Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Dark Brandon Rises... Bwah-ha-ha-ha!

...et al

...Nope... NO propaganda to see here!

h/t Woodsterman


  1. I don't believe that donald tRump never committed a felony in the past. I believe he committed lots of them. He just wasn't prosecuted for any of the past ones. Like money laundering. He did a lot of that in the past.

  2. Then it begs the question, "Why now?"

  3. He should have faced charges long ago. But, because he escaped prosecution in the past, that isn't a reason not to prosecute him now.

    According to you, Joe Biden has been getting away with crimes for a long time. So nobody should be looking into Joe Biden or his family's (alleged) wrongdoing either. Why aren't you speaking out against the House's (sham) investigation?

  4. He escaped persecution because "they ALL do it". And if wasn't then, it isn't now.

    Double standards don't look good on you Dervy? How's the Hunter Biden case going? The "sympathetic old man Joe Biden" classified data case?

  5. Minus: He escaped persecution because "they ALL do it".

    No. And it isn't "persecution", it is prosecution.

    Minus: And if wasn't then, it isn't now.

    But it IS now.

    Minus: How's the Hunter Biden case going?

    It should have been dismissed already. He paid his back taxes.

    Minus: The "sympathetic old man Joe Biden" classified data case?

    What about the special counsel appointed to look into Mike Pence having classified documents? What? There wasn't one? Why not?

    Maybe because there was no case? Same as with Joe Biden. No case. Yet for some reason Garland assigned a tRumper to do a political hit job on him. Garland should be fired. Or at least retire and be replaced in Biden's second term.

    Minus: Double standards don't look good on you Dervy?

    You haven't cited any. tRump stole documents and refused to return them. Pence and Biden inadvertently retained documents, alerted the DOJ of the accidental retention, cooperated fully and returned them immediately.

  6. \\I don't believe that donald tRump never committed a felony in the past. I believe he committed lots of them.

    Who cares about what you cretin believe? ;-P

    Well... we know that answer -- DEMNs care. Very much. To succumb as many cretins as possible to vote for their DEMN-OK-ratsy.

  7. \\According to you, Joe Biden has been getting away with crimes for a long time. So nobody should be looking into Joe Biden or his family's (alleged) wrongdoing either. Why aren't you speaking out against the House's (sham) investigation?

    Bi-den is a POTUS... and you hail for him to be POTUS again.

    So... if there'd not Acting Presidential Protection been void.

    Well... dementia will make him ineligible to be judged anyway.


    How do you like pupppet-master liliPut ENDORSING its puppet Bi-den? ;-P

  8. It's persecution. Prosecutors don't have double standards.

  9. Qtard: \\I don't believe that donald tRump never committed a felony in the past. I believe he committed lots of them\\Who cares about what you cretin believe? ;-P

    Who cares about what YOU cretin believe? YOU cretin probably think ALL the charges against tRump will go poof. Because YOU are a cretin.

    Qtard: Well... we know that answer -- DEMNs care. Very much. To succumb as many cretins as possible to vote for their DEMN-OK-ratsy.

    Democrats don't give a shit about your delusions concerning imaginary "Demns" or imaginary "their DEMN-OK-ratsy".

    Qtard: How do you like pupppet-master liliPut ENDORSING its puppet Bi-den?

    Nothing like what you describe happened. Nothing like what you describe will happen. Putin endorses his puppet donald tRump. Putin wants his puppet donald tRump back in the White House.

    Minus: It's persecution.

    It isn't.

    Minus: Prosecutors don't have double standards.

    You didn't cite any in regards to the legitimate prosecutions of donald tRump.

  10. Trump tweets bogus conspiracy theory about the FBI that comes from a fringe subreddit. ... Trump’s tweet refers to an article about Strzok and Page's texts that appeared on Gateway Pundit, a notorious right-wing conspiracy website, claiming that the texts prove the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign.

    The texts [about "Oconus lures"] are from December 2015. The FBI investigation of the Trump campaign did not launch until July 2016. The investigation was prompted by a May 2016 meeting in which Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos told an Australian diplomat that "Moscow had thousands of emails that would embarrass Mrs. Clinton, apparently stolen in an effort to try to damage her campaign".

    So the texts could not refer to the FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign because the investigation did not yet exist. The texts between Strzok and Page at issue, notably, do not mention Trump or the Trump campaign.

    The use of the term “lure,” incidentally, also does not match the conduct that Trump is complaining about. Trump is upset that the FBI used a professor in England to approach Trump staffers it suspected could be in contact with Russian operatives. But a “lure,” according to the U.S. Attorney's Manual, is someone used to attract an individual abroad to the United States so that he or she can be arrested.

  11. December, 2015 was before Crossfire Hurricane. The point is, the spying actually started MUCH earlier. Hence, the "new" scandal with 5 eyes and the CIA (CIA prohibited by law from spying on US citizens so Brennan illegally "outsourced the data collection job to 5 eyes). They (FBI paid OCONUS lures) then planted fake collusion tips with Popodopolous.

  12. The 1st bump PLANTED the Hillary e-mail story with Popodopolous. The 2nd EXTRACTED the Hillary e-mail story fromhim. They then used the info from the 2nd "bump" to launch Crossfire Hurricane.

    As Durham said in his report, Crossfire Hurricane was IMPROPERLY initiated. Durham was an institutionalist and refused to expose the CIA/FBI malfeasance. Instead, he went after some of their minor Contractors used to develop the "parallel constructions" and also used to justify legal investigations from illegally acquired information sources (ie - wiretaps and NSA intercepts).

  13. Sources and methods. We now know some of them.

  14. Don't worry, Dervy, this will ALL get exposed in the Mar-A-Lago classified documents case. Trump and his lawyers have the goods on the whole op.

    But Trump is still using it as leverage. When elected in 2025, he'll OWN the USIC. Democrats will never win another election after that. He'll know the Democrat's plans before they even make them. Turnabout (of USIC for partisan politics) is fair play.

  15. But a “lure,” according to the U.S. Attorney's Manual, is someone used to attract an individual abroad to the United States so that he or she can be arrested.

    Like the $10k they planted on Popodopolous? LOL!

  16. It has other meanings as well...


    OCONUS= Outside Contiguous US

    LURES= In this context LURES = SPIES – multiple

  17. Minus: Don't worry, Dervy, this will ALL get exposed in the Mar-A-Lago classified documents case.


    Minus: Trump and his lawyers have the goods on the whole op.


    But Trump is still using it as leverage.


    Minus: When elected in 2025...


    Minus: ...he'll OWN the USIC.


    Minus: Democrats will never win another election after that.

    Joe Biden will be elected to a 2nd term. dotard donald will be sentenced to prison.

    Minus: He'll know the Democrat's plans before they even make them.


  18. \\Who cares about what YOU cretin believe?

    Too bad...

    but only you cretin are one HERE who base own claims on baseless beliefs and keep pounding at believing or not believing HERE -- like with "I believe facts", "I believe IN facts"... and etc.


    Reveal it YET ONE time FACTUALLY prove that that is SELF-REFERENTIAL talks of you cretin -- who telling what IT do, but trying to claim (again, factlessly) that that what much smarter opponent doing -- with substituting "I" in that self-referential claims with "you". ;-P

    That is what facts say.

    And I talk ONLY with facts. ;-P

    \\Democrats don't give a shit about your delusions concerning imaginary "Demns" or imaginary "their DEMN-OK-ratsy".


    Because they are closet totalitarians. Who do not give shit about freedom of thoughts and freedom of speech, and... basically all and any freedoms AKA Human Rights.

    Thank you for confirming that... with own words. ;-P

    \\Nothing like what you describe happened. Nothing like what you describe will happen. Putin endorses his puppet donald tRump. Putin wants his puppet donald tRump back in the White House.

    Here it is.

    Just one of many excerpts in news MSM

    Putin Backs ‘Predictable’ Biden as Better for Russia Than Trump
    YouTube · Bloomberg Television

  19. I wonder what kind of OCONUS lures the FBI used to get Alexander Smirmov back into the country so that they could Lawfare some more...

  20. Qtard: ...who telling what IT do..

    No. Not "NewSpeak yes".

    Qtard: ...but trying to claim (again, factlessly) that that what much smarter opponent doing...

    No "trying". I am claiming that. It is obvious.

    Qtard: ...with substituting "I" in that self-referential claims with "you".

    No. My claims reference you, not me.

    Qtard: That is what facts say.

    No. Not "NewSpeak yes".

    Qtard: And I talk ONLY with facts.

    No. Not "NewSpeak yes".

    Qtard: Yeah. Because they are closet totalitarians. Who do not give shit about freedom of thoughts and freedom of speech, and... basically all and any freedoms AKA Human Rights.

    I agree with everything you wrote about republiturds. That is a 100 percent true assessment about republiturds.

    Qtard: Thank you for confirming that... with own words.

    You are welcome re my confirmation (with my own words) that maga republicans don't give shit about freedom of thoughts, freedom of speech, and human rights.

    Qtard: Putin Backs ‘Predictable’ Biden as Better for Russia Than Trump.

    Putin lied. But Qtard believes Putin told the truth. Because Qtard always believes Putin tells the truth. Because Qtard loves slurping the propaganda from Putin's butthole.

    And this lie protects the Putin puppet, dotard donald. This is very important to Qtard. Because IT desperately wants dotard donald to be the American "president for life".

  21. \\No "trying". I am claiming that. It is obvious.

    gerund or present participle: claiming

    1. state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof. (Yeah. Very typical... in this regard :-))))

    2. formally request or demand; say that one owns or has earned (something).


    But only in FIRST sense of that word. ;-P

    Your claim that you owned or earned something... with your baseless claims -- is totally delusional.

    Well. Err...

    You EARNED being labelled as "cretin" from me. ;-P

    But hardly you are too happy of such earning... or not? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\No. My claims reference you, not me.

    Not founded on facts.

    Yawn. ;-P

    \\I agree with everything you wrote about republiturds. That is a 100 percent true assessment about republiturds.

    Who cares???

    They are NOT state power in USA. ;-P

    \\You are welcome re my confirmation (with my own words) that maga republicans don't give shit about freedom of thoughts, freedom of speech, and human rights.


    They are NOT in position to ENFORCE anything like that.

    That is ONLY state power that can abuse such things. Through imposing totalitarian rule -- and that is what DEMN state power doing today.

    Well... that is what ANY power trying to achieve.

    That's why constant change of who are at helm -- is so damn important for the rule of Democracy... and not DEMN-OK-ratsy... to be preserved.

    And that mean -- DEMN-OK-rats must be BANISHED from power.

    And then republiturds... if they'll try to do the same -- anti-democratic succumbing of power.

    With force... if needed. By direct application of Power of We the People... if needed.

    \\Qtard: Putin Backs ‘Predictable’ Biden as Better for Russia Than Trump.

    \\Putin lied.

    Lied that it endorsed Biden???

    \\But Qtard believes Putin told the truth.

    It... is the same "truth teller" as IT. And your alter-ego "Qtard" confirms it? ;-P

    \\ Because Qtard always believes Putin tells the truth. Because Qtard loves slurping the propaganda from Putin's butthole.

    Seems like that. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\And this lie protects the Putin puppet, dotard donald. This is very important to Qtard. Because IT desperately wants dotard donald to be the American "president for life".

    Thank you for revealing such truth about your alter-ego "Qtard".

    Yawn. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  22. Qtard: You EARNED being labelled as "cretin" from me.

    Like I care about your cretinic delusions.

    \\No. My claims reference you, not me\\ Not founded on facts.

    Yet more evidence you dunno what facts even are.

    Qtard: \\I agree with everything you wrote about republiturds. That is a 100 percent true assessment about republiturds\\ Who cares?? They are NOT state power in USA.

    They are. You dunno this obvious fact because you are a cretin.

    For example (one fact the cretin dunno)...

    In the United States, a governor is the chief executive officer of a state or a territory. As of January 9, 2024, there are 27 states with Republican governors and 23 states with Democratic governors.

    Qtard: \\You are welcome re my confirmation (with my own words) that maga republicans don't give shit about freedom of thoughts, freedom of speech, and human rights\\ Whatever. They are NOT in position to ENFORCE anything like that.

    They ARE.

    For example (another fact the cretin Qtard dunno)...

    In response to an increase in the number of migrants (many of whom are seeking asylum) crossing the border into the United States, Texas installed rolls of razor-wire fencing along some stretches of the Rio Grande River, which forms the U.S. border with Mexico in the southern part of the state, last year.

    People have DIED (deprived of their right to life) after encountering Greg Abbott's razor wire. But the cretin Qtard says Abbott has no state power. So HOW was he able to place that razor in the Rio Grande which resulted in people being killed?????

    Qtard: And that mean -- DEMN-OK-rats must be BANISHED from power.

    Because the democracy hating Qtard strongly desires one party republiturd rule. It just confessed to it.

    Qtard: And then republiturds... if they'll try to do the same -- anti-democratic succumbing of power.

    Lie. How do I know? They are doing that right now and Qtard denies it. With absurd lies about republiturds having no state power.

    Qtard: With force... if needed. By direct application of Power of We the People... if needed.

    Further confirmation of Qtard's hatred for democracy. It advocates for the violent overthrow of Democracy. Well, we already knew that Qtard hates democracy. It has babbled previously (many times) about its belief that the violent overthrow of democracy by a minority (of fascist trumpturds) is a "human right".

    Qtard: Thank you for revealing such truth about your alter-ego "Qtard".

    Wrote "you" when you should have wrote "my". Yawn.

  23. Correction: Qtard wrote "your" when it should have written "my".

    How do I know? Because "Qtard" is NOT my "alter ego". Qtard is a cretinic rightturd. I am not a rightturd. I am a Left-leaning Democrat.

    I don't want dotard donald tRump to be president for life. I want dotard donald tRump to go to prison for life.

  24. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: You EARNED being labelled as "cretin" from me.

    \\ Like I care about your cretinic delusions.

    Obvious use of "your" instead of "mine". ;-P

    Just YET ONE addition to statistic of your cretinism. :-))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Yet more evidence you dunno what facts even are.

    YET ONE.

    \\They are. You dunno this obvious fact because you are a cretin.

    YET ONE.

    \\For example (one fact the cretin dunno)...

    \\In the United States, a governor is the chief executive officer of a state or a territory.


    YET ONE confirmation that you cretin DUNNO what State Power mean. ;-P

    The power of a sovereign state to exercise authority within its borders.

    State power - Wikipedia
    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › State_power

  25. \\They ARE.

    \\For example (another fact the cretin Qtard dunno)...

    \\In response to an increase in the number of migrants (many of whom are seeking asylum) crossing the border into the United States, Texas installed rolls of razor-wire fencing along some stretches of the Rio Grande River, which forms the U.S. border with Mexico in the southern part of the state, last year.


    Because... in Democratic country -- people HAVE right to decide for themself.

    Right... that totalitarian cretin LIKE to dissuade. ;-P

    \\How do I know? Because "Qtard" is NOT my "alter ego". Qtard is a cretinic rightturd. I am not a rightturd. I am a Left-leaning Democrat.

    YET ONE confirmation crazy cretin having personality disorder.

    Because... it's usual thing for... body with such disorder -- to have CONFLICTING personalities. ;-P

    As well as being NEGATIVE about each other alter-egos. ;-P

    \\People have DIED (deprived of their right to life) after encountering Greg Abbott's razor wire.

    Go read about Darwin Prize winners. ;-P

    \\They are doing that right now and Qtard denies it.


    With going through LEGITIMATE procedure of coming to power in democratic state -- elections.

    Totalitarian cretin just showed YET ONE time his objections to Rule of We the People.


    But... it would not be totalitarian cretin, if it not to.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Further confirmation of Qtard's hatred for democracy. It advocates for the violent overthrow of Democracy. Well, we already knew that Qtard hates democracy. It has babbled previously (many times) about its belief that the violent overthrow of democracy by a minority (of fascist trumpturds) is a "human right".


    With "Hang dRump". ;-P

  26. Qtard: \\ Like I care about your cretinic delusions\\ Obvious use of "your" instead of "mine".

    Obviously that is not the case. I wrote "your" because I meant "your".

    Qtard: Just YET ONE addition to statistic of your cretinism.

    Obvious use of "your" instead of "my".

    Qtard: \\Yet more evidence you dunno what facts even are\\ YET ONE.

    One what? Fact? Yeah, that's a fact. You dunno what facts are.

    Qtard: \\They are. You dunno this obvious fact because you are a cretin\\ YET ONE.

    One what? Fact? No, now it is two facts. Obviously Qtard can't count. Not even to 2.

    Qtard: \\For example (one fact the cretin dunno)... In the United States, a governor is the chief executive officer of a state or a territory\\ Yeah. YET ONE confirmation that you cretin DUNNO what State Power mean.

    Yeah, thank you for that confirmation that you dunno what "state power" means.

    Qtard: The power of a sovereign state to exercise authority within its borders. State power - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › State_power

    Copied and pasted the definition without reading it?

    Qtard: They [Republicans] are NOT in position to ENFORCE anything like that\\ They ARE. For example ...Texas installed rolls of razor-wire fencing along some stretches of the Rio Grande River ... \\ Yeah. Because... in Democratic country -- people HAVE right to decide for themself.

    No. People do NOT have the "right" to murder other people. The state does. That is how Greg Abbott got away with killing people -- he has state power.

    Qtard: Right... that totalitarian cretin LIKE to dissuade.

    No. The totalitarian cretin likes that kind of state power very much. The power to kill people -- in violation of their human right to life.

    Qtard: \\..."Qtard" is NOT my "alter ego". Qtard is a cretinic rightturd. I am not a rightturd. I am a Left-leaning Democrat\\ YET ONE confirmation crazy cretin having personality disorder. Because... it's usual thing for... body with such disorder -- to have CONFLICTING personalities.

    Like your alter ego "Derpy". Qtard and Derpy don't agree with each other. Despite them both being you.

    Qtard: As well as being NEGATIVE about each other alter-egos.

    Yeah, your alter ego "Qtard" clearly does not like your alter ego "Derpy".

    Qtard: \\People have DIED (deprived of their right to life) after encountering Greg Abbott's razor wire\\ Go read about Darwin Prize winners.

    Sure. Those were suicides. They knew the razor wire was there. Decided to swim into it anyway. That is what the Imbecile thinks. Due to being a total cretin.

    Qtard: \\They are doing that right now and Qtard denies it\\ Yeah. With going through LEGITIMATE procedure of coming to power in democratic state -- elections. Totalitarian cretin just showed YET ONE time his objections to Rule of We the People.

    No. You are the one denying this is happening. I keep pointing out that it is.

    Qtard: Yawn. But... it would not be totalitarian cretin, if it not to.

    Bullshit. Pointing out that Republicans have state power because they have won democratic elections does not make me a "totalitarian cretin". It means you are a moron.

    Qtard: But. Continue-continue, cretin.

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\Further confirmation of Qtard's hatred for democracy. It advocates for the violent overthrow of Democracy. ... It has babbled previously ... about its belief that the violent overthrow of democracy by a minority (of fascist trumpturds) is a "human right"\\ Yeah. With "Hang dRump".

    Bullshit. trumpturds chanted "hang Mike Pence", not "hang donald tRump". And hanging people isn't a "human right".

    I see, though, that you admit your hatred for democracy. Thanks for your (unusual) honesty about that, at least.

  27. Qtard: \\ Like I care about your cretinic delusions\\ Obvious use of "your" instead of "mine".

    Obviously that is not the case. I wrote "your" because I meant "your".

    Qtard: Just YET ONE addition to statistic of your cretinism.

    Obvious use of "your" instead of "my".

    Qtard: \\Yet more evidence you dunno what facts even are\\ YET ONE.

    One what? Fact? Yeah, that's a fact. You dunno what facts are.

    Qtard: \\They are. You dunno this obvious fact because you are a cretin\\ YET ONE.

    One what? Fact? No, now it is two facts. Obviously Qtard can't count. Not even to 2.

    Qtard: \\For example (one fact the cretin dunno)... In the United States, a governor is the chief executive officer of a state or a territory\\ Yeah. YET ONE confirmation that you cretin DUNNO what State Power mean.

    Yeah, thank you for that confirmation that you dunno what "state power" means.

    Qtard: The power of a sovereign state to exercise authority within its borders. State power - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › State_power

    Copied and pasted the definition without reading it?

    Qtard: They [Republicans] are NOT in position to ENFORCE anything like that\\ They ARE. For example ...Texas installed rolls of razor-wire fencing along some stretches of the Rio Grande River ... \\ Yeah. Because... in Democratic country -- people HAVE right to decide for themself.

    No. People do NOT have the "right" to murder other people. The state does. That is how Greg Abbott got away with killing people -- he has state power.

    Qtard: Right... that totalitarian cretin LIKE to dissuade.

    No. The totalitarian cretin likes that kind of state power very much. The power to kill people -- in violation of their human right to life.

    Qtard: \\..."Qtard" is NOT my "alter ego". Qtard is a cretinic rightturd. I am not a rightturd. I am a Left-leaning Democrat\\ YET ONE confirmation crazy cretin having personality disorder. Because... it's usual thing for... body with such disorder -- to have CONFLICTING personalities.

    Like your alter ego "Derpy". Qtard and Derpy don't agree with each other. Despite them both being you.

    Qtard: As well as being NEGATIVE about each other alter-egos.

    Yeah, your alter ego "Qtard" clearly does not like your alter ego "Derpy".

    Qtard: \\People have DIED (deprived of their right to life) after encountering Greg Abbott's razor wire\\ Go read about Darwin Prize winners.

    Sure. Those were suicides. They knew the razor wire was there. Decided to swim into it anyway. That is what the Imbecile thinks. Due to being a total cretin.

    Qtard: \\They are doing that right now and Qtard denies it\\ Yeah. With going through LEGITIMATE procedure of coming to power in democratic state -- elections. Totalitarian cretin just showed YET ONE time his objections to Rule of We the People.

    No. You are the one denying this is happening. I keep pointing out that it is.

    Qtard: Yawn. But... it would not be totalitarian cretin, if it not to.

    Bullshit. Pointing out that Republicans have state power because they have won democratic elections does not make me a "totalitarian cretin". It means you are a moron.

    Qtard: But. Continue-continue, cretin.

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\Further confirmation of Qtard's hatred for democracy. It advocates for the violent overthrow of Democracy. ... It has babbled previously ... about its belief that the violent overthrow of democracy by a minority (of fascist trumpturds) is a "human right"\\ Yeah. With "Hang dRump".

    Bullshit. trumpturds chanted "hang Mike Pence", not "hang donald tRump". And hanging people isn't a "human right".

    I see, though, that you admit your hatred for democracy. Thanks for your (unusual) honesty about that, at least.

  28. \\Obviously that is not the case. I wrote "your" because I meant "your".


    Which in your NewSpeak means "I". ;-P

    \\That is how Greg Abbott got away with killing people -- he has state power.


    That's how it is... in totalitarian countries. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Right... that totalitarian cretin LIKE to dissuade.

    \\No. The totalitarian cretin likes that kind of state power very much. The power to kill people -- in violation of their human right to life.

    And just ABOVE cretin STATED that "People do NOT have the "right" to murder other people. The state does." -- means, state CAN violate human rights.

    And, of course... UNdemocratic totalitarian states -- do.

    And you are that "totalitarian cretin" that "likes that kind of state power very much" -- because that is what YOU said. And what YOU do. ;-P

    Self-referential talks -- demonstrated on facts -- factual quotes of totalitarian cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Like your alter ego "Derpy". Qtard and Derpy don't agree with each other. Despite them both being you.

    Admitting having alter-ego Derpy? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\People have DIED (deprived of their right to life) after encountering Greg Abbott's razor wire\\ Go read about Darwin Prize winners.

    \\Sure. Those were suicides. They knew the razor wire was there. Decided to swim into it anyway. That is what the Imbecile thinks. Due to being a total cretin.


    You are definite cretin. Who trying to make conclusions without reading definitions. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\They are doing that right now and Qtard denies it\\ Yeah. With going through LEGITIMATE procedure of coming to power in democratic state -- elections. Totalitarian cretin just showed YET ONE time his objections to Rule of We the People.

    \\No. You are the one denying this is happening. I keep pointing out that it is.

    What happening??? Elections in USA?

    That need to be quite definite cretin... to deny such obvious fact.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Bullshit. Pointing out that Republicans have state power because they have won democratic elections does not make me a "totalitarian cretin". It means you are a moron.

    Cretin do not read definitions??? IT trying to devise own on the whim? :-))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: The power of a sovereign state to exercise authority within its borders. State power - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › State_power

    \\Copied and pasted the definition without reading it?

    So, cretin?

    WHAT power can exercise that miserly House Republicans... within borders of USA? ;-P


  29. \\Self encouragement.

    Say cretin, you really proud of that retort to words of much smarter opponent?

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Being proud in doing cretinic things. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Further confirmation of Qtard's hatred for democracy. It advocates for the violent overthrow of Democracy. ... It has babbled previously ... about its belief that the violent overthrow of democracy by a minority (of fascist trumpturds) is a "human right"\\ Yeah. With "Hang dRump".

    \\Bullshit. trumpturds chanted "hang Mike Pence", not "hang donald tRump". And hanging people isn't a "human right".

    Hah... so, when people did court trial. With jury of fellow citizens... they CANNOT do that?

    Well, yeah, because in Definite Totalitarian Cretin La-La-Land We the People DO NOT have rights... ONLY GOVERNMENT have -- totalitarian power to kill people.

    \\I see, though, that you admit your hatred for democracy. Thanks for your (unusual) honesty about that, at least.


    Thank you for you "honest" use of NewSpeak.

    Like here where you call "democracy" something TOTALLY OPPOSITE to "rule of the people" -- Totalitarian ABUSE of power AKA "ONLY state have right to kill people".

    PS Oh... and I though that that was TWO post of silly cretinic retorts.

    But that was just a DOUBLE-posting... of enraged cretin. ;-P

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Repeating your cretinic retorts more, MORE, MOAAAAR time.

    That way your cretinic retorts will have more credibility... naaaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    It will only be a good additions to my statistics... of your cretinism, cretin.


    You will NEVER understand that -- cause you are C-R-E-T-I-N. :-)))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  30. Qtard: \\Obviously that is not the case. I wrote "your" because I meant "your"\\ Yeah. Which in your NewSpeak means "I".

    No. In your NewSpeak. That you use to falsely claim I mean the opposite of what I write.

    Qtard: \\That is how Greg Abbott got away with killing people -- he has state power\\ Yeah. That's how it is... in totalitarian countries.

    Yes. I agree. That is what it is like in totalitarian republiturd states like Texas. Run by totalitarian republiturd governors like Greg Abbott.

    Qtard: Right... that totalitarian cretin LIKE to dissuade\\ No. The totalitarian cretin likes that kind of state power very much. The power to kill people -- in violation of their human right to life\\ And just ABOVE cretin STATED that "People do NOT have the "right" to murder other people. The state does." -- means, state CAN violate human rights.

    No, the cretin didn't write that. *I* did. The state can kill people. You've never heard of the death penalty? Or of police officers shooting or choking people in the US? We've previously discussed George Floyd's murder. The police officer who murdered him would probably have gotten away with it, if it had not been recorded.

    Qtard: And, of course... UNdemocratic totalitarian states -- do.

    Like Texas. Murders taking place there (of people crossing the border). You seem to approve. You did blame the victims (thereby absolving the killers) by comparing them to "Darwin Award" winners.

    Qtard: And you are that "totalitarian cretin" that "likes that kind of state power very much" -- because that is what YOU said. And what YOU do. Self-referential talks -- demonstrated on facts -- factual quotes of totalitarian cretin.

    Lie. The totalitarian cretin called the murdered victim "Darwin Award" winners. Implying they were responsible for their own deaths. Instead of Greg Abbott.

    Qtard: \\Like your alter ego "Derpy". Qtard and Derpy don't agree with each other. Despite them both being you\\ Admitting having alter-ego Derpy?

    I dunno. Are you?

  31. Qtard: \\People have DIED (deprived of their right to life) after encountering Greg Abbott's razor wire\\ Go read about Darwin Prize winners\\ Sure. Those were suicides. They knew the razor wire was there. Decided to swim into it anyway. That is what the Imbecile thinks. Due to being a total cretin\\ Sure. You are definite cretin. Who trying to make conclusions without reading definitions.

    What definitions? I've heard of the Darwin Award. You posted a definition of it? I don't see one. So, no. I did not read it. I just went by my memory. It's an award given to people who brought about their own deaths accidentally via their stupidity.

    Qtard: \\They are doing that right now and Qtard denies it\\ Yeah. With going through LEGITIMATE procedure of coming to power in democratic state -- elections. Totalitarian cretin just showed YET ONE time his objections to Rule of We the People\\ No. You are the one denying this is happening. I keep pointing out that it is\\ What happening??? Elections in USA? That need to be quite definite cretin... to deny such obvious fact.

    Yeah, that republicans have been elected is an obvious fact. Not denied by me. Denied by YOU. YOU keep saying republicans have no state power. So none must have been elected. Maybe they ran but Democratic cheating caused them ALL to lose.

    Qtard: But. Continue-continue, cretin. **moronic laughter**

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\Bullshit. Pointing out that Republicans have state power because they have won democratic elections does not make me a "totalitarian cretin". It means you are a moron\\ Cretin do not read definitions??? IT trying to devise own on the whim?

    Yeah, you do make up your own definitions. Like with "escalate". It insisted use of the word "escalate" meant the authors of the article (one I linked to previously) -- when they said RUSSIA escalated the war -- that was blaming Ukraine.

    Qtard: So, cretin? WHAT power can exercise that miserly House Republicans... within borders of USA? Unanimously.

    It's asking itself? Why didn't it answer? What is it waiting for? Maybe it will also say what power Senate Democrats can exercise unanimously? Does it think laws can be passed by the Senate and NOT the House but still go to the president's desk for his signature and become law? Yeah, the cretin probably does think that. It surely would not surprise me.

  32. \\No. In your NewSpeak. That you use to falsely claim I mean the opposite of what I write.

    And IT can confirm it with anything except its monkey's screams???


    \\No, the cretin didn't write that. *I* did. The state can kill people.

    Yeah. You are that cretin.

    Totalitarian cretin and liar.

    \\Lie. The totalitarian cretin called the murdered victim "Darwin Award" winners. Implying they were responsible for their own deaths. Instead of Greg Abbott.


    Crossing border of any country -- that is safe and smart thing to do.

    And there is no chance to be shut.

    And who doing it... do not behave stupidly and do not deserve being called Darwin Prize Winner... in case of "unpredictable" non-success...


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I dunno. Are you?

    How *I* can know???

    State your moniker, alter-ego. ;-P

    So I could try to devise -- know you, admit you existing your body-brother. ;-P

    \\YOU keep saying republicans have no state power.

    Do they have POTUS???

    \\It's asking itself? Why didn't it answer? What is it waiting for? Maybe it will also say what power Senate Democrats can exercise unanimously? Does it think laws can be passed by the Senate and NOT the House but still go to the president's desk for his signature and become law? Yeah, the cretin probably does think that. It surely would not surprise me.

    It not surprising that you cretin cannot answer any question.

    Only can babble "I dunno"... to even simplest of em.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  33. Qtard: \\No. In your NewSpeak. That you use to falsely claim I mean the opposite of what I write\\ And IT can confirm it with anything except its monkey's screams???

    I can confirm it with your words. How many times have you claimed that my response was "NewSpeak". Hundreds? At least. Yet it can't remember EVER writing it?

    Qtard: \\No, the cretin didn't write that. *I* did. The state can kill people\\Yeah. You are that cretin.Totalitarian cretin and liar. \\Lie. The totalitarian cretin called the murdered victim "Darwin Award" winners. Implying they were responsible for their own deaths. Instead of Greg Abbott\\ Yeah. Crossing border of any country -- that is safe and smart thing to do. and there is no chance to be shut. And who doing it... do not behave stupidly and do not deserve being called Darwin Prize Winner... in case of "unpredictable" non-success...

    People aren't getting in? Then are all getting killed at the border? Then why are conservatives screaming about MILLIONS entering the country illegally?

    Qtard: :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    No surprise. FAKE supporter of human rights laughs at people getting murdered. Having their right to life violated. Maybe it's because they are brown?

    Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\I dunno. Are you?\\How *I* can know???

    YOU asked if YOU were admitting to having an alter ego called "Derpy". HOW can you not know? Either you are or you aren't.

    Qtard: State your moniker, alter-ego.

    Talking to yourself? Hoping an alter ego will answer?

    Qtard: So I could try to devise -- know you, admit you existing your body-brother.

    No, I don't know wtf you're talking about. Gibberish.

    Qtard: \\YOU keep saying republicans have no state power\\Do they have POTUS???

    You don't know? They do not. But they do hold other positions in government. Therefore they do have state power.

    Qtard: \\It's asking itself? Why didn't it answer? What is it waiting for? Maybe it will also say what power Senate Democrats can exercise unanimously? Does it think laws can be passed by the Senate and NOT the House but still go to the president's desk for his signature and become law? Yeah, the cretin probably does think that. It surely would not surprise me\\ It not surprising that you cretin cannot answer any question. Only can babble "I dunno"... to even simplest of em.

    Yeah, I asked several questions. You cretin didn't answer any of them. Unable to, obviously. Due to cretinism.

    Qtard: But. Continue-continue, cretin.

    Self encouragement.

  34. \\Qtard: \\No. In your NewSpeak. That you use to falsely claim I mean the opposite of what I write\\ And IT can confirm it with anything except its monkey's screams???

    \\I can confirm it with your words.


    That same cretinic "I can".

    Which NEVER shown.



    \\How many times have you claimed that my response was "NewSpeak". Hundreds? At least.



    That was truthful. Based on facts. Facts of your numerous lies. ;-P

    \\Then are all getting killed at the border?

    Are there border in the world -- where people have NO risk being shut... if trespassing em in not assigned for that places???

    \\Then why are conservatives screaming about MILLIONS entering the country illegally?


    Seems like DEMNs like to make such border... out of USA border.


    \\YOU asked if YOU were admitting to having an alter ego called "Derpy". HOW can you not know? Either you are or you aren't.



    \\Qtard: \\YOU keep saying republicans have no state power\\Do they have POTUS???

    \\You don't know? They do not. But they do hold other positions in government. Therefore they do have state power.

    There cannot be TWO "state power".

    Well... it can. But it called Civil War then.

    Like when USA have had North and South.

    But... it not looks like the case, today.

    \\Yeah, I asked several questions. You cretin didn't answer any of them. Unable to, obviously. Due to cretinism.

    You asked your alter-ego "IT". ;-P

    And it -- cretin, was unable to answer.

    UnSurprisingly. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))00
