Friday, February 2, 2024

Bordering on Insanity

 h/t - Woodsterman


  1. I stand in opposition to the murderer Greg Abbott.

    1. Well then, Dervish, you should let them use your outhouses at your brothel on Highway 69 in Paris. I'm sure they'll enjoy the stay at your places.

  2. ...and in solidarity to the leader of the Mexican invasion, Sleepy Jose Biden.

  3. I don't know this "Jose Biden", but I am strongly opposed to any invasion from Mexico.

  4. Well if you hurray, I'm sure you can catch the border convoy and join the army of g-d militia to help prevent it.

    1. Oh boy! I'm now hungry for bigly tacos, enchiladas and burritos!

    2. Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

    3. You're replying to your own comment, Mystere. The cretin is definitely giving himself self encouragement.

    4. Where is this so called Mystere dude, A$$face §atan al-Dervi$h~§ander$666? I don't see him here.

  5. ps - Over 2 million invaders crossed the border last year. Have fun kickin' 'em all out!

  6. btw - Would you be opposed to Abbott calling it an "infestation" as opposed to an "invasions"? You're the "definitions" guy, after all.

  7. Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  8. Minus: Would you be opposed to Abbott calling it an "infestation" as opposed to an "invasions"?

    What about we call them "Christian refugees"? And how about we call Abbott a murderer and arrest him for ordering that refugees be killed?

    Minus: Well if you hurray, I'm sure you can catch the border convoy and join the army of g-d militia to help prevent it.

    They should not stop at the border, but launch a counter-invasion -- take up residence in Mexico.

    Mystere: Oh boy! I'm now hungry for bigly tacos, enchiladas and burritos!

    Nobody cares, Mystere.

    1. Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

    2. Mystere is crushing bigly on Qtard. If Qtard asked Mystere to be its boyfriend, Mystere would be so happy.

    3. My little derp, derping as ever.

      What a merry sight to behold.

      No end of derping. :-)))

      Continue-continue, cretin :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  9. Now Mystere is faking comments from Qtard.

  10. "Now Mystere is faking comments from Qtard."

    I don't see someone named Mystere here. Someone is faking comments from Q? Is Dervish using some Astral Projection occultic ritual to look at things? Messing with the occult causes ongoing problems, Dervish.

  11. Mystere: I don't see someone named Mystere here.

    Because Mystere is using his "Q-Taro" and "Rattrapper" accounts.

  12. But... never the less.

    If we'd remind you about certain someone calling itself "honorary judge" -- though that was crime of impersonation.

    Cretin will be saying that it was not it. ;-P

    1. "The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders (A High IQ Bourgeois Elitist)"

      Is that what you're referring to, Q?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  13. The cretin from far far away is babbling about its delusions again. Yawn.

  14. How could I "remember" something that didn't happen?

  15. Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  16. Qtard can "remember" things that didn't happen because it is a crazy person.

    And, NO, I am not talking about my "alter ego" Qtard. Because you are Qtard, not me.

    And, NO, I did not write "you" when I meant "I" and then "me" when I meant "you".

    Also, my "NO" comments above are not actually "NewSpeak Yes" comments. Because I don't use NewSpeak.

  17. Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Your cretinic babbling is so merry thing to behold. ;-P

    1. Q, this came up on a site I manage, Donkey's Revenge:

      "Dervish Sanders February 10, 2024 at 11:17 AM
      "You created the blog "Michelle Obama Is A Shemale", Mystere."


      mystere's moonbat slayer club February 10, 2024 at 6:33 PM
      "Dervish Sanders February 10, 2024 at 11:17 AM "You created the blog "Michelle Obama Is A Shemale", Mystere."

      I don't have a blog or blog site "Michelle Obama Is A Shemale", Dervish. You list such a blog link on your hate site with your other backup blogs you claim are fake Dervish Sanders blogs. That link says no such blog exists, and the name is available to register."


      Dervish Sanders February 11, 2024 at 7:06 AM
      "Mystere: That link says no such blog exists...

      Because you deleted your blog, "Michelle Obama Is A Shemale".

      Mystere: Oh Dervy, you little cretin, you! You make me sooo hot😘😘😘😘😘😚😚😚😚😚

      Why are you flirting with me, Mystere? I don't have anything against gay guys, but I'm straight. I don't want to make out with you. Even if I was gay I would not be attracted to you, Mystere. You are a horrible turd."


      Looks like "cretin" is blushing because he has a Dylan Mulvaney or E Jean Carroll type of groupie following him. Cretin probably pooped his jock strap chaps and gay guy thong panties when his death angel made him into a public example.

      I thought you might find Dervish's temper tantrums quite amusing, Q.

  18. Mystere "manages" a blog. LOL. How much do you make "managing" blogs, Mystere?

    That is one of the blogs you are an author of -- along with a "crew" of other people... Other IDs that are all yours.

    You're a "Dylan Mulvaney or E Jean Carroll type of groupie", Mystere?

    Are you a shemale that was raped by donald tRump, Mystere?

    btw, I very seriously doubt Qtard reads your blog. Or will ever refer to anything you write on your blog.
