Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The Key Bridge is GONE! Port of Baltimore is CLOSED!

The major Beltway Bridge over the Patapsco River has collapsed after being hit by a large cargo ship, sending vehicles travelling on the bridge tumbling into the water.

A four-lane bridge carrying the Interstate-695 over the mouth of Baltimore harbour collapsed in the early hours of Tuesday morning, around 0130 EST (0530GMT). Baltimore Mayor Brandon M. Scott has said he is aware of an “incident at the Key Bridge” and that emergency services are on scene.

UPDATE 0800EST — Pictures from the scene

While we’ve had livestream footage from the scene all morning, photographers have been slow to get a view of the damage at the mouth of the Port of Baltimore. Here are the best so far, illustrating the enormous level of damage caused, blocking the river.

The Baltimore Fire Department says the collision, which saw several vehicles which were travelling on the bridge plunge into the Patapsco River, is a ” developing mass casualty event”. Department director of communications Kevin Cartwright told the Associated Press: “This is a dire emergency… Our focus right now is trying to rescue and recover these people.”

The crew of the ship and the two pilots aboard — port authority professional navigators who help bring large ships in and out safely — are unharmed.

Livestream footage of the river shows a large container ship, identified as the Singapore-flagged container ship MV Dali, striking head-on one of the piers supporting the central span of the bridge. This immediately brings down that central span and the southward span towards Fort Armistead. Just a moment later, the northward span, left unbalanced by the loss of the centre, also collapses.

This Last video "tells the tale" of torque:

Crew Attempts to Stop the Ship Caused the Crash?  "Full Astern!" torque once the Main Generator power came back on?
Wind was NOT a factor (1:30 am just to RIGHT of dark Vertical Blue line labelled "Tuesday")


  1. This reminds me of the 1st Engineer on the President Johnson. Every time we lost power, we'd all be reaching into our pockets for our flashlights EXCEPT for the 1st. About 30 seconds into the darkness we'd see his lighter flash after he'd stuffed a handful of tobacco into his every-ready pipe. We'd see him take a few draws/ puffs... and then he'd slowly amble of to the main circuit breaker, reset it, and wander back over to the other main generator and flip its' breaker back on line, synching the load and restoring power. It was only about a two-three minute operation, but the first 30 seconds were for lighting his pipe.

    Never panic!

  2. I used to have a "t" shirt that read: "I was there when the ship hit the bridge... (picture of accident)... and when the bridge hit the ship."

    I was doing an internship at 60 Broad Street (NYC) at Marine Transport Lines (MTL). They gave it to me documenting a Mississippi River accident one of their charter vessels had experienced. I was then required to read the NTSB safety report on the incident.

  3. btw - Has anyone ever accidently flipped the main generator off when trying to sync a 2nd generator onto the ship's power load? That happened to a 3rd I knew while I was still a Cadet Midshipman. When a ship is docked, it's on "shore power". They then bring a shi'sp generator on-line to handle the load before disconnecting shore power. If a ship has a lot of "refrigerated containers"... it can be a pretty substantial electric load. I'm thinking that when the ship began maneuvering, it added still more electric load, and perhaps someone was trying to sync the generators, but flipped the load bearing generator 'OFF' instead of flipping the non-load bearing generator "ON".

  4. ps - The guys in the Engine Room can't see outside... so they may not have been aware of their critical manueuvering situation and the in-opportune timing of any such power transfer operation (if that's what actually happened).

  5. A disaster of the first magnitude for those who were locked on the bridge.

    We can all envision this happening to transiting ships and aircraft during an EMP. At any one moment in this country, between 9,000 and 13,000 aircraft are aloft. That would subject approximately 2.2 million to 3.2 million passengers to an unrecoverable crash.

    Meanwhile, our government sleeps . . .

  6. Our society and infrastructure becomes more and more fragile with each passing day, Mustang. Did you see the movie "Leave it all behind"? It presents a scenario much like an EMP, a mass hacking event. Here's a ship. Here's some cars.

  7. I'll bet SEALs are blowing up the remainders of the bridge to open up the harbor within a day or two.

    Oh, wait, that would be if we have a functional government, and not a bunch of Karens in charge.


  8. Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    Our society and infrastructure becomes more and more fragile with each passing day,

    Yeah... and you see any other way to fix it???

    Than New Tech. ;-)

  9. \\Meanwhile, our government sleeps . . .

    That's... what EVERY government DO. ;-P

  10. You paying it to NOT be agile and carnivorous. ;-)

    But lazy and herbivorous.

    Well... Lem again.

    "About usefulness of a Dragon". ;-P

  11. Or... pandemic origin of a state power. ;-P

    PS See... I MUCH more potent as philosopher. ;-)

    (well... following Lem ;-P)

  12. My condolences to the families of those involved.

    1. Mystere offers fake condolences. At least Minus admits he doesn't give a crap.

  13. Not much of response.

    Was I too boring already (well, I here for long enough... but my working hypothesis was that some thing grow only more curious with time ;-P)??? :-(((

    Or... too enigmatic? %-)

  14. I want my federal government to be lazy and herbivorous and my local government agile and carnivorous.

    Dragons destroy walled cities and massed surface fleets. They're not anything I'd give to feds.


  15. Are you familiar with The Wise Men of Gotham? I'm sure we've discussed them before.

  16. \\Happy?

    One can control ONLY thing that are in their hands... well, and even for that, lots of training needed...

    And don't look at me... that is not rules *I* choose.

    I just the same as you and anyone other... little critter, on this muddy little planet. ;-P

  17. And hypothesis I was referring to...

    We have it at our hand -- COVID.

    Which at first appeared as wild and deadly... but with time became "just another flu".


    Well... there some more NEW scientific info needed to decipher it for good.

    Like about so-called retro-viruses... in our OWN genes.

    And yeah... that is something Ancient Greeks and Romans ToTALLY have had NO CLUE. ;-)
