Sunday, April 21, 2024

On Changing Geopolitical Realities in the Middle East


  1. You can explain your "no", Mystere? I say you answered "no" just so I'd see that you mirrored the name change I made on my account. Again.

  2. At least flip the avatar image, Mystere.

  3. It's a pain trying to figure out "who's who". You did capture the "voice" though.

  4. Encouragement from one of his boifriends. You just made Mystere's day.

  5. I am told things at times by God, and I follow orders. Like God might tell me to delete a comment that says mean things about his chosen leader, Donald Trump. I'm talking about on my DonkeyTurds and FoxTurds blogs. God and I are co-comment moderators on those blogs.

    By the way, the prophets (the real ones) say Donald Trump will be re-elected this year. And that President Donald Trump will then start rounding up Democrats and shipping them to Gitmo. At Gitmo they will be convicted by military tribunals and executed by hanging.

    The entire Clinton, Obama and Biden families will be found guilty and hung. That includes all their children and grand children. With the sole exception of Navy Biden. LOL! Have you ever seen a small child hung? I'm looking forward to the live TV broadcasts of the executions. It will be awesome to see the snapping of the necks of Hillary Clinton's 3 grandchildren (Charlotte age 10, Aidan age 8 and Jasper age 5). LOL!

    1. 🔺Derpish Sanders using his counterfeit Mystere account.🔺

      Derpish is the King of ID theft.

  6. That is 100 percent a Mystere comment. It has his name attached to it. YOU said that is definitive proof of authorship -- the name attached is the person who wrote it.

    Mystere is an extremely evil turd, so it isn't surprising at all that he would rant about executing little kids. Also, I have seen him write very similar screeds on his Foxturds blog. He hates Hillary Clinton"s grandchildren and wants them dead. That is a confirmed fact.

  7. Yeah, that's my comment. So what? My friend Rattrapper must have gotten confused because I used my 2nd Mystere account. BTW, I just started a new blog, Cleveland Foxturds. Assface suggestedit, and I thought, Yeah, that's a cool name for a new blog.

    De@t# to Charlotte, Aidan and Jasper! President Trump WILL sentence them to be executed by hanging! LOL!! :)

  8. Mystere silently agreed those were his comments.
