Saturday, February 24, 2024

Climate Change Rewards Alarmists


  1. Judith Curry ... said that the IPCC was distorting the science and scientists were not dealing adequately with uncertainties. Commenting climatologists have generally disagreed with her critiques. Stephen Schneider, who had persuaded the IPCC to systematize discussion of uncertainty, said Curry had lately proposed "a lot of strawmen" and "It is frankly shocking to see such a good scientist take that kind of a turn to sloppy thinking. Source: Wikipedia.

    1. Wikipedia is not a reliable source. It can be manipulated by libtards to spread propaganda.

  2. \\sloppy thinking. Source: Wikipedi

    NewSpeak for scientifical fact-based thinking?

  3. The IPCC was founded with a $1b donation from Ted Turner, Jane Fonda's former husband (which says EVERYTHING we need to know).

  4. Both imbeciles complain about my comment containing the words "Source: Wikipedia". But neither imbecile disputes ANYTHING I copied from Wikipedia.

    "Wikipedia is not a reliable source. It can be manipulated by libtards to spread propaganda"... That is as per republican propaganda, Mystere.

    Minus: The IPCC was founded with a $1b donation from Ted Turner...

    No. It wasn't.

    The IPCC was founded in 1988. Ted Turner donated 1 billion (over 10 years) to the UN in 1997.

    HOW could the IPCC be founded in 1988 with money donated in 1997?

    Also, as per Ted Turner, his 1 billion went to other UN programs...

    Quote: Speaking of his gift, Turner said, "... This is only going to go for programs, programs like refugees, cleaning up land mines, peacekeeping, UNICEF for the children, for diseases, and [other] U.N. causes".

    You see anything in there about the IPCC? I don't. Well, if any of Turner's money went to the IPCC, it surely was less than the full 1 billion. Looks like he primarily wanted the money to go to helping refugees and children.

    1. The only imbecile here is Assface Dervish bin Satan Sanders666

  5. Qtard: \\sloppy thinking. Source: Wikipedia\\ NewSpeak for scientifical fact-based thinking?

    Yeah, everyone that disagrees with Qtard must be lying or dumb. Or both.

    In it's narcissistic paranoid cretinic delusions.

  6. When Ted Turner told his wife of his plan to give $1 billion to the United Nations--in 10 annual payments of $100 million or less--her response was Biblical: Jane wept.

    And sorry, you're right, it was: The UN Foundation was created in 1998 with entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner’s historic $1 billion gift to support UN causes and activities. He also established the Better World Fund (BWF) to raise money for United Nations Foundation from the public. He is also the Chairman of the Foundation.

    $47m (of $121m granted/spent) from the UNF went to support Environment/ Climate related UN causes (including IPCC) in 2022. Think they're liking to see the "climate crisis" getting better?

  7. \\Yeah, everyone that disagrees with Qtard must be lying or dumb. Or both.

    Your alter-ego "Qtard"?

    \\In it's narcissistic paranoid cretinic delusions.

    Reading your medic card to us. What for? ;-P

  8. Qtard: \\Yeah, everyone that disagrees with Qtard must be lying or dumb. Or both\\ Your alter-ego "Qtard"?

    No. But it sounds like you agree with "Qtard" about it's assessment of you. That you are lying and dumb. Well, you didn't disagree. So I assume you silently agreed. With your alter ego, Qtard.

    Qtard: \\In it's narcissistic paranoid cretinic delusions\\ Reading your medic card to us. What for?

    Why would your mental maladies be printed on my "medic card"?

  9. Of the two imbeciles who comment here (you and Qtard), you're the bigger one, Mystere. By FAR.

  10. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: \\Yeah, everyone that disagrees with Qtard must be lying or dumb. Or both\\ Your alter-ego "Qtard"?

    \\ No. But it sounds like you agree with "Qtard" about it's assessment of you.


    You CoNFiRMING that that "Qtard" you mentioning all of the time -- is your alter-ego? ;-P

    Because -- how it'll be able to do "assessment of me"... and me agreeing with it... if that'll be MY alter-ego?

    You know that split-personality syndrome -- alter-egos MUST BE oblivious of OTHER egos -- JUST LIKE YOU saying... that you have NONE... though you CONSTANTLY forgetting writing this or that, under own blogger account. ;-P

    \\Why would your mental maladies be printed on my "medic card"?

    Because you are cretin. And when you reading OWN medic card... think that that is somebody else. ;-P

    See. Easy as pie.

    Much smarter opponent can explain anything and everything... about your cretinic self. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  11. You think the IPCC agrees with you?

    I'm not the one shelling out $50m/ year to be agreed with.

  12. Qtard: You CoNFiRMING that that "Qtard" you mentioning all of the time -- is your alter-ego?

    Habitual use of "your" in place of "my". Yes, I am confirming that Qtard is YOU.

    Qtard: Because -- how it'll be able to do "assessment of me"... and me agreeing with it... if that'll be MY alter-ego?

    Why not?

    Qtard: You know that split-personality syndrome -- alter-egos MUST BE oblivious of OTHER egos -- JUST LIKE YOU saying... that you have NONE...


    Britannica: Dissociative identity disorder, mental disorder in which two or more independent and distinct personality systems develop in the same individual. Each of these personalities may alternately inhabit the person's conscious awareness to the exclusion of the others. In some cases all of the personalities remain mutually unaware of the others' existence.

    Qtard: ...though you CONSTANTLY forgetting writing this or that, under own blogger account.

    Habitual use of "you" in place of "I'm". Proven by the fact that it's YOU who is constantly forgetting what you write, asking me to remind it with a "quote".

    That's some other alter ego who is forgetting what Qtard wrote. Maybe "Mr. Moron". Probably "IT". You refer to your alter ego "IT" a lot.

  13. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: \\Yeah, everyone that disagrees with Qtard must be lying or dumb. Or both\\ Your alter-ego "Qtard"?

    \\ No. But it sounds like you agree with "Qtard" about it's assessment of you.

    \\Qtard: You CoNFiRMING that that "Qtard" you mentioning all of the time -- is your alter-ego?

    \\Habitual use of "your" in place of "my". Yes, I am confirming that Qtard is YOU.


    Thank you for confirming, crazy cretin. ;-P

    \\Qtard: You know that split-personality syndrome -- alter-egos MUST BE oblivious of OTHER egos -- JUST LIKE YOU saying... that you have NONE...


    \\Britannica: Dissociative identity disorder, mental disorder in which two or more independent and distinct personality systems develop in the same individual. Each of these personalities may alternately inhabit the person's conscious awareness to the exclusion of the others. In some cases all of the personalities remain mutually unaware of the others' existence.


    And that cretinic "False" -- definitely are NewSpeak lie.


    \\Qtard: ...though you CONSTANTLY forgetting writing this or that, under own blogger account.

    \\Habitual use of "you" in place of "I'm". Proven by the fact that it's YOU who is constantly forgetting what you write, asking me to remind it with a "quote".

    Well... you CANNOT recall it EVEN if quote given to you. ;-P

    While... I, as rational person and much smarter opponent -- have EXPLAINEd to IT many-many times -- how using of CORRECT quotes are MUST... in a rational, based on facts and logic discussion.

    But... IT, constantly forgetting about it. ;-P


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\That's some other alter ego who is forgetting what Qtard wrote. Maybe "Mr. Moron". Probably "IT". You refer to your alter ego "IT" a lot.


    And you... one who writes under account "Blogger Dervish Sanders"... just admitted in neighbour thread... that IT -- is YOUR alter-ego. ;-P

    But... that was written/admitted by some other of your crazy house under ONE scull, yeah???

    So, you will scream that you/IT... do not remember that? ;-P

  14. No cretinic retorts here? ;-P

  15. Qtard: \\Yeah, everyone that disagrees with Qtard must be lying or dumb. Or both\\ Your alter-ego "Qtard"?\\ No. But it sounds like you agree with "Qtard" about it's assessment of you\\ You CoNFiRMING that that "Qtard" you mentioning all of the time -- is your alter-ego?\\Habitual use of "your" in place of "my". Yes, I am confirming that Qtard is YOU\\ Yeah.
    Thank you for confirming, crazy cretin.

    Thanking yourself? When *I* confirmed it? Well, it IS crazy. So, it thinks confirmation from someone else -- that is actually confirmation from itself. Not surprising.

    Qtard: You know that split-personality syndrome -- alter-egos MUST BE oblivious of OTHER egos -- JUST LIKE YOU saying... that you have NONE...\\False. Britannica: ... In some cases all of the personalities remain mutually unaware of the others' existence\\ And that cretinic "False" -- definitely are NewSpeak lie.

    Cretin dunno what the word "some" means. Thinks it means "all".

    Qtard: ...though you CONSTANTLY forgetting writing this or that, under own blogger account. \\Habitual use of "you" in place of "I'm". Proven by the fact that it's YOU who is constantly forgetting what you write, asking me to remind it with a "quote"\\ Well... you CANNOT recall it EVEN if quote given to you.

    Habitual replacing "I" with "you" and "me" with "you". It didn't remember writing about how the J6 criminals were "going by streets". How do I know? Because, when I pointed out that quote sounds almost exactly like what Putin said -- about the J6 criminals "going for a stroll" -- the cretin said *I* was quoting Putin. Like I was agreeing with Putin by pointing out that Qtard was the one quoting its master. Obviously it forgot what it said.

    Qtard: While... I, as rational person and much smarter opponent -- have EXPLAINEd to IT many-many times -- how using of CORRECT quotes are MUST... in a rational, based on facts and logic discussion.

    You dunno what a "rational, based on facts and logic discussion" is. That is your dodge. You use it to suggest I'm misrepresenting what you've said previously. If I do quote, you say that it isn't "correct". That's why you threw that "correct" in there.

    Qtard: But... IT, constantly forgetting about it.

    I remember that bullshit. You forget that I called you on this bullshit and said I wasn't playing your cretinic games any more.

    Qtard: But... continue-continue, cretin.

    Unneeded self encouragement. I KNOW you will continue, cretin. Continue playing your cretinic games.

    Qtard: \\That's some other alter ego who is forgetting what Qtard wrote. Maybe "Mr. Moron". Probably "IT". You refer to your alter ego "IT" a lot\\ Ha-ha... And you... one who writes under account "Blogger Dervish Sanders"... just admitted in neighbour thread... that IT -- is YOUR alter-ego.

    No. Why would I "admit" such bullshit? Why would I "admit" your alter ego "IT" is "really" my alter ego?

    Qtard: But... that was written/admitted by some other of your crazy house under ONE scull, yeah???

    Yes. I agree with what you are telling one of your alter egos. I thought you were talking to me, but suddenly you start talking to yourself. Well, it has happened many times before.

    Qtard: So, you will scream that you/IT... do not remember that?

    Yeah, your alter ego you/IT almost surely won't remember.

  16. \\Thanking yourself? When *I* confirmed it? Well, it IS crazy. So, it thinks confirmation from someone else -- that is actually confirmation from itself. Not surprising.

    Yeah. Totally not surprising.

    You using OWN words as confirmation of own words ALL of the time. Never facts.

    Because such a crazy cretin you are.

    Yawn. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Habitual replacing "I" with "you" and "me" with "you".

    But... you still not explained what word "habitual" mean in your NewSpeak? ;-P

    \\You dunno what a "rational, based on facts and logic discussion" is. That is your dodge.


    And you ask why I call you cretin???

    Because of THIS cretinism EXACTLy -- you calling Facts and Logic... a "dodge".

    Like... for example, when I mentioned fact -- Sun rising every morning -- that is a dodge???? From what??? HOW????

    But... you cretin -- never able to explain. Because... you are cretin.


    \\You use it to suggest I'm misrepresenting what you've said previously. If I do quote, you say that it isn't "correct".

    Of course.

    And I confirm it with FACTs. And providing RATIONAL explanation -- how it was cut out of context, meaning of it twisted or any other your miserly cretinic tricks you tried to use...

    But... you are cretin -- you never understand my that explanation and logic...

    and just continue-continue using that SAME cretinic unsuccessful tricks.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Entertaining me. ;-P

    \\I remember that bullshit. You forget that I called you on this bullshit and said I wasn't playing your cretinic games any more.

    Of course.

    Cause you are cretin... you cannot "play games" only much smarter people can do -- using facts and logic "games". ;-P

    \\Unneeded self encouragement. I KNOW you will continue, cretin. Continue playing your cretinic games.


    *I* -- will continue being jubilantly smart... while observing how you continue behaving miserly cretinic.

    You are right here.

    And completely understand meaning of my "continue-continue cretin".


    that is just an accidental mashup of words in your cretinic babbling... and not true understanding.

    And you will only continiuue-continue showing itself cretin. ;-P


    \\No. Why would I "admit" such bullshit? Why would I "admit" your alter ego "IT" is "really" my alter ego?


    Yet one confirmation.

    That you are cretin -- unable to admit FACTS. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yes. I agree with what you are telling one of your alter egos. I thought you were talking to me, but suddenly you start talking to yourself. Well, it has happened many times before.

    Perfectly how cretin would understand it.

    But, you IS cretin... so, nothing surprising here. ;-P


  17. Qtard: You using OWN words as confirmation of own words ALL of the time. Never facts.

    Self referring talks.

    Qtard: Because such a crazy cretin you are.

    More self referring talks.

    Qtard: \\Habitual replacing "I" with "you" and "me" with "you"\\But... you still not explained what word "habitual" mean in your NewSpeak? ;-P

    You don't know what "habitual" means in your NewSpeak? I say you lie. You want me to tell you so you can "thank" me for "admitting" what it means in "my" NewSpeak.

    Qtard: \\You dunno what a "rational, based on facts and logic discussion" is. That is your dodge\\Yeah. And you ask why I call you cretin???

    No. I know why. You are a deluded crazy cretinic liar.

    Qtard: Because of THIS cretinism EXACTLy -- you calling Facts and Logic... a "dodge".

    See? That is a lie. I said you dunno what those things are.

    Qtard: Like... for example, when I mentioned fact -- Sun rising every morning -- that is a dodge???? From what??? HOW????

    I never asked you, "Qtard, does the sun rise every morning"? I already know the answer.

    Qtard: But... you cretin -- never able to explain. Because... you are cretin.

    Saying I am "never able to explain" is part of the dodge. Because I never said your use of facts and logic is a dodge. I said you don't use facts or logic.

    Qtard: \\You use it to suggest I'm misrepresenting what you've said previously. If I do quote, you say that it isn't "correct"\\ Of course.


    Qtard: And I confirm it with FACTs.

    You don't.

    Qtard:And providing RATIONAL explanation -- how it was cut out of context, meaning of it twisted or any other your miserly cretinic tricks you tried to use...

    Those are your tricks.

    Qtard: But... you are cretin -- you never understand my that explanation and logic...

    Because your logic-free explanations are all lies.

    Qtard: ...and just continue-continue using that SAME cretinic unsuccessful tricks.

    I am positive you will.

    Qtard: But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    See? You are encouraging yourself to continue using your unsuccessful cretinic tricks.

    Qtard: Entertaining me. ;-P

    It doesn't entertain me.

    Qtard: \\I remember that bullshit. You forget that I called you on this bullshit and said I wasn't playing your cretinic games any more\\ Of course. Cause you are cretin... you cannot "play games" only much smarter people can do -- using facts and logic "games".

    The game is you falsely claiming that you use facts or logic. When you don't.

    Qtard: Yeah. *I* -- will continue being jubilantly smart... while observing how you continue behaving miserly cretinic.

    Impossible. You would need to start being "jubilantly smart" before you could continue being "jubilantly smart". But that would also be impossible - - for a cretin to be "jubilantly smart".

    Qtard: You are right here.

    That you just think you are "jubilantly smart"? Yeah. That's obvious.

    Qtard: And completely understand meaning of my "continue-continue cretin".

    It is self encouragement.

    Qtard: But... that is just an accidental mashup of words in your cretinic babbling... and not true understanding. And you will only continiuue-continue showing itself cretin.

    Gibberish followed by self referring talks.

    Qtard: \\No. Why would I "admit" such bullshit? Why would I "admit" your alter ego "IT" is "really" my alter ego\\ Yeah. Yet one confirmation. That you are cretin -- unable to admit FACTS.

    Self referring talks again! Cretin thinks it's babbling about "alter egos" is "facts".

    Qtard: \\Perfectly how cretin would understand it.

    More self referring talks!

    Qtard: But, you IS cretin... so, nothing surprising here.

    Habitual use of "you" instead of "I". Yawn.

  18. \\Qtard: You using OWN words as confirmation of own words ALL of the time. Never facts.

    \\Self referring talks.

    Yeah... ITself reffering. ;-P



    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\You don't know what "habitual" means in your NewSpeak? I say you lie. You want me to tell you so you can "thank" me for "admitting" what it means in "my" NewSpeak.


    Don't bother... ITself.

    I ALREADY know that you are cretin and NewSpeak liar.


    you'll continue CONFIRMING being IT... anyway.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\You dunno what a "rational, based on facts and logic discussion" is. That is your dodge\\Yeah. And you ask why I call you cretin???

    \\No. I know why. You are a deluded crazy cretinic liar.


    That must be Truth???


    Because such a cretinic liar like IT-self. ;-p

    Cannot say anything but Truth (which mean "Lie", in NewSpeak IT uses).


    CALLING someone who DARE to say that "rational, based on facts and logic discussion" is a... "dodge"???

    CALLING that cretin -- cretin... is, SOMEHOW, IT, that cretin CANNOT, EVER, EXPLAIN -- HOW??????

    being a lie???? HOW?????!!!

    While that is BARE FACT. Of bare naked intellectual disability -- full and repairable AKA cretinism. ;-P


    cretin's brain CAPABLE of producing such cretinic ideas.

    That why cretin -- cretin.

    Derpish SADners, with whole bunch of it's rotten brain inhabitants -- cretins.

    \\Qtard: Because of THIS cretinism EXACTLy -- you calling Facts and Logic... a "dodge".

    \\See? That is a lie.



    \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\You dunno what a "rational, based on facts and logic discussion" is. That is your dodge.

    \\March 2, 2024 at 3:50 PM


    You CORRECTLY attributed you own words -- as miserly lie.


    \\I said you dunno what those things are.

    Using "you" instead of "I"?


    That is CORRECT accounting of a fact, that way -- that you showed EVERY time that you dunno what FACT is.

    EVEN... after many-many times EXPLAINE -- that FACTS are parts of Reality itself.


    But... you cannot get it -- because you IS cretin, IT. ;-P

    Have damaged brain, that CANNOT learn new things.

  19. \\Qtard: Like... for example, when I mentioned fact -- Sun rising every morning -- that is a dodge???? From what??? HOW????

    \\I never asked you, "Qtard, does the sun rise every morning"? I already know the answer.


    BUT... that is EXACT reason why FACTs are... facts.

    ANYBODY can know, can check it out... by him/her/anybody-self.

    While "somebody-somebody who saying something-something" -- CANNOT be double-checked.

    There is NO way to come inside that somebody-somebody's brain -- and CONFIRM -- WHY that body... saying that shit????

    That's it!

    You groked!

    Naaaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That is just an accident -- that bunch of words cretin typed formed something intelligible and true. ;-P


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: But... you cretin -- never able to explain. Because... you are cretin.

    \\Saying I am "never able to explain" is part of the dodge.

    "Stating fact" means "dodge"? In NewSpeak.


    I will remember that. ;-P

    \\Because I never said your use of facts and logic is a dodge. I said you don't use facts or logic.

    YET ONE of famous cretin's "I NEVER said"s... :-))))))))))))))))))))))


    Here it is.

    I will copy-paste that PERFECTLY FACTUAL QUOTE... YET ONE time. Here too.

    \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\You dunno what a "rational, based on facts and logic discussion" is. That is your dodge.

    \\March 2, 2024 at 3:50 PM

    Here. I HIGHLIGHTED it EVEN. Your cretinic retort. ;-P

    \\I said you don't use facts or logic.

    And I mentioned that "Sun rising in the morning" -- which even you was FORCED to admit being FACT.

    So... AT LEAST ONE fact... I use, still.

    Even BY YOUR admittion.

    But... you KEEP lying, that "you don't use facts...".

    Again and again.

    Which made possible for ME... to conclude (on the base of that BARE NAKED FACTS -- your own ADMITTION, that I DO USE facts... but then continuing notorious LIES that I... don't??? HOW, that is possible???)... that you are -- liar.

    And cretinic one, to boot.

    All is perfectly Logical. ;-P

    Ones who lying all of the time -- people call "liars".

    And liars... whose lies are to obvious -- people call "cretins". ;-P

  20. \\Qtard: \\You use it to suggest I'm misrepresenting what you've said previously. If I do quote, you say that it isn't "correct"\\ Of course.



    That you IS cretin. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And I confirm it with FACTs.

    \\You don't.

    IT thinking such a miserly cretinic lie... will make IT any good???

    Apart from YET ONE factual confirmation that IT is cretin.

    Congrats, cretin!

    You just YET ONE time confirmed own cretinism. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard:And providing RATIONAL explanation -- how it was cut out of context, meaning of it twisted or any other your miserly cretinic tricks you tried to use...

    \\Those are your tricks.

    Of course.

    For cretins and liars... it looks like "tricks". ;-P

    Because they CAN NOT get it -- HOW much smarter opponent DO THAT -- revealing their lies and cretinism... that cretins and liars think are so cunningly smart. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Like repeating MUCH SMARTER opponent words... without understanding em. :-)))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Because your logic-free explanations are all lies.


    \\The game is you falsely claiming that you use facts or logic. When you don't.


    And this words based on... what facts? what logic?


    That... makes it obvious -- self-referring talks. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Yeah. *I* -- will continue being jubilantly smart... while observing how you continue behaving miserly cretinic.

    \\Impossible. You would need to start being "jubilantly smart" before you could continue being "jubilantly smart". But that would also be impossible - - for a cretin to be "jubilantly smart".

    And you know that? That "impossible - - for a cretin to be "jubilantly smart""???

    Because you are cretin? ;-P

    I... didn't know that.

    But... if you, cretin, saying that -- I'll believe you. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    This time.

    \\Qtard: But... that is just an accidental mashup of words in your cretinic babbling... and not true understanding. And you will only continiuue-continue showing itself cretin.

    \\Gibberish followed by self referring talks.


    And what did *I* said -- you will not, and you CONFIRM that you DO NOT... understand it.

    All is perfectly logical -- and based on your own admission. ;-P

    \\Self referring talks again! Cretin thinks it's babbling about "alter egos" is "facts".


    It is.

    When IT trying to mimic my, much smarter opponent, "tricks". ;-P

  21. Qtard: You using OWN words as confirmation of own words ALL of the time. Never facts.\\Self referring talks\\ Yeah... ITself referring.

    Your alter ego "IT" confirms that your talks were self referring? But your alter ego "Qtard" will surely deny it.

    Qtard: Don't bother... ITself. I ALREADY know that you are cretin and NewSpeak liar.

    Your alter ego "IT" and your alter ego "Qtard" are both NewSpeak liars.

    Qtard: you'll continue CONFIRMING being IT... anyway.

    Your alter ego "Qtard" confirms that it is "IT"? I thought you said alter egos are unaware of each other?

    Qtard: \\... You are a deluded crazy cretinic liar\\ A-a-a-and??? That must be Truth?? Why???

    It is obviously your nature.

    Qtard: Because such a cretinic liar like IT-self. ... Cannot say anything but Truth (which mean "Lie", in NewSpeak IT uses).

    Yeah, your alter ego, "IT". Also your alter ego "Qtard". They are both NewSpeak talkers.

    Qtard: CALLING someone who DARE to say that "rational, based on facts and logic discussion" is a... "dodge"???

    No. I never said that. WHY would I? You never do that. Claim to, but do not. So WHY would I say something you never do is a dodge???

    Qtard: CALLING that cretin -- cretin... is, SOMEHOW, IT, that cretin CANNOT, EVER, EXPLAIN -- HOW??????

    Cretinic gibberish.

    Qtard: being a lie???? HOW?????!!!

    Lie: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.

    Qtard: While that is BARE FACT. Of bare naked intellectual disability -- full and repairable AKA cretinism.

    Oh. Ok. More self referring talks.

    Qtard: cretin's brain CAPABLE of producing such cretinic ideas. That why cretin -- cretin.


    Qtard: Derpish SADners, with whole bunch of it's rotten brain inhabitants -- cretins.

    Yes. Your alter ego "Derpish SADners" and all your other alter egos. They are all cretins.

    Qtard: Because of THIS cretinism EXACTLy -- you calling Facts and Logic... a "dodge".

    No. I never did that. Use of facts and logic is the proper way to debate. As opposed to lies and illogic -- what you think of as debating.

    Qtard: \\See? That is a lie\\ Lie???Here.\\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...\\You dunno what a "rational, based on facts and logic discussion" is. That is your dodge.

    Yeah, CLAIMING you do it but NOT doing it. Calling unendingly for "quotes" when we both know what you said. And calling your demands for quotes "facts and logic".

    Qtard: Yeah. You CORRECTLY attributed you own words -- as miserly lie.

    YOUR words.

    Quote: you calling Facts and Logic... a "dodge".


    Qtard: Yawn.

    Yes. Your constant lies are tiring. Still you continue. Will never stop. Because "lie that's truth" to you. Facts and logic -- that is lies and illogic -- in your NewSpeak.

    Qtard: \\I said you dunno what those things are\\ Using "you" instead of "I"?

    See? More lies. Really dumb lie.

    Qtard: Yeah. That is CORRECT accounting of a fact, that way...


    Qtard: -- that you showed EVERY time that you dunno what FACT is.

    Used "you" in place of "I".

    Qtard: EVEN... after many-many times EXPLAINE -- that FACTS are parts of Reality itself.

    Fact: a thing that is known or proved to be true.

    Known by who? Proved by who? People. But you call them liars -- "listen to me, I'm expert".

    Qtard: But... you cannot get it -- because you IS cretin, IT.

    Used "you" in place of "I".

    Qtard: [I] Have damaged brain, that CANNOT learn new things.

    Yes. This is an observably true admission you made about yourself. Though you forgot the "I" you should have started your comment with. No worries, I added it.

  22. Qtard: \\I never asked you, "Qtard, does the sun rise every morning"? I already know the answer.

    Hah. BUT... that is EXACT reason why FACTs are... facts. ANYBODY can know, can check it out... by him/her/anybody-self.

    Proveably false. You prove this false when you "check out" facts and determine them to be "Demn propaganda". Never heard of "alternative facts"? Those are lies rightturds (like you) have deemed to be facts. I know because I checked some of them out. They are always lies.

    Qtard: While "somebody-somebody who saying something-something" -- CANNOT be double-checked.

    Can. You dunno how due to cretinism.

    Qtard: There is NO way to come inside that somebody-somebody's brain -- and CONFIRM -- WHY that body... saying that shit????

    There is. They TELL you. "I gathered the data, analyzed it, came to a conclusion, then presented it for peer review".

    But Qtard doesn't understand any of that. Rejects it.

    Qtard: That's it! You groked!

    Your illogic? Yeah, I grok that you use it because you are a cretin.

    Qtard: Naaaah. That is just an accident -- that bunch of words cretin typed formed something intelligible and true.

    By accident is the only way the cretin ever writes anything intelligible and true? Yeah, that's probably accurate.

    Qtard: "Stating fact" means "dodge"? In NewSpeak.

    No. Stating facts is "Demn propaganda" or "somebody said something something" -- in your NewSpeak.

    Qtard: Thanky-thanky. I will remember that.

    Yes. You do remember your lies. Pound on them incessantly. While forgetting lots of other things you say. Or pretending to forget.

    Qtard: \\Because I never said your use of facts and logic is a dodge. I said you don't use facts or logic\\ YET ONE of famous cretin's "I NEVER said"s...

    Your infamous cretinic lie that I said something I didn't.

    Qtard: Yawn. Here it is. ... Blogger Dervish Sanders said... \\You dunno what a "rational, based on facts and logic discussion" is. That is your dodge.

    Thanky for providing the evidence that you're a liar. Because you dunno what a "rational, based on facts and logic discussion" is -- HOW could you possibly use it as a dodge??

    The dodge is your FALSE claim that asking for quotes is "rational, based on facts and logic discussion".

    Qtard: Here. I HIGHLIGHTED it EVEN. Your cretinic retort.

    Yeah, you highlighted my words that you are lying about. In your cretinic retort.

    Qtard: \\I said you don't use facts or logic\\ And I mentioned that "Sun rising in the morning" -- which even you was FORCED to admit being FACT.

    No. I was not "forced" to admit it. I always admit facts. But sun rising has nothing to do with anything being discussed here.

    Qtard: So... AT LEAST ONE fact... I use, still.

    Lie. Sun rising has nothing to do with any discussion we've ever had. You never "used" it, you just cited it. An irrelevant to anything being discussed fact.

    Qtard: Even BY YOUR admittion.


    Qtard: But... you KEEP lying, that "you don't use facts...".

    You don't.

    Qtard: Again and again.

    Because it's true.

    Qtard: Which made possible for ME... to conclude (on the base of that BARE NAKED FACTS -- your own ADMITTION, that I DO USE facts...

    I did not make any such admission.

    Qtard: ...but then continuing notorious LIES that I... don't??? HOW, that is possible???)... that you are -- liar.

    How is it possible that I'm a liar? It isn't. Well, you've never given any examples of my alleged lies.

    Qtard: And cretinic one, to boot. All is perfectly Logical.

    "Logical" being your NewSpeak for "illogical".

    Qtard: Ones who lying all of the time -- people call "liars".

    Yeah, why I call you a liar.

    And liars... whose lies are to obvious -- people call "cretins".

    Yeah. Why people call you a cretin. It can't be just me. Many others must have noticed your cretinism. But they may have been to polite to say.

  23. Qtard: \\You use it to suggest I'm misrepresenting what you've said previously. If I do quote, you say that it isn't "correct"\\ Of course\\ Admission! Yeah. That you IS cretin.

    No, that your asking for quotes is a cretinic game you play. I don't give a quote -- you say that's necessary for "facts and logic based discussion". I DO give a quote -- you say I misquoted, or took out of context. Or some other bullshit.

    I can't win either way. So WHY should I play your cretinic games??? Especially given that we both know what you said. Despite you pretending you forgot and need reminding with a quote. But me looking for a quote is a PROVEN waste of my time.

    Qtard: And I confirm it with FACTs\\ You don't. IT thinking such a miserly cretinic lie... will make IT any good???

    Yes. IT does think it's cretinic lies work. IT would stop lying if it thought that was not a good tactic. Instead IT lies MORE.

    Qtard: Apart from YET ONE factual confirmation that IT is cretin. Congrats, cretin!

    You are congratulating yourself? "Congratulations, liar, your lies are really working"?

    Also called ITself a cretin. At least IT admitted that.

    Qtard: You just YET ONE time confirmed own cretinism.

    Habitual use of "you" in place of "I".

    Qtard: And providing RATIONAL explanation -- how it was cut out of context, meaning of it twisted or any other your miserly cretinic tricks you tried to use...\\Those are your tricks\\ Of course. For cretins and liars... it looks like "tricks".

    Quote: "your miserly cretinic tricks you tried to use".

    You JUST wrote that! So, your reply, "For cretins and liars... it looks like tricks".

    That's you talking about yourself. Calling yourself a cretin and liar.

    I agree completely.

    Qtard: Because they CAN NOT get it -- HOW much smarter opponent DO THAT -- revealing their lies and cretinism... that cretins and liars think are so cunningly smart.

    Yes. Again, I agree with this observation you just made about yourself. Now what? You will laugh in agreement?

    Qtard: Like repeating MUCH SMARTER opponent words... without understanding em.

    Naaah. Repeating words of MUCH dumber opponent (with complete understanding) -- to mock them.

    Qtard: \\Because your logic-free explanations are all lies\\ :-))))))))))))))))

    Laughing in agreement? Again?

    Qtard: \\The game is you falsely claiming that you use facts or logic. When you don't\\ And this words based on... what facts? what logic?

    Logic of you claiming to use facts and logic... but then you never doing it.

    Qtard: That... makes it obvious -- self-referring talks.

    Yeah, your talks ARE obviously self referring.

    Qtard: \\...But that would also be impossible -- for a cretin to be "jubilantly smart"\\ And you know that? That "impossible -- for a cretin to be "jubilantly smart""??? Because you are cretin?

    No, because I know the definition of "cretin". Qtard dunno? Just using the word "cretin" without understanding? I can believe it.

    Qtard: I... didn't know that.

    Of course not. Because you are a cretin.

    Qtard: But... if you, cretin, saying that -- I'll believe you. This time.

    Your alter ego, "you, cretin" said that? And you (alter ego "Qtard"?) are believing it?

  24. Qtard: But... that is just an accidental mashup of words in your cretinic babbling... and not true understanding. And you will only continiuue-continue showing itself cretin ... Yeah. And what did *I* said -- you will not, and you CONFIRM that you DO NOT... understand it. All is perfectly logical.

    Like the quote "Put enough monkeys in a room with a typewriter they'll produce Shakespeare"?

    But, as per the Infinite monkey theorem, "If there were as many monkeys as there are atoms in the observable universe typing extremely fast for trillions of times the life of the universe, the probability of the monkeys replicating even a single page of Shakespeare is unfathomably small".

    For ONE cretin to write something that could be described as "you are right here" via an "accidental mashup of words" is beyond highly improbable.

    But, to a cretin, something so improbable is "perfectly logical".

    Qtard: ...and based on your own admission.

    I didn't make an admission.

    Qtard: \\Self referring talks again! Cretin thinks it's babbling about "alter egos" is "facts"\\Yeah. It is. When IT trying to mimic my, much smarter opponent, "tricks".

    OK. I see. The cretin is referring to it's alter ego "IT". Still, none of your alter egos could possibly be described as a "much smarter opponent". All your alter egos are morons. Maybe in comparison? Like, for example, say "IT" is incredibly stupid, while "Qtard" is only very stupid. Then Qtard might say (to IT) that Qtard is a much smarter opponent?

    Am I on the right track?

  25. \\No, that your asking for quotes is a cretinic game you play. I don't give a quote -- you say that's necessary for "facts and logic based discussion". I DO give a quote -- you say I misquoted, or took out of context. Or some other bullshit.

    Not just saying.

    CONFIRMING with logic and facts(factual quotes of you BS babbling).

    That's why you showing so much disdain... towards quoting. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Because you are liar -- liars disdain their lies being revealed. ;-P


    \\I can't win either way.


    Reality -- nobody can win against it. ;-P

    \\So WHY should I play your cretinic games???

    Because... you trying to prove that you are NOT cretin?

    While U R. ;-P

    \\Especially given that we both know what you said. Despite you pretending you forgot and need reminding with a quote. But me looking for a quote is a PROVEN waste of my time.


    \\Yes. IT does think it's cretinic lies work. IT would stop lying if it thought that was not a good tactic. Instead IT lies MORE.

    You finally admitting being IT? ;-P

    \\You are congratulating yourself?

    And you cretin thinks so?

    Because U R cretin? ;-P

    \\Quote: "your miserly cretinic tricks you tried to use".

    \\You JUST wrote that!


    And here is CORRECT quote of that MY words:"And providing RATIONAL explanation -- how it was cut out of context, meaning of it twisted or any other your miserly cretinic tricks you tried to use..."

    Which reveals your miserly cretinic lies -- what *I* call your "tricks" -- some stupid, cretinic even, lies.

    And what you trying to call MY "tricks" -- using Logic and FACTual quotes, RATIONAL explanations... like in this exactly case. ;-P

    Obviously -- that is not one and the same "tricks". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... you cretin trying to gaslight me -- that they are. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    What a

    \\That's you talking about yourself. Calling yourself a cretin and liar.

    YET ONE stooopid-stoooopid-cretinic... trick. ;-P

    Can you base it on ANY facts???

    Naaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I agree completely.

    That you are cretin and liar? ;-P


  26. \\Qtard: Because they CAN NOT get it -- HOW much smarter opponent DO THAT -- revealing their lies and cretinism... that cretins and liars think are so cunningly smart.

    \\Yes. Again, I agree with this observation you just made about yourself. Now what? You will laugh in agreement?

    How you guessed??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))



    Of course.

    Because you KNOW that you are cretin and liar. ;-P

    And that's why you trying to talk itself out of it -- is really DEMN laughable. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Your miserly lies.

    IT... entertaining me. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: Like repeating MUCH SMARTER opponent words... without understanding em.

    \\Naaah. Repeating words of MUCH dumber opponent (with complete understanding) -- to mock them.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Your miserly lies.

    IT... entertaining me. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: \\Because your logic-free explanations are all lies\\ :-))))))))))))))))

    \\Laughing in agreement? Again?

    Of course I laughing.

    Because you cretinic gaslighting WILL NOT work against MUCH SMARTER opponent.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Your miserly lies.

    IT... entertaining me. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Logic of you claiming to use facts and logic... but then you never doing it.

    And how you cretin would know??? ;-P

    If you with all your behavior and cretinic quips... showing and CONFIRMING that you cretin TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS to what facts and logic are.

    That's why you don't see em. ;-P

    Pretty natural.

    And logical. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well... and OBVIOUS cretinic LIE here.

    I used FACT -- FACT that even YOU admitted being FACT -- Sun Rising In The Morning.


    now you trying to say "you never doing it".

    But... never -- means NEVER-EVER. Not even ONCE.

    But you admitted -- AT LEAST one time of usage of facts.

    That's... contradiction.

    It cannot be BOTH true.

    That claim that "you never doing it". And that *I* stated "Sun Rising In the Morning".


    second -- MY claim, is OBVIOUSLY TRUE... because Sun DO REALLY rising in the morning.

    That leaves ONLY ONE possibility -- that your cretinic claim "you never doing it" -- FALSE.

    And deliberately false.

    Means -- it is DELIBERATE lie. ;-P

    See... LOGIC! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  27. No cretin's retorts here? ;-P

  28. Qtard: I used FACT -- FACT that even YOU admitted being FACT -- Sun Rising In The Morning.

    You didn't. I do not admit that because it is not a fact.

    Why Does the Sun "Rise" and "Set"? Exploring the Earth's Daily Cycle. Here's what scientists say about "sunrise" and "sunset": The sun stays in its position at the center of our solar system. It doesn't rise and set. But it appears to rise and set because of the Earth's rotation on its axis. link


    Thanky-thanky, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  30. No cretin's retorts here? ;-P
