Friday, May 31, 2024

Desperate Democratic & UniParty Elites Stampede NATO into WWIII

2024-Biden's Wag the Dog election strategy becomes Plan A
Logical Next Step: Russia Escalates and Grants Donbass and Ukrainian Separatists permission to strike NATO supply lines to Ukraine outside of Ukrainian territory where needed.


  1. 2024-Biden's Wag the Dog election strategy becomes Plan A.

    Biden has no such election strategy. It certainly is not plan A.

  2. Did someone say that Biden has a "Wag The Dog" election strategy, Ichabod? It seems you're the first one who said it. You just blabbed what your stinktank is plotting, Derpwood.😆😆😆😆😆

    Loose lips sink ships, Assface Ichabod Derpwood bin §atan ~ §ander$666.

  3. Biden can't beat Trump head to head, He can't be Trump in Court, and so he's going to wag the dog with Russia for votes.

  4. Why would Biden want to be tRump in court? If you meant to write "beat" in court... Biden isn't taking tRump to court. There is no match up there. It isn't even Merrick Garland on this one. This was a state case. Alvin Bragg beat donald tRump in court.

    btw, a jury of NY citizens unanimously decided dd was guilty as charged. donald's legal team helped select the jurors. It was a fair trial. The charges were JUST. As decided by the jury. Cohen already served time behind bars for this crime. WHY shouldn't the person who directed him to commit the crime go to prison himself?

    And that Biden can not beat tRump is what you said the last time. And Biden won fairly. Actually, he won while being at a big disadvantage. The incumbent always has the (legal) advantage. dotard donald had the legal incumbent advantage (and used it), and he also used his incumbency to cheat. He violated the Hatch act bigly and Louis dejoy slowed down the mail so ballots wouldn't be delivered on time.

    STILL Biden won. Then dotard instructed his minions to attack the capitol to retain power illegally. donald tRump (as an insurrectionist) isn't even qualified to run for president. Polls have indicated that (if convicted of crimes) there are voters who would reconsider supporting him.

    That donald tRump is now a convicted felon will be one of the Biden campaign's top talking points, not the war in Ukraine (that will be down the list). The voters are more concerned with their own problems than with what is going on in Ukraine. Why there is zero possibility that the Biden campaign would ever think of making it "plan A".

  5. Minus: ...he's going to wag the dog with Russia for votes.

    Bullsh!t. You think there are voters that might have gone for tRump but decide to support Biden instead -- because of Ukraine? Biden voters who would have stayed home, but decide they HAVE to vote -- because of Ukraine? I don't know HOW you think Ukraine could get Biden votes. I think it's more likely to hurt the Biden reelection chances rather than help them.

    There is no "wag the dog" going on anyway. Putin started the war on Ukraine, not Biden.

    Mystere: It seems you're the first one who said it. You just blabbed what your stinktank is plotting...

    It "seems" that way to you Mystere because you're a moron.

    1. You shouldn't use profanity, Dervish. You could say BullJoeBiden instead. That would be more civilized.

    2. Hey Dervish, when did Mystere reply? Your comment is the first... Did Mystere get taken down before you said something? Let's look at what is written:

      The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders May 31, 2024 at 10:25 AM

      "2024-Biden's Wag the Dog election strategy becomes Plan A.

      Biden has no such election strategy. It certainly is not plan A."


      Rattrapper May 31, 2024 at 10:39 AM
      "Did someone say that Biden has a "Wag The Dog" election strategy, Ichabod? It seems you're the first one who said it. You just blabbed what your stinktank is plotting, Derpwood.😆😆😆😆😆

      Loose lips sink ships, Assface Ichabod Derpwood bin §atan ~ §ander$666."

      What name is written, Ichabod? I don't see "Mystere" written anywhere. Those butt shrooms from your sloppy seconds off Boofing Bobby Robbert Hunter Biden must be quite loaded.

  6. Biden is starting WWIII for votes. It doesn't get any simpler than that, Derv. He gets all the power and pays none of the price.

  7. Bullplop. The American people don't want war.

  8. Russians do? Chinese do?

    I mean ordinary people -- those who destined to die in that war.

    No... but propaganda of liliPut and liliXi explains to em why they must.

    And DEMN propaganda will do that too.

  9. Qtard: Russians do? Chinese do?

    US voters can get rid of their leaders for getting them involved in war. While the voters in the Russia and China can not. But, not surprising Qtard dunno that.

    Qtard: I mean ordinary people -- those who destined to die in that war. No... but propaganda of liliPut and liliXi explains to em why they must.

    Of course. And they can't vote those leaders out.

    Qtard: And DEMN propaganda will do that too.

    Who cares? "DEMN propaganda" is imaginary.

    But Minus absurdly claimed that Democratic Party voters DO want war. Will vote for Biden for giving them what they want.

    So... you replied... but your "reply" had nothing to do with what I wrote. Nothing to do with the point I was making. Instead you claimed I think that Chinese people and Russian people want war. When I never said that.

  10. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Russians do? Chinese do?

    \\ US voters can get rid of their leaders for getting them involved in war. While the voters in the Russia and China can not. But, not surprising Qtard dunno that.

    Your alter-ego "Qtard"?

    Because that what I said higher. Explicitly. With "but propaganda of liliPut and liliXi explains to em why they must."

    That is in:

    The simple present tense (also known as the Present Indefinite Tense) is used to talk about habits, facts, and general truths that are happening now or that happen regularly. Below are the top 10 examples of the simple present tense in English grammar: She drinks coffee every morning.Apr 16, 2024

    Simple Present Tense | Examples, Rules, Exercises - Shiksha
    Shiksha › studyabroad › simple-presen...

    So... obviously. It cannot be about me.

    As you itself confirmed that what I said.

    And then added remark... about your alter-ego "Qtard".

    Am I right? ;-P

    \\Of course. And they can't vote those leaders out.

    Same as USAians will not be able to "vote out" Biden.


    After that as his main political opponent will be put in jail.

    Like Navalny in Russia.

    And, well, as in many-many other UNdemocratic countries... where kangaroo courts used to shut down political opponents.

    \\Who cares? "DEMN propaganda" is imaginary.

    For you, cretin?

    \\ Instead you claimed I think that Chinese people and Russian people want war. When I never said that.

    Because that's THE FACT. Fact you confirmed independently, with "While the voters in the Russia and China can not."

    And that is... where DEMNs and Biden leading USA.

    Only difference of my opinion with Joe -- he pounding that that is because of some evil plan... while I see it because sheer cretinic stupidity.


    Same... as pre-WW2.

  11. Qtard: Your alter-ego "Qtard"?

    I don't have one. "Qtard" is a reference to you.

    Qtard: Because that what I said higher. Explicitly. With "but propaganda of liliPut and liliXi explains to em why they must."

    This comment says nothing about voting.

    Qtard: So... obviously. It cannot be about me.

    It obviously is. Given that I have been calling you "Qtard" for many months.

    Qtard: As you itself confirmed that what I said.

    No, I disagreed with what you asked. You wrote: "Russians do? Chinese do?". You were begging the question -- saying I think they do. But I don't think that.

    Qtard: And then added remark... about your alter-ego "Qtard".

    No, the remark was about you. Because I have no alter-ego "Qtard" -- you are "Qtard".

    Qtard: Am I right? ;-P


  12. Qtard: Same as USAians will not be able to "vote out" Biden. Yawn. After that as his main political opponent will be put in jail.

    That won't prevent tRump from being the republiturd nominee. Or prevent people from voting for him. But the primary voters selected him. They could have chosen Nikki Haley. Then she would be the main political opponent instead of the guy who is likely going to prison.

    Qtard: Like Navalny in Russia.

    No, not like him at all. Because Navalny was convicted by an actual kangaroo court. Not a court you're falsely calling "kangaroo".

    Qtard: And, well, as in many-many other UNdemocratic countries... where kangaroo courts used to shut down political opponents.

    You must be so disappointed that the USA isn't like those undemocratic countries. But, if donald tRump regains power, then he could direct his AG to shut down his political opponents. No doubt that would be a development that would make you very happy.

    Qtard: \\Who cares? "DEMN propaganda" is imaginary\\For you, cretin?

    Asking yourself, cretin? Well, we all know the answer is NO. "DEMN propaganda" is very real for you. In your delusions.

    Qtard: \\Instead you claimed I think that Chinese people and Russian people want war. When I never said that\\ Because that's THE FACT. Fact you confirmed independently, with "While the voters in the Russia and China can not."

    No. I did NOT confirm that.

    Support for war in Russia: A Levada poll conducted in November 2023 indicated that while nominal support for the invasion of Ukraine remained high at 73 percent, the number of respondents who offered firm, unquestioned backing rather than those who "more support than oppose" the war had actually fallen from a peak of 53 percent in March 2022 to just 39 percent. link

    Support for war in China: According to a February 2023 poll conducted by Morning Consult, 49% of Chinese adults said that Beijing should stay neutral in the Ukraine conflict, 12% said Beijing should use its influence to persuade Russia to end its military operations, 9% said they supported supplying strategic intelligence to Russia, and 7% supported sending weapons. The youngest Chinese adults generally expressed the least interest in lending support to Russia. link

    That poll doesn't say anything about China sending soldiers to fight for Russia in Ukraine. But I doubt support for that would be anything but minuscule. Qtard disagrees?

    Qtard: And that is... where DEMNs and Biden leading USA.


    Qtard: Only difference of my opinion with Joe -- he pounding that that is because of some evil plan... while I see it because sheer cretinic stupidity.

    No and no.

    Qtard: Yawn. Same... as pre-WW2.

    "Yawn" is your response to the potential start of WWIII? Definite indicator of extreme craziness. But I already knew of your insanity. You've been displaying it here for awhile now.

  13. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Your alter-ego "Qtard"?

    \\ I don't have one. "Qtard" is a reference to you.


    Especially when you marking your own words with it. ;-P


    \\Qtard: Because that what I said higher. Explicitly. With "but propaganda of liliPut and liliXi explains to em why they must."

    \\This comment says nothing about voting.

    People voting in accordance with their views... and in totalitarian countries it is forbiden -- to have own views. Only repeating state propaganda allowed.

    Do you still call such forced... voting????

    Seems like you do -- because you are totalitarian cretin -- like for people to NOT have own views, own ideas, own desires... only that that prescribed to em?????

    \\Qtard: So... obviously. It cannot be about me.

    \\It obviously is.

    If that is so obvious... there must be some FACTS... as embodiment of that "obviousness".

    And if there is some FACTS... you should be able to point at, to refer to that FACTS.



    Never happen. ;-P

    \\Given that I have been calling you "Qtard" for many months.



    I see only that you giving such moniker to you alter-ego. ;-P

    Obviously. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: As you itself confirmed that what I said.

    \\No, I disagreed with what you asked.

    If you insist.


    Then -- you lied.

    Anti-factual lies.

    Because what I stated -- was reference to the fact -- of totalitarian societies of RFia and PRCia.

    But... are you trying to cover em??? To call their totalitarian practices... "democracy"?????

    Well, that'll be unsurprising. As you are crazy totalitarian cretin. That admires such practices. And want USA to became SAME. With people NOT able to vote out DEMNs. ;-P

    But... you'd be crying lyingly "No" here.

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\You wrote: "Russians do? Chinese do?". You were begging the question -- saying I think they do. But I don't think that.

    You... don't think at all... it seems. ;-P

    But... not surprising.

    As you are cretin -- naturally incapable to think. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0000

    \\No, the remark was about you. Because I have no alter-ego "Qtard" -- you are "Qtard".

    Lame lies.


    You... even placing that "Qtard" before YOUR OWN WORDS...

    But yeah... you forgetting that that is your own words... oftenly too. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well, whatever.

    I not interested anymore into investigating into -- is it your conscious lies, or just some nightmarrish delusonal babbling.


    \\Qtard: Am I right? ;-P


    NewSpeakean "Yes".


  14. \\That won't prevent tRump from being the republiturd nominee. Or prevent people from voting for him. But the primary voters selected him. They could have chosen Nikki Haley. Then she would be the main political opponent instead of the guy who is likely going to prison.


    That was DEMN totalitarians plan.

    Of destroying people's freedom to chose their representative in election.

    Plan to undermine Democracy.

    By re-tooling it into "controlled DEMN-OK-ratsy"... as liliPut did in RFia.


    But... you'd be screaming lyingly "No" here too.

    Though you just now thoroughly revealed DEMNs evil plans of destroying of democratic elections.


    But... continue-continue, totalitarian cretin.

    \\No, not like him at all. Because Navalny was convicted by an actual kangaroo court. Not a court you're falsely calling "kangaroo".

    There is NO jury courts in RFia.


    \\Qtard: And, well, as in many-many other UNdemocratic countries... where kangaroo courts used to shut down political opponents.

    \\You must be so disappointed that the USA isn't like those undemocratic countries.

    Obviously. You talking about OWN disappointment here.

    That's why you marked it with your alter-ego moniker "Qtard" too. ;-P

    \\But, if donald tRump regains power, then he could direct his AG to shut down his political opponents.

    "Could". "Would".

    That is all BS talks.

    As Biden DOING it. Just now.

    And well... I must admit, you are using SAME trick as liliPut's propaganda.

    He also came to power on such talks... that his opponents "could", "would", "ought to"... do something heinous... he came to protect people from.

    But, that is not surprising -- as you are totalitarian cretin -- and that is, desired result for you. To have totalitarian to rule over you and all other people. So there'd be no need to think, to make choices. ALL will be decided and prescribed by Best Biden Ever. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Who cares? "DEMN propaganda" is imaginary\\For you, cretin?

    \\Asking yourself, cretin? Well, we all know the answer is NO. "DEMN propaganda" is very real for you. In your delusions.

    With whom you talking here, cretin??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Voices in your head again??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That do not allow you to discern simple text -- before your own eyes. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well... you AGAIN placed that "Qtard" moniker before YOUR OWN WORDs here. ;-P

    So... must be you thinking that you talking with that "Qtard" in your head????


  15. \\Qtard: \\Instead you claimed I think that Chinese people and Russian people want war. When I never said that\\ Because that's THE FACT. Fact you confirmed independently, with "While the voters in the Russia and China can not."

    \\No. I did NOT confirm that.


    Now you CONFIRMED that your previous words -- was lie? ;-P

    \\Support for war in Russia: A Levada poll conducted in November 2023 indicated that while nominal support for the invasion of Ukraine remained high at 73 percent, the number of respondents who offered firm, unquestioned backing rather than those who "more support than oppose" the war had actually fallen from a peak of 53 percent in March 2022 to just 39 percent. link

    Do you know... that there in RFia a totalitarian law established.

    With criminal persecution for "not loving war"????

    Which mean -- all such polls mean nothing.

    As totalitarian liliPut will continue doing what it do, and there is NO way to vote him out.

    But... you surely know and understand it... it's just, you want the same to be in USA... that's why you playing such a silly mind-games... that you don't see it. Talking about some polls and etc. Like that RFia is not totalitarian and people there have any freedom there.

    Yes, cretin?

    \\Support for war in China: According to a February 2023 poll conducted by Morning Consult, 49% of Chinese adults said that Beijing should stay neutral in the Ukraine conflict

    An what about Taiwan, cretin??? ;-P

    \\That poll doesn't say anything about China sending soldiers to fight for Russia in Ukraine.

    Still... there is... and they post their stories on Tik-Tok.

    \\Qtard: And that is... where DEMNs and Biden leading USA.


    So??? USA didn't enter into WW2 because of Perl Harbor attack???

    That all "never happened"???

    Because you cretin dismiss Facts of History???


    \\"Yawn" is your response to the potential start of WWIII?

    "Banality of Evil". As Joe have put it.

    \\Definite indicator of extreme craziness.

    So. World that allowed WW1 and WW2, and tiptoeing on the brink of WW3... is crazy????
