Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Curious and Mostly Unreported upon Case of the J6 Pipebombs

Andrea Widburg, "TUCKER CARLSON VIDEO: Did the government plant the pipe bomb at the DNC?"
Ever since January 6, 2021, Darren Beattie has been investigating the events of that day with the persistence of a bloodhound on the scent. One of the narratives that’s kept his attention is the story of the pipe bombs found at the RNC and DNC headquarters. Intriguingly, while the FBI has managed to use cell phones and videos to capture every grandma from Dubuque who set foot near the Capitol building, it’s been completely unable to catch that pipe bomber. According to Battie, that’s because the government already knows who set the pipe bomb: The government itself.

Beattie appeared on Tucker Carlson to dissect newly-released video of the scene and to explain why he believes the pipe bomb narrative is a hoax meant to discredit Trump supporters by implying that they unsuccessfully tried to blow up institutions hostile to Donald Trump (i.e., not just the DNC but also the RNC). Beattie makes a very good case.

The video footage, shot on January 6 by a camera installed across the street from the pertinent events, shows two SUVs parked right next to the DNC bench near which one of the pipe bombs was found. One SUV belongs to the D.C. cops, and one to the Secret Service. According to Beattie, they were working jointly on security that day.

In the video, we see a man wearing a backpack appear on the lower right side of the screen. Walking at a leisurely pace, he approaches the D.C. police, leans into the driver’s side window, and talks to someone. This is the moment, says Beattie, when he informed the police that he’d seen a pipe bomb. By the way, as this Blaze video shows, that man with the backpack was almost certainly a Capitol police officer:

What should happen at this moment is an absolute explosion of motion. After all, as Kamala Harris’s office finally acknowledged months later, the Vice President of the United States was in the DNC building. Moreover, the alleged bomb is within roughly 10 yards of the two SUVs. According to the DHS, ten yards is not far enough for safety:
If any type of bomb is suspected, typical recommendations are to keep all people at a minimum evacuation distance until authorized bomb disposal personnel arrive. For a pipe bomb, the US Department of Homeland Security recommends a minimum of 21 m (69 ft), and an outdoors distance of 366 m (1,201 ft).
Instead, a minute or so goes by while nothing happens. Then, police officers and Secret Service agents emerge at a leisurely pace from the SUVs and kind of stand around. A group of school children walks within feet of what law enforcement has been told is a pipe bomb, and the officers and agents do nothing at all. One of them eventually walks over and takes a photo of the pipe that may be a bomb. Only later does a robot defuse it.

I have a decent imagination, but I can’t think of more than two ways to account for the strange behavior the video shows. The first way is that the D.C. police and the Secret Service are as stupid and ineffective as the Keystone Kops, although they display lethargy where the Kops were all about kinetic energy. The second way is Darren Beattie’s way: The cops knew that the pipe bomb was a fake.

If the latter is true, what’s going on in our nation’s capital is more corrupt than any of us have ever imagined. This is a level of evil that is so over-the-top that, without the video evidence, it would be impossible to believe.

However, people are beginning to believe it. Very slowly, people are saying that the events of the last three years, along with the information slowly coming out in just the last months, are consistent with a government that is rotten to the core, a government that will do anything to destroy its political rivals, unconstrained by constitutional principles, the law, or moral decency.

Shakespeare once wrote that “something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” The state of Denmark, as it turns out, though, has nothing on the federal government in Washington, D.C.

You can read a longer, more specific narrative about the video at The Revolver.


  1. The bombers are maga terrorists.

  2. Then why haven't they been found? Wouldn't they be the highest priority target (after Trump himself)?

  3. Isn't attempted assassination of the VP a felony (unless you have a (D) after your name)?

  4. ...or did the pipe bomb have "this is art" stenciled on its' exterior (can't see from the picture).

  5. DEMN law-inforcers... are MAGA terrorists.

    Inside a mind of cretin NewSpeaker. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Nothing to be surprised here. Move on, move on... :-))))))))))))))))))))

    1. Minus: Isn't attempted assassination of the VP a felony (unless you have a (D) after your name)?

      Minus thinks trumpturds who wanted to hang Mike Pence are Democrats? Says who?

      Minus: ...or did the pipe bomb have "this is art" stenciled on its' exterior (can't see from the picture).

      Yeah, the gallows. Did FBI agents incite trumpturds to erect that? Did FBI agents incite trumpturds to chant "hang Mike Pence"?

      Qtard: DEMN law-inforcers... are MAGA terrorists. Inside a mind of cretin NewSpeaker.

      NewSpeaking cretin's mind -- that's your mind.

  6. Quote: It seems likely that government officials were involved in planting pipe bombs in Washington, DC three years ago, as part of an effort to keep Donald Trump from running for president again.

    "DEMN law-inforcers... are MAGA terrorists".

    Yeah, Inside a mind of cretin tinfoil hat wearer.

  7. The gallows "structure" on the Mall couldn't have executed a rabbit, let alone a 180# man. Art symbolism was ALL it was good for.

  8. We're told the pipe bombs were functional. Or was that a lie, too, performed all in support of Nancy's Parliamentary "Emergency Session" trick to dismiss consideration of "alternate" electors?

  9. In a lynching or other poorly-planned hanging, however, the victim is often simply strangled by their own body weight. It could have done that. The noose is right at the edge of the platform; just slip it over their head and shove them off.

    The remaining question is whether it was sturdy enough to take a fully-grown adult’s weight for the amount of time needed for them to die, and… maybe? The pieces of wood used look sturdy enough, considering there’s no long drop involved, but it’s not clear how they’ve attached the cross beam to the uprights. I think I can see a nail protruding on the right there, but we’ve no idea how well the pieces are held together.

    But really, whether it actually would have worked isn’t the most important question. Whether they believed it would have and intended to use it is the important question. The fact they were too inept to build a working gallows is not any sort of defense. link

    I come up with a plan to commit a murder. I try to carry out the plan but don't get to the final stage. And, it turns out it wouldn't have worked anyway. Means... I'm innocent?

    Minus: ...performed all in support of Nancy's Parliamentary "Emergency Session" trick to dismiss consideration of "alternate" electors?

    Can you give evidence such a plan existed? I gave evidence that Peter Navarro had a plan called the Green Bay Sweep. He published it in a book. Though, according to some imbecile, it was "fiction".

    So, this trick you refer to... there is some concrete evidence you can point to that such a plan existed? If written down even... then that is obviously a fiction story.

  10. If the gallows was constructed by FBI agents, why would they have labeled it art? Or did they incite rioters to build it? They must have "precited" rioters to bring lumber, and hardware/tools to put it together. The "hang Mike Pence" chants were also incited by the FBI?

  11. \\NewSpeaking cretin's mind -- that's your mind.

    Said NewSpeak liar and cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Oh, yes! We SHOULD believe to such liar. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Naaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  12. \\The "hang Mike Pence" chants were also incited by the FBI?

    And "Hang dRump!" ones? ;-P

  13. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ In a lynching or other poorly-planned hanging, however, the victim is often simply strangled by their own body weight. It could have done that. The noose is right at the edge of the platform; just slip it over their head and shove them off.

    \\ The remaining question is whether it was sturdy enough to take a fully-grown adult’s weight for the amount of time needed for them to die, and… maybe?

    Hah... totalitarian NewSpeaker is SO knowledgeable... in methods of lynching.

    But I still... not surprised.

    Why so??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  14. \\Can you give evidence such a plan existed?


    Plan. (of hanging) Unexisting. Sucked out of thumb. NOT happened. And NO evidances that it was presented -- STILL need to be punished.

    \\I come up with a plan to commit a murder. I try to carry out the plan but don't get to the final stage. And, it turns out it wouldn't have worked anyway. Means... I'm innocent?



    That was devised, performed and succeeded.

    DO NOT. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because totalitarian NewSpeaker sees it as favourable to its cause. Isn't it? Puppet-parrot of liliPut's Propaganda.

    Power in USA redistributed while NOT based on the Will of We the People -- is DEMN profitable and pleasant to totalitarian liliPut, Xi, Un and any and other such totalitarian scumbags -- because...

    Because THAT is how they CAME to power themself.


    That way it eliminate all that damning cursing and finger pointing "you are nasty-nasty-wrong totalitarians... because what you doing is UNdemocratic... filthy-filthy-pigs, you are".



    When "democracy do it too"... they can CELEBRATE!!!

    They are EITHER NOT "totalitarian pigs" OR "goody-goody-demon-rats"... are PIGS too.

    And BOTH is good... for them.

  15. Qtard: Plan. (of hanging) ... And NO evidances that it was presented...


    1. A gallows was constructed outside the Capitol.

    2. Insurectionists chanted "hang Mike Pence".

    Qtard: Power in USA redistributed while NOT based on the Will of We the People...

    False. The will of the people was that Joe Biden replace the failed president donald tRump.

    PROVEN by Joe Biden winning the popular vote and Electoral College.

  16. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  17. Tsk-tsk.

    Cretin. It is. ;-P

  18. \\PROVEN by Joe Biden winning the popular vote and Electoral College.


    Because plan to NOT examine results of voting for cheating was executed flawlessly.

  19. There was no such plan. The plan is (and always has been) to catch the small number of people (often Republicans) who cheat.

    That there was massive cheating that swung the election to Joe Biden is tinfoil hatted nuttery.

    It is convinced otherwise due to its imbecility.

  20. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ There was no such plan.

    That happen without planning?

    Because to lie and cheat their way in politics is NATURAL to DEMN-rats? Same easy as breathing?

    Well... I can agree with that observation. ;-P

    \\That there was massive cheating that swung the election to Joe Biden is tinfoil hatted nuttery.

    Then... why it was NOT investigated, then??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    It would be MUCH MoRE damning... and would kill before birth any talks about "2020 was rigged for Bi-den to win".

    Why??? To cover for dRump??? ;-)

  21. Qtard: That happen without planning?

    It didn't happen.

    Qtard: Then... why it was NOT investigated, then???

    Election cheating IS investigated. What they find is that it doesn't happen much.

    Qtard: ...would kill before birth any talks about "2020 was rigged for Bi-den to win".

    Conspiracy theory nutters like you believe what they want. Regardless of facts.

    Qtard: Why??? To cover for dRump???

    You think something that didn't happen wasn't investigated to cover for tRump?

  22. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: That happen without planning?

    \\ It didn't happen.

    Definitely cretin.

    So what??? Pelosi was staying in main chamber all of that time??? And not fled to secure room?


    \\Election cheating IS investigated. What they find is that it doesn't happen much.

    Ough, coughs... it's natural, when investigation assigned to cheater themself. ;-P

    \\Conspiracy theory nutters like you believe what they want. Regardless of facts.

    How anybody know that there's conspiracy happening -- by the waterfall of denying of any conspiracy. ;-P

    You know... where's fire -- there's smoke.

    \\You think something that didn't happen wasn't investigated to cover for tRump?

    I dunno how brain of cretin came up with such cretinic retort and what it might mean in cretinic mind...


    And you will not explain it in more fine and accurate detail.

    Because there is none. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    This is just a sample of pure shit brain of a cretin consist. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    So... I just need more, MORE, MOAR of such samples. ;-P

  23. Qtard: it's natural, when investigation assigned to cheater themself.

    Yeah, donald tRump was president. So you're saying that donald tRump was assigned the investigation and found no cheating? Because he was the cheater? I believe it.

  24. Can POTUS play role of detectives too????

    Who knows.... what a bullshit delusions could produce cretin's brain.

    It already claimed that POTUS can be a daemon. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  25. Qtard: Can POTUS play role of detectives too????

    The tRump administration was in charge. So why did the tRump administration assign the investigation to "cheater themself"?

    Qtard: It already claimed that POTUS can be a daemon.

    That was your claim about Joe Biden.

    Qtard: Who knows.... what a bullshit delusions could produce cretin's brain.

    That Joe Biden is a demon. Your words. Came from your cretin's brain.

  26. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0000000

  27. Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin.

    Self encouragement.

  28. Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0000000
