Thursday, March 21, 2024

Drag Race = the New Black Face.

Mary Cheney: Why is drag ‘socially acceptable’ and blackface isn’t?
Mary Cheney wants to know why it isn’t “socially acceptable” for a white person to “put on blackface and act out offensive stereotypes of African-Americans” if drags queens are allowed to imitate female stereotypes?

If a man can dress up as a woman to entertain an audience, then why can’t a white person get on stage in blackface, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney wondered aloud Thursday in a private Facebook post obtained by CNN.

“Why is it socially acceptable – as a form of entertainment – for men to put on dresses, make up and high heels and act out every offensive stereotype of women (bitchy, catty, dumb, slutty, etc.) – but it is not socially acceptable – as a form of entertainment – for a white person to put on blackface and act out offensive stereotypes of African Americans?” Cheney wrote in a post on Thursday her private Facebook page. Some of Cheney’s posts appear to only be visible to those who are in her Facebook network.
“Shouldn’t both be ok or neither?” Cheney wondered.

Cheney, who is openly gay and married, emphasized that she was not drawing any comparisons between white people painting their faces black and transgender individuals, only men who entertain in drag. Cheney said the question was sparked after seeing an ad on TV for the upcoming season of Logo’s RuPaul’s Drag Race.

Asked via Facebook message whether she’d like to clarify her comments, Cheney gave a brief response: “Seriously?”

It’s not the first time Cheney has taken her views to Facebook.

Cheney took to Facebook in Nov. 2013 after her sister Liz, who was campaigning for Senate in the Wyoming GOP primary, reaffirmed her opposition to same-sex marriage.

“Liz – this isn’t just an issue on which we disagree – you’re just wrong – and on the wrong side of history,” Cheney wrote then on Facebook.

Mary Cheney obviously doesn't know about the DNC's unwritten rule (and double standard) for blacks... "thou shalt speak no ill of the negro (unless he/ she has an (R) after his name)."


  1. Mary Cheney asks an interesting question here.

  2. 50.7 percent of the viewers of RuPaul's Drag Race are female. 38.2 percent are male. link

    Seems to me that women like it.

    This post probably makes Mystere secretly angry. He won't say anything. But I'd bet RuPaul's drag race is one of his favorite tv programs.

    btw, you have a problem with it? When you defended White people wearing headdresses at Chief's football games to "honor" native Americans?

    BUT you don't approve with men dressing as women to honor them? These men doing drag are CHEERING for women! LOVING them. And you want to put an end to THAT? Really?

    btw, Sheila Jeffries and Mary Cheney speak for ALL women? I doubt the women who watch RuPaul's drag race would agree.

    1. This post obviously made Buttstink Dervish Sanders livid, as he projects what he does on Mystere.

    2. Which is what, Mystere?

    3. I wonder why Dervish keeps attacking Mystere even though Mystere doesn't come by to the blog. Dervish must be fixated on Ru Paul, a mentally unstable freak who acts out vulgar things that God clearly despises and tells mankind to never do.

  3. Most blacks probably enjoyed watching black-face performers and performances, too. Al Jolson was really popular.

  4. I know that many Greek women in ancient times enjoyed Greek Theatre as well (all male actors).

    ps - I heard that an Indian tribe was suing the Washington Commanders in order to get them to return to their original name, Washington Redskins.

    It would seem that only Leftists get offended at these cultural appropriations.

  5. must have something to do with the DNC's unwritten race rules.

  6. Your link: NAGA led a viral petition this summer demanding that the organization reclaim its traditional Redskins identity. ... "Commanders is a fitting name for oppressors", the suit stated. The group seeks $1.6 million in damages and "a seat at the table to share Native American history," plaintiff attorney Chad LaVeglia told Fox News Digital. "We believe the complaint is without merit, and we will address the matter in court", said a Commanders spokesperson. [end]

    Completely without merit. It will be tossed. The NAGA should have to pay The Commanders legal expenses for bringing this frivolous suit.

    And it looks to me like you heard wrong. It isn't a tribe that is suing. It is a group. I seriously doubt any tribe agrees.

    Minus: must have something to do with the DNC's unwritten race rules.

    Yeah? And why would they follow some "rules" you say they have?

    Minus: Most blacks probably enjoyed watching black-face performers and performances, too. Al Jolson was really popular.

    "Most"? Did he perform for Black audiences? Mixed race audiences? Or just White audiences?

    Also, was it only republicans who were offended by the (alleged) Ralph Northam yearbook blackface photo? African Americans approve of his "honoring" of their heritage?

    But (as per the Wikipedia page you link to) Al Jolson was a Republican. They must have switched positions? Because, as I remember, republicans really tore into him.

  7. It isn't a tribe that is suing. It is a group.

    A group of Indians!

    Did Jolson perform for black audiences? You tell me.

  8. btw - Does Commedia dell'arte offend you, as a white person, or does it offend most Italian Americans?

  9. from wiki:

    From the early 1930s to the late 1940s, New York City's famous Apollo Theater in Harlem featured skits in which almost all black male performers wore the blackface makeup and huge white painted lips, despite protests that it was degrading from the NAACP. The comics said they felt "naked" without it.[152]: 4, 1983 ed. 

    The minstrel show was appropriated by the black performer from the original white shows, but only in its general form. Black people took over the form and made it their own. The professionalism of performance came from black theater. Some argue that the black minstrels gave the shows vitality and humor that the white shows never had. As the black social critic LeRoi Jones has written:

    It is essential to realize that ... the idea of white men imitating, or caricaturing, what they consider certain generic characteristics of the black man's life in America is important if only because of the Negro's reaction to it. (And it is the Negro's reaction to America, first white and then black and white America, that I consider to have made him such a unique member of this society.)[156]

    The black minstrel performer was not only poking fun at himself but in a more profound way, he was poking fun at the white man. The cakewalk is caricaturing white customs, while white theater companies attempted to satirize the cakewalk as a black dance. Again, as LeRoi Jones notes:

    If the cakewalk is a Negro dance caricaturing certain white customs, what is that dance when, say, a white theater company attempts to satirize it as a Negro dance? I find the idea of white minstrels in blackface satirizing a dance satirizing themselves a remarkable kind of irony – which, I suppose is the whole point of minstrel shows.[156]

  10. Mystere: I wonder why Dervish keeps attacking Mystere even though Mystere doesn't come by to the blog.

    Then how did a Q-Tardo comment get here? That's a Mystere account. So, if Mystere doesn't come by, HOW can a Mystere comment (in his voice written using his account) have been published???

    Mystere: Dervish must be fixated on Ru Paul, a mentally unstable freak who acts out vulgar things that God clearly despises and tells mankind to never do.

    Naaah. I have no interest in his show. I've never seen it. Flipped by it two or three times in the 16 years it has been on, but never watched it.

    Someone (you or Qtard) will likely say that is an "admission", though. Like I give a shit.

    And WHAT is it that you think God despises and "tells mankind to never do"?

  11. \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

    \\ btw - Does Commedia dell'arte offend you, as a white person, or does it offend most Italian Americans?

    Who you kidding??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That cretin DUNNO what del'arte mean. ;-P

    And even after googling, it will be clueless -- cause LACKS understanding of irony.

    Inside and out. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    IT thinks that ":-))))" laughing... is sign of struggling... or something. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I know that many Greek women in ancient times enjoyed Greek Theatre as well (all male actors).

    That's... because they was oppressed. ;-P

    \\I find the idea of white minstrels in blackface satirizing a dance satirizing themselves a remarkable kind of irony – which, I suppose is the whole point of minstrel shows.[156]



    But cretins do not get irony. ;-P

    \\Like I give a shit.

    Like when you cretin mentioning "turds" here and there? ;-P

    Yeah. You give a shit.

    All of the time.

    Bull Shit. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    continue-continue, bull-shitter. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    1. Now now Q, let's not mock what Dervish Sanders eats 😆😆😆😆😆. After all, even a cretin has to eat something to live, right?😆😆😆😆😆

      Cretin is an expert in keeping Joe Biden's behind clean after Joey dumps off the ingredient for Jill's breakfast tacos. Cretin enjoys cleaning up the sloppy seconds after Joey eats his special chocolate chocolate chip ice cream cones.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  12. Stereotypes were an artistic form once. House slave and field slave archetypes survive in the Black community today. Uncle Tom is but one.

  13. \\Blogger Rattrapper said...

    \\ Now now Q, let's not mock what Dervish Sanders eats 😆😆😆😆😆.

    Correct word here is "to redicule"... to not make that cretin to have FALSE ideas about "mocking". ;-)
