Monday, March 11, 2024

Forcing a Ukraine Vote in the House

Plots to End-Around the Speaker and House Freedom Caucus on Ukraine Funding... although they could just pass HR 2, instead, but compromise isn't in the UniParty's blood.


  1. When the Trump-Boebert team takes over in 2025, with Crying Chuckie Used Toilet Paperboy Schumer, Mitch McTurtle and Hakeem Jeffries taken out, things will start looking bright again. Nanshee Pigloser-Hakeem Jeffries and Crying Chuckie's Wars in Ukraine and Eurasia will come to an end, starting in November 2024.

    1. The Biden's carcass lying in state at the DC Rotunda after the Biden takes a dirt nap one morning before 2024 is over will be big news that strikes terror in the democrat crime cabal AKA the DCC. The timing marker that starts the clock is the death of an ex President, Carter, Clinton, Bush or 0bama. Part 2 of the Prophecy "2 will be taken, 3 will be shaken" will be the start of the tables turning against the Democrat Crime Cabal. Most likely, Jimmy Carter will turn 100 either from the date of his conception in the womb or from his date of birth October 1. Either way, he will hit 100 before he passes, any time from now to past October 2024. (He already hit 100 in the womb).

    2. Mystere is praying to his master Satan for our fantastic president, Joe Biden, to die. Mystere is consumed with hate and is very angry that his Orange Turd cult leader and minion of Satan, dotard donald tRump is in bigly legal trouble. But dotard donald is being bankrupted and will end up in prison😆😂

    3. Assface Dervish Pimple Butt Satan Sanders666 is consumed with extreme hate, wishing harm, death and extermination of thr Trump family and others who obey and do God's will. Dervish Assface Pimple Butt Sanders indulges in Satanic rituals to cast curses against those he hates.

  2. Trump needs to move America's Capitol from Washington DC to Wichita and start the hiring process over, from scratch.

    1. Trump can hire Governor Sam Brownback for a position in his cabinet.

    2. Mystere's backside is brown. He boofed some "White China" then pooped his panties.

    3. Dervish Sanders March 12, 2024 at 3:07 PM
      "Mystere's backside is brown. He boofed some "White China" then pooped his panties."

      Is that your queer fantasy, your confession or both, Assface Dervish Butt Pimple Satan Sanders?

  3. Hardhat Von SnickerdoodleMarch 12, 2024 at 5:17 PM

    "Trump-Boebert"? aka Dumb and dumber?

    Boebert is leaving Congress. Like Madison Cawthorn her career as a politician will be short.

  4. At least honest Working people are finally catching on to the Democrats identity politics game. Proof... 1 and 2

  5. Black and Latino voters like White identity politics? Or are they not catching on, being fooled?

  6. White identity politics = white democrats pretending to care about preserving minority identities (aka white colonialism).

  7. Minus: White identity politics = white democrats pretending to care about preserving minority identities (aka white colonialism).

    No, I was referring to the White Identity politics of the republiturd party under the White Supremacist donald tRump.

    White Identity Politics is White republicans thinking they are being discriminated against.

    That very much appeals to you. As proven by all your cries re tRump and his supporters being the biggliest victims ever.

    Whites are under assault re the "genocide" of "white culture". You are ALL IN re the politics of resentment.

    "The politics of resentment, sometimes called grievance politics, is a form of politics which is based on resentment of some other group of people".

    That (and tinfoil hat nuttery) is your bread and butter.

    "Grievance politics and Tinfoil hat Nuttery" should be your blog's tagline.

  8. White Identity Politics is White Democrats assuming a "universalist idenetity" by pretending to shuffle off all their "cultural bias'" and distancing themselves from and demonizing their actual cultural identities.

  9. The Democrats unwritten/ unspoken rule - Do not speak ill of minorities unless they demonstrate aspects of white culture (like objectivity, republican party affiliation or numeracy).

  10. btw - Ever see the film, Midsommar? How'd you like it (or not)?

  11. from the link:

    Zizek points out that in Western societies there is often an assumption that it is positive for minority groups to have their own cultural identities but harmful for white majorities to have theirs. Zizek warns that this is a form of cultural exceptionalism; in positing myself and my own identity as less important than the identities of others there is a hidden arrogance, an assumption that my own identity does not require a particular expression because it is in some sense a universal given. The Americans in Midsommar suffer from this lazy vice and are ruthlessly punished for it. Aster appears to sympathise with the inadequacy of such a position.

    But he is clearly not agitating for support of white separatism either. What I think he has done with Midsommar is to show certain aspects of the past of European societies as an atavistic resurgence into the modern world. To condemn this past as something other, to look at it as a foreign, anthropological subject is, Aster seems to suggest, not going to give us a clear picture. To do so is to still remain trapped within the colonial viewpoint of the universal subject. This is why he avoids fully disavowing the cult community. The past is always operative in the present, and conscious disavowals of its reality will not succeed in retroactively destroying it. For Europeans to disavow their past is another form of exceptionalism. So, on the one hand there is a monoracial European idyll; on the other a dysfunctional American secularism. The trick is to avoid both by integrating the past into the present in a functional way.

  12. ...that "exceptionalism" is aka "white superiority".

  13. The "superiority" of the global capitalist.

  14. Minus: White Identity Politics is White Democrats assuming a "universalist idenetity" by pretending to shuffle off all their "cultural bias'" and distancing themselves from and demonizing their actual cultural identities.


    Minus: The Democrats unwritten/ unspoken rule - Do not speak ill of minorities unless they demonstrate aspects of white culture (like objectivity, republican party affiliation or numeracy).


    Minus: aspects of white culture (like objectivity...


    Minus: aspects of white culture (like... republican party affiliation...

    Admission of racism.

    Minus: aspects of white culture (like ... numeracy...


    Minus: Ever see the film, Midsommar?


    Qtard: Zizek points out that in Western societies there is often an assumption that it is positive for minority groups to have their own cultural identities but harmful for white majorities to have theirs.


    Google search results: cultural festivals...

    Dublin Irish Festival, Dublin, Ohio.

    Little Italy Festival, Clinton, Indiana.

    Bavarian Blast, New Ulm, Minnesota.

  15. \\Zizek points out that in Western societies there is often an assumption that it is positive for minority groups to have their own cultural identities but harmful for white majorities to have theirs. Zizek warns that this is a form of cultural exceptionalism;


    Propaganda BS.

    That's just imperialistic modus operandi.

    Just like liliPut now pumping up that hot baloon of "we all are Russians"... even though Moscovians themself habitually chanting "Mos-Cow is for Moscovians" chauvinistic chants.


    Because it want imperialistic unity -- for all people being ready to die as one... for it.

    \\But he is clearly not agitating for support of white separatism either. What I think he has done with Midsommar is to show certain aspects of the past of European societies as an atavistic resurgence into the modern world. To condemn this past as something other, to look at it as a foreign, anthropological subject is,


    Exactly because of such thing I call Zizek BS-babbler... and not phylosopher.


  16. Dervy, the anti-colonialist. So which side do you prefer Dervy, Israel or the Pseudostinians? Which are the "colonizers"?

  17. ....from the river to the sea, Palestine will be Jew free.

  18. Minus: ....from the river to the sea, Palestine will be Jew free.

    Because the Israeli military is going to make sure the remaining hostages being held by Hamas are killed? By Hamas or by Israeli bombs? Yeah, I think that might happen. I'm sure that would make you happy.
