Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Recession? What Recession? Look at how GREAT the Unemployment numbers are!

What is Repressed in the Content, Returns in the Form

Don't look at that, the Stock Market's BOOMING!


  1. No smarmy retort from Dervish?πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  2. I'd need to watch the video to know what I was replying to, Mystere.

    What is your reply? Talking about me has nothing to do with the video.

    I assume it contains lies about the Biden administration's great unemployment numbers...

  3. \\I assume it contains lies about the Biden administration's great unemployment numbers...

    Of course... cretin dunno that "low unemployment numbers" is symptom of RECESSION.

    And most close to Communism... because as all know -- there is NO unemployed... under Communism. ;-P

  4. What Recession? Growth Ended Up Accelerating in 2023 ... Economy expanded 3.1% from a year earlier due to strong consumer spending and hiring.

  5. LOL!

    That's cute, Dervy, you believe the framing of statistics as percentages placing them is "relative" vice "absolute" terms to a pre-selected "minimum".

    What a maroon.

  6. ...ever notice that the "global warming" numbers always start from that point as well?

  7. btw - How'd the 2023 GDP Growth Rate compare to the 2023 Annual Inflation Rate?

  8. btw - The latest reading is preliminary and may be revised in the months ahead.

    "tweaking" vs "fudging"?

  9. You asking too hard question for that cretin to answer. ;-P

    Shame on you, Joe, shame on you.

    For abusing mentally disparaged. ;-P

  10. So the Ecconomy didn't expand 3.1% from a year earlier due to strong consumer spending and hiring?

  11. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00000

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  12. Rep. Ted Lieu: Amazing economic news today! Under @POTUS Biden and @VP Harris, the US economy has seen three years of significant, steady growth alongside historic low unemployment and record stock market highs. Democrats are delivering #ForThePeople. link

  13. Obviously.

    Cretin dunno that low unemployment it's symptom of Recession.

    Just NATURAL part of Economical Cycle. ;-P

    But... Holy Bi-den... as that ancient gawds of pagans... NEED TO BE PRAISED... for what is NATURAL.

    And being payed with bloody sacrifices... like with that ki11ed soldiers...

  14. Qtard: ...dunno that low unemployment it's symptom of Recession.

    The US is not in a recession.

    The U.S. economy avoided the recession forecast for 2023.
    Experts now say a soft landing or mild recession is possible in 2024. link

    Qtard: Bi-den... NEED TO BE PRAISED... for what is NATURAL.

    And President Biden WON'T be blamed if there is a recession?

  15. So the Ecconomy didn't expand 3.1% from a year earlier due to strong consumer spending and hiring?

    Next quarter it'll be 2.1% so they can borrow 1% and add it to the current quarter.

    "Adjustments" you know.... if you borrow from the past, you can make perpetual growth quarter over quarter.

  16. Says who? Your Tinfoil hat?

  17. Says you, the huge fan of government data "adjustability" and "corrections" in the name of political "narrative maintenance".

  18. Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  19. Then you must HATE what Biden did with the 2024 January Jobs Report....

    he U.S. economy added a whopping 353,000 new jobs in January, but the surprisingly large gain may have been flattered by the adjustments the government makes to smooth out seasonal swings in employment.
    The January jobs report is often hard to decipher because of big changes in the labor market at the start of each year. Temporary workers hired for the holiday shopping season are let go, for one thing, and many companies announced job cuts at that time.

    The government tries to provide a more accurate picture of the labor market by using so-called seasonal adjustments to minimize the occasional large swing in employment.

    But in recent years these adjustments have led to exaggerated job gains in January, economists say. The reported increase in new jobs in the month has topped 250,000 for six straight years.

  20. Sounds reasonable.

  21. Yeah. For cretin. Yawn. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000000

  22. \\And President Biden WON'T be blamed if there is a recession?

    For making it deeper and longer? Because of its silly tampering with economics of USA?

    Well... that's for USAians to decide -- who knows, if they are cretins as certain someone cretin, they could LIKE it -- becoming more poor and powerless... more closer to totalitarian rule.

  23. \\The US is not in a recession.

    \\The U.S. economy avoided the recession forecast for 2023.
    Experts now say a soft landing or mild recession is possible in 2024. link

    And from what source you got that info?

    Oh, yes, from DEMN propaganda. That tampering with economical data. To ensure re-election of Bi-den.

    SAME... what liliPut and Xi doing in their respective RFia and China...


    Do not forget it -- teaching DEMN propaganda -- RFia and China ARE totalitarian...

    while USA -- DEMN-OK-ratsy... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  24. Cretin admitted being not fit to discuss Economy here? ;-P
