Thursday, February 15, 2024

Timing: How the US Intelligence Community (USIC) Manipulates the US Political System

Didn't Mike Turner just get back from Ukraine and talks with Zelensky?

...Deliberately Leaking Intelligence to Scare Public and Lawmakers & Influence Policy.  They've known about the threat for decades, but time the release of sensitive information to select lawmakers and the public to pressure Mike Johnson and secure Ukraine funding.

...other possibilities (nuclear POWERED systems like Voyager or the Apollo LEM)


  1. The WEF Cabal knows their time is up very soon.

  2. Mein Weltwirtschaftsforum WEF bigly Hintern steckt meine klaffende Mann-Muschi mit voller Geschwindigkeit.

  3. ...says Mystere as he wraps another layer of tinfoil around his head. And right before he babbles "Dervish is hallucinating. Mystere isn't here". Though maybe he will post another "Flarpy Blunderguff" comment and blow me some more kisses.

    1. The only one who wraps tinfoil around his head is you, Dervish. And you attracted some looney groupies to follow you and blow kisses at you. And what's a "Flarpy Blunderguff"? You're obviously fixated on Flarpy to mention his or her name. You taught people what boofing is a few years ago when you called Justice Kavanaugh "Boofing Brett", showing us your fixation and habit of boofing.

      On second thought, keep whatever "Flarpy Blunderguff" means to yourself. I suspect Flarpy is one of your sick inbred relatives engaging in queer acts of incest with you.

  4. Dervy, head cheerleader for the new 2024 Space Arms Race!

    There's a nukes in space GAP!!!!! Call the mint! Start the $presses$

  5. No. Why would I cheer for something I'm strongly opposed to?

  6. ...because you'll support what DNC talking points you receive.

  7. "Star Wars" was Ronny Raygun. "Free trade" was Reagan too. Are Democrats now the party of Reagan?

  8. btw, I didn't receive any "nukes in space" DNC talking points. I think you imagined them.

  9. Joe... that cretin do not believe to what Government reporting.

    It... only slurping propaganda, from whatever trash sites it visits frequently.

    So... so it's wrong to assess it as DEMN-aligned. IT is just ordinary cretin. ;-P

  10. Qtard: that cretin do not believe to what Government reporting.

    Of course you don't believe it. It's "Demn propaganda" in your cretinic mind.

    Qtard: It... only slurping propaganda, from whatever trash sites it visits frequently.

    Qtard loves slurping rightturd and Putin propaganda. IT cannot get enough rightturd and Putin propaganda. Why it likes this site. Minus FJ posts such propaganda here for it to slurp.

    Mystere: On second thought, keep whatever "Flarpy Blunderguff" means to yourself.

    I can't share what it means because I don't know. You made up the name, Mystere. But you say it's the name of an inbred relative of yours that you have sex in the endo with?

    Mystere loves boofing. Proven with his fixation with it. Mystere confessed on this blog to boofing pies. The sicko wrote about sticking pumpkin pie pop tarts up his endo on his "Cleveland Foxturds" blog.

  11. Dervish Sanders February 16, 2024 at 12:36 PM "πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨Mystere loves boofing. Proven with his fixation with it. Mystere confessed on this blog to boofing pies. The sicko wrote about sticking pumpkin pie pop tarts up his endo on his "Cleveland Foxturds" blogπŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨"

    πŸ”ΊLIAR LIAR Dress On Fire Derwisch von Sanders!πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ”Ί

  12. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: that cretin do not believe to what Government reporting.

    \\ Of course you don't believe it. It's "Demn propaganda" in your cretinic mind.

    Yeah. Like that plan for victory of Ukraine... reported by committee.

    Oh shit... that is tinfoil-hatter and cretin who DO NOT believe it exist. Calls it delusion. ;-P

    \\Qtard: It... only slurping propaganda, from whatever trash sites it visits frequently.

    \\Qtard loves slurping rightturd and Putin propaganda.


    Like state committee report... directly from Government website. :-))))))))))))))))

    Cretin, you revealed your tinfoil nuttery to the fullest now. ;-P


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  13. Qtard: Yeah. Like that plan for victory of Ukraine... reported by committee. Oh shit... that is tinfoil-hatter and cretin who DO NOT believe it exist. Calls it delusion.

    Lie. A moronic one to. The plan exists. I never said it didn't. I never called it a delusion. I called it fake.

    Qtard: Like state committee report... directly from Government website.

    HOW can Republicans issue a STATE report???? According to you they have NO state power.

    Qtard: Cretin, you revealed your tinfoil nuttery to the fullest now.

    Yes, you have. Cretin babbling about Republicans issuing a state report after claiming multiple times Republicans have no state power. That is definite tinfoil nuttery revealed for sure.

  14. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Yeah. Like that plan for victory of Ukraine... reported by committee. Oh shit... that is tinfoil-hatter and cretin who DO NOT believe it exist. Calls it delusion.

    \\ Lie. A moronic one to. The plan exists. I never said it didn't. I never called it a delusion. I called it fake.


    Tinfoil Hatter calls Government report -- fake. ;-P

    What's next?

    Direct POTUS orders will be called FAKE too? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    If that'll be orders from dRump... or, even from Bi-den?????

    How more crazy you cretin can get??? SHOW US!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\HOW can Republicans issue a STATE report???? According to you they have NO state power.

    Yeah... really, how??? ;-P

    And place it on government website.

    That must be hackers did it? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yes, you have. Cretin babbling about Republicans issuing a state report after claiming multiple times Republicans have no state power. That is definite tinfoil nuttery revealed for sure.

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    Showing how you UNABLE to grasp difference between being political opposition.

    And being member of a committee...

  15. Qtard: Tinfoil Hatter calls Government report -- fake.

    No, the tinfoil hat nutter is calling it real -- when it is obviously fake. Proven by their not turning it into legislation and putting it up for a vote.

    Qtard: Direct POTUS orders will be called FAKE too?

    Well, when dotard donald was predisent he declared infrastructure week -- but zero infrastructure bills were ever written up, voted on, or signed into law. Because "infrastructure week" was fake.

    If the "plan for victory in Ukraine" is real and is being implemented (what is done with real plans), why do you keep whining about aid being "stalled"?

    Qtard: And place it on government website. That must be hackers did it?

    You think? Because you are an imbecile. I know how they did it. They used the state power you say they don't have.

    Qtard: Showing how you UNABLE to grasp difference between being political opposition.

    Yeah, you are obviously unable to grasp it. Due to extreme imbecility.

  16. \\No, the tinfoil hat nutter is calling it real -- when it is obviously fake.

    And placed on government website? ;-P

    Are government websites are places for spreading fakes and propaganda?

    That is DEFINITELY tinfoil hat nutter idea. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\If the "plan for victory in Ukraine" is real and is being implemented (what is done with real plans), why do you keep whining about aid being "stalled"?

    Because that is proposal from Opposition... State Power trying to ignore such things with all might.

    And spread propaganda that such proposals not important, do not exist.

    ESPECIALLY if that state power is (wannabe) totalitarian.

    Like liliPut... was not even calling Navalny by name. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And place it on government website. That must be hackers did it?

    \\You think? Because you are an imbecile. I know how they did it. They used the state power you say they don't have.

    As Political Opposition? ;-P

    Or... as structures of government -- like committee. Which consist of BOTH parties members.

    \\Qtard: Showing how you UNABLE to grasp difference between being political opposition.

    \\Yeah, you are obviously unable to grasp it. Due to extreme imbecility.

    Continue-continue, saying such silly things, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Confirming own cretinism. ;-P

  17. Qtard: And placed on government website? Are government websites are places for spreading fakes and propaganda? That is DEFINITELY tinfoil hat nutter idea.

    That climate change info on the NOAA website is "Demn propaganda"? Yes. I agree.

    Qtard: \\If the "plan for victory in Ukraine" is real and is being implemented (what is done with real plans), why do you keep whining about aid being "stalled"? \\ Because that is proposal from Opposition...

    FAKE proposal. If real the authors would be demanding it be voted on.

    Qtard: State Power trying to ignore such things with all might.

    LIE! My criticism is that the House ISN'T voting on it. They SHOULD vote on it. It is very important. republicans think it is NOT important. Proven by them not bringing it to the floor for a vote.

    Qtard: And spread propaganda that such proposals not important, do not exist.

    LIE! It is important and it exists. Not as legislation, though. A proposal isn't legislation. It isn't being voted on. republicans who support it aren't "storming the Speaker's office" and demanding it be voted on.

    Democrats aren't blocking it from being voted on. Pro-Putin maga republiturds are blocking it.

    Qtard: ESPECIALLY if that state power is (wannabe) totalitarian.

    Yeah. tRump republiturds. They are definitely totalitarian wannabes.

    Qtard: Like liliPut... was not even calling Navalny by name.

    Comparing tRump to Navalny again. So why isn't tRump in prison yet? Dead already? btw, guess who else is comparing tRump to Navalny? Yeah, tRump himself. Why Qtard is doing the same. Taking its cues from tRump. Because it is a rightturd. Tells same rightturd lies.

    Qtard: And place it on government website. That must be hackers did it?\\ You think? Because you are an imbecile. I know how they did it. They used the state power you say they don't have\\ As Political Opposition?


    Qtard: Or... as structures of government -- like committee. Which consist of BOTH parties members.

    Who both have state power.

    Qtard: Showing how you UNABLE to grasp difference between being political opposition\\ Yeah, you are obviously unable to grasp it. Due to extreme imbecility\\ Continue-continue, saying such silly things, cretin. **moronic laughter** Confirming own cretinism.

    Yeah, that does describe what the cretin keeps doing. IT keeps saying elected republicans have no power. Even though they control the House of Representatives (at the federal level) and a majority of governorships and states legislatures are under republican control. The cretin thinks that means they have no power.

    Continue saying such silly things, cretin. It only confirms your cretinism.

  18. \\That climate change info on the NOAA website is "Demn propaganda"? Yes. I agree.

    Yeah. Because you are NewSpeak talker. ;-P

    \\FAKE proposal. If real the authors would be demanding it be voted on.

    Go read it, dumb ass -- legislation proposal mentioned INSIDE that plan text. ;-P

    \\Democrats aren't blocking it from being voted on. Pro-Putin maga republiturds are blocking it.

    Legitimate doing of Political Opposition.

    \\Qtard: ESPECIALLY if that state power is (wannabe) totalitarian.

    \\Yeah. tRump republiturds. They are definitely totalitarian wannabes.


    Most unusual "tyrants" and "totalitarian"... ones who have NO State Power. Residing in Opposition. Taking part in legitimate democratic elections.

    But... such talks are IN ALL ACCORDANCE with my assessment of it as NewSpeak talks.

    \\Comparing tRump to Navalny again. So why isn't tRump in prison yet? Dead already?

    You say... ypou claimed that you know EVERYTHING about Navalny.

    So. Share your wisdom with us. How long he participate(d) in politics? What he was put in jail for? And etc, etc, etc...

    Or... show YET ONE time that it all was a lame cretinic lie -- you though that your "wisdom from Google" will be enough. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And place it on government website. That must be hackers did it?\\ You think? Because you are an imbecile. I know how they did it. They used the state power you say they don't have\\ As Political Opposition?


    What is the meaning of party of power?
    The term "party of power" refers to a political party that has a close relationship with the executive branch of government such that the party appears to function as an extension of the executive rather than as an autonomous political organization.

    Party of power - Wikipedia › wiki › Party_of_power

    And by extention... oppositon DEVOID of "relationship with the executive branch of government".

    Means... it have NO State Power.

    \\Who both have state power.


    \\Qtard: Showing how you UNABLE to grasp difference between being political opposition\\ Yeah, you are obviously unable to grasp it. Due to extreme imbecility\\ Continue-continue, saying such silly things, cretin. **moronic laughter** Confirming own cretinism.

    \\Yeah, that does describe what the cretin keeps doing.

    I'm glad that you ABLE to admit it about ITself. ;-P

    \\IT keeps saying elected republicans have no power.

    State Power, dumb ass. Because State Power CANNOT be split.

    Means... there CANNOT be TWO executive centers... but, most surely such a deranged crazy bum as you cannot get it... with your split-personality disorder. :-)))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Even though they control the House of Representatives (at the federal level) and a majority of governorships and states legislatures are under republican control. The cretin thinks that means they have no power.

    Go read definition for some more times. Though. I know that it will not help it. Cause you are cretin. Trying to devise own ad hok definition... instead of reading truthful definitions from commonly known dictionaries.

  19. Qtard: Yeah. Because you are NewSpeak talker.

    Habitual use of "you" in place of "I".

    Qtard: \\FAKE proposal. If real the authors would be demanding it be voted on\\ Go read it, dumb ass -- legislation proposal mentioned INSIDE that plan text. ;-P

    NOT voted on. NO attempt to bring it to the floor for a vote. Means it is FAKE.

    Qtard: \\Democrats aren't blocking it from being voted on. Pro-Putin maga republiturds are blocking it\\ Legitimate doing of Political Opposition.

    To block legislation being proposed by members of their OWN party? BULLSHIT. Do you even know what "political opposition" means? Well, you clearly dunno what "state power" means.

    Qtard: ESPECIALLY if that state power is (wannabe) totalitarian\\Yeah. tRump republiturds. They are definitely totalitarian wannabes\\ Yeah. Most unusual "tyrants" and "totalitarian"... ones who have NO State Power. Residing in Opposition. Taking part in legitimate democratic elections.

    HAVE power. Just in the minority. Scheming to return to the majority USING state power they have.

    Qtard: But... such talks are IN ALL ACCORDANCE with my assessment of it as NewSpeak talks.

    Yeah, IT is a bigly NewSpeak talker.

    Qtard: \\Comparing tRump to Navalny again. So why isn't tRump in prison yet? Dead already?\\ You say... ypou claimed that you know EVERYTHING about Navalny. ... Or... show YET ONE time that it all was a lame cretinic lie -- you though that your "wisdom from Google" will be enough...

    You lie. I never made such a claim.

    Qtard: And place it on government website. That must be hackers did it?\\ You think? Because you are an imbecile. I know how they did it. They used the state power you say they don't have\\ As Political Opposition?\\Yes\\ What is the meaning of party of power?

    "Party of Power" and "state power" and two different terms.

    Qtard: The term "party of power" refers to a political party that has a close relationship with the executive branch of government such that the party appears to function as an extension of the executive rather than as an autonomous political organization.

    Yeah, that is not currently the Democrats. But we were NOT talking about "party of power". We were talking about state power.

    Qtard: And by extention... oppositon DEVOID of "relationship with the executive branch of government".


    Qtard: Means... it have NO State Power.


    Qtard: \\Who both have state power\\BS.

    Qtard calls truth BS. Of course. That is no surprise.

  20. Qtard: Showing how you UNABLE to grasp difference between being political opposition\\ Yeah, you are obviously unable to grasp it. ...\\ Continue-continue, saying such silly things, cretin. **moronic laughter** Confirming own cretinism\\ Yeah, that does describe what the cretin keeps doing\\ I'm glad that you ABLE to admit it about ITself.

    I didn't. I admitted it about YOU. And no, that is not a "habitual use of you in place of me".

    Qtard: \\IT keeps saying elected republicans have no power\\ State Power, dumb ass. Because State Power CANNOT be split.

    It can and IS.

    Qtard: Means... there CANNOT be TWO executive centers...

    Not presidential executive centers. I never said there could be.

    Qtard: ...but, most surely such a deranged crazy bum as you cannot get it... with your split-personality disorder.

    wtf would split personality disorder (which I don't have) have to do with it?? And, "deranged crazy bum"? That is self referring talks... FOR SURE.

    Qtard: \\Even though they control the House of Representatives (at the federal level) and a majority of governorships and states legislatures are under republican control. The cretin thinks that means they have no power\\ Go read definition for some more times. Though. I know that it will not help it.

    Of course not. Because you mean the definition for "party of power", which is NOT what we were talking about.

    Qtard: Cause you are cretin. Trying to devise own ad hok definition... instead of reading truthful definitions from commonly known dictionaries.

    No, you are trying to sub in the definition of "party of power" for the definition of "state power". Which both republicans and Democrats have.

  21. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Yeah. Because you are NewSpeak talker.

    \\ Habitual use of "you" in place of "I".


    Because you doing it... habitually.

    You think I do it too.

    So??? That is the reason of your problems with understanding my words? ;-P

    I see.

    \\NOT voted on. NO attempt to bring it to the floor for a vote. Means it is FAKE.


    Because DEMNs blocking em.

    But... cretin claims that even though they Opposition.,. they have State Power, and can give such an orders...

    What a DEMN lying cretin.

    \\To block legislation being proposed by members of their OWN party? BULLSHIT.


    Can look like that.

    To a totalitarian mind cretin. ;-P

    \\Do you even know what "political opposition" means? Well, you clearly dunno what "state power" means.

    As you itself said.

    \\Habitual use of "you" in place of "I".

    \\Scheming to return to the majority USING state power they have.


    DEMN propaganda.

    Calling legitimate political fight -- "scheming".


    \\Yeah, IT is a bigly NewSpeak talker.

    I know, I know that... about IT/you. ;-P

    \\You lie. I never made such a claim.

    You "NEVER said" "More then you"??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I know, I know... you/IT, always saying such lies. ;-P

    \\Qtard: The term "party of power" refers to a political party that has a close relationship with the executive branch of government such that the party appears to function as an extension of the executive rather than as an autonomous political organization.

    \\Yeah, that is not currently the Democrats.

    DEMN lie.


    \\I didn't. I admitted it about YOU. And no, that is not a "habitual use of you in place of me".


    And you NOT admitted it with "Habitual use of "you" in place of "I"" JUST ABOVE!!!


    \\Qtard: \\IT keeps saying elected republicans have no power\\ State Power, dumb ass. Because State Power CANNOT be split.

    \\It can and IS.


    \\Not presidential executive centers. I never said there could be.

    And WHO said crazy idiotic "It can and IS" JUST ABOVE!!!??????

