Sunday, May 26, 2024

Cutting the Gordian Knot

On Russia:
"A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma"
- Churchill
Will we have a multi-polar Rule OF Law, or a Unipolar Rule BY Law (aka - Rules-based Order)?


  1. Knowing some trivia... but still -- cretin... repeating liliPut's propaganda narrative.

    Maybe some Natasha sucking his dick under his table? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  2. If that is level of your expert... it's not surprised that your Foreign Policy in so deep shit.

    Well... I checked wiki on him -- RFia is not his point of expertise.


  3. Phony "expert".


  4. He's better. A China expert on their Russia summit.

  5. I deem it as BS too.

    His knowledge is 20-30 years late.

    Hardly he was renewing it much... in last decade.

    Most surely (given how it repeats liliPut's BS) he used same socnet/youtube/inet "sources".

  6. that is open info -- that China striving to achieve M.A.D. levels of stockpiles of nukes.

    That mean -- they, do not plan to keep being peaceful.

    AT ALL.

    Remember... ONE, they was Great Mogols. ;-P

    Look at THIS map -- THAT is, what they deem as THEIR.

  7. Sounds like a Russian-Chinese war is inevitable then. :)

  8. What a definitely crazy idea.

    WUT??? HOW????

  9. There's not only NO antagonism in between them.

    There also NO points of intersection for mutual struggle -- look at the map.

  10. Chinese mercenaries, et al, in Ukraine.

  11. Talks about diarrhea... looks like hardened soldier. ;-P

    But... that's foot soldier perspective.


  12. And how he was able to discern that "on both sides"??? ;-P

  13. Interesting.

    But only source of it.

    All everything -- is not any news.


    Maybe except to you.

  14. ...sounds like a clusaterf*ck to me.

  15. Minus: Then end it.

    The "war on terror" could have been ended after America was attacked on 9/11 if George bush had surrendered to Osama bin Laden.

    That is how donald tRump plans on ending the war Russia waged on Ukraine if he gets back in the White House. Telling Ukraine the US will cut off all aid and so Ukraine must surrender. He thinks they will do so in 24 hours.

    That's what the Putin admiring Minus wants.

  16. \\Then end it.

    Can you stop typhoon?


    \\...or are you still "Estate Planning"?

    Projection? ;-P

    \\That's what the Putin admiring Minus wants.

    And what Biden DO. ;-P

  17. \\Then end it.

    Do you know about that method -- of stopping forest fire... with counter-fire.

    And NOT any other way.

    Means... to stop a war... can only BIGGER war.

    That's why I criticize USA government as being foolish -- instead of helping Ukraine (like you helped Georgia, for example)... they allowed for that fire to grow... to the level it now became self-sustainable.

    And STILL trying to postpone on others need to extinguish it.


    USA of times of FDR... knew that they need to give to neighbor in need fire hose.

    USA of today... only know that they need to throw specks of fire back across the fence.

    Morons. :-(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

  18. ""
    Imagine you're cooking popcorn on your stove, but you leave it unattended for too long. The heat builds up until suddenly your popcorn starts popping wildly out of control!

    That is your metaphor... maybe THIS way it will be more comprehendable to you.

  19. Dervy can't even admit today what a waste of men and treasure the WoT was? Osama bin Laden WON, the day the Far-Away Satan came to him to train his mujahadeen, just as the Russians had. We should have simply dropped a few B-52's worth of bombs on Kabul and called it good.

  20. ...instead of reacting with the hubris of a tyrant who's name had been slighted.

  21. Simple Solutions... so daring. ;-P

    You really need to try to play some strategy game. ;-)

  22. Operation Chrome Done -- EVEN BETTER. ;-P

  23. Qtard: Operation Chrome Done -- EVEN BETTER.

    Lunacy. Though understandable why a crazy person would like such insanity. Think it is "better".

    Why did Operation Chrome Dome stop?

    Several high-profile nuclear accidents were associated with the "Chrome Dome" program, including the accidental release of nuclear weapons on foreign territory, and it was shut down in the wake of one such accident in 1968.

  24. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Operation Chrome Done -- EVEN BETTER.

    \\ Lunacy.

    Now we have it. Cretin calling your Greatest Generation, which won over Hitler -- Lunatics???

    Because... you, as nazi totalitarian cretin, would be more pleased if they would fall on their knees... before Hitler? ;-p

    \\Several high-profile nuclear accidents were associated with the "Chrome Dome" program,

    Sabotages of inner commies? ;-P

  25. Qtard: Now we have it. Cretin calling your Greatest Generation, which won over Hitler -- Lunatics???

    Huh. Yeah, I'm not surprised that you'd blurt out this confession.

    Qtard: Because... you, as nazi totalitarian cretin, would be more pleased if they would fall on their knees... before Hitler?

    More confessing. In crazy cretin's delusions it's idol Hitler is still alive. Apparently.

  26. \\Huh. Yeah, I'm not surprised that you'd blurt out this confession.


    \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Operation Chrome Done -- EVEN BETTER.

    \\ Lunacy.

    But... somehow... that is MY "confession". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Qtard: But... somehow... that is MY "confession".

    No. YOUR words are your confession. I stand by my words. Risking nuclear accident by flying nukes around 24-7 is lunacy. That wasn't a decision made by everyone in the "greatest generation". Qtard thinks EVERYONE (every US citizen at the time) agreed that this was an "EVEN BETTER" idea?

    THAT is what you wrote. Then you defended your cretinic words by writing "calling your Greatest Generation, which won over Hitler -- Lunatics".

    Those are YOUR words. NOT my words. That is your confession... Of being a cretin.

    btw, there was a war fought to defeat Hitler. Qtard dunno anything about it?

    • World War II: September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945.
    • Operation Chrome Dome: a United States Air Force Cold War-era mission from 1961 to 1968

    So, cretin thinks the greatest generation "won over Hitler" using Chrome Dome, when Chrome Dome didn't exist until after WWII ended and Hitler was dead???

  29. Minus: Dervy can't even admit today what a waste of men and treasure the WoT was?

    Who is "Dervy"? Me? I've always been opposed to the idiotic WoT. You? You disagreed with Donald tRump when he supported it?

    Minus: Osama bin Laden WON, the day the Far-Away Satan came to him to train his mujahadeen, just as the Russians had.

    So you're angry that donald tRump didn't withdraw from the unwinnable war in Afghanistan? Applaud Joe Biden for ending that war?

    Minus: We should have simply dropped a few B-52's worth of bombs on Kabul and called it good.

    So, not surrender.

    Yet you believe Ukrainian should. We aren't even at war there. We are just providing help.

    Though, why drop bombs on Kabul? OBL was there? Or you just like killing innocent people? Or, are all Afghan citizens "accomplices"?

  30. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: But... somehow... that is MY "confession".

    \\ No. YOUR words are your confession. I stand by my words.

    That your grandpas from Greatest Generation who fought Hitler... and then warded off commies... with showing to em what they'll have -- with operation Chrome Dome.

    Are loonies????

    \\Risking nuclear accident by flying nukes around 24-7 is lunacy.


    And allowing to other side of the World loony despots to wage nuclear war on USA -- not????

    With launching ICBMs. With devising all kinds of Doomsday devices. With spying and conspiring. With catching your USAians and making em hostages. With spreading tyrany all over the World.

    And etc, etc, etc.

    THAT -- is not lunacy??????

    Idea that you'd be safe. At home. If WH will continue playing "nobody's home" silly game.

    Like that is unwanted pizza delivery... and not sworn enemies, that want to bomb out whole North America into radioactive desert(and that is, not MY words -- that is what their propaganda stomps into mind of their people... from kindergartens).


    SAME as Hitler did. Putin thoroughly preparing his country children... to be a soldiers in next World War.


  31. In short.

    Idea, that World War that already started (because of sissy-pussy or even puppets Zero-bama and Bi-den), will SOMEHOW avoid your turf, because you'd be playing "la-la-la, I don't here you... la-la-la, I don't listen to you" -- is craziest lunacy possible.


  32. \\THAT is what you wrote. Then you defended your cretinic words by writing "calling your Greatest Generation, which won over Hitler -- Lunatics".

    That was question.

    And you even cited it CORRECTLY once.

    \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Now we have it. Cretin calling your Greatest Generation, which won over Hitler -- Lunatics???


    \\ May 28, 2024 at 1:35 AM

    But NOW, whole THREE question marks... was ERASED. To make it look like *I* made it a statement -- and NOT asking for confirmation.

    Thanky-thanky, cretin. For revealing how you DELIBERATELY mangling quotes. ;-P

    Or what... you'll fall back to you by default top cretinic mode "I NEVER said it"?????


  33. \\So, cretin thinks the greatest generation "won over Hitler" using Chrome Dome, when Chrome Dome didn't exist until after WWII ended and Hitler was dead???

    Your confession? ;-P


  34. Qtard: RFia is not his point of expertise

    Of course not. Because "RFia" is imaginary. It exists only in your imagination.

    Google says "Russian Federation" translated to English is...

    tРоссийская Федерация OR Rossiyskaya Federatsiya

    Yet, somehow, you get "RFia" from that?

    Qtard: That your grandpas from Greatest Generation who fought Hitler... and then warded off commies... with showing to em what they'll have -- with operation Chrome Dome. Are loonies????

    The ones involved with Chrome Dome. Or, ones who decided it was a good idea. Why they discontinued it after a number of accidents. The last one being the worst. Then they finally realized how dangerous it was.

    Qtard: \\Risking nuclear accident by flying nukes around 24-7 is lunacy\\ Yap. And allowing to other side of the World loony despots to wage nuclear war on USA -- not????

    False dilemma fallacy is also known as false dichotomy, false binary, and "either-or" fallacy. It is the fallacy of presenting only two choices, outcomes, or sides to an argument as the only possibilities, when more are available.

    Qtard: Like that is unwanted pizza delivery... and not sworn enemies, that want to bomb out whole North America into radioactive desert(and that is, not MY words -- that is what their propaganda stomps into mind of their people... from kindergartens).

    That is the Putin's reward for his (according to you) faithful puppet "Bi-den" helping him? To nuke the USA? Why would he do that?

    Qtard: that is what their propaganda stomps into mind of their people... from kindergartens...


    Google: When did schools stop duck and cover drills? Schools stopped duck and cover drills in the 1980s. During this time, there was significant backlash against civilian defense programs as a waste of money.

    I didn't realize they did until into the 80s. But they don't do that any more. Have not for over 30 years.

    Qtard: See. SAME as Hitler did. Putin thoroughly preparing his country children... to be a soldiers in next World War.

    Your prediction? It seems you really want the US to be nuked.

    Qtard: In short. Idea, that World War that already started (because of sissy-pussy or even puppets Zero-bama and Bi-den), will SOMEHOW avoid your turf, because you'd be playing "la-la-la, I don't here you... la-la-la, I don't listen to you" -- is craziest lunacy possible.

    Why (in your cretinic mind) is flying nukes around 24-7 the ultimate deterrent?

    Qtard: Period.

    Nato would defeat Russia quickly. ... Britain's defence chief said Vladimir Putin does not want war with Nato because: "Russia will lose. And lose quickly". Admiral Sir Tony spoke of reflecting on how Russia has struggled in Ukraine, the West's surprise at Moscow's "military weakness" and how Russia's current "predicament" has been "worsened by a strengthened Nato".

  35. Qtard: RFia is not his point of expertise

    Of course not. Because "RFia" is imaginary. It exists only in your imagination.

    Google says "Russian Federation" translated to English is...

    tРоссийская Федерация OR Rossiyskaya Federatsiya

    Yet, somehow, you get "RFia" from that?

    Qtard: That your grandpas from Greatest Generation who fought Hitler... and then warded off commies... with showing to em what they'll have -- with operation Chrome Dome. Are loonies????

    The ones involved with Chrome Dome. Or, ones who decided it was a good idea. Why they discontinued it after a number of accidents. The last one being the worst. Then they finally realized how dangerous it was.

    Qtard: \\Risking nuclear accident by flying nukes around 24-7 is lunacy\\ Yap. And allowing to other side of the World loony despots to wage nuclear war on USA -- not????

    False dilemma fallacy is also known as false dichotomy, false binary, and "either-or" fallacy. It is the fallacy of presenting only two choices, outcomes, or sides to an argument as the only possibilities, when more are available.

    Qtard: Like that is unwanted pizza delivery... and not sworn enemies, that want to bomb out whole North America into radioactive desert(and that is, not MY words -- that is what their propaganda stomps into mind of their people... from kindergartens).

    That is the Putin's reward for his (according to you) faithful puppet "Bi-den" helping him? To nuke the USA? Why would he do that?

    Qtard: that is what their propaganda stomps into mind of their people... from kindergartens...


    Google: When did schools stop duck and cover drills? Schools stopped duck and cover drills in the 1980s. During this time, there was significant backlash against civilian defense programs as a waste of money.

    I didn't realize they did until into the 80s. But they don't do that any more. Have not for over 30 years.

    Qtard: See. SAME as Hitler did. Putin thoroughly preparing his country children... to be a soldiers in next World War.

    Your prediction? It seems you really want the US to be nuked.

    Qtard: In short. Idea, that World War that already started (because of sissy-pussy or even puppets Zero-bama and Bi-den), will SOMEHOW avoid your turf, because you'd be playing "la-la-la, I don't here you... la-la-la, I don't listen to you" -- is craziest lunacy possible.

    Why (in your cretinic mind) is flying nukes around 24-7 the ultimate deterrent?

    Qtard: Period.

    Nato would defeat Russia quickly. ... Britain's defence chief said Vladimir Putin does not want war with Nato because: "Russia will lose. And lose quickly". Admiral Sir Tony spoke of reflecting on how Russia has struggled in Ukraine, the West's surprise at Moscow's "military weakness" and how Russia's current "predicament" has been "worsened by a strengthened Nato".

  36. Qtard: \\THAT is what you wrote. Then you defended your cretinic words by writing "calling your Greatest Generation, which won over Hitler -- Lunatics"\\ That was question. And you even cited it CORRECTLY once.

    Asked, WHY? The answer is no. I said nothing to suggest I thought "the greatest generation" were ALL lunatics. That's your conclusion. Or "question".

    Qtard: Now we have it. Cretin calling your Greatest Generation, which won over Hitler -- Lunatics??? But NOW, whole THREE question marks... was ERASED. To make it look like *I* made it a statement -- and NOT asking for confirmation.

    "Confirmation"??? Of your moronic conclusion. Bullshit. What you're doing (and I've pointed this out before) is called "Just asking questions". Just asking questions (also known as JAQing off) is a way of attempting to make wild accusations acceptable by framing them as questions rather than statements.

    [A] "major problem with people just asking questions is that those questions are rarely good-faith questions being asked out of honest curiosity. Rather, they are often statements of belief that are being disguised as questions". The problem with "just asking questions".

    It was valid to include your question marks, because you weren't asking a question. You were making a statement and PRETENDING it was a question.

    Qtard: Thanky-thanky, cretin. For revealing how you DELIBERATELY mangling quotes.

    I made no such revelation.

    Qtard: Or what... you'll fall back to you by default top cretinic mode "I NEVER said it"?????

    "Never said" WHAT??? I "never said" YOUR question marks. Of course not. YOU "said" them.

    btw, when I use question marks, you frequently just ignore them. Copy them over, but then reply as if they aren't there. Reply as if my questions are statements. Or "confessions".

  37. \\Google says "Russian Federation" translated to English is...

    \\tРоссийская Федерация OR Rossiyskaya Federatsiya

    \\Yet, somehow, you get "RFia" from that?

    UNHCR Representative in the RF, Russian Commissioner ...
    UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency › 29893-unhcr-rep-in-the-rf-rus...
    On 17 October, a working meeting between Maria Lvova-Belova, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, ...

    File:Standart of the President RF.svg
    Wikimedia Commons › wiki › File:Standart_o...
    {{Изображение | описание = English: Standard of the President of the Russian Federation Русский: Эталон штандарта Президента Российской Федерации | источник = = ...

    And "-ia" it's how they pronounce it in Russian.


    But, how such a cretin as you are can grok anything like that.

    But... continue-continue, what a dense cretin you are. ;-P

    \\Qtard: That your grandpas from Greatest Generation who fought Hitler... and then warded off commies... with showing to em what they'll have -- with operation Chrome Dome. Are loonies????

    \\The ones involved with Chrome Dome.


    Exactly that that allowed you to stay alive and lead decent life... and not be a slave in commie state.

    But... you despise em and bad-name em for that.

    Because you are biggly totalitarian rule fun? ;-P

    \\Why they discontinued it after a number of accidents.

    Because ICBMs was developed?

    \\Qtard: \\Risking nuclear accident by flying nukes around 24-7 is lunacy\\ Yap. And allowing to other side of the World loony despots to wage nuclear war on USA -- not????

    \\False dilemma fallacy is also known as false dichotomy, false binary, and "either-or" fallacy. It is the fallacy of presenting only two choices, outcomes, or sides to an argument as the only possibilities, when more are available.

    To you?

    Can be, can be.

    Because you are cretin.

    715 nuclear weapon
    In total, the Soviet Union conducted 715 nuclear weapon tests throughout the course of the Cold War. Furthermore, the nuclear capabilities of the Soviet Union escalated the Cold War with the United States to the possibility of nuclear war and ushered in the doctrine of mutually assured destruction.

    Soviet atomic bomb project - Wikipedia
    Wikipedia › wiki › Soviet_atomic_bomb_...

    Biggest of em was so-called Tzar Bomb -- ever BIGGEST mega-nuke -- 50 megatons -- 1000x time of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.

    about 50 megatons
    The Tsar Bomba, detonated by the Soviet Union in 1961, is the most powerful nuclear bomb ever tested. It had a yield of about 50 megatons, making it approximately 3,000 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.Feb 17, 2024

    The most powerful weapon tested in human history- The Tsar Bomba › nextfuckinglevel › comments

    Do you see the date??? 1961 -- year that operation Crome Dome started.

    Must be... just by accident? Because Greatest Generation Papas was loonies???

    And that was... not because USSR tried to reach that point -- where they'd be able to eliminate "those nasty burguois".

    They might be made it to roast marshmallows... on that atomic fire. Yes, cretin???

  38. \\That is the Putin's reward for his (according to you) faithful puppet "Bi-den" helping him? To nuke the USA? Why would he do that?

    If Bi-den would throw USA under feet of liliPut and liliXi... as trophy.

    Maybe that will not happen. Maybe that is the plan.

    How should *I* know???

    Why else Zero-bama and now Bi-den... giving so much free hands to do anything unlawful???

    Your version???

    \\Qtard: that is what their propaganda stomps into mind of their people... from kindergartens...


    I gave you a whole video -- how they showing and teaching their children in schools how to use weapon.

    You can find many such videos yourself.

    But... you'd not. Because your DEMN propaganda chanting to you that there is NO problem.

    That you won in war on terror. And there is NO nations in the World. That want as many as possible of USAians... dead.

    Like China... that speeding their nuclear program -- to achieve M.A.D. levels ASAP.


    \\I didn't realize they did until into the 80s. But they don't do that any more. Have not for over 30 years.


    Because your DEMN propaganda lying to you that there is no enemies of USA any more.

    That they perished. Or was pacified. Or was thoroughly subjugated.

    All Lies!

    \\Qtard: See. SAME as Hitler did. Putin thoroughly preparing his country children... to be a soldiers in next World War.

    \\Your prediction? It seems you really want the US to be nuked.

    9/11 did not happened???

    Because there was NO muslims feeling animosity toward USA?

    \\Why (in your cretinic mind) is flying nukes around 24-7 the ultimate deterrent?

    Fighting fire with fire.

    If one pointing gun at you, you can only point one back at him.

    Newton's third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The "action" and "reaction" refer to forces; if Object A exerts a force on Object B, then Object B exerts an equal amount of force on Object A in the opposite direction.

    Newton's third law of motion (video) - Khan Academy
    Khan Academy › science › hs-physics

    \\Qtard: Period.

    \\Nato would defeat Russia quickly.

    DEMN lies and propaganda.

    Just TODAY in news... they say that NATO have ONLY 5% of anti-air capabilities... to counter missile or even airplane attacks.

  39. That above... was ligitimate double-post.

    While... you obviously could delete spare.

  40. \\Asked, WHY? The answer is no. I said nothing to suggest I thought "the greatest generation" were ALL lunatics. That's your conclusion. Or "question".

    Top generals -- loonies???

    All soldiers under em -- loonies???

    Politics of that time, that order that -- loonies???

    People of that time, that elected that politics -- loonies????

    \\Qtard: Now we have it. Cretin calling your Greatest Generation, which won over Hitler -- Lunatics??? But NOW, whole THREE question marks... was ERASED. To make it look like *I* made it a statement -- and NOT asking for confirmation.

    \\"Confirmation"??? Of your moronic conclusion.

    And to what ELSE conclusion I could come to... seeing such a comment????

    Dervish Sanders said...

    Qtard: Operation Chrome Done -- EVEN BETTER.

    Lunacy. Though understandable why a crazy person would like such insanity. Think it is "better".


    May 27, 2024 at 5:16 PM

    And what time was that???

    Isn't that was

    The Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962
    U.S. Department of State (.gov) › milestones › cuban-missile-crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 was a direct and dangerous confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War and was ...

    F*g Nukes was directed onto USA.

    And EXTREME measures was taken to NONE of em being launched.

    Among which was Operation Crome Dome.

    But... today DEMN cretins think that that made right in that hard times decisions -- was "lunacy"???


    Because commies overtook the government of USA??? And prepare it to fall into hands of commie masters... unscratched?

    Even without fight.

    \\What you're doing (and I've pointed this out before) is called "Just asking questions".

    That's because you are intellectually challenged cretin. Which fears questions.



  41. \\Just asking questions (also known as JAQing off) is a way of attempting to make wild accusations acceptable by framing them as questions rather than statements.

    Teachers should instead use leading questions intentionally to scaffold learning and guide students in their thinking. Leading questions can be used following assessment for learning to guide the students to the right topics to revise and rethink.

    How To Ask LEADING QUESTIONS In Lessons [10 Examples]
    Jonathan Sandling › how-to-ask-leading-ques...

    You are low-brow cretin.

    That's why I forced to do that in such an opaque way. Like if I'm teacher.


    \\[A] "major problem with people just asking questions is that those questions are rarely good-faith questions being asked out of honest curiosity. Rather, they are often statements of belief that are being disguised as questions". The problem with "just asking questions".

    That's what "listen to me... I'm expert" told you? ;-P

    To fear questions.

    To be vary of thinking with own head.

    To only listen to "those who know better".

    To make you into cretin. Willfully ignorant and irredeemably dense. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\It was valid to include your question marks, because you weren't asking a question. You were making a statement and PRETENDING it was a question.


    That even DUNNO difference between "include" and "exclude". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: Thanky-thanky, cretin. For revealing how you DELIBERATELY mangling quotes.

    \\I made no such revelation.

    As well as between "revealing" and "revelation". ;-P

    \\btw, when I use question marks, you frequently just ignore them. Copy them over, but then reply as if they aren't there. Reply as if my questions are statements. Or "confessions".


    Could make quotes.

    And nail me with such an opaque demonstration of your intellectual and moral superiority. ;-P

    But... you'd never do that.

    Because you are cretin. And amoral scumbag.

    So, naaaah.

    Will NEVER happen. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But still... you can only to continue-continue, demonstrating your intellectual misery and moral rubbishness, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  42. Qtard: And "-ia" it's how they pronounce it in Russian.

    We aren't speaking here. We are writing. And in English, not Russian. I don't even know what you're talking about. Pronounce WHAT? "Federation"? It's pronounced "ia"? I doubt it.

    Doesn't matter anyway. We are WRITING. I Googled "RFia". Google gave results, but NONE said "that's Russian Federation". I ran "Russian Federation" though Google translate. It didn't translate to Russian as "RFia".

    Do Russians abbreviate "Russian Federation" as "RFia"? You can prove this with a link?

    Qtard: But, how such a cretin as you are can grok anything like that.

    You can't grok it. We aren't speaking. We are writing.

    But... I did Google translate "Russian Federation" from English to Russian again. To double check. Pushed the link to hear an AI voice pronounce the Russian translation. Does it sound like "ia". No. Not AT ALL.

    Qtard: Exactly that that allowed you to stay alive and lead decent life... and not be a slave in commie state.

    Bullshit. Could have easily vaporized my parents (I was not alive at the time). Or have to live with negative consequences of an accidental nuclear detonation.

    Qtard: But... you despise em and bad-name em for that.

    Yes. Though not for the reason you state. Because your "logic" is BS. I hate that something so dumb was done. Foolishly risking a nuclear detonation due to accident for so long. Before they realized how dangerous it was and ended the program. Only realized after several serious accidents.

    Qtard: Because you are biggly totalitarian rule fun?

    No. Because I don't like nuclear detonations and deadly radiation. YOU like these things? Maybe why you seem so eager for nuclear detonations and radiation to kill millions of US citizens. Mass death is "fun" to you. As long as it isn't you. I assume. People killed "far far away" are something for you to laugh about.

    Qtard: \\Why they discontinued it after a number of accidents\\ Because ICBMs was developed?

    They were. And that explains why we don't need "Chrome Dome" any more. Not that we ever needed to do something so dangerous. But, if you know about ICBs, then WHY are you babbling about bringing back Chrome Dome? Eh, cretin?

    Qtard: \\Risking nuclear accident by flying nukes around 24-7 is lunacy\\ Yap. And allowing to other side of the World loony despots to wage nuclear war on USA -- not????\\False dilemma fallacy ... It is the fallacy of presenting only two choices, outcomes, or sides to an argument as the only possibilities, when more are available\\ To you? Can be, can be.

    To me and many other sane people. Non cretins who can envision more than two options -- Chrome Dome or Conquered by Hitler or Soviet Russia.

    Qtard: Because you are cretin.

    That "you" should definitely be an "I". Cretins can't think of any other solutions.

    Qtard: In total, the Soviet Union conducted 715 nuclear weapon tests ... escalated the Cold War with the United States to the possibility of nuclear war and ushered in the doctrine of mutually assured destruction.

    Yeah. More lunacy. What Qtard thinks is the only counter for lunacy. US nuclear weapons tests and flying nukes around the world 24-7. It's amazing (given how many close calls there were) that humanity wasn't annihilated.

    Qtard: Must be... just by accident? Because Greatest Generation Papas was loonies???

    Never said.

  43. Qtard: And that was... not because USSR tried to reach that point -- where they'd be able to eliminate "those nasty burguois". They might be made it to roast marshmallows... on that atomic fire.

    Of course it was because of that. Loonies behind Chrome Dome. Oppenheimer lunacy. Those people didn't engage in such lunacy for no reason. USA lunacy was in response to USSR lunacy.

    Qtard: If Bi-den would throw USA under feet of liliPut and liliXi... as trophy. Maybe that will not happen. Maybe that is the plan. How should *I* know??? Why else Zero-bama and now Bi-den... giving so much free hands to do anything unlawful??? Your version???

    That never happened. No imaginary "Zero-bama" or imaginary "Bi-den" ever gave the imaginary "liliPut" "so much free hands to do anything unlawful". Well, not Obama or Biden either. They didn't give "so much free hands to do anything unlawful" to Putin.

    Should more have been done when Putin first moved against Georgia. And then Crimea? Maybe. Probably. But would Congress have gone along with that? No. But you (due to being a totalitarian lover) thinks the US president can act like a king. CIC (to you, cretin) has dictator powers.

    Qtard: that is what their propaganda stomps into mind of their people... from kindergartens...\\No. I gave you a whole video -- how they showing and teaching their children in schools how to use weapon.

    No, you gave no video. I just scrolled up. Looked for any links (in blue). I see one link published by "Anonymous" aka Qtard. "Look at THIS map". "This" links to an image, NOT a video.

    Qtard: You can find many such videos yourself.

    I can't. Because I don't know what you're talking about. Sounds like a crazy-person delusion. Crazy person thinks IT saw a video of school children being instructed on how to use a nuclear weapon.

    Qtard: But... you'd not. Because your DEMN propaganda chanting to you that there is NO problem.

    There are BIG problems. Terrorism. Putin's war which could expand. Mass killing of civilans in Gaza.

    Qtard: That you won in war on terror.

    No. That definitely has not happened.

    Qtard: And there is NO nations in the World. That want as many as possible of USAians... dead.

    No. There are. The War on Terror was definitely lunacy. Lunacy began by US president gwb. Though continued by Democratic presidents since then. But Biden did wisely caution Israel to not overreact to the Hama attack, as the US did after 9-11. But NuttenYahoo is ignoring Biden's wise advice.

    Qtard: Like China... that speeding their nuclear program -- to achieve M.A.D. levels ASAP.

    Chrome Dome 2.0 would stop it?

    Qtard: Yawn.

    Totally CRAZY nutter yawns in response to nuclear Armageddon. DEFINITE craziness.

    Qtard: Because your DEMN propaganda lying to you that there is no enemies of USA any more.

    No. No "Demn propaganda" says any such thing.

    Qtard: That they perished. Or was pacified. Or was thoroughly subjugated.

    No. None of that happened. Though YOU think that can be accomplished. Are cheering for ALL Israel's enemies and "accomplices" to be completely wiped out in Gaza. Delusions of yours (and NuttenYahoo) that justify KILLING as many people as possible in Gaza. Hamas fighters (good). But also innocent men, women and children (aka "accomplices" to you). They are collateral damage and their deaths are acceptable. Don't even TRY to kill less. Because even suggesting such tries is "antisemitic" **sarcasm**

  44. Qtard: All Lies!

    No. Those are your delusions. There is no "DEMN propaganda lying to you that there is no enemies of USA any more". Democrats acknowledge there are many enemies. If Democrats thought there were no enemies, then WHY did the war on terror continue under Obama and Biden? Why did Obama order drone strikes to take out terrorist enemies? You think Obama gave orders to use drones to kill nobody? Missiles were fired at non existing (to Obama) enemies? That is what the CRAZY cretin thinks? Due to craziness?

    Qtard: See. SAME as Hitler did. Putin thoroughly preparing his country children... to be a soldiers in next World War\\Your prediction? It seems you really want the US to be nuked\\ 9/11 did not happened??? Because there was NO muslims feeling animosity toward USA?

    9/11 definitely happened. And there are many people saying they are Muslims and wanting to kill Americans. If not (or if thought not by Democrats) then why did Obama continue the War on Terror? Eh, cretin?

    Qtard: \\Why ... is flying nukes around 24-7 the ultimate deterrent?\\ Fighting fire with fire. If one pointing gun at you, you can only point one back at him.

    False dilemma fallacy is also known as false dichotomy, false binary, and "either-or" fallacy. It is the fallacy of presenting only two choices, outcomes, or sides to an argument as the only possibilities, when more are available.

    Qtard: \\Nato would defeat Russia quickly\\ DEMN lies and propaganda.

    Person quoted (Admiral Sir Tony Radakin) isn't a "Demn". He is British. The Democratic Party is a USA party. Prime Minister Boris Johnson appointed him. Boris Johnson is a Conservative.

    Just TODAY in news... they say that NATO have ONLY 5% of anti-air capabilities... to counter missile or even airplane attacks.

    Well, then Tony Radakin must be wrong. Because Qtard knows more than ANY so-called expert. Qtard knows more than climate change experts, most virology experts, psychiatrists who have studied DID and now an admiral in the British Navy. They are all cretins.

    Qtard knows that, even though Russia has not defeated Ukraine yet, it would defeat all the countries belonging to Nato.

    Qtard: Anonymous Anonymous said... That above... was ligitimate double-post.

    No. Double post was made due to derangement. Qtard hit that thing that wasn't working.

    Qtard: While... you obviously could delete spare.

    I have no ability to delete any comments here. This isn't my blog. I don't see a duplicate though. Minus deleted it? While he lets my accidental duplicates stand. He likely enjoys your Bullshit ripping on me for Blogger errors that post my comments more than once.

    Qtard: \\Asked, WHY? The answer is no. I said nothing to suggest I thought "the greatest generation" were ALL lunatics. That's your conclusion. Or "question"\\ Top generals -- loonies???

    No. ONLY the ones who thought Chrome Dome was a good idea. It definitely wasn't all of them

    Qtard: All soldiers under em -- loonies???

    They weren't asked.

    Qtard: Politics of that time, that order that -- loonies???

    Yes. Or they just didn't understand how dangerous it was.

    Qtard: People of that time, that elected that politics -- loonies????

    No. They weren't asked. They didn't know about it.

    Quote: In an effort to maintain nuclear readiness and prove their military might, the U.S. Strategic Air Command (SAC) initiated a secret airborne operation known as "Operation Chrome Dome".

    Qtard: Now we have it. Cretin calling your Greatest Generation, which won over Hitler -- Lunatics??? But NOW, whole THREE question marks... was ERASED. To make it look like *I* made it a statement -- and NOT asking for confirmation\\ "Confirmation"??? Of your moronic conclusion\\ And to what ELSE conclusion I could come to... seeing such a comment????

    I am a sane person. And you are insane.

  45. Qtard: Operation Chrome Done -- EVEN BETTER. [quoting me] Lunacy. Though understandable why a crazy person would like such insanity. Think it is "better".

    Exactly. I stand by my comment. Even so, you might yet claim that I'm going to claim I never said it. Because you're ALWAYS doing that. Claiming I write "I never said it" about EVERYTHING.

    Qtard: And what time was that??? ... F*g Nukes was directed onto USA.

    No. They turned back after JFK stood up to Khrushchev. Nuclear missiles were not placed in Cuba.

    Qtard: And EXTREME measures was taken to NONE of em being launched.

    No. Extreme measures were taken so they were not delivered to Cuba. Pointed at the USA after they got they. They never got there. They turned back. Though WWII could have been triggered.

    Qtard: Among which was Operation Crome Dome.

    The 1966 Palomares B-52 crash, also called the Palomares incident, occurred on 17 January 1966, when a B-52G bomber of the United States Air Force's Strategic Air Command collided with a KC-135 tanker during mid-air refueling at 31,000 feet over the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Spain. The KC-135 was destroyed when its fuel load ignited, killing all four crew members. The B-52G broke apart, killing three of the seven crew members aboard.

    At the time of the accident, the B-52G was carrying four B28FI Mod 2 Y1 thermonuclear (hydrogen) bombs, all of which fell to the surface. Three were found on land near the small fishing village of Palomares in the municipality of Cuevas del Almanzora, Almería, Spain. The non-nuclear explosives in two of the weapons detonated upon impact with the ground, resulting in the contamination of a 0.77-square-mile area with radioactive plutonium. The fourth, which fell into the Mediterranean Sea, was recovered intact after a search lasting two and a half months.

    Qtard: But... today DEMN cretins think that that made right in that hard times decisions -- was "lunacy"???

    I don't know what any "Demn cretins" think. I know what I think. I definitely think it was lunacy.

    Qtard: Because???

    Nuclear warhead detonating accidentally could have been even worse than the example I gave above.

    Qtard: Because commies overtook the government of USA??? And prepare it to fall into hands of commie masters... unscratched? Even without fight.

    No. Because of the accidents that occurred during the lifetime of Chrome Dome. People running it realized how dangerous it was.

    Qtard: \\What you're doing (and I've pointed this out before) is called "Just asking questions"\\ That's because you are intellectually challenged cretin. Which fears questions.

    No. I recognize your dishonesty. Asking phony "questions" that are really statements.

    Qtard: \\Just asking questions (also known as JAQing off) is a way of attempting to make wild accusations acceptable by framing them as questions rather than statements\\ Teachers should instead use leading questions intentionally to scaffold learning and guide students in their thinking.

    Yeah, and teachers should also berate their students, call them cretins. That will help them learn too, yes? **sarcasm**.

  46. Qtard: Leading questions can be used following assessment for learning to guide the students to the right topics to revise and rethink.

    So, I should call you "Professor Qtard" from now on? You're just trying to help me rethink? What a nice guy?

    Qtard: You are low-brow cretin. That's why I forced to do that in such an opaque way. Like if I'm teacher.

    Professor Qtard is being "forced" to dishonestly phrase statements as questions and denigrate his "student" (me) all for my own good? IT is trying to teach me? **sarcasm**

    Qtard: \\[A] "major problem with people just asking questions is that those questions are rarely good-faith questions being asked out of honest curiosity. ...\\ That's what "listen to me... I'm expert" told you?

    No, an actual smart person. As opposed to a cretin who thinks he is smart. Like you.

    Qtard: To fear questions.


    To be vary of thinking with own head.


    Qtard: To only listen to "those who know better".

    Give their answers more weight. Because of proven expertise. But Qtard (due to megalomania, craziness and cretinity) thinks it knows "MOAR" than any expert. "Experts" are all cretins compared to Qtard.

    Qtard: To make you into cretin. Willfully ignorant and irredeemably dense.

    Not listening to experts will do that. That's what a cretin does. And cretins who don't believe experts (think they are all liars) are absolutely willfully ignorant and irredeemably dense. Thanky for revealing this about yourself.

    Qtard: \\It was valid to include your question marks, because you weren't asking a question. You were making a statement and PRETENDING it was a question\\ Cretin. That even DUNNO difference between "include" and "exclude".

    Typo. Like you NEVER make any. Though I am surprised that you were able to figure out what I really meant.

    Qtard: Thanky-thanky, cretin. For revealing how you DELIBERATELY mangling quotes. \\I made no such revelation\\ As well as between "revealing" and "revelation". ;-P

    Google, What is the noun of reveal?

    Google answer: revelation. The act of revealing or disclosing. Something that is revealed. Something dramatically disclosed.

    Qtard: \\btw, when I use question marks, you frequently just ignore them. Copy them over, but then reply as if they aren't there. Reply as if my questions are statements. Or "confessions"\\ You. Could make quotes.


    I wrote: So, cretin thinks the greatest generation "won over Hitler" using Chrome Dome, when Chrome Dome didn't exist until after WWII ended and Hitler was dead???

    And you replied: Your confession? ;-P

    Question marks ignored. Taken as a "confession" (statement with no question marks).

    Qtard: But... you'd never do that.

    Just did.

    Qtard: Because you are cretin. And amoral scumbag.

    NewSpeak. To you smartness makes a person a "cretin". And having morals makes a person an "amoral scumbag".

    Qtard: So, naaaah. Will NEVER happen.

    You'll never admit it. Due to cretinity.

    Qtard: ...and moral rubbishness, cretin.

    In regards to what? Thinking Israeli military should try to kill less? That's "amoral" because ALL residents of Gaza are "accomplices" because they paid taxes? So as many as possible should be killed? I'm not sure what specifically you might be referring to.

    Maybe you're talking about me being a STRONG supporter of democracy? Thinking just held democratic elections shouldn't be overthrown by rioters who want fascism? Yeah, you (a totalitarian-lover) has said IT thinks that is wrong. Not just amoral, but immoral.

    In your NewSpeak.

  47. \\We aren't speaking here. We are writing. And in English, not Russian. I don't even know what you're talking about. Pronounce WHAT? "Federation"? It's pronounced "ia"? I doubt it.


    Because you are cretin.

    \\Do Russians abbreviate "Russian Federation" as "RFia"? You can prove this with a link?

    Already did.

    And that is official. Not some colloquial usage.

    Like for example they tend to shortcut it into self-denigrating "rashka" too. ;-P

    \\You can't grok it. We aren't speaking. We are writing.

    So what??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But... I did Google translate "Russian Federation" from English to Russian again. To double check. Pushed the link to hear an AI voice pronounce the Russian translation. Does it sound like "ia". No. Not AT ALL.

    And what that SHOULD prove? ;-P


    Are Google Native Russian??? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yes. Though not for the reason you state. Because your "logic" is BS. I hate that something so dumb was done. Foolishly risking a nuclear detonation due to accident for so long. Before they realized how dangerous it was and ended the program. Only realized after several serious accidents.

    It currently has an estimated 440 missiles in its arsenal. The Minuteman III entered development in 1966 as an improvement program for the earlier Minuteman missile systems. In 1968 it underwent its first successful flight test and became operational two years later.

    Minuteman III | Missile Threat - CSIS › missile › minuteman-iii

    Seems like... that is only you are one who are dumb here.

    Because -- cretin.

    DEMN cretin, that DUNNO history and have filled it's dumb scull with DEMN BS instead of any decent knowladge.


    \\No. Because I don't like nuclear detonations and deadly radiation. YOU like these things? Maybe why you seem so eager for nuclear detonations and radiation to kill millions of US citizens. Mass death is "fun" to you. As long as it isn't you. I assume. People killed "far far away" are something for you to laugh about.

    Self-revealing talks of your. AGAIN???!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Why they discontinued it after a number of accidents\\ Because ICBMs was developed?

    \\They were. And that explains why we don't need "Chrome Dome" any more. Not that we ever needed to do something so dangerous.

    So... risking USSR nukes falling -- was LESS risky???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You are definitely crazy.

    \\But, if you know about ICBs, then WHY are you babbling about bringing back Chrome Dome? Eh, cretin?

    That was figurative speaking.

    \\To me and many other sane people. Non cretins who can envision more than two options -- Chrome Dome or Conquered by Hitler or Soviet Russia.


    Because your are modern DEMN cretin... not American sailor under bombs of japs in Pearl Harbor. And not American seaman dieing from nazi torpedos in North Atlantic.

    Who knows... maybe you are from a family of deserters. Or even sympathetics of Hitler, who was quietly sabotaging USA efforts.

    \\Yeah. More lunacy. What Qtard thinks is the only counter for lunacy. US nuclear weapons tests and flying nukes around the world 24-7. It's amazing (given how many close calls there were) that humanity wasn't annihilated.


    That's why that people deserve being called Greatest Generation.

    And you, your ilk, your DEMN cretins -- are danger to a World. Because of your lunatic cretinism --- that lead us all into full-force ww3. :-(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((9

  48. \\USA lunacy was in response to USSR lunacy.

    And you call itself patriot? Of USA??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: If Bi-den would throw USA under feet of liliPut and liliXi... as trophy. Maybe that will not happen. Maybe that is the plan. How should *I* know??? Why else Zero-bama and now Bi-den... giving so much free hands to do anything unlawful??? Your version???

    \\That never happened.

    Georgia 2008.

    Ukraine 2014.

    Syria 2016.

    Ukraine and Israel TODAY.

    All that deaths and blood -- are on a hands of Zero-bama and Bi-den.

    \\Should more have been done when Putin first moved against Georgia. And then Crimea? Maybe. Probably. But would Congress have gone along with that? No.

    Do Congress have executive power? Have Chief Commander of USA Army title?

    \\No, you gave no video. I just scrolled up. Looked for any links (in blue). I see one link published by "Anonymous" aka Qtard. "Look at THIS map". "This" links to an image, NOT a video.


    You just confirmed having Hysterical Blindness.



    See <<--- link to Youtube

    SAME as Hitler did. Putin thoroughly preparing his country children... to be a soldiers in next World War.

    May 28, 2024 at 11:32 PM

    \\I can't. Because I don't know what you're talking about.

    How Russians make their children wear military uniform, conduct military traning, learn to use weapon, chant propaganda of hatred toward USA?????

    Definitly you not -- because of your Hysterical Blindness instigated by DEMN propaganda in you.

    \\Crazy person thinks IT saw a video of school children being instructed on how to use a nuclear weapon.

    Hand guns are "nuclear weapon"??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. Revealing more of your cretinity. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


  49. \\There are BIG problems. Terrorism. Putin's war which could expand. Mass killing of civilans in Gaza.

    But not a World War waged by RFia and PRCia. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And not nukes directed at USA cities. By that RFia and PRCia.

    Which make Bi-den scared cat. Crying "Ukraine! Please, not bomb RFia. We scared that they hit US in response".

    \\No. There are. The War on Terror was definitely lunacy. Lunacy began by US president gwb. Though continued by Democratic presidents since then. But Biden did wisely caution Israel to not overreact to the Hama attack, as the US did after 9-11. But NuttenYahoo is ignoring Biden's wise advice.


    DEMN Propaganda chant.

    "When enemy will come and kill your elder and children, in most cruel ways... DO NOT dare to over-react!!!"

    DEMN Cretinity(tm)

    \\Qtard: Like China... that speeding their nuclear program -- to achieve M.A.D. levels ASAP.

    \\Chrome Dome 2.0 would stop it?


    Time for it to work is LOST.

    Now... only thing possible -- preparing to all-out war.

    But... because of "wise judgment" of non-acting POTUS Biden... you'll loose precious time here too.

    And it'll cost millions of lifes.

    Of USAians.


    \\Totally CRAZY nutter yawns in response to nuclear Armageddon. DEFINITE craziness.

    "Nuclear Armageddon"... is VERY old story, by now.

    That's why it's boring. Boring as Hell. But still... bo-o-oring.

    \\No. None of that happened. Though YOU think that can be accomplished. Are cheering for ALL Israel's enemies and "accomplices" to be completely wiped out in Gaza. Delusions of yours (and NuttenYahoo) that justify KILLING as many people as possible in Gaza. Hamas fighters (good). But also innocent men, women and children (aka "accomplices" to you). They are collateral damage and their deaths are acceptable. Don't even TRY to kill less. Because even suggesting such tries is "antisemitic" **sarcasm**

    When HAMAS entered peaceful Israel villages. And killed ALL, 100% of inhabitants!!!

    Where was you... with such your DEMN BS?????!!!!

    Go prozelite among HAMAS murderers, North Korea mandmem, RFia chmobiks.

    But... you would not. Because you are just a miserly DEMN cretin.

    That trying to prescribe what people around World should do to a genocidal murderers of their brathen.

  50. \\Qtard: All Lies!

    \\No. Those are your delusions. There is no "DEMN propaganda lying to you that there is no enemies of USA any more". Democrats acknowledge there are many enemies.

    And what they propose to do???

    To "not overreact"???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Definitely, they are cretins -- that DEMN cretins.

    \\If Democrats thought there were no enemies, then WHY did the war on terror continue under Obama and Biden?

    Because... it allowed to sway USA in direction of totalitarian rule? I guess. ;-P

    \\False dilemma fallacy is also known as false dichotomy, false binary, and "either-or" fallacy. It is the fallacy of presenting only two choices, outcomes, or sides to an argument as the only possibilities, when more are available.

    So, Tertium Non Datur are "false dilemma" too??? %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Well, then Tony Radakin must be wrong.

    Naaah. He is just a military appointed by politicians... to tell lies.


    \\Because Qtard knows more than ANY so-called expert.

    So what???

    You decided to NOT believe to "most honest" news truth-tellers? ;-P

    \\Qtard knows that, even though Russia has not defeated Ukraine yet, it would defeat all the countries belonging to Nato.

    Russia want to make Ukraine territory their own.

    While NATO -- it want to disband.

    And USA -- thoroughly destroyed.

    See the difference?

    \\No. Double post was made due to derangement. Qtard hit that thing that wasn't working.

    Admitting that double post was made by your alter-ego "Qtard"? ;-P

    \\Yes. Or they just didn't understand how dangerous it was.

    MORE dangerous then Russian nukes pointed at USA territory???? %-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I am a sane person. And you are insane.


    That's what crazy people say.... %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  51. \\Exactly. I stand by my comment.

    Calling people of Greatest Generation -- loonies? %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: And what time was that??? ... F*g Nukes was directed onto USA.

    \\No. They turned back after JFK stood up to Khrushchev. Nuclear missiles were not placed in Cuba.


    Because such is a lies of DEMN propaganda today??? %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: And EXTREME measures was taken to NONE of em being launched.

    \\No. Extreme measures were taken so they were not delivered to Cuba. Pointed at the USA after they got they. They never got there. They turned back. Though WWII could have been triggered.


    That seminal fotos. Of USSR stationed rockets on Cuba -- was FAKE?????

    This fotos

    Or... your Hysterical Blindness will kick back again... and you'll be screaming "I did not see ANY links to historical fotos with USSR nuke-delivery rockets"??? %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: But... today DEMN cretins think that that made right in that hard times decisions -- was "lunacy"???

    \\I don't know what any "Demn cretins" think. I know what I think. I definitely think it was lunacy.


    Because you are DEMN cretin.


    Now you just confirmed it.

    \\Nuclear warhead detonating accidentally could have been even worse than the example I gave above.

    Worse THEN non-accidental detonation... of Tzar Mega-Nuke... over some NewArk or LosAngeles???

    \\No. Because of the accidents that occurred during the lifetime of Chrome Dome. People running it realized how dangerous it was.



    Because more robust means of delivery was introduced -- ICBMs?

    \\Qtard: \\What you're doing (and I've pointed this out before) is called "Just asking questions"\\ That's because you are intellectually challenged cretin. Which fears questions.

    \\No. I recognize your dishonesty. Asking phony "questions" that are really statements.


    Because you are intellectually challenged cretin.


    \\Yeah, and teachers should also berate their students, call them cretins. That will help them learn too, yes? **sarcasm**.

    That's why... I'm not a teacher, to you. ;-P

    Well, teaching cretins are fruitless, anyway. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because they are cretins -- means, unteachable. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  52. \\So, I should call you "Professor Qtard" from now on? You're just trying to help me rethink? What a nice guy?


    \\No, an actual smart person. As opposed to a cretin who thinks he is smart. Like you.

    And??? It smart, because it told to you "I'm smart... listen to my wise words"??? %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Give their answers more weight. Because of proven expertise.

    Proven with what????

    Their own words??? Like "listen to me, I'm expert"?

    With their words being pleasant?

    With it falling squarely into your previously acquired prejudges?

    \\But Qtard (due to megalomania, craziness and cretinity) thinks it knows "MOAR" than any expert. "Experts" are all cretins compared to Qtard.

    Your alter-ego "Qtard"? ;-P

    \\Not listening to experts will do that. That's what a cretin does. And cretins who don't believe experts (think they are all liars) are absolutely willfully ignorant and irredeemably dense. Thanky for revealing this about yourself.


    That's what DEMN propaganda made you to think? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\It was valid to include your question marks, because you weren't asking a question. You were making a statement and PRETENDING it was a question\\ Cretin. That even DUNNO difference between "include" and "exclude".


    Mistyping... that is accidental substitution of ONE letter. Out of right order. Because of missing key on a keyboard.


    But you are free to explain -- how it happend to you to "miss" TWO consequental letters...

    \\Though I am surprised that you were able to figure out what I really meant.

    Because you are cretin.

    Judging from own experience.

    Knowing that that would make you completely mad.

    \\Google answer: revelation. The act of revealing or disclosing. Something that is revealed. Something dramatically disclosed.


    At least you learned how to ask Google... %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\I wrote: So, cretin thinks the greatest generation "won over Hitler" using Chrome Dome, when Chrome Dome didn't exist until after WWII ended and Hitler was dead???

    \\And you replied: Your confession? ;-P

    \\Question marks ignored.


    Because question is itself preposterous and not following from anything previously written here.


    Basicly... it could be called that "just asking"... if only you'd not be that cretinic, and was doing that consciously -- to mislead and sway, and play mind games against me.

    But... you are TOO cretinic for that. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Means. You -- REALLY have THAT broken thought process, that reveal itself this way. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Taken as a "confession" (statement with no question marks).


    Because... it looks like one -- unwilling self-confession -- that you are irredeemable cretin. ;-P


    \\NewSpeak. To you smartness makes a person a "cretin". And having morals makes a person an "amoral scumbag".

    That mean "NewSpeak mode on"? ;-P

    Looks quite like it. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  53. How to pronounce федерация ("federation", in russian). Link

    1. Pronunciation by Selene71 (Female from Russia). Sounds like "-ia"? No.

    2. Pronunciation by EvgeniyaS (Female from Russia). Sounds like "-ia"? No.

    3. Pronunciation by zhivanova (Female from Ukraine). Sounds like "-ia"? Yes.

    4. Pronunciation by Germanchik (Male from Russia). Sounds like "-ia"? No.

    Qtard: And "-ia" it's how they pronounce it in Russian.

    One out of Four native Russian Speakers to you is "how the pronounce it in Russian"?

    Looks like uploads of pronunciations by native Russian speakers to me. But you might think that is "Demn propaganda" and Google lies?

    Qtard: And that is official. Not some colloquial usage.

    Yeah, one out of four... that is "official"??

    And Google knows nothing about it. I also asked the Microsoft AI, Copilot. It knows nothing about it either.

    But before you were calling Russia by many various "nicknames". Like "Rusha". Though, as I recall, you have claimed (in the past) that Russia doesn't even exist. Now you're using an abbreviation (you say) is "official"?

    Qtard: \\...Foolishly risking a nuclear detonation due to accident for so long. Before they realized how dangerous it was and ended the program. Only realized after several serious accidents\\ It currently has an estimated 440 missiles in its arsenal. The Minuteman III entered development in 1966 ...

    What does that have to do with what I wrote. Non Sequitur.

    Qtard: Seems like... that is only you are one who are dumb here.

    Talking to yourself? I agree.

    Qtard: DEMN cretin, that DUNNO history and have filled it's dumb scull with DEMN BS instead of any decent knowladge.

    My skull has ZERO "knowladge" in it. NONE at all. Lots of Knowledge though.

    Qtard: \\No. Because I don't like nuclear detonations and deadly radiation. YOU like these things? Maybe why you seem so eager for nuclear detonations and radiation to kill millions of US citizens. Mass death is "fun" to you. As long as it isn't you. I assume. People killed "far far away" are something for you to laugh about\\ Self-revealing talks of your. AGAIN???!!!

    Yeah, I revealed that I think nuclear detonations and deadly radiation are bad and should be avoided. While you revealed that you consider such things to be no biggy.

    Qtard: \\Why they discontinued it after a number of accidents\\ Because ICBMs was developed?

    It was discontinued after the 1966 Palomares B-52 crash.

    Google says, "In response to the growing Soviet missile threat, the U.S. Air Force began the rapid development of the ICBM. In July 1954, the Air Force established the Western Devel- opment Division, which developed the first-generation ICBMs".

    So no, Chrome Dome wasn't discontinued due to the development of ICBMs. They already were developed. Chrome Dome was in operation from 1961 to 1968. So, Chrome Dome lunacy was never "needed".

    Qtard: So... risking USSR nukes falling -- was LESS risky???? You are definitely crazy.

    Chrome Dome eliminated risk of USSR nukes falling? Without it, they'd have fired off some nukes for sure? Or, the risk would have been a lot higher? Says who? And why would they have done that when we had ICBMs to fire back at them? Commies were a death cult that wanted to end all life on earth? Including themselves? Then WHY/HOW would Chrome Dome have ANY effect?

    Qtard: That was figurative speaking.

    What? How so?

  54. Qtard: \\To me and many other sane people. Non cretins who can envision more than two options -- Chrome Dome or Conquered by Hitler or Soviet Russia\\ Yap. Because your are modern DEMN cretin... not American sailor under bombs of japs in Pearl Harbor. And not American seaman dieing from nazi torpedos in North Atlantic.

    Qtard (somehow knows) Chrome Dome (if it had existed at the time) that would have stopped Hitler and the attack on Pearl Harbor? But, ICBMs (which were developed BEFORE Chrome Dome) would not have? (note: NOT my "alter ego Qtard". I don't have an alter ego "Qtard").

    Qtard: \\To me and many other sane people. Non cretins who can envision more than two options -- Chrome Dome or Conquered by Hitler or Soviet Russia\\ Yap. Because your are modern DEMN cretin... not American sailor under bombs of japs in Pearl Harbor. And not American seaman dieing from nazi torpedos in North Atlantic.

    Qtard (somehow knows) Chrome Dome (if it had existed at the time) that would have stopped Hitler and the attack on Pearl Harbor? But, ICBMs (which were developed BEFORE Chrome Dome) would not have?

    Qtard: Who knows... maybe you are from a family of deserters. Or even sympathetics of Hitler, who was quietly sabotaging USA efforts.

    No. Also, no. Or was that self-revealing? Given your love of totalitarianism, it wouldn't surprise me if you are disappointed that Hitler was defeated.

    Qtard: \\Yeah. More lunacy. What Qtard thinks is the only counter for lunacy. US nuclear weapons tests and flying nukes around the world 24-7. It's amazing (given how many close calls there were) that humanity wasn't annihilated\\ Yeah. That's why that people deserve being called Greatest Generation.

    For being lucky there were no nuclear accidents? That isn't why they are called the "greatest generation". Due to luckiness.

    Qtard: And you, your ilk, your DEMN cretins -- are danger to a World. Because of your lunatic cretinism --- that lead us all into full-force ww3. **frowns**

    Your way of thinking is a danger to the world. Thinking that risking nuclear annihilation -- that's "better". And Democrats wanting to approve aid for Ukraine are to blame -- when republiturds are openly opposing sending aid -- and blocking it. Cretins like you say that's "Demn propaganda". Ignoring facts just because it doesn't fit with what you WANT to believe. Which is that the Left is to blame for all the world's problems.

    Qtard: \\USA lunacy was in response to USSR lunacy\\And you call itself patriot? Of USA??? **cretinic laughter**

    I never said that. trumpturds say they are "patriots". I never identified as a trumpturd. But I am more of a patriot than those traitors who want to overthrow democracy and install their cult leader as "president for life".

    Qtard: If Bi-den would throw USA under feet of liliPut and liliXi... as trophy. Maybe that will not happen. Maybe that is the plan. How should *I* know??? Why else Zero-bama and now Bi-den... giving so much free hands to do anything unlawful??? Your version???\\That never happened\\ Georgia 2008. Ukraine 2014. Syria 2016. Ukraine and Israel TODAY.

    Too bad that the potus wasn't a republican when those things happened? Because then none of those would ever have happened? That's what you think? Or, a rep potus would have responded in a stronger way and probably caused Putin to stop with Georgia. Maybe withdraw and apologize? Then leave Ukraine alone? And Hamas would be wiped out by now. Because a rep potus would be for annihilating every "accomplice" in Gaza?

    Qtard: All that deaths and blood -- are on a hands of Zero-bama and Bi-den.

    No. That blood is on the hands of Putin and Hamas. Also (re dead Gazans) NettenYahoo.

  55. Qtard: \\Should more have been done when Putin first moved against Georgia. And then Crimea? Maybe. Probably. But would Congress have gone along with that? No\\ Do Congress have executive power? Have Chief Commander of USA Army title?

    Have power of the purse. NOTHING can be done if there is no money for it to be done. Also, The potus does not have unlimited power when it comes to the military. But you dunno anything about it. Obviously. Think that, in role of CIC, potus can act as a dictator.

    Qtard: \\No, you gave no video. I just scrolled up. Looked for any links (in blue). I see one link published by "Anonymous" aka Qtard. "Look at THIS map". "This" links to an image, NOT a video\\ Now. You just confirmed having Hysterical Blindness.


    Qtard: See <<--- link to Youtube.

    No. There is no link to Youtube there. There is above, which I overlooked. Did not see due to imaginary "hysterical blindness". I see it now.

    Anyway, you wrote: "SAME as Hitler did. Putin thoroughly preparing his country children... to be a soldiers in next World War".

    I didn't disagree with that. I looked at the video (now that you TOLD me where to find the link) and that does not surprise me. I wasn't prevented from looking due to "hysterical blindness". Prevented by not knowing what link you were talking about. NOW I can find it, given that you said the word "see" is a link. I didn't have that information before.

    Qtard: \\I can't. Because I don't know what you're talking about\\ How Russians make their children wear military uniform, conduct military traning, learn to use weapon, chant propaganda of hatred toward USA????? Definitly you not -- because of your Hysterical Blindness instigated by DEMN propaganda in you.

    No. No "DEMN propaganda" told me that. "Instigated" that into me. No "hysterical blindness". I'm aware of it. I acknowledge it.

    Qtard: \\Crazy person thinks IT saw a video of school children being instructed on how to use a nuclear weapon\\Hand guns are "nuclear weapon"???

    No. We were talking about nuclear weapons. You never said hand guns. I did not (previously) look at the video you linked to.

    Qtard: But... continue-continue, cretin. Revealing more of your cretinity.

    Imaginary "hysterical blindness". When you could have EASILY just have given me the link again... but chose not to. Or directed me to it. Yeah, that reveals MY cretinity. Sure. **sarcasm**

    Qtard: \\There are BIG problems. Terrorism. Putin's war which could expand. Mass killing of civilans in Gaza\\But not a World War waged by RFia and PRCia.

    Now The People's Republic of China is "PRCia"? Says who?

    Qtard: And not nukes directed at USA cities. By that RFia and PRCia. Which make Bi-den scared cat. Crying "Ukraine! Please, not bomb RFia. We scared that they hit US in response".

    Yeah, and Qtard is not scared. IT laughs at nukes from Russia hitting the US. But it isn't Qtard's responsibility to try and prevent that. It is Joe Biden's responsibility. Why shouldn't he be concerned about that?

    Qtard: \\...Biden did wisely caution Israel to not overreact to the Hama attack, as the US did after 9-11. But NuttenYahoo is ignoring Biden's wise advice\\ Yap. DEMN Propaganda chant. "When enemy will come and kill your elder and children, in most cruel ways... DO NOT dare to over-react!!!"


    Qtard: DEMN Cretinity(tm)

    Nobody has a trademark on that.

    Qtard: Like China... that speeding their nuclear program -- to achieve M.A.D. levels ASAP.\\Chrome Dome 2.0 would stop it?\\ Naaah. Time for it to work is LOST.

    Oh. But if it had never stopped, then we'd be ok? As long as our luck didn't run out and there was never an accident worse than the Palomares incident. But luck eventually runs out. I doubt that we could have continued Chrome Dome into present day without another (more serious) accident.

  56. Qtard: Now... only thing possible -- preparing to all-out war.

    You say. Unless dotard donald becomes president again. Then he can avoid war by forcing Ukraine to surrender. That would be a happy day for IT?

    Qtard: But... because of "wise judgment" of non-acting POTUS Biden... you'll loose precious time here too.

    But Biden isn't making these decisions by himself. He is consulting with US military advisors, our allies and their military advisors. As well as other experts. But Qtard knows MOAR than ALL of them! (note: NOT my "alter ego Qtard". I have no alter ego "Qtard". I'm referring to YOU).

    Qtard: And it'll cost millions of lifes. Of USAians. Yawn.

    You say. Is that a prognostication? Qtard has visions like Sarah Connor in "Terminator 2: Judgment Day"? (note: NOT my "alter ego Qtard". I have no alter ego "Qtard". I'm referring to YOU).

    Qtard: \\Totally CRAZY nutter yawns in response to nuclear Armageddon. DEFINITE craziness.
    "Nuclear Armageddon"... is VERY old story, by now. That's why it's boring. Boring as Hell. But still... bo-o-oring.

    And it will STILL be "boring" when the nukes are detonating?

    Qtard: When HAMAS entered peaceful Israel villages. And killed ALL, 100% of inhabitants!!!

    So, Israel should do the same? Actually worse, as far as the body count is concerned. Tens of thousands more. But Qtard says it is all justified.

    Qtard: Where was you... with such your DEMN BS?????!!!! Go prozelite among HAMAS murderers, North Korea mandmem, RFia chmobiks. But... you would not. Because you are just a miserly DEMN cretin. That trying to prescribe what people around World should do to a genocidal murderers of their brathen.

    No. I've always only ever expressed concern for the lives of innocent people.

    \\Qtard: All Lies! \\No. Those are your delusions. There is no "DEMN propaganda lying to you that there is no enemies of USA any more". Democrats acknowledge there are many enemies\\ And what they propose to do???\\ To "not overreact"???? **cretinic laughter**

    Kill fewer innocent people. Because it makes those who live mad and want revenge.

    Qtard: Definitely, they are cretins -- that DEMN cretins.

    They don't exist.

    Qtard: \\If Democrats thought there were no enemies, then WHY did the war on terror continue under Obama and Biden?\\ Because... it allowed to sway USA in direction of totalitarian rule? I guess. ;-P

    So, they were killing innocent people on purpose? Killing no terrorists at all. Because "DEMNs" think there are none? Even though military advisors and intelligence say there was/is? That's 100 percent unbelievable.

    Qtard: So, Tertium Non Datur are "false dilemma" too???

    So, why hasn't NettenYahoo ordered Gaza to be nuked? There have been republiturds who have said that is what should be done. Representative Greg Murphy Joins Lindsey Graham in Calls to Nuke Gaza. Link.

    Doesn't that mean that what NuttenYahoo is doing (military offensive in Rafah) is a middle ground strategy and should be excluded? Well, shouldn't nuke the entire Middle East to exterminate all the "accomplices"?? Surely, any middle ground strategy short of nuking the entire Middle East should be excluded, Yes?

    Qtard: \\Well, then Tony Radakin must be wrong\\ Naaah. He is just a military appointed by politicians... to tell lies.

    Give expert opinion. Based on many years of experience and access to top secret intelligence. All discounted by Qtard. Because he doesn't have an expert opinion that Qtard likes. So he MUST be lying.

    Qtard: \\Because Qtard knows more than ANY so-called expert\\ So what??? You decided to NOT believe to "most honest" news truth-tellers? ;-P

    No. I do generally believe them.

  57. Qtard: \\Qtard knows that, even though Russia has not defeated Ukraine yet, it would defeat all the countries belonging to Nato\\ Russia want to make Ukraine territory their own. While NATO -- it want to disband.

    Yes (to your first statement). No (to the second).

    Qtard: And USA -- thoroughly destroyed.

    What? USA wants to be thoroughly destroyed?

    Qtard: See the difference?


    Qtard: \\No. Double post was made due to derangement. Qtard hit that thing that wasn't working\\ Admitting that double post was made by your alter-ego "Qtard"? ;-P

    I have no "alter ego Qtard". YOU are the deranged Qtard that posted twice. As you admitted. HOW could I admit it was me when YOU admitted it was you?

    Qtard: \\Yes. Or they just didn't understand how dangerous it was\\ MORE dangerous then Russian nukes pointed at USA territory????

    Way more. Because that would be a decision they'd have to make. To attack USA with nukes. While Chrome Dome nukes could have detonated by accident.

    Qtard: \\I am a sane person. And you are insane\\ Yap. That's what crazy people say.... **cretinic laughing and drooling**

    Says the cretin who laughs and drools. But you say you ARE insane? Because, if you said you weren't -- that would be proof that you are?

    Qtard: \\Exactly. I stand by my comment\\ Calling people of Greatest Generation -- loonies? **cretinic laughing and drooling**

    No, that never happened.

    Qtard: And what time was that??? ... F*g Nukes was directed onto USA.

    None are. There is no such thing as a "fag nuke".

    Qtard: \\No. They turned back after JFK stood up to Khrushchev. Nuclear missiles were not placed in Cuba\\ Yeah???? Because such is a lies of DEMN propaganda today???

    No. That's what is recorded in the history books. Because that is what happened.

    Qtard: ...and you'll be screaming "I did not see ANY links to historical fotos with USSR nuke-delivery rockets"??? **cretinic laughter**

    I looked and I saw no such photos. I saw photos of launch sites under construction. AS DESCRIBED on the page you linked to. No nukes. Because those sites were being constructed in anticipation of nukes to be delivered. But never were.

    Qtard: But... today DEMN cretins think that that made right in that hard times decisions -- was "lunacy"???\\I don't know what any "Demn cretins" think. I know what I think. I definitely think it was lunacy\\ Yap. Because you are DEMN cretin.

    Impossible. Because there is no such thing as a "DEMN". Democrats aren't "demons". Well, you would believe that. People wanting to do the the right thing, help The People. To you, those are demons.

    Qtard: Yawn. Now you just confirmed it.

    No. I didn't confirm your delusions about imaginary "DEMNs".

    Qtard: \\Nuclear warhead detonating accidentally could have been even worse than the example I gave above\\ Worse THEN non-accidental detonation... of Tzar Mega-Nuke... over some NewArk or LosAngeles???

    You're talking about a hypothetical that has not happened. While there WERE numerous Chrome Dome accidents.

    Qtard: \\No. Because of the accidents that occurred during the lifetime of Chrome Dome. People running it realized how dangerous it was\\ Or. Still. Because more robust means of delivery was introduced -- ICBMs?

    No. Not as per the timeline I gave above.

    Qtard: \\What you're doing (and I've pointed this out before) is called "Just asking questions"\\ That's because you are intellectually challenged cretin. Which fears questions\\No. I recognize your dishonesty. Asking phony "questions" that are really statements\\ Yep. Because you are intellectually challenged cretin.

    No. For the reason I gave.

  58. Qtard: \\[quoting me, citing Google] Google answer: revelation. The act of revealing or disclosing. Something that is revealed. Something dramatically disclosed\\ Well. At least you learned how to ask Google.

    I learned that a long time ago.

    Qtard: Mistyping... that is accidental substitution of ONE letter. Out of right order. Because of missing key on a keyboard.

    No. It can mean that. But it doesn't only meant that.

    Mistype, verb. make a mistake in typing (a WORD or letter).

    A typo is a MISTAKE in written or published writing.

    You could call my mistyping a malapropism, which "is the incorrect use of a word in place of a word with a similar sound, either UNINTENTIONALLY or for comedic effect"...

    I know the difference between "include" and "exclude". Though you (no doubt) will continue to argue otherwise. But you obviously don't know the difference between "supreme" and "suprime". Given that you used "suprime" in place of "supreme" many times. When "suprime" isn't even a word in English.

  59. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ How to pronounce федерация ("federation", in russian). Link

    Do your USAians call USA ONLY United States of America?

    And NOT "USA", not "U.S.", not "'Merica" and etc????

    \\One out of Four native Russian Speakers to you is "how the pronounce it in Russian"?

    Википедия › wiki › Россия
    Росси́я, или Росси́йская Федера́ция (сокр. РФ), — государство в Восточной Европе и Северной Азии. Россия — крупнейшее государство в мире, её территория в ...

    And you can ask Google... ITself "РФия" in cirilic. ;-P

    \\But you might think that is "Demn propaganda" and Google lies?

    But, probably you'd call it lies too???? That response of Google from RFia's Internet realm? ;-P

    \\Yeah, one out of four... that is "official"??

    What "one of four"????? %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\And Google knows nothing about it. I also asked the Microsoft AI, Copilot. It knows nothing about it either.

    Because Google and Microsoft are Russian companies??? With Russian-speaking employees??? And making services for Russian-speaking public??? %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    WHY??????!!!!! Should they care about such intrinsic knowledge of realities in far away country????? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But before you were calling Russia by many various "nicknames". Like "Rusha". Though, as I recall, you have claimed (in the past) that Russia doesn't even exist. Now you're using an abbreviation (you say) is "official"?


    That is official abbreviation of Russian Federation as RF.

    SAME as United Stated of America as USA.

    Why it making you so puzzled... I dunno.

    Because you are cretin???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


  60. \\Qtard: \\...Foolishly risking a nuclear detonation due to accident for so long. Before they realized how dangerous it was and ended the program. Only realized after several serious accidents\\ It currently has an estimated 440 missiles in its arsenal. The Minuteman III entered development in 1966 ...

    \\What does that have to do with what I wrote. Non Sequitur.

    Thank you for confirming being cretin. ;-P

    Topic we discuss -- reason behind Operation Chrome Dome.

    And that is -- from known Facts of History -- because: Test Trials of Mega-Nuke 50 Megatons in 1961 -- EXACTLY when that operation started.

    And when it stopped -- when OWN USA Minutemen ICBMs was stationed on-duty.

    And in between... happened Caribbean Crisis too.

    So... reasons of Operation Chrome Dome -- USA was powerless against more developed and cunning opponent.


    For cretin it's "Non Sequitur".

    Because that cretin -- dismiss Facts of History. Calling em "never happened".

    What a cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\My skull has ZERO "knowladge" in it. NONE at all.


    It seems.

    \\Yeah, I revealed that I think nuclear detonations and deadly radiation are bad and should be avoided.


    Nukes thrown by enemy on USA????

    \\Qtard: \\Why they discontinued it after a number of accidents\\ Because ICBMs was developed?

    \\It was discontinued after the 1966 Palomares B-52 crash.


    Because in same 1966 Minutemen ICBMs entered in military service.

    \\Google says, "In response to the growing Soviet missile threat, the U.S. Air Force began the rapid development of the ICBM. In July 1954, the Air Force established the Western Devel- opment Division, which developed the first-generation ICBMs".

    \\So no, Chrome Dome wasn't discontinued due to the development of ICBMs. They already were developed.

    When???? "In July 1954"??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Because development of complex systems, especially weapon... always happen in one hop.

    You declared and, hop, you have it???? %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    No costly development cycle needed. Experiements. Building technological facilities. Test trials.

    It all NOT NEEDED... in accordance with cretin that just learned hoe to "ask Google". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Each time when you starting babbling about tings you DUNNO (and that is precticly every time, as you know nothing ignorant imbecile) -- you producing such a hilarious babbling. :-((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

    So... continue-continue. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  61. \\So, Chrome Dome lunacy was never "needed".


    You never broke leg.

    So you "never needed" insurance.

    Yeah, cretin? ;-P

    Seems like that is really Idiocracy-like cretinity spreading in USA.


    \\Qtard: So... risking USSR nukes falling -- was LESS risky???? You are definitely crazy.

    \\Chrome Dome eliminated risk of USSR nukes falling?

    That is called "deterrence" -- "don't you dare to even think throwing nukes on US... because, here, see??? we have OUR nukes ready to be thrown at you".

    But... DEMN propaganda spread BS that "deterrence" it's "lunacy"... and nasty sworn enemies, that cannot eat their breakfast without think how'd they throw a nuke or two on USA city... can be "deterred" with "no-no-no, you shouldn't do that" finger-wiggling alone???? %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Definitely crazy cretins, that DEMNs. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Without it, they'd have fired off some nukes for sure?

    Japan have had NO nukes.

    USA have had one... or two.

    What happened?

    Or... you DUNNO even such most flashy Facts of History??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Says who?

    Hitler? Stalin? Now Putin?

    \\And why would they have done that when we had ICBMs to fire back at them?


    In time of Caribbean Crisis????

    You have had NoNE.

    Go ENLIGHTEN itself, cretin.

    With overwhelming air superiority and truly intercontinental bombers, the newly formed US Air Force did not take the problem of ICBM development seriously. Things changed in 1953 with the Soviet testing of their first thermonuclear weapon, but it was not until 1954 that the Atlas missile program was given the highest national priority. The Atlas A first flew on 11 June 1957; the flight lasted only about 24 seconds before the rocket exploded. The first successful flight of an Atlas missile to full range occurred 28 November 1958.[6] The first armed version of the Atlas, the Atlas D, was declared operational in January 1959 at Vandenberg, although it had not yet flown. The first test flight was carried out on 9 July 1959,[7] and the missile was accepted for service on 1 September. The Titan I was another US multistage ICBM, with a successful launch February 5, 1959, with Titan I A3. Unlike the Atlas, the Titan I was a two-stage missile, rather than three. The Titan was larger, yet lighter, than the Atlas. Due to the improvements in engine technology and guidance systems the Titan I overtook the Atlas.[8]

    The R-7 and Atlas each required a large launch facility, making them vulnerable to attack, and could not be kept in a ready state. Failure rates were very high throughout the early years of ICBM technology.

    Means... USSR have had capability to attack USA... and with their biggest Tzar Bomb 50 megaton meganuke --

    While same time... USA WOULD NOT have anything to retaliate with.

  62. \\Commies were a death cult that wanted to end all life on earth? Including themselves?

    Well... Gulag.

    But you cretin think it was recreational facility... and not destroyed millions????

    And well... why should they care about destruction on the other side of the Earth????

    \\Then WHY/HOW would Chrome Dome have ANY effect?

    Very important effect -- that nuclear strike WILL NOT be one-sided.

    But, DEMNs today think that that is "lunacy"????

    \\Qtard: That was figurative speaking.

    \\What? How so?


    I need to explain to cretin what figurative speech are??? AGAIN????!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But, ICBMs (which were developed BEFORE Chrome Dome)


    That was not succeed with launched robustly... so, if launched... with nukes, they could fall all over USA. And blast in not that limited way as overly protected from blast airborne nukes??????

    You are... DEFINITE cretin. Deadly dangerous cretin.

    That thinking that flying with nukes... with all possible precautions made... in robustly working bombers bays -- is much more dangerous.

    Then launching em with untested blowing nearly each time rockets????

    \\Qtard: Who knows... maybe you are from a family of deserters. Or even sympathetics of Hitler, who was quietly sabotaging USA efforts.

    \\No. Also, no.

    So... you are first one... black sheep? ;-P

    \\Or was that self-revealing? Given your love of totalitarianism, it wouldn't surprise me if you are disappointed that Hitler was defeated.


    Your talks are self-revealing. ;-P

    That's why you trying to cover em with such a cretinic lies. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Your way of thinking is a danger to the world. Thinking that risking nuclear annihilation -- that's "better". And Democrats wanting to approve aid for Ukraine are to blame -- when republiturds are openly opposing sending aid -- and blocking it. Cretins like you say that's "Demn propaganda". Ignoring facts just because it doesn't fit with what you WANT to believe. Which is that the Left is to blame for all the world's problems.

    Blah-blah-blah... all DEMN lies.


    \\Qtard: \\USA lunacy was in response to USSR lunacy\\And you call itself patriot? Of USA??? **cretinic laughter**

    \\I never said that.


    You are not patriot. You -- totalitarian cretin.

    \\Ignoring facts just because it doesn't fit with what you WANT to believe.


    Like F-16 STILL not deployed. And NOT protecting cities of Ukraine from barbaric man-killing attacks.


    You -- DEMN totalitarian cretin who do NOT WANT to know such murderous facts, of how DEMNs "helping" Ukraine... for liliPut to kill more Ukrainians -- so that Ukraine will admit defeat sooner.

    \\Qtard: If Bi-den would throw USA under feet of liliPut and liliXi... as trophy. Maybe that will not happen. Maybe that is the plan. How should *I* know??? Why else Zero-bama and now Bi-den... giving so much free hands to do anything unlawful??? Your version???\\That never happened\\ Georgia 2008. Ukraine 2014. Syria 2016. Ukraine and Israel TODAY.

    \\Too bad that the potus wasn't a republican when those things happened?

    And that is NOT because of "agreement"????

    \\Or, a rep potus would have responded in a stronger way and probably caused Putin to stop with Georgia. Maybe withdraw and apologize? Then leave Ukraine alone? And Hamas would be wiped out by now. Because a rep potus would be for annihilating every "accomplice" in Gaza?

    Well... dRump said that "I would drop a bomb on RF and/or China".

    And he DID launched Tomahawks at Russian forces stationed in Syria.

    So... what was you asking about here? ;-P

    \\No. That blood is on the hands of Putin and Hamas. Also (re dead Gazans) NettenYahoo.

    Then... blood of "innocent" German Nazis is on the hands of USAians too.

    And more recent -- Afghanistanians, Iraqians and etc.

  63. \\Have power of the purse.


    Like lately -- when Biden have sent weapon to Haiti????

    Without ANY ask from Congress.

    Or... that was criminal act of that Bi-den??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Qtard: See <<--- link to Youtube.

    \\No. There is no link to Youtube there. There is above, which I overlooked. Did not see due to imaginary "hysterical blindness". I see it now.

    Because that was QUOTE from that post.

    But. Post and link in it, you UNable to see... because of Hysterical Blindness? ;-P

    \\I didn't disagree with that. I looked at the video (now that you TOLD me where to find the link) and that does not surprise me. I wasn't prevented from looking due to "hysterical blindness". Prevented by not knowing what link you were talking about. NOW I can find it, given that you said the word "see" is a link. I didn't have that information before.

    Because you are cretin???

    And still DUNNO that in browser -- highlighted (usually in blue) and reacting to mouse pointer hovering over em -- that is links??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\No. We were talking about nuclear weapons. You never said hand guns.

    Do every soldier in your broken cretinic imagination brandishing Nuke... and not just a handgun???? %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Quite could be. I CAN believe that. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well... that's why I still talking with you. Because of such unusual revelations about crazy cretin's minds. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Now The People's Republic of China is "PRCia"? Says who?

    Cretin dunno People's Republic China abbreviated as PRC???? :-))))))))))))))))0

    \\Yeah, and Qtard is not scared. IT laughs at nukes from Russia hitting the US. But it isn't Qtard's responsibility to try and prevent that. It is Joe Biden's responsibility. Why shouldn't he be concerned about that?


    That's what your alter-ego "Qtard" must be thinking.

    \\Yap. DEMN Propaganda chant. "When enemy will come and kill your elder and children, in most cruel ways... DO NOT dare to over-react!!!"


    Though it still 'imaginary'. That DEMN propaganda. :-))))))))))))))))))0

    \\I doubt that we could have continued Chrome Dome into present day without another (more serious) accident.


    Because nukes from RFia and PRCia... are LESS dangerous and LESS deadly????

    Because your alter-ego "Qtard" -- not scared of em.

  64. \\Qtard: Now... only thing possible -- preparing to all-out war.

    \\You say.

    Well... that would be wise thing to do. To be prepared. And to have a plan. And to save as many lifes of innocent people as possible.

    But... I am just a foreigner from far-far-away... who have no play in this game and cannot do anything with cretinity of your DEMN cretins...

    so, I can only provide my sorrowful condolences, in advance, here. :-(((((((((((((((((((

    \\But Biden isn't making these decisions by himself. He is consulting with US military advisors, our allies and their military advisors. As well as other experts.

    "Experts"??? That "experts" that said that "Ukraine will be done in 3 days"??????

    \\Qtard: And it'll cost millions of lifes. Of USAians. Yawn.

    \\You say. Is that a prognostication?

    Just historical lesson.

    But you are cretin who dunno History. And dismiss Facts of History.

    So, no surprise that you are so puzzled here.


    \\And it will STILL be "boring" when the nukes are detonating?

    No. That time. If it'll ever happen. It'll be heinously STO-O-O-O-OPID. :-(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

    \\Qtard: When HAMAS entered peaceful Israel villages. And killed ALL, 100% of inhabitants!!!

    \\So, Israel should do the same?


    That is EXACTLY logic HAMAS using. And many-many other terroristic organizations and totalitarian states proposed.

    To call it even. To "not over-react". (Oups... your infested with DEMN-cretins government do it too...)

    Even trying to start a court trial over Israel. For their fight to protect their brethen. With try to "redefine" it as "genocide".

    And you are totalitarian cretin -- that are in one boat with em all.


    \\Actually worse, as far as the body count is concerned. Tens of thousands more.


    That is NOT about body count. It's about Justice.


    That mean that you BELIEVE to that very terrorists, that killed thousands of Jews, in absolutely ruthless and cunning attack???? And that use their own kin as a shield.

    \\No. I've always only ever expressed concern for the lives of innocent people.


    So what... that Jewish baby-infants -- was not innocent????

    Or... you just DON'T care... when that is Jewish people?


  65. \\Kill fewer innocent people. Because it makes those who live mad and want revenge.

    And they have right to revenge????

    After that as they started this vicious cycle of murders????

    So what... murderers and rapers ALSO have right to have their revenge????

    \\Qtard: \\If Democrats thought there were no enemies, then WHY did the war on terror continue under Obama and Biden?\\ Because... it allowed to sway USA in direction of totalitarian rule? I guess. ;-P

    \\So, they were killing innocent people on purpose? Killing no terrorists at all. Because "DEMNs" think there are none? Even though military advisors and intelligence say there was/is? That's 100 percent unbelievable.

    Like HAMAS????

    But you say they are "innocent".

    Or "Taliban"????

    With which you was making deals.


    Like that miserly schmuk... about which even Hollywood made whole movie -- that was held in Guantanamo, under Zero-bama administration. Even though whole bunch of courts admitted him being innocent??????

    \\Qtard: \\Well, then Tony Radakin must be wrong\\ Naaah. He is just a military appointed by politicians... to tell lies.

    \\Give expert opinion.


    You cretin DUNNO the difference between authority claims (plausible denials mostly) and expert opinion.


    Because to you, crazy totalitarian cretin, just anybody who said "listen to me, I'm expert" -- is expert. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Based on many years of experience...

    WHAT experience??? Ah, dimwit????

    Experience -- it's knowledge gained trough EXPERIENCEING this or that event through OWN life.

    WHEN and WHERE happened that big and massive wars... in which that "expert" Radakin have gained his "experience"????????? %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Ground war... but he is "cheif NAVAL officer" EVEN.

    \\Qtard: \\Because Qtard knows more than ANY so-called expert\\ So what??? You decided to NOT believe to "most honest" news truth-tellers? ;-P

    \\No. I do generally believe them.


    That, that spread DEMN/liliPut propaganda. In general.


  66. \\\\ Russia want to make Ukraine territory their own. While NATO -- it want to disband.

    \\Yes (to your first statement). No (to the second).


    Are you one who know BETTER then Putin what he have said? Like in December of 2021? ;-P

    Or... you just helping to it to spread its lying propaganda... that crying now "no, we NEVER wanted to start a war against NATO".

    Though attack on Ukraine was planned as FIRST STAGE of it.

    \\Qtard: And USA -- thoroughly destroyed.

    \\What? USA wants to be thoroughly destroyed?

    What??? Suddenly have problem with comprehension??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    When DEMN propaganda imposed Hysterical Blindness made you NOT able to see, that RFia and PRCia want demise of USA.

    \\Qtard: See the difference?


    Yes. Because you are cretin.

    \\Way more. Because that would be a decision they'd have to make. To attack USA with nukes. While Chrome Dome nukes could have detonated by accident.


    Because you are cretin.

    And think that nuke is like some oversized hand grenade.


    And will explode just any time.

    \\Says the cretin who laughs and drools. But you say you ARE insane?


    Where? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I see only you who behave as madman here -- throwing tantrums about people being crazy, while demonstrating loses of memory, identity disorientation and babbling all kinds crazy shit.


    \\Qtard: \\No. They turned back after JFK stood up to Khrushchev. Nuclear missiles were not placed in Cuba\\ Yeah???? Because such is a lies of DEMN propaganda today???

    \\No. That's what is recorded in the history books. Because that is what happened.


    That's excerpt from JFK Library site.

    Do they lie?????

    Kennedy said the missiles would not be tolerated, and insisted on their removal. Khrushchev refused. The stand-off nearly caused a nuclear exchange and is remembered in this country as the Cuban Missile Crisis. For 13 days, the fate of the world hung in the balance.

    To the Brink: JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis
    JFK Library › exhibits › past-exhibits › to...

    \\Qtard: ...and you'll be screaming "I did not see ANY links to historical fotos with USSR nuke-delivery rockets"??? **cretinic laughter**

    \\I looked and I saw no such photos. I saw photos of launch sites under construction. AS DESCRIBED on the page you linked to. No nukes. Because those sites were being constructed in anticipation of nukes to be delivered. But never were.

    Because those commies gave their honest word???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That they ONLY delivered MEANS to launch nukes at USA territory... but not delivered actual warheads to em???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What cretin one should be to believe such a ostentatious BS????? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Thank you cretin. You really are just a gift that keep giving. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Only question -- can you provide a ref -- from what "history book" you read it????

    \\Qtard: \\Nuclear warhead detonating accidentally could have been even worse than the example I gave above\\ Worse THEN non-accidental detonation... of Tzar Mega-Nuke... over some NewArk or LosAngeles???

    \\You're talking about a hypothetical that has not happened. While there WERE numerous Chrome Dome accidents.


    So there was NO testing of that Mega-Nuke Tzar Bomb??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\No. Not as per the timeline I gave above.

    What timeline???

    One where it showed -- how prone to errors was that "first ICBMs" launches????

    Naaah. That's what I did -- with giving excerpt from Wikipedia.

    \\No. For the reason I gave.


    That you are intellectually challenged cretin is the reason. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  67. \\I learned that a long time ago.

    Last month? ;-P

    \\You could call my mistyping a malapropism, which "is the incorrect use of a word in place of a word with a similar sound, either UNINTENTIONALLY or for comedic effect"...


    "In-clude" and "Ex-clude"... sound just the same. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a cretinic excuses you trying to provide. To cover cretinicly that long as revealed by me problem -- that you are broken mind cretin, and because of that have problems with vocabulary -- understanding words meaning, for simplicity.

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I know the difference between "include" and "exclude".


    Know... but cannot explain??? As always. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
