Friday, January 19, 2024

Modern Perspectives on Politics

h/t - Woodsterman


  1. EXACTLY! Some do remember peace.....that's not convincing enough to get him BACK?!!!

  2. Where's Derpish? Oh wait, he's sitting on the porcelain throne in his 0ffal 0ffice 0uthouse.

  3. Win a war... and there'd be peace. Again?

  4. Putin's puppet dotard donald's presidency lead directly to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

    Experts say Trump’s actions weakened Ukraine, divided NATO, emboldened Putin and helped get us to where we are today. ... "One of the key reasons Putin probably felt comfortable launching the invasion of Ukraine was the extent to which the West has been weakened and destabilized, and democracy undermined, and political divisions sown, in the five years since he attacked our election in 2016", said Garrett Graff, a historian and journalist with expertise in national security and Cold War issues. link

  5. Biden killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians... by unilaterally rejecting all of Putin's peace overtures. Biden's stated objective... to "Bleed Russia".

    1. Minus: unilaterally rejecting all of Putin's peace overtures.

      That is a lie. There have not been any Putin peace overtures. Not any genuine ones.

      Following the 2022 Ukrainian eastern counteroffensive, Russia renewed calls for peace talks. Ukrainian leaders refused to reopen dialogue, claiming that the Russian government was not truly committed to peace and was simply stalling for time while its forces regrouped. link

      Putin says there will be no peace in Ukraine until Russia’s goals are met. 12/14/2023 link

  6. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Putin's puppet dotard donald's presidency lead directly to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.


    Clear and FACTUAL truth!

    He DID IT in 2014... oups, that was Zero-bama's term.

    And he DID IT AGAIN in 2022... oups, that was and is Holy Bi-den term.

    Ough. What a sneaky bastard, that dRump.

    Now I SEE why DEMNs are so angry at him -- he able to unload tons of shit... into their pant... ies. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Without their notice, even. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Experts say Trump’s actions weakened Ukraine, divided NATO, emboldened Putin and helped get us to where we are today.


    That is dRump who signed Lend-Lease... but NOT delivered EVEN ONE BULLET by it.

    That is dRump who said "Ukraine? They do not need airplanes"... and now more and more bombs and rockets falling on cities of Ukraine.

    That is dRump who screwed Ukrainian Counteroffensive with NOT delivering ESSENTIALS, IN TIME...


    What nasty-nasty dRump... have POWER to override orders of POTUS. ;-P

    \\That is a lie. There have not been any Putin peace overtures. Not any genuine ones.

    There was. "Get out from MY lawn". ;-P

    \\Putin says there will be no peace in Ukraine until Russia’s goals are met. 12/14/2023 link

    Yep. And Holy Bi-den... oups, dRump of course, that evil blakk magic magician -- who can override POWER of POTUS executive orders EVEN.

    Making Holy Bi-den to stall Victory of Ukraine, with making his DIRECT SUBORDINATE sulkyIvan.

    US Can Make Ukraine Play Defense, on One Condition
    Bloomberg › ...
    The US Can Make Ukraine Play Defense, on One Condition. White House demands that Kyiv hold Russia at bay rather than reconquer its own lands. Jake Sullivan will deliver a message from his boss...

    And his boss, must be dRump???? ;-)

  7. Qtard predictably defends Putin's puppet, dotard donald. Because it is also a Putin puppet. But no babbling about Republicans "storming the White House" to demand more Ukraine aid?

  8. "Putin's puppet" that successfully ousted liliPut from even a though to attack Ukraine

    and "Brave Protector of Ukraine"... under whose watch Ukraine was attacked and now slowly and surely reduced into rubles???

    Definitely that is NewSpeak EUPHEMISM.

    Because, when it unwinded with FACTS -- TRUTH makes it apparent.


    NewSpeak LIAR and cretin, will only continue howling DEMN NewSpeak-riddled Propaganda of liliPut's puppets.


  9. \\But no babbling about Republicans "storming the White House" to demand more Ukraine aid?

    Have you read proposed BY REPS plan of Victory for Ukraine?

    A path to victory for Ukraine will require (1) providing critical weapons to Ukraine at the speed of relevance, (2) tightening sanctions on the Putin regime, and (3) transferring frozen Russian sovereign assets to Ukraine.

    Proposed Plan for Victory in Ukraine
    Committee on Foreign Affairs (.gov) › 2023/11 › Pro...

    Of course!

    Because in your information bubble of DEMN-morons... it is UNEXISTANt.

  10. Biden reminds me of Lady MacBeth...washing the blood off her hands with Alzheimers.

  11. Qtard: Proposed Plan for Victory in Ukraine...

    So why don't they bring it to the floor and vote to pass it? Qtard thinks a unpassed proposal is as good as a passed one? Well, the imbecile did think Build Back Better should have prevented the fires in Hawaii. Despite not being voted into law.

    So it probably thinks this PROPOSAL (that Republicans loyal to trump would vote no on) is already helping Ukraine achieve victory.

  12. Who are AT HELM in USA??? ***NOW***

    Who are The POTUS???

    dRump??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Cretin might be think that way... as well as religious bonkers, whi think that "Satan is more powerful than Gawd". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  13. Biden's only worked one day since before Christmas. He's been on vacay except for fundraisers and anti-MAGA Philly rants.

  14. His "lid" gets called at sunrise, daily.

  15. Who is at the helm of the House of Representatives? Qtard dunno it is a Republican? So why don't they vote on their Plan for Victory in Ukraine? Qtard thinks Joe Biden won't let them?

  16. Reps NEED to help to DEMNs to do their f*ing job???

    Is this admission from DEMN-cretin how cretinic his DEMN-rulers are??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    They DESIRE POWER. Unrestricted POWER.


    UNABLE to use even THAT MUCH... still enormous, as Democracy ONLY allows.

    So... they want TOTALiTARIAN POWER... to cover for all and any of their errs.

    POWER to shuddup ANY dissenters. To punish ANY opposition.

    To rule without ANY control. Without change.

    Or... maybe they just want to give that power as Big Prize... to their puppet-master -- liliPut???

  17. *I*.

    Would n0t be surprised.

    As facts tell exactly that story -- in time when sworn enemies declare "we are in war with USA and all West"... biggest power on the West, ONLY ONE which can withstand that sworn enemy... seems like doing ALL -- to help that enemy to have its ways...

    If that is not behavior of a puppet -- then what?

  18. tRump reminds me of Lady MacBeth...washing the covid blood off his hands with Alzheimers.

    Qtard: Reps NEED to help to DEMNs to do their f*ing job???

    Qtard thinks its Dems job to pass legislation in the House when Republicans control the House? Qtard to truly clueless. Completely clueless.

    Qtard: *I* Would n0t be surprised.

    Of course not. Because you are a f*cking idiot.

  19. \\Of course not. Because you are a f*cking idiot.

    Sounds SO-O-O-O damning... from a mouth of totalitarian NewSpeak liar and cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard thinks its Dems job to pass legislation in the House when Republicans control the House? Qtard to truly clueless. Completely clueless.

    DEMNs UNABLE to solve ANY problem... why they not have Total Totally Totalitarian POWER????!!! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Like *I* anyhow surprised... that totalitarian puppets CAN NOT do anything democratical.




  20. Qtard: DEMNs UNABLE to solve ANY problem... why they not have Total Totally Totalitarian POWER????!!!

    Republicans unable to even bring to a vote their "plan for victory in Ukraine" when they have power in the House of Representatives.

    Because the Republican plan is actually for Putin's victory in Ukraine.

    Proven by them not voting on and not passing their (fake) plan.

  21. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  22. ^imbecilic laughter^

    Qtard: Like *I* anyhow surprised... that totalitarian puppets CAN NOT do anything democratical.

    Proven because, when republicans brought their plan to the floor for a vote, no Dems would vote for it? No. Because they have NOT brought it to the floor for a vote.

  23. Said cretin and liar. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Of course, we need to believe to cretin and liar. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because we cretins, isn't it? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Naaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  24. The speaker of the House is in control of what bills are voted on. That is a fact, not a lie. You don't need to believe me. You can confirm it yourself. Or maybe not. Due to imbecility.

  25. So????

    You say Reps ABLE to vote for that dear to them plan to build The Wall...

    but do not doing it, cunningly, pretending that DEMNs do not allow em???


  26. Singlehandedly.

    To make it into a law.

    No need to be seconded by Senat.

    Signed by POTUS.

    Not vetoed by Suprime Court.

  27. Means.

    \\ The speaker of the House is in control of what bills are voted on.

    Have Totalitarian power???? Without any control and balances.

    Well... that in a mind of totalitarian cretin and liar... it looks exactly like that -- it... is not surprising.

    At all.

  28. Qtard: Have Totalitarian power???? Without any control and balances.

    House Speaker Mike Johnson does not have Totalitarian power. It is for that reason he is blocking aid to Ukraine. His fellow republiturd House members will fire him if he brings it up for a vote.

    Though there is only a (fake) plan for victory in Ukraine. A plan isn't legislation.

    Qtard: looks exactly like that -- it... is not surprising.

    No, it is not surprising at all that I refer to facts while you refer to your delusions.

    Qtard: Well... that in a mind of totalitarian cretin and liar.

    Qtard is babbling about itself. Yawn.

  29. \\No, it is not surprising at all that I refer to facts while you refer to your delusions.

    Though that "delusions" can be quotes and referred to....

    While cretin's "facts"... exist only in its mind... and in babbling of propaganda. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Qtard is babbling about itself. Yawn.

    Oh, yeah???

    And you can confirm it with factual quotes and/or some logic??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))0



    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  30. Or... that was just self-revelations... about alter-ego "Qtard" that cretin babbling all of the time. ;-P

  31. A plan isn't legislation. You think it is? Why you said Republicans could storm the White House and force Biden to sign it.

    The must be what the cretin Qtard does think.

    Qtard: Or... that was just self-revelations... about alter-ego "Qtard" that cretin babbling all of the time.

    Yes. Your self revelation that you have no idea how legislation is enacted into law.

    Qtard: You say Reps ABLE to vote for that dear to them plan to build The Wall...

    Now? They could vote for that in the House. That is as far as it would get though.

    Qtard: but do not doing it, cunningly, pretending that DEMNs do not allow em???

    Congressional Republicans never wanted a wall. That is why they didn't vote on it while tRump was president.

  32. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00000

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
