Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Long Necks ALL Around!

h/t Woodsterman


  1. How many terrorists did dotard donald, as president, allow entry into the United States?

    How many terrorists have entered the country in order to stage an attack to help dotard donald get elected in 2024?

    donald says he is absolutely certain there is going to be an attack that he can blame on Joe Biden.

    Why is dotard donald so certain there will be a terrorist attack? According to the disgraced ex-president, failed businessman and rapist, it is "100% certain" there will be "some horrible acts, terror acts".

    Did his puppet master assure him that terrorists were on the way and that the attack ordered by Putin would help dotard donald get reelected?

  2. 🔺Derpish is saying his god Joey The Farting Pants Pooper Biden never let a single terrorist into the United States.🔺

    Derpish is fixated on blaming Donald Trump over every crooked act of treason committed by Joey Farting Pants Pooper Biden.

  3. Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  4. Why is dotard donald so certain there will be a terrorist attack? According to the disgraced ex-president, failed businessman and rapist, it is "100% certain" there will be "some horrible acts, terror acts".

    Why is Biden's Immigration Czar so keen on down-playing violent attacks and murders by immigrants? Is he secretly a Donald Trump supporter?

  5. Minus: Why is Biden's Immigration Czar so keen on down-playing violent attacks and murders by immigrants?

    He isn't. As per the article you linked to, he said they "should not be politicized".

    "Not politicized" isn't "downplayed".

    Minus: Is he secretly a Donald Trump supporter?

    Maybe. Because we SHOULD be blaming tRump. Republicans and Democrats negotiated a border deal -- and dotard donald commanded his loyal magaturds to not vote for it. Because he likes violent attacks and murders by immigrants -- wants them to continue. So he can blame Biden.

  6. No, "politicized" means the immigration status os murderers and violent criminals is to be CENSORED and/ or NOT REPORTED.

    You really need a "woke encyclopedia". I hear they're selling them from James Lindsay

  7. ...because if the immigration status were actually reported and known, it would BECOME a political issue. It couldn't NOT.

  8. Minus: "politicized" means the immigration status of murderers and violent criminals is to be CENSORED and/ or NOT REPORTED.

    There is no such censoring.

    U.S. Sentencing Commission data shows homicides are a small percentage of the crimes committed by noncitizens, whether they are in the United States illegally or not.

    The Congressional Research Service found that the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants do not fit in the category of aggravated felons, whose crimes include murder, drug trafficking or illegal trafficking of firearms. link

  9. Minus: Cloak of Gyges...

    Cloak of tinfoil.

  10. So why do FBI statistics still merge White and Hispanic homicide rates?

    Cloak of Gyges has been in place for a LONG time...

  11. If you spend the time, do the statistical analysis, and separate the numbers out... you're cancelled, shadow-banned and called a racist.

    ...the FIST of Gyges.

  12. Minus: Cloak of Gyges has been in place for a LONG time...

    I linked to the no censoring above.

    Minus: If you spend the time, do the statistical analysis, and separate the numbers out... you're cancelled, shadow-banned and called a racist.

    Not by Qtard. You never will be. Apparently IT thinks simply acknowledging that race exists as a social construct is racist. BUT clearly implying some races (not Whites) are inherently criminal -- that isn't racist at all.

  13. Simply citing the actual statistics you collect on race is racist? LOL!

    Or is insisting that all races commit crimes at an equal rate DESPITE the statistical collected evidence, racist?

  14. Note: The ethnicity totals in the link above are representative of those agencies that provided ethnicity breakdowns. Not all agencies provide ethnicity data; therefore, the race and ethnicity totals will not equal.

    In other words, they lumped them all into the "white" category.

    Racist says "what?"

  15. \\Apparently IT thinks simply acknowledging that race exists as a social construct is racist.

    And how it not???

    Fool demonstrate stupidity -- and thefore stopidity exist.

    Misoginists demonstrate misoginity -- and therefore misoginism exist.

    (Your favorite) White supremacists demonstrate white suorimacy -- and therefore white supremacism exist.

    Same way.

    There is people (like certain one cretin) that demonstrate racism -- and therefore racism exist. ;-P

    Easy as pie.

    And all by DEMN propaganda rulebook. ;-P

  16. Qtard: There is people (like certain one cretin) that demonstrate racism -- and therefore racism exist.

    Self referring talks.

  17. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  18. Yeah. As per the cretin...

    Me -- only acknowledging that the social construct of race exists -- that is racist.

    While, Minus FJ, promoting the racist trope that some races (brown Hispanics and Black people) are inherently more criminal and violent than White people -- that isn't racist.

    Well, that is as per the rightturd propaganda rule book.

    Which both Minus FJ and Qtard know very well.

    Qtard: (Your favorite) White supremacists demonstrate white suorimacy -- and therefore white supremacism exist.

    I thought you said that was a slur? To "falsely" accuse White people of white supremacy (or "white suorimacy" as you call it). Now it appears IT does not remember. Might ask for a QUOTE. Thereby denying it ever said it. No quote means... IT did not say it. Give a quote and it will claim "my words meant something else". That is it's qtard game. One I refuse to play anymore. Because we BOTH KNOW what IT said.

  19. \\Me -- only acknowledging that the social construct of race exists -- that is racist.


    In a minds of racists. ;-P

    \\While, Minus FJ, promoting the racist trope that some races (brown Hispanics and Black people) are inherently more criminal and violent than White people -- that isn't racist.


    Because you are racist -- you cannot see it any other way. Then that is "racist trope"... and not facts of Reality.

    \\Well, that is as per the rightturd propaganda rule book.


    Rulebook you are using? ;-P

  20. Qtard: In a minds of racists.

    Racists like you.

    Qtard: Then that is "racist trope"... and not facts of Reality.

    Confirmation of my "like you". Thank you.

    Qtard: Rulebook you are using?

    No, I don't use your rulebook.

  21. To bored to write more lies?

  22. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  23. Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    PS Yeah. I encourage you to use your cretinic retort "Self-encouragement" here too.

    For more lulz! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
