Thursday, May 9, 2024

Bid Adieu to the Biden Mensheviks, Girondins, and all Moderate DNC Elements! The Jacobinian BullSh*t-ites Have Arrived!

All we do now is await the "event" brought in by a modern Charlotte Corday!
Charlotte Corday (Marie-Anne Charlotte de Corday d'Armont, 27 July 1768 – 17 July 1793), was a figure of the French Revolution. In 1793, she was sent to the guillotine for the assassination of Jacobin leader Jean-Paul Marat. She blamed Marat for the more extreme course the Revolution had taken. He played a large role in the takedown of the Girondins. Corday believed in the Girondins' cause. In 1847, writer Alphonse de Lamartine gave Corday the nickname l'ange de l'assassinat (the Angel of Assassination).
Let "The Terror" Commence!


  1. What? No retort yet from the fake Prophet Dervish bin §atan-§anders666?

  2. There never will be. Because no such person exists.

  3. YET ONE alter-ego of your merry bunch of SAMEBODY cretins? ;-P

    One you don't remember, same as them all, ah, cretin IT? :-)))))))))))))))))

  4. Yeah, I don't "remember" any alter egos that exist because I have split personality disorder. Because I don't have Dissociative identity disorder.

    Even if I did, how could it be possible for Mystere to make up an identity for me to have? Multiple personalities come from the brain of the person with DID. Not from other people making them up and deciding that's a personality the person with DID has.

    Well you, being a cretin, probably think that's the way it works. Given that you have also made up identies and said they are mine.

    The "merry bunch of SAMEBODY cretins" all reside within YOU. All your references to them are YOUR self referring talks.
