Monday, February 26, 2024

First they Came for the Journalists....

...but I wasn't a Journalist, so I did nothing.

On The Alchemy of Mutual Knowledge

"Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it's interested in operational success."

-George Soros, "The Alchemy of Finance" 

Artificial Intelligence - "On Altering the Alchemy of Mutual Knowledge"

Ai says, "Paedophilia is GREAT!"  Will everyone now believe the Alchemists of Mutual Knowledge?


  1. It makes a difference to you? Wow! You really ARE an idiot!

  2. donald tRump came for Julian Assange and that doesn't seem to bother you at all.

    tRump jailing (or calling for the jailing of) journalists is ok? It's only Putin puppets CALLING themselves journalists being "censored" that offends you?

    Because the only standards rightturds have are double standards.

  3. The powerless calling for vengeance is a double standard? Perhaps a needed one, then.

  4. ...especially against those who abuse the privileges power grants.

  5. Minus: The powerless calling for vengeance is a double standard? Perhaps a needed one, then.

    You're talking about Black Lives Matter? The Poor People's Campaign? Women who have lost their bodily autonomy due to the corrupt SCOTUS stacked by dotard donald with religious nutters? I support these movements.

    donald tRump represents the rich and powerful. Any powerless people who support him have been duped.

    The J6 insurrections were all people who could afford to travel to Washington, pay for airline tickets and hotel rooms. These aren't "powerless" people. They are duped fools and racists angry that their White Supremacist leader lost a fair(ish) election.

    Minus: ...especially against those who abuse the privileges power grants.

    ABSOLUTELY! Why dotard donald MUST be held accountable.

  6. Trump holds office today? He runs the MSM and decides what gets printed? He censors his opponents? Who knew?

  7. Minus: Trump holds office today? He runs the MSM and decides what gets printed? He censors his opponents? Who knew?

    Is that the agenda for the 2nd dotard donald administration? Which you will justify by calling a tit for tat? Even though Joe Biden does not run the MSM or decide what gets printed? Even though Joe Biden isn't censoring his opponents?

    When donald tRump exits the courthouse and holds a press conference nobody covers it? Fox, OAN, Newmax and other rightturd propaganda has been outlawed? X-Titter, "Truth Social" and Rumble have been shut down? Who knew?

    btw, donald tRump can't call up any rightturd propaganda outlet and get on the air to speak whenever he wants? Who knew?

    Being wealthy confers no power? Who knew?

    "Bidet Butt Lickers"? Is that the title of your favorite gay porno, Mystere?

    1. No Dervish, Bidet Butt Lickers is the title of your favorite gay porno, Dervish. I don't watch porno flicks of any kind, Assface Dervish.

  8. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ Trump holds office today? He runs the MSM and decides what gets printed? He censors his opponents? Who knew?

    Yeah. Through its puppet-master liliPut... bu-ga-gah!

    And that puppet/parrot of liliPut's propaganda trying to spread rumors of its master grandeur. ;-P

    Total totalitarian cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  9. \\Fox, OAN, Newmax and other rightturd propaganda has been outlawed? X-Titter, "Truth Social" and Rumble have been shut down? Who knew?


    Confirmation how totalitarian cretin wants Freedom of Press THWARTED.


    But... it will start crying "I NEVER said it"... right away. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    Just like its puppet-master liliPut -- started with bragging and ultimatums "NATO... get out off MY lawn"... and now crying "NATO... stop being so unite and militaristic... you SCARRING me... weeee!".

  10. Mystere: No Dervish, Bidet Butt Lickers is the title of your favorite gay porno, Dervish. I don't watch porno flicks of any kind, ... Dervish.

    Confirmation! In NewSpeak. Mystere is probably eagerly awaiting the release of "Bidet Butt Lickers 2". Mystere likely has it preordered.

    Qtard: \\Minus: Trump holds office today? He runs the MSM and decides what gets printed? He censors his opponents? Who knew?\\Yeah. Through its puppet-master liliPut... bu-ga-gah!

    Putin's puppet is not in office. But Putin is putting resources toward getting its puppet back in office.

    Qtard: And that puppet/parrot of liliPut's propaganda trying to spread rumors of its master grandeur. ... Total totalitarian cretin.

    Definite self referring talks.

    Qtard: \\Fox, OAN, Newmax and other rightturd propaganda has been outlawed? X-Twitter, "Truth Social" and Rumble have been shut down? Who knew?\\ Yeah. Confirmation how totalitarian cretin wants Freedom of Press THWARTED.

    I'm sure you'd love that. Thwart the freedom of the actual press so the only "press" left is the rightturd/Putin aligned "press". Such a development would make the totalitarian cretin very happy.

    Qtard: Yawn. But... it will start crying "I NEVER said it"... right away.

    Will IT? I'm going to guess NO. YOU won't start crying "I NEVER said it". Certainly not "right away". Or you'd have done it already.

    I pointed out that the rightturd/Putin propaganda entities cited are NOT thwarted. They are still spreading your master's propaganda and the misinformation IT loves.

    Qtard: Just like its puppet-master liliPut...

    Admission that Putin is IT's puppet master. Well, I already knew that. Given that IT repeats it's master's propaganda almost word for word. Like "walking by streets" and "people who took a stroll to the US Congress". SAME language from master and puppet.

    1. Shoo fly don't bother me
      Shoo fly don't bother me
      Shoo fly don't bother me
      For I belong to somebody
      I feel, I feel
      I feel like a morning star
      I feel, I feel
      I feel like a morning star
      Shoo fly don't bother me
      Shoo fly don't bother me
      Shoo fly don't bother me
      For I belong to somebody
      I feel, I feel
      I feel like a morning star
      I feel, I feel
      I feel like a morning star
      Shoo fly don't bother me
      Shoo fly don't bother me
      Shoo fly don't bother me
      For I belong to somebody
      I feel, I feel
      I feel like a morning star
      I feel, I feel
      I feel like a morning star
      Shoo fly don't bother me
      Shoo fly don't bother me
      Shoo fly don't bother me
      For I belong to somebody
      I feel, I feel
      I feel like a morning star
      I feel, I feel
      I feel like a morning star
      I feel, I feel
      I feel like a morning star
      I feel, I feel
      I feel like a morning star

      Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

    2. Dervish brags about a porno flick titled "Bidet Butt Lickers 2." So he confirms there is a queer flick titled "Bidet Butt Lickers." He must have been the leading star of it, since he gloats with glee over the release of his follow up porno flick.

  11. Bidet Biden hides in the Girl's Room texting his MSM media commands....

  12. \\ But Putin is putting resources toward getting its puppet back in office.

    Yeah. Bi-den -- the most faithful puppet. ;-P

    That protecting its master from swift defeat... for TWO YEARS already.

    \\Qtard: And that puppet/parrot of liliPut's propaganda trying to spread rumors of its master grandeur. ... Total totalitarian cretin.

    \\Definite self referring talks.

    Oh... now I GET it... why you placing that "Qtard" there -- you think that your alter-ego words. :-P

    And that way correctly calling it "self referring talks".

    Now I got it.

    Thank you for explanation. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    of your cretinic crazyiness. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Such a development would make the totalitarian cretin very happy.

    YET ONE self-revelation. ;-P

    Well... no end of em... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  13. Qtard: \\But Putin is putting resources toward getting its puppet back in office\\ Yeah. Bi-den -- the most faithful puppet. ... That protecting its master from swift defeat... for TWO YEARS already.

    Yeah, "protecting" by sending aid. By sending planes and tanks. That helping for Ukraine to repel the invaders, that's "really" protecting Putin. So says the cretin. Proving MORE it's cretinism.

    Qtard: And that puppet/parrot of liliPut's propaganda trying to spread rumors of its master grandeur. ... Total totalitarian cretin\\ Definite self referring talks\\ Oh... now I GET it... why you placing that "Qtard" there -- you think that your alter-ego words.

    They are your words. You forgot writing them? That cretin, it is ALWAYS forgetting.

    Qtard: And that way correctly calling it "self referring talks". Now I got it. Thank you for explanation.

    That was your incorrect explanation. Cretin doesn't recognize its OWN WORDS. The crazy bonker thinks words IT WROTE were actually written by me.

    Qtard: of your cretinic crazyiness.

    Self referring talks again.

    Qtard: \\Such a development would make the totalitarian cretin very happy\\YET ONE self-revelation.

    Yes. Thank you for confirming that my revelation about you is accurate.

    Qtard: Well... no end of em... **moronic laughter**

    Indeed. I have no doubt that the totalitarian cretin from far far away will keep making such self revelations.

  14. \\Yeah, "protecting" by sending aid. By sending planes and tanks.

    Yeah. Planes that still not flying. Tanks... that easily burning.


    \\ That helping for Ukraine to repel the invaders, that's "really" protecting Putin.


    THREE innocent infants DIED... just yesterday.

    THAT is like "successfully repeled" looks to you?

    Yes. Because you are cretin that repeats after DEMN propaganda -- to which it not good publicity -- to mention how Bi-den postponing help to Ukraine -- allows liliPut to kill baby infants...

    \\They are your words. You forgot writing them? That cretin, it is ALWAYS forgetting.

    Your alter-ego "Qtard"? ;-P

    \\That was your incorrect explanation. Cretin doesn't recognize its OWN WORDS. The crazy bonker thinks words IT WROTE were actually written by me.

    Try to lie less... and base your words on facts more... and who knows, maybe you words will be assessed some other way.


    you can't. Cause you are cretin. Yawn.

    \\Qtard: \\Such a development would make the totalitarian cretin very happy\\YET ONE self-revelation.

    \\Yes. Thank you for confirming that my revelation about you is accurate.


    \\totalitarian cretin from far far away

    Yet one of your alter-egos?

    or new self-designation? ;-P

  15. Qtard: \\Yeah, "protecting" by sending aid. By sending planes and tanks\\ Yeah. Planes that still not flying. Tanks... that easily burning.

    The F16s are flying.Here is some video. Though you will probably call it all fake.

    The evil Bi-den must have sent flammable tanks. To help his master **sarcasm**

    Qtard: \\That helping for Ukraine to repel the invaders, that's "really" protecting Putin\\ Repel??? THREE innocent infants DIED... just yesterday. THAT is like "successfully repeled" looks to you?

    The evil Bi-den chuckled when he heard of those babies dying? Yes? In Qtard's delusions?

    Qtard: Yes. Because you are cretin that repeats after DEMN propaganda -- to which it not good publicity -- to mention how Bi-den postponing help to Ukraine -- allows liliPut to kill baby infants...

    republiturds postponing aid and thereby allowing Putin to kill infants.

    Qtard: \\They are your words. You forgot writing them? That cretin, it is ALWAYS forgetting\\ Your alter-ego "Qtard"?

    Yeah, you forgot. Thinks words written by IT were actually written by me.

    I thought the words you wrote were those of a "much smarter opponent"? But if those "much smarter opponent" words are my words -- doesn't that make me the "much smarter opponent"?

    You are clearly suffering from some serious brain damage.

    Qtard: Try to lie less... and base your words on facts more... and who knows, maybe you words will be assessed some other way.

    One of your alter egos is talking to another of your alter egos? Giving it advice?

    Qtard: But... you can't. Cause you are cretin. Yawn.

    Yeah, that alter ego of yours that you are talking to -- it can't. You are right about your alter ego. Because it thinks lies are truth. It said so many times.

    Qtard: \\Such a development would make the totalitarian cretin very happy\\YET ONE self-revelation\\Yes. Thank you for confirming that my revelation about you is accurate\\ **moronic laughter**

    Laughing in agreement?

    Qtard: \\totalitarian cretin from far far away\\ Yet one of your alter-egos? or new self-designation?

    Your own words again. It previously said it is a foreigner from far far away. But again, it forgets what it said. Due to brain damage?

  16. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: \\Yeah, "protecting" by sending aid. By sending planes and tanks\\ Yeah. Planes that still not flying. Tanks... that easily burning.

    \\ The F16s are flying.Here is some video. Though you will probably call it all fake.

    UNDER territory of Ukraine, dumb ass. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\The evil Bi-den must have sent flammable tanks. To help his master **sarcasm**

    More like paper thin tanks. ;-P

    \\The evil Bi-den chuckled when he heard of those babies dying? Yes? In Qtard's delusions?


    He said "that dumb Ukrainians? They do not need planes"... planes, that could PROTECT that infants.

    But... Bi-den DO NOT care about infants -- it only care about good sleep of his master in Kreml.

    \\republiturds postponing aid and thereby allowing Putin to kill infants.

    Pentagon considering tapping last source of Ukraine ...
    CNN › 2024/02/28 › politics › pentagon...The Defense Department still has around $4 billion in presidential drawdown authority funds available for Ukraine, which allows the Pentagon to ...

    But... cretin will squint with "republiturd propaganda"... from 100% DEMN propaganda source.


    Yeah... when they spread propaganda about how dRump are BA-A-AD, and how Bi-den are GOOOOOD... that they doing to help dRump, yes???? :-))))))))))))))))))

    SAME as when liliPut praising Bi-den and calling him more suiting candidate. And not old fart with dementia at all. :-)))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Qtard: \\They are your words. You forgot writing them? That cretin, it is ALWAYS forgetting\\ Your alter-ego "Qtard"?

    \\Yeah, you forgot. Thinks words written by IT were actually written by me.

    Admitting having split-personalities syndrome? ;-P

    \\You are clearly suffering from some serious brain damage.

    Some of your alter-egos? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Try to lie less... and base your words on facts more... and who knows, maybe you words will be assessed some other way.

    \\One of your alter egos is talking to another of your alter egos? Giving it advice?



    you'd only CONTINUE being cretin. Yes, cretin? ;-P


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Yeah, that alter ego of yours that you are talking to -- it can't. You are right about your alter ego. Because it thinks lies are truth. It said so many times.



    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Laughing in agreement?



    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: \\totalitarian cretin from far far away\\ Yet one of your alter-egos? or new self-designation?

    \\Your own words again. It previously said it is a foreigner from far far away. But again, it forgets what it said. Due to brain damage?

    Copy-pasting. Ctrl-Fing.

    A-a-a-and... it written... it written by...


    \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    Indeed. I have no doubt that the totalitarian cretin from far far away will keep making such self revelations.

    March 2, 2024 at 3:05 PM

    YOU that "totalitarian cretin". YOU "keep making such self revelations".

    And that is YOUR own words.

    About which you trying to LIE... absolutely cretinic lies -- like that is MY words. ;-P

    As always -- cretin UNABLE to make PERFECTLY CORRECTLY ATTRIBUTED quotes.



    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


  17. No cretin's retorts here? ;-P

  18. Q-tard, du machst mich jedes Mal großartig geil, wenn du mich „CRETIN“ nennst. Ich schlage jedes Mal gerne mit mir ab.

  19. Apparently Qtard likes your fake comments, Mystere.
