Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Europeans Chip in F-16's for Ukraine to Ensure the Start of WWIII With

All WWII lessons from Britain's Bomber Command and the USAAF have been tossed out the window.  "The War can be won by Air Power!"  @@
The Bomber Mafia Would be SO Proud!
What Could Go Wrong?

And Having Demonstrated the US Government's Competence in Handling Such Crisis' and Emergencies Like the Covid-19 Response, it's Time, Once Again, to TRUST OUR EXPERT ELITES!  @@  So Please enjoy THIS Fireside Chat with Our GLORIOUS Lederhosen:

Both countries urgently need U.S. aid to defend themselves against brazen adversaries that seek their annihilation.

Iran launched an unprecedented attack against Israel this weekend, with a barrage of missiles and drones. Around the same time, some 1,500 miles north, Russia continued its bombardment of Ukraine, which has intensified dramatically in the last month.

Both Ukraine and Israel defended themselves against these attacks, holding the line and protecting their citizens. And both did it with critical help from the U.S.

Now is not the time to abandon our friends. The House must pass urgent national-security legislation for Ukraine and Israel, as well as desperately needed humanitarian aid for Palestinians in Gaza.

In this third year of Russia’s war, Ukraine continues to defy the odds. Against a much larger military, the Ukrainians regained more than half the territory that Russia occupied after its 2022 invasion. They’ve struck the Russian navy time and again, winning important victories in the Black Sea. And they’ve developed innovative weapons, especially drones, to counter Russian forces. Theirs is a fighting force with the will and the skill to win.

Meanwhile, as we saw this weekend, Israel’s military has the technology and training to defend the country against even an attack of unprecedented scope and ferocity.

But while both countries can capably defend their own sovereignty, they depend on American assistance, including weaponry, to do it. And this is a pivotal moment.

Vladimir Putin is ramping up his onslaught with help from his friends. China is providing Russia with microelectronics and other equipment that is critical for defense production. Iran is sending hundreds of drones; North Korea is providing artillery and ballistic missiles. Ukraine, facing ammunition shortfalls, is losing hold of territory it had regained.

After years of backing Hezbollah, Hamas and other proxies in their attacks on Israel, including Hamas’s brutal attack on Oct. 7, Iran launched a direct attack of its own—hoping to penetrate Israel’s air defense, including David’s Sling and the Iron Dome, which saved countless lives this weekend.

Both Ukraine and Israel are under attack by brazen adversaries that seek their annihilation. Mr. Putin wants to subjugate the people of Ukraine and absorb their nation into a new Russian empire. The government of Iran wants to destroy Israel forever—wiping the world’s only Jewish state off the map.

America must never accept either outcome—not only because we stand up for our friends, but because our security is on the line, too.

If Russia triumphs, Mr. Putin’s forces will move closer than ever to our North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies. “An attack on one is an attack on all” means that if Mr. Putin invades a NATO ally, we will come to its aid—as our NATO allies did for us after the Sept. 11 attacks. We should surge support to Ukraine now, to stop Mr. Putin from encroaching on our NATO allies and ensure that he doesn’t draw U.S. troops into a future war in Europe.

Likewise, if Iran succeeds in significantly escalating its assault on Israel, the U.S. could be drawn in. Israel is our strongest partner in the Middle East; it’s unthinkable that we would stand by if its defenses were weakened and Iran was able to carry out the destruction it intended this weekend. We can make that outcome less likely by replenishing Israel’s air defenses and providing military aid now, so its defenses can remain fully stocked and ready.

If Congress passes military aid for Ukraine and Israel, we won’t write blank checks. We’d send military equipment from our own stockpiles, then use the money authorized by Congress to replenish those stockpiles—by buying from American suppliers. That includes Patriot missiles made in Arizona, Javelin missiles made in Alabama, and artillery shells made in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Texas. We’d be investing in America’s industrial base, buying American products made by American workers, supporting jobs in nearly 40 states, and strengthening our own national security. We’d help our friends while helping ourselves.

I’ve been clear about my concerns over the safety of civilians in Gaza amid the war with Hamas, but this aid package is focused on Israel’s long-term defensive needs to ensure it can maintain its military edge against Iran or any other adversary. Importantly, this bill has funding that will allow us to continue delivering urgent humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza as well as others who have felt the impact of conflicts around the world.

It’s a strong and sensible plan. It shouldn’t be held hostage any longer by a small group of extreme Republican House members.

Mr. Putin has tried relentlessly to break the will of the Ukrainian people. He has failed. Now he’s trying to break the will of the West. We cannot let him succeed.

There are moments in history that call for leadership and courage. This is one of them.'s just a shame that the requisite courage and leadership won't arrive until at earliest January of 2025 and provided that Sleepy Joe's Hand's-Off the USIC Deep State sh*tf*ckery doesn't get us all killed before then.. 


  1. Russian Propaganda screams through its Useful Idiots... how it fears F-16s.

    Good, good! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  2. Does Ukraine have Air Suoeriority over the Ukrainian battlefield? Air Supremacy? In their absence, Ukraine is simply being supplied with new targets for Russian pilots to chase and eventually bomb. The planes can't be flown out of Poland without starting WWIII.

  3. There's a saying: "DO NOT FEED THE BEARS." Butt Blast Bidet keeps feeding the bear. It's not going to go well for him.

  4. \\ Does Ukraine have Air Suoeriority over the Ukrainian battlefield? Air Supremacy?


    YET ONE of exemplar Russian Air Superiority -- fell somewhere in a swamps. ;-P

    I'll count it as an answer here. ;-)

    \\The planes can't be flown out of Poland without starting WWIII.

    Who said????


    But, qui bono??? Such an idea?

  5. Why isn't "Bi-den" doing something to stop this? He doesn't want Ukraine to have planes.

  6. \\Why isn't "Bi-den" doing something to stop this? He doesn't want Ukraine to have planes.

    YOU ask this question. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Cretin IT that extorted waterfalls of BS in respond to small remark -- that Bi-den told "Ukraine? They don't need planes".

  7. OK, Google

    "Bi-den told "Ukraine? They don't need planes""

    Ukraine 'Doesn't Need' F-16s, Biden Says, But Others ...
    Air & Space Forces Magazine › ...
    President Biden has made his position clear: Ukraine will not be receiving multi-role fighter aircraft from the U.S. any time soon.

    Biden's reluctance to give Ukraine F-16s faces scrutiny in ...
    The Washington Post › ...
    President Biden said last week that Ukraine “doesn't need F-16s now,” underscoring his senior military advisers' expectation that when the war's ...

    How Biden got to yes on F-16s and Ukraine
    Politico › ...
    For more than a year, Kyiv has asked for modern fighter jets, and the Biden administration's answer has either been “no,” or “not right now.

  8. Qtard: \\Why isn't "Bi-den" doing something to stop this? He doesn't want Ukraine to have planes.

    YOU ask this question. **cretinic laughter**

    Yes. In regards to the "Bi-den" from your delusions. You said he does not want Ukraine to have planes. And is stalling. Though my question was just to get a response from you. *I* know why "Bi-den" isn't acting to stop this. It is because "Bi-den" doesn't exist.

    Qtard: Cretin IT that extorted waterfalls of BS in respond to small remark -- that Bi-den told "Ukraine? They don't need planes".

    Yes, I remember your "waterfalls of BS".

    Qtard: "Bi-den told "Ukraine? They don't need planes""

    OK. The "Bi-den" in your delusions told Ukraine that. I believe you. Ukraine didn't hear though. Ukraine don't know (and would not care) about Qtard's delusions.

    Qtard: Ukraine 'Doesn't Need' F-16s, Biden Says, But Others ... Air & Space Forces Magazine › ... President Biden has made his position clear: Ukraine will not be receiving multi-role fighter aircraft from the U.S. any time soon.

    Looks like a fake quote to me. Why you only gave the website and not a link, right? I mean, if you were on the page you COULD have given a link. But you didn't.

    Hiding the fact that you edited that quote? Took out the "for now" that followed the "doesn't need". Biden was concerned (as Minus pointed out) that Ukrainian pilots flying F-16s could spark WWIII. This NEEDED to be discussed with our allies FIRST. And we HAD to come to an understanding with them FIRST.

    But Qtard obviously does NOT UNDERSTAND how things work in democracies. Why IT keeps insisting that Biden act like a king. But IT clearly hates democracy. Why IT keeps insisting that overthrowing the results of a fair democratic election is a "human right".

    Qtard: How Biden got to yes on F-16s and Ukraine...

    Correct. Joe Biden got to YES. Ukraine is getting F16s. There was no "stalling". That's your BS. Delusions concerning an imaginary "Bi-den" working on behalf of his "master" Putin.

  9. \\*I* know why "Bi-den" isn't acting to stop this. It is because "Bi-den" doesn't exist.

    Acting POTUS is already perished??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))00

    So, whom they showing to the public???

    Some robotic doll??? %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: "Bi-den told "Ukraine? They don't need planes""

    \\OK. The "Bi-den" in your delusions told Ukraine that. I believe you. Ukraine didn't hear though. Ukraine don't know (and would not care) about Qtard's delusions.



    Google KNOW it TOO. ;-P

    \\Looks like a fake quote to me. Why you only gave the website and not a link, right? I mean, if you were on the page you COULD have given a link. But you didn't.

    What for????

    Because you are cretin, and unable to ask Google SAME question and subsequently FIND SAME result? ;-P

    \\Hiding the fact that you edited that quote? Took out the "for now" that followed the "doesn't need". Biden was concerned (as Minus pointed out) that Ukrainian pilots flying F-16s could spark WWIII. This NEEDED to be discussed with our allies FIRST. And we HAD to come to an understanding with them FIRST.

    Oh,,, yes. Google DID IT!

    And NOT because there is limitation on what size of quotes to show on search output page should be...

    but, to try to shake of the ground some cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Who will be looking at that quotes with some dumbfounded suspicion. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But, continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Onserving your bound-less creinism... is sheer fun. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Correct. Joe Biden got to YES. Ukraine is getting F16s. There was no "stalling".


    Are ANY F-16s ALREADY in Ukraine????

    Pilots already READY... they say in news.

    But... panes still NOT there.

    Looks pretty much like stalling.

    At fool force pressing on all kinds of brakes.

  10. No answer? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    Seems like too much to pro-see... for a "Prophet"... :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Bu-ga-gah! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    1. His name should be "False Prophet Dervish bin §atan~§ander$666" or "Satanic Prophet Dervish Z Sanders666."

  11. Qtard: \\*I* know why "Bi-den" isn't acting to stop this. It is because "Bi-den" doesn't exist\\ Acting POTUS is already perished???

    Who does Qtard think is acting potus? donald tRump? I've heard some magamorons believe he is. But donald tRump is alive. I have no idea who the f*ck you might be babbling about.

    Qtard: So, whom they showing to the public???

    In your delusions? I have no idea. Joe Biden is the actual president and he is showing himself to the public.

    As per Google, "For 85 minutes, Kamala Harris became the first woman with presidential power. President Joe Biden on Friday temporarily transferred power to Vice President Kamala Harris while he was under anesthesia for a routine colonoscopy for one hour and 25 minutes, according to the White House".

    This occurred on Friday November 17, 2023. Kamala Harris is alive currently. And was alive when she was acting president. Right now there is no acting president.

    Qtard: Some robotic doll??

    Huh? wtf? Another delusion?

    Qtard: \\Bi-den told "Ukraine? They don't need planes"\\OK. The "Bi-den" in your delusions told Ukraine that. I believe you. Ukraine didn't hear though. Ukraine don't know (and would not care) about Qtard's delusions\\Yap-yap-yap. Only. Google KNOW it TOO. ;-P

    Google does not. Google made a guess that you were talking about the actual president, Joe Biden. Google knows nothing about the "Bi-den" from your delusions.

    Qtard: \\Looks like a fake quote to me. Why you only gave the website and not a link, right? I mean, if you were on the page you COULD have given a link. But you didn't\\ What for???? Because you are cretin, and unable to ask Google SAME question and subsequently FIND SAME result?

    No. I can't find the same result. Because I'm not looking. YOU were the one who quoted this alleged article. YOU are the one who should be giving the link. That's not my responsibility or concern. To do homework assigned by Qtard. F*ck off.

    Qtard: \\Correct. Joe Biden got to YES. Ukraine is getting F16s. There was no "stalling"\\ So???? Are ANY F-16s ALREADY in Ukraine???? Pilots already READY... they say in news. But... panes still NOT there.

    The news says the pilots are ready? I've heard no such news. I heard they are training. More delusions?

    Google says, "European-trained Ukrainian F-16 pilots will not be ready until late 2024. Aged between 21 and 23, with very little experience, the 10 soldiers in training will have to spend several more months training before they acquire the knowledge and experience required for combat aviation".

    Yet Qtard thinks IT has heard otherwise? In the news IT says? But it gave no link. No quote. No source. I asked Google myself and Google said you're full of shit.

    Qtard: Looks pretty much like stalling. At fool force pressing on all kinds of brakes.

    Yeah, "looks like". To a cretinic liar who hears "News" that isn't being reported. "They" say, Qtard claims. Who is the "they"? The voices in your head?

  12. \\Who does Qtard think is acting potus? donald tRump? I've heard some magamorons believe he is. But donald tRump is alive. I have no idea who the f*ck you might be babbling about.

    Your alter-ego "Qtard" think that way? ;-P

    \\In your delusions? I have no idea. Joe Biden is the actual president and he is showing himself to the public.

    But... just about you claimed that ""Bi-den" doesn't exist". ;-P

    Or... that was SAMEBODY alter-ego babbling? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Right now there is no acting president.

    Here we go. Again. So... when exactly Bi-den have had perished? ;-P

    Or... you(whatever alter-ego DID IT)tried to highlight that Bi-den are non-acting? ;-P

    Well... looks like it. Non-acting... is its sure strength. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Some robotic doll??

    \\Huh? wtf? Another delusion?

    Yeah... no end of delusions from your ACTING alter-egos. ;-P

    \\Google does not. Google made a guess that you were talking about the actual president, Joe Biden. Google knows nothing about the "Bi-den" from your delusions.

    I made that query "Bi-den" which mean "search for exact word" and...

    it GAVE to me ref to current POTUS.


    Maybe... just maybe, Google still SMARTER then you.

    Though it have NO brain... and you are just a no-brainer? ;-P


    \\No. I can't find the same result. Because I'm not looking. YOU were the one who quoted this alleged article. YOU are the one who should be giving the link. That's not my responsibility or concern. To do homework assigned by Qtard. F*ck off.

    Thrugging off responsibility to show some intelligence... at your SAMEBODY alter-egos? ;-P


    Seems like you constant tactics.

    Though... that alter-egos is the same damb asses cretins as you. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yet Qtard thinks IT has heard otherwise? In the news IT says? But it gave no link. No quote. No source. I asked Google myself and Google said you're full of shit.

    Of course.

    Because Google do DEMN censure.

    So... it habitually CONCEALED such revealing Bi-den's hypocrisy info. ;-P

    \\Yeah, "looks like". To a cretinic liar who hears "News" that isn't being reported. "They" say, Qtard claims. Who is the "they"? The voices in your head?

    Well... naturally. You CANNOT understand who is that "they"... as in your delusion you think that there is NO acting POTUS Biden exist. ;-P


  13. \\12 Ukrainian pilots will be ready to fly F-16s in combat in July
    The New York Times reported that twelve Ukrainian pilots will be ready to fly F-16 fighter jets in combat this summer, but by the time they ...

    July... and today it is an end of April.

    Like about month.

    And that is reasonable... taking into account dire need of Ukraine... that F-16 will be ALREADY on Ukrainian turf... for their accommodation and preparing for flights with ground engineers teams...


    I prophess... that that'll be YET ONE stalling reason "your ground engineers NOT ready" and need half a year or more of training... starting with tea ceremony and flower arrangement courses. ;-P

  14. Qtard: \\Who does Qtard think is acting potus? donald tRump? I've heard some magamorons believe he is. But donald tRump is alive. I have no idea who the f*ck you might be babbling about\\ Your alter-ego "Qtard" think that way? ;-P

    I don't know what you think. Why I asked you.

    Qtard: \\In your delusions? I have no idea. Joe Biden is the actual president and he is showing himself to the public\\ But... just about you claimed that ""Bi-den" doesn't exist". ;-P

    Of course I did. Because "Bi-den" doesn't exist.

    Qtard: Or... that was SAMEBODY alter-ego babbling?

    No, it wasn't you babbling. It was me stating facts about the non-existence of "Bi-den".

    Qtard: \\Right now there is no acting president\\ Here we go. Again. So... when exactly Bi-den have had perished? ;-P

    Never. Someone who never existed can't "perish".

    Qtard: Or... you(whatever alter-ego DID IT)tried to highlight that Bi-den are non-acting? ;-P

    No. Though you are correct. "Bi-den" isn't acting. Or existing.

    Qtard: Well... looks like it. Non-acting... is its sure strength.

    If you say so. This "Bi-den" only exists in your delusions. So, if you say him being "non-acting" is his strength, I guess it is. Only in your delusions though. Nobody else in the world knows or cares.

    Qtard: Some robotic doll?? \\Huh? wtf? Another delusion?\\ Yeah... no end of delusions from your ACTING alter-egos. ;-P

    "Your", your acting alter ego when you wrote that comment? Thinks some robotic doll called "Bi-den" is the acting potus? Weird. You really are quite disturbed.

    Qtard: \\Google does not. Google made a guess that you were talking about the actual president, Joe Biden. Google knows nothing about the "Bi-den" from your delusions\\ I made that query "Bi-den" which mean "search for exact word" and... it GAVE to me ref to current POTUS. AGAIN!

    You lie. I did the same search and the result said ~ Did you mean: "Biden"

    Google: Maybe... just maybe, Google still SMARTER then you.

    Wrote "you" when IT meant "me", yes?

    Qtard: Though it have NO brain... and you are just a no-brainer? ;-P

    Wrote "you" when IT meant "I". Obviously.

    Qtard: Thrugging off responsibility to show some intelligence... at your SAMEBODY alter-egos? ;-P

    Your confession? I agree. It certainly isn't MY responsibility. To look up links for articles you cite.

    Qtard: Seems like you constant tactics.

    Wrote "you" instead of "my". AGAIN.

    Qtard: Though... that alter-egos is the same damb asses cretins as you.

    Wrote "you" instead of "me".

    Qtard: \\Yet Qtard thinks IT has heard otherwise? In the news IT says? But it gave no link. No quote. No source. I asked Google myself and Google said you're full of shit\\ Of course.
    Because Google do DEMN censure.

    "Google do DEMN censure" = your delusion.

    Qtard: So... it habitually CONCEALED such revealing Bi-den's hypocrisy info. ;-P

    More delusions.

    Qtard: \\Yeah, "looks like". To a cretinic liar who hears "News" that isn't being reported. "They" say, Qtard claims. Who is the "they"? The voices in your head?\\ Well... naturally. You CANNOT understand who is that "they"... as in your delusion you think that there is NO acting POTUS Biden exist.

    Sure. But in your NewSpeak "delusion ... that is reality".

  15. \\I don't know what you think. Why I asked you.

    Your alter-ego? ;-P

    \\Of course I did. Because "Bi-den" doesn't exist.

    See. ;-P

    Go ask your own alter-ego -- why it thinks Biden -- acting POTUS, do not exist. ;-P

    \\No, it wasn't you babbling. It was me stating facts about the non-existence of "Bi-den".

    AND YOU ADMITTED IT!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Never. Someone who never existed can't "perish".

    So??? You was talking about someone you think never existed??? Called it "best president ever". For almost two years here. What for???


    Or... that was just ANOTHER alter-ego. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\"Your", your acting alter ego when you wrote that comment? Thinks some robotic doll called "Bi-den" is the acting potus? Weird. You really are quite disturbed.

    And what's the problem... if it NEVER existed? ;-P


    \\You lie. I did the same search and the result said ~ Did you mean: "Biden"


    Because that's one and the same w-o-r-d. ;-P

    \\Google: Maybe... just maybe, Google still SMARTER then you.

    \\Wrote "you" when IT meant "me", yes?

    Yet one of your alter-egos??? Brand new. Called Google???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Thrugging off responsibility to show some intelligence... at your SAMEBODY alter-egos? ;-P

    \\Your confession? I agree. It certainly isn't MY responsibility. To look up links for articles you cite.

    Yeah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    Because you omnly responsibility -- to show only cretinism.

    I get it. I do. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: Seems like you constant tactics.

    \\Wrote "you" instead of "my". AGAIN.


    That's what I mean.

    Thank you for confirming. ;-P
