Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Glenn Greenwald Rightly Calls Dervy a Moron* for Believing in Russiagate

*an "imbecilic moron" more specifically @ 3:00 in the video

...but hey, the Democrat's strawmen "Myths about Republicans" can never be doubted or questioned by Democrats..  For they are critical in maintaining the political "Friend vs Foe" distinction.  Their latest strawman, "If re-elected, Trump will be a Dictator starting Day 1!"  But don't just take my word for it.... watch the video.

Now let's all complain about all the media inspired political divisiveness and virtue signal our own profoundly held desire for greater political cohesion.... whilst throwing another "myth" on the ever growing heap of bad faith and political discord... and censoring and shadow banning all dissent.


  1. Joe C. and the other righties continue to fire their bullets of ignorance at anything that questions their deluded beliefs. Unfortunatly for them it's the only ammo they have. William Buckley started that nonsense type of argument but he never really became a right wing hero as he had an Ivy League accent that made him sound like a pansy. Poor Joe C. will shoot his blanks of misleads and whatabouts in hopes newsmax or fox give him a show. It' won't happen JoeC. But if continuing to be a pawn for the right gives you hope who am I to deny you tha

  2. ...I mean, you seem partial to speaking "truth".

  3. You jc are the SPAM.

  4. Glenn Greenwald is Putin's puppet.

  5. Putin-loving republiturds give him money.

    1. You give him money, Dervy? Who knew?

    2. Nobody except imbeciles like you. Glenn Greenwald is a lying POS.

      You are a Putin-loving republiturd, Mystere. If either of us gives the Putin puppet Greenwald money, it's you.

    3. Dervish Sanders January 17, 2024 at 8:05 AM
      "Nobody except imbeciles like you. Glenn Greenwald is a lying POS.

      You are a Putin-loving republiturd, Mystere. If either of us gives the Putin puppet Greenwald money, it's you. OH-HOH-HOH! OH-HOH-HOH! OH-HOH-HOH! OH-HOH-HOH!"

      Derpi$$ bin §atan~§ander$666 got triggered! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  6. So Greenwald isn't Putin's puppet, he's a Republican subscriber-base puppet with no ties at all to Putin/ Russia? Why didn't you say that, instead of the ridiculous "Putin puppet" thing?

    1. Greenwald absolutely is Putin's puppet. So what if it's subscribers paying him to parrot Putin?

    2. Putin puppet Qtard parrots Russian propaganda for free.

  7. And gravest of all... it, somehow, looks too much like Putin's plan of ruining USA from within. :-(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

  8. If Americans want to ruin the USA from within, that THEIR business. I may not like red/pink diaper babies, but what they do in their spare time is their right.

  9. Qtard: And gravest of all... it, somehow, looks too much like Putin's plan of ruining USA from within. :-(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

    Why frowns? We all know that would make you so happy. Worried that Putin's puppet, dotard donald, is going to prison? :)

  10. Qtard: And gravest of all... it, somehow, looks too much like Putin's plan of ruining USA from within. :-(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

    Why frowns? We all know that would make you extremely happy. Worried that Putin's puppet, dotard donald, is going to prison? :)

  11. The morons can't see past their partisan mythologies, Q.

    Ukraine is on its' own. Putin would want it that way.

  12. Minus: The morons can't see past their partisan mythologies...

    Your admission?

    Minus: Ukraine is on its' own. Putin would want it that way.

    Also his puppets -- dotard donald and the republiturds.

  13. You both are.

  14. Yeah. From a mouth of NewSpeak liar... it CANNOT be said anything different.

    \\The morons can't see past their partisan mythologies, Q.

    Religious thinking.

    How that thing about "baby Jesus in a cradle" could survive... for millennias... if that'd be NOT the case.

    Only by STRENGTHENING allegiance to such, or just ANY myth, inner cultural cohesion can be achieved.

    And that mean -- the more incredible and out of Reality that myth ARE... the better.

    Nothing can be done to it.

  15. Another word... to be successful -- that BS *MUST*BE* mind-boggling. ;-P

  16. \\If Americans want to ruin the USA from within, that THEIR business.

    Too bad.

    Globalization. ;-P

  17. Qtard: Another word... to be successful -- that BS *MUST*BE* mind-boggling.

    *Your* BS is definitely mind boggling.

  18. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Another word... to be successful -- that BS *MUST*BE* mind-boggling.

    \\ *Your* BS is definitely mind boggling.

    Ough Coughs... cause you are I-M-B-E-C-I-L-E.

    So its natural for you to not understand even basiest things, feel em "mindboggling".

    Thanky, thanky for YET ONE confirmation being imbecile, imbecile. ;-P


  19. Qtard: So its natural for you to not understand even basiest things, feel em "mindboggling".

    So that's why you call facts you don't like "propaganda"? It isn't that they are BS, but that these facts boggle your imbecilic mind? Gotcha.

  20. Imbecile tried to persuade us here that it is COMPLETE imbecile -- and do not see, do not get DIRECT and OBVIOUS quotes, like

    \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    And DIRECT references, like

    \\So its natural for you...

    Or that is just another that Derpish Sadners alter-ego -- which do not recognize texts previously written as

    \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    or maybe... recognition being imbecile is not enough, for imbecile?

    And IT trying... for the sake of crawling of tarpit of imbecility IT dug for itself... to pretend being EVEN DUMBER???

    Like complete cretin? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I'll think about it. ;-P

  21. Qtard: Imbecile tried to persuade us here that it is COMPLETE imbecile...

    You succeeded in doing that a long time ago.

    Qtard: ...and do not see, do not get DIRECT and OBVIOUS quotes...

    See you giving fake quotes. Or real quotes, but then lying about "what Derpy really mean".

    Qtard: \\ Dervish Sanders said... And DIRECT references, like \\So its natural for you... Or that is just another that Derpish Sadners alter-ego -- which do not recognize texts previously written as...

    Those are your words. Obviously you don't recognize them.

    Qtard: \\ Dervish Sanders said... or maybe... recognition being imbecile is not enough, for imbecile?

    You deny your obvious imbecility. Not once have I ever seen you recognize it.

    Qtard: And IT trying... for the sake of crawling of tarpit of imbecility IT dug for itself... to pretend being EVEN DUMBER???

    Looks to me like that is what you are doing.

    Qtard: Like complete cretin?

    Yeah, there can no longer be any doubt concerning your cretinism.

    Qtard: I'll think about it.

    No doubt you will reach fact-free conclusions. Given that you are an imbecile.

  22. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And you think you PROVED anything???

    With this barely intelligible mashup of imbecilic babbling. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    From which only one thing is OBVIOUS -- that you do not like to be called cretin.

    Which is natural... for cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Good Work!

    Continue-continue. Like that. :-)))))))))))))))))))))000000000

  23. Qtard: And you think you PROVED anything???

    Me? No. YOU proved you are an imbecile. I wouldn't call that "good work" though.

  24. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    From you -- cretin, such taunts... sound very damning... naaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  25. So what???

    No more imbecilic taunts??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  26. Putin puppet Glenn Greenwald: "No one is stupid enough to actually believe that"...

    And why would I not believe it, given that is what happened?
