Saturday, April 13, 2024

Biden's Failing Re-Election Strategy to Wag the Dog in Iran & Ukraine then Dump the Mess on Trump's Doorstep


  1. Replies
    1. Dervish, did you just wag your dog when he sat on your lap, you sick freak?

    2. 🔺Dervy was telling his pit bull Rocky "NO" after Rocky tried to bite him while sitting in his lap.🔺

  2. donald tRump will win if the US goes to war with Iran? It's a good thing that's not going to happen then.

    1. The war won't happen because Iran knows Donald Trump will win. Iranian politicians aren't stupid enough to entertain Joebama and his butt pimples.

    2. 🔺Dervish shows his queer fixation on Donald's rump again.🔺

      Your queer fixation is making the lava at Fire Lake even hotter and more searing, Dervish.

    3. "Butt pimples" = Mystere's queer fixation.

      Did your husband have an outbreak on his ginormous endo? You post images of it constantly. It is so large it blotted out the Sun. Clearly you are very proud of your hubby.

  3. EVERYTHING is projection with tRump and his Turds.

    We're more likely to go to war with Iran if dotard donald gets back in office. We almost went to war during the fist (and hopefully only) tRump administration.

    btw, Mystere, Iran does want tRump to be president again. ALL of America's enemies want dotard donald back in office. That includes trumpturds like you. YOU are an enemy of America.

  4. Hmm. What's this? A possible copyright violation? There is a video on your donkeyturds blog. You say YOU made it. The copyright holders said you could pay tribute to TURDS and use their song, Mystere? I doubt it. Maybe someone should report this to Google?

    Google, do you need permission to use a song in a video?

    Google says, "Copyright law requires you to obtain permission or a proper license to use the music, regardless of whether you give credit".

    Like I said... EVERYTHING is projection with tRump and his Turds. Mystere baselessly accused me of copyright infringement... and it turns out Mystere is guilty of copyright infringment.

  5. You're sexually abusing dogs too, aren't you, Mystere?

  6. ...after you've finished with them? Sloppy seconds?

    1. Mystere CONFIRMS that he sexually abuses canines. What a sicko.

  7. How would that be possible? We don't live anywhere near each other. But the answer is no, as$hole.

    btw, I just confirmed that Mystere totally lied about getting hacked. Not that I don't already know he lied. But the facts are clear. Mystere was never hacked. This post also confirms that it was Mystere who hacked me. This asswipe needs to GO. Google should ban him and delete all his accounts and his blogs.

    Mystere continues to threaten me. You think that's cool, Minus? I thought you said you didn't. But you did say you weren't cool with fake comments... but then later allowed them.

    1. Mystere continues to threaten you, Dervish Z Sanders? Oh? How is that, when he's not actively participating on Google blogger? I don't see any threats from Mystere. And why are you complaining on Joe's blog?

      No one from the blog team threatened you. Unless you call laughing at you a "Bigly Violent Threat." Did team members laugh at you? Yes. Calling laughing at you a threat is stretching things. And by the way, having a dog sitting in your lap is not some sexual innuendo, Dervish. Your pet pit bull, from a guess, tried biting you when you told him NO. But you took the comment to some perverted level.

  8. No, it's not cool.

    And I'm not the blog police. It's not my job to verify the source of every comment. I simply acknowledge that a-holes will be a-holes.

    I strongly discourage a-holery. But I'm NOT the police. I'd as soon just shut this blog down if it continues to be a problem.

  9. I should call the police and report Mystere's a-holery? Or the "blog police". Can you give me the number. I never heard of that organization.

  10. I noticed that Mystere changed the display name on the account he uses to fake my ID. To match the change I just made today. I agree with you that he is DEFINITELY an a-hole.

    1. Jermac1953, Jermac1954, Jermac1955, Jermac1956, Jermac1957, Jermac1958...

    2. "Mystere" changed a display name on some account? How can Mystere do that when the only one with access is not named Mystere on the account? That account has your name on it, Dervish.

  11. Mystere: "Mystere" changed a display name on some account? How can Mystere do that when the only one with access is not named Mystere on the account? That account has your name on it, Dervish.

    OK. Reported to Google. Maybe they can help.

    What is the URL of the content you want to report?...

    Help us understand more about why you are reporting it...

    I am trying to take control of this account. I don't know the password or what email address was used to set it up. It was created by another Blogger who is impersonating me. Though, when I brought up this account on a blog this person comments on, he said it was MY account (see link below). If this is MY account, I'd like to gain access to it please. Or you can just delete it, given that is what I will do if I am able to gain access to it. FYI, my account ID is 13671865801885224353. The account I want access to is 07321860230628753158. As you can see, the display names are the same. "Proof" both accounts are mine. Or so says the person harassing me. Please let me know what I need to do to gain access to MY account.

  12. FYI, Mystere, Luke/Steve/TOM was a blog harassing a-hole like you. Why you defend him, yes? You don't like it when people being harassed by a-holes (like you) fight back. Luke/Steve/TOM harassed many people. He caused Sue to quit blogging because she was sick of being harassed by your fellow a-hole harasser.
