Friday, February 23, 2024

Pass the Ukraine Aid Bill!

 h/t - Woodsterman


  1. Zelensky is not worth 596 Million.

    Forbes: We estimate he and his wife Olena Zelenska share a bank account that holds roughly $2 million in cash and government bonds. Their other assets, consisting of two cars and some jewelry, are worth no more than $1 million. link

    Also, the wealth he does possess is from his time as the star of a TV show, not from government corruption.

    "His main asset: an estimated 25% stake in Kvartal 95, a group of companies that produce humorous shows, which he transferred to his partners after being elected president, though he'll likely regain his shares after leaving office".

    donald tRump earned a lot of money by starring in the fake reality teevee program "the Apprentice". Why is it OK for dotard donald to have earned money from a teevee show but not OK for Zelensky?

    More republiturd double standards.

    btw, if Zelensky is corrupt I'd definitely want that to be exposed. And for him to be charged and sentenced to prison. On the other hand, I'm strongly opposed to convicting someone based on baseless accusations.

  2. Have they checked his Cayman Island accounts?

  3. You checked them?

  4. Saaaaah Narrow-minded.

    He want to own ALL Ukraine. And have ALL means to do that.

    Because of Bi-den + liliPut help.

    Because DEMN totalitarians CANNOT stomach democracy. That's why they ALWAYS help and allow to proliferate... to tyrants.

    \\Also, the wealth he does possess is from his time as the star of a TV show, not from government corruption.


    And his "uncle" that gave him 40 millions $ to money-launder em... does not count.

    As well as money he received from RFia... it is not "government corruption" too.

    Cretin... as always going full throttle cretinism. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\btw, if Zelensky is corrupt I'd definitely want that to be exposed.

    By DEMN media??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    To throw shit onto Bi-den campaign.

    Naaaah. DEMNs will COVER for it. As they COVER his "uncle" misdeeds.

    Go say cretin -- that you know ALL about Ze. As you falsely did about Navalny. Called him "corrupt as dRump".

    What is the name... of Ze's "uncle".

    And where is he NOW??? ;-P

    \\I'm strongly opposed to convicting someone based on baseless accusations.

    DEMN NewSpeak. ;-P

    Vice paying tribute to virtue.


  5. Qtard: He want to own ALL Ukraine. And have ALL means to do that. Because of Bi-den + liliPut help.

    This is new. I thought Qtard stood with Ukraine. Or said IT did at least. Given that IT is continually screeching about planes and tanks that president Biden is "stalling". But now it says that Zelensky is corrupt? So, Qtard thinks we should continue to help Ukraine anyway? If some money goes into Zelensky's pocket (and pockets of those around him) that is OK? The price the US must pay to help ordinary Ukrainians?

    Qtard (somehow) knows that Zelensky wants to be a dictator? So why should the US help him achieve his (imaginary) goal, Qtard?

    Qtard: DEMN totalitarians CANNOT stomach democracy. That's why they ALWAYS help and allow to proliferate... to tyrants.

    republican totalitarians CANNOT stomach democracy. That's why they ALWAYS help and allow to proliferate... to tyrants. Why they support tRump, want him to be USA "president for life". BOTH Minus and Qtard expressed great enthusiasm for this. Although Qtard (dishonestly) claimed it was a "joke".

    Qtard: And his "uncle" that gave him 40 millions $ to money-launder em... does not count. As well as money he received from RFia... it is not "government corruption" too.

    Then it is hopeless. The US cannot help Ukraine. Unless we are prepared to invade and topple the corrupt government. If not then we should stop sending money to fuel Zelensky's corruption. Stop "stalling" aid -- cut it off entirely.

    Why is that NOT your argument, Qtard? Why do you cry about "stalling" aid instead of demanding aid be ended?

    Qtard: Cretin... as always going full throttle cretinism.

    ABSOLUTELY! YOU (the cretin) is putting the petal to the metal re it's cretinism.

    For example...

    Qtard: know ALL about Ze. As you falsely did about Navalny. Called him "corrupt as dRump".

    Those are all lies. I never claimed any of those things. You are a lying POS.

    Qtard: Naaaah. DEMNs will COVER for it. As they COVER his "uncle" misdeeds.

    There are no misdeeds to cover for. As it was recently revealed with the arrest of Alexander Smirnov -- Democratic "misdeeds" are often republiturd lies.

    Qtard: \\I'm strongly opposed to convicting someone based on baseless accusations\\ DEMN NewSpeak. Vice paying tribute to virtue.

    Qtard is opposed to convicting anyone of wrongdoing based on fact and evidence based accusations. Well, when it comes to his favorite Putin-puppet, dotard donald. Qtard is a liar covering its own lies (and rightturd lies) by accusing everyone else of being a liar.

    And NO, asshole, I am not talking about "my" alter ego "Qtard". I have no alter ego "Qtard". YOU (the self-described foreigner from far far away) are Qtard.

  6. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: He want to own ALL Ukraine. And have ALL means to do that. Because of Bi-den + liliPut help.

    \\ This is new. I thought Qtard stood with Ukraine.


    Totalitarian mind CANNOT understand how opposing to tyranny even possible... yawn.

    \\Qtard (somehow) knows that Zelensky wants to be a dictator? So why should the US help him achieve his (imaginary) goal, Qtard?

    Go enlighten itself.

    But... you can't.

    Cause -- cretin.

    So... you will be waiting while DEMN propaganda narrative will change.

    And then... in 1984/NewSpeak way will be claiming "I ALWAYS thought that XXXX is BBBB".

    Like when you screached that "Ukrainians are nazis"...

    And now you full sure that that is liliPut's propaganda. ;-P


    For now, while DEMN propaganda praising Ze as "democratic leader" -- you supporting that narrative.

    But... just the moment it'll change -- you will be supporting something up to totally OPPOSITE. ;-P

    \\republican totalitarians CANNOT stomach democracy. That's why they ALWAYS help and allow to proliferate... to tyrants. Why they support tRump, want him to be USA "president for life".

    And who said that?

    Allow me to guess -- totalitarian DEMN propaganda... for sure. Am I right? ;-P

    \\Then it is hopeless. The US cannot help Ukraine. Unless we are prepared to invade and topple the corrupt government.


    Idea... definitely FITTING totalitarian mind.

    Of a cretin.

    That think that "invade and topple the corrupt government" is THAT easy.

    Even thought history teaches that... it not.

    But... totalitarian cretins UNABLE to learn.


    \\Stop "stalling" aid -- cut it off entirely.


    Totally what cretin would suggest.

    And what cretin-Bi-den doing... in all accordance with DEMN-cretins "secret" plan.

    Of helping their totalitarian puppet-master.

    \\ABSOLUTELY! YOU (the cretin) is putting the petal to the metal re it's cretinism.

    Petal? ;-P

    Cretin going totally bonker.

    I see. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: know ALL about Ze. As you falsely did about Navalny. Called him "corrupt as dRump".

    \\Those are all lies. I never claimed any of those things. You are a lying POS.


    This words are not yours? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Like you cretin KNOW anything about that Navalny.

    \\More than you.

    Or... you always can return to your cretinic tactics "I NEVER said it". ;-P


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  7. Qtard: He want to own ALL Ukraine. And have ALL means to do that. Because of Bi-den + liliPut help\\ This is new. I thought Qtard stood with Ukraine\\ Yep. Totalitarian mind CANNOT understand how opposing to tyranny even possible... yawn.

    Quote: "And have ALL means to do that". Not talking about Putin. Talking about the person in charge right now. BOTH sides are "totalitarian" apparently. Even though Zelensky was elected. But we know Qtard does not believe in democratic elections. Now it says it can't understand how opposing "tyranny" is even possible.

    Qtard: \\Qtard (somehow) knows that Zelensky wants to be a dictator? So why should the US help him achieve his (imaginary) goal, Qtard?\\ Go enlighten itself. But... you can't. Cause -- cretin.

    I have NO IDEA what delusions are running through your cretinic mind. Why should I even bother trying to guess? I asked you to tell me, but you declined. So piss off with your "enlighten yourself" BS.

    Qtard: So... you will be waiting while DEMN propaganda narrative will change.

    No. Maybe new facts will cause me to change my mind. As they would of any rational person. But I'd be surprised if it is suddenly revealed that Zelensky is a bigly thief. Or even has a Cayman account.

    Qtard: And then... in 1984/NewSpeak way will be claiming "I ALWAYS thought that XXXX is BBBB".


    Qtard: Like when you screached that "Ukrainians are nazis"...

    But that never happened. I've been consistently saying that is a lie.

    Qtard: And now you full sure that that is liliPut's propaganda. ;-P

    What is? That Zelensky is corrupt? Yeah, that is most likely the case (that it is Putin's propaganda). I gave you an opportunity to give me some facts to back up your allegation that he is corrupt, but you refused. Makes me think there aren't any. I did a Google search and didn't find anything.

    Qtard: For now, while DEMN propaganda praising Ze as "democratic leader" -- you supporting that narrative.

    Google: According to the Central Election Commission of Ukraine, Zelenskyy won the second round with 73.22% of the votes. The election was recognized as free and fair.

    That appears to be the true narrative, so why wouldn't I support it? I'm not like you, a totalitarian who supports false narratives when they help get the results you want.

    Qtard: But... just the moment it'll change -- you will be supporting something up to totally OPPOSITE.

    When is that going to happen? When it is revealed that Zelensky cheated to win his election? Well, magamorons say Joe Biden cheated -- but the facts say otherwise. I never heard that anyone says Zelensky wasn't legitimately elected. But feel free to link to some facts that prove that is not the case. But I doubt you will.

    Qtard: \\republican totalitarians CANNOT stomach democracy. That's why they ALWAYS help and allow to proliferate... to tyrants. Why they support tRump, want him to be USA "president for life"\\ And who said that?

    Minus FJ. That is a quote of his words. He said he would like donald tRump to be "president for life".

    Qtard: Allow me to guess -- totalitarian DEMN propaganda... for sure. Am I right? ;-P

    No. It was Minus FJ.

    Qtard: \\Then it is hopeless. The US cannot help Ukraine. Unless we are prepared to invade and topple the corrupt government\\ Yep. Idea... definitely FITTING totalitarian mind. Of a cretin. That think that "invade and topple the corrupt government" is THAT easy.

    You think it is? I never said I thought it is. Because it isn't. And it isn't going to happen, anyway. The American people wouldn't stand for it. They had enough of that under gwb and his invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Qtard: Even thought history teaches that... it not.

    Of course. Like with Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq.

  8. Qtard: But... totalitarian cretins UNABLE to learn.

    I dunno who the hell you're talking about. There would be very little support for an invasion of Ukraine by US citizens.

    Qtard: Yawn.

    Yeah, your cretinism is definitely tiring.

    Qtard: \\Stop "stalling" aid -- cut it off entirely\\ Yep. Totally what cretin would suggest.

    You're suggesting that? I never did. I only point out what republiturds would say if it was proven that Zelinsky was corrupt and stealing US funds. A lot of Democrats would probably agree.

    Anyway, you think (due to cretinism) that I'd suggest that because you baselessly accused Zelinsky of being corrupt? Even though you gave no evidence at all? Just said, "Go enlighten itself". It thinks I read it's imbecilic response and did a 180? Went from supporting aid to Ukraine to completely opposing it?

    Qtard: And what cretin-Bi-den doing... in all accordance with DEMN-cretins "secret" plan. Of helping their totalitarian puppet-master.

    Yeah, that is what the imbecile thinks... giving aid to Ukraine is "helping" Putin. Maybe the moron thinks the US should give aid to Russia? Because that would help Ukraine?

    Qtard: \\ABSOLUTELY! YOU (the cretin) is putting the petal to the metal re it's cretinism\\ Petal? ;-P

    No. Pedal.

    Qtard: Cretin going totally bonker.

    Bonkers. But not "going". You are already bonkers. Have been for a long time.

    Qtard: know ALL about Ze. As you falsely did about Navalny. Called him "corrupt as dRump"\\ Those are all lies. I never claimed any of those things. You are a lying POS\\ And??? This words are not yours? Qtard: Like you cretin KNOW anything about that Navalny.
    \\More than you.

    "More than you" is not EVERYTHING. FAR from it.

    Qtard: Or... you always can return to your cretinic tactics "I NEVER said it". ;-P

    YOUR cretinic tactics -- of lying about me saying I never said something that I did say.
    I DID say I know more about him than you. Which isn't a lot. Maybe I'm wrong, but you haven't provided any evidence of that. YOU compared him to tRump. So, I concluded you know next to nothing about Navalny. How could you -- if you think he and tRump are AT ALL similar?

    Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Self encouragement followed by moronic laughter and drooling. Well, to be expected from a cretin.

  9. \\But we know Qtard does not believe in democratic elections.

    Yeah. Your alter-ego "Qtard". ;-P

    \\So piss off with your "enlighten yourself" BS.

    Yep. Totalitarian cretin saying "piss off" to any humble proposal to know the Truth. ;-P

    Definitely -- cretin.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\No. Maybe new facts will cause me to change my mind. As they would of any rational person.

    Yeah. But you, as totalitarian cretin, FEAR that the most -- to change your mind, for good. Said "piss off" to EVEN IDEA of getting knowing some facts of having to change ones mind...

    totally cretinic behavior.

    But you are cretin.

    So, all is O.K.

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: And then... in 1984/NewSpeak way will be claiming "I ALWAYS thought that XXXX is BBBB".


    NewSpeak "Yes".



    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Like when you screached that "Ukrainians are nazis"...

    \\But that never happened. I've been consistently saying that is a lie.


    And you just CONFIRMED that my statement in just PREVIOUS comment HERE was True... and you used NewSpeak "Yes" to falsely answer to it... JUST ABOVE!


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I did a Google search and didn't find anything.


    Because Google help spreading DEMN propaganda. And cover revealing DEMN lies facts.

    Like it was when I tryed to find that facts about Zero-bama saying "I'll have more free hands to help my master... after elections".

    I was able to find it only with concurrent Bing.

    \\I'm not like you, a totalitarian who supports false narratives when they help get the results you want.

    Yeah. You are. Totalitarian cretin. ;-P

    \\But feel free to link to some facts that prove that is not the case. But I doubt you will.

    Do it yourself. ;-P

    For a change.

    Try to find some FACTS. Try to make YOUR own clue of it.

    Instead of listening to propaganda.


    You'd not. Because you can't. Because -- cretin. ;-P

  10. \\He said he would like donald tRump to be "president for life".

    So what?

    He committed thought crime?

    Have NO right of free speech? Right of free thought? Any Human Rights?


    Cause you are totalitarian cretin. ;-P


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\No. It was Minus FJ.


    He repeating totalitarian DEMN propaganda.

    I saw it a couple of times about him. ;-p

    \\Qtard: \\Then it is hopeless. The US cannot help Ukraine. Unless we are prepared to invade and topple the corrupt government\\ Yep. Idea... definitely FITTING totalitarian mind. Of a cretin. That think that "invade and topple the corrupt government" is THAT easy.

    \\You think it is? I never said I thought it is. Because it isn't.

    Then... why such ANTI-democratic came to your mind... so swiftly??? ;-P

    Because you are totalitarian cretin -- that is most definite truth.

    Why else??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: But... totalitarian cretins UNABLE to learn.

    \\ I dunno who the hell you're talking about.

    (holding mirror... before cretin's face) ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Stop "stalling" aid -- cut it off entirely\\ Yep. Totally what cretin would suggest.

    \\You're suggesting that? I never did.


    DEFINITE factual confirmation that cretin OFTENLY using "you"... instead of "I".


    That is cretin's OWN words cited: "Stop "stalling" aid -- cut it off entirely"

    But it saying "You're suggesting that? I never did.".

    Which... with GIVEN FACTS... can have meaning ONLY as -- "*I* suggesting that? *You* never did."

    \\Yeah, that is what the imbecile thinks... giving aid to Ukraine is "helping" Putin.

    Yeah. "giving aid"...

    in 10% of what such a insignificant country as Poland (GAVE nearly 300 tanks!!! USA -- 31!!!).

    That CANNOT be called "giving aid".

    Only firm and DEFINITE help to liliPut. Dear puppet-master of DEMNs.

    \\Maybe the moron thinks the US should give aid to Russia? Because that would help Ukraine?


    It looks like possibility...

    SUCH help... that would STALL liliPut for sure. ;-P


    THEY already giving A LOT OF HELP -- microchips and other details, money for oil and gas, allowing RFia to keep place in Security Council... that's just a few.

    That that are openly visible.

    ALSO... PROHIBITION to attack RFia's territory -- ISN'T THAT counts as help.

    MUCH BIGGER... than Ukraine have, or can count on.


  11. \\Bonkers. But not "going". You are already bonkers. Have been for a long time.


    NewSpeak "you" instead of "I".

    Now I sure of it. ;-p

    On the base of OPEN and OBVIOUS facts.

    \\"More than you" is not EVERYTHING. FAR from it.

    It's MY knowledge... is limited.

    But, YOU claim that you know "More than you".

    Or... say, that was NewSpeak use of "you" instead of "I"? ;-P

    Go, just admit it.

    Say TRUTH... even if for one time. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But naaah. You will not.

    You will only confirm being cretin and liar. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\YOUR cretinic tactics -- of lying about me saying I never said something that I did say.

    Yeah. NewSpeak usage of "YOUR" instead of "MINE".

    \\I DID say I know more about him than you. Which isn't a lot. Maybe I'm wrong


    You are TOTALLY WRONG.

    Cause you are totalitarian liar.

    Saying that Navalny was "corrupt".

    Why knowing ZILCH about him.


    As with dRump.

    Calling him "corrupt"... NOT on the base of facts, but just repeating DEMN propaganda chants.


    \\but you haven't provided any evidence of that.

    Smart rational people seeking evidances THEMSELF.

    But you are totalitarian cretin. ;-P

    Not ABLE to do that.

    \\YOU compared him to tRump.


    You made me to look more close into that sham trial -- and now I know for sure, from provided by court FACTS -- that it IS sham trial. Kengaroo court. Political mafia at work.

    That concocting UNJUST legislation... just to wound political oppponent.

    \\How could you -- if you think he and tRump are AT ALL similar?

    Are they not humans?

    Are they not political opposition leader... persuaded unjustly.

    Well. Navalny already dead. In prison.

    But that is what you... instigated by DEMN propaganda... want for dRump too.

    So... WHY they CANNOT be compared???

    Because DEMN propaganda trying to prohbit such comparation???

    But DEMN propaganda have NO power over me. ;-P

    It is you are DEMN totalitarian slave.

  12. Qtard: \\But we know Qtard does not believe in democratic elections\\ Yeah. Your alter-ego "Qtard".

    Absurd lie. I never expressed support for the J6 insurrectionists. While YOU Qtard have. Continue to.

    Qtard: \\So piss off with your "enlighten yourself" BS\\ Yep. Totalitarian cretin saying "piss off" to any humble proposal to know the Truth. ... Definitely -- cretin.

    "Proposal" to believe your lies. Which I decline.

    Qtard: But. Continue-continue, cretin.

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\No. Maybe new facts will cause me to change my mind. As they would of any rational person\\ Yeah. But you, as totalitarian cretin, FEAR that the most -- to change your mind, for good.

    Moronic lie. You just said recently I'd flip flop and say I "always" believed the new narrative and never believed the old one. Now you say I fear changing my mind. Which is it? Qtard can't pick a lie and stick with it.

    Qtard: Said "piss off" to EVEN IDEA of getting knowing some facts of having to change ones mind...

    Lie. You didn't give any. If you did I would consider them.

    Qtard: ...totally cretinic behavior.

    YES! To suggest I can know any "facts" that were never given.

    Qtard: But you are cretin.

    You mean "I am". That is what you should have written.

    Qtard: So, all is O.K. Continue-continue, cretin.

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: And then... in 1984/NewSpeak way will be claiming "I ALWAYS thought that XXXX is BBBB"\\ No. NewSpeak "Yes".

    HOW? You JUST (right above) said "you, as totalitarian cretin, FEAR that the most -- to change your mind, for good". You were talking about yourself? Must be, given that these two allegations (if directed at me) contradict each other.

    Qtard: Yawn. But. Continue-continue, cretin. **moronic laughter**

    Self encouragement again.

    Qtard: Like when you screached that "Ukrainians are nazis"...\\But that never happened. I've been consistently saying that is a lie\\ Hah. And you just CONFIRMED that my statement in just PREVIOUS comment HERE was True... and you used NewSpeak "Yes" to falsely answer to it... JUST ABOVE!

    No, asshole.

    "Americans are Nazis" is something else I would never say. But there ARE Americans who self identify as Nazis.

    Wikipedia: According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the National Alliance had lost most of its members by 2020 but is still visible in the US. Other groups, such as Atomwaffen Division have taken its place. American Neo-Nazi groups have moved towards more decentralized organization and online social networks with a terroristic focus. [end]

    Yet I do not think Canada or Mexico should invade the US to "denazify" it. SAME as I do not believe Russia should have invaded Ukraine to "denazify" it. Even though there ARE Nazis in Ukraine.

    Putin took this fact (and, as YOU said, good propaganda is based on facts) and exaggerated it. As per Putin the Ukraine government is run by Nazis and the military is FULL of them. THIS IS A LIE. I have ALWAYS refuted this lie. And that is NOT "NewSpeak", it is a FACT.

    Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin. **moronic laughter**

    Yeah, DEFINITE self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\I did a Google search and didn't find anything\\ Yap. Because Google help spreading DEMN propaganda. And cover revealing DEMN lies facts.


    Is Google Biased?: Google's ranking algorithm is biased on things such as the number of keywords, the length of content, its reliability, and even the webpage loading speed. On the other hand, Google biased against inaccurate and harmful content. In overview, Google favors webpages that have real value to users and readers. [end]

  13. Qtard: Like it was when I tryed to find that facts about Zero-bama saying "I'll have more free hands to help my master... after elections". I was able to find it only with concurrent Bing.

    So, you were able to confirm your lies using Bing? Even though Bing is owned by Microsoft? And Bill Gates is a frequent target of rightturd conspiracy theories? But, in regards to Bing, Qtard thinks the Democrat Bill Gate's search engine gives less biased results?

    Qtard: \\I'm not like you, a totalitarian who supports false narratives when they help get the results you want\\ Yeah. You are. Totalitarian cretin.

    Yes, I'm like you? That's what you're saying? We are both Totalitarian cretins? Then why do you argue with me so much? Shouldn't you be agreeing with me?

    Qtard: \\But feel free to link to some facts that prove that is not the case. But I doubt you will\\ Do it yourself. For a change. Try to find some FACTS. Try to make YOUR own clue of it. Instead of listening to propaganda.

    Qtard says "You prove that I'm right". NO, Qtard. That isn't how it works. You make a claim means it's on you to prove it. But you can't understand. Due to your cretinism.

    Qtard: But. You'd not. Because you can't. Because -- cretin.

    YOU can't. Because you are CLEARLY a cretin.

    Qtard: \\Then it is hopeless. The US cannot help Ukraine. Unless we are prepared to invade and topple the corrupt government\\ Yep. Idea... definitely FITTING totalitarian mind. Of a cretin. That think that "invade and topple the corrupt government" is THAT easy\\ You think it is? I never said I thought it is. Because it isn't\\ Then... why such ANTI-democratic came to your mind... so swiftly???

    Because it's happened before. The gwb administration invaded two countries and toppled their governments. I'm strongly opposed to the United States using military power to invade, occupy a country and replace the governments of other countries. It doesn't work out well. But Qtard thinks, just because I remembered that (and how it was a disaster) that makes my mind totalitarian? WTF? Definite cretinic illogic.

    Qtard: Because you are totalitarian cretin -- that is most definite truth. Why else???

    You're an idiot.

    Qtard: But... totalitarian cretins UNABLE to learn. \\I dunno who the hell you're talking about. (holding mirror... before cretin's face)

    I can't see you holding a mirror up to your own face.

    Qtard: \\Stop "stalling" aid -- cut it off entirely\\ Yep. Totally what cretin would suggest\\ You're suggesting that? I never did\\ Yep. DEFINITE factual confirmation that cretin OFTENLY using "you"... instead of "I". Because. That is cretin's OWN words cited: "Stop "stalling" aid -- cut it off entirely".

    That was my SPECULATION re what republiturds would DEFINITELY say.

    Qtard: But it saying "You're suggesting that? I never did.". Which... with GIVEN FACTS... can have meaning ONLY as -- "*I* suggesting that? *You* never did."

    Yes. I've only ever said I am in favor of providing aid so that Ukraine can defend itself. Why would I suddenly change my mind?

    Qtard: \\Yeah, that is what the imbecile thinks... giving aid to Ukraine is "helping" Putin\\ Yeah. "giving aid"... in 10% of what such a insignificant country as Poland (GAVE nearly 300 tanks!!! USA -- 31!!!). That CANNOT be called "giving aid".

    The majority of committed support by country has come from the United States, whose total aid commitment is valued at about $75 billion. The U.S. is followed by Germany and the United Kingdom for highest commitments overall. link

  14. The United States has given the MOST aid. Giving the most aid -- cretin says CANNOT be called giving aid. Because -- it is a cretin.

    Qtard: Only firm and DEFINITE help to liliPut. Dear puppet-master of DEMNs.

    Yeah, giving the MOST aid... that's helping Putin. Definitely something a cretin would think.

    Qtard: \\Maybe the moron thinks the US should give aid to Russia? Because that would help Ukraine?\\ Yeah. It looks like possibility... SUCH help... that would STALL liliPut for sure.

    Cretinism confirmed. FOR SURE.

    Qtard: But. THEY already giving A LOT OF HELP -- microchips and other details...

    No. I already explained this to you. They get the chips from third parties. Not directly from the United States.

    Qtard: for oil and gas...

    No through direct purchases.

    US sanctions currently specify that once Russian crude oil is transported to a third country and refined into another product (diesel, gasoline, jet fuel), that product is no longer considered of Russian origin... [but] There is growing support on Capitol Hill for banning all Russian-origin petroleum imports, in large part because this would also encourage both the EU and the UK to move in the same direction. link

    Qtard: ...allowing RFia to keep place in Security Council...

    No. The United States is a MEMBER of the UN, they don't run it. It isn't up to the United States. Other countries have a say. And Russia is a PERMANENT member of the Security Council. As is China. How does Qtard propose that Russia be removed?

    Qtard: that's just a few.

    A few distortions and lies.

    Qtard: That that are openly visible.

    Yeah. Openly visible that the United States doesn't run the world. Can't tell other countries what to do.

    Qtard: ALSO... PROHIBITION to attack RFia's territory -- ISN'T THAT counts as help.

    Because the US doesn't want to push Putin to use nukes as he has threatened.

    Qtard: \\Bonkers. But not "going". You are already bonkers. Have been for a long time\\ Yawn. NewSpeak "you" instead of "I". Now I sure of it. ;-p

    Qtard is sure of its delusions. Like that is a surprise.

    Qtard: On the base of OPEN and OBVIOUS facts.

    More qtarded delusions. Yawn.

    Qtard: \\"More than you" is not EVERYTHING. FAR from it\\ It's MY knowledge... is limited. But, YOU claim that you know "More than you". Or... say, that was NewSpeak use of "you" instead of "I"?


  15. Qtard: Go, just admit it. Say TRUTH... even if for one time.

    NewSpeak calling lies "truth".

    Qtard: But naaah. You will not.

    No, I won't call your lies "truth".

    Qtard: You will only confirm being cretin and liar.

    THAT was NewSpeak use of "you" instead of "I".

    Qtard: \\YOUR cretinic tactics -- of lying about me saying I never said something that I did say\\ Yeah. NewSpeak usage of "YOUR" instead of "MINE".


    Qtard: \\I DID say I know more about him than you. Which isn't a lot. Maybe I'm wrong\\ Yeah. You are TOTALLY WRONG.

    So you say. But you still compare tRump to Navalny. Say tRump is "politically persecuted" LIKE Navalny. Which is TOTALLY WRONG.

    Qtard: Cause you are totalitarian liar.

    NewSpeak usage of "you" in place of "I".

    Qtard: Saying that Navalny was "corrupt".

    No. I was inquiring as to if that is what you think. I was trying to guess why you'd compare them. I thought maybe YOU think they are both corrupt. I know Navalny was not corrupt.

    Qtard: Why knowing ZILCH about him.

    Yeah, that's why I concluded YOU know zilch about him (aside from the fact that he was a human. Now he is deceased). Because you compare him to donald tRump.

    Qtard: SAME. As with dRump. Calling him "corrupt"... NOT on the base of facts, but just repeating DEMN propaganda chants.

    Based on knowing the facts. Observing him on tv myself.

    Qtard: \\but you haven't provided any evidence of that\\ Smart rational people seeking evidances THEMSELF.

    Cretinic thinking -- that an opponent should be seeking evidence to prove the other person correct. Instead of the opponent providing these facts itself (if there are any). But you won't. Strongly suggesting that you can't. Because you are full of shit. Lying.

    Qtard: But you are totalitarian cretin.

    Proving your own assertions has nothing to do with totalitarianism. But yeah, it does prove cretinism. That you think I should be the one to give evidence in support of YOUR claims.

    Qtard: Not ABLE to do that.

    YOU are not able to do it. Proven by you not doing it. Adamantly refusing to give evidence to support YOUR own claims.

    Qtard: \\YOU compared him to tRump\\ Yep. You made me to look more close into that sham trial -- and now I know for sure, from provided by court FACTS -- that it IS sham trial. Kengaroo court. Political mafia at work. That concocting UNJUST legislation... just to wound political oppponent.

    Yeah, because you are a cretin. And a totalitarian wannabe. Why you support another totalitarian wannabe -- donald tRump.

    Qtard: \\How could you -- if you think he and tRump are AT ALL similar?\\ Are they not humans?

    No. As per Wikipedia, "Alexei Navalny was a Russian opposition leader, lawyer, anti-corruption activist, and political prisoner".

    Note the word WAS. He WAS those things. He is dead now. He no longer exists. So he isn't anything.

    Qtard: Are they not political opposition leader... persuaded unjustly.

    No. Navalny WAS both. When he was alive. donald tRump is only the "opposition leader". He isn't "persuaded unjustly". Or prosecuted unjustly. donald tRump is being prosecuted JUSTLY.

    Qtard: Well. Navalny already dead. In prison.

    No. His dead body is not in prison. I heard it was released to his mother.

    Qtard: But that is what you... instigated by DEMN propaganda... want for dRump too.

    No. I want him to live. Behind bars. Instigated by knowing facts.

    Qtard: So... WHY they CANNOT be compared???

    Because the comparisons you just made are false.

    Qtard: Because DEMN propaganda trying to prohbit such comparation???

    FACTS prohibit such comparison.

    Qtard: But DEMN propaganda have NO power over me.

    Of course not. You are ruled by rightturd propaganda.

    Qtard: It is you are DEMN totalitarian slave.


  16. Qtard: \\He said he would like donald tRump to be "president for life". So what? He committed thought crime? Have NO right of free speech? Right of free thought? Any Human Rights? Yeah. Cause you are totalitarian cretin.

    You just made up a motivation behind my words that is not there. You said you were SURE it was "Demn propaganda" I was talking about. I said no, it was Minus FJ. I just answered your question.

    Also, such a desire makes Minus FJ the totalitarian, not me. But you (when it is a fellow rightturd) support free speech for expressing a desire for totalitarianism. Instead of criticizing it.

    Like... if I said I want Joe Biden to be president for life -- you'd say "ok. that's your free speech right to express that desire"? Or would you rip into me? Call me a totalitarian? Because... you are a cretinic hypocrite?

    Qtard: But. Continue-continue, cretin. **moronic laughter**

    Cretin encourages itself to continue with it's cretinic thinking.

    Qtard: \\No. It was Minus FJ\\ Yeah. He repeating totalitarian DEMN propaganda. I saw it a couple of times about him.

    I've never seen the tRump-supporting Minus FJ repeat any Democratic propaganda. He repeats rightturd propaganda. Like you.

    1. Cretin... wie immer Vollgas-Kretinismus.: -)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      i>Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!

  17. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: \\But we know Qtard does not believe in democratic elections\\ Yeah. Your alter-ego "Qtard".

    \\ Absurd lie. I never expressed support for the J6 insurrectionists. While YOU Qtard have. Continue to.

    Yeah... that was NOT you who proclaimed that Rule of the People can be SOMEHOW non-democratic???

    And that MEANING of Democracy -- is NOT preservation of Human Rights???

    And that is NOT you who in streak of Absolute Honesty... who admitted that "state can kill people"???

    Oh, yes-yes.

    That was your nasty-nasty-wrong alter-ego "Qtard"... because it was written in YOUR comments, signed "Blogger Dervish Sanders said" it.



    That same YOU... that written that. SOMEHOW. Forgetting and claiming "I NEVER said it".

    How that could be?

    If not split-personality syndrome -- when SAMEBODY writing it... but under influence of DIFFERENT personalities, residing in that body. ;-P

    \\"Proposal" to believe your lies. Which I decline.


    You declined veracity of BARE FACTS many-many times ALREADY.

    But still continue confirming it. And with such a passion! And such a vigor!

    That YOU DO NOT LIKE to admit facts WHICH YOU DO NOT like. ;-P

    Because you are totalitarian scumbag.

  18. Qtard: \\But we know Qtard does not believe in democratic elections\\ Yeah. Your alter-ego "Qtard"\\ Absurd lie. I never expressed support for the J6 insurrectionists. While YOU Qtard have. Continue to\\ Yeah... that was NOT you who proclaimed that Rule of the People can be SOMEHOW non-democratic???

    That's what you keep saying, not me. The election (for American potus) that was held in 2020. You didn't like the result as determined by The People. So you thought they should be chucked out. You argued that an anti-democratic violent overthrow of the government is a "human right". You don't remember?

    Qtard: And that MEANING of Democracy -- is NOT preservation of Human Rights???

    Yes. Real ones. Not Qtard imagined ones.

    Qtard: And that is NOT you who in streak of Absolute Honesty... who admitted that "state can kill people"???

    Of course that was absolute honesty. Qtard thinks the state DOESN'T kill people? Even in democracies? Last I heard the death penalty has not been abolished. Someone was just put to death by the state recently. By forcing the condemned to inhale nitrogen gas.

    Qtard: Oh, yes-yes.

    Yes. It is a point to reality fact. I'm opposed to the death penalty, but state executions ARE still carried out. Enlighten itself.

    Qtard: That was your nasty-nasty-wrong alter-ego "Qtard"... because it was written in YOUR comments, signed "Blogger Dervish Sanders said" it.

    Of course. I said that. Not, YOU, Qtard.

    I do agree with you about YOU Qtard, though. It is very nasty. Also, IT lives in denial of reality.

    Qtard: But. Somehow. That same YOU... that written that. SOMEHOW. Forgetting and claiming "I NEVER said it". How that could be?

    It isn't.

    Qtard: If not split-personality syndrome -- when SAMEBODY writing it... but under influence of DIFFERENT personalities, residing in that body.

    Obviously you are speaking about YOUR body.

    Qtard: \\"Proposal" to believe your lies. Which I decline\\ Yeah. You declined veracity of BARE FACTS many-many times ALREADY.

    NewSpeak. "bare facts" are what Qtard calls it's lies.

    Qtard: But still continue confirming it. And with such a passion! And such a vigor!


    Qtard: That YOU DO NOT LIKE to admit facts WHICH YOU DO NOT like.

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: Because you are totalitarian scumbag.

    More self referring talks.

  19. \\You argued that an anti-democratic violent overthrow of the government is a "human right". You don't remember?

    Yeah. I agree with you... that Jorge Washington was scumbag. And you should return under Holy Rule of a King. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And that MEANING of Democracy -- is NOT preservation of Human Rights???

    \\Yes. Real ones. Not Qtard imagined ones.

    And you trying to say that you DO NOT talking about your alter-ego "Qtard"... habitually. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Even in democracies? Last I heard the death penalty has not been abolished. Someone was just put to death by the state recently. By forcing the condemned to inhale nitrogen gas.

    Yep. DEMN-OK-ratsy...

    \\Yes. It is a point to reality fact. I'm opposed to the death penalty, but state executions ARE still carried out. Enlighten itself.

    Because... you are totalitarian scumbag... and cretin. ;-P

    \\Of course. I said that. Not, YOU, Qtard.

    Now you started arguing with your alter-ego? ;-P

    \\I do agree with you about YOU Qtard, though. It is very nasty. Also, IT lives in denial of reality.

    Continue-continue... crazy bonker. ;-P

    \\Obviously you are speaking about YOUR body.


    \\NewSpeak. "bare facts" are what Qtard calls it's lies.

    Yeah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Much revealing... this your talks, in between your alter-egos.

    Continue-continue, crazy bonker. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  20. Qtard: \\You argued that an anti-democratic violent overthrow of the government is a "human right"\\ Yeah. I agree with you... that Jorge Washington was scumbag. And you should return under Holy Rule of a King.

    YOU'RE the one who would be happy if "King donald" was installed. I don't know who this "Jorge Washington" you refer to is.

    George Washington was strongly opposed to the US anointing a monarch. Even if the king was to be himself...

    ...there were calls for Washington to claim formal political power. Indeed, seven months after the victory at Yorktown, one of his officers suggested what many thought only reasonable in the context of the 18th century: that America should establish a monarchy and that Washington should become king. A shocked Washington immediately rejected the offer out of hand as both inappropriate and dishonorable, and demanded the topic never be raised again. link

    I strongly disagree with you. The US should NEVER return to rule by a king.

    Qtard: And that MEANING of Democracy -- is NOT preservation of Human Rights??\\Yes. Real ones. Not Qtard imagined ones\\ And you trying to say that you DO NOT talking about your alter-ego "Qtard"... habitually.

    Of course. That would be impossible. Because I have no "alter ego Qtard". That is a reference to YOU. YOU imagine "human rights" that don't exist.

    Qtard: \\Even in democracies? Last I heard the death penalty has not been abolished. Someone was just put to death by the state recently. By forcing the condemned to inhale nitrogen gas\\ Yep. DEMN-OK-ratsy...

    No. This happened in the republican-controlled state of Alabama, not a Democrat controlled state.

    Qtard: \\Yes. It is a point to reality fact. I'm opposed to the death penalty, but state executions ARE still carried out. Enlighten itself\\ Because... you are totalitarian scumbag... and cretin.

    Surprise. The cretin refuses to learn facts. Because it prefers its delusions.

    Qtard: \\Of course. I said that. Not, YOU, Qtard\\ Now you started arguing with your alter-ego?

    I responded to words you wrote. I quoted them so you'd know WHO I was talking to. Yet you think I'm arguing with myself? Obviously you are a cretin. It can no longer be denied.

    Qtard: \\NewSpeak. "bare facts" are what Qtard calls it's lies\\ Yeah. **moronic laughter** Much revealing... this your talks, in between your alter-egos. Continue-continue, crazy bonker.

    There aren't any "talks, in between your alter-egos". Not written here. You must be referring to your delusions. What a nutter. You've convinced me completely. You're totally insane.

  21. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: \\You argued that an anti-democratic violent overthrow of the government is a "human right"\\ Yeah. I agree with you... that Jorge Washington was scumbag. And you should return under Holy Rule of a King.

    \\ YOU'RE the one who would be happy if "King donald" was installed. I don't know who this "Jorge Washington" you refer to is.

    \\ George Washington was strongly opposed to the US anointing a monarch. Even if the king was to be himself...

    Cretin CONFIRMED that it DO NOT grok Irony and Sarcasm! ;-P

    \\I strongly disagree with you. The US should NEVER return to rule by a king.

    Yeah. I'm glad that you AGREE that king-wannabe Bi-den must be de-troned. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And that MEANING of Democracy -- is NOT preservation of Human Rights??\\Yes. Real ones. Not Qtard imagined ones\\ And you trying to say that you DO NOT talking about your alter-ego "Qtard"... habitually.

    \\Of course. That would be impossible. Because I have no "alter ego Qtard". That is a reference to YOU. YOU imagine "human rights" that don't exist.

    Yeah... while CITING UN(United Nation) documents on Human Rights.

    But... in accordance with such a crazy cretin -- they DO NOT EXIST. :-)))))))))))))

    Is there ANY OTHER fact needed... to confirm that that "Blogger Dervish Sanders" a crazy as shit. ;-P


    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Entertaining me with some MORE of your cretinic crazy quips. ;-P

    \\Surprise. The cretin refuses to learn facts. Because it prefers its delusions.

    Naaah. Just YET ONE in a collection of facts, of statistics finding about your cretinism manifestations. ;-P

    Thank you for self-revealing talks. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: \\Of course. I said that. Not, YOU, Qtard\\ Now you started arguing with your alter-ego?

    \\I responded to words you wrote. I quoted them so you'd know WHO I was talking to. Yet you think I'm arguing with myself? Obviously you are a cretin. It can no longer be denied.


    It cannot be denied.

    Your cretinism is just overflowing. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    How I can know that it is cretinism -- it NOT based on any facts and any logic.

    But... you as cretin -- will NEVER get it. ;-P

    And will continue-continue denying it.

    \\There aren't any "talks, in between your alter-egos". Not written here. You must be referring to your delusions. What a nutter. You've convinced me completely. You're totally insane.



    Crazy dwellers of an asylums THINK that normal people are crazy. ;-P

    So... you crazy cretin thinking that way -- totsally obvious thing.

    And are staunch CONFIRMATION of your craziness. ;-P

    But... continue-continue, crazy bum. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  22. \\Also, such a desire makes Minus FJ the totalitarian, not me.


    And you can give LOGICAL explanation -- how it "makes Minus FJ the totalitarian".

    Maybe you can give DEFINITION of "totalitarian"?

    Then cite some quotes/facts?

    Then commence logical inference out of it?


    Cause you are cretin. ;-P

    And crazy totalitarian bum. Dweller of an asylum (wannabe?). %-))))))))))))))))))

    \\you are a cretinic hypocrite?

    Self-referring talks? ;-P

    \\NewSpeak calling lies "truth".

    Yeah. You are RIGHT here. ;-P

    \\No, I won't call your lies "truth".

    Of course... cause you are NewSpeak user. ;-P

    Relentless cretin that calling FACTs "lies". :-))))))))))))))))))))00

    Even though that is totally cretinic behavior -- too self-revealing. ;-P

    \\THAT was NewSpeak use of "you" instead of "I".


    I understand why you cretin is so confused -- lying so often, that unable to distinguish where is your lies, and where is factual truth... :-)))))))))))))))))))0

    \\So you say. But you still compare tRump to Navalny.

    And why not???

    They both humans. They both man. They are political opponent of power in their respective countries. They are victims of political persecution through sham trails...

    LoTS of similarities...

    SAME... as between liliPut and Hitler... whom it definitely following.

    \\Say tRump is "politically persecuted" LIKE Navalny. Which is TOTALLY WRONG.

    Your mere words -- are worthless.

    Go provide FACTS... and LOGICAL explanation.

    Why it "TOTALLY WRONG"???


    you can't -- cause, you are crazy cretin and follower of DEMN/liliPut's propaganda.

    Which teaches crazy cretins like you -- that FACTs and LOGIC not only not needed... but are some "lies". Period.


    continue-continue, crzy cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Saying that Navalny was "corrupt".

    \\No. I was inquiring as to if that is what you think.

    Inquring are made in form of questions. You know, that sentences, with "?" question marks.

    And with correct attributing em. Like starting with "How do you think, was Navalny corrupt?".

    And... there was NOTHING like that... from your side.

    There was only FALSE claims... like that you know about Navalny MUCH MORE then me.

    That makes your claim -- a statement.


    you will NOT get this rational explanation, and will continue-continue your monkey screams... cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  23. \\I know Navalny was not corrupt.

    And you "know" it... from what??? ;-P

    Are you personal acquitant with him? His lawyer/advocate? His biographer?

    Do you speak/read in Russian??? Do you know history of Russia and modern RFia?

    Do you know laws of RFia??? Do you know some facts, related to Navalny?

    Answer to this all is -- obvious "No"s.

    You just heard some DEMN propaganda. About "brave fighter with totalitarian regime Navalny".

    Well... as most of your all other "knows". (apart from very bare facts -- like about Sun rising in the morning)

    \\Qtard: Why knowing ZILCH about him.

    \\Yeah, that's why I concluded YOU know zilch about him (aside from the fact that he was a human. Now he is deceased). Because you compare him to donald tRump.

    Yeah... totally crazy idea -- to compare humans. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Or what, dRump is not human???? Or what??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Based on knowing the facts. Observing him on tv myself.

    In some documentary??? Naaaah.

    That was some news report. By lying reporters/DEMN propagandists.

    Calling "watching TV" as source of facts -- definite trait of being cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\but you haven't provided any evidence of that\\ Smart rational people seeking evidances THEMSELF.

    \\Cretinic thinking -- that an opponent should be seeking evidence to prove the other person correct. Instead of the opponent providing these facts itself (if there are any). But you won't. Strongly suggesting that you can't. Because you are full of shit. Lying.


    NewSpeak calling scientific thinking "\\Cretinic thinking".

    And NewSpeak usage of "you" instead of "I".

    \\YOU are not able to do it. Proven by you not doing it. Adamantly refusing to give evidence to support YOUR own claims.

    Yeah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And you can for at least QUOTE -- what MY claims is? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\How could you -- if you think he and tRump are AT ALL similar?\\ Are they not humans?

    \\No. As per Wikipedia, "Alexei Navalny was a Russian opposition leader, lawyer, anti-corruption activist, and political prisoner".

    Question was "Are they not humans?".

    And totalitarian cretin said "No" -- OBVIOUS usage of NewSpeak "Yes".



  24. \\Note the word WAS. He WAS those things. He is dead now. He no longer exists. So he isn't anything.

    We started talking about him... BEFORE his death.

    And well... historical persons discussed as if they alive.

    Nobody (in a sane mind) claiming "Napoleon, he is dead, so no need to discuss him, no need to remember him" -- because that is TOTALLY CRAZY idea.

    But... you, as crazy cretin -- just overflowing with such a craziness -- that's why I observing you. For entertainment.

    \\donald tRump is only the "opposition leader". He isn't "persuaded unjustly". Or prosecuted unjustly. donald tRump is being prosecuted JUSTLY.

    But you ITSELF... gave that DOCUMENT from a court link.

    That reveal that "rape" are definite sham trial.

    Which means... that AT LEAST ONE trial -- is definitely UNJUST.

    And that trial ended. So that unjust court judgment is already IN FULL FORCE.

    And you even was BRAGGING about it -- how you, totalitarian cretin, LIKE that INJUSTICE.

    Well... in case with Navalny -- it all was the same.

    There was FIRST unjust court trial. Then NEXT. Then NEXT. Then assassination attempt. Then imprisoning. Then... death.

    \\Qtard: Well. Navalny already dead. In prison.

    \\No. His dead body is not in prison. I heard it was released to his mother.



    But that MY words was written WHEN???? ;-)

    Can it be EVEN MORE definite demonstration what a incredibly crazy cretin you are -- not understanding what "Past" is??? What is "moment in the Past" is? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\No. I want him to live. Behind bars. Instigated by knowing facts.


    Same "live" as Epstein. :-)))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Because the comparisons you just made are false.


    As ever...

    IF, they are false -- you MUST BE able to SHOW -- where and HOW they are false. ;-P

    Because... that ONLY false claims -- CANNOT be supported with any FACTs.(and that is nearly ALL of your cretinic claims, empty baseless fact-less babblings)

    And TRUE claims -- based on FACTs.


    IF *MY* claims are wrong -- you just need to SHOW the FACTs that contradicts em.


    you can't.

    Because you are miserly crazy bum. And cretin. ;-P

  25. \\Qtard: Because DEMN propaganda trying to prohbit such comparation???

    \\FACTS prohibit such comparison.

    Illogical Bullshit. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    PROHIBIT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
    Cambridge Dictionary › ...
    PROHIBIT definition: 1. to officially refuse to allow something: 2. to prevent a particular activity by making it…. Learn more.


    FACTS -- CANNOT "prohibit" anything.

    They have NO agency. Or authority.

    They... just ARE. As parts of Reality.

    \\Of course not. You are ruled by rightturd propaganda.


    Totally totalitarian idea. And directly from mouth of liliPut.

    That there CANNOT be FREE from propaganda people.


    \\Yeah, giving the MOST aid... that's helping Putin. Definitely something a cretin would think.

    Comparing FACTS.

    Poland -- gave 240 tanks.

    USA -- 31!!!

    But... cretin STILL trying to pretend that 31 is BIGGER then 240??? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\No. I already explained this to you. They get the chips from third parties. Not directly from the United States.


    Yeah. USA are totally powerless... against some invisible "third parties". :-)))))


    Because they WANT to help RFia... and DO NOT want to help Ukraine.

    \\No through direct purchases.

    Of course.

    Because that'll be TOO self-revealing.

    \\No. The United States is a MEMBER of the UN, they don't run it. It isn't up to the United States. Other countries have a say. And Russia is a PERMANENT member of the Security Council. As is China. How does Qtard propose that Russia be removed?

    Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

    Excuses. Excuses. Excuses.

    \\Yeah. Openly visible that the United States doesn't run the world. Can't tell other countries what to do.


    Except Aphganistan. Iraq. That same Ukraine.

    \\Qtard: ALSO... PROHIBITION to attack RFia's territory -- ISN'T THAT counts as help.

    \\Because the US doesn't want to push Putin to use nukes as he has threatened.

    Excuses. Excuses. Excuses.

    When in Caribean Crasis USA "did not want USSR to use nukes"... they just STATED "here is OUR nukes... and they are ready to launch".

    And USSR was forced to crawl back to its shithole.

    \\Qtard: On the base of OPEN and OBVIOUS facts.

    \\More qtarded delusions. Yawn.


    YET ONE comnfirmation.

    That you are crazy cretin that sees facts as "delusions".

    Nothing new.

    Just yet one fact for statistics.


    \\Qtard: \\"More than you" is not EVERYTHING. FAR from it\\ It's MY knowledge... is limited. But, YOU claim that you know "More than you". Or... say, that was NewSpeak use of "you" instead of "I"?


    Aha. NewSpeak "Yes".

    Or... maybe that "More than you"... was... a LIE? ;-P

  26. \\Qtard says "You prove that I'm right". NO, Qtard. That isn't how it works. You make a claim means it's on you to prove it. But you can't understand. Due to your cretinism.

    Talking with itself?


    \\Then... why such ANTI-democratic came to your mind... so swiftly???

    \\Because it's happened before.


    So... DEMN-OK-ratsy have deep roots in USA?

    But you trying to claim -- that it isn't. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Because... you believe to DEMN-OK-ratsy's propaganda. Mere words.

    Like "this time we sure-sure are honest and true... here, we give you a cross"???


    \\I'm strongly opposed to the United States using military power to invade, occupy a country and replace the governments of other countries. It doesn't work out well. But Qtard thinks, just because I remembered that (and how it was a disaster) that makes my mind totalitarian? WTF? Definite cretinic illogic.

    Because your "I'm strongly opposed" -- NOT based on ANY facts of YOUR behvior.

    Like... in compare... that people you call "insurrectionists" -- they OPPOSED.

    And everybody heard about it, and could see it with own eyes. And confirmed -- yeah, they opposed.

    You -- not.

    You just BABBLING about you opposing this or that (but mostly facts and Truth and Freedoms of the people).

    And when ACTUAL involvement from you needed -- you stating "it's not my business".

    TOTALLY totalitarian logic and behavior.

    \\That was my SPECULATION re what republiturds would DEFINITELY say.


    That's it.

    Same as all other your claims. ;-P

    \\Yes. I've only ever said I am in favor of providing aid so that Ukraine can defend itself. Why would I suddenly change my mind?

    And what you DID??? For that?

    There is many non-government funds and volunteers that giving help to Ukraine.

    You can give YOUR donation. And then BRAG about it.

    But... you producing lame empty babbling ONLY.

    \\The majority of committed support by country has come from the United States, whose total aid commitment is valued at about $75 billion. The U.S. is followed by Germany and the United Kingdom for highest commitments overall. link


    Most of which came back to USA MIC.

    \\Qtard: \\I did a Google search and didn't find anything\\ Yap. Because Google help spreading DEMN propaganda. And cover revealing DEMN lies facts.


    \\Is Google Biased?: Google's ranking algorithm is biased on things such as the number of keywords, the length of content, its reliability, and even the webpage loading speed. On the other hand, Google biased against inaccurate and harmful content. In overview, Google favors webpages that have real value to users and readers. [end]

    You seems just LIKE to provide quotes that confirm my words. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0000

  27. Qtard: Because DEMN propaganda trying to prohbit such comparation??? \\FACTS prohibit such comparison\\ Illogical Bullshit. ... FACTS -- CANNOT "prohibit" anything.

    For people who value the truth and facts, that the facts do not support an argument can DEFINITELY prohibit making such an argument. But you, as a liar, are not prohibited from making arguments when the facts don't support that argument.

    Qtard: They have NO agency. Or authority.

    I did not claim they did.

    Qtard: They... just ARE. As parts of Reality.

    Like you know anything about facts. Or reality.

    Qtard: \\Of course not. You are ruled by rightturd propaganda\\ Yeah. Totally totalitarian idea. And directly from mouth of liliPut.

    What nonsensical bullshit. Putin never said "Qtard is ruled by rightturd propaganda". Putin does not know who you are. Despite you doing such a great job parroting his words.

    Qtard: That there CANNOT be FREE from propaganda people. Yawn.

    That is how you think of yourself, right? :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    Qtard: \\Yeah, giving the MOST aid... that's helping Putin. Definitely something a cretin would think\\Comparing FACTS. Poland -- gave 240 tanks. USA -- 31!!! But... cretin STILL trying to pretend that 31 is BIGGER then 240???

    I compared the US giving $75 billion to Poland giving 3.5 billion. Qtard thinks 3 is bigger than 75? Is that what you cretin is trying to pretend?

    Qtard: \\No. I already explained this to you. They get the chips from third parties. Not directly from the United States\\ **moronic laughter** Yeah. USA are totally powerless... against some invisible "third parties".

    Yes, it is "invisible". Or does Qtard think they're telling the US they're reselling chips to Russia?

    Qtard: Because they WANT to help RFia... and DO NOT want to help Ukraine.

    I dunno motivations. They probably just want the money.

    Qtard: \\Not through direct purchases\\ Of course. Because that'll be TOO self-revealing.

    Because that is prohibited.

    Qtard: \\No. The United States is a MEMBER of the UN, they don't run it. It isn't up to the US. Other countries have a say. And Russia is a PERMANENT member of the Security Council. As is China. How does Qtard propose that Russia be removed?\\ Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Excuses. Excuses. Excuses.

    Realities. But you don't know anything about that. Why you gave no proposal as to how they could be removed.

    Qtard: \\Yeah. Openly visible that the United States doesn't run the world. Can't tell other countries what to do\\ Yeah. Except Aphganistan. Iraq. That same Ukraine.

    Lie. Or does the cretin Qtard think the Taliban listened to the US telling it what to do?

    Qtard: ALSO... PROHIBITION to attack RFia's territory -- ISN'T THAT counts as help\\ Because the US doesn't want to push Putin to use nukes as he has threatened\\ Excuses. Excuses. Excuses.

    Not wanting to spark a nuclear holocaust. What Qtard wants? The end of the world?

    Qtard: When in Caribean Crasis USA "did not want USSR to use nukes"... they just STATED "here is OUR nukes... and they are ready to launch".

    What is "Caribean Crasis"?? You mean the Cuban Missile Crisis? That was in defense of the United States. A US president isn't going to use Nuclear brinksmanship re the war in Ukraine. Joe Biden would be impeached for sure. Voted out of office for certain.

    What republicans would say... "time for the 25th amendment to remove this senile fool from office" or "time to impeach Biden for -- in the throes of dementia -- threatening Russia with nuclear war".

    Qtard: And USSR was forced to crawl back to its shithole.

    Well, they didn't want war with the United States. While Putin might think he could get away with using a tactical nuke in Ukraine. But Qtard endorses such insane recklessness. Of course. Because it see insanity as rationality.

  28. Qtard: On the base of OPEN and OBVIOUS facts\\ More qtarded delusions. Yawn. Yeah. YET ONE comnfirmation. That you are crazy cretin that sees facts as "delusions".

    Definite self referring talks.

    Qtard: \\"More than you" is not EVERYTHING. FAR from it\\ It's MY knowledge... is limited. But, YOU claim that you know "More than you". Or... say, that was NewSpeak use of "you" instead of "I"?\\No\\ Aha. NewSpeak "Yes". Or... maybe that "More than you"... was... a LIE?

    No. Not "NewSpeak yes". Not "more than you was a lie". Based on your lie of comparing tRump to Navalny.

    Qtard: \\Qtard says "You prove that I'm right". NO, Qtard. That isn't how it works. You make a claim means it's on you to prove it. But you can't understand. Due to your cretinism\\ Talking with itself?

    Replying to your demand that I research YOUR claims. HOW is that me talking to myself?

    Qtard: \\Then... why such ANTI-democratic came to your mind... so swiftly???\\Because it's happened before\\ Hah??? So... DEMN-OK-ratsy have deep roots in USA? But you trying to claim -- that it isn't.

    There is no such thing as "DEMN-OK-ratsy". No "deep roots". No roots at all.

    Qtard: Because... you believe to DEMN-OK-ratsy's propaganda. Mere words. Like "this time we sure-sure are honest and true... here, we give you a cross"???

    I don't believe it. Because it doesn't exist. But those wars in Afghanistan and Iraq -- they were started by the republican president george w bush. But cretin probably thinks george w bush was spouting "Demn propaganda". Because that is the ONLY kind of propaganda that exists in the cretin's mind.

    Qtard: \\I'm strongly opposed to the United States using military power to invade, occupy a country and replace the governments of other countries. ... Definite cretinic illogic\\ Because your "I'm strongly opposed" -- NOT based on ANY facts of YOUR behvior. Like... in compare... that people you call "insurrectionists" -- they OPPOSED. And everybody heard about it, and could see it with own eyes. And confirmed -- yeah, they opposed.

    Yeah, they opposed democracy. And yes, people did see with their own eyes how the J6 lawbreakers opposed democracy. And then got punished for their "opposition" to following the law. Because that's what happens to criminals.

    I also opposed. Lawfully. By voting against george w bush. The president that illegally invaded two countries and toppled their governments. Did Qtard oppose? The US did have other countries cooperating with it's illegal invasions. WTF did Qtard do to oppose his government's involvement? Oh, that's right. Qtard won't say what country it lives in. So it can attack and say "as a foreigner from far far away that's not my business".

  29. Qtard: You -- not. You just BABBLING about you opposing this or that (but mostly facts and Truth and Freedoms of the people). And when ACTUAL involvement from you needed -- you stating "it's not my business".

    "You stating" -- that's a lie. Those are words you keep trying to place in my mouth.

    Qtard: TOTALLY totalitarian logic and behavior.

    Yeah, the behavior of strongly supporting democracy. While YOUR behavior is opposing it.

    Qtard: \\...I've only ever said I am in favor of providing aid so that Ukraine can defend itself. Why would I suddenly change my mind\\ And what you DID??? For that?

    Voted for Democrats. Voiced support for Democrats. What did YOU do?

    Qtard: There is many non-government funds and volunteers that giving help to Ukraine. You can give YOUR donation. And then BRAG about it. But... you producing lame empty babbling ONLY.

    What the hell are you babbling about? I never said I am opposed to individuals donating to help Ukraine. You gave a donation and bragged about it here? I don't remember that. Quote (and link) to your previous bragging.

    Qtard: \\The majority of committed support by country has come from the United States, whose total aid commitment is valued at about $75 billion. The U.S. is followed by Germany and the United Kingdom for highest commitments overall. link\\ Yeah. Most of which came back to USA MIC.

    The equipment and arms too? That also "came back"? Nothing went to Ukraine?

    Qtard: ...Google help spreading DEMN propaganda. And cover revealing DEMN lies facts\\No. Is Google Biased?: Google's ranking algorithm is biased on things such as the number of keywords, the length of content, its reliability, and even the webpage loading speed. On the other hand, Google biased against inaccurate and harmful content. In overview, Google favors webpages that have real value to users and readers\\ You seems just LIKE to provide quotes that confirm my words.

    But what I just quoted does not confirm your words. But you, being an imbecile, see confirmation? I can't do anything about that. You need some of those "Charlie Gordon pills". But, unfortunately they do not exist.

  30. \\For people who value the truth and facts, that the facts do not support an argument can DEFINITELY prohibit making such an argument.


    Yeah. Cretins like you, who dunno that is not facts itself, but Logic built up on that facts.

    Like that fact that that is Visible Fact -- that Sun going round and round on the sky.

    But... it need under standing of space mechanics... to know that it all vice versa.


    But... you cretin will show that you not get it... in a jiffy.

    \\But you, as a liar, are not prohibited from making arguments when the facts don't support that argument.

    And... you SO inclined to summarize OWN behavior. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That's why you are SO entertaining. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: They have NO agency. Or authority.

    \\I did not claim they did.


    That JUST ABOVE ^^^^^^^^ IS NOT your words, cretin? ;-p

    This words -- "facts do not support".

    SUPPORT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
    Cambridge Dictionary › ...
    support verb [T] (PROVIDE). to provide someone with money or physical things that are needed:

    CLEARLY... what NEED agency.


    Where you playing as miserly cretin and cretinic liar???

    Here -- where you claim "I did not claim they did"?

    Or THERE -- where you say "facts do not support"?

    RIGHT ANSWER -- both times. ;-P


    \\Qtard: They... just ARE. As parts of Reality.

    \\Like you know anything about facts. Or reality.

    More then you. ;-P

    Well... that's what you cretin would respond and what you was waiting for me to respond with??? Isn't it, cretin???

    But... everybody knowledge of Reality is limited. Naturally.

    That's why we need LOGIC... and Scientifical Rational Thinking.

    To roam trough mountains of that otherwise hardly comprehensible... pieces of Reality itself -- facts. ;-)


    It all mean nothing for U cretin.

    You call it "tricks". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


  31. \\Qtard: \\Of course not. You are ruled by rightturd propaganda\\ Yeah. Totally totalitarian idea. And directly from mouth of liliPut.

    \\What nonsensical bullshit. Putin never said "Qtard is ruled by rightturd propaganda". Putin does not know who you are. Despite you doing such a great job parroting his words.



    That liliPut using NewSpeak -- same as you.

    So... instead of admitting "yes, I as aggressor attacking Ukraine" it trying to twist and turn it into "nasty-nasty nazis of Ukraine... attack innocent RFia... which only trying to protect its own people" -- TOTALLY that lying twisting YOU DO nearly in every sentence. ;-P


    Yet One confirmation -- earlier that liliPut ITSELF said "*I*. *Order*. Commence Attack on Ukraine!!!"... but, SAME as you... lately IT completely "forgot" that own words... and trying to pretend that "Ukraine attacked us first... we only fighting BACK"...

    \\I compared the US giving $75 billion to Poland giving 3.5 billion. Qtard thinks 3 is bigger than 75? Is that what you cretin is trying to pretend?


    And Poland was able to give 240 tanks.

    While USA only 31.

    Well, of course, because USA values its tanks MUCH HIGHER... and where all that money gone to? In payment for that tanks? ;-P

    Back to whom? ;-P

    \\Yes, it is "invisible". Or does Qtard think they're telling the US they're reselling chips to Russia?


    \\Lie. Or does the cretin Qtard think the Taliban listened to the US telling it what to do?

    Of course... because USA was not "helping" Taliban, isn't it? ;-P

    Or not... if we'd looking deeper into history -- where and how that Taliban was created -- that was CIA operation against soviet in Aphganistan. ;-P

    \\What is "Caribean Crasis"?? You mean the Cuban Missile Crisis? That was in defense of the United States. A US president isn't going to use Nuclear brinksmanship re the war in Ukraine. Joe Biden would be impeached for sure. Voted out of office for certain.

    For defending USA on the farest point from home?

    \\Well, they didn't want war with the United States. While Putin might think he could get away with using a tactical nuke in Ukraine. But Qtard endorses such insane recklessness. Of course. Because it see insanity as rationality.


    Appeasing Hitler... and now liliPut. RATIONAL???? :-)))))))))))))0

    Only miserly cretin can think so. Thank you for self-revelation. :-)))))))))))))))))0

  32. \\No. Not "NewSpeak yes". Not "more than you was a lie". Based on your lie of comparing tRump to Navalny.

    And you can SHOW... how that "a lie"???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


    Cause U R cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Replying to your demand that I research YOUR claims. HOW is that me talking to myself?

    Who knows? Just a hunch.

    Another way that blurts of your are totally meaningless. ;-P


    continue-continue blurting, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\\\Because it's happened before

    \\There is no such thing as "DEMN-OK-ratsy". No "deep roots". No roots at all.

    That was YOUR claim -- that that "happened before". ;-P

    But... you are obvious cretinic liar -- lying AGAINST OWN WORDS even.


    Nothing new. Nothing surprising. You doing it... as long as I know... IT. Here.


    \\I don't believe it. Because it doesn't exist.


    You have declared it many-many times -- that you believe something, and therefore it exist (like nazis in Ukraine or dRump in jail)... and vice versa -- if you don't like, don't believe it -- it do not (like DEMN and liliPut propaganda, and etc)...

    YET ONE time.


    Of word "believe".

    verb (used without object),be·lieved, be·liev·ing. to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so: Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.

    BELIEVE Definition & Usage Examples |

    Means -- even AGAINST the facts. ;-P

    Because FACTS are THAT "absolute proof" ONLY.

    But you... do not like FACTS... for being TRUTHFUL... it seems. ;-P

    \\But those wars in Afghanistan and Iraq -- they were started by the republican president george w bush.

    And why they was not stopped by MOST HOLYEST DEMN POTUS -- Zero-bama??? ;-P


  33. \\Yeah, they opposed democracy.

    Yeah... People themself OPPOSED to Rule of People... :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And you can believe such thing... because be·lieve. to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so

    Means. AGAINST the FACTS. ;-P

    \\Qtard: You -- not. You just BABBLING about you opposing this or that (but mostly facts and Truth and Freedoms of the people). And when ACTUAL involvement from you needed -- you stating "it's not my business".

    \\"You stating" -- that's a lie. Those are words you keep trying to place in my mouth.

    You NEVER have said "not my business"??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And what if I'll find and show such quote? ;-P

    You'll be saying "just that ONE time"? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Or screaming "I NEVER said it"? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    Or... will declare that providing such quotes... is some "trick"? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Hardly it'll be something new this time.

    So... I will not bother myself with such mundane task. ;-P

    \\Yeah, the behavior of strongly supporting democracy. While YOUR behavior is opposing it.


    NewSpeak lying talks of a totalitarian cretin.


    Same as its puppet-master this cretin calling totalitarian rule -- "most democratic". And people themself uprising against totalitarians as "overthrowing democracy".

    \\Voted for Democrats. Voiced support for Democrats. What did YOU do?

    Democracy -- that is when ruled by Democrats? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Surely... that what DEMN propaganda teaching you to say/think. :-))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\The equipment and arms too? That also "came back"? Nothing went to Ukraine?

    Some scraps?

    \\But what I just quoted does not confirm your words. But you, being an imbecile, see confirmation?

    As always. LYING against FACTS.

    "Google biased against inaccurate and harmful content."

    Just call it "inaccurate and harmful" and it is MAGICALLY will became eligible to censure out? ;-P

    And you cretin, because you think MUCH SMARTER people DO NOT see it. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Such a NewSpeak "redefinition".

  34. Qtard: Yeah. Cretins like you, who dunno that is not facts itself, but Logic built up on that facts.

    But you dunno what facts or logic are.

    Qtard: Like that fact that that is Visible Fact -- that Sun going round and round on the sky.

    No. The sun is in space, not the sky. Earth would be incinerated swiftly if the sun was that close.

    Qtard: But... it need under standing of space mechanics... to know that it all vice versa.

    You obviously have no understanding of such things. Saying the sun is in the sky. Excuse me, ON the sky.

    Qtard: But... you cretin will show that you not get it... in a jiffy.

    Yes. You just did.

    Qtard: \\But you, as a liar, are not prohibited from making arguments when the facts don't support that argument\\ And... you SO inclined to summarize OWN behavior.

    That was a summary of your behavior.

    Qtard: That's why you are SO entertaining.

    You find my summaries of your behavior entertaining? It likes when it is outed as a cretin? That is weird. But you are a CRAZY cretin.

    Qtard: They have NO agency. Or authority\\ I did not claim they did\\ And??? That JUST ABOVE ^^^^^^^^ IS NOT your words. cretin?

    Asking yourself again? Yes, that is your word. Just above. The "and" followed by 3 question marks. Forgot writing that? Already??

    Qtard: This words -- "facts do not support". › ...
    support verb [T] (PROVIDE). to provide someone with money or physical things that are needed: CLEARLY... what NEED agency.

    Those are my words, not the cretin's.

    Qtard: So???

    So you are an idiot.

    I can't use facts to GIVE evidence that what I say is true?

    Facts cannot be used to SUPPLY the basis for a logical argument?

    "give" and "supply" are both synonyms of "provide".

    But crazy cretin dunno what facts are. Hates them because they are needed when making an argument based on logic.

    Qtard: Where you playing as miserly cretin and cretinic liar???

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: Here -- where you claim "I did not claim they did"?

    You used the word "agency", not me.

    Qtard: Or THERE -- where you say "facts do not support" RIGHT ANSWER -- both times.

    Yes. I never said the facts themselves were making arguments. People make arguments. They don't make themselves. That was implied in my comment.

    Qtard: They... just ARE. As parts of Reality\\ Like you know anything about facts. Or reality\\ More then you.

    So, everything. Qtard thinks it is an all knowing God?

    Qtard: Well... that's what you cretin would respond and what you was waiting for me to respond with???


    Qtard: Isn't it, cretin???

    Oh, you were asking yourself. I answered anyway.

    Qtard: But... everybody knowledge of Reality is limited. Naturally.

    Except to the ALL knowing God, Qtard.

    Qtard: That's why we need LOGIC... and Scientifical Rational Thinking.

    You get by without them.

    Qtard: To roam trough mountains of that otherwise hardly comprehensible... pieces of Reality itself -- facts.

    Fact, definition: a thing that is known or proved to be true.

    Known by who? Proved to be true by who?

    Qtard thinks facts know themselves? Qtard thinks facts prove themselves to be true?

    Sounds like the thinking of a crazy cretin. That facts have such agency.

    Qtard: It all mean nothing for U cretin.

    That seems to be the case with you, a crazy cretin.

    Qtard: You call it "tricks".

    Habitual use of "you" in place of "I".

  35. \\But you dunno what facts or logic are.


    And you can support this miserly baseless claims with some facts or logic????

    Naaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Like that fact that that is Visible Fact -- that Sun going round and round on the sky.

    \\No. The sun is in space, not the sky. Earth would be incinerated swiftly if the sun was that close.


    cretin tried to oppose to VISIBLE fact? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\You obviously have no understanding of such things. Saying the sun is in the sky. Excuse me, ON the sky.


    But you just cretinicly claimed that "Earth would be incinerated swiftly if the sun was that close." ;-P

    TOTAL CRETIN. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Go consult with Google... for god sake.

    Is the Sun in the sky or on the sky?
    Answer. The sun is in the sky. Hope this helps you. Please mark as brainliest answer.

    The sun ______ (sun) in the sky - › question


    That would need to check EACH word. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well... not my problem. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: But... you cretin will show that you not get it... in a jiffy.

    \\Yes. You just did.


    And you cretin tried to ask why I so sure that you cretin using "you" instead of "I".


    \\Qtard: This words -- "facts do not support". › ...
    support verb [T] (PROVIDE). to provide someone with money or physical things that are needed: CLEARLY... what NEED agency.

    \\Those are my words, not the cretin's.


    Quote from website -- cretin claims being ITS words.

    Yeah, cretin? Then PROVE that -- go EDIT that website, to show that you are OWNER of it.

    But, you will just continue-continue self-revealing bullshit talks... :-)))))))))))))

    \\I can't use facts to GIVE evidence that what I say is true?

    Yeah. You -- as living entity... even if not intelligent and bona fide crazy -- COULD do that...

    FACTS ITSELF -- can't. Like FACT that Sun rising in the morning -- CANNOT come here, into this blog, and write "Here I am. And I 'GIVE evidence' about myself". :-))))))))))))))))


    Some cretin. Or eternal dweller of some caves. Or blind from birth... CAN cretinicly DECLINE, that there is such fact -- that Sun Rising In The Morning.

    Because... people DO LIE. And prone to babble factLESS bullshit.

    \\Facts cannot be used to SUPPLY the basis for a logical argument?

    Reference to facts?

    To "supply" FACT itself... that need to be some small and easily portable fact.

    Not like that "Sun Rising In The Morning".

    So... if for example we'd talk in the middle of the night. Or in some cave.

    And some cretin... like, would ask of me "O.K. SHOW me that fact -- that Sun Rising In The Morning... what??? You can't??? I KNEW it. It is a LIE!!!!". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\"give" and "supply" are both synonyms of "provide".

    Cretin DUNNO what Passive Voice mean? In English.

    NOT facts ITSELF... can give or supply something.

    NOT "provide". "BE provided".

    That is something you as cretin DUNNO how.

    And now I think I see why -- cretin think that FACTS have agency and CAN/MUST "provide" itself. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But crazy cretin dunno what facts are. Hates them because they are needed when making an argument based on logic.


    You... is... that crazy cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And you talking about itself in second person -- because you do not grok Passive Voice.


  36. \\You used the word "agency", not me.

    Already FORGOT own words???

    \\FACTS prohibit such comparison.

    Utter Bullshit.

    Like fact... that same fact for example, that Sun Rising In The Morning -- can PROHIBIT some cretin to claim that it isn't.

    Same like fact that dRump are not in jail -- it CANNOT prohibit to cretins like you to screech "but-but... dRump MUST be in jail, dRump WILL be in jail"...

    So much for "FACTS prohibit". ;-P


    MORE numerous occurances here. Of your cretinic "I NEVER said it".

    And etc... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yes. I never said the facts themselves were making arguments.


    And this is not PERFECTLY FACTUAL QUOTE of your stupid babbling: "FACTS prohibit such comparison.

    \\People make arguments. They don't make themselves. That was implied in my comment.


    Yeah-yeah-yeah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    We should believe to such cretin and liar. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That became ashamed and trying to retract its bullshit argument. :-)))))))))))))))

    No, dumb ass.

    That is NOT how it done.

    Go say: "I was wrong. I was stupid. Please, forgive this my mistake. And I'll try to not make em anymore".

    But you CAN'T. Cause you IS cretin.

    Can speak/write only humongous BS. ;-p

    \\Qtard: They... just ARE. As parts of Reality\\ Like you know anything about facts. Or reality\\ More then you.

    \\So, everything. Qtard thinks it is an all knowing God?



    As you are Know Nothing cretin.

    Anybody who knows more then you... should be knowing EVERYTHING. :-)))))))))))))))))

    Perfectly Cretinic IDEA. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


    continue-continue, cretin. ;-P

    \\Qtard: But... everybody knowledge of Reality is limited. Naturally.

    \\Except to the ALL knowing God, Qtard.

    Admitting your alter-ego "Qtard" thinking about itself being Gawd??? :-))))))

    \\Qtard: That's why we need LOGIC... and Scientifical Rational Thinking.

    \\You get by without them.

    "You" instead of "I".

    \\Fact, definition: a thing that is known or proved to be true.

    1. an event or thing known to have happened or existed. 2. a truth verifiable from experience or observation.

    FACT definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
    Collins Dictionary › dictionary › fact

    \\Known by who? Proved to be true by who?

    Cretin trying to oppose definitions.


    \\Qtard thinks facts know themselves? Qtard thinks facts prove themselves to be true?

    Your alter-ego "Qtard"?

    Go teach that dumb ass a lesson. Or two. ;-P

    \\Sounds like the thinking of a crazy cretin. That facts have such agency.


    Like that they "prohibit" something...

    You, gothcha.

    Say, WHAT alter-ego have written it???

    IT looks not that cretinic.

    SAY your name!

  37. Qtard: \\But you dunno what facts or logic are\\ And you can support this miserly baseless claims with some facts or logic????

    No, I can't. Because I didn't make a "miserly baseless claim".

    Many times Qtard has stated that the sun is in the sky. Or "on" the sky. Said this is a "fact" that people can check for themselves.

    Well, I checked it. And I found it to be false. The sun is (on average) 92.197 million miles away. While the sky (the Earth's atmosphere) extends for 6,214 miles. Not even a million miles. So, the sun isn't in the sky (the Earth's atmosphere), it is in space.

    Qtard: Like that fact that that is Visible Fact -- that Sun going round and round on the sky\\ No. The sun is in space, not the sky. Earth would be incinerated swiftly if the sun was that close\\ Hah... cretin tried to oppose to VISIBLE fact?

    Looks like it.

    Qtard: \\You obviously have no understanding of such things. Saying the sun is in the sky. Excuse me, ON the sky\\ Yeah??? But you just cretinicly claimed that "Earth would be incinerated swiftly if the sun was that close."

    No. I did not. I intelligently said the Earth would be incinerated swiftly if the sun was that close.

    Qtard: TOTAL CRETIN. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: Go consult with Google... for god sake. Is the Sun in the sky or on the sky?
    Answer. The sun is in the sky. Hope this helps you. Please mark as brainliest answer.

    Oh, so the sun is 6,214 miles from the Earth (or closer)? That is what you think? Google told you, a TOTAL cretin? And the TOTAL cretin said, Yes, Google meant that literally. The sun is in the sky. As opposed to the sun being visible in the sky from Earth.

    But, no. "brainliest" said it.

    Google, where is the sun?

    Google: The Sun is located in the Milky Way galaxy in a spiral arm called the Orion Spur that extends outward from the Sagittarius arm.

    Qtard: But... you cretin will show that you not get it... in a jiffy\\ Yes. You just did. Yeah. And you cretin tried to ask why I so sure that you cretin using "you" instead of "I".

    No. I did not. Why would I ask it about being "sure" of it's bullshit? Of course it is.

    Qtard: This words -- "facts do not support". ...
    support verb (PROVIDE). to provide someone with money or physical things that are needed: CLEARLY... what NEED agency\\ Those are my words, not the cretin's\\ Yeah. Quote from website -- cretin claims being ITS words.

    You wrote: That JUST ABOVE ^^^^^^^^ IS NOT your words, cretin? This words -- "facts do not support".

    You said, "facts do not support" were the words of a cretin. I disputed that. Those are not the words of a cretin, they are my words. I'm not a cretin.

    Qtard: Yeah, cretin? Then PROVE that -- go EDIT that website, to show that you are OWNER of it.

    It says "facts do not support" on Where?

    Well, it doesn't matter. I can't edit It isn't my website. I never said it was.

    Qtard: \\I can't use facts to GIVE evidence that what I say is true?\\ Yeah. You ... COULD do that... FACTS ITSELF -- can't. Like FACT that Sun rising in the morning -- CANNOT come here, into this blog, and write "Here I am. And I 'GIVE evidence' about myself".

    Yawn. Taking comments LITERALLY to make your opponent look stupid.

    Qtard: Some cretin. Or eternal dweller of some caves. ... CAN cretinicly DECLINE, that there is such fact -- that Sun Rising In The Morning. Because... people DO LIE. And prone to babble factLESS bullshit.

  38. You? You definitely babble factless bullshit. Like below...

    Qtard: And some cretin... like, would ask of me "O.K. SHOW me that fact -- that Sun Rising In The Morning... what??? You can't??? I KNEW it. It is a LIE!!!!".

    Cretinic babbling. As if anyone asked this question of you. Then replied as you describe. You imply I did. But I responded to your assertion that the sun is in the sky. Said nothing along the lines of denying the sun rising in the morning.

    Qtard: I think I see why -- cretin think that FACTS have agency and CAN/MUST "provide" itself.

    They can not. That would be pure moronity.

    But I see you have latched onto this lie. You won't drop it now. There will be a lot of babbling about me thinking facts have agency going forward.

    Qtard: \\But crazy cretin dunno what facts are. Hates them because they are needed when making an argument based on logic\\ Yeah. You... is... that crazy cretin. And you talking about itself in second person -- because you do not grok Passive Voice.

    No. I was not talking about myself in the 2nd person.

    Qtard: \\You used the word "agency", not me\\ Already FORGOT own words???

    You're asking yourself? Apparently you did.

    Qtard: \\FACTS prohibit such comparison\\ Utter Bullshit\\ Like fact... that same fact for example, that Sun Rising In The Morning -- can PROHIBIT some cretin to claim that it isn't.

    Yeah. I never said the sun doesn't rise in the morning. I said the sun is not in the sky. Or on the sky. The sun is in space.

    Qtard: Same like fact that dRump are not in jail -- it CANNOT prohibit to cretins like you to screech "but-but... dRump MUST be in jail, dRump WILL be in jail"...

    I never disputed that tRump is not in jail. I don't know if he WILL be. He surely should be.

    Qtard: So much for "FACTS prohibit".

    Google, "facts prohibit".

    First result: The State Attorney's Office released the following statement... "Stated quite simply, the law and the facts prohibit a criminal prosecution in this instance".

    And, if you Google "facts prohibit", you will find other such examples. But people who say "facts prohibit" -- they must all be cretins that LITERALLY are saying the facts themselves are prohibiting things.

    Qtard: MORE numerous occurances here. Of your cretinic "I NEVER said it".

    Your cretinic claims that I said something I DID NOT SAY.

    Qtard: \\Yes. I never said the facts themselves were making arguments\\ Yeah. And this is not PERFECTLY FACTUAL QUOTE of your stupid babbling: "FACTS prohibit such comparison. ?????

    Idiot dunno what a figure of speech is. Can only take things literally. Due to cretinity.

  39. Qtard: \\People make arguments. They don't make themselves. That was implied in my comment\\ Yeah-yeah-yeah. We should believe to such cretin and liar.

    We definitely should NOT believe you. Definitely NOT believe your idiotic claim that I think facts argue for themselves. As opposed to being used in arguments by people.

    Qtard: That became ashamed and trying to retract its bullshit argument.

    You're ashamed of your moronity and are trying to retract your bullshit argument? You should be. But I doubt you are.

    Qtard: No, dumb ass. That is NOT how it done. Go say: "I was wrong. I was stupid. Please, forgive this my mistake. And I'll try to not make em anymore".

    That is what YOU should be saying. Dumb ass taking what I said literally. Well, I'll be looking for words from you that I can take literally in the future. Jump on them and INSIST you meant them 100 percent literally.

    Qtard: [I] Can speak/write only humongous BS.

    You forgot the "I" that belongs at the beginning of that sentence.

    Qtard: \\Like you know anything about facts. Or reality\\ More then you\\So, everything. Qtard thinks it is an all knowing God\\ Yeah-yeah. As you are Know Nothing cretin. Anybody who knows more then you... should be knowing EVERYTHING.

    That's what you said. YOU, when I said I know more about Navalny than you, claimed that meant I was saying I know EVERYTHING about him. Obviously you forgot.

    Qtard: Perfectly Cretinic IDEA.

    I agree completely. Your idea that when I said I know more about Navalny than you, that meant I was saying I know everything about him. DEFINITELY cretinic.

    Qtard: But... everybody knowledge of Reality is limited. Naturally\\ Except to the ALL knowing God, Qtard\\ Admitting your alter-ego "Qtard" thinking about itself being Gawd???

    I have no alter ego, "Qtard".

    Qtard: That's why we need LOGIC... and Scientifical Rational Thinking\\ You get by without them\\ "You" instead of "I".


    Qtard: \\Fact, definition: a thing that is known or proved to be true. 1. an event or thing known to have happened or existed. 2. a truth verifiable from experience or observation.\\Known by who? Proved to be true by who?\\ Cretin trying to oppose definitions.

    Yeah, IT does that.

    Qtard: \\Qtard thinks facts know themselves? Qtard thinks facts prove themselves to be true?\\ Your alter-ego "Qtard"? Go teach that dumb ass a lesson. Or two.

    I can't teach your alter ego Qtard anything. I've tried. But it cannot learn. Because it's brain is defective.

    Qtard: \\Sounds like the thinking of a crazy cretin. That facts have such agency\\ Yeah.
    Like that they "prohibit" something... You, gothcha. Say, WHAT alter-ego have written it??? IT looks not that cretinic. SAY your name!

    I don't know your Blogger display name. You don't have one. You're commenting without a Blogger account. You previously called yourself "Q". And you've also described yourself as a foreigner from far far away. But you stopped doing that. And then forgot you ever did it.

    Obviously you hate being called "Qtard". Think I'll stop if you keep moronically insisting that "Qtard" is my alter ego. But you're mistaken.

  40. \\Obviously you hate being called "Qtard". Think I'll stop if you keep moronically insisting that "Qtard" is my alter ego. But you're mistaken.

    Hate? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I find it amusing only. ;-P

    Trying to sting opponent with devising some stupid name -- that is trick children learn in kindergarten.

    But by the time they come into school, they became aware that it is very stupid trick.

    And only telling about intellectual level of retard that still using it.

    But... you are cretin.

    And that is just a YET ONE evidence of you being cretin -- you stuck in kinder-garden level of intelligence.

    And still think that such a miserly trick can give you anything... apart from showing your self-revealing cretinism. ;-P


    do not take my words as they are -- simple and definite truth.

    Continue-continue your silly tries, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))



  41. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: \\But you dunno what facts or logic are\\ And you can support this miserly baseless claims with some facts or logic????

    \\ No, I can't.

    Fairly and squarely.

    That looks like ADMISSION. ;-P

    I asked DIRECT question -- "can you"?

    And IT answers "I can't".

    But... IT will start screaming "I NEVER said it", yes? :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Like that fact that that is Visible Fact -- that Sun going round and round on the sky\\ No. The sun is in space, not the sky. Earth would be incinerated swiftly if the sun was that close\\ Hah... cretin tried to oppose to VISIBLE fact?

    \\Looks like it.

    YET ONE admission. ;-P

    You cretin tried to babble something about "The sun is in space, not the sky"... though to anyone under the Sun its obvious -- that Sun can be seen every day... in the sky.

    To what was MY direct question "are you cretin trying to oppose VISIBLE fact"???

    And answer was... admission.

    \\No. I did not. I intelligently said the Earth would be incinerated swiftly if the sun was that close.


    Cretin's idea of saying something "intelligent".

    "Looks like it". ;-P


    \\No. I did not. Why would I ask it about being "sure" of it's bullshit? Of course it is.



    \\You said, "facts do not support" were the words of a cretin.

    Copy-pasting. Ctrl-Fing.


    You are right.

    That "facts do not support" REALLY "were the words of a cretin".


    Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    Qtard: Because DEMN propaganda trying to prohbit such comparation??? \\FACTS prohibit such comparison\\ Illogical Bullshit. ... FACTS -- CANNOT "prohibit" anything.

    For people who value the truth and facts, that the facts do not support an argument can DEFINITELY prohibit making such an argument.


    March 2, 2024 at 6:46 PM

    \\Those are not the words of a cretin, they are my words. I'm not a cretin.

    YET ONE symptom of that conflicting feelings you have in between yourbody alter-egos. ;-P

    First you admit that "Blogger Dervish Sanders" are cretin.

    But then... you starting claiming that you are NOT...

    though YOU are that one, who writing such bullshit under account "Blogger Dervish Sanders". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\It says "facts do not support" on Where?

    Already forgot?

    Some other alter-ego asking this dumb question?

    YOU ARE... one of many of samebody who writing under account "Blogger Dervish Sanders"... made a quote of text where *I* quoted

    And claimed it YOUR words. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I know, that's cretinic. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... that's fact. ;-P


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


  42. \\Yawn. Taking comments LITERALLY to make your opponent look stupid.


    \\No. I was not talking about myself in the 2nd person.

    Qtard: This words -- "facts do not support". › ...
    support verb [T] (PROVIDE). to provide someone with money or physical things that are needed: CLEARLY... what NEED agency.

    Those are my words, not the cretin's.

    But... who cares. Yawn. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I never disputed that tRump is not in jail. I don't know if he WILL be. He surely should be.

    Functionally... it the same.

    On what base you claim "He surely should be"????

    Some fakes and propaganda?

    Against PROVEN case of him being falsely accused in committing "rape".

    You showing ADHERENCE with political agenda.

    Agenda based on fakes and lies.

    But... you wholeheartedly SUPPORTING it.

    It seems.

    So... one who supporting lies -- are liar itself. Or not? ;-P

    \\And, if you Google "facts prohibit", you will find other such examples. But people who say "facts prohibit" -- they must all be cretins that LITERALLY are saying the facts themselves are prohibiting things.


    Depend on context.


    To put it simple (to instigate cretin EVEN more) -- if smart people saying it -- it is Truth. If dumb people saying -- that is FAKEs and LIEs.

    \\Your cretinic claims that I said something I DID NOT SAY.

    Even when I QUOTE it? ;-P

    Word to word. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Idiot dunno what a figure of speech is. Can only take things literally. Due to cretinity.

    Your admission? ;-P

    \\We definitely should NOT believe you.

    Admission of having multitude of alter-egos in your brain? ;-P

    \\Definitely NOT believe your idiotic claim that I think facts argue for themselves. As opposed to being used in arguments by people.

    Then... how they can PROHIBIT something??? ;-P

    Can you EXPLAIN? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Naaah. You can't.

    Though that damn simple. ;-P

    \\That is what YOU should be saying.

    In your delusion? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Dumb ass taking what I said literally.



    Like when you UNABLE to distinguish my irony and sarcasm.

    Can I treat it as admission that you think you can be called "dumb ass" because of that? ;-P

    \\Well, I'll be looking for words from you that I can take literally in the future. Jump on them and INSIST you meant them 100 percent literally.

    Yeah, dumb ass, like you was NOT doing it before. ;-P



    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


  43. \\Qtard: [I] Can speak/write only humongous BS.

    \\You forgot the "I" that belongs at the beginning of that sentence.

    "I" that would mean "you"? ;-P

    But... I do not use your NewSpeak lying tactics. ;-P


    But you CAN'T. Cause you IS cretin.

    Can speak/write only humongous BS. ;-p

    That it was ALL ABOUT YOU only. ;-P


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Like you know anything about facts. Or reality\\ More then you\\So, everything. Qtard thinks it is an all knowing God\\ Yeah-yeah. As you are Know Nothing cretin. Anybody who knows more then you... should be knowing EVERYTHING.

    \\That's what you said. YOU, when I said I know more about Navalny than you, claimed that meant I was saying I know EVERYTHING about him. Obviously you forgot.

    Absolutely... not. ;-P

    I... know A LOT about Navalny. And can research to know even more.

    But... you FALSELY claimed knowing MORE.

    Which... is EITHER IS A LIE -- as you Know Nothing, and "know" about Navalny only that your DEMN propaganda spoon-fed you with. Or... some BS from Google... which in a step -- are SAME bullshit DEMN propaganda. In English.

    Or... if to assume it being true -- SHOULD BE everything. ;-P

    But... as I said above -- that is OBVIOUSLY not the case.

    Therefore, conclusion is clear and PERFECTLY LOGICAL -- you are cretinic liar. ;-p


    \\Qtard: Perfectly Cretinic IDEA.

    \\I agree completely.

    I... very glad.


    That MY assesment of YOU words:

    \\\\So, everything. Qtard thinks it is an all knowing God?

    With MY words

    \\Perfectly Cretinic IDEA. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Was PERFECTLY CORRECT. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    you will start screaming "THAT WAS NOT my admission... weeeee", yes, cretin?



    too late, you ALREADY said more then enough.

    For it would be clearly seen as admission. ;-P

    \\I have no alter ego, "Qtard".

    And you are NewSpeak liar who like to say "No" in place where "Yes" only correct answer. ;-P

    So... logically, we can come to conclusion -- that that claim is a LIE too. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\\\ Cretin trying to oppose definitions.

    \\Yeah, IT does that.

    YET ONE admission. ;-P

    \\I can't teach your alter ego Qtard anything. I've tried. But it cannot learn. Because it's brain is defective.

    YET ONE admission. ;-P

  44. No cretin's retorts here? ;-P

  45. There are FIVE cretinic retorts right above! That isn't enough for you? Write more.


    Thanky-thanky, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  47. No cretin's retorts here? ;-P
