Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Actual Solution to Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Precluded

So how many Jews are there living in Arab countries again?


  1. So, to you, the "actual solution" is for all Palestinians to leave and go live in other Muslim majority countries. All Jews could leave Israel. That's another option.

    1. The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders May 4, 2024 at 2:57 PM:

      "All Jews could leave Israel. "
      Code for saying "Jews must be exterminated."

    2. Jews are God's Chosen People. Morality is based on Judeo Christian values. Israel is the home land of the Jews. Anyone who curses Israel gets the Wrath Of God. Anyone Who Blesses Jews and Israel gets Heavenly Blessings from God.

  2. Yeah... "final solution" proposal, from apparent Nazi.

    Of how to banish Jews from their own country.

    1. Exactly Q. "Cretin" is the Grand Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in Paris Tennessee.

  3. Your proposal? Endorsed by you because you're a Nazi? Are you confessing? I know I did not make, nor do I endorse, any such proposal. I only mentioned it is an option. Same as all Palestinians leaving. Neither likely at all to be implemented.

    Yet Minus suggests Palestinians should leave. Be taken in by other countries. Or kill them all. He suggested that in another post.

    You like that "final solution", yes? Well, as I recall, you were in favor of killing all "accomplices", which (according to you) was everyone residing in Gaza. Even children.

  4. Mystere: "All Jews could leave Israel. "
    Code for saying "Jews must be exterminated."

    I wasn't using your code.

    Mystere: Exactly Q. "Cretin" is the Grand Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in Paris Tennessee.

    I know you live in California, Mystere. So why would you be a "Grand Kleagle" in TN?

    1. Who is "Mystere", Dervish? You keep referring to some imaginary person.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders May 5, 2024 at 10:56 PM

      "This comment has been removed by the author."

      What's this? Did Dervish say something embarrassing again? Has Dervish been hitting the Tennessee Moonbat Moonshine Hooch again?

  6. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Your proposal?

    Before that.

    \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ All Jews could leave Israel. That's another option.

    And that same cretin asking why I made absolutely logical conclusion -- that behind that (renewed) account "The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders" is SAMEBODY of cretins bunch of multi-persons of a crazy split-person. ;-P

    \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\I know I did not make, nor do I endorse, any such proposal. I only mentioned it is an option.

    Yeah... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Well, as I recall, you were in favor of killing all "accomplices", which (according to you) was everyone residing in Gaza. Even children.

    And you was smirking that that children would be good new recruits for HAMAS.

    As well as showed your allegiance with it.


    Or that... was just another split-person??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    1. The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders May 5, 2024 at 9:45 PM

      "Mystere: Exactly Q. "Cretin" is the Grand Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in Paris Tennessee.

      I know you live in California, Mystere. So why would you be a "Grand Kleagle" in TN?"

      "The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders" definitely is a split person, Q. He's going to growl and sneer when he sees this. He hallucinates and sees someone who isn't on this post.

  7. So, to you, the "actual solution" is for all Palestinians to leave and go live in other Muslim majority countries. All Jews could leave Israel. That's another option.

    So that the regional Arab to Jewish Nation Ratio can become 24:0. Yeah that's the 'final solution' Hamas is looking for, alright. "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Jew free."

  8. Qtard: And that same cretin asking why I made absolutely logical conclusion...

    You're asking yourself a question concerning your illogical conclusion? *I* said it was an option. Not my proposal. At all. I'd be opposed. But, it don't matter, as there is no chance of it happening.

    Qtard: ...that behind that (renewed) account "The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders" is SAMEBODY of cretins bunch of multi-persons of a crazy split-person. ;-P

    There isn't. That your delusion (as a crazy person).

    Qtard: \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said... \\I know I did not make, nor do I endorse, any such proposal. I only mentioned it is an option. Yeah... **cretinic laughter**

    But you laugh (cretinically). Which, I assume means you don't believe me. Because your craziness has convinced you (yet again) "what Derpy really mean". It isn't what I say, it's what YOU say.

    \\ME: Well, as I recall, you were in favor of killing all "accomplices", which (according to you) was everyone residing in Gaza. Even children\\ Qtard: And you was smirking that that children would be good new recruits for HAMAS.

    No. That never happened. I did predict that people whose family members are killed might want to join Hamas for revenge. You say none will? I wish you were right. But you aren't.

    Qtard: As well as showed your allegiance with it.

    Yeah, that did happen -- in your crazy delusions. Not in reality.

    Qtard: Or that... was just another split-person???

    That you imagined? Yes. But you keep imagining (in your crazy delusions) "samebody" persons that are all me. Due to being crazy.

    Mystere (posting as Helmut Von Streudelstein): "The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders" definitely is a split person, Q. He's going to growl and sneer when he sees this. He hallucinates and sees someone who isn't on this post.

    Mystere is definitely a split person. "Helmut" is his latest personality. How would "Helmut" know that Qtard previously posted as "Q"? If "Helmut" just showed up (profile says the account was created less than a month ago). Qtard isn't currently posting as "Q", Mystere. He dropped the "Q" quite awhile back. Yet (somehow) "Helmut" knows he went by "Q"? And it isn't because "Helmut" is actually Mystere? RIGHT.

    Minus: So that the regional Arab to Jewish Nation Ratio can become 24:0. Yeah that's the 'final solution' Hamas is looking for, alright. "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Jew free."

    You want it to be Palestinian free. But neither population is going to relocate. That was my point. Yet you keep insisting that all Palestinians should leave. I say nobody is going to leave. Or should. But somehow I'm the hater. Well, that's what rightturds do. SAY Democrats, they're the "real" antisemites. Just like Democrats, they're the "real" racists.

    Even though 71 percent of Jewish Americans vote for Democrats. And 90+ percent of African Americans vote for Democrats. 93 percent of African American votes went for Biden in 2020.

    Yet, in rightturd delusions, rightturds know BETTER than the populations that are supposedly being hated on by Democrats. Apparently a majority of American Jews and African Americans are too stupid to know that Democrats hate them.

  9. Mystere (posting as "Helmut Von Streudelstein"): Who is "Mystere", Dervish? You keep referring to some imaginary person.

    Mystere doesn't know who Mystere is? Yet (somehow) he knows who "Q" is? Even though "Q" posts as anonymous? Nobody believes you, Mystere.

    Mystere believes himself to be imaginary? I know why you call yourself Mystere. You call yourself "Mr. E" on Twitter. "Mr. E" became "Mystere". Does that ring a bell? Or do you still think you're imaginary, Mystere?

    Cogito, ergo sum means "I think, therefore I am". Mystere doesn't think, therefore he isn't? Is that the logic you're using to conclude that you're imaginary, Mystere?

  10. Bulbophyll Bassoon got to Sunny Huston and Whoopi Goldberg. I want my🍦🍦now! Why here you are my boy! I've been looking for you, Dervish. (I pooped my pants while walking on the White House lawn -- MY BUTT'S BEEN WIPED! MY BUTT'S BEEN WIPED!)

  11. \\*I* said it was an option. Not my proposal.

    Yeah. Polite, humane and human-loving non-nazi people say it oftenly. "...or you'll die"... but that's just an option.



    Yeah, nazi-cretin. Your ilk was thoroughly destroyed in WW2.

    So now... NOBODY allowed to state such death threats... so, now you nazi scum, trying to disguise it with "that's just an option".

    And that's why you are so supporting to your liliPut-nazi master.

    Which openned such a possibility to you. To talk about SUCH "option".

    \\ I'd be opposed.


    On words.

    With saying "not my business".


    \\But, it don't matter, as there is no chance of it happening.

    What happening???

    For you to bear responsibility for your words?

    Yeah... seems like it. Even in case of court trial you'd be playing "i'm crazy... ma-a-a-an"


    \\Qtard: ...that behind that (renewed) account "The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders" is SAMEBODY of cretins bunch of multi-persons of a crazy split-person. ;-P

    \\There isn't. That your delusion (as a crazy person).

    YET ONE split-persona said. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\But you laugh (cretinically). Which, I assume means you don't believe me. Because your craziness has convinced you (yet again) "what Derpy really mean". It isn't what I say, it's what YOU say.

    So... you admitting being Derpy? ;-P

    \\Qtard: And you was smirking that that children would be good new recruits for HAMAS.

    \\No. That never happened. I did predict that people whose family members are killed might want to join Hamas for revenge.

    Opposing... just to confirm.

    \\You say none will? I wish you were right. But you aren't.

    Maybe... they unit with force that would clean Palestine from HAMAS scum.

    Because they SAW with own eyes -- WHO was killing their relatives and friends?

    \\That you imagined? Yes. But you keep imagining (in your crazy delusions) "samebody" persons that are all me. Due to being crazy.

    Why then there is OPPOSITE claims... written under same account????

    \\You want it to be Palestinian free. But neither population is going to relocate. That was my point. Yet you keep insisting that all Palestinians should leave. I say nobody is going to leave. Or should. But somehow I'm the hater.

    Naaah... you are nazi totalitarian... who want blood to be spilled more.

    \\SAY Democrats, they're the "real" antisemites. Just like Democrats, they're the "real" racists.


    If you say so. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Apparently a majority of American Jews and African Americans are too stupid to know that Democrats hate them.

    You know... Jews of Nazi Germany... have thought about themself, that they are "Germans enough".

    Some even tried to enter SS. ;-P

    But... nazis like you... showed em their place.

  12. With their "not my business"... when program of eradication of all and everything Jewish was initiated...

  13. You want it to be Palestinian free. But neither population is going to relocate.

    Then I guess that the Hamas faction of Palestine will die in Rafa. :)

  14. Qtard: \\HERE QTARD IS QUOTING ME: *I* said it was an option. Not my proposal\\ Yeah. Polite, humane and human-loving non-nazi people say it oftenly. "...or you'll die"... but that's just an option. Bu-ga-gah! **cretinic laughter & drooling**

    "...or you'll die" are YOUR words. Your death threat directed at Israeli citizens and YOUR Nazi confession. Clearly. Given that I did not write any such words.

    Qtard: Yeah, nazi-cretin. Your ilk was thoroughly destroyed in WW2.

    You're talking to yourself? Sad that your "ilk" was destroyed? But you can be happy now. Your ilk is rising again. They have a movement in the United States and a candidate that was and is running for president again.

    Qtard: So now... NOBODY allowed to state such death threats... so, now you nazi scum, trying to disguise it with "that's just an option".

    You JUST DID issue your Nazi death threat. You demanded that Jews get out of Israel "...or you'll die".

    Qtard: And that's why you are so supporting to your liliPut-nazi master.

    I see. Yes, your talks to yourself *do* explain why you are so supporting of Putin and his puppet donald tRump.

    Qtard: Which openned such a possibility to you. To talk about SUCH "option".

    But you demanded it. Said Jews must leave Israel "...or you'll die". Now what? "Never said it"?

    Me, I've said (multiple times now), that this "option" ISN'T an option. I wrote is AS MUCH an option as Palatinates leaving. NEITHER will happen. Nor do I believe either should.

    Qtard: \\HERE QTARD IS QUOTING ME: I'd be opposed\\ Yeah. On words. With saying "not my business". **cretinic laughter**

    Hmm. You quoted MY words. But maybe you think those are your words? Just recently this confused you greatly. You thought that (because I quoted you quoting me) that I was attributing my words to you. Do you think YOU wrote "I'd be opposed"... and you're replying to what YOU (think) you wrote? And your response to "your" words is that it isn't your business? Got it.

    Qtard: \\HERE QTARD IS QUOTING ME: But, it don't matter, as there is no chance of it happening\\ What happening??? For you to bear responsibility for your words?

    Talking to yourself again? You mistook my words for your words... AGAIN? Well, I'll answer anyway. The answer is NO. Re your death threat against Jews in Israel to leave "or you'll die"... you will thrug off responsibility for those words. For sure.

    Qtard: Yeah... seems like it. Even in case of court trial you'd be playing "i'm crazy... ma-a-a-an" **cretinic laughter**

    Your plans for a defense if you ever go on trial? Yeah, I think that could work. Given that you ARE obviously insane. But what did you do? Commit a hate crime?

    Qtard: ...that behind that (renewed) account "The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders" is SAMEBODY of cretins bunch of multi-persons of a crazy split-person. ... \\HERE QTARD IS QUOTING ME: There isn't. That your delusion (as a crazy person)\\ YET ONE split-persona said. **cretinic laughter and drooling**

    No, those are MY words. NOT your words. Qtard is confused again. Yawn. For sure IT's reply will indicate that it is confused as to who "Qtard" is. IT will probably ask if I'm talking about my "alter ego".

    Qtard: \\HERE QTARD IS QUOTING ME: But you laugh (cretinically). Which, I assume means you don't believe me. Because your craziness has convinced you (yet again) "what Derpy really mean". ...\\ So... you admitting being Derpy? ;-P

    You've called me "Derpy". That name has never been displayed in regards to any comment I've ever written. So, I don't know how I could "admit" to something that is false.

  15. Qtard: And you was smirking that that children would be good new recruits for HAMAS\\ HERE QTARD IS QUOTING ME: No. That never happened. I did predict that people whose family members are killed might want to join Hamas for revenge\\ Opposing... just to confirm.

    Huh? Confirm what? Some delusion of yours, no doubt.

    Qtard: \\HERE QTARD IS QUOTING ME: You say none will? I wish you were right. But you aren't\\ Maybe... they unit with force that would clean Palestine from HAMAS scum.

    Yeah, and why would they do that? You think they should all be eager to commit suicide? That ordinary people with no military training or weaponry can take on armed terrorists is your cretinic delusion.

    Qtard: Because they SAW with own eyes -- WHO was killing their relatives and friends?

    So they should assume that it's Hamas dropping all the bombs on them and not Israel? Hamas attacked Israel and now Hamas is attacking Gaza? Israel isn't doing anything? I think maybe they can still get some news regarding what's going on. Some TVs and radios. Know who is dropping bombs and blocking food aid. Even if they had access to no news, I don't know why they'd believe something as unbelievable as that.

    Qtard: \\HERE QTARD IS QUOTING ME: That you imagined? Yes. But you keep imagining (in your crazy delusions) "samebody" persons that are all me. Due to being crazy\\ Why then there is OPPOSITE claims... written under same account????

    There isn't.

    Qtard: \\HERE QTARD IS QUOTING ME: You want it to be Palestinian free. But neither population is going to relocate. That was my point. Yet you keep insisting that all Palestinians should leave. I say nobody is going to leave. Or should. But somehow I'm the hater\\ Naaah... you are nazi totalitarian... who want blood to be spilled more.

    You quoted my words. But then wrote a response talking to yourself. Again.

    Qtard: \\HERE QTARD IS QUOTING ME: SAY Democrats, they're the "real" antisemites. Just like Democrats, they're the "real" racists\\ Heh. If you say so. **cretinic laughter**

    I don't. I was writing about what rightturds say. Why you agree. You're a rightturd.

    Qtard: \\HERE QTARD IS QUOTING ME: Apparently a majority of American Jews and African Americans are too stupid to know that Democrats hate them\\ You know... Jews of Nazi Germany... have thought about themself, that they are "Germans enough". Some even tried to enter SS.

    Yeah, like some Jewish Americans voting republican. And some African Americans voting republican. Despite the republican party being the party that represents the interests of White Supremacists. IS the party of White Supremacy and antisemitism.

    Qtard: But... nazis like you... showed em their place.

    Yeah... "like you". Definite self referring talks. I love Jewish people. They largely vote for Democrats. Like African Americans. Because they have smartly determined that the Democratic Party best represents their interests.

    btw, most Jewish Israelis have determined that NuttenYahoo does not represent their interests and they want him out of office. At 15 percent approval he is less popular with Israelis than donald tRump is with Americans.

    Minus: \\MINUS QUOTING ME: You want it to be Palestinian free. But neither population is going to relocate\\ Then I guess that the Hamas faction of Palestine will die in Rafa. :)

    Along with many more Palestinians who are not members of Hamas and who do not support Hamas. But you've already stated that you think they deserve to die. And that is why you smile, yes?

  16. They don't deserve to die, Hamas is using the as human shields. It doesn't get more cowardly then that.

  17. \\Then I guess that the Hamas faction of Palestine will die in Rafa. :)


    \\"...or you'll die" are YOUR words. Your death threat directed at Israeli citizens and YOUR Nazi confession. Clearly. Given that I did not write any such words.

    And what could may Israelites to leave their sacred ground????

    \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ All Jews could leave Israel. That's another option.

    "Option"... that by your own admission " don't matter, as there is no chance of it happening".

    "Option"... my ass.

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Showing what a cretin your are -- with using words you dunno, because C-R-E-T-I-N. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\You're talking to yourself? Sad that your "ilk" was destroyed? But you can be happy now. Your ilk is rising again. They have a movement in the United States and a candidate that was and is running for president again.

    Bi-den? ;-P

    \\You JUST DID issue your Nazi death threat. You demanded that Jews get out of Israel "...or you'll die".

    Yeah. APPARENT use of "you" instead of "I".

    In shallow cretinic try to mud the water after nazi-anti-semitic claim...

    \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ All Jews could leave Israel. That's another option.

    \\Qtard: And that's why you are so supporting to your liliPut-nazi master.

    \\I see. Yes, your talks to yourself *do* explain why you are so supporting of Putin and his puppet donald tRump.

    You/I reversal. AGAIN!


    Yes, cretin. *I*... SEE it clearly -- what you trying to do. ;-P

    Following your puppet-master liliPut.

    "Nazis of the future WILL BE calling itself anti-Nazi".

    \\But you demanded it. Said Jews must leave Israel "...or you'll die". Now what? "Never said it"?

    Quote it. ;-P

    \\Me, I've said (multiple times now), that this "option" ISN'T an option.


    Because you are lying scum.

    That at first stated

    \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ All Jews could leave Israel. That's another option.

    And then... when nazi meaning of it was revealed.

    Trying to back off from your own words. ;-P

    But... you doing it utterly stupid way -- because you are cretin.

    All is clear and precise here. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

  18. Qtard: \\HERE QTARD IS QUOTING ME: I'd be opposed\\ Yeah. On words. With saying "not my business". **cretinic laughter**

    Hmm. You quoted MY words. But maybe you think those are your words? Just recently this confused you greatly. You thought that (because I quoted you quoting me) that I was attributing my words to you. Do you think YOU wrote "I'd be opposed"... and you're replying to what YOU (think) you wrote? And your response to "your" words is that it isn't your business? Got it.

    Using Colons in Dialogue and Scripts

    Play scripts often include colons to indicate a speaker and their dialogue. For example, the interchange between Miranda and Prospero in The Tempest could be written like this,

    Miranda: Oh, wonder!

    How many goodly creatures are there here!

    How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,

    That has such people in ’t!

    Prospero: ’Tis new to thee.

    PS Showing ITself cretin. AGAIN!

  19. \\Huh? Confirm what? Some delusion of yours, no doubt.

    Already forgot writing that words... that showed as "quote" just above this??? :-)))))))))))))

    This words -- "I did predict that people whose family members are killed might want to join Hamas for revenge".

    That's SAMEBODY else's words???

    And now SAMEBODY yet one else written it... and NOT recognizing previous alter-ego babbling???

    That's... explains this all commotion... of who "Qtard:" mean. ;-P

    But... continue-continue, confirming being "Qtard", Qtard. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yeah, and why would they do that?

    Because "I did predict that people whose family members are killed might want to join Hamas for revenge"

    But... that SAMEBODY else's words... currently answering alter-ego DO NOT recognize as OWN???????

    \\That ordinary people with no military training or weaponry can take on armed terrorists is your cretinic delusion.

    So... let's make it clear.

    Ordinary Palestinians could and should "join Hamas for revenge"... while that would mean rising against FULLY EQUIPPED military...

    But... when they would rise against terrorists, mere criminals... that'll be "You think they should all be eager to commit suicide?".


    And nazi-totalitarin to boot.

    \\Qtard: Because they SAW with own eyes -- WHO was killing their relatives and friends?

    \\So they should assume that it's Hamas dropping all the bombs on them and not Israel? Hamas attacked Israel and now Hamas is attacking Gaza? Israel isn't doing anything?

    And HAMAS using em cowardly as human shield.

    Like with pointing AKs at their backs... for them to stay in dangerous places. To not take refuge as Israel generously warned.

    Or... you think they: Palestinians... do that out of free will. Supporting HAMAS.

    While NOT being accomplices????



    HAMAS "warrior" saying: "Stay here in this flat... because in a basement are our HQ with AKs and explosive".

    "non-accomplice" Palestinian answers: "Aye aye sir! We'd do it with our bodies. Our service for HAMAS cause! Happily!"

  20. \\Some TVs and radios. Know who is dropping bombs and blocking food aid

    HAMAS propaganda?

    \\\\ Why then there is OPPOSITE claims... written under same account????

    \\There isn't.

    Yeah... because you just another of SAMEBODY alter-egos... and do not remember what previous have said??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\HERE QTARD IS QUOTING ME: You want it to be Palestinian free. But neither population is going to relocate. That was my point. Yet you keep insisting that all Palestinians should leave. I say nobody is going to leave. Or should. But somehow I'm the hater\\ Naaah... you are nazi totalitarian... who want blood to be spilled more.

    \\You quoted my words. But then wrote a response talking to yourself. Again.

    Double-checking, Ctrl-Fing.

    Exceprt "You want it to be Palestinian free."

    Yeah. You are right -- current alter-ego.

    That is some other alter-ego under same account \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...



    \\Yeah... "like you". Definite self referring talks. I love Jewish people.

    SO MUCH that you able to propose to em "option" -- to leave their sacred grounds????

    Yeah, you are lying nazi-scum.

    Which veiling your "final solution" as "I love Jewish people".


    \\I love Jewish people. They largely vote for Democrats. Like African Americans.

    And if they are not... they are "...White Supremacists"? Yes??? ;-P

    \\Along with many more Palestinians who are not members of Hamas and who do not support Hamas.

    Why they not fight back HAMAS??? Or not leaving harmful place... while, as you claim, AKs NOT pointing at their backs...

  21. Qtard: And what could may Israelites to leave their sacred ground????

    Huh? Do you mean, "what could make"? Nothing. They aren't leaving.

    Qtard: \\All Jews could leave Israel. That's another option\\ "Option"... that by your own admission " don't matter, as there is no chance of it happening".

    Exactly. It is the SAME chance as Palestinians leaving. NONE. THAT was my point. But you pretend (?) to be obtuse so you can accuse me of being serious instead of sarcastic.

    Qtard: Showing what a cretin your are -- with using words you dunno, because C-R-E-T-I-N.

    wtf? What word? "Option"? I know what "option" means.

    Qtard: \\You're talking to yourself? Sad that your "ilk" was destroyed? But you can be happy now. Your ilk is rising again. They have a movement in the United States and a candidate that was and is running for president again\\ Bi-den?

    Yeah, I'm sure the imaginary "Bi-den" is a White Supremacist. But I was referring not to the imaginary "Bi-den", but to donald tRump.

    Qtard: \\You JUST DID issue your Nazi death threat. You demanded that Jews get out of Israel "...or you'll die"\\ Yeah. APPARENT use of "you" instead of "I".


    Qtard: In shallow cretinic try to mud the water after nazi-anti-semitic claim...

    I didn't make any "nazi-anti-semitic claim".

    Qtard: You/I reversal. AGAIN!


    Qtard: Yes, cretin. *I*... SEE it clearly -- what you trying to do. Following your puppet-master liliPut. "Nazis of the future WILL BE calling itself anti-Nazi".

    Yes. I agree with what you just said about yourself.

    Qtard: \\But you demanded it. Said Jews must leave Israel "...or you'll die". Now what? "Never said it"?\\ Quote it. ;-P

    Quote: Yeah. Polite, humane and human-loving non-nazi people say it oftenly. "...or you'll die"... but that's just an option. Bu-ga-gah!

    That was someone else posting anonymously. Or one of your samebody alter egos?

    Qtard: \\Me, I've said (multiple times now), that this "option" ISN'T an option\\ Yeah.
    Because you are lying scum.

    You/I reversal.

    Qtard: \\All Jews could leave Israel. That's another option\\ And then... when nazi meaning of it was revealed. Trying to back off from your own words. ;-P

    NO. I DO NOT. I stand by my words. It is AS MUCH an option as all the Palestinians leaving. Exactly the same chances of happening. Zero percent chance.

    Qtard: But... you doing it utterly stupid way -- because you are cretin.

    You/I reversal.

    Qtard: Using Colons in Dialogue and Scripts. Play scripts often include colons to indicate a speaker and their dialogue. For example, the interchange between Miranda and Prospero in The Tempest could be written like this...

    This isn't a play. Though you DID say it. You quoted me. Then I quoted you, quoting me. My words appear in your comments.

    Qtard: PS Showing ITself cretin. AGAIN!

    Yes. IT is.

    Qtard: Already forgot writing that words... that showed as "quote" just above this???

    You wrote "Opposing... just to confirm".

    Words "just above" are... "No. That never happened. I did predict that people whose family members are killed might want to join Hamas for revenge".

    I did not "forget". I see my words. I dunno wtf "opposing... just to confirm" has to do with what I wrote.

    Qtard: This words -- "I did predict that people whose family members are killed might want to join Hamas for revenge". That's SAMEBODY else's words???

    No. They are MY words. I dunno what your words have to do with my words.

    "opposing... just to confirm".

    Opposing WHAT?

  22. Qtard: And now SAMEBODY yet one else written it... and NOT recognizing previous alter-ego babbling???

    BULLSHIT. I absolutely recognize my own words. You babbled gibberish in response to my words.

    Qtard: That's... explains this all commotion... of who "Qtard:" mean.

    Yeah, it means you. A total tard.

    Qtard: But... continue-continue, confirming being "Qtard", Qtard. **cretinic laughter**

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\Yeah, and why would they do that?\\ Because "I did predict that people whose family members are killed might want to join Hamas for revenge"

    So, you think Gazans who want revenge and to join Hamas to exact that revenge on Israel would fight Hamas? That is pure cretinic babbling.

    Qtard: But... that SAMEBODY else's words... currently answering alter-ego DO NOT recognize as OWN???????

    You don't recognize your own words? Why not? You say to yourself "what nonsense. I couldn't possibly have written that"? But YOU DID write that nonsense.

    Gazan person says, "Israeli bombs killed my family. I want to join Hamas to get revenge on Israel. I will fight Hamas".

    That makes some kind of sense?

    Qtard: So... let's make it clear. Ordinary Palestinians could and should "join Hamas for revenge"... while that would mean rising against FULLY EQUIPPED military...

    What? The Israeli army? Yeah, but after Hamas gave them food (they are starving) and trained them and gave them weapons. Though it's only going to be the ones capable of fighting. Not old people and children. And that probably isn't going to happen until this conflict is over. I doubt they are training new recruits now. I was talking about in the future. Young kids whose families are killed -- YEARS from now might join Hamas for revenge.

    Qtard: But... when they would rise against terrorists, mere criminals... that'll be "You think they should all be eager to commit suicide?"\\ TOTAL CRETINITY!!! CONFIRMED!!!!

    Yes. For sure. Starving people without food or weapons are going to take on trained, fed and equipped terrorists. Children too. Who, YEARS from now might join Hamas for revenge -- instead they're going to fight Hamas NOW. Maybe a 2 year old with his bare hands will take on and defeat Hamas fighters. That is definite cretinic thinking.

    Qtard: And nazi-totalitarin to boot.

    Not wanting to commit suicide is "nazi-totalitarian"?

    Qtard: And HAMAS using em cowardly as human shield. Like with pointing AKs at their backs... for them to stay in dangerous places. To not take refuge as Israel generously warned.

    Yeah, but you say they should attack them. Swat the AK bullets aside with their hands and stab them to death with their fingers.

    Qtard: Or... you think they: Palestinians... do that out of free will. Supporting HAMAS. While NOT being accomplices???? Bu-ga-gah!!!

    Sure. To the cretin not wanting to die is "supporting Hamas".

    Qtard: HAMAS "warrior" saying: "Stay here in this flat... because in a basement are our HQ with AKs and explosive". "non-accomplice" Palestinian answers: "Aye aye sir! We'd do it with our bodies. Our service for HAMAS cause! Happily!"

    MADE UP conversation. Or did you hear their voices in your head? Because you are crazy??

  23. Qtard: \\Some TVs and radios. Know who is dropping bombs and blocking food aid\\ HAMAS propaganda?

    That Israel is bombing Gaza? So they aren't? Who is? Cretin thinks Hamas is bombing itself?

    Qtard: \\Why then there is OPPOSITE claims... written under same account????\\There isn't.
    Yeah... because you just another of SAMEBODY alter-egos... and do not remember what previous have said???

    No. Because I didn't author any "opposite claims written under same account".

    Qtard: \\HERE QTARD IS QUOTING ME: You want it to be Palestinian free. But neither population is going to relocate. That was my point. Yet you keep insisting that all Palestinians should leave. I say nobody is going to leave. Or should. But somehow I'm the hater\\ Naaah... you are nazi totalitarian... who want blood to be spilled more\\ You quoted my words. But then wrote a response talking to yourself. Again\\ Double-checking, Ctrl-Fing.
    Exceprt "You want it to be Palestinian free." Yeah. You are right -- current alter-ego.
    That is some other alter-ego under same account \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said... IT.

    No. No "alter ego" said it. *I* said it. Though YOU babbled about wanting more blood to be spilled. Those are YOUR words and your desire.

    Qtard: \\Yeah... "like you". Definite self referring talks. I love Jewish people\\ SO MUCH that you able to propose to em "option" -- to leave their sacred grounds????

    No, I never did. You're lying.

    Qtard: Yeah, you are lying nazi-scum. Which veiling your "final solution" as "I love Jewish people".

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: \\I love Jewish people. They largely vote for Democrats. Like African Americans\\ And if they are not... they are "...White Supremacists"? Yes???

    No. White Supremacists like you are antisemitic and racist. Your people hate Jews and non-whites.

    Qtard: Why they not fight back HAMAS??? Or not leaving harmful place...

    Because they are starving and unarmed. Many are children. Leave? They are. And then getting bombed as they try to flee.

    Qtard: ...while, as you claim, AKs NOT pointing at their backs...

    I made no such claim.

  24. \\Huh? Do you mean, "what could make"? Nothing. They aren't leaving.

    So??? What it tells about that "option" of yours? ;-P

    \\It is the SAME chance as Palestinians leaving. NONE. THAT was my point.

    Like anybody trying to make em to leave. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Showing what a cretin your are -- with using words you dunno, because C-R-E-T-I-N.

    \\wtf? What word? "Option"? I know what "option" means.

    As something that "will never happen"??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Or... " pretend (?) to be obtuse so you can accuse me of being serious instead of sarcastic." :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    You just NATURALLY cretinic. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\You/I reversal.

    Learned new trick from MUCH SMARTER opponent.

    And now repeating it happily, like that Poppy the Parrot? ;-P

    Be my guest, poppy. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Everything else I see as YET ONE time "Escape of Cretin".

    Into some incomprehensible mummbling... to scare off opponent.

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  25. Qtard: So??? What it tells about that "option" of yours?

    You tell me. You're the one who imagined this "option of yours".

    Qtard: \\It is the SAME chance as Palestinians leaving. NONE. THAT was my point\\ Like anybody trying to make em to leave.

    Hamas is Israel's friend? I think they would be happy for them to leave. You think otherwise? They want their Jewish friends to stay?

    Qtard: \\wtf? What word? "Option"? I know what "option" means\\ As something that "will never happen"??? **cretinic laughter**

    Yeah, it ISN'T an option. THAT WAS MY POINT. Boy, you're dumb.

    Qtard: You/I reversal. Learned new trick from MUCH SMARTER opponent.

    No. It's a cretinic "trick". I just threw it back in your face. But, yeah... it would make more sense to replace your "you" with an "I".

    Qtard: Everything else I see as YET ONE time "Escape of Cretin".

    Your "Escape of Cretin" is you deciding to silently agree with everything else I wrote? But this is just a one time usage? Never again? I think you should use your "escape of cretin" more often.

  26. \\Qtard: So??? What it tells about that "option" of yours?

    \\You tell me. You're the one who imagined this "option of yours".


    YET OTHER of SAMEBODY bunch of cretins that do not remember writing...

    \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ So, to you, the "actual solution" is for all Palestinians to leave and go live in other Muslim majority countries. All Jews could leave Israel. That's another option.

    in the very beginning of this thread.

  27. \\Hamas is Israel's friend? I think they would be happy for them to leave. You think otherwise? They want their Jewish friends to stay?


    To leave Israel's territory???

    \\Yeah, it ISN'T an option. THAT WAS MY POINT. Boy, you're dumb.

    State your nick, alter-ego.

    Because previous one written it clearly: "All Jews could leave Israel. That's another option."


    \\No. It's a cretinic "trick".

    Why you REPEATING it, IT??? Because you are cretin? ;-P


    \\I just threw it back in your face.


    CONFIRMED own cretinity -- with trying to "throw it back"... though you are total cretin, and DUNNO how to do that. ;-P


    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Your cretinic tryes to "throw it back" -- is the best part, of your self-revealing cretinity-confirming shticks. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But, yeah... it would make more sense to replace your "you" with an "I".


    Because you R C-R-E-T-I-N. ;-P

    You think that your cretinic NewSpeak talks will be mind-boggling to MUCH SMARTER opponent, and make him cry, powerless. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Or... for very least, will thrug him off your tail. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Your "Escape of Cretin" is you deciding to silently agree with everything else I wrote? But this is just a one time usage? Never again? I think you should use your "escape of cretin" more often.

    Oh... I will comment on that else too. If you asking so much.

    Seems like you LIKE to be called cretin. As much as possible.

    Yeah, cretin??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  28. \\Qtard: ...while, as you claim, AKs NOT pointing at their backs...

    \\I made no such claim.

    Yeah. That's SAMEBODY, but some OTHER alter-ego claimed -- that "innocent" Palestinians will be joining HAMAS... to "revenge" over Jews.

    But... you -- current alter-ego "never said it", yeah? ;-P

    \\Because they are starving and unarmed. Many are children. Leave? They are. And then getting bombed as they try to flee.

    Poor, poor "innocent" Palestinians.

    That chose HAMAS as their government. And was celebrating killing of Jews on 7th of October.

    Well... there was many children. Starved and unarmed. In NAZI Germany and in Hirohito's Japan.

    Famous artist of Japan -- Miyazaki even made heart-breaking film about it -- "Grave of the Fireflies".

    So what????

    All NAZIs and all Japan war-criminals had have to be SPARED?????

    And that is ALLIES... who defeated em, are to take ALL BLAME????

  29. And that is NOT murderer who was killing people to blame...

    but policeman who shut that murderer?????

    What a cretinic crap that is.

    But... suiting and fitting of such a cretin.

    Continue-continue, cretin.

  30. \\No. White Supremacists like you are antisemitic and racist. Your people hate Jews and non-whites.

    Obviously... and in all accordance with facts... you using "you/your" here instead of "I/mine"... and self-revealing all this crap about your crappy nature. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Yeah... "like you". Definite self referring talks. I love Jewish people\\ SO MUCH that you able to propose to em "option" -- to leave their sacred grounds????

    \\No, I never did. You're lying.

    And what is that??? In the very beginning of THIS thread????

    What's that "option" is about??? ;-P

    Ah... yes, that SOME OTHER of SAMEBODY bunch of cretins said. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\No. No "alter ego" said it. *I* said it.


    \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
    \\All Jews could leave Israel. That's another option.


    You -- did. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And that is perfectly true and factual. ;-P

    But... something tells me, that you cretin will be OPPOSING to such an obvious Truth.

    Well... as ever.

    Because... U R CRETIN.

    Cannot be helped. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  31. \\No. Because I didn't author any "opposite claims written under same account".

    Because... "you" here... that's just another of bunch of alter-egos of SAMEBODY writing under one account? ;-P

    \\That Israel is bombing Gaza? So they aren't? Who is? Cretin thinks Hamas is bombing itself?

    Totally without REASON??? NO previous history???

    Just because they HATE Palestinians and want em all die????

    Naaaaah... that's what HAMAS wants and declares.

    And "innocent" Palestinians SUPPORT that HAMAS.


  32. \\MADE UP conversation. Or did you hear their voices in your head? Because you are crazy??


    So... when you read a book.

    Where personages talk to each other -- you feel it like voices in your cretinic head?


    It explains it, a little.

    Your cretinic use of "Qtard:" before your own words.


    \\Sure. To the cretin not wanting to die is "supporting Hamas".

    Those who don't want to die -- fighting back.

    Like doing Jews of Israel, exactly.

    Like doing Ukrainians.

    Like did USAians in ww2.

    But... that simple idea seems are too hard for such totalitarian cretins... as SAMEBODY merry bunch. ;-P

    \\Yeah, but you say they should attack them. Swat the AK bullets aside with their hands and stab them to death with their fingers.

    Yeah. People who REALLY don't want to die... can do even that.

    But... more practical -- just ask Jews to give em arms... with promise to free hostages and give all HAMAS criminals.

    But... that is UNTHINKABLE for "innocent" Palestinians... who SUPPORT murderers... wholeheartedly.

    \\Not wanting to commit suicide is "nazi-totalitarian"?

    Staying in building in the basements of which weapon and explosive store -- NOT suicidal???

    \\Yes. For sure. Starving people without food or weapons are going to take on trained, fed and equipped terrorists.

    And WHO helped em??? To became that trained, fed and equipped???

    When you paying taxes... that then going to feed, train and equip soldiers of your country -- isn't that MAKES YOU RESPONSIBLE for what they do???

    Like it was in Vietnam. When that well-trained and highly-equipped troops -- committed war crimes against innocent, unfed and not armed children.


  33. \\Children too. Who, YEARS from now might join Hamas for revenge -- instead they're going to fight Hamas NOW.


    That's what totalitarians like you want -- for bloodshed to continue. Indefinitely.

    For innocent children to became terrorists... without ANY OTHER way out.

    Like live long and happy life in peace.

    After terrorists would be destroyed for good.

    SAME... what DEMNs want to Israel, Ukraine... and whole Europe.

    \\Qtard: So... let's make it clear. Ordinary Palestinians could and should "join Hamas for revenge"... while that would mean rising against FULLY EQUIPPED military...

    \\What? The Israeli army?

    What??? Have problems with comprehending simple texts???

    Of course, if they'll join HAMAS "for revenge"... they will be fighting with FULLY EQUIPPED army of Israel.

    With tanks, airplanes, missiles and bombs...

    But... in accordance with miserly cretin IT... to rise against terrorists with AKs... is much more dangerous.

    \\Yeah, but after Hamas gave them food (they are starving)


    Gave food???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And??? Where they grown it, that food??? In their underground tunnels???

    They are humanitarian organization??? That think only about peace and wellbeing???


    And not ones who rob that humanitarian caravans with food and necessities, that all World sending to help "innocent" Palestinians.

    What a nasty totalitarian cretinic lie.

    But... you are totalitarian cretin not for nothing.

    \\Young kids whose families are killed -- YEARS from now might join Hamas for revenge.

    Yeah... if only it will all go in accordance with plan of such a totalitarian cretins like you and your "imaginary" non-acting POTUS Bi-den...

    for terrorists to be spared. And be free for "revenge" in future.

    \\Gazan person says, "Israeli bombs killed my family. I want to join Hamas to get revenge on Israel. I will fight Hamas".

    \\That makes some kind of sense?

    You have such voice in your head? ;-P

    Feel itself Gazan???

    Or that is... one of your alter-egos???



    That is... the way to "throw words of dumb cretin back at IT". ;-P


  34. Qtard: Oh... I will comment on that else too. If you asking so much.

    I wasn't. I said your "Escape of Cretin" was a good idea. Instead you took my endorsement of this escape as a challenge to prove your cretinity more.

    Qtard: Seems like you LIKE to be called cretin. As much as possible. Yeah, cretin???

    Talking to yourself again. But Ido agree with what you are telling yourself.

    Qtard: ...while, as you claim, AKs NOT pointing at their backs... \\I made no such claim\\ Yeah. That's SAMEBODY, but some OTHER alter-ego claimed -- that "innocent" Palestinians will be joining HAMAS... to "revenge" over Jews.

    No. That there are any "samebody alter egos" of MINE is YOUR delusion. But (to respond), I never made the first claim. I did make the second claim. Because it's true. IS innocent. May not be innocent in the future. After joining Hamas for revenge. You think it's not going to happen? When innocent civilians are killed in the fight against terrorism, that tends to create more terrorists. This is well know. But cretin dunno anything about it.

    Qtard: But... you -- current alter-ego "never said it", yeah?

    This whole "split person" idiocy is bullshit. You've only ever conversed with me and ZERO "alter egos". Unless you are talking about yourself. Again. And YOUR "samebody alter egos".

    Qtard: Poor, poor "innocent" Palestinians. That chose HAMAS as their government. And was celebrating killing of Jews on 7th of October.

    Your first claim is false. We have been over this multiple times before. I gave you the facts. You replied by saying that a "once in a lifetime election" equated to democracy. Even for people who weren't born when Hamas was elected.

    As for your second claim about celebrating... I heard of no celebrations. You can link to some evidence that there was widespread celebrating? Even though, after the Hamas attack on Israel, many Gazan citizens were likely very worried about how Israel would respond. Cretin thinks Gazan citizens would celebrate that many of them would die in the counter-attack?

    Cretin thinks there were "we are about to be attacked and killed celebrations"?? Even people in Gaza who hate Israel wouldn't celebrate them and their family members and friends being killed. Hamas knew that was going to happen. But they don't care about the lives of the citizens of Gaza. While the citizens of Gaza DO care about their own lives. But cretin thinks they don't. Apparently. Cretin thinks they celebrated their impending deaths.

    Qtard: Well... there was many children. Starved and unarmed. In NAZI Germany and in Hirohito's Japan.

    Yeah -- and thinking of that misery -- that makes you smile. Yes? Want MORE of that in the world. It makes the totalitarian cretin very happy when innocent civilians suffer and die.

    Qtard: Famous artist of Japan -- Miyazaki even made heart-breaking film about it -- "Grave of the Fireflies".

    Yeah? And the message of Grave of the Fireflies was "we deserved it for being accomplices"? But why does the cretin think that is "heart-breaking"? Didn't the cretin (if it watched it) applaud and cheer when the "accomplices" got what was coming to them?

    Qtard: So what???? All NAZIs and all Japan war-criminals had have to be SPARED?????

    Who are the "war criminals"? You include innocent civilians, they are "war criminals" too and deserve to suffer. Even babies. They are accomplices too and deserve punishment. Well, that is what the totalitarian cretin obviously believes. It is very happy when accomplice children suffer and are starved and killed.

  35. Qtard: And that is ALLIES... who defeated em, are to take ALL BLAME????

    What a moronic conclusion. Well, one reached by a cretin. So it is no surprise. Cretin believes war crimes are things only the enemy can be guilty of. The side IT roots for can do anything. KILL the enemy and enemies' "accomplices" as much as it wants. Yes?

    Qtard: And that is NOT murderer who was killing people to blame... but policeman who shut [shot??] that murderer?????

    Cretin asks another cretinic question. The cretinity never ends! We were talking about innocent civilians who did no killing. If a policeman (looking for a killer) enters the killer's home -- policeman has done nothing wrong if he shoots and kills the killer's wife (who did not know her husband killed someone) and shoots the killer's baby in it's crib? Both for being "accomplices"? Cretin obviously enthusiastically shouts YES!

    Qtard: What a cretinic crap that is. But... suiting and fitting of such a cretin.

    Yeah. I 100 percent agree with your observation about yourself, cretin.

    Qtard: \\No. White Supremacists like you are antisemitic and racist. Your people hate Jews and non-whites\\ Obviously... and in all accordance with facts... you using "you/your" here instead of "I/mine"... and self-revealing all this crap about your crappy nature.

    OBVIOUSLY you wrote "You using" when you meant to write "I using". In FULL accordance with IT's crappy nature. To blame others for IT's blood lust that causes it to desire innocents to be killed. Though only if they are enemies and "accomplices" of the enemy.

    Qtard: \\Yeah... "like you". Definite self referring talks. I love Jewish people\\ SO MUCH that you able to propose to em "option" -- to leave their sacred grounds????\\ No, I never did. You're lying\\ And what is that??? In the very beginning of THIS thread???? What's that "option" is about???

    It is "about" being an option. Options can exist that I disagree with. Cretin thinks if options are laid out, person citing the options AGREES with all of them? Just because he acknowledge they exist?

    Qtard: Ah... yes, that SOME OTHER of SAMEBODY bunch of cretins said.

    No. That never happened. You said I "proposed" it to them. But I never called up Israel and said all their citizens should leave their country. Though -- in your crazy cretin delusions -- maybe you think I did? Even though I said (many times now) that I oppose this option.

    Qtard: This? \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said... All Jews could leave Israel. That's another option\\ Yeah. You -- did.

    Sure. I stated it is an option. One I reject. Yet it exists as an option. As much an option as all Palestinians leaving. But cretin thinks Israel citizens can't leave? The Israeli government wouldn't allow it? All Israeli citizens can never leave? That's what crazy cretin thinks?

    Gazans can't leave. That's why people call it an "open air prison". Cretin thinks Israel is the same?

    Qtard: And that is perfectly true and factual.

    False and anti-factual.

    Qtard: But... something tells me, that you cretin will be OPPOSING to such an obvious Truth. Well... as ever.

    It isn't an "obvious truth". That's one of your delusions. But OF COURSE the crazy cretin thinks it's delusions are "obvious truth".

    Qtard: Because... U R CRETIN. Cannot be helped.

    Talking about itself again. Yeah, IT's cretinity can't be helped. Not without any "Charlie Gordon pills" cretin previously wished existed.

  36. \\I wasn't. I said your "Escape of Cretin" was a good idea.

    And what a surprise -- cretin calling behaving as cretin -- "good idea". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Instead you took my endorsement of this escape as a challenge to prove your cretinity more.

    That is not I... that is YOU are that crertin -- that over-produces meaningless cretinic responses (all that baseless "Nos"). ;-P

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Showing more, MORE, MOAR!!! cretinity. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But Ido agree with what you are telling yourself.

    Yet one cretinic alter-ego??? Ido? ;-P

    Pleased to meat you, Ido. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\No. That there are any "samebody alter egos" of MINE is YOUR delusion. :-)))))))))))))))))

    Yes-yes, cretin-Ido... they are. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Delusions of some other of SAMEBODY merry bunch of cretins. ;-P

    Your delusion -- I prophess... that you Not Exist. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\ IS innocent.

    "Why God allow innocent to be killed???", then? ;-P

    \\After joining Hamas for revenge. You think it's not going to happen?

    It seems that's what non-acting POTUS Bi-den WANT to achieve.


    \\When innocent civilians are killed in the fight against terrorism, that tends to create more terrorists.

    So??? Let's just give up to terror??? And give to that terrorists all they want???

    Especially... if that's about country far-far-away, and... not involve demands to Americans???

    Like Israel... or Ukraine.

    Make em bend their knees before terror -- good, profitable politics???

    \\But cretin dunno anything about it.


    You cretin dunno why "No Negotiations with Terrorists" was established.

    \\This whole "split person" idiocy is bullshit. You've only ever conversed with me and ZERO "alter egos". Unless you are talking about yourself. Again. And YOUR "samebody alter egos".

    Blah-blah-blah... said yet one alter-ego.

    And Ido is its name.

    But... in its crazy delusion... it will be saying -- that it DO NOT EXIST. ;-P

    \\Your first claim is false. We have been over this multiple times before. I gave you the facts. You replied by saying that a "once in a lifetime election" equated to democracy.

    There is TONS of governments... established WITHOUT any democracy.

    Like just recently -- "re-elections" of liliPut in RFia.

    But... YOUR Government. With YOUR most beloved (though "imaginary") non-acting POTUS Bi-den -- ADMITTED it being full-fledged Government. And liliPut -- POT-RFia. ;-P

    So what??? Would you rise your voice AGAINST it??? ;-P

    \\As for your second claim about celebrating... I heard of no celebrations.

    If you not heard about something -- it not happened???

    And if you heard -- it happened???


    Obviously. Cause you are cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

  37. \\Even people in Gaza who hate Israel wouldn't celebrate them and their family members and friends being killed.

    Who knows???

    You know that in Islam... there is special Paradise... for those who was killed in action.

    And that... not unique, among religions.

    But, yeah... you are cretin, and dunno pretty much about everything, that making this world roll... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Hamas knew that was going to happen. But they don't care about the lives of the citizens of Gaza.


    Because such is their religion.

    \\While the citizens of Gaza DO care about their own lives.

    What??? Other Gazans confess OTHER religion???

    That's BIG news... not. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Just YET ONE demonstration of your cretinism.

    \\Yeah -- and thinking of that misery -- that makes you smile. Yes? Want MORE of that in the world. It makes the totalitarian cretin very happy when innocent civilians suffer and die.

    Your self-admission -- dully noted.


    \\Who are the "war criminals"? You include innocent civilians, they are "war criminals" too and deserve to suffer. Even babies.

    On 28 July 1939, Mengele married Irene Schönbein, whom he had met while working as a medical resident in Leipzig. Their only son, Rolf, was born in 1944.

    Josef Mengele - Wikipedia
    Wikipedia › wiki › Josef_Mengele

    So what??? We should find and prosecute ones who killed that monster... for leaving 'innocent' child without father????

    \\Well, that is what the totalitarian cretin obviously believes. It is very happy when accomplice children suffer and are starved and killed.

    Yet one self-admission -- dully noted.

  38. Qtard: \\No. Because I didn't author any "opposite claims written under same account"\\ Because... "you" here... that's just another of bunch of alter-egos of SAMEBODY writing under one account?

    No. Because there are no "bunch of alter-egos of SAMEBODY writing under one account". Well, not MY account. Maybe (on your end) that's what's happening.

    Qtard: \\That Israel is bombing Gaza? So they aren't? Who is? Cretin thinks Hamas is bombing itself?\\ Totally without REASON??? NO previous history??? Just because they HATE Palestinians and want em all die????

    WHO are you talking about? Israel? I was talking about Hamas and your belief that Hamas is bombing itself. Sounds like you are acknowledging that it's Israel doing the bombing. And (in it's crazy cretinic delusions) is saying I dunno why Israel might be doing this. Which is a lie.

    Qtard: Naaaaah... that's what HAMAS wants and declares.

    No. That's false. Hamas wants many Gazans to die, for sure. Certainly not ALL of them. Then there would be none left to want revenge and to join Hamas.

    Qtard: And "innocent" Palestinians SUPPORT that HAMAS. Wholeheartedly.

    No. You are a lying liar. Some do. Probably more now. But not all. Or even most.

    Google question -- Do Gazans still support Hamas?

    Google answer -- Support for Hamas as a political party has fallen to 34% among Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, a 12-point drop from December 2023, according to a poll released Wednesday by a leading Palestinian research institute. Mar 21, 2024.

    Let me ask IT this... Cretin thinks the J6 rioters "wholeheartedly" support Joe Biden? And that is why they marched on the Capitol? To express their support for Biden? Well, they MUST "wholeheartedly" support Biden. They didn't take up arms to get rid of Biden. As the citizens of Gaza (who did not vote for Hamas) did not take up arms to get rid of Hamas. Both situations (not getting rid of ruling party they don't like) equating to "wholehearted" support... in a cretin's mind. Yes?

    Qtard: \\MADE UP conversation. Or did you hear their voices in your head? Because you are crazy??\\ Oh??? So... when you read a book. Where personages talk to each other -- you feel it like voices in your cretinic head? Yeah.

    That conversation you cited is from a book? Which one? It is a book of fiction, yes?

    Qtard: It explains it, a little. Your cretinic use of "Qtard:" before your own words. **cretinic laughing and drooling**

    No. What explains that is that I am quoting you (who is quoting me).

    Qtard: \\Sure. To the cretin not wanting to die is "supporting Hamas"\\ Those who don't want to die -- fighting back. Like doing Jews of Israel, exactly. Like doing Ukrainians. Like did USAians in ww2.

    No. That is 100 percent false. Jews of Israel, Ukrainians and "USAians in ww2" didn't fight against their own government. They fought FOR their government against the enemy.

    Qtard: But... that simple idea seems are too hard for such totalitarian cretins... as SAMEBODY merry bunch.

    Yeah. Your observations about yourself do seem to be accurate. Thinking is *hard* for IT. Due to IT's obviously defective brain.

    Qtard: \\Yeah, but you say they should attack them. Swat the AK bullets aside with their hands and stab them to death with their fingers\\ Yeah. People who REALLY don't want to die... can do even that.

    Become superheros or mutants with mutant powers. Like in Marvel or X-Men movies? In your crazy cretinic delusions these aren't movies but for real?

    Cretin: But... more practical -- just ask Jews to give em arms... with promise to free hostages and give all HAMAS criminals.

    Right. When they are even reluctant to allow food to be delivered to them. They'd give them guns. Another crazy cretinic delusion.

  39. Qtard: But... that is UNTHINKABLE for "innocent" Palestinians... who SUPPORT murderers... wholeheartedly.

    Don't. But yeah, some might take those guns and hand them over to Hamas. Or these guns could be taken by force. Because Gazan civilians don't know how to use them. Have no training. Could be seized by Hamas while they are still in crates. Before Gazan citizens even receive them (if Israel were to send them). Just like stolen food shipments. Still cretin thinks Israel would be eager to sent crates of guns and other weapons????

    Qtard: \\Not wanting to commit suicide is "nazi-totalitarian"?\\ Staying in building in the basements of which weapon and explosive store -- NOT suicidal???

    Cretin thinks this is the situation of EVERY Gazan citizen? They are ALL in buildings where Hamas weapons and explosives are stored in the basements???? WOW! Hamas must have a LOT of weapons and explosives.

    Qtard: \\Yes. For sure. Starving people without food or weapons are going to take on trained, fed and equipped terrorists\\ And WHO helped em??? To became that trained, fed and equipped???

    Yeah, that's what cretin believes. That ALL Gazan citizens were helping Hamas all the time. "Wholeheartedly". Instead of going about their daily lives. Paying taxes because they have no choice. Will have assets seized and possibly end up in jail if they don't pay. Well, money that isn't taken automatically out of their paychecks. Cretin dunno how taxation works? Thinks citizens don't have to pay if they don't want. Cretin thinks paying taxes (anywhere) is completely voluntary?

    Qtard: When you paying taxes... that then going to feed, train and equip soldiers of your country -- isn't that MAKES YOU RESPONSIBLE for what they do???

    But Hamas isn't "soldiers of your country". Hamas is a terrorist organization. Cretin dunno. Obviously.

    Qtard: Like it was in Vietnam. When that well-trained and highly-equipped troops -- committed war crimes against innocent, unfed and not armed children.

    Huh? WHO are you referring to? American soldiers killing innocent Vietnamese? Yeah, that happened. Qtard didn't cheer the killing of NON-innocent "accomplices"?

    Qtard: \\Children too. Who, YEARS from now might join Hamas for revenge -- instead they're going to fight Hamas NOW\\ Yep. That's what totalitarians like you want -- for bloodshed to continue. Indefinitely.

    That is exactly what I DON'T want. Obviously what you just wrote is self referring talks. That is what YOU want.

    Qtard: For innocent children to became terrorists... without ANY OTHER way out. Like live long and happy life in peace.

    Yeah. Definite self referring talks.

    Qtard: After terrorists would be destroyed for good. SAME... what DEMNs want to Israel, Ukraine... and whole Europe.

    No, that's what rightturds believe to be possible. For terrorists to be destroyed "for good". That's why they keep bombing innocent civilians (thinking they are "accomplices")... so that more of them will get angry and join with terrorist organizations for revenge. Such a terrible plan. Yet endorsed by rightturds wholeheartedly. Strongly OPPOSED by Progressive Democrats like me.

    Qtard: So... let's make it clear. Ordinary Palestinians could and should "join Hamas for revenge"... while that would mean rising against FULLY EQUIPPED military...\\What? The Israeli army?\\ What??? Have problems with comprehending simple texts???

    Yeah, it seems you do.

    Qtard: Of course, if they'll join HAMAS "for revenge"... they will be fighting with FULLY EQUIPPED army of Israel.

    In the FUTURE. A small percentage of Gazans, after getting older, recovering physically from the war taking place currently, being radicalized and then getting trained. You were talking about them fighting NOW.

  40. Qtard: With tanks, airplanes, missiles and bombs... But... in accordance with miserly cretin IT... to rise against terrorists with AKs... is much more dangerous.

    Yes, for children. Unarmed and untrained old people and adults. Of course fighting armed and trained terrorists is more dangerous. Still you suggest something so ridiculous. But fully in accordance with how a crazy cretin's mind works.

    Plus they want to live. Unlike the future Hamas recruits who have been radicalized and indoctrinated into believing they should give their lives enthusiastically. So don't care about the danger. Whereas the civilians of Gaza you think should fight Hamas NOW... they DO care about the danger. Because they want to live.

    Qtard: \\Yeah, but after Hamas gave them food (they are starving)\\ HAMAS??? Gave food???? **cretinic laughter** And??? Where they grown it, that food??? In their underground tunnels???

    Take it from Gazan citizens. Buy and stockpile it beforehand (canned and other non-perishable goods). Steal it from people delivering aid. GIVEN to their own terrorist soldiers. Not Gazan citizens. Cretin thinks Hamas is starving it's own terrorist members? That is what we were talking about. Recruits joining Hamas. Cretin thinks Gazans citizens will be convinced to join Hamas with the promise of NO food?

    Qtard: They are humanitarian organization??? That think only about peace and wellbeing???

    Feeding their OWN terrorist members makes them a "humanitarian organization"? Feeding OWN terrorist members so they can fight and kill means the "only think about peace and well being"???

    Qtard: And not ones who rob that humanitarian caravans with food and necessities, that all World sending to help "innocent" Palestinians. What a nasty totalitarian cretinic lie.

    Yeah, that I ever suggested no such robbing is taking place -- that is a nasty cretinic lie. For sure. Just making up things and suggesting I said them. Well, as you ALWAYS do.

    Yet cretin suggests shipments of guns and other weapons be sent. So Hamas can steal these shipments to. This suggestion made due to cretinity. Obviously.

    Qtard: But... you are totalitarian cretin not for nothing.

    Yeah. Nothing. Except your cretinic lies. Putting words in my mouth that I never said. Said the OPPOSITE.

    Qtard: \\Young kids whose families are killed -- YEARS from now might join Hamas for revenge\\ Yeah... if only it will all go in accordance with plan of such a totalitarian cretins like you and your "imaginary" non-acting POTUS Bi-den...

    "Plan" that only exists in your crazy delusions. Crazy delusions where someone named "Bi-den" exists and is the "acting potus".

    Qtard: ...for terrorists to be spared. And be free for "revenge" in future.

    Yeah. "Terrorist" children and "terrorist" babies. Not just "accomplices", but actual terrorists now. Cretin probably thinks that (when Israel was attacked) Hamas terrorist babies were raping and killing Israel babies. Maybe elder "terrorists" using walkers or in wheelchairs were a part of the attack too? In IT's cretinic delusions?

    Qtard: \\Gazan person says, "Israeli bombs killed my family. I want to join Hamas to get revenge on Israel. I will fight Hamas". That makes some kind of sense?\\ You have such voice in your head?

    No. I gave you a hypothetical inner monologue that a Gazan might have. Before deciding to (as you propose) fight Hamas. I hear no voices in my head. But you (as a crazy person) believes that hearing voices in IT's head is totally normal?

    Qtard: Feel itself Gazan???

    You? I doubt it. I know I don't.

  41. Qtard: Or that is... one of your alter-egos??? **cretinic laughter**

    No. I just try to put myself in another person's place. It's called empathy. But you obviously dunno anything about empathy.

    Qtard: SEE! That is... the way to "throw words of dumb cretin back at IT". **cretinic laughter**

    Yeah. In the opinion of a cretin. But when it imagines a conversation that took place in Gaza (in IT's delusions) -- that's a book IT read. :-))))))))))))))))))))

  42. \\Qtard: And that is ALLIES... who defeated em, are to take ALL BLAME????

    \\What a moronic conclusion.


    Because that is question.

    But you agree with it, and admit it as full-featured conclusion (that is all your battling here suggests, totalitarian cretin Ido)

    And answer is...

    \\Well, one reached by a cretin. So it is no surprise. Cretin believes war crimes are things only the enemy can be guilty of. The side IT roots for can do anything. KILL the enemy and enemies' "accomplices" as much as it wants. Yes

    It seems. ;-P

    \\We were talking about innocent civilians who did no killing.


    Only provided food and shelter, and all other kinds of support.

    As well as happily recruiting themself into that gangs/government...

    Those who put donation into "For the Killing Jews" box... they not killers, and not accomplices... they -- INNOCENT!!!

    Shouting totalitarian cretin.

    Because IT... do not like to bear responsibility, for evil deeds made from his name.

    \\ If a policeman (looking for a killer) enters the killer's home -- policeman has done nothing wrong if he shoots and kills the killer's wife (who did not know her husband killed someone) and shoots the killer's baby in it's crib? Both for being "accomplices"? Cretin obviously enthusiastically shouts YES!

    It seems!

    That's exactly what you hailing for here.

    Supporting that how HAMAS "policized" Jews... in 7th of October.

    EXACTLY the way you depicted -- with entering homes, and killing everybody there.

    Because they was seeking for "Jews-Killer-Of-Palestinians" there...

    and was in their own right to do that.

    And not beyond ANY Law... apart from convention on Genocidal Crimes.

  43. \\No. I just try to put myself in another person's place. It's called empathy. But you obviously dunno anything about empathy.

    SELF-ADMISSION!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Yeah. In the opinion of a cretin. But when it imagines a conversation that took place in Gaza (in IT's delusions) -- that's a book IT read. :-))))))))))))))))))))


    And, cretin IT?

    From what book you have read that "Gazan person says, "Israeli bombs killed my family. I want to join Hamas to get revenge on Israel. I will fight Hamas"."?????


  44. \\Qtard: What a cretinic crap that is. But... suiting and fitting of such a cretin.

    \\Yeah. I 100 percent agree with your observation about yourself, cretin.

    Your alter-ego "Qtard"? ;-P

    I'm glad that you was able to come on terms with your alter-egos, cretin IT. ;-P

    \\OBVIOUSLY you wrote "You using" when you meant to write "I using". In FULL accordance with IT's crappy nature.

    Yet one self-admission!

    \\It is "about" being an option.


    "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be Jew free" -- HAMAS motto.

    You seems like supporting. Wholeheartedly.

    \\Sure. I stated it is an option. One I reject. Yet it exists as an option. As much an option as all Palestinians leaving. But cretin thinks Israel citizens can't leave? The Israeli government wouldn't allow it? All Israeli citizens can never leave? That's what crazy cretin thinks?


    You cretin contining pushing SAME nazi-anti-semitic-totalitarian cretinic "option".

    It seems.

    \\Gazans can't leave. That's why people call it an "open air prison".

    Palestine have sea shore. Means -- anybody can make a boat... and go whenever wants.

    Like refugees from Africa into Europe.

    Or... as those people... of which USA consist nearly 100% -- immigrants and descendants of immigrants.

    \\Cretin thinks Israel is the same?

    It seems.

    \\False and anti-factual.


    then you'd be able to state Truth and provide reference to real facts. ;-P

    But... you can't. Because that's just as always -- just your cretinic howling. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    \\But OF COURSE the crazy cretin thinks it's delusions are "obvious truth".

    \\Talking about itself again. Yeah, IT's cretinity can't be helped. Not without any "Charlie Gordon pills" cretin previously wished existed.


    No end of cretinity. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Showing that you remember MUCH SMARTER opponent witty words. ;-P

  45. \\No. Because there are no "bunch of alter-egos of SAMEBODY writing under one account". Well, not MY account.


    \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    Is NOT your account???

    What you are -- cyber-squatter? ;-P

    Or... that is just YET ONE alter-ego -- which not remember being Derpish SADners. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And "innocent" Palestinians SUPPORT that HAMAS. Wholeheartedly.

    \\No. You are a lying liar. Some do. Probably more now. But not all. Or even most.

    Those who NOT paying taxes???

    \\Google question -- Do Gazans still support Hamas?

    \\Google answer...


    Propaganda from Google.


    \\Support for Hamas as a political party has fallen to 34%...

    Support of Biden as a political leader has fallen below 34%... ;-P

    \\a 12-point drop from December 2023, according to a poll released Wednesday by a leading Palestinian research institute. Mar 21, 2024.

    Oh, YES!!! on the territory bombed by "nasty-nasty-wrong" Israel... they able to collect REPRESENTATIVE polls data!!!

    That is how strong Democracy in Palestine... under HAMAS.

    And same time -- polls that showing decline support of Bi-den -- they ALL WRONG!!!!

    Or... that what Google Answer says. ;-P

    \\Let me ask IT this... Cretin thinks the J6 rioters "wholeheartedly" support Joe Biden? And that is why they marched on the Capitol? To express their support for Biden? Well, they MUST "wholeheartedly" support Biden. They didn't take up arms to get rid of Biden. As the citizens of Gaza (who did not vote for Hamas) did not take up arms to get rid of Hamas. Both situations (not getting rid of ruling party...


    So... HAMAS.. IS??? Legitimate Ruling Party... STILL. ;-P

    \\...they don't like) equating to "wholehearted" support... in a cretin's mind. Yes?

    It seems.

    From all provided be SAMEBODY evidences. ;-P

    Cretin IT really have such a delirious ideas. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin IT. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Or... may I use your TRUE name -- Derpish SADners. ;-P

  46. Qtard: \\I wasn't. I said your "Escape of Cretin" was a good idea\\ And what a surprise -- cretin calling behaving as cretin -- "good idea". **cretinic laughter**

    Yeah. Not surprising at all that you would say that.

    Qtard: \\Instead you took my endorsement of this escape as a challenge to prove your cretinity more\\ That is not I... that is YOU are that crertin...

    No. Well, maybe you wrote "I" in place of "me" and then "you" in place of "I"?

    Qtard: ...that over-produces meaningless cretinic responses (all that baseless "Nos")...

    Sure. NONE is "over production". And being brief with a "no" when a "no" is sufficient... that is "baseless".to a cretin like you.

    But you're the one overproducing cretinity. You interrupted my replies. Even though I was writing them during the time of day you are usually offline. Because of the time difference between where I am (in the USA) and where you are ("far far away"). But maybe you aren't "far far away" and there is not that great a time difference between where I am and where you are?

    Qtard: \\But I do agree with what you are telling yourself\\ Yet one cretinic alter-ego??? Ido? Pleased to meat you, Ido. **cretinic laughter**

    No. Missing space between the words "I" and "do". But cretin was stumped. Saw yet another "alter ego" in IT's delusions. And why would you be pleased to "meat" me and not "meet" me? You see me as MEAT? Are you a cannibal?

    Qtard: \\No. That there are any "samebody alter egos" of MINE is YOUR delusion\\ **cretinic laughter** Yes-yes, cretin-Ido... they are. **more cretinic laughter** Delusions of some other of SAMEBODY merry bunch of cretins. Your delusion -- I prophess... that you Not Exist. **even MORE cretinic laughter**

    So much laughing. At IT's OWN delusions.

    Qtard: \\ IS innocent\\ "Why God allow innocent to be killed???", then? ;-P

    Always has. But why don't you write "gawd" as you have previously? Did you recently convert from atheism?

    Qtard: \\After joining Hamas for revenge. You think it's not going to happen?\\ It seems that's what non-acting POTUS Bi-den WANT to achieve.

    Sure. Though that's because the imaginary "Bi-den" can "want to achieve" anything you want him to. Because you imagined him. To me it seems that is what Netanyahu and the other righturds in Israel government wants to achieve.

    Qtard: \\When innocent civilians are killed in the fight against terrorism, that tends to create more terrorists\\ So??? Let's just give up to terror??? And give to that terrorists all they want???

    No. Kill terrorists and not innocent civilians. Or (at LEAST) try to minimize the deaths of innocents. Cretin can't comprehend that?

    Qtard: Especially... if that's about country far-far-away, and... not involve demands to Americans??? Like Israel... or Ukraine. Make em bend their knees before terror -- good, profitable politics???

    No. Cretin trying to put words in my mouth again. Saying that I like terrorism. I'm on the side of the terrorists. You keep saying that. Now you will probably cut my words out of context and say that was an "admission". Yes?

    Qtard: \\But cretin dunno anything about it\\ Yeah. You cretin dunno why "No Negotiations with Terrorists" was established.

    I never suggested negotiating with terrorists. Or are you saying you dunno anything about it? Well, Israel is negotiating with Hamas. To get back the hostages. Now you're saying you're sad that some hostages were returned? You wanted them all to die?

  47. Qtard: \\This whole "split person" idiocy is bullshit. You've only ever conversed with me and ZERO "alter egos". Unless you are talking about yourself. ...\\ Blah-blah-blah... said yet one alter-ego. And Ido is its name.

    Oh. I thought you were saying I am "Ido". But it's you. I got it.

    Qtard: But... in its crazy delusion... it will be saying -- that it DO NOT EXIST.

    Why would I say your alter ego Ido doesn't exist? I have no idea. You are making a lot out of a missing SPACE. A missing space seemed to cause a new alter ego to be created. On the spot. I didn't know the creation of another of your alter egos happened so easily.

    Qtard: There is TONS of governments... established WITHOUT any democracy. Like just recently -- "re-elections" of liliPut in RFia. But... YOUR Government. With YOUR most beloved (though "imaginary") non-acting POTUS Bi-den -- ADMITTED it being full-fledged Government.

    Didn't. No such person exists so therefore can't "admit" anything. But Joe Biden (the actual president) is supposed to come into office and say ALL non-democratic governments WON'T be recognized by him? What would that accomplish? They'd immediately hold fair (UN supervised elections) democratic elections? So they could get recognized as legitimate by the US?

    Qtard: And liliPut -- POT-RFia. So what??? Would you rise your voice AGAINST it???

    Yeah, I should do that. Because (if I raised my voice against it), then Putin would cower. And immediately step down. If *I* spoke against it, Putin would SURELY listen. Qtard believes that I possess such GREAT power?

    Qtard: \\As for your second claim about celebrating... I heard of no celebrations\\ If you not heard about something -- it not happened???

    If you DIDN'T hear about something (except in your delusions) that means it definitely happened?

    Qtard: And if you heard -- it happened???

    Not necessarily. But more likely than if I did not hear that it happened.

    Qtard: Yawn. Obviously. Cause you are cretin.

    Yeah. That is a "rational" argument to believe whatever the hell you WANT to believe. Just say, "nobody knows about this but me in my delusions. That is PROOF that it definitely happened".

    Qtard: \\Even people in Gaza who hate Israel wouldn't celebrate them and their family members and friends being killed.\\ Who knows???

    Smart people. Yeah, so not you.

    Qtard: You know that in Islam... there is special Paradise... for those who was killed in action.

    Yeah, "action" of doing nothing when a bomb drops out of the sky and kills you. Why are they trying to live then? Why not (when food aid is offered) say, "no, we don't want it. We are ready to go to paradise"?

    Qtard: But, yeah... you are cretin, and dunno pretty much about everything, that making this world roll...

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: \\Hamas knew that was going to happen. But they don't care about the lives of the citizens of Gaza\\ Yeah. Because such is their religion.

    "religion" of extremists. But you probably think that ALL Muslims are extremists. Due to your bigotry. Yes?

    Qtard: \\While the citizens of Gaza DO care about their own lives\\ What??? Other Gazans confess OTHER religion???

    Yes. Islam. Not radical Islam.

    Qtard: That's BIG news... not.

    Yeah, not. For a bigot like you who believes all Muslims are extremists.

    Qtard: Just YET ONE demonstration of your cretinism.

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: \\Yeah -- and thinking of that misery -- that makes you smile. Yes? Want MORE of that in the world. It makes the totalitarian cretin very happy when innocent civilians suffer and die\\ Your self-admission -- dully noted.

    Self referring talks. In which you refer to your OWN admission. Yes.

  48. Qtard: \\On 28 July 1939, Mengele married Irene Schönbein, whom he had met while working as a medical resident in Leipzig. Their only son, Rolf, was born in 1944. So what??? We should find and prosecute ones who killed that monster... for leaving 'innocent' child without father????

    And WHO do you think made such a suggestion? Me? You can quote where I said anything like that? Of course not. The only person I see suggesting something so absurd is YOU.

    Qtard: \\Well, that is what the totalitarian cretin obviously believes. It is very happy when accomplice children suffer and are starved and killed\\ Yet one self-admission -- dully noted.

    Yeah. Me talking about you and what YOU believe. That is somehow MY "admission". In IT's cretinic mind.

    Qtard: And that is ALLIES... who defeated em, are to take ALL BLAME????\\What a moronic conclusion\\ Yours???


    Qtard: Because that is question.

    Like you care about my answers to your moronic questions. I just said NO. But you will reply "NewSpeak Yes". Most likely. Because you know better than me what I mean. I can say NO, but you know I really mean YES. Or you THINK you do.

    And I suppose you've never heard of begging the question. Even though you're doing it constantly.

    Qtard: But you agree with it, and admit it as full-featured conclusion (that is all your battling here suggests, totalitarian cretin Ido).

    Your alter ego "Ido". Yeah. Thanky for your admission, Ido.

    Qtard: And answer is... \\Well, one reached by a cretin. So it is no surprise. Cretin believes war crimes are things only the enemy can be guilty of. The side IT roots for can do anything. KILL the enemy and enemies' "accomplices" as much as it wants. Yes\\ It seems.

    Left off my question mark for some reason. So it looks like this "admission" you talked about? Instead of a question directed at you. Right? Well, I guess you answered the question I asked about YOU anyway. Said "It seems". I will take it as your alter Ido's admission.

    Qtard: \\We were talking about innocent civilians who did no killing\\ Yeah. Only provided food and shelter, and all other kinds of support.

    You found all residents of Gaza guilty of doing this? Qtard possesses omniscience? Qtard knows that ALL citizens of Gaza provided food and shelter to Hamas terrorists? Even the children and the babies?

    Though, as per Google, "Hamas uses the Lebanon-based money exchange company Nabil Chouman & Co to transfer money from Iran to Gaza. For several years, the company has served as a conduit for transferring funds to Hamas, transferring tens of millions of dollars to the terrorist organization".

    Also, "Hamas was financed by the government of Israel in an attempt to weaken the Palestinian Authority led by Fatah"...

    So, funding for Hamas came from OUTSIDE Gaza. Yet the cretin thinks Hamas is totally dependent on the goodwill of Gazan citizens? Gazan citizens (in IT's delusions) are feeding and housing Hamas terrorists? When they have plenty of money for that provided to them by Iran and Israel.

  49. Qtard: As well as happily recruiting themself into that gangs/government...

    Sure. Every single citizen of Gaza is a member of "gangs" and Hamas government. In IT's cretinic delusions. Just like every single US citizen is a member of a Bi-den gang or employed by the Bi-den government.

    Qtard: Those who put donation into "For the Killing Jews" box... they not killers, and not accomplices... they -- INNOCENT!!! Shouting totalitarian cretin.

    Yeah? Where are these "for killing Jews" boxes? On every street corner? You've been there and seen these boxes? And everyone putting money in them?

    Qtard: Because IT... do not like to bear responsibility, for evil deeds made from his name.

    WHO do not like to bear responsibility? For evil deeds made from WHOSE name? I dunno wtf you're talking about. Sounds like more of your crazy insane delusions.

    Qtard: \\ If a policeman (looking for a killer) enters the killer's home -- policeman has done nothing wrong if he shoots and kills the killer's wife (who did not know her husband killed someone) and shoots the killer's baby in it's crib? Both for being "accomplices"? Cretin obviously enthusiastically shouts YES!\\ It seems!

    I thought so.

    Qtard: That's exactly what you hailing for here.

    Used "you" instead of "I". Obviously.

    Qtard: Supporting that how HAMAS "policized" Jews... in 7th of October.

    That was a terrorist attack. Not a policing. Very self revealing for you to refer to it as "policing".

    Qtard: EXACTLY the way you depicted -- with entering homes, and killing everybody there.

    More crazy cretin talks. Comparing actions of a legitimate police officer with that of a terrorist. But you AGREE with the police officer example I gave. You say innocents SHOULD be killed. That means (since you are equating the two) that you agree Israeli Jews were JUSTLY killed on 10/7/2023? Because it seems like you are.

    Qtard: Because they was seeking for "Jews-Killer-Of-Palestinians" there... and was in their own right to do that.

    Yeah, by your logic. They were tax payers to the government of Israel. A government that has killed Palestinians.

    Qtard: And not beyond ANY Law... apart from convention on Genocidal Crimes.

    Says totalitarian who strongly supports killing. Wants more and more of it.

    Qtard: \\No. I just try to put myself in another person's place. It's called empathy. But you obviously dunno anything about empathy\\ SELF-ADMISSION!!! **cretinic laughter**

    An admission of possessing empathy? You bet. But (no doubt) you believe that possessing empathy is bad. Why you pounced on my admission.

    Qtard: And, cretin IT? From what book you have read that "Gazan person says, "Israeli bombs killed my family. I want to join Hamas to get revenge on Israel. I will fight Hamas"."???? **cretinic laughter**

    No. I gave you a hypothetical inner monologue that a Gazan might have. Before deciding to (as you propose) fight Hamas. YOU brought up reading in a book, not me.

    Qtard: What a cretinic crap that is. But... suiting and fitting of such a cretin\\Yeah. I 100 percent agree with your observation about yourself, cretin. Your alter-ego "Qtard"?

    No. I don't have any "alter ego Qtard". I've told you this MANY times. Yet you NEVER remember.

    Qtard: I'm glad that you was able to come on terms with your alter-egos, cretin IT.

    Talking to yourself? Does this mean you're going to stop babbling about "your alter-ego Qtard"?

    Qtard: \\OBVIOUSLY you wrote "You using" when you meant to write "I using". In FULL accordance with IT's crappy nature\\ Yet one self-admission!

    No. You have great difficulty understanding English, yes?

  50. Qtard: \\It is "about" being an option\\ Yep! "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be Jew free" -- HAMAS motto. You seems like supporting. Wholeheartedly.

    Used "you" in place of "I"? Because I already told you MANY times that I am strongly opposing.

    Qtard: Yeah. You cretin contining pushing SAME nazi-anti-semitic-totalitarian cretinic "option". It seems.

    Yeah, you are continuing to push it. Even after I say over and over that I'm opposed. Yet YOU keep pushing it? Why? Projection? You support it but don't want to admit it? So pretend that it's me that supports it?

    Qtard: \\Gazans can't leave. That's why people call it an "open air prison"\\Palestine have sea shore. Means -- anybody can make a boat... and go whenever wants. Like refugees from Africa into Europe.

    Refugees from Africa who raft over to Europe are welcomed with open arms? Wanted by everyone in Europe? Are they given immediate European citizenship in IT's delusions?

    Google says "in 2022, more than 2,400 individuals were reported dead or missing due to dangerous sea journeys". Google also says "the main nationalities ordered to leave [Europe] in 2022 were Algerian, Moroccan, and Pakistani". It does not sound like they are wanted.

    Qtard: Or... as those people... of which USA consist nearly 100% -- immigrants and descendants of immigrants.

    So why are rightturds so opposed to refugees crossing the Rio Grande into the United States? Like the owner of this blog. He doesn't want them here. And donald tRump is promising to start mass deportations of these refugees if he becomes predisent again. btw, Google says USA is 2.9 percent native.

    Qtard: \\Cretin thinks Israel is the same?\\ It seems.

    Well, obviously cretin dunno its ass from it's elbow.

    Qtard: \\False and anti-factual\\ Well... then you'd be able to state Truth and provide reference to real facts.

    Of course. ALL the times I stated that I'd be opposed to the option of Israeli Jewish ALL leaving Israel. You don't remember me saying that even once?

    Qtard: But... you can't.

    Just did.

    Qtard: Because that's just as always -- just your cretinic howling. Because... \\But OF COURSE the crazy cretin thinks it's delusions are "obvious truth"\\

    Well, I dunno what one has to do with the other. But thanky for admitting that you consider your crazy cretin delusions to be "obvious truth". But what are you going to do with that knowledge? Likely nothing.

    Qtard: \\Talking about itself again. Yeah, IT's cretinity can't be helped. Not without any "Charlie Gordon pills" cretin previously wished existed\\ **cretinic laughter** No end of cretinity. **cretinic laughter**

    Indeed. Well, until your death. That will end your cretinity.

    Qtard: But... continue-continue, cretin. **cretinic laughter** Showing that you remember MUCH SMARTER opponent witty words.

    Of course I remember my own words. Though it was you that brought up Charlie Gordon. Forgot? Now you think it was me?

    Qtard: Ha? Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders Is NOT your account???

    No. There is no such account. My account is 13671865801885224353. Blogger uses numbers to identify accounts. They don't care about display names. Proven by the fact that I can change it whenever I want. Also proven by that asswipe Mystere using my display name for an account he created to impersonate me.

    Qtard: What you are -- cyber-squatter?

    No. Account 13671865801885224353 is mine. Unless Blogger takes it away from me. Possibly because of that a-hole Mystere reporting it for an imaginary TOS infraction. No doubt he is trying.

    Qtard: Or... that is just YET ONE alter-ego -- which not remember being Derpish SADners.

    Who is supposed to remember? You or me? I remember you mentioning your alter ego "Derpish SADners" previously.

  51. Qtard: And "innocent" Palestinians SUPPORT that HAMAS. Wholeheartedly\\No. You are a lying liar. Some do. Probably more now. But not all. Or even most\\ Those who NOT paying taxes???

    What does not wanting to go to prison have to do with supporting or not supporting Hamas? You think tRump supporters aren't paying their taxes? If they do then that means they support the "Bi-den regime"?

    btw, as I recall, that is how Osama bin Laden justified the attacks on 9/11. He said US citizens pay taxes and so support what their government does. You agree with terrorist logic?

    Qtard: Propaganda from Google.

    Yeah. Because facts you don't like are "propaganda".

    Qtard: Support of Biden as a political leader has fallen below 34%...

    No. It's 38%. But voting will determine who the next president is. People who don't approve will vote for Biden anyway. Because they don't want tRump.

    Qtard: And same time -- polls that showing decline support of Bi-den -- they ALL WRONG!!!!

    We will know in November. Because there is going to be an election. While, in Gaza there will not be. Yet you are ok with that. Say they elected Hamas in a "once in a lifetime election". And you criticized me for objecting to there not being an election in Gaza since 2006. Because you are such a strong supporter of democracy... obviously NOT.

    Qtard: Wait-wait-wait??? So... HAMAS.. IS??? Legitimate Ruling Party... STILL.

    And how (based on what I wrote) did you reach that conclusion? USA had an election in 2020 for potus. Is going to have another one this year. While Hamas was elected in 2006 and not had an election since. In your totalitarian-loving view cancelling elections gives legitimacy? Figures.

    Qtard: \\...they don't like) equating to "wholehearted" support... in a cretin's mind. Yes?\\ It seems.

    Another admission. If even a weak one.

    Qtard: From all provided be SAMEBODY evidences.

    Oh. That is the reason for the weak admission. You dunno what your alter egos think. Maybe they disagree?

    Qtard: Cretin IT really have such a delirious ideas. **cretinic laughter**

    I agree.

    Qtard: But... continue-continue, cretin IT. Or... may I use your TRUE name -- Derpish SADners.

    Lie. That isn't your true name.

  52. Cretin on a spree... of cretinity. ;-P

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\WHO are you talking about? Israel? I was talking about Hamas and your belief that Hamas is bombing itself. Sounds like you are acknowledging that it's Israel doing the bombing. And (in it's crazy cretinic delusions) is saying I dunno why Israel might be doing this. Which is a lie.

    Totally gibberish.


    But... continue-continue. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Naaaaah... that's what HAMAS wants and declares.

    \\No. That's false. Hamas wants many Gazans to die, for sure. Certainly not ALL of them. Then there would be none left to want revenge and to join Hamas.

    Yet more gibberish mumbling.

    HAMAS don't want to kill Jews??? All Jews, if it'd be possible.

    So... why THEY started it on 7th of October, then??????

    Cretin can come up only with totally crazy idea -- that that for killing Palestinians??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: And "innocent" Palestinians SUPPORT that HAMAS. Wholeheartedly.

    \\No. You are a lying liar. Some do. Probably more now. But not all. Or even most.

    Callingme liar... just to CONFIRM my words??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well... I know already that when cretin calling me liar and/or crazy -- it's just a shallow name-calling -- trying to brush me with own feces. ;-P


    Well... obviously. And perfectly logical -- not all Palestinians support HAMAS... as, for the very least, there's toddlers... that cannot show political allegiance... yet.

    That's why I not said "all". And in general, it's bad idea to say "all" about such things.

    That's only cretins thinking in absolutes. ;-P

    Like this one, which assumed that my words "Palestinians SUPPORT" mean "ALL Palestinians SUPPORT"... and tried to protest against it. Call it "lie".

    Yep, cretin. That is you are one who are "lying liar" here. ;-P

    Well... as always. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    We settled on that undeniable truth for a more then year ago.

    And from that time you NEVER made even a step from that road of totally total totalitarian lies. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Digging that pit of lies... that will become your grave. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


  53. \\Qtard: It explains it, a little. Your cretinic use of "Qtard:" before your own words. **cretinic laughing and drooling**

    \\No. What explains that is that I am quoting you (who is quoting me).

    While providing excerpts of your own words after that? ;-P

    Or... you just NOT recognize em as your own words???

    Because of that crazy bunch of cretins in your head? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Sure. To the cretin not wanting to die is "supporting Hamas"\\ Those who don't want to die -- fighting back. Like doing Jews of Israel, exactly. Like doing Ukrainians. Like did USAians in ww2.

    \\No. That is 100 percent false. Jews of Israel, Ukrainians and "USAians in ww2" didn't fight against their own government. They fought FOR their government against the enemy.

    Yeah??? There was NO German anti-fascists... in Germany???

    No Resistance in France???

    And there was NO ones who investigated Nixon... in USA???

    Admit it, cretin -- that you saying that BS... because you like totalitarian rule -- which prescribe exactly that -- that NO one can uprise against government -- no matter how unjust and corrupt it is.

    Yes, cretin?

    But... you'd not be able to admit it openly and honestly. Because lies... it's also are part of dwelling on being totalitarian.

    \\Thinking is *hard* for IT. Due to IT's obviously defective brain.

    And. You admitted it, cretin IT. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    So... maybe my conclusion that you cannot say truth, just above -- is wrong???

    Naaaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  54. \\Right. When they are even reluctant to allow food to be delivered to them. They'd give them guns.

    HAMAS gangs? To their beloved citizens? To fight back Jews?

    Naaah... never happen. They want em as human shield only.

    But... now cretin IT will confirm -- that that is O.K. in his totalitarian eyes.

    \\Because Gazan civilians don't know how to use them. Have no training.

    You'd better say "have no fingers"... to push a trigger. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Or... to blow shahid belt. For that... even trigger not needed. Can be radio-detonated.

    \\WOW! Hamas must have a LOT of weapons and explosives.

    And they not???

    What they fight back for HALF a year already????

    \\Yeah, that's what cretin believes. That ALL Gazan citizens were helping Hamas all the time.

    So... they was NOT paying taxes???? ;-P

    \\"Wholeheartedly". Instead of going about their daily lives. Paying taxes because they have no choice.

    Like people in USA? ;-P

    Because they are hostages of unjust government? ;-P

    Yeah... it seem that's exactly what cretin IT thinks...

    \\Will have assets seized and possibly end up in jail if they don't pay. Well, money that isn't taken automatically out of their paychecks. Cretin dunno how taxation works? Thinks citizens don't have to pay if they don't want. Cretin thinks paying taxes (anywhere) is completely voluntary?


    \\But Hamas isn't "soldiers of your country". Hamas is a terrorist organization. Cretin dunno. Obviously.

    For Palestinians too? ;-P

    Why then, they could join it... "for revenge"??? Wouldn't it make em accomplices of terrorists???

    Or... they'll stay 'innocent'??? Even AFTER joining HAMAS??? :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\Huh? WHO are you referring to? American soldiers killing innocent Vietnamese? Yeah, that happened.

    Hard to protest??? Bare true Fact, yeah cretin? ;-P

    Or... you'll show us master class of how to OPPOSE to Reality and FACTS.

    Yet again. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Children too. Who, YEARS from now might join Hamas for revenge -- instead they're going to fight Hamas NOW\\ Yep. That's what totalitarians like you want -- for bloodshed to continue. Indefinitely.

    \\That is exactly what I DON'T want.

    While SUPPORTING wholeheartedly that policy of non-acting POTUS Bi-den... to impose armistice on Israel.

    So HAMAS could re-group. Attract more recruits. Train and equip em.

    So that bloodshed would CONTINUE.

    \\Obviously what you just wrote is self referring talks. That is what YOU want.

    So that *I*... who wholeheartedly support non-acting POTUS Bi-den??? :-))))))

    But-but-but... YOU... claimed that I support dRump, and hate Bi-den...

    so, how it that possible -- to be "self-referring"???? In my case.
    IF IT OPPOSITE... not to my words, but... to YOUR OWN WORDS!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    Means... you said something. Then something what are TOTALLY opposite to first said.

    Means... it can be LIES, and LIES ONLY... that first, or that second.

    Because LAW OF TRUTH is -- LAW of EXCLUSION of THIRD.

    It IS self-referring -- in your case.

    You just... lyingly... pretend what YOU do and want -- to be what OTHER people do and want.

    Because you are crazy cretin, with split-personality syndrome.

    Which every time thrugging responsibility for a lie... at YET ONE split-person.

    Words of which you then disown. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I get it. I do. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  55. \\No, that's what rightturds believe to be possible. For terrorists to be destroyed "for good". That's why they keep bombing innocent civilians (thinking they are "accomplices")...

    Yeah... I know, I know... that NASTY righturd POTUS... that commanding government and military forces... Bi-den. ;-P


    \\Strongly OPPOSED by Progressive Democrats like me.

    NewSpeakean for Totalitarian Cretin? ;-P

    \\Qtard: So... let's make it clear. Ordinary Palestinians could and should "join Hamas for revenge"... while that would mean rising against FULLY EQUIPPED military...\\What? The Israeli army?\\ What??? Have problems with comprehending simple texts???

    \\Yeah, it seems you do.

    Clearly self-referential. ;-P

    ADMISSION of inability of cretin IT to understand simple texts.


    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\In the FUTURE. A small percentage of Gazans, after getting older, recovering physically from the war taking place currently, being radicalized and then getting trained. You were talking about them fighting NOW.


    And you... about prolonging bloodshed.

    For many-many more people to struggle. Becoming terrorists. Spreading terror and unlawfulness.

    Because... you are Totalitarian Cretin... ough, sorry... "Progressive Democrats like me".

    \\Qtard: With tanks, airplanes, missiles and bombs... But... in accordance with miserly cretin IT... to rise against terrorists with AKs... is much more dangerous.

    \\Yes, for children.

    20th years old "children"???

    While HAMAS terrorists take 14 years old as recruits.

    How are children being used by Hamas?
    "Palestinian armed groups, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad and al-Aqsa Martyrs's brigades, must put an immediate end to the use or involvement of any kind of children in armed activity."

    Israel/Occupied Territories: Children must not be used by armed groups

    \\Unarmed and untrained old people and adults.

    So??? For terrorist to use am as hostages... is way better???

    And not harmful???

    Of course, because you are totalitarian cretin.

    And see no problem in death of hostages.


    \\Of course fighting armed and trained terrorists is more dangerous. Still you suggest something so ridiculous. But fully in accordance with how a crazy cretin's mind works.


    Because hostages must behave like that sheeps??? And just allow to cut their throats... by terrorists wolfs????

    Obviously... what totalitarian would like -- total non-questioned submission.


    But now, revealed totalitarian will be mumbling that "somebody else want it"... and IT, just "opposing it".

    Lies, lies, lies... lies.


    \\Feeding their OWN terrorist members makes them a "humanitarian organization"? Feeding OWN terrorist members so they can fight and kill means the "only think about peace and well being"???

    Yeah. That's what you think.

    It seems.


    You many-many times stated. Already. That "Israel stealing food"... while HAMAS... somehow, SUPPORTING Palestinians.

    Go figure.

    How it connects in your foggy cretinic mind. ;-P

    Like... here..

    \\Yeah, that I ever suggested no such robbing is taking place -- that is a nasty cretinic lie. For sure. Just making up things and suggesting I said them. Well, as you ALWAYS do.

    But... you will start screaching "I NEVER said it", yes??? :-)))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: \\Young kids whose families are killed -- YEARS from now might join Hamas for revenge\\ Yeah... if only it will all go in accordance with plan of such a totalitarian cretins like you and your "imaginary" non-acting POTUS Bi-den...

    \\"Plan" that only exists in your crazy delusions.

    OK, Google.

    "Biden's plan from Israel"

    Biden’s Plan to Withhold Weapons from Israel | CBN ...
    YouTube · CBN News
    2 days ago

  56. \\Cretin probably thinks that (when Israel was attacked) Hamas terrorist babies were raping and killing Israel babies. Maybe elder "terrorists" using walkers or in wheelchairs were a part of the attack too? In IT's cretinic delusions?

    Thank you for opening gate into your cretinic mind. ;-P

    Cretin IT, you are most informative.

    Of all that bunch of merry cretins. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Gazan person says, "Israeli bombs killed my family. I want to join Hamas to get revenge on Israel. I will fight Hamas". That makes some kind of sense?\\ You have such voice in your head?

    \\No. I gave you a hypothetical inner monologue that a Gazan might have.


    Voices in your head. :-))))))))))))))))))

    From your alter-ego Gazan.

    Thank you for opening gate into your cretinic mind. ;-P

    Cretin IT, you are most informative.

    Of all that bunch of merry cretins. ;-P

  57. \\Qtard: \\I wasn't. I said your "Escape of Cretin" was a good idea\\ And what a surprise -- cretin calling behaving as cretin -- "good idea". **cretinic laughter**

    \\Yeah. Not surprising at all that you would say that.


    Because I very truthfully and very consistently... call you cretin. Because that what you are. ;-P

    How that can be surprising??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Of course, it not. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That's just BARE FACT. ;-P

    \\No. Well, maybe you wrote "I" in place of "me" and then "you" in place of "I"?

    Continue-continue. ;-P

    Demonstrating your cretinity, cretin. :-))))))))))))))00

    \\And being brief with a "no" when a "no" is sufficient...

    Sufficient to show your cretinity? ;-P

    Yeah, it seems. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But you're the one overproducing cretinity. You interrupted my replies.

    WA-A-A-AT?????? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\No. Missing space between the words "I" and "do". But cretin was stumped.

    By some other of SAMEBODY cretins -- Ido??? That wanted his share of writing bullshit here???


    \\Cretin can't comprehend that?

    Yeah. You do.

    \\Cretin trying to put words in my mouth again.

    Cretin Ido? Or cretin Qtard? Some other cretin? ;-P

    \\Saying that I like terrorism. I'm on the side of the terrorists. You keep saying that.

    HAMAS says "let's eradicate Jews from current Israel territory".

    Cretin IT "suggests": "All Jews could leave Israel."

    It's NOT one and the same in meaning desire stated???

    \\Now you will probably cut my words out of context and say that was an "admission". Yes?


    Complete Copy-Pasted excerpt from beginning of this thread.

    \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    So, to you, the "actual solution" is for all Palestinians to leave and go live in other Muslim majority countries. All Jews could leave Israel. That's another option.

    May 4, 2024 at 2:57 PM

    But... cretin trying calling it "cut out of context".

    Because, said Cretin IT dunno what "context" mean.

    And just repeating after MUCH SMARTER opponent -- me, my previously explained statement.

    Brain-less-ly. ;-P

    \\I never suggested negotiating with terrorists.


    Your "imaginary" non-acting POTUS Bi-den DID IT. ;-P

    And still trying. To corner Israel with not sending weapon (though all treatys and hot air about "we'll support Jews"). To make em to come on terms with mass-murderers that hold Jewish hostages RIGHT NOW.

  58. \\Qtard: \\This whole "split person" idiocy is bullshit. You've only ever conversed with me and ZERO "alter egos". Unless you are talking about yourself. ...\\ Blah-blah-blah... said yet one alter-ego. And Ido is its name.

    \\Oh. I thought you were saying I am "Ido". But it's you. I got it.

    Clearly bullshiting. ;-P

    I cited words of cretin... ones which cretin itself signed being from its alter-ego "Qtard".

    And devised that it said from YET ONE alter-ego -- Ido. And pointed to it, in correct way.

    But... cretin is so damaged in it's brain -- that it UNABLE to recognize OWN words. :-)))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Why would I say your alter ego Ido doesn't exist? I have no idea. You are making a lot out of a missing SPACE. A missing space seemed to cause a new alter ego to be created. On the spot. I didn't know the creation of another of your alter egos happened so easily.

    Your alter-ego moved your SAMEBODY fingers... in that way to reveal its, YET ONE miserly alter-ego name...

    But... ta-dam... and somehow... words typed with YOUR SAMEBODY fingers... is MY words... :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Biggly crazy cretin... you are.

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))



    I get it.

    Cretin Ido... that is that one cretin... from merry bunch of SAMEBODY cretins...

    that writing MY words... with your SAMEBODY fingers... %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I get it. I do...

    naaaaaaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That's... unbelievably crazy. %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Didn't. No such person exists so therefore can't "admit" anything. But Joe Biden (the actual president) is supposed to come into office and say ALL non-democratic governments WON'T be recognized by him? What would that accomplish? They'd immediately hold fair (UN supervised elections) democratic elections? So they could get recognized as legitimate by the US?

    And why you oppose??? Just to confirm my words -- that you non-acting POTUS Bi-den -- like to admit all kinds of tyrants and despots... as legitimate governments.

    And... trying to dismiss democratic ones... like Natanyahoo's, for examples.

    \\Qtard: And liliPut -- POT-RFia. So what??? Would you rise your voice AGAINST it???

    \\Yeah, I should do that.

    But... you will not.

    Because... "not my business".

    Because... you are totalitarian cretin. And supporting only tyrants and terrorists.

    And booing at those who ACTUALLY fight with em.


  59. \\Qtard: \\As for your second claim about celebrating... I heard of no celebrations\\ If you not heard about something -- it not happened???

    \\If you DIDN'T hear about something (except in your delusions) that means it definitely happened?

    That's how it works in your broken brain? ;-P

    Yeah... seems like it.

    \\Qtard: And if you heard -- it happened???

    \\Not necessarily. But more likely than if I did not hear that it happened.

    Especially if some truthful CNN reporter... said it? ;-P

    Or... if Google answered it? ;-P :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Yawn. Obviously. Cause you are cretin.

    \\Yeah. That is a "rational" argument to believe whatever the hell you WANT to believe.


    You are right.

    Rational observation -- based on all previous evidences, and continue to be concluded with your cretinic behavior in this thread too. ;-P

    Which is as you correctly self-revealed ITself here -- is substituted in your broken mind with delusional believing that your sheer need to believe -- is more important than facts. ;-P

    But... continue-contunue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Smart people. Yeah, so not you.

    NewSpeak definition of being "smart people"???

    As those who cannot and do not admit NOT knowing what they DoN'T know... and just assuming some baseless bullshit as being the case... :-)))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Why are they trying to live then?

    Ask your inner Gazan. ;-P

    \\Qtard: But, yeah... you are cretin, and dunno pretty much about everything, that making this world roll...

    \\Self referring talks.

    Well... you refering to it as being from your alter-ego "Qtard"...

    So-o-o-o... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yeah, not. For a bigot like you who believes all Muslims are extremists.



    Because most famous terrists organizations... HAMAS, Al Kaida, ISIS... they are NOT muslim... oh, yes. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because your inner Gazan said to you that "Islam is religion of Peace", yes??? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yes. Islam. Not radical Islam.

    And difference is??? like between those who kill... and those who gives money to those to kill... but that last -- are totally 'innocent', yes??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

  60. \\And WHO do you think made such a suggestion? Me? You can quote where I said anything like that? Of course not. The only person I see suggesting something so absurd is YOU.

    Of course... that is not you who suggested that children of terrorists are 'innocent'.

    And on base of it their parents need to be spared too.


    Children's well-being -- is responsibility of respective adults... their parent and relatives.

    But... you are free to take that responsibility on yourself.

    But... you'll declare "not my business".

    You'll only mumble about it -- to make that somebody else's responsibility... to overweight em.

    Like blame Israel Army... for irresponsible Palestinian parent -- who put their children in harm ways.


    \\Qtard: \\Well, that is what the totalitarian cretin obviously believes. It is very happy when accomplice children suffer and are starved and killed\\ Yet one self-admission -- dully noted.

    \\Yeah. Me talking about you and what YOU believe. That is somehow MY "admission". In IT's cretinic mind.

    Your words. Marked as one, with moniker of your alter-ego "Qtard:"...

    Somehow became NOT your words???

    HOW??? Lost memory? Not recognize em? Because some other alter-ego written it? ;-P

    \\Like you care about my answers to your moronic questions. I just said NO. But you will reply "NewSpeak Yes".

    Of course.

    Because that "No" is apparent lie. ;-P

    And NewSpeak -- it's a way to tell lies -- opposite to truth. ;-P

    All is congruent here. ;-P

    \\Because you know better than me what I mean. I can say NO, but you know I really mean YES.

    Ipso facto. ;-P

    \\And I suppose you've never heard of begging the question.


    Yet more words meaning of which you dunno... thought still trying to use? ;-P

    \\Your alter ego "Ido". Yeah. Thanky for your admission, Ido.


    \\Qtard: And answer is... \\Well, one reached by a cretin. So it is no surprise. Cretin believes war crimes are things only the enemy can be guilty of. The side IT roots for can do anything. KILL the enemy and enemies' "accomplices" as much as it wants. Yes\\ It seems.

    \\Left off my question mark for some reason.

    Am I


    \\You found all residents of Gaza guilty of doing this? Qtard possesses omniscience? Qtard knows that ALL citizens of Gaza provided food and shelter to Hamas terrorists? Even the children and the babies?

    Your cretinic suggestion??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  61. \\Just like every single US citizen is a member of a Bi-den gang or employed by the Bi-den government.

    You said it. ;-P

    \\Yeah? Where are these "for killing Jews" boxes?

    In your previous post. ;-P

    Already forgot??? Because that was SOME other out of SAMEBODY cretins??? ;-P

    You flip-floping among your alter-egos damn too often.

    May 11, 2024 at 6:23 PM
    May 11, 2024 at 6:53 PM

    Just HALF an hour... separate that posts.

    And you ALREADY forgot writing "Though, as per Google, "Hamas uses the Lebanon-based money exchange company Nabil Chouman & Co to transfer money from Iran to Gaza..."

    \\Qtard: Supporting that how HAMAS "policized" Jews... in 7th of October.

    \\That was a terrorist attack. Not a policing. Very self revealing for you to refer to it as "policing".

    Hah... indeed.

    Very self-revealing.

    How you trying to thrug off your first and all following blurts... like "All Jews could leave Israel" and etc.

    \\But you AGREE with the police officer example I gave. You say innocents SHOULD be killed.


    YOUR example.

    But... you already forgot saying that crazy bullshit, yes??? ;-P


    Your dreams about totalitarian rules -- which would allow for Police... to be re-tooled into Gestapo.

    \\Qtard: Because they was seeking for "Jews-Killer-Of-Palestinians" there... and was in their own right to do that.

    \\Yeah, by your logic. They were tax payers to the government of Israel. A government that has killed Palestinians.

    HAMAS paying taxes to Israel??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a crazy BS.

    But you are crazy cretin not for nothing. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Says totalitarian who strongly supports killing. Wants more and more of it.

    Accidentally... saw a totalitarian... in refractions? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\No. I just try to put myself in another person's place. It's called empathy. But you obviously dunno anything about empathy\\ SELF-ADMISSION!!! **cretinic laughter**

    \\An admission of possessing empathy?

    Yeah... with HAMAS terrorists. ;-P

    Biggly self-revealing. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But (no doubt) you believe that possessing empathy is bad.

    Just... YET ONE word meaning of which you dunno... though still trying to use.


    \\No. I gave you a hypothetical inner monologue that a Gazan might have.

    With your alter-ego Gazan? ;-P

    Seems like it.

    \\No. I don't have any "alter ego Qtard". I've told you this MANY times. Yet you NEVER remember.

    Though... you mentioning that name... damn too often. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    As well as forgetting marking own words with it.

    \\No. You have great difficulty understanding English, yes?

    Self-admission in NewSpeak? ;-P

  62. \\Because I already told you MANY times that I am strongly opposing.

    And you CONSTANTLY lying too. ;-P


    In NewSpeak.

    \\Qtard: Yeah. You cretin contining pushing SAME nazi-anti-semitic-totalitarian cretinic "option". It seems.

    \\Yeah, you are continuing to push it.


    That is FACT. ;-)

    Obvious fact... FIXed, in the beginning of this thread.

    FACT about which you trying to lie -- that you NEVER said, NEVER meaned it, that was NEVER you are one who written it... :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Even after I say over and over that I'm opposed.


    You LIED many-many times. ;-P

    \\Yet YOU keep pushing it? Why? Projection? You support it but don't want to admit it? So pretend that it's me that supports it?

    Just pointing to your LIES.

    That's why you are straggling so much??? Because your LIES revealed SO EASILY??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Refugees from Africa who raft over to Europe are welcomed with open arms? Wanted by everyone in Europe? Are they given immediate European citizenship in IT's delusions?

    Staying in place where one can be killed or die from starvation -- is better????

    Quite could be... in your cretinic mind.

    And you even talking about "empathy".


    Total Confirmation that you DUNNO what it mean.

    \\Well, obviously cretin dunno its ass from it's elbow.

    Thank you for revealing this tidbit of info... about ITself. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\False and anti-factual\\ Well... then you'd be able to state Truth and provide reference to real facts.

    \\Of course. ALL the times I stated that I'd be opposed to the option of Israeli Jewish ALL leaving Israel.

    Not confirmed with ANY fact???


    I. Remember. That lies of yours. ;-P

    \\You don't remember me saying that even once?

    Your many-many times giving your counter-factual lies? ;-P

    Yeah. I recall. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: But... you can't.

    \\Just did.


    YET ONE counter-factual LIE.

    \\But thanky for admitting that you consider your crazy cretin delusions to be "obvious truth". But what are you going to do with that knowledge? Likely nothing.


    YET ONE self-admission in NewSpeak.


    \\Indeed. Well, until your death. That will end your cretinity.

    YET ONE...

    \\Of course I remember my own words.

    Only not this ones -- "All Jews could leave Israel." ;-P

    \\Qtard: Ha? Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders Is NOT your account???

    \\No. There is no such account. My account is 13671865801885224353.


    But that post -- in the beginning of this thread.

    Refer EXACTLY to profile with stated by you number. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Or... that is just YET ONE alter-ego -- which not remember being Derpish SADners.

    \\Who is supposed to remember? You or me? I remember you mentioning your alter ego "Derpish SADners" previously.


    Lost memory.

    Though, as you just admitted "Proven by the fact that I can change it whenever I want."

    And you ABused that right... several times already.

    By calling ITself utterly falsely and against the law "Honorary Judge".

    And other names.

    Among em "Derpish SADners"... but you FORGOT??? ALREADY????? ;-P

  63. \\btw, as I recall, that is how Osama bin Laden justified the attacks on 9/11. He said US citizens pay taxes and so support what their government does. You agree with terrorist logic?

    Also... that taxes was used to make that bombs USA was using to kill his brethen.

    But... that is your idea here -- that ones who just giving money... to those who do actual killing... are innocent.

    So??? bin Laden must be 'innocent' too... by such rules.

    Cause -- he just provided money... to that who accomplished that suicide mission. ;-P

    \\Yeah. Because facts you don't like are "propaganda".

    Facts? Like "open and obvious reference to reality"?

    \\Qtard: Support of Biden as a political leader has fallen below 34%...

    \\No. It's 38%.


    BIG difference. ;-P

    \\We will know in November. Because there is going to be an election. While, in Gaza there will not be.


    Because there'd be never-ending war.

    In all accordance with Bi-den's Plan! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Say they elected Hamas in a "once in a lifetime election". And you criticized me for objecting to there not being an election in Gaza since 2006. Because you are such a strong supporter of democracy... obviously NOT.

    Declaration of Independence of USA -- ALSO was one in a lifetime event.

    Or what... it was not democratic????

    Ah, yeah... must be it, because that is NOT DEMN-rats governed it. Not Bi-den non-acting POTUS, yes???? ;-P

    \\Oh. That is the reason for the weak admission. You dunno what your alter egos think. Maybe they disagree?

    Know from OWN experience? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Cretin IT really have such a delirious ideas. **cretinic laughter**

    \\I agree.


    Must be... because this "I agree" was written by some other alter-ego, yes???


    \\Qtard: But... continue-continue, cretin IT. Or... may I use your TRUE name -- Derpish SADners.

    \\Lie. That isn't your true name.

    FORGOT own name???



  64. Minus FJ: \\You want it to be Palestinian free. But neither population is going to relocate\\ Then I guess that the Hamas faction of Palestine will die in Rafa. :)

    So, if they did say "we will all leave" and Egypt (and some other Muslim countries) said "ALL Muslims in Gaza and the West bank are welcome here"... then you'd be ok with Hamas terrorists leaving. Maybe give them amnesty?

    FYI, I am NOT saying that is an option. It isn't. Even if it was possible, I'd be opposed to letting killers get away with their crimes. Despite Qtard lies. More just told. Which I'm tired of replying to. They are so absurd.

  65. Yeah. Totalitarian cretin SUPPORT continuing of bloodshed. ;-P


  66. You: "Yeah. Totalitarian cretin SUPPORT continuing of bloodshed".

    I know. IT has been very clear about IT's support for the killing to continue. The more killing, the happier IT gets.

    Quotes (from above)...

    Minus: Then I guess that the Hamas faction of Palestine will die in Rafa. :)

    You (totalitarian cretin): Amen!

    Minus indicated he would smile when Israeli military starts it's offensive of killing in Rafah. Which will kill terrorists (they hope) but FOR SURE many civilians. Both of you know this. And both are happy. Minus smiled and you replied "Amen!".

    Very ENTHUSIASTIC support for the killing of civilians. That is why President Biden halted shipment of offensive armaments. He is against the mass killing of civilians that will take place in Rafah. Why he is receiving criticism from blood thirsty rightturds who want as many civilians to be slaughtered as possible.

    Above IT wrote, "While SUPPORTING wholeheartedly that policy of non-acting POTUS Bi-den... to impose armistice on Israel. So HAMAS could re-group. Attract more recruits. Train and equip em. So that bloodshed would CONTINUE".

    See? Criticism for wanting the mass killing of civilians in Rhafa to not happen. But cretin reframes this as wanting the bloodshed to "continue" (capped). With an imaginary motivation invented by IT for the imaginary "Bi-den" to have. Wanting the bloodshed to decrease is wanting it to continue. In IT's cretinic delusions.

    When (the actual) Joe Biden does NOT want Hamas to be able to re-group, but for the mass killing of civilians in Rafha not to happen.

    btw, I do NOT support any policy of the imaginary "Bi-den". Because "Bi-den" does not exist. There is no "Bi-den" who wants Hamas to be able to regroup. Though (no matter what) this will happen. But it is what rightturds believe -- that problems can be solved with killing.

    CNBC: Can Hamas actually be eliminated? ... Hussein Ibish, senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington [says] "No. Hamas is not a bunch of individuals, or a set of equipment and infrastructure. It's a brand, and as long as there are a group of living Palestinians who want to call themselves Hamas, Hamas still exists. It is extremely stupid to declare a war aim that cannot be accomplished. Yet this is what Israel has done. link.

    You (preceded by a quote from me): \\Just like every single US citizen is a member of a Bi-den gang or employed by the Bi-den government\\ You said it.

    Yeah, sarcastically. But cretin dunno what sarcasm is.

  67. \\I know. IT has been very clear about IT's support for the killing to continue. The more killing, the happier IT gets.

    Yeah. You do. Cretin IT. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    YOU -- ADMITTED it, clearly.

    But... will forget writing that. In a jiffy. And will be claiming "I NEVER said it".

    But... continue, cretin IT. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Minus indicated he would smile when Israeli military starts it's offensive of killing in Rafah. Which will kill terrorists (they hope) but FOR SURE many civilians. Both of you know this. And both are happy. Minus smiled and you replied "Amen!".


    protecting HAMAS terrorists, you are.

    While approving their "human shield" tactic.

    Because... you are totalitarian cretin.


    \\Very ENTHUSIASTIC support for the killing of civilians.

    Yeah. You DO.

    That much... that you (and your Bi-den) want to PROLONG it... as much as possible.

    With making even ones who are children today -- to became terrorists in the near future.


    \\That is why President Biden halted shipment of offensive armaments. He is against the mass killing of civilians that will take place in Rafah.


    He PROVIDED to Israel ALL needed weapon and support.

    Like 155 mm shells... that was URGENTLY and MUCH MORE needed in Ukraine -- to fight against FULLY-EQUIPPED MILITARY forces... to destroy their field military objects.

    But... that non-acting POTUS waked out of its slumber... and sent em to Israel.

    To attack CIVILIAN HOMES of "innocent" Palestinians.

    That... shows PRIORITIES of that Bi-den VERY CLEARLY. CRYSTAL CLEAR! WITH utmost PRECISION!!!

    Bi-den -- WANTS MORE non-combatants to die.

    In Ukraine -- to which he NOT give heavy munition.

    And in Palestine -- where he donate em without delays.

  68. NuttenYahoo and Hamas = both rightturds. Both falsely think problems can be solved with killing.

    Minus, Qtard and Mystere all rightturds who cheer killing. Terrorists (who deserve to die) and MANY MORE civilians. They all have the incorrect rightturd belief that killing solves problems. They believe this because they are not very smart. They dislike working out problems via negotiations. btw, I am not suggesting negotiating with terrorists. But other parties. Which has been attempted in the past. They failed due to rightturds wanting them to fail.

    Because of the rightturd belief that the best solution to deal with problems is with violence and killing. We saw that on January 6. American rightturds did not get what they wanted in the just held democratic election. So they responded with violence. They promise more violence and killing if donald tRump does not return to the White House in 2025. Their Orange Turd cult leader said so himself. Said there will be a bloodbath if he loses.

  69. \\Why he is receiving criticism from blood thirsty rightturds who want as many civilians to be slaughtered as possible.


    liliPut's tactic -- to blame opponent -- for that what one doing itself...

    \\See? Criticism for wanting the mass killing of civilians in Rhafa to not happen. But cretin reframes this as wanting the bloodshed to "continue" (capped). With an imaginary motivation invented by IT for the imaginary "Bi-den" to have. Wanting the bloodshed to decrease is wanting it to continue. In IT's cretinic delusions.

    Like that was NOT you own words -- that Gaza children will became terrorists. For "revenge" over Israel.

    And that... can happen ONLY... if that operation will stop... without decisive result -- destroying HAMAS.

    Ah... I know, that's YET ONE of same SAMEBODY merry bunch of cretins... that forgot writing that.


    \\When (the actual) Joe Biden does NOT want Hamas to be able to re-group


    Because he dumb stupid -- and dunno for what ANY delay will be used for... by HAMAS???

    Go admit that -- that Bi-den is dumb stupid. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And I'll admit that he (probably) have no evil intent. ;-P

    \\But it is what rightturds believe -- that problems can be solved with killing.


    Of course no.

    Problem can be solved with giving candies... to terrorists. ;-P

    That cops in Uvalde... probably have thought SAME way too...

    Or what... you already FORGOT about that *American* children.

    Because "nothing to look at here, nothing to remember... move on... to current topic, and that is -- ta-dam -- children of HAMAS" DEMN propaganda have told you, yes???

  70. Qtard: But... will forget writing that. In a jiffy. And will be claiming "I NEVER said it".

    It would be impossible for me to "forget". Because, YES, I did not say it. Except in your crazy cretin's delusions.

    Qtard: ...protecting HAMAS terrorists, you are.

    No. I support protecting civilians and KILLING Hamas terrorists.

    Qtard: While approving their "human shield" tactic.

    Strongly disapproving.

    Qtard: Because... you are totalitarian cretin.

    Used "you" in place of "I".

    Qtard: \\Very ENTHUSIASTIC support for the killing of civilians\\ Yeah. You DO.

    Used "you" in place of "I". AGAIN.

    Qtard: That much... that you (and your Bi-den) want to PROLONG it... as much as possible.

    Yeah. The imaginary versions of me and "your Bi-den" that exist in the cretin's delusions. They do want that. Me, I'm opposed. As is the US potus, Joe Biden.

    Qtard: With making even ones who are children today -- to became terrorists in the near future.

    Yeah, that is the rightturd goal. A goal you wholeheartedly endorse and support.

    Qtard: \\That is why President Biden halted shipment of offensive armaments. He is against the mass killing of civilians that will take place in Rafah\\ BS.

    Yeah. To IT facts are "BS". I already knew this.

    Qtard: He PROVIDED to Israel ALL needed weapon and support. Like 155 mm shells... that was URGENTLY and MUCH MORE needed in Ukraine -- to fight against FULLY-EQUIPPED MILITARY forces... to destroy their field military objects.

    Because the rightturds in Congress voted for military support for Israel and against military support for Ukraine.

    Qtard: But... that non-acting POTUS waked out of its slumber... and sent em to Israel.

    Oh, so you are suddenly against helping Israel? Did an abrupt 180?

    Qtard: To attack CIVILIAN HOMES of "innocent" Palestinians.

    What you want.

    Qtard: That... shows PRIORITIES of that Bi-den VERY CLEARLY. CRYSTAL CLEAR! WITH utmost PRECISION!!! Bi-den -- WANTS MORE non-combatants to die.

    Yeah, that imaginary "Bi-den" does want that. In your crazy cretin's delusions. US president Joe Biden wants LESS non-combatants to die. But why are you not SUPPORTING this "Bi-den" then? When he is doing exactly what you want?

    Qtard: In Ukraine -- to which he NOT give heavy munition.

    Because rightturds voted NO.

    Qtard: And in Palestine -- where he donate em without delays.

    Because rightturds voted YES. But totalitarian-loving cretin does not understand how democracy works. AT ALL.

  71. \\Yeah, sarcastically. But cretin dunno what sarcasm is.



    You are cretin.

    And you dunno what word "sarcasm" mean.

    But... you will forget that you did such a self-revealing self-admition.

    But... continue-contuse, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\NuttenYahoo and Hamas = both rightturds. Both falsely think problems can be solved with killing.


    I know, I know... problems can be solved only with giving candies... and for that, Congress NEED TO reserve some more money... to give to those -- who will be giving candies.

    And that is DEMNs... because??? Because "righturds think only about using that money for killing"...


  72. liliPut proposed to Biden negotiations... about Ukraine and many-many other things.

    Biden -- declined.

    liliXi proposed to Biden negotiations... about Taiwan and many-many other things.

    Biden -- declined.

    That's must be because Bi-den -- righturd??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  73. Qtard: \\Why he is receiving criticism from blood thirsty rightturds who want as many civilians to be slaughtered as possible\\ Yawn. liliPut's tactic -- to blame opponent -- for that what one doing itself...

    Yeah. rightturds using Putin-like tactics. That is no surprise. You using them in this discussion here.

    Qtard: Like that was NOT you own words -- that Gaza children will became terrorists. For "revenge" over Israel.

    Acknowledgement of reality. But Qtard hates and lives in denial of reality.

    Qtard: And that... can happen ONLY... if that operation will stop... without decisive result -- destroying HAMAS.

    But Hamas will not be destroyed.

    Qtard: Ah... I know, that's YET ONE of same SAMEBODY merry bunch of cretins... that forgot writing that. Yawn.

    I have NO IDEA what the "samebody merry bunch of cretins" that exist inside YOU might forget writing. Like (for example) when I brought up it's prior reference to "Mokingjay". I thought IT would remember. But it totally didn't. Said what I was talking about was a "false memory".

    Qtard: \\When (the actual) Joe Biden does NOT want Hamas to be able to re-group\\ No??? Because he dumb stupid -- and dunno for what ANY delay will be used for... by HAMAS???

    Like the cease fire that dumb stupid NuttenYahoo agreed to in exchange for hostages?

    Qtard: Go admit that -- that Bi-den is dumb stupid. **cretinic laughter**

    I don't care. If the imaginary "Bi-den" is "dumb stupid". Nobody cares. Because he does not exist.

    Qtard: And I'll admit that he (probably) have no evil intent. ;-P

    Of course. Because he doesn't exist. People who don't exist have no intent at all.

    Qtard: \\But it is what rightturds believe -- that problems can be solved with killing\\ No. Of course no. Problem can be solved with giving candies... to terrorists.

    Yeah. That's what the cretin thinks are the only two options. Kill civilians while going after terrorists or give terrorists candies.

    That cops in Uvalde... probably have thought SAME way too...

    They didn't. They said they thought that it was a hostage situation. And that the shooter was holding hostages. They were going to wait and negotiate. I don't know why they thought that. Because the killer was busy killing while they were thinking they were going to start negotiating.

    If that was was going on inside then they'd have made the right decision. But it wasn't. But YOU think (if negotiating to save lives is possible)... that's "giving candies".

    Qtard: Or what... you already FORGOT about that *American* children.

    No. I very much remember. You probably think the police should have bombed the school. That would have killed the shooter easy. And who cares that the children would be killed too? Not you. You have been VERY clear about that. Killing children MUST be done to kill the bad guys.

    Qtard: Because "nothing to look at here, nothing to remember... move on... to current topic, and that is -- ta-dam -- children of HAMAS" DEMN propaganda have told you, yes???

    That's what rightturd propaganda tells YOU. And you wholeheartedly believe it. Children in Gaza... they must be sacrificed. Well, they are "accomplices" right now. And also future Gaza recruits (a small minority). So best kill them NOW.

  74. Qtard: \\Yeah, sarcastically. But cretin dunno what sarcasm is.\\ Yeah. True.


    Qtard: You are cretin. And you dunno what word "sarcasm" mean.

    Admission. Though you wrote it using "you" in place of "I".

    Qtard: But... you will forget that you did such a self-revealing self-admition.

    "You" in place of "I". AGAIN.

    Qtard: But... continue-contuse, cretin. **cretinic laughter**

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\NuttenYahoo and Hamas = both rightturds. Both falsely think problems can be solved with killing\\ Yeah. I know, I know... problems can be solved only with giving candies...

    No. But you obviously have no idea how to solve problems. Call negotiating "giving candies". Even tRump tried negotiating. Well, he assigned that task to Jared. And rightturds did praise the "results" that Jared got. But you say Jared (acting on behalf of tRump) "gave candies"?

    Jared Kushner Says Palestinians Need a Functioning State. aka Jared said Palestinians need to be given candies?

    Qtard: ...and for that, Congress NEED TO reserve some more money... to give to those -- who will be giving candies.

    Yeah. No money for "candies" but ALL money for killing. That is what IT wants.

    Qtard: And that is DEMNs... because??? Because "righturds think only about using that money for killing"...


    Qtard: liliPut proposed to Biden negotiations... about Ukraine and many-many other things. Biden -- declined. liliXi proposed to Biden negotiations... about Taiwan and many-many other things. Biden -- declined. That's must be because Bi-den -- righturd???

    First you say "Biden" (reference to the real person). 4 times. Then you reference the imaginary "Bi-den" and suggest he is a rightturd. What do the actions of Biden (the real person) have to do with the imaginary "Bi-den" (who, yeah, it looks like is a rightturd)???

    Though, to respond... the reason that Biden declined is because he knew the overtures were insincere. Both (Putin and Xi) would demand that they get MOST (or all) of what they want. They were not proposing a genuine negotiation take place. WHY Biden declined. "Bi-den" didn't say anything. Because he does not exist.

  75. \\It would be impossible for me to "forget". Because, YES, I did not say it. Except in your crazy cretin's delusions.

    Yeah??? :-))))))

    And who of your merry bunch of cretins of SAMEBODY, have written this:

    \\\\I know. IT has been very clear about IT's support for the killing to continue. The more killing, the happier IT gets.

    From your account. ;-P


    \\Qtard: ...protecting HAMAS terrorists, you are.

    \\No. I support protecting civilians and KILLING Hamas terrorists.

    Which are disguised as civilians.

    And to find em... lots of work needed -- to sort em out.

    But... you OPPOSE to even giving that chance... to Israel police and secutiry services.


    Because you are biggly HAMAS supporter.

    NATURAL thing, as for totalitarians and cretins.

    \\Qtard: While approving their "human shield" tactic.

    \\Strongly disapproving.


    On words.

    Means -- that's only hypocritical lie.

    \\Yeah. The imaginary versions of me and "your Bi-den" that exist in the cretin's delusions. They do want that. Me, I'm opposed. As is the US potus, Joe Biden.



    With strangling arms of Isreal behind its backs. And giving time to HAMAS.

    \\Qtard: With making even ones who are children today -- to became terrorists in the near future.

    \\Yeah, that is the rightturd goal. A goal you wholeheartedly endorse and support.

    Yeah. Righturd "US potus, Joe Biden" doing it. With his plan.

    Biden’s Plan to Withhold Weapons from Israel | CBN ...
    YouTube · CBN News
    2 days ago

    \\Because the rightturds in Congress voted for military support for Israel and against military support for Ukraine.

    Because righturd "US potus, Joe Biden" dismissed Lend-Lease Act and his Executive Pivileges as Acting Commander in Chief of Army of USA.

    \\Qtard: But... that non-acting POTUS waked out of its slumber... and sent em to Israel.

    \\Oh, so you are suddenly against helping Israel? Did an abrupt 180?

    With 155 mm artillery shells?????

    Against beardy bigots with AKs???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Definitely... it could be of much netter use in Ukraine.

    While Ukraine could provide their best in the world FPV drones. ;-)

    That would be smart.

    \\Qtard: To attack CIVILIAN HOMES of "innocent" Palestinians.

    \\What you want.

    "Used "you" in place of "I"." ;-P

    \\Yeah, that imaginary "Bi-den" does want that. In your crazy cretin's delusions. US president Joe Biden wants LESS non-combatants to die. But why are you not SUPPORTING this "Bi-den" then? When he is doing exactly what you want?



    \\Because rightturds voted NO.

    Yeah... residing in WH righturds. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\ But totalitarian-loving cretin does not understand how democracy works. AT ALL.


    You do.

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  76. Qtard: \\It would be impossible for me to "forget". Because, YES, I did not say it. ...\\ Yeah??? ... And who of your merry bunch of cretins of SAMEBODY, have written this: "I know. IT has been very clear about IT's support for the killing to continue. The more killing, the happier IT gets".

    "Merry bunch of cretins of SAMEBODY" didn't write that. *I* wrote it, dipshit. About you. But you were talking about forgetting things you wrote. Yet you quote me and (wrongly) suggest I forgot writing that.

    Qtard: From your account.


    Qtard: **cretinic laughter**

    Obvious facts to IT are funny for some reason?

    Qtard: \\...I support protecting civilians and KILLING Hamas terrorists\\ Which are disguised as civilians. And to find em... lots of work needed -- to sort em out.

    I see. So ALL Gazans need to be killed. Indiscriminately.

    Qtard: But... you OPPOSE to even giving that chance... to Israel police and secutiry services.

    What chance? To kill civilians? Nah. They still have it. I only propose to kill less. But that is unacceptable to you. You DEMAND killing MORE.

    Qtard: Because you are biggly HAMAS supporter.

    Me? You didn't use "you" in place of "I"? But I am a bigly Hamas opponent. You are a bigly liar.

    Qtard: NATURAL thing, as for totalitarians and cretins.

    Oh, so you DID use "you" in place of "I"? And you ARE a Hamas supporter? You just confessed. Said it was "natural" for you.

  77. Qtard: While approving their "human shield" tactic\\Strongly disapproving\\ Yawn. On words. Means -- that's only hypocritical lie.

    Oh, so EVERYTHING you write here -- that is ALL hypocritical lies. Because it is WORDS.

    Qtard: Yeah. "Opposing". With strangling arms of Isreal behind its backs. And giving time to HAMAS.

    No. You disputed that yourself. Forgot what you wrote? YOU said Biden was giving to Israel but not Ukraine. So forgetful.

    Qtard: With making ... children today -- to became terrorists in the near future\\Yeah, that is the rightturd goal. ...\\ Yeah. Righturd "US potus, Joe Biden" doing it. With his plan.

    Yeah, "plan" of killing less. But NuttenYahoo says he isn't going along with that plan.

    Qtard: Biden's Plan to Withhold Weapons from Israel ... YouTube · CBN News...

    Yeah. Plan to not provide armaments for use in flattening Rhafa and killing many civilians. A plan you object to. Because you are strongly FOR killing as many civilians as possible.

    Qtard: \\Because the rightturds in Congress voted for military support for Israel and against military support for Ukraine\\ Because righturd "US potus, Joe Biden" dismissed Lend-Lease Act and his Executive Pivileges as Acting Commander in Chief...

    No. Because (at the time) aid was flowing. No need for lend-lease to be implemented at that time.

    Qtard: \\Oh, so you are suddenly against helping Israel? ...\\ With 155 mm artillery shells????? Against beardy bigots with AKs???? ... Definitely... it could be of much netter use in Ukraine.

    But Congressional righturds would have objected. Start impeachment. For sending arms that were to go to Israel to Ukraine instead. Though you JUST said you would oppose that. Wrote about "Biden's Plan to Withhold Weapons from Israel". NOW you say you are FOR that withholding. Well, you flip back and forth. One comment you are against this withholding, then (a short while later within the SAME comment) you are for the withholding.

    Merry bunch of samebody cretins take turns writing the same "anonymous" comment?

    Qtard: While Ukraine could provide their best in the world FPV drones. That would be smart.

    Yeah. Qtard should be in charge. IT would fix ALL problems with IT's expertise. <--SARCASM.

    Qtard: To attack CIVILIAN HOMES of "innocent" Palestinians\\What you want\\ "Used "you" in place of "I"."

    Moronic conclusion. When that is what IT has been strenuously arguing in favor of this many many comments. While I have been arguing against this.

    Qtard: \\Yeah, that imaginary "Bi-den" does want that. In your crazy cretin's delusions. US president Joe Biden wants LESS non-combatants to die. But why are you not SUPPORTING this "Bi-den" then? When he is doing exactly what you want?\\ Gibberish.

    KILLING non-combatants in Rahfa. You said "Amen!" And then you said "Bi-den" wants this. So why do you not support this Bi-den doing WHAT YOU WANT? Instead of pretending not to understand my easily understandable words?

    Qtard: \\Because rightturds voted NO\\ Yeah... residing in WH righturds. **cretinic laughter**

    Residing in Congress. WH residents don't vote on Congressional bills. But cretin dunno how US government works. Yet INSISTS that IT does.

    Qtard: \\But totalitarian-loving cretin does not understand how democracy works. AT ALL\\ Yeah. You do.

    Your admission. Though you mistakenly wrote "you" instead of "I".

    Qtard: But... continue-continue, cretin. **cretinic laughter**

    Self encouragement again. Yawn.

  78. \\*I* wrote it, dipshit.

    You are cretin IT. And you wrote "*I* wrote it...". ;-P

    But... you'll forget it in a jiffy... and will be claiming that such your SELF-ADMISSION -- never happen, yes, cretin IT? ;-P

    \\About you.


    Habitual NewSpeakean substitution of "I" with "you".


    \\But you were talking about forgetting things you wrote.


    And WHOSE WORDS is this: "It would be impossible for me to "forget". Because, YES, I did not say it."

    Your claim that you "I did not say it"... though it HERE. Just in the FIRST post of this thread.

    \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ So, to you, the "actual solution" is for all Palestinians to leave and go live in other Muslim majority countries. All Jews could leave Israel. That's another option.

    \\ May 4, 2024 at 2:57 PM


    you still saying "I did not say it".

    Even though you admitted.

    \\Qtard: From your account.


    HOW that even can be possible -- post written from YOUR account... but about which you saying "I did not say it"????????!!!! %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I think -- ONLY ONE explanation possible -- split-person disorder. ;-P

    Or... that was NewSpeakean "No"???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I see. So ALL Gazans need to be killed. Indiscriminately.

    You said it.

    That is YOUR suggestion.

    And YOU are one, who revealed with it your bloody totalitarian cretinic aspirations, cretin IT.


    But... you'll forget it, in a jiffy. And will be claiming "I NEVER have written that... that's somebody else... DID IT, from my own account". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. ;-P

    \\What chance? To kill civilians? Nah. They still have it. I only propose to kill less.


    You are VERY inclined to spare as much HAMAS terrorists as possible.

    With strangking Israel police force arms behind their backs... so that MORE terrorists would remain, and number of em will increase ASAP... with new recruits.

    So that terror against Israel will continue...


    You revealed ENOUGH... that you aspiration.

    But... you'll continue-continue doing it more, MoRE, MOAR!!!!

    Because you are cretin -- unable to hold your f**g mouth shut. Even.

    But... continue-continue, cretin. Revealing aspirations of your DEMN-rats and your secretly righturdish non-acting POTUS Bi-den. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

  79. \\Oh, so EVERYTHING you write here -- that is ALL hypocritical lies. Because it is WORDS.

    Obviously. That's what cretinic liar would say. Like liliPut, for example. ;-P

    But you are one -- cretin IT.

    So... no surprise.


    \\YOU said Biden was giving to Israel but not Ukraine. So forgetful.

    Yeah, cretin IT.

    WAS there some Congress legislation needed??? To give that munition to Israel???

    Or... non-acting POTUS Bi-den... just woke up, and sent all needed stuff...

    to demolish Gaza.

    Just on his orders... as Commander in Chief. Of most rich, most equipped, most prepared with endless stockpiles of everything -- Army of USA. That prospers on budgets BIGGER than any other army in the Whole World... and even NEXT ten armies SUMMED cannot be an par with it.

    \\Qtard: With making ... children today -- to became terrorists in the near future\\Yeah, that is the rightturd goal. ...\\ Yeah. Righturd "US potus, Joe Biden" doing it. With his plan.

    \\Yeah, "plan" of killing less.

    Yeah, less HAMAS terrorists.


    \\But NuttenYahoo says he isn't going along with that plan.


    While would he... want to spare lifes of HAMAS terrorist, who killed lots of his brethren????

    Well... that HAMAS terrorists have killed USA citizens TOO -- alongside their Jewish relatives.

    But... do secret righturd non-acting POTUS Bi-den CARE?????!!!!

    About lifes of innocent USA people.

    SAME as he did not CARED about children killed in Uvalde.

    And etc...


    \\Qtard: Biden's Plan to Withhold Weapons from Israel ... YouTube · CBN News...

    \\Yeah. Plan to not provide armaments for use in flattening Rhafa and killing many civilians. A plan you object to. Because you are strongly FOR killing as many civilians as possible.

    What does the phrase object to mean?
    1[intransitive] to say that you disagree with, disapprove of, or oppose something object (to somebody/something) Many local people object to the building of the new airport. If no one objects, we'll postpone the meeting till next week.

    object verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes
    Oxford Learner's Dictionaries › object_2

    YES, Cretin IT!!!! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Which DUNNO meaning of words it trying to use.

    *I*... strongly OBJECT TO... sparing lifes of HAMAS terrorists. Giving em time to re-group. Or even worse -- to hide. And to flee. To continue their terror later.

    *I*... OPPOSE... to such plan.

    And you -- totalitarian cretin IT -- SUPPORT such plan. Wholeheartedly.

  80. \\Well, you flip back and forth. One comment you are against this withholding, then (a short while later within the SAME comment) you are for the withholding.

    That's because you are cretin.

    And unable to follow simple though. ;-P

    Natural thing... for cretins. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Merry bunch of samebody cretins take turns writing the same "anonymous" comment?


    Yeah, cretin?

    And you can ConFIRM that claim... you copycatting from MUCH SMARTER opponent... with perfectly factual quotes and flawlessly logical inference?

    Naaaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, entertaining me, cretin IT. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    With such you silly tryes to look smarter. ;-P

  81. \\Yeah. Qtard should be in charge. IT would fix ALL problems with IT's expertise. <--SARCASM.


    You are correct.

    In respect to your alter-ego "Qtard", alter-ego "IT" and all other of merry bunch of SAMEBODY cretins -- that is definitely SARCASTIC. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Cretins would solve all world problems. WUT???? :-))))))))))))))))))))0

    They... can only CREATE em.

    With their incredibly stupid existance. :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\When that is what IT has been strenuously arguing in favor of this many many comments. While I have been arguing against this.


    After cretin IT said that it want Jews to leave their homeland...

    and then started to deny writing it -- though it IN THE VERY FIRST post in this thread.

    Those cretins... they are so funny. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-contunue your merry tricks... cretins. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\ Instead of pretending not to understand my easily understandable words?


    You words in VERY FIRST POST in this thread -- are VERY EASY to understand.

    And non-ambigious.

    ""All Jews could leave Israel.""


    But... you keep struggling with your cretinic lies... that nothing like have happened.

    \\Residing in Congress. WH residents don't vote on Congressional bills. But cretin dunno how US government works. Yet INSISTS that IT does.


    You cretin IT do insist... that POTUS and Commander in Chief of USA Army... cannot give direct orders.

    And need to wait for permission from Congress.

    Where some all-powerful "righturds" would block em, indefinitely.

    By direct orders from some "dRrump"... that an ordinary citizen of USA...

    but, same time and somehow... are more powerful then POTUS.



  82. No more babbling, cretin? ;-P

    What's happened? Got what a biggly cretin you are??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Naaaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  83. Qtard: Cretins would solve all world problems. WUT???? **cretinic laughing & drooling** They... can only CREATE em. With their incredibly stupid existance. **more cretinic laughter**

    Yeah. Why it's good a cretin like you isn't in charge.

    Qtard: After cretin IT said that it want Jews to leave their homeland...

    You did? I know I never said that. Only mentioned it as an option. An option I'd oppose.

    Qtard: and then started to deny writing it -- though it IN THE VERY FIRST post in this thread.

    Yeah. You did say I denied pointing out that was an option. Even though I didn't.

    Qtard: Those cretins... they are so funny.

    I don't think you're funny at all.

    Qtard: You words in VERY FIRST POST in this thread -- are VERY EASY to understand. And non-ambigious. ""All Jews could leave Israel."" Remember?

    Of course. I remember bringing up this option. Then saying I oppose it. Yet you (due to extreme cretinity) think mentioning an option that exists is an endorsement of that option. Say it's "very easy to understand".... Yet YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

    Qtard: Yep. You cretin IT do insist... that POTUS and Commander in Chief of USA Army... cannot give direct orders. And need to wait for permission from Congress.

    You do? Well, then we agree. Congress controls funding. You FINALLY understand? I doubt it.

    Qtard: Where some all-powerful "righturds" would block em, indefinitely.

    Yeah, because they are in control in the House of Representatives. You get it now? I doubt it.

    Qtard: By direct orders from some "dRrump"... that an ordinary citizen of USA...

    No. No "dRump" gave Speaker Mike Jonhson any order. donald tRump did. And Johnson listened to him, because he isn't an ordinary citizen. He is the ex-president and still leader of the republican party.

    Qtard: but, same time and somehow... are more powerful then POTUS.

    You say? Then why do you blame Joe Biden? Oh, wait... you blame some imaginary "Bi-den". But not being able to block legislation doesn't make the imaginary "dRump" (who is an "ordinary citizen of USA") more powerful.

    It means donald tRump (as ex-president and still leader of the republican party) can instruct Speaker Johnson to not vote on legislation. Which is what happened. Yet, somehow, you dunno anything about it. Even though it has been in the news. BUT cretin does call the factual accounting of events "propaganda".

    Qtard: What's happened? Got what a biggly cretin you are???

    You're asking yourself? Yeah. I agree with your "Naaaah". That will NEVER happen.

  84. \\You did? I know I never said that. Only mentioned it as an option. An option I'd oppose.


    Because defeat of your leader Hitler -- created to you totalitarian nazi scum -- need to be sneaky.

    Like for today, there is NO nazi that allow to itself babbling openly about "final solution"... only trying to undermine "holocaust hoax" and etc sneaky treachery.

    But... you new, gonna be master -- liliPut -- with his deceptive propaganda... allowed to you to discuss it as some kind of "options".


    That's why...

    \\An option I'd oppose.

    You, in a deceptive way, saying that "you would"... but you ACTUALLY don't -- as you SUPPORT Bi-den's plan... plan that devised to have more Jewish babies killed, in a near future.

    \\Yeah. You did say I denied pointing out that was an option. Even though I didn't.

    That is... calling it "an option"... is just deceptive nazi-style way of speaking.

    SAME... as late nazis WAS NOT talking straight "let's kill all Jews"... only deceptively and euphemistically named it "final solution".

    SAME doing you here -- calling it "option".


    Your nazi-lies... is apparent. Because you are apparently are utter fool -- cretin.

    \\I don't think you're funny at all.

    Of course. ;-P

    Because I reveal your cretinity. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Your hard feelings are totally understandable. ;-P

    \\Of course. I remember bringing up this option. Then saying I oppose it.


    While supporting EQUALLY bloody and heinous Best Bi-den's Plan. ;-P

    Or what... you suddenly decided to STOP support it? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Naaaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yet you (due to extreme cretinity) think mentioning an option that exists is an endorsement of that option. Say it's "very easy to understand".... Yet YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

    Of course... you do not like your nazi alignment to be revealed.


    Your hard feelings really and very easy to understand here.


    \\You do? Well, then we agree. Congress controls funding. You FINALLY understand? I doubt it.

    However, there are circumstances in which the President has the discretion to spend funds differently than specified by Congress, or the law gives the President the discretion to redirect the money.

    And, more recently, the courts have upheld the President’s authority to redirect funds under the National Emergencies Act.

    Isn't War that liliPut of Russia wages over NATO and even USA... is real deal Emergency???

    Or... some "treasonous dRump" can BLOCK respond to such attack, through Congress binding executive power of POTUS...

    well, said liliPut, as well as liliXi, and all other enemies of USA -- they surely would like to know it, for sure -- such a easy-peasy way to destroy USA... not with outer force, but with such a treachery.


    And such a cretins as your SAMEBODY bunch of miserly cretins -- DEMN-aligned. GIVING to em such tools...

    With your unwavering and non-thinking support of liliPut's puppet Bi-den.


  85. \\Yeah, because they are in control in the House of Representatives. You get it now? I doubt it.

    And POTUS DO NOT represent Executive Brunch???

    And is just a dog's tail of that house??? ;-P

    \\donald tRump did.

    Some imaginary dRump??? ;-P

    \\And Johnson listened to him, because he isn't an ordinary citizen. He is the ex-president and still leader of the republican party.

    And there is LAW... that gives it such power? ;-P

    Or... it doing it totally OUTSIDE of any constitutional rights???

    But... liliPut's puppet Bi-den -- DO NOT hold it accountable -- for such an out-lawing? ;-P

    Well, it... all DEMNs, call it "treasonous"... but still, that dRump, are not in jail.

    In opposite to it -- it allowed to run for POTUS.

    Go figure your crazy antipodes -- allowing Enemy of The State -- to run for TOP sit in your state.

    And even -- to CONTROL your government, in a treacherous way, while OUTSIDE of any branch of power. %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That's... BIGGLY cretinic!!!! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Then why do you blame Joe Biden? Oh, wait... you blame some imaginary "Bi-den".

    Well... it's you are one who started calling Biden imaginary... just after some meaningless (which DO NOT change meaning of the word) hyphen added.

    Go figure... why you think that Biden -- do not exist???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    Must be, because you are BIGGLY cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Even though it has been in the news.

    Oh, that... BIGGLY truthful news... from CNN???

    That was eavesdropping and heard it all -- how "donald tRump (as ex-president and still leader of the republican party) can instruct Speaker Johnson"

    But... as ever... did not provided ANY evidences of it.


    \\BUT cretin does call the factual accounting of events "propaganda".

    NewSpeakean use of words "factual accounting"... as "somebody-somebody said something-something... and then it was retold by MOST truthfull media reporters", yes? ;-P

  86. "your leader Hitler", huh? Very self revealing talks. Your sneakiness isn't going to get me to agree with the "final solution" you argue in favor of. "Final solution" to deal with all the "accomplices" in Gaza.

    BOTH populations will have to continues living in proximity of each other. Gazan citizens (while being massively slaughtered) won't be wiped out, regardless of your strong desire that this happen. Israeli citizens aren't going anywhere either. I don't think they should.

    Though you will keep lying about that, no doubt. I only noted it was an "option" as much as Gazan people all leaving is an option. NEITHER will happen.

    Qtard: That is... calling it "an option"... is just deceptive nazi-style way of speaking.

    You obviously know ALL ABOUT nazi-style way of speaking.

    Qtard: SAME... as late nazis WAS NOT talking straight "let's kill all Jews"... only deceptively and euphemistically named it "final solution". SAME doing you here -- calling it "option".

    So Nazis were opposed to their own Final Solution? Like I'm OPPOSED to Jews all leaving Israel?

    Qtard: Yawn.

    Yeah. YAWN. Your lies are unending.

    Qtard: Your nazi-lies... is apparent. Because you are apparently are utter fool -- cretin.

    Wrote "Your" in place of "My". Then "you are" in place of "I am".

    Qtard: \\I don't think you're funny at all\\ Of course. ;-P Because I reveal your cretinity.

    Yawn. Wrote "your" in place of "my".

    Qtard: Your hard feelings are totally understandable. ;-P

    I have no hard feelings regarding you revealing your cretinity. I just said I don't find it funny.

    Qtard: \\Of course. I remember bringing up this option. Then saying I oppose it\\ Yeah.
    While supporting EQUALLY bloody and heinous Best Bi-den's Plan. ;-P

    No. I don't support any imaginary plan of any imaginary "Bi-den".

    Qtard: Or what... you suddenly decided to STOP support it?

    I never started.

    Qtard: Of course... you do not like your nazi alignment to be revealed.

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: Your hard feelings really and very easy to understand here.

    Wrote "your" in place of "my"? Obviously. You're talking about your own hard feelings. That's why IT knows about them. While I don't have any.

    Qtard (quoting UN-cited source): However, there are circumstances in which the President has the discretion to spend funds differently than specified by Congress, or the law gives the President the discretion to redirect the money.

    Google, is the President obligated to spend funds in accordance with Congress?

    Google says, YES. Congress's "power of the purse" is at the foundation of our Constitution's separation of powers, a constitutionally mandated check on Executive power. The Appropriations Clause would appear to categorically enjoin the President and federal agencies to spend funds only as appropriated by Congress.

    Qtard: And, more recently, the courts have upheld the President's authority to redirect funds under the National Emergencies Act.

    Those emergencies are natural disasters. Tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc. Not wars. But you gave no link. So maybe you knew that and were trying to use some sneaky Nazi tactics (that you revealed you use)?

    Qtard: Isn't War that liliPut of Russia wages over NATO and even USA... is real deal Emergency???

    A "real deal" natural disaster emergency? No, it isn't.

    Qtard: Or... some "treasonous dRump" can BLOCK respond to such attack, through Congress binding executive power of POTUS...

    No, no imaginary "dRump" can.

    Qtard: well, said liliPut, as well as liliXi, and all other enemies of USA -- they surely would like to know it, for sure -- such a easy-peasy way to destroy USA... not with outer force, but with such a treachery.

    Exactly. Why Putin stands by his puppet, donald tRump. You understand now? I doubt it.

  87. Qtard: And such a cretins as your SAMEBODY bunch of miserly cretins -- DEMN-aligned. GIVING to em such tools...

    No. Democrats oppose donald tRump. You REALLY are confused now. Think tRump is "Demn-aligned"???

    Qtard: With your unwavering and non-thinking support of liliPut's puppet Bi-den.

    I have no support for the imaginary "Bi-den" who is a puppet of the imaginary "liliPut". While you continue to defend Putin's puppet donald tRump.

    Qtard: And is just a dog's tail of that house??? ;-P

    The power of the purse is the ability of one group to control the actions of another group by withholding funding, or putting stipulations on the use of funds. ... In the federal government of the United States, the power of the purse is vested in the Congress as laid down in the Constitution of the United States, Article I, Section 9, Clause 7 (the Appropriations Clause) and Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 (the Taxing and Spending Clause). The power of the purse plays a critical role in the relationship of the United States Congress and the President of the United States, and has been the main historic tool by which Congress has limited executive power.

    Qtard: \\donald tRump did\\Some imaginary dRump??? ;-P

    No. Imaginary people can't do anything. I referred to the REAL person, donald tRump.

    Qtard: \\And Johnson listened to him, because he isn't an ordinary citizen. He is the ex-president and still leader of the republican party\\ And there is LAW... that gives it such power?

    republiturds give "it" (donald tRump) such power. They did so willingly. No law compelling them to do that was needed.

    Qtard: Or... it doing it totally OUTSIDE of any constitutional rights???


    The Supreme Court has long held that the 1st Amendment's protection of free speech, assembly, and petition logically extends to include a "freedom of association". Generally, this means we have the freedom to associate with others who have similar political, religious, or cultural beliefs.

    Qtard: But... liliPut's puppet Bi-den -- DO NOT hold it accountable -- for such an out-lawing?

    Totalitarian cretin would like usa president to be able to arrest citizens for exercising constitutional rights like freedom of association. Obviously.

    Qtard: Well, it... all DEMNs, call it "treasonous"... but still, that dRump, are not in jail.

    On trial. With other trials pending.

    Qtard: In opposite to it -- it allowed to run for POTUS.

    Like you don't want tRump to be president again? You'd vote or Biden if you were a US citizen? donald tRump (in 2016) said Hillary Clinton shouldn't be allowed to run for president. Yet (for a reason that totally confounds the cretin) she was allowed.

    Qtard: Go figure your crazy antipodes -- allowing Enemy of The State -- to run for TOP sit in your state.

    Yeah. "Crazy" to adhere to the US constitution. "There's nothing in the Constitution or federal law that prevents a felon from holding the nation's highest office" :(

    Elizabeth Wydra, president of the progressive Constitutional Accountability Center, says it is a mistake to assume the legal system will stand in Trump's way. "Nothing prevents him from running for president and being elected, even if he is in jail at the time of the election", she said.

    Qtard: And even -- to CONTROL your government, in a treacherous way, while OUTSIDE of any branch of power. **cretinic laughter** That's... BIGGLY cretinic!!!! **cretinic laughter**

    Because republicans allow him to. But totalitarian cretin doesn't care about the constitutional right of Freedom of Association. Yeah. NO DOUBT you, a totalitarian lover, thinks the US Constitution is "biggly cretinic".

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Qtard: Well... it's you are one who started calling Biden imaginary...


    Qtard: just after some meaningless (which DO NOT change meaning of the word) hyphen added.

    "Biden" isn't a word, it's a name. And it isn't spelled with a hyphen. There is no "Bi-den". Plus you cited a bunch of other qualities that the real Joe Biden doesn't possess. Like wanting Hamas to be successful in killing more Israelis and for Putin to be successful in killing more Ukrainians and winning the war he waged on them. So, obviously you're talking about some imaginary "Bi-den" (that does have those qualities) and NOT the real Joe Biden (who has the opposite qualities).

    Qtard: Go figure... why you think that Biden -- do not exist???? **cretinic laughter**

    Never said. Never thought. Joe Biden definitely exists.

    Qtard: Must be, because you are BIGGLY cretin. **cretinic laughter**

    Yes. Though you wrote "you" in place of "I".

    Qtard: \\Even though it has been in the news\\Oh, that... BIGGLY truthful news... from CNN??? That was eavesdropping and heard it all -- how "donald tRump (as ex-president and still leader of the republican party) can instruct Speaker Johnson".

    Yeah, when Speaker Johnson spoke about it publicly, EVERYONE was able to "eavesdrop". But cretin obviously dunno what "eavesdropping" means.

    Qtard: But... as ever... did not provided ANY evidences of it.

    Speaker Mike Johnson, who works closely with Biden's likely challenger in the November election Donald Trump, told reporters he has no intention even of allowing a vote on the bill. "I certainly don't", he said. February 14 2024.

    Well, now he has. Though not voting for Ukraine aid is what he supported and did previously. Told to reporters (who "eavesdropped" on him). Still Qtard said it was Democrats who were blocking the aid.

    btw, that's reporting from France24 (not CNN). The article goes on to say "Trump -- who dominates the Republican Party despite losing the last election and now facing 91 criminal counts in four separate cases -- has pulled the strings in Congress throughout the saga. He opposes helping Ukraine's fight against Russia..."

    But Qtard won't believe it. Because ALL reporters saying facts IT does not like are liars.

    Qtard: NewSpeakean use of words "factual accounting"... as "somebody-somebody said something-something... and then it was retold by MOST truthfull media reporters", yes?

    YOUR NewSpeaking. Try to discredit news reporters that IT hates for revealing facts IT doesn't like.

  90. And... waterfalls of cretinism... continueing. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    But... continue-continue, cretins. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  91. \\"your leader Hitler", huh? Very self revealing talks.

    Yeah. For you to mention Hitler... would be too much self-revealing. ;-P

    I know it.

    I do. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... you already BUSTED itself, cretin IT... in that regard.

    We here already know it about you. ;-P

    \\Your sneakiness isn't going to get me to agree with the "final solution" you argue in favor of. "Final solution" to deal with all the "accomplices" in Gaza.


    "Final solution" for youth of Gaza to have future. While you see and propose to em ONLY "became terrorists to revenge on Israel".


    \\BOTH populations will have to continues living in proximity of each other.

    And fight with each other?

    Yeah... that is what that Great Plan of Bi-den are for.


    \\Gazan citizens (while being massively slaughtered)

    By whom???

    And whose said it???

    HAMAS terrorists?

    So... now we need to believe to terrorists being honest????

    What a mass cretinity showdown. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Though you will keep lying about that, no doubt.


    With providing direct factual quotes????

    Well... that is DEFINITELY NewSpeakean definition of "lying".

    Yawn. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    No doubt about it. Indeed.

    \\I only noted it was an "option" as much as Gazan people all leaving is an option. NEITHER will happen.

    Which are so disappointing to your nazi-totalitarian heart? ;-P

    \\You obviously know ALL ABOUT nazi-style way of speaking.


    After communication with you for more then a year -- I do.

    What a Chief Hawk Eye you are, cretin. ;-P


  92. \\Qtard: SAME... as late nazis WAS NOT talking straight "let's kill all Jews"... only deceptively and euphemistically named it "final solution". SAME doing you here -- calling it "option".

    \\So Nazis were opposed to their own Final Solution? Like I'm OPPOSED to Jews all leaving Israel?


    Yes. Nazis -- same as you here, was in great opposition to mere idea... that Jews can leave Germany, alive...


    \\Wrote "Your" in place of "My". Then "you are" in place of "I am".

    You do that all of the time, and because of that became so confused? ;-P

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Showing and confirm own cretinity all of the time. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Your hard feelings are totally understandable. ;-P

    \\I have no hard feelings regarding you revealing your cretinity. I just said I don't find it funny.


    \\Google, is the President obligated to spend funds in accordance with Congress?

    Yeah. Google. That UN-censored truth-telling device. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And, more recently, the courts have upheld the President's authority to redirect funds under the National Emergencies Act.

    \\Those emergencies are natural disasters. Tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc. Not wars.

    Yeah... wars can be ignored. For months and years... like Bi-den did to war of RFia against Ukraine.

    And its predecessor Zero-bama about war of RFia against Georgia...

    \\ But you gave no link. So maybe you knew that and were trying to use some sneaky Nazi tactics (that you revealed you use)?

    Measuring by yourself? ;-P

    You NEVER give (proper) links.

    And ALWAYS use sneaky nazi/liliPut's tactics.


    \\No. I don't support any imaginary plan of any imaginary "Bi-den".

    Here. ;-P

    \\Wrote "your" in place of "my"? Obviously. You're talking about your own hard feelings. That's why IT knows about them. While I don't have any.

    Like that "zero women's scarf"... you don't have. ;-P

    \\Exactly. Why Putin stands by his puppet, donald tRump. You understand now? I doubt it.

    And Biden backs it... that treacherous puppet... with allowing not only to take part in elections.

    But with allowing to INFLUENCE top representative institute of USA?????

    Does it make it accomplice? ;-P

    But nazi-loving totalitarian cretin will be crying in NewSpeak "No", while meaning "Yes". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  93. \\While you continue to defend Putin's puppet donald tRump.

    And you can provide logical explanation how?

    Naaaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That is just liliPut-style babbling. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\The power of the purse is the ability of one group to control the actions of another group by withholding funding, or putting stipulations on the use of funds.

    POTUS have Executive Power over USA army.

    And... what are budget of Pentagon????? Mere for peanuts sum of money??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\...and has been the main historic tool by which Congress has limited executive power.


    That mean that POTUS as Commander in Chief of US Army have totally free hands to discern -- where and how army funds need to be placed and spent.


    Or not??? %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Nazi-loving cretin will be screeching that some "treacherous puppet" of open enemy -- must have a say in it???

    What a treasonous talks. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\donald tRump did\\Some imaginary dRump??? ;-P

    \\No. Imaginary people can't do anything. I referred to the REAL person, donald tRump.

    So... dRump exist. And Bi-den -- not? ;-P

    What an interesting delusion you have. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\republiturds give "it" (donald tRump) such power. They did so willingly. No law compelling them to do that was needed.

    And there is NO law... that PROHIBIT em that??? ;-P

    Like prohibiting to behave in favor of foreign enemy?

    Bu-ga-gah!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\The Supreme Court has long held that the 1st Amendment's protection of free speech, assembly, and petition logically extends to include a "freedom of association". Generally, this means we have the freedom to associate with others who have similar political, religious, or cultural beliefs.

    Even if that is beliefs that undermine very existence of U.S.A.????

    Poor bin Laden... it should be running for POTUS... instead of attacking you with planes. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


  94. \\Totalitarian cretin would like usa president to be able to arrest citizens for exercising constitutional rights like freedom of association. Obviously.


    You showing such attitude... since I meet you here in this blog. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Well, it... all DEMNs, call it "treasonous"... but still, that dRump, are not in jail.

    \\On trial. With other trials pending.

    By a cangaroo courts? ;-P

    And well... still no sentencing.

    \\Like you don't want tRump to be president again? You'd vote or Biden if you were a US citizen?


    Why I should care???

    do you care about prez of some Timbuktu? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Maybe you should? ;-P

    \\donald tRump (in 2016) said Hillary Clinton shouldn't be allowed to run for president. Yet (for a reason that totally confounds the cretin) she was allowed.

    Very glad to know your story...

    well, not. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I just don't care. To know what you -- cretin, made so confused. ;-P

    In 2016. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yeah. "Crazy" to adhere to the US constitution. "There's nothing in the Constitution or federal law that prevents a felon from holding the nation's highest office" :(

    Is he mere felon????

    You was screeching non-stop that he is TOP criminal... that commited TOP crime -- a treason.

    Do treasonous scum ALLOWED to do it too????

    Is there SUCH amendment... in USA????

    \\Qtard: And even -- to CONTROL your government, in a treacherous way, while OUTSIDE of any branch of power. **cretinic laughter** That's... BIGGLY cretinic!!!! **cretinic laughter**

    \\Because republicans allow him to.

    And Biden have NO power to catch em???

    Or... that non-acting 'imaginary' POTUS... just taking lightly his oath... "to protect USA from ALL enemies -- both foreign and domestic"...

    Seems like it.


    It... more concerned with more Jews being killed in the near Future. And Ukrainians right now. It seems.

    On behalf of its master-puppeteers.


  95. \\This comment has been removed by the author.

    Blurted something self-revealing there? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Well... it's you are one who started calling Biden imaginary...


    NewSpeakean "Yes".


    \\"Biden" isn't a word, it's a name. And it isn't spelled with a hyphen. There is no "Bi-den". Plus you cited a bunch of other qualities that the real Joe Biden doesn't possess. Like wanting Hamas to be successful in killing more Israelis and for Putin to be successful in killing more Ukrainians and winning the war he waged on them. So, obviously you're talking about some imaginary "Bi-den" (that does have those qualities) and NOT the real Joe Biden (who has the opposite qualities).

    Enlighten itself about hephynation. ;-P

    Among which is.

    Syllabification and spelling
    Hyphens are occasionally used to denote syllabification, as in syl-la-bi-fi-ca-tion.


    Bidens Definition & Meaning
    Merriam-Webster › dictionary › Bidens
    Word History. Etymology. New Latin, from Latin, having two teeth, 2-pronged, from bi- bi- entry 1 + dent-, dens tooth. Love words? You must — there are over ...


    Or... continue being dumb shit cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well... you cannot be anything else -- because of your natural cretinity. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  96. \\Well, now he has. Though not voting for Ukraine aid is what he supported and did previously. Told to reporters (who "eavesdropped" on him). Still Qtard said it was Democrats who were blocking the aid.

    Not democrats.

    Bi-den itself. ;-P

    That stopped help to Ukraine... from August of 2023!

    MUCH BEFORE that all comedy in Congress started.

    \\btw, that's reporting from France24 (not CNN).

    Hah... like they made investigation of their own... and not just repeated after CNN or any other media they connected with. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But Qtard won't believe it. Because ALL reporters saying facts IT does not like are liars.

    Reporters saying facts???

    Even though that is physically impossible.

    Facts can be only REFERRED to.

    Like with providing some FACTUAL recordings, fotos, videos.

    "Facts" transmitted "on words"... have very slim resemblance to ORIGINAL facts.

    That is obvious thing... you cretin showed NOT UNDERSTANDING... from the very beginning of our talks here.




    \\YOUR NewSpeaking. Try to discredit news reporters that IT hates for revealing facts IT doesn't like.

    Yep. "Somebody-somebody saying something-something"... which you lyingly calling being facts.


    Here we go again on that same circle.


    But... continue-contunue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Confirming being cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  97. Cretins do not want to continue? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  98. Qtard: That is obvious thing... you cretin showed NOT UNDERSTANDING... from the very beginning of our talks here.

    Yeah, you have shown that. Demonstrated it too. When you wrote "Not democrats. Bi-den itself. That stopped help to Ukraine... from August of 2023!".

    Google search: "biden stopped aid Ukraine".

    First result...

    Far-right Republicans have adamantly opposed sending more money for Ukraine, with the war appearing to have no end in sight. Biden in August [2023] requested more than $20 billion to keep aid flowing into Ukraine, but the money was stripped out of a must-pass spending bill.

    Oh, but you said it was some imaginary "Bi-den". He didn't stop aid either.

    Anyway, you are right that words aren't (necessarily) facts. Well, your words hardly ever are.

  99. \\Yeah, you have shown that. Demonstrated it too. When you wrote "Not democrats. Bi-den itself. That stopped help to Ukraine... from August of 2023!".

    \\Google search: "biden stopped aid Ukraine".


    Of course.

    Propaganda Engine Google... will say something against non-acting POTUS non-activity. ;-P

    And here what alternative Bing gives. ;-P

    Global web icon
    Foreign Policy
    Biden's Catch-22 in the Russia-Ukraine War - Foreign Policy

    Web5 days ago · May 17, 2024, 3:48 AM. On April 24, Ukraine and its supporters around the world breathed a sigh of relief when U.S. President Joe Biden signed a long-awaited …

    And here is what it says.

    Unfortunately, Ukraine’s challenges go beyond mere resources. The recent fight over the aid package strikes at the heart of the strategic paradox plaguing Biden’s strategy toward Ukraine. On the one hand, Biden has pledged that “our commitment to Ukraine will not weaken” and that U.S. support will be there “for as long as it takes.” At the same time, however, the Biden administration has been steadfastly concerned about escalation and the prospect of a direct confrontation with a nuclear-armed Russia. Judged independently, both are laudable goals—but put together, these objectives are increasingly working at cross purposes. Ultimately, Biden’s balancing will become untenable.

    Means -- stooopid. ;-P

    But... HOW DEMN Propaganda Engine Goggle... can lead to a source that can make people think that Biden are... stooopid??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    With the situation seeming to favor Ukraine, the Biden administration believed that Kyiv could afford the precautions imposed by Washington in the name of escalation management—including restricting the types of weapons Ukraine received and the targets it was allowed to strike.

    Fast-forward two years, and the assumption that time would favor Ukraine looks increasingly doubtful. As Cavoli recently testified, Russia is reconstituting its military “far faster than initial estimates suggested,” and its military is now larger than before the war. Despite the sanctions, the Russian economy posted modest growth in 2023 and is on track to do so again this year. And while Russia has lost tens of thousands of soldiers and seen hundreds of thousands injured, the casualties have not translated into unrest in Russia or visibly shaken the Putin regime.


    Because Putin's regime now in Mobilization for Total War regime... while West and USA first of all are staggering.

    And that all... after having CLEAR and DAMNING previous historical experience of WW2 -- that delaying in mobilization to a war -- means millions of needless loses.

    Like 6 millions of Jews.

  100. \\Anyway, you are right that words aren't (necessarily) facts. Well, your words hardly ever are.

    Naaaah, dimwit. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    I stated clear -- that words are NEVER facts.

    When they are alone. Empty. Baseless. Babbling. NOT referring to any FACTs.

    And you words -- practically always are that way.

    But... nothing surprising in it -- because you are cretin.

    So... even if your words accidentally refer to some fact... you unable to discern it and use wisely. ;-P

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Your merry cretinic frolicking. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
