Thursday, May 30, 2024

5/30/25 - The Day Politics Broke America...

...and the Banality which is Evil stepped OUT from the Shadows.  The "veil" of Justice has been lifted.


  1. donald tRump received a bigly and long deserved spanking today. As determined by the jury unanimously, he is guilty on all 34 counts. The orange turd is now a convicted felon. Will he receive prison time? It is certainly possible. LOL! This is a good day for America!

  2. dotard donald is losing it. I am signed up for text messages from tRump. 3 so far.


    Text 2: "JUSTICE IS DEAD IN AMERICA! Our Country has FALLEN!".


    All texts contain links to a page asking for money. dotard wants 10 million "pro-tRump patriots" to give him money.

    Even though being pro-tRump means you are NOT a patriot. It means you hate democracy and want it to end in America :(

    Like you and Qtard. Both want democracy to end in America. Are sad it did not end on 1/6/2021.

  3. Another text came through. "NEVER SURRENDER!". dotard wants me to buy a "dark" maga hat. Total 4 texts.

    dotard is jealous of "Dark Brandon"?

    Also 2 emails. Subjects "I was just convicted in a rigged trial" and "Darkest day in American history".

  4. \\This is a good day for America!

    On a highway to hell of totalitarian rule?

    Yeah, it is.

    And you -- crazy totalitarian cretin -- celebrating it! Not surprising.


    \\Even though being pro-tRump means you are NOT a patriot. It means you hate democracy and want it to end in America :(


    1. It's going to go badly for those who followed that crooked judge Juan Merchan's orders. Merchan's crooked back room midnight deals will come up soon, exposing him for corruption, causing the case to be reviewed at the very least. It's not going to end well for Merchan when he takes his dirt nap in God's timing, whenever it is.

    2. Those are your delusions, Mystere.

  5. I feel thrilled now that dotard will be going to prison. I can't wait to see Melania and Barron go to prison next. It'll be absolutely beautiful when dotard gets shanked and dies in prison. I hope someone beats the Living Sh*t out of Barron when he goes to prison after his crooked daddy dotard does.

  6. The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders May 31, 2024 at 1:13 AM
    "I feel thrilled now that dotard will be going to prison. I can't wait to see Melania and Barron go to prison next. It'll be absolutely beautiful when dotard gets shanked and dies in prison. I hope someone beats the Living Sh*t out of Barron when he goes to prison after his crooked daddy dotard does."

    Wow A$$face Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$666! You've really sunk lower than ever.

  7. The rule of law is kaput. Now no one need follow it. :)

  8. Thanks Democrats. The gloves are off.

  9. Triumph of DEMN-OK-ratsy? ;-P

    1. Notice "Cretin" A$$face Ichabod Derwood bin §atan ~ §ander$666 made himself scarce, Q?

    2. More Mystere delusions. He must really be flipping out and greatly distressed by his orange turd cult leader's conviction. Why he authored more BS about me wanting bad things to happen to Barron tRump. There is nothing for which Barron tRump could be charged with. Nothing I'm aware of. You know about crimes Barron tRump has committed, Mystere?

  10. Qtard: Triumph of DEMN-OK-ratsy?

    No. That's imaginary.

  11. Qtard: On a highway to hell of totalitarian rule?

    If tRump gets back in office.

    Qtard: Yeah, it is.

    tRump's conviction? NO, it is NOT.

    Qtard: And you -- crazy totalitarian cretin -- celebrating it! Not surprising.

    I am celebrating Justice being done. YOU (crazy totalitarian cretin) are sad.

    You will be celebrating if tRump is put back in office. Then announces that aid to Ukraine will end and that he will help negotiate Ukraine's surrender. That would make you VERY happy.

    1. Dervish Sanders May 31, 2024 at 2:25 PM
      "More Mystere delusions. He must really be flipping out and greatly distressed by his orange turd cult leader's conviction. Why he authored more BS about me wanting bad things to happen to Barron tRump. There is nothing for which Barron tRump could be charged with. Nothing I'm aware of. You know about crimes Barron tRump has committed, Mystere?"


      🔺More Ichabod Derpwood bin §atan ~ §ander$666's denials and delusions.🔺

      Mystere isn't here. You obviously wrote those things because you suffer Trump Derangement Syndrome. Your party wants to assassinate and wipe out the whole Trump family including all his grandchildren and his in laws' families. The blubbering is on the dark web, Derpwood. The Soros Crime Family is behind the plot, trying to get him assassinated. You'd be gloating with sheer glee if someone blew Trump's brains out and shot all his family members dead, along with all of his in laws. And you can't deny it, Dervish. You wrote some stuff years ago on your hate sites, and it's screen capped before you took some of it down.

    2. Mystere: Your party wants to assassinate and wipe out the whole Trump family including all his grandchildren and his in laws' families.

      No. That is what you want re the Clinton, Obama and Biden families. You posted about it on your blog

      Mystere: The blubbering is on the dark web, Derpwood. The Soros Crime Family is behind the plot, trying to get him assassinated.

      BulltRump. Write a post about it on your blog. State the evidence. Give links. I would be interested in reading about it.

      Mystere: You'd be gloating with sheer glee if someone blew Trump's brains out and shot all his family members dead, along with all of his in laws.

      Absolutely not.

      Mystere: And you can't deny it, Dervish. You wrote some stuff years ago on your hate sites...

      I can deny it because I never did.

      Mystere: ...and it's screen capped before you took some of it down.

      Post it to your blog. btw, I have never taken anything down. The only thing currently taken down is my Dervish Sanders blog. But I didn't do that, you did, tRumphole.

  12. \\If tRump gets back in office.


    Yeah. Because totalitarians do change with eletions. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because that's what DEMN/liliPut's propaganda chanting. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: And you -- crazy totalitarian cretin -- celebrating it! Not surprising.

    \\I am celebrating Justice being done.

    Destroying political opponents -- that is "justice"????

    Well... unsurprising, to hear such BS from crazy totalitarian cretin.

    \\You will be celebrating if tRump is put back in office. Then announces that aid to Ukraine will end and that he will help negotiate Ukraine's surrender. That would make you VERY happy.

    Revealing own feelings?

  13. \\I can deny it because I never did.

    Same as you "NEVER" written here, in this blog. "I *DO* deny..." Human Rights??? ;-P

  14. Qtard: Same as you "NEVER" written here, in this blog. "I *DO* deny..." Human Rights??? ;-P

    No. Not "NEVER" in quotes. NEVER for real. I never wrote that. I strongly support human rights. Unlike you. You hate them so much, you make a mockery of them. Make up imaginary "human rights". Say overthrowing democracy (reversing the results of a fair election in which The People selected the leader of their choice) is a "human right". Also you recently referred to the J6 insurrection as "direct democracy". When J6 was a attempt by fascists to get rid of democracy and install a "president for life" aka a dictator.

  15. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Same as you "NEVER" written here, in this blog. "I *DO* deny..." Human Rights??? ;-P

    \\ No. Not "NEVER" in quotes. NEVER for real. I never wrote that. I strongly support human rights.

    What a stupid-stupid-stupid lie. ;-P

    Do you want me to start giving direct quotes AGAIN??? ;-P

    So you cretinic denial will be revealed. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... I do not need to -- because WE BOTH know, that that was said -- "I *DO* deny...". ;-P

    \\You hate them so much, you make a mockery of them. Make up imaginary "human rights".


    VERY 'imaginary'.

    Same like non-acting POTUS imaginary. ;-P

    Ones that cited on the site of United Nations laws.

    And declaration of Independence of USA.


    Continue-continue, digging that pit for itself, crazy totalitarian cretin.

    \\Say overthrowing democracy (reversing the results of a fair election in which The People selected the leader of their choice) is a "human right".


    As in direct DEFINITION -- democracy, it's "rule of people".

    Means, ONLY people themself can decide.

    NOT "those who know better".

    \\When J6 was a attempt by fascists to get rid of democracy and install a "president for life" aka a dictator.


    That's what DEMN fascist that want to succumb political power to themself only, and to destroy possibility for political opponent to participate in democratic elections TOUT you to say, to think...

    Same as Goebbels did.

    "The bigger the lie, the more easily ordinary people will believe in it".

  16. Qtard: What a stupid-stupid-stupid lie. ;-P

    To you. Because (for you) "truth, that's a lie".

    Qtard: Do you want me to start giving direct quotes AGAIN??? ;-P

    Quotes followed by "what Derpy really mean"? Knock yourself out. wtf do I care. You're going to lie -- as always. That's what liars do.

    Qtard: So you cretinic denial will be revealed. **cretinic laughter** being not cretinic. Also truthful. Because you'll need to add "what Derpy really mean" to twist my words into the meaning that exists in your delusions.

    Qtard: But... I do not need to -- because WE BOTH know, that that was said -- "I *DO* deny...". ;-P

    OK. So you aren't going to. Because we BOTH KNOW I never said any such thing. I do deny your fictional imaginary "human right" you made up. I do NOT deny actual humans rights. Overthrowing democracy to install a fascist dictator after a democratic election (found to be free of any fraud that would change the result) is NOT a "human right". I previously quoted John Locke to you to PROVE this to be the case.

    Qtard: \\You hate them so much, you make a mockery of them. Make up imaginary "human rights"\\Yap. VERY 'imaginary'.


    Qtard: Same like non-acting POTUS imaginary. ;-P

    You should look up the definition of what an acting potus is. You obviously are completely clueless about what the term "acting president" means. Yet you continue to mock me for CORRECTLY pointing out that Joe Biden is NOT the acting president.

    Qtard: Ones that cited on the site of United Nations laws.


  17. Qtard: And declaration of Independence of USA.


    Thomas Jefferson (as he wrote in the the Declaration of Independence): "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government".

    The US government HAS the consent of the governed. JUST affirmed with a democratic election. The Founders rebelled (in large part) due to "taxation without representation". They believed that citizens should not be taxed by a government in which they have no voice. Democratic elections are representation. People voting is them having a voice.

    Qtard: Yawn. Continue-continue, digging that pit for itself, crazy totalitarian cretin.

    I continue standing up for FACTS. And real (not imaginary) human rights. You're the one digging the pit. By insisting that a small percentage of voters angry that the candidate of their choice was selected have a "human right" to "decide for themselves" and EVERYONE ELSE (people who were happy with the results of the election) to TAKE AWAY the human right of everyone else (people who voted for Joe Biden. Also people who voted for tRump but respected the election results and DON'T want to get rid of democracy because tRump lost).

    Qtard: \\Say overthrowing democracy (reversing the results of a fair election in which The People selected the leader of their choice) is a "human right".\\ Yep. As in direct DEFINITION -- democracy, it's "rule of people".

    EXACTLY. The People who voted and selected Joe Biden.

    Qtard: Means, ONLY people themself can decide.

    They DID. They decided to elect Joe Biden. Yet YOU want to violate their human right to democracy. Only tRump supporters (those who don't believe in democracy) have human rights? Are Biden voters not humans to you?

    Qtard: NOT "those who know better".

    Who? Those nasty voters who selected Joe Biden? They are inhuman scum for thinking the person they voted for should be president?

    Qtard: \\When J6 was a attempt by fascists to get rid of democracy and install a "president for life" aka a dictator\\ Yep. That's what DEMN fascist that want to succumb political power to themself only...

    By voting? Believing in Democracy makes them fascists to you?

    Qtard: ...and to destroy possibility for political opponent to participate in democratic elections TOUT you to say, to think...

    By holding lawbreakers accountable for crimes committed? People running for political office have a free pass to commit crimes? If I file papers to run for political office then the laws no longer apply to me?

    Qtard: Same as Goebbels did.

    No. I asked the Microsoft AI, and it said "Paul Joseph Goebbels, a German Nazi politician and philologist, held several significant positions within the Nazi regime, but none directly related to law enforcement or prosecuting crimes".

    "Same as Goebbels did" = bullshit.

    Qtard: "The bigger the lie, the more easily ordinary people will believe in it".

    Yeah, that definitely explains you. VERY eager to believe lies about tRump being "politically persecuted". As opposed to tRump being held to account for crimes he committed. Prosecuted, not persecuted.

    And spin lies about overthrowing democracy being a "human right". That is a HUGE lie. But I do NOT believe it. Because that's BS.

  18. \\To you. Because (for you) "truth, that's a lie".

    Yap. Your NewSpeak. ;-P

    \\Quotes followed by "what Derpy really mean"?

    What more explanation need to your OWN words like "I *DO* deny..." em having such right.

    Even though you in other place admitted -- that humans are humans.

    \\Knock yourself out. wtf do I care. You're going to lie -- as always. That's what liars do.

    How it is possible -- to lie with facts, factual quotes...

    that's only to such crewtin(s) as possible.

    \\Because you'll need to add "what Derpy really mean" to twist my words into the meaning that exists in your delusions.

    And??? Where is twisting in "I *DO* deny..."???

    You meant it opposite??? :-)))))))))))))))))))

    Because that was said in NewSpeak??? ;-P

    \\Qtard: But... I do not need to -- because WE BOTH know, that that was said -- "I *DO* deny...". ;-P

    \\OK. So you aren't going to. Because we BOTH KNOW I never said any such thing.

    Both of your alter-egos? IT and Qtard??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I do deny your fictional imaginary "human right" you made up. I do NOT deny actual humans rights.


    Totalitarian re-definition.

    That using NewSpeak to twist the meaning of Right Words.


    That's what you totalitarian cretin doing following lead of your master liliPut.

    That calling throwing ballots into box while being pointed with gun "democratic re-election" of liliPut.

    \\Overthrowing democracy to install a fascist dictator after a democratic election (found to be free of any fraud that would change the result) is NOT a "human right".

    Same as uprising against King of England? ;-P

    \\I previously quoted John Locke to you to PROVE this to be the case.

    That Locke... died long-long ago. And CANNOT make his opinion.

    So... your tries to place YOUR MEANING into his mouth... is patheticly stupid lie. ;-P

    \\Yet you continue to mock me for CORRECTLY pointing out that Joe Biden is NOT the acting president.

    Because you are cretin. And do not grok allusions. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Ones that cited on the site of United Nations laws.


    Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    Welcome to the United Nations › about-us › universal-declaration-of...
    Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone ...
    ‎Illustrated Version · ‎History of the Declaration · ‎Universal Declaration of...


    This "No" was Obvious Cretinic Totalitarian Lie Against Obvious FACT.


  19. \\Qtard: And declaration of Independence of USA.



    YET ONE lie.

    Declaration of Independence: A Transcription
    National Archives (.gov) › declaration-transcript
    Oct 11, 2023 — We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, ...

    \\The US government HAS the consent of the governed. JUST affirmed with a democratic election.


    Process of elections WAS NOT COMPLETE.

    And people HAVE right to state their rightful doubts and question it... but, that right WAS DENIED to em.


    \\The Founders rebelled (in large part) due to "taxation without representation".

    That's just what government say...

    \\Democratic elections are representation. People voting is them having a voice.


    And in all other time they need to shuddup, and obey.

    Just like it is in RFia.


    \\Qtard: Yawn. Continue-continue, digging that pit for itself, crazy totalitarian cretin.

    \\I continue standing up for FACTS.

    Lie again.

    How many time you LYINGLY declared that you "NEVER said" "I *DO* deny..."????? Even just here.

    As well as TWO staunch lies about UN Human Rights declaration and Declaration of Independence of USA.

    You. Claimed. That THERE is "No" such things. JUST ABOVE!!!


    your such claims... I disregard as lies. And for long-long time already. AFTER almost TWO years of non-stop lying. Cretinic lying. Against FACTS lying.

    LYING... even in VERY NEXT sentence.

    When you writing something A... just to state ANTI-A IN THE VERY NEXT SENTENCE.




    To treat.

    Words of such staunch and relentless LIAR... as Truth?????

    Just YET ONE time and each when it crying "but I, but I... telling Truth"????????

    What am I??? A cretin?????? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    To believe to such an obvious lie? ;-P


  20. \\And real (not imaginary) human rights. You're the one digging the pit. By insisting that a small percentage of voters angry that the candidate of their choice was selected have a "human right" to "decide for themselves"

    Yes. They do.

    Because... as stated even in that excerpt from UN charter it says "Everyone have freedom of thought".

    \\ and EVERYONE ELSE (people who were happy with the results of the election) to TAKE AWAY the human right of everyone else (people who voted for Joe Biden.

    That's... DEMN lie.

    \\ Also people who voted for tRump but respected the election results and DON'T want to get rid of democracy because tRump lost).

    Hah... we will see it, in November.

    To what depth of heinious totalitarism DEMNs will fall -- to NOT allow such votes to be counted and admited.

    We. Will. See. :-(((

    \\EXACTLY. The People who voted and selected Joe Biden.

    Because??? "Democracy it's Rule of Democrats"???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Means, ONLY people themself can decide.

    \\They DID. They decided to elect Joe Biden.

    Because??? Only that who vote Bi-den HAVE right to vote? Have Human Rights??? ;-P

    \\Are Biden voters not humans to you?

    Well... that is YOU are one who pounding (though claiming that I cite it/use it wrong)... that there is people to which it's possible to "deny em >>>HAVING<<< such rights"...

    NOT ME.

    I. With all my might. Just trying to point to such facts -- that Human Rights are UNIVERSAL.


    \\Qtard: "The bigger the lie, the more easily ordinary people will believe in it".

    \\Yeah, that definitely explains you. VERY eager to believe lies about tRump being "politically persecuted". As opposed to tRump being held to account for crimes he committed. Prosecuted, not persecuted.

    \\And spin lies about overthrowing democracy being a "human right". That is a HUGE lie. But I do NOT believe it. Because that's BS.


    Because you believe in DEMN (and liliPut's) BIG LIE -- that "lies, it's truth... and Truth, it' Lie". ;-P
