Saturday, March 16, 2024

Frank Zappa on "Democracy"

Eat = Consume

Yellow Snow = Yellow Journalism

Yellow journalism was a style of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over facts. During its heyday in the late 19th century (read: TODAY!) it was one of many factors that helped push the United States and Spain into war in Cuba and the Philippines, leading to the acquisition of overseas territory by the United States.


  1. Rightturd media.

  2. No.

    Yellow journalism was a style of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over facts = Rightturd media :(

    Frank Zappa ~ "The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it's moving America toward a fascist theocracy, and everything that's happened during the Reagan administration is steering us right down that pipe". link

  3. "If you keep saying democracy, democracy, democracy, over and over again to the people of the world, they'll think that America is for democracy. But I don't know, I don't know how much time you've spent here, but have
    you seen any while you were here?
    " - Frank Zappa

  4. Sure. Many US citizens aren't for Democracy. Today we call them trumpturds. They HATE democracy.

  5. DEMN-OK-ratsy AKA "rule of DEMN-OK-rats".

    Yawn. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  6. Replies
    1. So true FJ! Assface Dervish Butt Pimple bin Satan Sanders approves of illegals registering in California to vote for Democrats. He claims the dirty Democrat Party members are honorable clean candidates who should stay in office as long as they want, while he smears every Republican candidate and wants all of them sent to prison or executed even on false charges.

  7. Yeah... and is it strange... enough???

    That liliPut WANT and DO... the same. ;-P

    Might be... it still is Biggest DEMN-Ok-RAT? ;-P

  8. Minus: ...even non-citizens.

    Nobody said that in the video you linked to.

    Republicans hate democracy soooo much, that they want only Republicans to vote and NOT Democrats. Democrats voting is "rigging".

    1. Dervish Sanders March 19, 2024 at 10:28 AM

      "Republicans hate democracy soooo much, that they want only Republicans to vote and NOT Democrats. Democrats voting is "rigging"."

      Liberal dog whistle attacking Republicans with things that Liberals do.

      Go JoeBiden yourself, Assface Dervish.

  9. Nobody on the (D) side said it was wrong for non-citizens to vote, either.

    @Q - Dervy wants to make you famous. If you had a blog, I'm sure he'd dedicate his side-bar to immortalizing you, too.

  10. \\@Q - Dervy wants to make you famous. If you had a blog, I'm sure he'd dedicate his side-bar to immortalizing you, too.

    Tracks we leave in other people.

  11. Mystere: So true FJ! ... Dervish ... Sanders approves of illegals registering in California to vote for Democrats.

    No. People in the country illegally can't vote. They aren't "registering". They want to stay under the radar. NOT register to be deported. What a moron.

    Mystere: He claims the dirty Democrat Party members are honorable clean candidates who should stay in office as long as they want, while he smears every Republican candidate and wants all of them sent to prison or executed even on false charges.

    No. I never said anything like that.

    YOU always talk about executing enemies, Mystere. Like Qtard. IT always talks about killing too. Rightturds want to kill enemies. They project their desires for killing onto Democrats.

  12. People in the country illegally can't vote....

    When people in the U.S. register to vote, they confirm under penalty of perjury that they are U.S. citizens.

    Can they LIE illegally? Are they ALL vetted in EVERY state?

    LoL! Can you ask them for proof of citizenship? Can you ask them for their IDs?

    In an Arizona voting case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2013 that states are obligated to permit registration for federal elections using the federal form, which does not require documentary proof of citizenship. States may have their own form, but they must be willing to accept the federal form.

    In other words, no proof of citizenship required. Only 4 states have laws requiring proof of citizenship, and ALL must take the federal voter registration form (no proof required).

  13. NPR: It's illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections, and numerous studies over the years have found that it almost never happens... link

    1. "It almost never"

      Famous last words admitting that Illegal voting happens, Dervish.

    2. "It almost never"

      Famous last words admitting that Illegal voting happens, Dervish.

  14. Hah... and who PAYED for that studies? ;-P

  15. Qtard: Hah... and who PAYED for that studies?

    People who want to know the truth. Unlike you.

  16. NPR: It's illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections, and numerous studies over the years have found that it almost never happens.

    That's a false conclusion given the legal difficulties of collecting information proving the fraud that democrats have no desire to overcome.

    1. FJ, did you notice how Dervish confessed that illegal voting is set up by his party to happen? "It almost never" Liberal code admitting they knowingly rig votes with illegal registrations.

  17. \\People who want to know the truth. Unlike you.


    To find out where it leaks.

    To conceal it more successfully. ;-P

    That is only people like you -- cretins, see no merit in knowing truth. :-))))))))))))))

  18. Minus: ...the fraud that democrats have no desire to overcome...

    Of course not. Democrats have ZERO interest in overcoming fraud that doesn't exist. Democrats have no interest in playing into your false narrative.

    Qtard: Yeah. To find out where it leaks. To conceal it more successfully.

    Yeah. This is the kind of behavior (which IT frequently babbles about) that lets me know that IT is a tinfoil hat wearer. Big time. Same as Minus. They both think many facts are being concealed by huge conspiracies.

    Qtard: That is only people like you -- cretins, see no merit in knowing truth.

    Wrote "you" in place of "me". As IT does. Habitually.

    If it is "concealed", then this "truth" isn't open and obvious to all. What IT previously claimed was necessary to call something a "fact". Now it says facts are things nobody knows (just suspects). Because they have been successfully concealed.

    Though these "truths" aren't being "successfully concealed"... they simply don't exist. They are pure conjecture. Incorrect conjecture. I'd say lying. Because there are studies that prove otherwise. Though Minus counters that there are "legal difficulties of collecting information". In "reality" millions of people in the country illegally are voting. That's what donald tRump thinks.


    Federal law requires citizenship to vote in national elections, and would-be voters sign a form attesting under penalty of perjury that they are citizens when they register to vote. States can check databases to verify voters' citizenship.

    [Also] Noncitizens who vote could face serious consequences. Voting by noncitizens carries high risks that include deportation or incarceration.

    Interacting with the government, including trying to vote, is something the undocumented population tries to avoid, said [a] Republican strategist. "They are not going to go register to vote and expose themselves".

    MILLIONS of people in the US illegally are NOT voting.

  19. \\Because there are studies that prove otherwise.

    And that "studies" provide some RAW DATA???

    So people could double-check and came to same(?) conclusions???


    But such a cretin as you are -- saying that RAW DATA... NOT NEEDED.

    Everybody just need to listen to what somebody-somebody who saying "listen to me, I'm expert"... babbling babbling. ;-P

  20. MILLIONS of people in the US legally are NOT voting. So what's your point. Millions ARE.

  21. Millions of people are law abiding. Millions AREN'T.

  22. The system has been design to reward cheaters. They'll (almost) never be investigated or found out.

  23. Minus: So what's your point. Millions ARE.

    Your evidence? You just feel they are?

    Qtard: are -- saying that RAW DATA... NOT NEEDED.

    I never said that. Where is your quote?

    Brennan Center: In the jurisdictions we studied, very few noncitizens voted in the 2016 election. Across 42 jurisdictions, election officials who oversaw the tabulation of 23.5 million votes in the 2016 general election referred only an estimated 30 incidents of suspected noncitizen voting for further investigation or prosecution. In other words, improper noncitizen votes accounted for 0.0001 percent of the 2016 votes in those jurisdictions. link

    Raw data: 30 out of 23.5 million.

    Conclusion based on the data: improper noncitizen votes accounted for 0.0001 percent of the 2016 votes.

    Qtard would reach a different conclusion? Because IT doesn't understand math?

    Qtard can follow the link and review the entire report if IT wishes.

  24. \\I never said that. Where is your quote?

    Yeah... NEVER EVER. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Brennan Center: In the jurisdictions we studied, very few noncitizens voted in the 2016 election.



    There IS illegal noncitizens... who never the less -- voted.

    And that is NOT some tin foil hatters conspirologists miserly baseless babbling.

    THAT IS exrept from link YOU GAVE.

    And STATED we need to venerate it as TRUTHFUL. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\referred only an estimated 30 incidents of suspected noncitizen voting for further investigation or prosecution.

    How many deers in the forest?

    Only as much as you saw and made fotos of? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    "Estimated"... my ass. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\In other words, improper noncitizen votes accounted for 0.0001 percent of the 2016 votes in those jurisdictions. link


    HOW MANY votes needed to SWAY result in this or that direction? Ahhh????

    In some SMALLEST districts.

    \\Conclusion based on the data: improper noncitizen votes accounted for 0.0001 percent of the 2016 votes.


    Lie with a data.


    There is THREE types of lies: Lie, Big Lie... and statistics. ;-P

    \\Qtard would reach a different conclusion? Because IT doesn't understand math?

    Definitely! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You alter-ego "Qtard" DO NOT understand math.

    And you cretin confirmed it MANY times already. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
