Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Why is No One in MY Square?


  1. There are some problems in the chart's categories... like "Unions". Todays US unions are mainly "government" employees, NOT actual "workers". They're "hyper-privileged" employees with guaranteed lifetime employment and who can't be fired.

  2. Their "skin-in-the-game" is maintenance of the current "establishment" order.

  3. They could never support Trump... by definition.

  4. Rattrapper said... Trump is brilliant. May 24, 2024 at 6:50 PM.
    Rattrapper said... Trump is brilliant! May 24, 2024 at 7:02 PM.

    donald tRump is the biggliest moron ever to be US president, Mystere.

    Will Qtard say anything about Mystere posting his comment once... and then posting it again 8 minutes later? IT had a bigly problem with a comment of mine being published 3 times. IT listed the timestamps, which were not all the same. When this error occurred in the past, my experience is that the timestamps were the same. Which I assume was the point Qtard was making. That the timestamps were all separated by several minutes, meaning I decided to post the comment once. Then a few minutes later I decided to post it a 2nd time. Then a few minutes after that I decided to post it a 3rd time. (not a confession, but the explanation I'm guessing Qtard believes).

    This is the same situation here (8 minutes between the duplicates). AND Mystere made both comments while signed into his "Rattrapper" account. So, if it was an error, he could have deleted the second comment. But he didn't. While I would delete my 2 duplicate comments if I could. Because I did not want that comment posted 3 times. I only wanted it posted once. But I can't delete the duplicates, because I wasn't signed into my Blogger account.

    Proof of Mystere's derangement, yes? Well, there is also the comment itself. An absurd assertion that the Orange moron is "brilliant". Followed by an exclamation point. When donald tRump is a complete moron. The dumbest president in US history. tRump was dumb BEFORE he went into bigly cognitive decline. Now he is an imbecile.

  5. The first "Orange moron is brilliant" comment doesn't have an exclamation point. But the second one does. So the duplication was obviously on purpose. Why would you write the same stupid thing twice, Mystere?

  6. \\Will Qtard say anything about Mystere posting his comment once... and then posting it again 8 minutes later? IT had a bigly problem with a comment of mine being published 3 times.

    Because... that was proper double-posting -- known bug of Google here. Pretty much nothing any poster can do about it. Maybe only delete double, right away.

    Your -- different story. ;-P

    To make it triple-posting -- need some involvment from foolish ignorant fool. ;-P

    \\Which I assume was the point Qtard was making. That the timestamps were all separated by several minutes, meaning I decided to post the comment once. Then a few minutes later I decided to post it a 2nd time. Then a few minutes after that I decided to post it a 3rd time. (not a confession, but the explanation I'm guessing Qtard believes).

    Yap. ;-P

    Your confession.

    You trying to curtain into NewSpeakian lie. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\When donald tRump is a complete moron. The dumbest president in US history.


    He have billions.

    And was POTUS... and quite could be one second time. ;-P

    So... either -- any "conmplete moron" can be a billioneire and POTUS.

    Or... something do not add-ups here... ;-P

    And that something -- is your staunch cretinity. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin.

    \\The first "Orange moron is brilliant" comment doesn't have an exclamation point. But the second one does. So the duplication was obviously on purpose. Why would you write the same stupid thing twice, Mystere?

    How observant.

    So... that is NOT double-posting even. ;-P

  7. Qtard: To make it triple-posting -- need some involvment from foolish ignorant fool.

    Blogger said "published", but when the page reloaded, my comment wasn't there. So I did submit it again. Then, after the page reloaded again, it was there 3 times. That is Blogger error.

    YOU had no involvement with what happened. Despite now claiming that somehow you caused it.

    Qtard: So... either -- any "conmplete moron" can be a billioneire and POTUS.

    No, a "conmplete moron" can't be a billioneire and POTUS. Given there is no such thing as either a "conmplete moron" or a "billioneire".

    Qtard: Or... something do not add-ups here...

    Yeah. How you can insist you aren't a trumper, even though you keep defending him? That doesn't add up. You agree that he is "brilliant" to? He must be, because he is a "billioneire"?

    I'm not even sure what that is. Is that someone who inherited a huge fortune from their daddy then lost a ton of that money? OWES a lot of money he will never pay back? Maybe he will file for bankruptcy, given the two massive judgements against him in NY. If not, he will die owing money and his creditors will come after his estate.

  8. \\Blogger said "published", but when the page reloaded, my comment wasn't there. So I did submit it again. Then, after the page reloaded again, it was there 3 times. That is Blogger error.


    That is confirmation that you are cretin. ;-P


    But... you will be screaming "I NEVER said it". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because you are -- BIGGLY cretinic. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\YOU had no involvement with what happened. Despite now claiming that somehow you caused it.

    And what this gibberish babbling even should mean??? :-)))))))))))))))))))

    Who's that "YOU"??? YET ONE of your bunch of miserly cretinic alter-egos??? ;-P

    \\Yeah. How you can insist you aren't a trumper, even though you keep defending him?

    Defending??? HOW???

    Am I his lawyer???

    In your crazy delusional brain. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\That doesn't add up. You agree that he is "brilliant" to? He must be, because he is a "billioneire"?


    Can you give a quote??? ;-P

    \\I'm not even sure what that is. Is that someone who inherited a huge fortune from their daddy then lost a ton of that money? OWES a lot of money he will never pay back? Maybe he will file for bankruptcy, given the two massive judgements against him in NY. If not, he will die owing money and his creditors will come after his estate.

    See... how much YOU care about it.

    Why I -- do not.

    It's like wirlwind... in a bushes far-far-away...

    I'd better not to. Never discuss. Never knew about it.

    But... whenever one intersects with anything written in english -- there is dRump.

  9. Qtard: Naaah.

    Yes. That is exactly what happened.

    Qtard: Defending??? HOW???Am I his lawyer??? In your crazy delusional brain.

    If I say "donald tRump is innocent, and I can explain why"... Then I give reasons why I say he is innocent... That's not defending? You obviously dunno what the word "defending" means. Go look it up. It is NMP.

    Qtard: Why I -- do not.

    Yeah? Then why are you commenting here? Why don't you leave? Comment on some Trekkie's blog?

    Qtard: ...there is dRump.

    Google, what does "drump" mean? As per the top result, a "drump" is "the sh!t you take a day after an@l intercourse".

    I dunno what things written in English have to do with what you see in your toilet.
