Friday, November 3, 2023

Why Nobody Wants the Palestinians or Any Other Perpetually Aggrieved SJWs in Their Midst or as Neighbors

Face it, they're just militant thugs and A-holes!  it's what a lifetime of the do-gooding UN and European/ American sponsored parasitic welfare system buys/ rewards, more militancy and A-hole behaviour.  Biden can't offer them enough $billions to stop causing trouble for Israel.  'Ef the Palestinians.  Time to end "well intended but counter-productive" UNWRA welfare and STOP rewarding bad behaviour.  They've made their beds, let them now sleep in them.  Neither money nor a "land of their own" can ever solve this problem.  It's time to STOP feeling sorry for Palestinians, and simply start ignoring their self-inflicted crocodile tears and insatiable need for enabling victimhood inspired media coverage.  One Palestinian refugee may indeed be  redeemable.  Two Palestinian refugees in the same geographic location or acting as internet correspondents has been socially conditioned into soon becoming a terror cell.  They'd all make ideal subjects for Elon Musk's NeuraLink experiments, but why would I ever give Musk the opportunity to perfect his destined to become involuntary medically-implanted mind control devices for later 'systemic' misuse/ abuse?
The Moral Hazards from Bureaucratic Systems - The 'Embodiment' and 'Banality' of Evil in Social Systems (Hannah Arendt).  Good Intentions leading to Disastrous Results.  Why "systemic affirmative action" is ALWAYS a bad idea, but "individualized affirmative action" is not.  You can't either group or individually teach another person virtue, but they can, as individuals, learn it.  So what have the Palestinians "learned" from 75 of UNWRA?  That the system only rewards BAD BEHAVIOUR (w/ independence/ land/ $$$).  They've learned that Plutus isn't 'blind' (Aristophanes), but rewards bad behaviour ever more generously.  The Palestinians have been trained to become the ultimate antisocial-media influencers.  Perhaps this is the same way Donald J. Trump learned his counter-intuitive but effective "media" skills.


  1. Hell no. Let Israel police them until Arab states resettle them. Only stop ALL Western Aid. The Israeli's will "retrain" them.

    1 Kings 9:21 NIV

    21 Solomon conscripted the descendants of all these peoples remaining in the land—whom the Israelites could not exterminate —to serve as slave labor, as it is to this day.

  2. So they don't even need aid? Won't die without it? The aid is just "fun money"?

  3. You think that the Arab nations will let the Pseudostinians die of starvation and not offer Zakat? You think it's the USA's, and not their responsibility to feed them? Stop virtue signalling. The Treasury is MT. The Arabs are SWIMMING in it. As Q would say, the Palestinians are NMP. And if they die, InshAllah! Millions of people are dying all over the world (see - Ukrainians). You can't save them all. you have to choose.

  4. You need to start worrying about America. You're letting millions of illegals into the country. Your Sanctuary Cities are failing at the job of supporting them and screaming for Government bailouts/ subsidies. Wanna know why they don't (and won't) get any? Spending priorities like $9b for Gaza....

  5. Got it. Your answer is... Yes, kill em.

    Hell, yes.

  6. No, my answer is, "if they die of starvation, so be it." They are all suicides.

  7. ...Like the SoCal cult that caught the comet.

  8. btw - Given the limited funds of the Palestinians, where did the "fun money" to build rockets and buy machine guns and RPG's come from? It didn't come from UNWRA?

  9. Israel stepped in and fed the Palestinians when their Arab/ Islamic neighbors refused the accept them as war refugees. Israel's current troubles are the reward for all their good deeds and Western good intentions. Know the definition of "insanity"?

  10. Let the Arab practice their religious principle of Zakat. Nietzsche once said that the problems with Christians is that they fail to follow the teaching of Christ. Apparently, the same is true for Moslems.

  11. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    You need to start worrying about America. You're letting millions of illegals into the country.

    And you NEED em millions MOAR... as a workforce.

    If you wanna be anywhere around the TOP in the World. Yet more, to be "empire". ;-P

  12. You really don't get it. The world is America's workforce. That's what "empire" means. Globalization.

    We don't need muscle. We need brains. And we can make them... AI.

  13. ps - We can make muscle, too. Robotics.

  14. It's time the Palestinian people are given a homeland and true liberty. Force Israel to return to their pre 1967 borders. Stop the Zionist genecide of the Palestinian people.

  15. It's time for the Palestinians to be dispersed into the Arab League's Diaspora, so that they can radicalize and enrage more Arabs into joining their jihad against the infidel invaders and wipe Israel from the face of the map.

  16. What is the "nature" of the Palestinians? Much like all men, they "covet". Ever read Plato's "laws". Know why he chooses an island for Magnesia, and won't allow it to get filled with "luxuries"? To prevent jealous neighbors from "coveting" their territories, and thereby eliminate the need for his "Republic's" Guardians.

  17. Poor Israel, a high tech European style luxurious paradise in the midst of covetous Arabs...

  18. Makes you wonder why they don't all just pillage the Emirates/ Qatar or Saudi itself. Too many 1st cousins?

  19. Endogamy doesn't have a pretty face. Too much inbreeding.

  20. Minus: ...if they die of starvation, so be it. They are all suicides.

    Wikipedia: In 1947 Theodor W. Adorno defined what would be later called "blaming the victim," as "one of the most sinister features of the Fascist character". Shortly thereafter Adorno and three other professors at the University of California, Berkeley formulated their influential and highly debated F-scale (F for fascist), published in The Authoritarian Personality (1950), which included among the fascist traits of the scale the "contempt for everything discriminated against or weak".

    A typical expression of victim blaming is the "asking for it" idiom, e.g. "she was asking for it" said of a victim of violence or sexual assault. The just-world hypothesis is proposed as one explanation for why people blame victims ... [it] implies that victims must have done something to deserve what happened to them. This also implies that people can avoid being victims by behaving correctly. [end]

    Fascist Authoritarians like Minus love victim blaming. He blames women who are raped (they wanted it at the time, then later changed their minds). Same for Palestinians. It's their fault they're being killed. The bombs being dropped on them are suicides.

  21. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    You really don't get it. The world is America's workforce. That's what "empire" means. Globalization.

    \\We don't need muscle. We need brains. And we can make them... AI.

    Brains that not able to percieve coming storm?


    PS Obviously. That above was some other anon. Spoiling my anonimity.

    Dirty, dirty anon. :-))))

  22. F' the Pseudostinians! They're the victims of Western Benevolence.... no more.

    @Q - The storm is already in Ukraine. I'm in no hurry to feed its' winds and bring it here.

  23. Storm, what storm? I consulted with sinoptics... there's fair weather in Ukraine. ;-P

    Even sunny.

    Do you know how it is -- in the ceter of taifun/harricaine? ;-)

    You must be -- cause you, USA is in that center.

  24. It's got a big eye. And Jim, I'm a vorticist, not a rocket scientist!
