Friday, January 12, 2024

Joe Biden Sleepwalks America into the Saudi War

Ryan Saavedra, "U.S. Hits 60+ Targets At Numerous Iranian-Backed Houthi Facilities Throughout Yemen: U.S. Officials"
U.S. officials said late Thursday night that dozens of Iranian-backed Houthi targets were struck inside Yemen in response to the terrorist group’s months-long attacks on merchant ships in the Red Sea.

The strikes were launched in coordination with the United Kingdom, and with support from Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, and Bahrain, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a statement.

“This multinational action targeted radar systems, air defense systems, and storage and launch sites for one way attack unmanned aerial systems, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles,” the statement said. “These strikes have no association with and are separate from Operation Prosperity Guardian, a defensive coalition of over 20 countries operating in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandeb Strait, and Gulf of Aden.”

General Michael Erik Kurilla, CENTCOM Commander, said that the U.S. military would “hold the Houthi militants and their destabilizing Iranian sponsors responsible for the illegal, indiscriminate, and reckless attacks on international shipping that have impacted 55 nations so far, including endangering the lives of hundreds of mariners, including the United States.”

“Their illegal and dangerous actions will not be tolerated, and they will be held accountable,” he emphasized.

U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Alex Grynkewich, U.S. Air Forces Central and Combined Forces Air Component Commander Ninth Air Force, said that U.S. forces “executed deliberate strikes on over 60 targets at 16 Iranian-backed Houthi militant locations, including command and control nodes, munitions depots, launching systems, production facilities, and air defense radar systems.”

Grynkewich said that more than 100 precision-guided munitions of various types were used in the strikes and that missiles were fired from submarines.

The U.K. deployed four RAF Typhoon jets during the operation, which were accompanied by two air-to-air refuelling tankers.

Biden Adminstration takes another step towards EMPIRE.


  1. Joe Biden, never met a war he wouldn't start.

  2. Joe Biden ended the war in Afghanistan. That war was started by gwb.

  3. Before the election your prediction was that Joe Biden was going to escalate in Afghanistan. You continually make wrong predictions.

  4. The war in Afghanistan is over? The War on Terror is over? Congress will have to pass a new war resolution to go back in? They only have 30 days to declare war on Yemen?


  5. ...moving the theatre of war isn't ending the war.

  6. Well... was Trump needed resolution of Congress to hit Syria with Tomahawks? ;-)

  7. ...all part of the ongoing and never ending War on Terror. Only nine Senators have called for its' end, so far. Global "empire" remains a viable option in the UniParty cards.

  8. BS... you are NOT empire.

    You even do not get it -- what means being empire. ;-)

    HINT: Things like Trump case -- impossible for empires.

  9. ...which is why its' being done now, before the WEF takes "official" control.

  10. I support repealing the PATRIOR act. Unlike dotard donald. I thought donald was an outsider and not a uniparty member. What gives?

    Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, the lead Democratic author of the Senate bill to repeal the Iraq authorizations...

    Maybe it would have been repealed by president Hillary Clinton... If dotard donald had not stolen the presidency from her?

  11. Minus: ...before the WEF takes "official" control.

    When do the broadcasts being beamed directly into your brain (via your tinfoil hat) predict that will happen?

  12. tRump went to their meeting as president. He also turned over control?

  13. You should ask him next time you're in Davos.

  14. trump is fleeing there to avoid prosecution? Not Russia?

  15. The United States has an extradition treaty with Switzerland.

    I think the UAE or Saudi Arabia is the most likely place he might flee to. MBS owes him a favor for helping to cover up the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

  16. So when is Biden going to be arrested for ordering the killing Gonzalo Lira?

  17. Never. Because that didn't happen.

  18. People can't die unless Joe Biden orders their death? Does that mean I'm immortal?

  19. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  20. Maybe Joe Biden will order the death of Qtard?

  21. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  22. Did Minus ever give any evidence that Joe Biden ordered the killing Gonzalo Lira? I didn't see any.

    Before or after Qtard derailed the conversation with its moronity. As it often does.
