Saturday, December 16, 2023

On the Ongoing Governmental Abuses of Power


  1. Sure it was an inside job. It was put in motion by the (at the time) top guy in government. To believe otherwise is tinfoil hat nuttery.

  2. Trump sent the FBI in to foil his Insurrection and punish participant's in its' failure? Who knew?

  3. Nobody. Because that didn't happen.

  4. You're right, because there was no "insurrection" that was "put in motion by the top guy in Government". :)

  5. "To believe otherwise is tinfoil hat nuttery."

  6. Minus: there was no "insurrection" that was "put in motion by the top guy in Government".

    That is one of the things Jack Smith is prosecuting tRump for. Is Jack Smith a tinfoil hat nutter?

  7. Worse...

    Jack Smith is the current Special Counsel prosecuting Donald Trump on two grounds, one related to J6 (for which I take full responsibility) and the other related to the “crime” of being an ex-President with an active Department of Energy clearance possessing classified materials. Before pursuing such novel legal theories as are expressed in those indictments, Jack Smith was the US prosecutor in the International Criminal Court in The Hague, where Jack Smith was a blackmailer.

    Jack was sending henchmen to Eastern European to convey the following message to various parties (both innocent and perhaps not-so-innocent): We know that during the Yugoslavian Civil War you murdered some people, Jack Smith is going to indict you unless you put $X in a suitcase for me to carry back to Jack so your problems go away.

    $X = from $400,000 to $9 million (bribes of $7 million and $9 million were paid through Bitcoin, not suitcases).

    Jack sought a $100 million bribe from a head of state who refused payment and is now in prison.

    We learned of these allegations because of a passel of European whistleblowers who ultimately wrote superbly detailed affidavits, provided texts and financial records, etc. Read the 151 pages with exhibits yourselves. I am no lower, but from where I sit, Jack Smith looks royally shtuped.

    Pay to Play... the Chicago Way.

  8. So why isn't he in prison?

  9. I call BS. This is fake news.

  10. So why isn't he in prison?

    Y9u tell me, it's your pre-Joe "Justice" Department.

  11. Dervish Sanders December 16, 2023 at 7:51 PM:
    "I call BS. This is fake news."/i>

    Hath the bigly fat bloated boar 🐗 Dervish Sanders loudly bigly squealed and oinked again?🐗💨🐗💨🐗💨🐗💨🐗💨🐗💨🐗💨🐗💨🐗💨🐗💨🐗💨🐗💨

  12. Minus: Y9u tell me, it's your pre-Joe "Justice" Department.

    Because he didn't blackmail anyone.

  13. You know that because they didn't prosecute? That's kinda like having a quasi-religious belief in atheism... you believe because the "absence of evidence is evidence of absence." Logic once dictated that there were no black swans either (until there were).

    And of course by "absence of evidence" I mean all the evidence you choose to ignore and pretend isn't "real" like DNA mapped black swan feathers or checks tied to Chinese oligarchs.

  14. Minus: believe ... "absence of evidence is evidence of absence".

    That is the most likely explanation.

    Minus: ...all the evidence you choose to ignore...

    Yes. I'm going to ignore "evidence" that originated on a fake news website. If a real news website were to verify it I would stop ignoring it. Seems reasonable to me.

  15. \\That is the most likely explanation.

    "Highly likely"(tm). Estimation. From "Believe me, I'm an expert"s? :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yes. I'm going to ignore "evidence" that originated on a fake news website. If a real news website were to verify it I would stop ignoring it. Seems reasonable to me.


    Reasonable.. No, beyond reasonable doubt evidence -- that Derpy is nothing but little squalling hog of a DEMN propaganda. ;-P

  16. He's an oficialista when it comes to news. "Trust me, I'm from the Government

  17. Qtard: "Highly likely"(tm). Estimation. From "Believe me, I'm an expert"s?

    No, moron. I didn't mention any experts. I cited the fact that Jack Smith hasn't been charged with any crimes. Like blackmail.

    Qtard: Reasonable.. No, beyond reasonable doubt evidence -- that Derpy is nothing but little squalling hog of a DEMN propaganda.

    No charges is "propaganda"? No trial and conviction is "propaganda"? Why are you always babbling "is tRump in jail" then? If pointing out someone isn't in prison is propaganda.

    Qtard and Minus FJ are nothing but squealing hogs of rightturd propaganda.

  18. \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

    \\ He's an oficialista when it comes to news. "Trust me, I'm from the Government".

    We all have a tendency to think that the world must conform to our prejudices. The opposite view involves some effort of thought, and most people would die sooner than think – in fact they do so.

    \\No, moron. I didn't mention any experts. I cited the fact that Jack Smith hasn't been charged with any crimes. Like blackmail.

    I'll try to translate it from apparent NewSpeak here.

    "Yes, I am moron. I forgot my own words. Even though they are easy to re-read/recall..."

    THIS WORDS --->>>> \\\\That is the most likely explanation.

    "and as pure and definite idiot trying to pretend that I do not remember, do not understand it".

    \\No charges is "propaganda"? No trial and conviction is "propaganda"? Why are you always babbling "is tRump in jail" then? If pointing out someone isn't in prison is propaganda.

    Depends on context. Of course.

    Propaganda -- ALWAYS trying to disguise itself as real deal thing -- facts, logic, scientific knowledge and all such things.

  19. Qtard: Yes, I am moron. I forgot my own words. Even though they are easy to re-read/recall...

    Thanky for the admission. I 100 percent agree with these correct observations you made about yourself.

    Qtard: THIS WORDS --->>>> \\\\That is the most likely explanation.

    In the context of Jack Smith being accused of blackmail on a fake news website. And there being no charges. You can't follow along (due to stupidity) yet feel the need to interject your moronity into the conversation.

    I remember what I wrote. You clearly did not understand what was being discussed.

  20. \\Qtard: Yes, I am moron. I forgot my own words. Even though they are easy to re-read/recall...

    \\Thanky for the admission. I 100 percent agree with these correct observations you made about yourself.

    I'm glad that you able to see truthfullness of that words.

    Even though still trying to pretend that it about somebody else.

    That is... good sign. ;-P For you nit being complete imbecile. :-))))))))))))))

    \\I remember what I wrote. You clearly did not understand what was being discussed.

    Not exactly highly likely... while you MANY times cryed "I NEVER said it"... about words just above even.

    And showed MANY times that you cannot follow thoughtful discussion... even if it railroaded with PERFECTLY PRECISE quotes of your own words...

    Well.... you just confirmed it here... YET ONE time.

    With inavility to recognize OWN words given back as PERFECT QUOTE to you -- even when HIGHLIGHTED with ---->>>> Qtard: THIS WORDS --->>>> \\\\That is the most likely explanation.

  21. Doubling down on your moronity? Not surprising.

    I recognize my own words, dipshit.

  22. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Definite using "you" instead of "I".


    As ever. IT. Free to show. While basing it on facts and logic. What it claim being MY. ;-P


    But naaah.

    It never will.

    Cause... I-D-I-O-T. ;-P

    \\I recognize my own words, dipshit.

    Ha-ha-ha... like when??? :-))))))))))))))))))

    When you claim you NEVER said "I *DO* deny..."??? :-)))))))))))))

    PS Go dig deeper tarpit for itself, moron. Continue-continue. :-)))))))))))))))

  23. While... entertaining me. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    Pulling Charlie Gordon. ;-P

  24. LOL! It triples down on it's moronity! Will it quadruple down? I predict yes.

  25. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Yep Derpy. Do quadruple on your moronity -- silly idea that you can direct my words against me and stagger me somehow.

    Instead of make me laugh homericly. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Silly-silly Charlie Gordon. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    That cannot GET IT... that IF that my words are SO successful -- then it only CONFIRM me being smart.

    While... like you try to pretend -- that my words being stupid... and then repeating em. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0 (ad infinitum)

    1. I like to slap the moron Qtard around with its own stupid words -- and somehow the idiot thinks that confirms it is smart!

      Qtard:\\I recognize my own words, dipshit\\ Ha-ha-ha... like when???

      Always. Every time.

      Qtard: When you claim you NEVER said "I *DO* deny..."???

      Never claimed. My "never said" is always regarding the lies you add to that partial quote.

      Qtard: THIS WORDS --->>>> \\That is the most likely explanation\\ "and as pure and definite idiot trying to pretend that I do not remember, do not understand it".

      Again, it is YOU who does not understand. There is no "beyond a reasonable doubt" evidence against Jack Smith re any blackmail charges. There are NO charges.

      Yet you (an obvious moron) says tRump must have these court protections (while lying and saying I'm trying to deny him these protections) but Jack Smith does not have not them.

      Why not, Qtard? Because you're a hypocrite whose only goal here is to defend donald tRump, yes? Clearly. Proven by your constant babbling about donald tRump not being in prison.

      Well, Jack Smith isn't in prison. He hasn't been charged. But to the hypocrite Qtard, that means he's probably guilty. Only because he's prosecuting Putin's puppet, dotard donald.

      And Qtard desperately wants that puppet to be USA potus again. Explaining why it is so sad the J6 coup failed. Why the totalitarian loving Qtard keeps crying about them being denied their (fake) "human right" to reverse the results of a free and fair democratic election.

  26. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ I like to slap the moron Qtard around with its own stupid words -- and somehow the idiot thinks that confirms it is smart!

    I-D-I-O-T Derr Punn... just said, that repeating (allegedly) stupid words... is just O.K.

    and do not make it look sto-o-o-o-opid, am I assess this your blurt the right way, ah, Derr Punn?


    \\Qtard:\\I recognize my own words, dipshit\\ Ha-ha-ha... like when???

    \\Always. Every time.

    ...when you lying? ;-P

    \\Qtard: When you claim you NEVER said "I *DO* deny..."???

    \\Never claimed. My "never said" is always regarding the lies you add to that partial quote.

    Though you CONFIRMED... and stupidly proudly to boot... that it about "them HAVING such rights".

    Even though I explained MANY-MANY time that they are IMMANENT -- means -- no matter what you think about it -- they STILL have that right.

    Just by that reason that they are HUMANS. Humans -- have Humans Rights.

    As Rocks have adherence to Laws of Gravity.

    It is -- BEYOND you power or just a desire to have power... to prescribe what other people CAN or CANNOT do.

    Not up to YOU to decide. ;-P

    \\Again, it is YOU who does not understand. There is no "beyond a reasonable doubt" evidence against Jack Smith re any blackmail charges. There are NO charges.

    YOUR explanation of it.

    Or explanation of any "believe me, I'm an expert" -- is not fact. ;-P

    But... you are idiot, and therefore NATURALLY have that problem with understanding that simple truth. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yet you (an obvious moron) says tRump must have these court protections (while lying and saying I'm trying to deny him these protections) but Jack Smith does not have not them.

    Talking with itself?

    Well, as always.

    Yawn. :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\Why not, Qtard? Because you're a hypocrite whose only goal here is to defend donald tRump, yes? Clearly. Proven by your constant babbling about donald tRump not being in prison.


    And you can give RECENT quote where I'd did it on my own? And not in context of your silly babbling?

    Well, why I asking... of course you even NATURALLY unable t grok what I just said/have write here.

    \\And Qtard desperately wants that puppet to be USA potus again. Explaining why it is so sad the J6 coup failed. Why the totalitarian loving Qtard keeps crying about them being denied their (fake) "human right" to reverse the results of a free and fair democratic election.

    Just more boring DEMN delusions. :-))))))))))))))))


  27. Qtard: ...repeating (allegedly) stupid words... is just O.K.

    Sure. Because context matters. In the context of you talking about me they're stupid. In the context of me talking about you they aren't.

    Qtard: ...and do not make it look sto-o-o-o-opid...


    Qtard:\\I recognize my own words, dipshit\\ Ha-ha-ha... like when???\\Always. Every time.\\...when you lying?

    I haven't lied.

    Qtard: Though you CONFIRMED... and stupidly proudly to boot... that it about "them HAVING such rights".

    Only the one you made up.

    Qtard: Even though I explained MANY-MANY time that they are IMMANENT -- means -- no matter what you think about it -- they STILL have that right.

    No. They do not. No matter what YOU think -- they don't have this "right" you made up.

    Qtard: Just by that reason that they are HUMANS. Humans -- have Humans Rights.

    Of course. But they don't have some "right" you made up and called a "human right".

    Qtard: As Rocks have adherence to Laws of Gravity.

    Of course. But your made up "right" is akin to you saying "rocks can float. It is how they adhere to the laws of gravity".

    Qtard: It is -- BEYOND you power or just a desire to have power... to prescribe what other people CAN or CANNOT do.

    It isn't. I can say people have to follow the law. They don't have some imaginary right you made up. Same as rocks can't float. As per the laws of gravity.

    Qtard: Not up to YOU to decide.

    It is not up to you to decide that people have an imaginary right you made up.

    Qtard: \\Again, it is YOU who does not understand. There is no "beyond a reasonable doubt" evidence against Jack Smith re any blackmail charges. There are NO charges\\YOUR explanation of it.

    A point-to-reality fact.

    Qtard: Or explanation of any "believe me, I'm an expert" -- is not fact.

    So he has been charged? Confirm it by citing a source. Tell me when the trial is scheduled.

    Qtard: But... you are idiot, and therefore NATURALLY have that problem with understanding that simple truth.

    Yeah you obviously cannot understand. It isn't "truth" at all. But maybe you are NewSpeaking? Admitting you are a liar. That is it, yes?

    Qtard: \\Yet you ... say tRump must have these court protections (while lying and saying I'm trying to deny him these protections) but Jack Smith does not have not them\\ Talking with itself?

    No. It's you dodging a question you can't answer.

    Qtard: Well, as always.

    You don't do this always. But you do it often.

    Qtard: \\Why not, Qtard? Because you're a hypocrite...\\ Yeah???


    Qtard: And you can give RECENT quote where I'd did it on my own?

    You just did it. By insisting that Jack Smith is not "innocent until proven guilty".

    Qtard: Well, why I asking... of course you even NATURALLY unable t grok what I just said/have write here.

    Of course not. Because it is moronic babbling.

    Qtard: \\And Qtard desperately wants that puppet to be USA potus again. Explaining why it is so sad the J6 coup failed. ...\\ Just more boring DEMN delusions.

    Accurate conclusions based on your own words.

  28. \\Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: ...repeating (allegedly) stupid words... is just O.K.

    \\ Sure.


    Well, that is NATURAL for dumb stupid dummy Derr Punn. ;-P


    YET ONE...

    \\Because context matters. In the context of you talking about me they're stupid. In the context of me talking about you they aren't.


    Non-factual and ANTI-logical BS.

    That is DECLARATION of Relativistic Truth -- that Truth depends on WHO said it.

    Which is BS.

    And Totalitarian NewSpeak.

    Congrats Derr Punn -- you found a way to self-reveal itself in the utmostly self-revealing way.

    \\Qtard: ...and do not make it look sto-o-o-o-opid...


    So, it makes? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But never the less -- you INCLINED to CONTINUE showing itself being sto-o-o-o-o-opid?

    \\Qtard:\\I recognize my own words, dipshit\\ Ha-ha-ha... like when???\\Always. Every time.\\...when you lying?

    \\I haven't lied.

    Facts... telling totally opposite story. ;-P

    And facts -- cannot lie.

    While people -- can. And do. Damn too often.

    So... I prefer to listen to the Truth Telling Facts... and not miserly stupid people who raving that they are "truth tellers".

    Believing to mere people's words == making fool of oneself.

    \\Qtard: Though you CONFIRMED... and stupidly proudly to boot... that it about "them HAVING such rights".

    \\Only the one you made up.


    So now you trying to say/lie that you "NEVER said it" -- that you just denied em HAVING such right?

    Well... obviously... that is just that relentless liar you are.


    \\Qtard: Even though I explained MANY-MANY time that they are IMMANENT -- means -- no matter what you think about it -- they STILL have that right.

    \\No. They do not.


    You just DENIED people their IMMANENT human rights.

    Though you just above tried to argue that you never did it, never lied.

    But -- HERE IT IS -- it's a LIE, of dumb dummy Derr Punn.

    Fairly and squarely.

    \\No matter what YOU think -- they don't have this "right" you made up.

    Totalitarian NewSpeak -- that Human Rights is "made up rights".


    Your sock-master liliPut -- must be proud of you.

    \\Qtard: Just by that reason that they are HUMANS. Humans -- have Humans Rights.

    \\Of course. But they don't have some "right" you made up and called a "human right".

    "No"... then immediately "of course"... then AGAIN denial of Open and Obvious Truth.

    That is how LIAR talks.

    In NewSpeak.

    Spreading deceptive lies.


    \\Qtard: As Rocks have adherence to Laws of Gravity.

    \\Of course. But your made up "right" is akin to you saying "rocks can float. It is how they adhere to the laws of gravity".

    Bull Shit. :-))))))))))))))))))

    Rocks have WEIGHT. And weight react to Gravity Force.

    People -- Have Consciousness, and Consciousness allows em to behave out of their own Free Will.

    You idea of "rocks can float" is defying People Having Free Will. ;-P

    NATURAL... for a totalitarian.

    Yawn. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\It isn't. I can say people have to follow the law.


    DEFINITELY the Totalitarian Point of View -- that Laws are above all things, and People just MUST OBEY!

    \\They don't have some imaginary right you made up. Same as rocks can't float. As per the laws of gravity.


    Rocks floating in the air... naturally. Oh, no, they isn't. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Totalitarian Derr Punn just inclined to invent whatever BS it can... to protect "right" of totalitarians to dominate over free people.

    And to deny people having Human Rights...

  29. \\Qtard: Not up to YOU to decide.

    \\It is not up to you to decide that people have an imaginary right you made up.

    It... do not need ANY decision from me -- that is just NATURAL thing -- I born human, I have my Human's Rights.

    Because, that is just as it is. It is the Fact of Reality.

    And what YOU proclaim -- need to "follow laws" -- is NOT natural thing.

    Laws -- invented and mangled by humans all of the time. Humans who are stupid, or malicious. As some criminals. Or totalitarians.

    Well... em being malicious is a NATURAL thing too -- as that is form of demonstration of their Free Will... yawn.

    \\Qtard: \\Again, it is YOU who does not understand. There is no "beyond a reasonable doubt" evidence against Jack Smith re any blackmail charges. There are NO charges\\YOUR explanation of it.

    \\A point-to-reality fact.


    MY quote of YOUR words: "THIS WORDS --->>>> \\That is the most likely explanation"

    \\Qtard: Or explanation of any "believe me, I'm an expert" -- is not fact.

    \\So he has been charged? Confirm it by citing a source. Tell me when the trial is scheduled.


    Was I QUOTING anything related to that... what name you using again? Whozzat, again???

    Yawn, I don't care, anyway. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))



    Showed/CITED what I was talking about.

    But you... as relentless liar... just need to twist it into pretzel.

    Of course -- because that is how LYING works -- it subverting the Truth.

    \\Qtard: But... you are idiot, and therefore NATURALLY have that problem with understanding that simple truth.

    \\Yeah you obviously cannot understand. It isn't "truth" at all. But maybe you are NewSpeaking? Admitting you are a liar. That is it, yes?




    Explained it.

    HOW could it be -- that I cannot understand... but CAN explain????

    That's burrish lie. Of yours. ;-P

    \\No. It's you dodging a question you can't answer.


    I. Don't care to answer.

    What for???

    \\Qtard: \\Why not, Qtard? Because you're a hypocrite...\\ Yeah???


    NewSpeak "No"? :-))))))))

    \\Qtard: And you can give RECENT quote where I'd did it on my own?

    \\You just did it. By insisting that Jack Smith is not "innocent until proven guilty".

    This is NOT quote.

    Even that inside quote marks.

    How do I know???

    I just copy-pasted it into Ctrl-F field -- and it gave EXACTLY ONE result -- this excerpt I quoted here.

    It means.

    It is BURRISH LIE.

    NOT based on any FACTS/QUOTES.

    But... how can anyone wait anything else from such a relentless idiotic liar.

    Yawn. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Well, why I asking... of course you even NATURALLY unable t grok what I just said/have write here.

    \\Of course not. Because it is moronic babbling.

    YET ONE self-revealing confirmation -- that Derr Punn are moron.

    Yawn. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Accurate conclusions based on your own words.

    NOT confirmed with any facts/quotes... a lie... as it was shown, YET ONE TIME, just above.

    Yawn. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  30. Qtard: HOW could it be -- that I cannot understand... but CAN explain????

    You did not explain. You only babbled nonsense and dodged explaining.

    Pointed again to my words "that is the most likely explanation". Words I never "forgot".

    How is it NOT the most likely explanation, asshole? That Jack Smith hasn't been charged with blackmail -- because he never blackmailed anyone?

  31. \\You did not explain. You only babbled nonsense and dodged explaining.

    Well... if you NOT able to grok my explanation -- you can ask questions, so I could improve it, so even such an idiot would understand. ;-P

    Because... that is what EXPLANATION is all about.

    As said in dictionary definition.

    EXPLAIN | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
    Cambridge Dictionary › ...
    EXPLAIN definition: 1. to make something clear or easy to understand by describing or giving information about it:

    But... you never do. Cause that is lame act. And deceptive lies -- that you not understood it. Or that my explanation and/or logic and factual quotes... is somehow deficient. YOU NEVER ABLE to articulate WHAT IS WRONG with MY words.

    While *I* -- always able. And always do it on the base of facts. And my claim is always TRUE this way.

    Which makes you cringy. ;-P

    \\How is it NOT the most likely explanation, asshole? That Jack Smith hasn't been charged with blackmail -- because he never blackmailed anyone?


    Especially NOT based on facts.

    But just an "estimations". Or some "feelings" of some "believe me, I'm an expert".

    Is NOT a Fact. Obviously.

    And VERY RARELY can be truthful... when it coincide with Real World.


    Most stark of recent such "estimations". And "most likely" "expert" "explanations"...

    is that "Putin WILL subjugate Ukraine in THREE days"...

    that still cannot fulfill itself.

    And never will.


    That was "highly likely" "explanation" that USA POTUS was based his political stance ON.

    Which reveals... on what quicksands political stance of USA, and practically any and all other politicians in the Whole World IS BASED.

    And that is Urbi et Orbi DEFINITE REASON to call fools EVERYONE who repeat after politicians their baseless bullshit.

    Politicians, at least can say they "using fools" and not that foolish themself.

    But that who follow such fools -- cannot. They ARE fools. Idiots. Morons.

    For their own bad. ;-P

  32. Quintupling down on moronity? Well, that is no surprise at all. Idiot thinks including the definition of "explain" makes its babbling an explanation.

    Babbling some more about "listen to me experts" when I never cited an expert. Only the fact that Jack Smith has not been charged with any crimes. What a moron.

    Qtard: Especially NOT based on facts.

    FACT: Jack Smith has not been charged with a crime. Well, Qtard dunno what a fact is.

    Qtard: While *I* -- always able. And always do it on the base of facts. And my claim is always TRUE this way. Which makes you cringy.

    No. Because you are almost never able to. Only example I can think of is your babbling about the sun rising in the morning. Idiot apparently thinks it is smart for knowing this.

    There was no explanation to grok or not grok. You didn't give one. Again. You will not give one. Because you dunno what an explanation is.

  33. The explaination is you are a hypocrite and a moron.

    According to you...

    Donald tRump (whom there are many charges against): has the presumption of innocence. Not just in court, but in regards to personal opinions. People can't think he's guilty or the USA is just like Nazi Germany. People can think he's innocent though and the charges will go poof.

    Jack Smith (whom there are zero charges against): Him being not guilty is just an incorrect "estimation". Or some "feelings" of some "believe me, I'm an expert". The most likely explanation isn't that did nothing wrong aka he doesn't get any presumption of innocence.

  34. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Quintupling down on moronity? Well, that is no surprise at all. Idiot thinks including the definition of "explain" makes its babbling an explanation.

    Continue-continue, Derr Punn. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Pulling Charlie Gordon. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Babbling some more about "listen to me experts" when I never cited an expert. Only the fact that Jack Smith has not been charged with any crimes. What a moron.

    Truly, moron you are.

    I repeated it SEVERAL times. With ephasis. That *I* was NOT commenting any Jack or any Smith.

    Only YOUR moronic words "THIS WORDS --->>>> \\That is the most likely explanation".

    But you are moron... that trying to PRETEND being imbecile, and on this base ignore that open fact. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue, Derr Punn. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Pulling Charlie Gordon. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Especially NOT based on facts.

    \\FACT: Jack Smith has not been charged with a crime. Well, Qtard dunno what a fact is.

    YET ONE time Derr Punn stubbornly PRETEND being imbecile, with idiotic goal to substantiate its moronic try to IGNORE that FACT -- that I was commenting ITS words.

    And ITS claims about "estimations" and "explanation".


    Not some individual fact or just a miserly pretentious babbling that there is some fact.

    Do you REALLY want ME to admit that you are full-fledged I-M-B-E-C-I-L-E??? That badly????!!!! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I... can give you such a courtesy. ;-P

    \\There was no explanation to grok or not grok. You didn't give one. Again. You will not give one. Because you dunno what an explanation is.



    You, as always are free to show its smartness... and EXPLAIN what explanation is.

    But... you are I-M-B-E-C-I-L-E that thinks that definitions from dictionaries -- they are all wrong.

    While visibly UNABLE to provide any alternative definition.


    You reassured me -- you ARE imbecile. ;-P

    \\Donald tRump (whom there are many charges against): has the presumption of innocence. Not just in court, but in regards to personal opinions. People can't think he's guilty or the USA is just like Nazi Germany. People can think he's innocent though and the charges will go poof.

    One little problem.

    That's... not some personal opinion.

    That is DELIBERATE campaign of defamation and smearing with feces of political opponent.

    With people going on the street with banner "Hang up that dRump".

    In all other world it treated as ANTI-democratic and totalitarian, DIRTY methods to fight against political opponents.

    Methods, loathed by anyone who deem itself democratic, lawful and basicly decent person...

    But... for Open Totalitarian Derr Punn -- that is NOT a problem.

    Because he if follower of totalitarian liliPut. And wants demise of democracy and decency on the West too...

  35. Qtard: I repeated it SEVERAL times. With ephasis. That *I* was NOT commenting any Jack or any Smith.

    That is who Minus FJ and I were discussing. Then you butted in with your usual moronity.

    I told you several times we were talking about Jack Smith. When I wrote "That is the most likely explanation", I was talking about why Jack Smith has not been charged with blackmail. Because he didn't blackmail anyone.

    Yet you (due to being a complete imbecil) babbled about imaginary "Believe me, I'm an experts" that your delusions tell you are lying all the time.

    When I never cited any experts at all. Still you continue to babble about them. Due (no doubt) to your servere untreated mental illnesses.

    Also due to your defective brain. Explaining why you can't follow along. Idiot dunno what was being discussed because it is UNABLE to follow along.

    The idiot's moronity is so severe that it thinks people should be prohibited from having personal opinions.

    Because (in the moron's view) somehow people having opinions cancels out the presumption of innocence an accused person has in court proceedings. Because it is dumb and has no idea how such things work.

    Qtard: ...he if follower of totalitarian liliPut. And wants demise of democracy and decency on the West too...

    I don't want that at all. I'm strongly opposed to that. Why I (unlike you) don't parrot Putin's propaganda. Like defending its Puppet dotard donald and it's minions who tried to overthrow democracy with a failed coup.

    The demise of democracy in the West is what you strongly desire. Why you argue in favor of it constantly.

  36. \\That is who Minus FJ and I were discussing. Then you butted in with your usual moronity.


    *I* properly stated what I mean.

    It, just inclined to confirm being imbecile, eloquently.


  37. You "properly stated" your imbecility? If you say so.

    Your comment had nothing to do with what was being discussed. Just moronity concerning what I said the most likely explanation is.

    Moron just doesn't like that phrase, apparently. Even though the moron does it himself. Re donald tRump not being in prison. The most likely explanation (according to the moron) is that he is innocent. Just like Mark Twain running for governor.

    So the hypocrite says it is great when it says what it believes is the most likely explanation. But terrible when I do it.

    Qtard: Whatever.

    Perfect cringing! Well, I wouldn't say that. "Perfect cringing" is apparently cringing that is imaginary (re all the times Qtard has used that phrase in response to something I've written).

    Here Qtard definitely cringed. As a result of my pointing out it's hypocrisy.

  38. \\Your comment had nothing to do with what was being discussed.

    We discussion that point MORE THEN a YEAR already.

    In this blog.

    Declaring it "had nothing to do" -- does it mean that you ADMITTING your moronic INABILITY to continue that discussion? ;-P

    Most probably... it will start screaming "I NEVER meant it", yes? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

  39. Qtard: We discussion that point MORE THEN a YEAR already.

    So why'd you write "I was NOT commenting any Jack or any Smith"?

    Jack Smith was appointed special counsel on 11/18/2022. So, yes, he has been a part of the discussions here for more than a year.

    Still you continue to write moronity like "I was NOT commenting any Jack or any Smith". As if they are two people -- Jack and Smith.

    Qtard: ...does it mean that you ADMITTING your moronic INABILITY to continue that discussion?

    I dunno. Are you? I might gain a small amount of respect for you if you were able to admit to some of your extensive moronity. But I doubt you will.

    Qtard: Most probably... it will start screaming "I NEVER meant it", yes?

    I dunno. Will you? You say YES, but I don't think you will.

  40. \\So why'd you write "I was NOT commenting any Jack or any Smith"?

    Doubling down on imbecility.


    Now I need not treat you anyhow else. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: ...does it mean that you ADMITTING your moronic INABILITY to continue that discussion?

    \\I dunno. Are you?

    YET ONE confirmation of imbecility.

    Yawn. :-)))0

  41. Qtard: \\So why'd you write "I was NOT commenting any Jack or any Smith"?\\ Doubling down on imbecility.

    Naaah. We are way past you doubling down. Now you're sextupling down on your moronity. Yawn.

  42. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Problems with comprehension? ;-P

    Even own tryes to say something. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

  43. Qtard: Problems with comprehension?

    Asking yourself? I say you definitely do. Proven by your inability to follow along.

  44. Follow illogical imbecilic bullshitting??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Sure thing. I'm not. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  45. What a wise observation... from such an imbecile. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

  46. No. Following along re what the topic of discussion is. Which you have now conclusively proven you can NOT. Via your illogical imbecilic bullshitting.

  47. Qtard: What a wise observation... from such an imbecile.

    It is talking to itself. Giving itself encouragement. It is clearly proud of its imbecility.

  48. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Yeah. You seems like very proud of own imbecility. All that "dunnos". "Never saids". :-))))))))))))))

    And INABILITY to devise OWN WORDS to say... only trying to turn it back with "no, you are fool".

    Or what??? Maybe you think that is WISE thing to do? Ah, ombecile? :-)))))))))))))))))))0

  49. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: What a wise observation... from such an imbecile.

    \\ It is talking to itself. Giving itself encouragement. It is clearly proud of its imbecility.

    Can you get it?

    That I DELIBERATELY made that "opening". Not naming it by its name.

    To see how it will be happy, to repeat its miserly trick. ;-P

    Continue-continue. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  50. Qtard: Can you get it? That I DELIBERATELY...

    I seriously don't give a shit.

    Whenever it tries to insult me -- it is clear from its words that it is talking about itself.

    When I turn it's self revealing words back on it -- that makes its very angry.

    It thinks it can make me stop by admitting how much it is cringing? Am I supposed to feel sorry for it? That isn't going to happen.

  51. Back to what was previously being discussed (prior to a certain moron detailing the conversation)...

    Why has donald tRump never mentioned these blackmail allegations against Jack Smith? All tRump does is call him "deranged".


    Why hasn't Jack Smith tried to blackmail tRump? I assume he hasn't. Or maybe he did, tRump paid, and Jack Smith will throw the trials?

  52. \\Whenever it tries to insult me

    Insult? You?

    Does anyone who calling a shit -- shit, insulting shit? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\it is clear from its words that it is talking about itself.

    So??? With this you admit that your imbecilic mother have though you in time you being little and innocent imbecile that trick -- "listen here Lil Dumb Ass, listen carefully... whenever anyone start laughing from you, calling you fool -- just say NO, YOU are FOOL!!" ;-)

    (I'm ready for you trying to turn this words against me too... which would only prove my point ;-P)

    \\When I turn it's self revealing words back on it -- that makes its very angry.


    Oh, yeah, baby! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Lil Dumb Shit. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\It thinks it can make me stop by admitting how much it is cringing? Am I supposed to feel sorry for it? That isn't going to happen.

    Continue-continue, you -- Lil dumb Ass. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Entertaining me... with pulling Charlie Gordon. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  53. Qtard: Entertaining me... with pulling Charlie Gordon.

    You entertained yourself by pulling a Charlie Gordon?

    So that's what the laughing is in regards to? It is laughing at itself.

    I believe you.

    It compared itself to a pile of shit too.

    I appreciate your honesty.

    1. Why hello there Mr. Dervish! I am Eustace Haney, a man with many things available for you. May I offer you some super wonderful products you can use right now? I hear you're looking for a Dervishese to English translator machine... OH MY GOODNESS! I just happen to have the last one from the factory on special for only $199.99! {"π÷π√ק∆€|•£%©®¥€¢£°√π^°√π°^¥€¢£"} Really Mr. Dervish? SOLD! Why thank you very much Mr. Dervish!

  54. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And that delusional make believe makes it happy.

    Of course, cause it is imbecile.

    But, continue-continue. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  55. \\I appreciate your honesty.

    And what about me being NewSpeak liar? ;-P

    I... appreciate that HOW EAGER you are to admit that I telling truth. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Only oups... it mean that liar -- it's... it. ;-P

  56. Moron says I lied about it telling the truth?

    Naaah. When it talks about me, that's when I know it is really talking about itself. I used my smartness to figure that out.

  57. \\I used my smartness to figure that out.





    But... continue-continue. ;-P

  58. pulling Charlie Gordon. :-)))))))))))))))))))))00

  59. NewSpeak "Yes".

    Cause Derr Punn's behavior talking for itself. And telling ONLY Truth.

  60. Yes, you pulled a Charlie Gordon? Ok. I believe you.

  61. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    No end of fun.

    I like it, that I taught that you that "pulling Charlie Gordon".

    Imaginine how drooling imbecile (saddly, just imagining, low hope that you'll give your picture) with a smug face, while thinking that IT doing something smart, saying: "no... you are pulling Charlie Gordon".

    Priceless! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Such a high good reward for my hard work. Naaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))

  62. Qtard: No end of fun.

    Qtard is greatly amused by its own moronity aka pulling a Charlie Gordon.

  63. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Derpish SADners -- master of imbecilic backbites! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  64. Encouragement for your alter ego, Derpish Sadners. Yawn.

  65. When is Jack Smith going to be charged with blackmail? When is any republican politician even going to mention these allegations? I haven't heard any of them bring up these serious allegations. At all. Why not, Minus?

  66. Still waiting for an answer.

  67. When is Jack Smith going to be charged with blackmail? When is any republican politician even going to mention these allegations? I haven't heard any of them bring up these serious allegations. At all. Why not, Minus?
