convicted. Although donald tRump can NOT appeal any "unruly verdict". There hasn't been any "unruly verdict" against him. A non-existing "unruly verdict" can't be appealed.

    Qtard: Claim that Bi-den must be prez, because "he is more predictable", as its puppet master said? ;-P

    That never happened. But, you might give me Google results that concern Joe Biden. As opposed to the imaginary person you're talking about, Bi-den. BUT... Putin saying that about Biden -- that was propaganda. Propaganda to fool the gullible. Like Qtard.

    Qtard: Yap. Relations in between your alter-egos... very conflicting. ;-P

    I didn't write any comment about any "Relations in between [my] alter-egos" for you to reply to. There aren't any such relations. Because I don't have any alter-egos. Although, you said that if I did -- they would not know about each other. So HOW could there be any relations between alter egos that don't know about each other?

  16. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Yeah. Because that PoTuS that proposed to president of Ukraine to take refuge -- it, unexisting. Imaginary. **cretinic laughter**

    \\ Yes.

    Biden replied "no" when asked by reporters at the White House if he was in favor of sending the jets, which are the latest weapons requested by Ukraine's leaders after they received promises last week that Germany, the United States, and other Western allies would send heavy tanks.

    Biden Says U.S. Will Not Send Fighter Jets To Ukraine - RFE/RL
    Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty › ukraine-france-fighter-jets-not-e...

    Definitely. This "Yes" is NewSpeaking ANTI-factual lie. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Yeah. Because there was NO stopping of munition and vehicle delivery... last year, when Counter=Offensive of Ukraine was on its peak.

    \\Stopped by republiturds.

    In August of 2023???? HOW???!!!

    \\Qtard: And was NO delays... for HALF a year.

    \\Delayed by republiturds. As already noted.


    "Republiturds" in WH. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Reality Winner? What delusions of her's are you talking about?

    \\As per Wikipedia...

    WTF??? This cretinic BS about??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    No. Do not tell. I do not want to know. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\So, is that (one of) the delusions of her's you were talking about?

    That Sun rising in the morning and then shining all day over this and that people all over the World? ;-)

    \\No. Not for himself. For Ukraine. He wants Ukraine to give up.

    After that as he'd bomb out Mos-cow???? ;-P

    \\There hasn't been any "unruly verdict" against him. A non-existing "unruly verdict" can't be appealed.

    Yeah-yeah-yeah... and dRump are in orange robe and in jail. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Claim that Bi-den must be prez, because "he is more predictable", as its puppet master said? ;-P

    \\That never happened.

    Russia's Putin says he prefers 'more predictable' Biden ...
    CNBC › 2024/02/15 › russias-putin-say...
    Feb 15, 2024 — "[Biden] is more experienced and more predictable. He is an 'old school' politician," Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

    Or what???

    CNBC is republiturd propaganda??? %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Propaganda to fool the gullible. Like Qtard.


    Your alter-ego "Qtard" was biggly fooled by liliPut's propaganda. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because -- cretins, that all merry bunch of you SAMEBODY alter-egos. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\I didn't write any comment about any "Relations in between [my] alter-egos" for you to reply to.

    Because... that was some other of SAMEBODY alter-egos???

    And current one, that written this BS cretinic response -- have gap in memory on that place? ;-P

    \\Because I don't have any alter-egos.


    That's what crazy people with split-personality disorder do say. ;-P

    \\So HOW could there be any relations between alter egos that don't know about each other?

    Because... they are part of SAME BODY, cretin. ;-P

    And that... that they DO NOT know about each other -- that is just hysterical blindness. ;-P

    Disfunctioning memory, because they DO NOT want to admit being crazy. ;-p


  17. You posted: ...that PoTuS that proposed to president of Ukraine to take refuge...

    I disagreed. To "prove me wrong" you posted this Google result: "Biden replied "no" when asked by reporters at the White House if he was in favor of sending the jets..."

    These are two different things. Your second comment does not prove your first comment correct. It appears you got confused about what issue was being discussed. Probably due to extremely limited brainpower.

    Qtard: WTF??? This cretinic BS about???

    It's my reply to your comment about "that nasty dude Reality". Reality Winner is the only person named "Reality" I could think of. You were referring to some other person named "Reality"? I doubt there are very many people named "Reality". "Reality Winner" is definitely the most famous person named "Reality". WHO are you talking about?

    Qtard: In August of 2023???? HOW???!!!

    By the House refusing to vote on it.

    I asked the Microsoft AI about it, and I got the following response...

    In August 2023, the situation regarding aid to Ukraine was still contentious. The House of Representatives had not yet approved any significant aid packages. However, discussions and negotiations were ongoing, with various proposals being considered. Ultimately, it took several more months for the House to pass the aid package in April 2024.

    But (I bet that, in your delusions) that's "Demn propaganda".

    Qtard: That Sun rising in the morning and then shining all day over this and that people all over the World? ;-)

    No. That's false. You dunno that when it's night where you are, that, on the opposite side of the Earth, it's daytime? You think it's day for the entire world at the same time, then night for the whole world at the same time???

    Qtard: After that as he'd bomb out Mos-cow???? ;-P

    Your delusions are telling you that could happen? Or is it your hope? That this "dRump" will become president of the United States and start a nuclear war? Well, maybe that will happen, but nobody else on Earth will notice if an imaginary "dRump" bombs out some imaginary city (I'm guessing) called "Mos-cow".

    Qtard: \\There hasn't been any "unruly verdict" against him. A non-existing "unruly verdict" can't be appealed\\ Yeah-yeah-yeah... and dRump are in orange robe and in jail. ;-P

    I have no idea if the imaginary "dRump" is in jail (in your delusions). Is this "dRump" in an orange robe a fantasy of yours? BUT... How is this "dRump" going to ever be in a position to bomb out "Mos-cow" if it is in jail? HOW???

    Qtard: Claim that Bi-den must be prez, because "he is more predictable", as its puppet master said? \\ That never happened. \\ Russia's Putin says he prefers 'more predictable' Biden...

    Dishonest response. I specifically said that never happened in regards to the imaginary "Bi-den" you were talking about. In regards to Joe Biden (the REAL US President) I confirmed that WAS said by Putin. As propaganda. For people like you to lap up. Say, "yes this Putin shit is yummy"! Which you have done here a couple of times.

    Qtard: Your alter-ego "Qtard" was biggly fooled by liliPut's propaganda. **cretinic laughter**

    I don't have any alter ego with the same nickname as you.

    Qtard: Because -- cretins, that all merry bunch of you SAMEBODY alter-egos. **cretinic laughing and drooling**

    This merry bunch of alter egos of MINE... they are all imaginary. They exist only in your delusions.

    Qtard: Because... that was some other of SAMEBODY alter-egos???

    In your delusions? I don't know. They are YOUR delusions. I don't know WHY you're asking me about them. You need to ask a psychiatrist.

  18. Qtard: And current one, that written this BS cretinic response -- have gap in memory on that place? ;-P

    Imaginary "alter egos" have no memories. They don't exist.

    Qtard: \\Because I don't have any alter-egos\\ Yep. That's what crazy people with split-personality disorder do say. ;-P

    Oh, so you say "Yes, I have alter egos"? Well, to other people. Not to me. Me, you accuse of what you know are your problems. Like being crazy. Everyone who knows you is aware that you're mentally ill. But online you can pretend it isn't you that's crazy, it's someone else. I bet it's not just me. Like, recently you said that you've been looking at Shaw Kenawe's blog. Did you observe crazy people there?

    Qtard: \\So HOW could there be any relations between alter egos that don't know about each other?\\ Because... they are part of SAME BODY, cretin. ;-P

    Self-contradicting claim. You previously said they would NOT know.

    Qtard: And that... that they DO NOT know about each other -- that is just hysterical blindness. ;-P

    See. You're contradicting yourself again. And you obviously dunno what "hysterical blindness" is. THINK you know, but are wrong. But will you listen? No. You'll keep believing your imaginary version of what "hysterical blindness" is. Again, due to extreme cretinity.

    Microsoft AI: Hysterical blindness typically doesn't come and go like transient vision issues. Instead, it tends to persist as long as the underlying anxiety or emotional distress remains. If you're certain that you don't have this condition, it’s essential to trust your own assessment.

    Qtard: Disfunctioning memory, because they DO NOT want to admit being crazy. ;-p **cretinic laughing and drooling**

    Speaking from your own experience. Although, just above you admitted you say you have alter egos. You must think that's totally normal and everyone has alter egos? Yet another self-contradicting claim.

    BUT... your memory is definitely disfunctioning. No memory of writing "suprime" over and over ON PURPOSE many times. Now you say it was "mistyping". Maybe you have some brain worms like Robert F Kennedy Junior? rfkjr said that worms in his brain caused memory problems.

  19. Hoh... just two comment??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\You posted: ...that PoTuS that proposed to president of Ukraine to take refuge...

    \\\I disagreed. To "prove me wrong" you posted this Google result: "Biden replied "no" when asked by reporters at the White House if he was in favor of sending the jets..."

    \\These are two different things.

    Oh, Chief Hawk Eyes... you are so observant.

    Well... you could find that fact in same place -- Google search.

    But... never the less, you keep arguing that there was NO such fact.


    \\It appears you got confused about what issue was being discussed. Probably due to extremely limited brainpower.

    In your dream. ;-P

    And what if I did it deliberately? ;-)


    \\It's my reply to your comment about "that nasty dude Reality". Reality Winner is the only person named "Reality" I could think of.


    Because you are cretin.

    And do not grok figural speech.


    \\I asked the Microsoft AI about it, and I got the following response...

    \\In August 2023, the situation regarding aid to Ukraine was still contentious. The House of Representatives had not yet approved any significant aid packages. However, discussions and negotiations were ongoing, with various proposals being considered. Ultimately, it took several more months for the House to pass the aid package in April 2024.

    \\But (I bet that, in your delusions) that's "Demn propaganda".

    Why not???

    In opposite to you, *I* KNOW how that "AI" works. ;-P

    \\Qtard: That Sun rising in the morning and then shining all day over this and that people all over the World? ;-)

    \\No. That's false.

    *I*... not surprised.

    That you started opposing to such an open and obvious fact of Reality (name of some dude/duddette cretin thinks :-))))))).

    \\You dunno that when it's night where you are, that, on the opposite side of the Earth, it's daytime?

    Do you? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\You think it's day for the entire world at the same time, then night for the whole world at the same time???

    Do you? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... You are cretin that think that Reality that is some dude name. :-))))))))))))))))))

    So... everything is possible, with such cretin.

  20. \\Qtard: After that as he'd bomb out Mos-cow???? ;-P

    \\Your delusions are telling you that could happen? Or is it your hope?

    May 29, 2024 — Former US President Donald Trump, during a meeting with his campaign donors, has said that he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing, writes The ...

    Or... that was just another of "most truthful" reporters lies? ;-P

    \\I have no idea if the imaginary "dRump" is in jail (in your delusions). Is this "dRump" in an orange robe a fantasy of yours? BUT... How is this "dRump" going to ever be in a position to bomb out "Mos-cow" if it is in jail? HOW???

    Cretinity unleashed??? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Claim that Bi-den must be prez, because "he is more predictable", as its puppet master said? \\ That never happened. \\ Russia's Putin says he prefers 'more predictable' Biden...

    \\Dishonest response.

    Yeah... so, when liliPut calling Ukrainians "nazis"... because "there MUST be some nazis, anyway" and because "CNN most truthful reporter said it"... you nazi totalitarian cretin -- believing him.

    But... when it calls Biden "more predictable" -- you do not??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\In regards to Joe Biden (the REAL US President) I confirmed that WAS said by Putin. As propaganda. For people like you to lap up. Say, "yes this Putin shit is yummy"! Which you have done here a couple of times.


    So "Joe Biden (the REAL US President)"... are NOT predictable? ;-P


    \\I don't have any alter ego with the same nickname as you.

    Even though you used that "nickname" to sign own words??? ;-P

    \\This merry bunch of alter egos of MINE... they are all imaginary. They exist only in your delusions.



    Then why all that gaps in memory?

    All that "I NEVER said it"???

    And other cretinic and crazy BS???? ;-p

    Just because you are biggly cretin, with disfunctional brain? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\In your delusions? I don't know. They are YOUR delusions. I don't know WHY you're asking me about them. You need to ask a psychiatrist.

    Why you crying "I NEVER said it"... about things that was properly quoted being written by that same account????

    You asking me here to ask such questions to your psychiatrist? ;-P

  21. \\Imaginary "alter egos" have no memories. They don't exist.

    That is what your alter-ego which call itself "Psychiatrist" tells you? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Because I don't have any alter-egos\\ Yep. That's what crazy people with split-personality disorder do say. ;-P

    \\Oh, so you say "Yes, I have alter egos"? Well, to other people. Not to me. Me, you accuse of what you know are your problems.

    *I* keep forgetting what I have written here? Do not recognize my own words? Given different names to what was written by me? ;-p

    And keep absolutely cretinicly deny such an obvious facts... and trying to blame em on opponent????


    \\Like being crazy. Everyone who knows you is aware that you're mentally ill. But online you can pretend it isn't you that's crazy, it's someone else.

    You telling it from own experience? That is the reason you spending so much time writing your BS here? ;-P

    Looks like it. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Like, recently you said that you've been looking at Shaw Kenawe's blog. Did you observe crazy people there?

    Whose that? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\So HOW could there be any relations between alter egos that don't know about each other?\\ Because... they are part of SAME BODY, cretin. ;-P

    \\Self-contradicting claim. You previously said they would NOT know.


    That's why that people called crazy. ;-P

    Because they SO self-contradicting. ;-P

    You got it.

    But... well, yeah, you know it... from own experience. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And that... that they DO NOT know about each other -- that is just hysterical blindness. ;-P

    \\See. You're contradicting yourself again.

    And you can EXPLAIN logically -- where is that "You're contradicting yourself"??? ;-P

    \\And you obviously dunno what "hysterical blindness" is.

    Hysterical blindness is the old way of describing experienced, false blindness created by the subconscious mind due to aberrant thinking/beliefs ...

    Well... but of course, you know much more about it... from having first hand experience. ;-P

    \\THINK you know, but are wrong.

    Well... you are free to share YOUR experience here. ;-p

    \\But will you listen? No. You'll keep believing your imaginary version of what "hysterical blindness" is. Again, due to extreme cretinity.

    Also... YOUR own experience???

    How you react to any new disturbing info? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Disfunctioning memory, because they DO NOT want to admit being crazy. ;-p **cretinic laughing and drooling**

    \\Speaking from your own experience.


    From my own experience -- observing your cretinic behavior. ;-P


    That is MY experience, isn't it???

    When I read your SAMEBODY posts here, in this blog. With some incredibly cretinic BS.

    That becames MY expereince. Or what????

    You with your split-personality disorder -- think that EVERYBODY else have alter-egos. And can pretend "I NEVER said it"/"I NEVER saw it"/"I NEVER lied(though your SAMEBODY have had ***ADMITTED*** lying)"... as your SAMEBODY constantly do here? ;-P



    It seems IT... one(s) writing under same account (now called "The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders") REALLY think that way. ;-P


    \\Although, just above you admitted you say you have alter egos. You must think that's totally normal and everyone has alter egos? Yet another self-contradicting claim.

  22. \\BUT... your memory is definitely disfunctioning. No memory of writing "suprime" over and over ON PURPOSE many times.


    You already forgot.

    That that is you are one who started writing that "suprime" here. Just recently.

    With claim that it mean something... in Spanish.

    But... already FORGOT doing it???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because somebody of SAMEBODY cretins was doing that? ;-p


    \\Maybe you have some brain worms like Robert F Kennedy Junior? rfkjr said that worms in his brain caused memory problems.

    Will you go to doctor??? To make some tests???


    Because that doctor -- is just some other of SAMEBODY crazy cretins... and it will say to you -- that that is SAMEBODY ELSE problem... :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
