Sunday, January 7, 2024

JP Morgan Jamie Dimon's #3 Surprise Prediction for 2024... Can we all say "Moochelle"?

...and who better to get out the Black vote in 2024 than Moochelle?

Meanwhile, a preparatory "alternate construction" also emerges...

Kaitlin Lewis, "Joe Biden Campaign Volunteers Are Quitting in 'Droves'"
A group of staffers working on President Joe Biden's reelection campaign warned the president that his volunteers are quitting "in droves" over his handling of Israel's military response in the Gaza Strip.

Biden has faced immense pressure from members of his own party over the United States' policies in light of the surprise Hamas attacks on Israel on October 7, which killed about 1,200 people and resulted in roughly 240 hostages, including some Americans. In response, Israel launched an extensive air and ground offensive in Gaza, killing nearly 22,000 Palestinians over the past several weeks, according to Gaza health officials cited by the Associated Press (AP).

In a letter published Wednesday on Medium, an anonymous group of Biden's campaign staffers demanded the president call for a ceasefire in Gaza, citing concerns that not shifting his policy on the issue could hurt his 2024 chances.

"Like so many others, we continue to be devastated by Hamas's attack against Israeli civilians on October 7th—it was a vile assault, one that touched the consciousness of the country," the letter read.

"The subsequent killing of 20,000 Palestinian civilians, however, has struck the same societal nerve," the message continued. "We cannot repeat the mistakes of the past by allowing the actions of Hamas to justify such further violence against civilians."

The campaigners cited a recent poll published by The New York Times, which found that a majority of Democratic voters (64 percent) believe that Israel should "stop its military campaign in order to protect against civilian casualties, even if Hamas has not been fully eliminated."

The same survey, which was published in mid-December and was based on the responses of 1,016 registered voters nationwide, found that 72 percent of voters under the age of 30 disapproved of Biden's handling of the conflict, which the letter noted is traditionally a "key Democratic voting bloc."

"Biden for President staff have seen volunteers quit in droves, and people who have voted blue for decades feel uncertain about doing so for the first time ever, because of this conflict," the Medium letter read.

"It is not enough to merely be the alternative to Donald Trump," the campaigners continued. "The campaign has to shift the feeling in the pits of voters' stomachs, the same feeling that weighs on us every day as we fight for your reelection. The only way to do that is to call for a ceasefire."

"You have said numerous times that silence in the face of human rights violations is complicity," the letter added "We agree, which is why we are speaking out now. Every minute that passes without a ceasefire is another life that is lost—a life that could have been saved with political action from you."


  1. Replies
    1. ⏫πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†Dervish Sanders is a racist! He doesn't want a black woman from his own party to try out for President.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†⏫

    2. Dervish is a fag.

    3. Mystere is a racist moron. Also a closeted self-hating gay man.

    4. πŸ”ΊπŸ”ΊDervish is a pussy.πŸ”ΊπŸ”Ί

  2. Minus: Can we all say "Moochelle"?

    No. We don't call her that. I bet the bigly racist Mystere does though. As well as "Mikey".

    FYI, Mystere, my "no" was in regards to the fake prediction posted by Minus. Michelle Obama does not want to be president.

    If she was the nominee I would happily vote for her. But she has said she does not want the job. Joe Biden is -- and will remain -- the 2024 democratic potus nominee. If not? The the nominee will most likely be Kamala Harris. I will vote for Kamala Harris.

    I would like it very much for a Black woman to be president.

    1. Dervish is a racist liar. He hates Black Women in power.

    2. Mystere and the rest of the blog team call Michelle 0bama "Shelley".

    3. You are a despicable racist liar and a horrible evil turd, Mystere. You wrote that comment, not me. Michelle Obama is a highly intelligent beautiful woman. She would make a fantastic president. She just does not want the job.

  3. That's because you're a racist, derv. Race is very important to you. Me, I could give a sh*t.

  4. I'm only a racist under your redefinition of what racism is. Whereas you are a racist under the actual definition.

  5. No, you fit the traditional definition... low expectations.

    Did you know that black people running for president often write books? Have you read it yet?

  6. Joel Gilbert's book - Michelle Obama 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power...

    Physical copies soon to be pulped. Digital sale soon to be withdrawn.

    Minus: No, you fit the traditional definition... low expectations.

    You refer to your expectations, not mine.

  7. ..."She just does not want the job".

    Like I said, low expectations...

  8. Lazy? Unpatriotic? Is that your "uncoded" reason?

  9. Minus: ..."She just does not want the job". Like I said, low expectations... Lazy? Unpatriotic? Is that your "uncoded" reason?

    Not wanting to be president doesn't make Michelle Obama lazy or unpatriotic. That's pure moronity.

    Unless you're disappointed because you really want her to run. Think she would be a fantastic president. You think only Michelle Obama can defeat dotard donald? And you REALLY want to see dotard donald defeated? You think Michelle Obama needs to step up to save the country?

  10. I don't think she'd make a "terrible" president. I even thought the same of sleepy Joe before he became a complete pass-through for ambitious civil servants.

  11. Joe Biden is running for a second term. Running for the 2024 nomination isn't even a option open to Michelle Obama. If she even wanted to be potus. Because she lied about not wanting the job.

    And why would she have lied, Minus? Why is she still lying?

  12. Biden's fake candidacy ensures that Michelle will have zero Democratic rivals once Joe drops out. The later he drops out and then ENDORSES her, the fewer the rivals.

  13. Quote: A group of staffers working on President Joe Biden's reelection campaign warned the president that his volunteers are quitting "in droves" over his handling of Israel's military response in the Gaza Strip.

    Why would people be quitting because Ben Nuttenyahoo's mishandling of the Israel's military response in the Gaza Strip? That makes absolutely no sense.

    Quote: The figure is the by-product of his inauguration coinciding with the roll out of the covid vaccines...

    No. The figure is a by-product of the Biden administration coming up with a plan to distribute the vaccines. Something the incompetent dotard administration did not do.

    FYI, the net jobs added under dotard donald was NEGATIVE. Maybe jobs grew before his inept pandemic response, but he overall LOST jobs. Whereas, per year in office, job gains under Biden have easily outpaced those of all other post-World War II presidents.

  14. Minus: Biden's fake candidacy ensures that Michelle will have zero Democratic rivals once Joe drops out. The later he drops out and then ENDORSES her, the fewer the rivals.

    Biden's candidacy is genuine. Michelle Obama will not run.

  15. Show "Imbecile (thinking that it) talking about Politics" continues. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    Let it continue-continue. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

  16. The imbecile has NO IDEA what discussions about politics looks like. It has demonstrated that here many times. I don't know what it thinks it is talking about. But it is obviously talking about its moronity again. That is it's favorite topic. As a self-deluded narcissistic moron that thinks it is smart.

  17. I'm not there. You must be seeing your own reflection in that mirror you're holding.

  18. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ The imbecile has NO IDEA what discussions about politics looks like. It has demonstrated that here many times.

    Self-admission? ;-P

    \\ I don't know what it thinks it is talking about. But it is obviously talking about its moronity again. That is it's favorite topic. As a self-deluded narcissistic moron that thinks it is smart.


    Self-admission. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

  19. Qtard: Self-admission.


    Qtard: Yap. Self-admission.


    I was talking about you. Both times. And I didn't write "you" when I really meant "me". Also, neither "no" was a NewSpeak yes.

    But, no doubt, you will still think I was talking about myself and making a "self admission". Because you are an imbecile.

  20. And where's ANY facts??? Any FACTUAL quotes? Any sound logically claims?

    Which backing up that miserly imbecilic backbites of miserly imbecile???

    Which only can do "NO! You are fool!!!" shouts. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  21. And imbecilic lies. ;-P

  22. No more imbecilic babbling here??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))0

  23. There would be no more if you would stop commenting.

  24. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I know,

    that's why I saying -- to... you.


    Your imbecilic babbling. :-))))))))))))))))))))))0000

  25. The imbecile posted more imbecilic babbling. Laughed and drooled at its own imbecility. As I knew it would. It can't help itself.

  26. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    All need to believe to this imbecilic lies of imbecilic liar. :-)))))))))))))))))

    Not to their lying eyes. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  27. Nobody should believe your lies.

  28. Definite use of "you" instead of "I". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  29. So you say I meant to write "Nobody should believe I lie"?

    Well, no. I wrote what I meant.


    "Nobody should believe your lies" is TRUE.


    "Nobody should believe I lie" is also TRUE.

    Thank you for admitting I don't lie. You definitely told the truth... This time.

  30. So you say I meant to write "Nobody should believe I lie"?

    Well, no. I wrote what I meant.


    "Nobody should believe your lies" is TRUE.


    "Nobody should believe I lie" is also TRUE.

    Thank you for admitting I don't lie. You definitely told the truth... This time.

  31. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  32. Qtard: Continue-continue.

    Telling the truth? I will.

  33. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  34. Thank you for encouraging me to keep telling the truth and calling out your lies. I WILL continue doing that.

  35. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  36. So what???

    No more imbecilic taunts??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000
