Sunday, November 19, 2023

Time for Ending Biden's Ridiculous Proxy War Against Russia in Ukraine


  1. Biden shouldn't have started this war. Oh wait, that was Putin.

  2. No. It was Yanukovych.

  3. I guess impeachment and Constitutional processes were "too burdensome" to follow.

  4. ...he fled from the capital to eastern Ukraine on 21 February. The next day, Ukraine's parliament voted to remove him from his position and schedule early elections on the grounds that he had withdrawn from his constitutional duties, rather than through following the impeachment process outlined in the Ukrainian constitution.

  5. Spreading liliPut's propaganda, Derpy?

    Well... as ever.

    HE FLED.

    You know... there is certain professions, position -- of which people freakingly CANNOT "work from home" -- they NEED to be present in their designated place. 24/7 even.

    SO. Nobody was "removing" nobody.

    Parliament just made colloquial fact... into juridical one -- exactly what it DESIGNED to do.

  6. You repeated basically the same thing as what I posted. Yanukovych ran away. If I spread propaganda, so did you.

  7. THAT --->> "Ukraine's parliament voted to remove him" is liliPut's LIE!!!

    He trying to base his claim that his war against Ukraine justified.

    And YOU... REPEATING *that* liliPut's LIE.

    But... obviously, you will start crying "I NEVER said it"...

    Though that it NOT FiRST TIME you repeating liliPut's LIES... word-to-word!

  8. \\Dervish Sanders said...
    \\ You repeated basically the same thing


    It doing EXACTLY THAT.

    "Repeating basically the same thing".

    Like what nazi did -- throwed some Jews into some anti-sanitary environment -- then made fotos, and made em spread like PROOF how Jews are dirty spreaders of desease, "basically the same" as "vermins"...

    Propaganda -- it takes some "basically the same" thing... and then twisting and subverting it in some deceptive way.

    Like claim that freedom fighters of/for Ukrainian Nation... is somehow are "nazis". On that same base that there is word "nation"... which SOMEHOW is "basically the same" as nationalSOCIALISTS scum of Hitler's Germany...

  9. Figures. Idiot thinks accurately describing what happened is "propaganda". Like some Azov battalion members calling themselves Nazis is "propaganda".

    FYI, what I posted was an excerpt from Wikipedia. No doubt the idiot thinks Putin edits Wikipedia.

    Qtard: THAT --->> "Ukraine's parliament voted to remove him" is liliPut's LIE!!!

    So they didn't? Zelinsky isn't actually president? Yanukovych is still secretly president?

    Qtard: And YOU... REPEATING *that* liliPut's LIE.

    Lie. I never said Putin's war on Ukraine is justified. It isn't.

  10. \\Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Figures. Idiot thinks accurately describing what happened is "propaganda".

    By accurately REPEATING lying words of TYRANTS and other propaganda scumbags???


    Derpy just YET ONE time confirmed what a big totalitarian (wannabe?) it... is.

    \\Like some Azov battalion members calling themselves Nazis is "propaganda".

    With some AUTHENTIC video??? Where they saying that in their native language? And with proof of translation in that context that it MEAN THE SAME as English language using word "nazi"?

    NOT "sounds similar". NOT "I think they said". NOT "I called em that just because".

    FACTually TRUTHful records.


    Depy Sadners can only KEEP SPREADING liliPut's propaganda.

    And NEVER will go to site which REVEALS all such fakes. What for??? It "already knows all needed truth" -- propaganda directly from liliPut's ass... m-m-m, yammy, saying Derpy. :-)))))))

    \\FYI, what I posted was an excerpt from Wikipedia. No doubt the idiot thinks Putin edits Wikipedia.

    Yes Derpy.

    He... his propagandists -- DOING exactly that -- trying to spread their LIES through ANY means possible.

    And Wikipedia -- is one of the best platforms for that -- as there is no firm double-checking.


    Why Idiot Derpy should care... as it LIKE to repeat propaganda of tyrants.

    \\Lie. I never said Putin's war on Ukraine is justified. It isn't.

    That... doesn't matter... how you trying to COVER your spreading of liliPut's propaganda spree...

  11. I refute Putin's propaganda. YOU spread it. With your constant defending of his puppet, donald tRump. Also by defending the insurrectionists he sent to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Same as Putin.

  12. Russian President Vladimir Putin ... has suggested that the hundreds of people arrested for rioting at the U.S. Capitol are being subjected to "persecution for political opinions". link

    Totalitarian loving Idiot Qtard LIKES to repeat the propaganda of tyrants.

  13. There is a kernel of truth in the allegations that Azov is just a Russian bogeyman. The Kremlin and Ukraine’s neo-Nazis have a symbiotic relationship that reaches to the very heart of this war: Putin needed a pretext to justify his illegal invasion; for that, he turned to Azov. Moscow seized on Azov’s existence to paint all of Ukraine as a cesspool of fascism in need of “denazification.” Azov is the linchpin in Putin’s narrative—without it, his excuse for the war is gone.

    In turn, Azov’s defenders (Qtard) have capitalized on Russia’s obsession by implying that anyone who criticizes the group is a Putin apologist.

    The problem with insisting that Azov’s neo-Nazism is just a Russian lie is the abundance of evidence to the contrary. Seven years’ worth of Western articles chronicling the group’s nature was too much to ignore. This left Azov’s whitewashers with the unenviable task of cobbling together a come-to-Jesus story in which Azov began as a neo-Nazi paramilitary group but somehow saw the error of its ways before 2022.

    The narrative that emerged goes like this: (a) Azov’s deradicalization started after it joined Ukraine’s National Guard—over time, Biletsky and other veterans of the 2014 battalion were filtered out, implying that the new leadership is neo-Nazi free; (b) yes, there are a few leftover neo-Nazis in the National Corps, Azov’s political party; but (c) that doesn’t matter, because the Azov Regiment—later a brigade—has long since separated from the National Corps, which is little more than a fringe political sideshow.

    These talking points were propagated by Kyiv, Azov, and a handful of experts furnishing quotes from one journalist to the next; the press, in turn, dashed out articles reporting these claims as fact. In reading these pieces, one quickly notes the absence of evidence. The “Azov has been denazified” story is presented as verified truth, often using quotes from the same few experts who also state it without offering proof.

    There’s a reason for that: The whole thing is composed of easily disprovable falsehoods.

    Take the notion that Azov was deradicalized after joining the National Guard in November 2014. This ignores the fact that Western outlets routinely documented Azov’s neo-Nazism over the next seven years, through 2021.

    Whatever reformative influence Kyiv had to offer clearly didn’t work: Azov continued to recruit white supremacists, and in 2016, it was accused by human rights groups of committing war crimes—the only difference being that after 2014, it did so as part of a NATO-trained force.

    Next is the lie that Azov denazified itself by jettisoning veterans of the original 2014 neo-Nazi battalion—a claim echoed by Reuters, The Financial Times, the AP, The Jerusalem Post, and others around the spring of 2022, when the regiment was commanded by Denys Prokopenko and his deputy, Svyatoslav Palamar. ...

    Prokopenko, for his part, came out of the White Boys Club, superfans of the Dynamo Kyiv soccer team (far-right groups organized around soccer teams are common across Europe), who celebrated him when he was given an award in October 2022. The group’s Facebook posts have typically included phrases like “100% White” and “88” (code for “Heil Hitler”), praise for Holocaust perpetrators, and Waffen-SS insignia. link

  14. Qtard is a White Supremacist denier. So, that it would deny there are White Supremacists in Azov is no surprise. What is propaganda is that Ukraine is 100 percent free of Nazis. It is a laughable assertion. Yet that doesn't stop the liar Qtard.

  15. \\ Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...

    I refute Putin's propaganda.


    With REPEATING after liliPut! Word-to-Word.

    Putin: Russia helped Yanukovych to flee Ukraine
    BBC › news
    Speaking to members of the Valdai discussion club in Sochi, Mr Putin said Mr Yanukovych had been removed by force. Mr Yanukovych fled to Russia ...

    Dervish Sanders said...

    ...he fled from the capital to eastern Ukraine on 21 February. The next day, Ukraine's parliament voted to remove him from his position

    But it will claim "I NEVER said it!", "give QUOTES!" and "I DO NOT SEE your quotes... we-e-e-e!". AGAIN!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  16. \\Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ The problem with insisting that Azov’s neo-Nazism is just a Russian lie is the abundance of evidence to the contrary.


    liliPut's propaganda produced that "abundance".

    And totalitarians loving Der Punn WILL NEVER go to the sites which REVEAL all that fakes.

    And will only CONTINUE doubling down on spreading liliPut's FAKEs and propaganda. :-))))))

    \\Seven years’ worth of Western articles chronicling the group’s nature was too much to ignore.

    Seven years??? :-)))))

    Russian Commies under order from Stalin STARTED trying to call Ukrainian Freedom Fighters "nazis" in time of WW2...

    So, that is VERY deeprooted propaganda.

    DEMNs learn to believe to be Truth in their universities... from Russian KGB/FSB operatives.

    They call professors.

  17. \\Qtard is a White Supremacist denier. So, that it would deny there are White Supremacists in Azov is no surprise. What is propaganda is that Ukraine is 100 percent free of Nazis. It is a laughable assertion. Yet that doesn't stop the liar Qtard.

    That there was not such a word "nazi" in Russian/Ukrainian even.

    That is beyond understanding of low life Derr Punn.

    It thinks that all people in the world talk/use English. And meaning of words is just the same as it was spamked into its sore ass during grammar lessons. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

  18. Qtard: With REPEATING after liliPut! Word-to-Word.


    Qtard: But it will claim "I NEVER said it!", "give QUOTES!" and "I DO NOT SEE your quotes... we-e-e-e!". AGAIN!!!

    Impossible. I can't do something "again" I never did even once.

    "Ukraine's parliament voted to remove"...

    That describes what happened. Why I "said" it. That is how democratic bodies work. They vote. No surprise totalitarian loving Idiot doesn't understand.

  19. Qtard: With REPEATING after liliPut! Word-to-Word.

    I have never repeated Liliput. I dunno any of their songs. I have also never repeated Putin. Unlike you...

    As per Putin the hundreds of people arrested for rioting at the U.S. Capitol are being subjected to "persecution for political opinions".

    Sounds very similar to what you keep claiming. Bullplop about walking by the street and entering a free admission building to ask questions.

    Are you going to claim you "never said it" now?

  20. Double Cringing! :-))))))))))

  21. \\That describes what happened. Why I "said" it. That is how democratic bodies work. They vote. No surprise totalitarian loving Idiot doesn't understand.

    From the Point of View Putin PROPOSED, and BASED it's propaganda -- why it's O.K. for him to attack sovereign country.

    Because there is NO law that ALLOW for ANY Parlament just to REMOVE president -- THAT IS breaching of Separation of Powers -- Utterly Undemocratic.

    But Derpy the Idiot, Totalitarian Wannabe DUNNO what Democracy is.

    It thinks that ANYTHING which was "voted for" is O.K., and is Justice, and is Demn-OK-ratsy...

    \\As per Putin the hundreds of people arrested for rioting at the U.S. Capitol are being subjected to "persecution for political opinions".

    \\Sounds very similar to what you keep claiming. Bullplop about walking by the street and entering a free admission building to ask questions.


    Well, to such a Totalitarian Wannabe Idiot as Derpy is... quite possible.

    Like... Putin EVER said ANYTHING about Human Rights.

    Of course no, because it would be self-revealing -- because all what it doing -- subverting and destroying based on human rights democracy.

    Trying to SUBSITUTE it with "protection from violations"... THE SAME what Derpy do. ;-P

  22. A majority of 328 lawmakers of the 450-seat parliament voted on February 22 to remove Yanukovych from power, citing as grounds his abandoning office and the deaths of more than 80 protesters and police in the past chaotic week of violence. link

    Apparently there was a question about whether or not his removal was Constitutional. Yet the Ukraine parliament DID vote to remove him. Idiot Qtard argues against reality... Again. Well, Qtard's stupidity isn't my problem.

    Then Qtard denies it said the same thing Putin did about the J6 insurrectionists. Big surprise. Not. So Putin didn't mention the imaginary "human right" Qtard made up. Like it makes what Qtard said any different.

    Both Qtard and Putin argued FOR overturning the results of a free and fair democratic election. To keep the loser of the election in power. Loser who happens to be Putin's puppet.

  23. \\Apparently there was a question about whether or not his removal was Constitutional. Yet the Ukraine parliament DID vote to remove him.


    And it was written EXACTLY like that "we removing him". In English???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What an idiot... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Idiot Qtard argues against reality... Again. Well, Qtard's stupidity isn't my problem.

    Yeah, "reality" liliPut's Propaganda shitting into brains of Western idiots like Derr Punn... that think that *Ukrainian* Parlament made its resolution... and have written it in English. Like "we remove him" or something.

    Not in Ukrainian. Not in accordance with Ukrainian Laws and Consitution.

    Just the way liliPut twisted it into a pretcel. With idea that EVEN is Head of the State was TAKEN as a HOSTAGE by an ENEMY... state must CONTINUE revere him as head of the state, and friz all counter-action waiting for orders from a traitor.

    \\Then Qtard denies it said the same thing Putin did about the J6 insurrectionists.

    And you was able to SHOW one-to-one correspondence?

    Like, liliPut mentioning Human Rights??? :-)))))))))))))))))

    What a bonker stooopid idiot. That Derr Punn. :-))))))))))))))00

    Trying to proliferate with his miserlty lies just by repeating em again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again... ad nausiem.

  24. Moron. I only pointed out the FACT that he was removed. I didn't say anything about what language their resolution was written in. Ukrainian, I assume. Yet the liar says I think it was in English.

    And, YES, you say the same thing as Putin. Only Putin didn't make up an imaginary "human right" like you did. So what?

    Qtard: And you was able to SHOW one-to-one correspondence?

    Yes, I did. You just are unable to understand it. Due to your moronity. And desire to spread Putin's propaganda. Like his puppet dotard donald and J6 insurrectionists having their rights violated.

    Qtard is in complete agreement with Putin about both of those. It "already knows all needed truth" -- propaganda directly from Putin's asshole... m-m-m, yammy, says Qtard.

  25. \\Moron. I only pointed out the FACT that he was removed.

    Yep. By liliPut himself. That lied to him that there is attempts to kill him on the way. And lied to that dupe, that Russian SpecOps will "protect" him from that appempt, nothing more. Because Russia and Ukraine is such a close "brotherhood" states, so that it is nothing and not a treason, if President of Ukraine will be guarded by Russian SpecOps. That that is "brother's help"... and not taking hostages.

    Until too late.

    Not surprising -- that Russia DO NOT allow him to show his face any more, for him to not blurt out that truth. Or maybe he already dead.

    \\I didn't say anything about what language their resolution was written in. Ukrainian, I assume. Yet the liar says I think it was in English.


    You are free to find Ukrainian text of THAT resolution of Ukrainian Parliament... and translate it into English. And show where there said something like "we REMOVE president".

    But you will not... because you are nothing else but I-D-I-O-T.

    And liliPut's sock-puppet. ;-P

    \\And, YES, you say the same thing as Putin. Only Putin didn't make up an imaginary "human right" like you did. So what?

    Derpy the Totalitarian repeating liliPut's missive that Human Rights are Imaginary.


    Plus. Showing/confirming itself relentless liar too.

    \\Qtard: And you was able to SHOW one-to-one correspondence?

    \\Yes, I did.

    If so... then it would be not a problem to give DIRECT QUOTE -- with WHICH words you think you showed one-to-one correspondence?

    Or... scream "I never said it" or use any other jinx... to confirm that you have not even tiniest idea what "one-to-one correspondence" is. ;-P

    \\You just are unable to understand it. Due to your moronity. And desire to spread Putin's propaganda. Like his puppet dotard donald and J6 insurrectionists having their rights violated.

    Baseless yammering Idiot Derr Punn NEVER able to confirm with any logic or facts...


    \\Qtard is in complete agreement with Putin about both of those. It "already knows all needed truth" -- propaganda directly from Putin's asshole... m-m-m, yammy, says Qtard.

    Oh... you, when your alter-ego "Qtard" are in control of your sore loser body... forced to eat shit???

    That's... unpredictable development. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  26. Qtard: Yep. By liliPut himself.

    And the Ukrainian parliament said "please come back, we want to to stay on as president"?

    Qtard: Or maybe he already dead.

    Like you said Putin is dead and replaced by a body double? Cause you are a tinfoil hat nutter?

    Qtard: Then. You are free to find Ukrainian text of THAT resolution of Ukrainian Parliament... and translate it into English. And show where there said something like "we REMOVE president".

    You are free to translate it and show where it says "we do NOT remove the president".

    Qtard: But you will not... because you are nothing else but I-D-I-O-T.

    Right. You will not.

    Qtard: Derpy the Totalitarian repeating liliPut's missive that Human Rights are Imaginary.

    Lie. Human Rights are not imaginary. I never said they are.

    Qtard: Plus. Showing/confirming itself relentless liar too.

    Showing myself to be a relentless truth teller. Standing up to you, a confirmed relentless liar.

    Qtard: If so... then it would be not a problem to give DIRECT QUOTE -- with WHICH words you think you showed one-to-one correspondence?

    Of course. Words located at this timestamp show a one-to-one correspondence...

    December 7, 2023 at 9:40 AM.

    Qtard: Or... scream "I never said it" or use any other jinx...

    "Never said it" bullshit again. Yawn.

    Qtard: confirm that you have not even tiniest idea what "one-to-one correspondence" is..

    Qtard clearly dunno. Given that it is the one who is repeating Putin's propaganda.

    Qtard: Baseless yammering Idiot Derr Punn NEVER able to confirm with any logic or facts...

    Confirmed by the fact that you are repeating Putin's propaganda. Have been since you showed up here.

    Qtard: Oh... you, when your alter-ego "Qtard" are in control of your sore loser body... forced to eat shit???

    Yeah, YOU. Eating Putin's shit. Spreading his propaganda.

    Qtard: That's... unpredictable development.

    Naaah. It is totally predictable. You like eating Putin's shit.

  27. \\And the Ukrainian parliament said "please come back, we want to to stay on as president"?

    YET ONE definite evidence Derpy being crazy.

    Who -- such a open traitor? Who have blood of hundreds on his hands.

    And... what's the point of asking? While he was a hostage of Russia by that time. Not free to go anywhere.

    Well... even his party members WAS NOT showing ANY desire for him to come back -- because it betrayed em too -- fleeing without em.

    \\Like you said Putin is dead and replaced by a body double? Cause you are a tinfoil hat nutter?

    Derpy just NEED to protect its sock-master. ;-P

    \\You are free to translate it and show where it says "we do NOT remove the president".

    What for?

    For Derpy to say YET ONE time that do not see it, do not to "believe in" that or any other such FACT??? :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: But you will not... because you are nothing else but I-D-I-O-T.

    \\Right. You will not.

    Yet one famous usage "you" instead of "I", of Derr Punn? :-)))))))

    \\Qtard: Derpy the Totalitarian repeating liliPut's missive that Human Rights are Imaginary.

    \\Lie. Human Rights are not imaginary. I never said they are.

    YET ONE "I NEVER said it" blatant lie of relentless liar Derr Punn??? :-))))))))))))))

    \\Showing myself to be a relentless truth teller. Standing up to you, a confirmed relentless liar.


    "Truth teller" AKA Speaking in NewSpeak relentless liar. CONFIRMED with OPEN and OBVIOUS FACTS it trying to oppose all of the time.


    \\Qtard: If so... then it would be not a problem to give DIRECT QUOTE -- with WHICH words you think you showed one-to-one correspondence?

    \\Of course. Words located at this timestamp show a one-to-one correspondence...

    \\December 7, 2023 at 9:40 AM.

    Giving timestamp instead of DIRECT QUOTE it's "one-to-one correspondence"??? :-))))))))))))))

    Derr Punn just CONFIRMED that IT completely DUNNO what one-to-one correspondence mean.

    Congrats for confirming Your Morinity, Derp!!! :-)))))))))))))

    \\"Never said it" bullshit again. Yawn.


    You are right.

    Your idiotic tricks are boring.

    But... that's where all fun is. ;-P

    \\Qtard: confirm that you have not even tiniest idea what "one-to-one correspondence" is..

    \\Qtard clearly dunno. Given that it is the one who is repeating Putin's propaganda.

    YET ONE... :-))))

    \\Qtard: Baseless yammering Idiot Derr Punn NEVER able to confirm with any logic or facts...

    \\Confirmed by the fact that you are repeating Putin's propaganda. Have been since you showed up here.

    Yep... with a timestamp of previous Derr Punn own burrish BS. :-))))))))))))

    He even fear to repeat it's own words -- so much Derr Punn UNABLE to show that it believe in own lies. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Oh... you, when your alter-ego "Qtard" are in control of your sore loser body... forced to eat shit???

    \\Yeah, YOU. Eating Putin's shit. Spreading his propaganda.

    "YOU" instead of "I"? ;-P

    \\Qtard: That's... unpredictable development.

    \\Naaah. It is totally predictable. You like eating Putin's shit.


    Derr Punn knew about it... about that shit-addictivness of itself.

    That's why for Derr Punn it is "totally predictable". ;-P

    But it also know, conscious of how indecent such behavior is. And that's why he hystericly used to use "you" instead of "I" -- known hysterical reaction of a crazy people. That tend to explain own behavior with voices in own head, some outside will controlling em, somebody else doing it instead of em...

    Pretty informative.

  28. Derpy silently agreeing? As always.Yawn.

  29. Qtard: YET ONE definite evidence Derpy being crazy.

    Your alter ego Derpy? I agree. It is nuts.

    Qtard: Who -- such a open traitor? Who have blood of hundreds on his hands.

    But you say they did not vote to remove him.

    Qtard: And... what's the point of asking? While he was a hostage of Russia by that time. Not free to go anywhere.

    A good reason to vote to remove him. Yet you say they didn't.

    Qtard: Well... even his party members WAS NOT showing ANY desire for him to come back -- because it betrayed em too -- fleeing without em.

    And yet they wanted to keep him as president. Otherwise they would vote to remove him. But you say they didn't.

    Qtard: \\Like you said Putin is dead and replaced by a body double? Cause you are a tinfoil hat nutter?\\Derpy just NEED to protect its sock-master.

    Protect? How? Push back on an idiot making evidence-free claims?

    Qtard: \\You are free to translate it and show where it says "we do NOT remove the president"\\ What for?

    Prove you aren't a liar? But you won't. Because you can't.

    Qtard: For Derpy to say YET ONE time that do not see it, do not to "believe in" that or any other such FACT???

    Dummy thinks something is a fact just because it says so. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    Qtard: But you will not... because you are nothing else but I-D-I-O-T\\ Right. You will not\\ Yet one famous usage "you" instead of "I", of Derr Punn?

    "Famous" lie you made up.

    Qtard: \\Human Rights are not imaginary. I never said they are\\ YET ONE "I NEVER said it" blatant lie of relentless liar Derr Punn???

    Your alter ego Derr Punn? Yeah, it is a relentless liar.

    Qtard: "Truth teller" AKA Speaking in NewSpeak relentless liar. CONFIRMED with OPEN and OBVIOUS FACTS it trying to oppose all of the time.


    Qtard: Derr Punn just CONFIRMED that IT completely DUNNO what one-to-one correspondence mean.

    Your alter ego Derr Punn? OK. It confirmed it completely DUNNO what one-to-one correspondence means. You too. You also confirmed you dunno what it means.

    Qtard: Congrats for confirming Your Morinity, Derp!!!

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\"Never said it" bullshit again. Yawn\\ Yeah. You are right.


    Qtard: Your idiotic tricks are boring. But... that's where all fun is.

    Famous use of "your" when you meant "my". Yes?

    Qtard: Baseless yammering Idiot Derr Punn NEVER able to confirm with any logic or facts...\\Confirmed by the fact that you are repeating Putin's propaganda. ...\\ Yep... with a timestamp of previous Derr Punn own burrish BS.

    No. Dervish Sanders's facts. But thanky for agreeing with me.

    Qtard: He even fear to repeat it's own words -- so much Derr Punn UNABLE to show that it believe in own lies.

    Derr Punn's lies are your lies. Given that you are Derr Punn. *I* believe my own facts.

    Qtard: "YOU" instead of "I"?

    Nope. Also, it would be "me", not "I". But I know proper English. Unlike the moron from far far away.

    Qtard: \\You like eating Putin's shit\\Yep.

    Thanky for confirming.

    Qtard: ...also know, conscious of how indecent such behavior is. And that's why he hystericly used to use "you" instead of "I"..

    No. Why would I when I was talking about you?

    Qtard: ...known hysterical reaction of a crazy people.


    Qtard: That tend to explain own behavior with voices in own head, some outside will controlling em, somebody else doing it instead of em...

    If you say so. I agree with this observation you made about yourself.

    Qtard: Derpy silently agreeing? As always.Yawn.


  30. \\Dervish Sanders said...
    \\ Qtard: YET ONE definite evidence Derpy being crazy.
    \\ Your alter ego Derpy? I agree. It is nuts.

    Ha-ha... and Derpish Sadners trying to say that it not crazy.

    Thought it just said that it itself -- Derpy... is somebody else's alter-ego.:-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a DEMn bonker :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But you say they did not vote to remove him.

    Can you remove something that is NOT present?

    Like a rabbit from an empty box.

    Most probably you are. Cause you are idiot. And admitted to "believe in" such a bullshit counter-factual non-nonsensical things... said by crooks and liars.

    \\Qtard: And... what's the point of asking? While he was a hostage of Russia by that time. Not free to go anywhere.

    \\A good reason to vote to remove him. Yet you say they didn't.

    WTF you are talking about???

    Like... airplane pilot took the shut and jumped out of bay... HOW you propose to REMOVE him from his pilot's sit and role???

    When he ALREADY jettisoned itself from it.

    Are you out of your mind... well, sorry, you are. That's why such crazy ideas are so crazy for you screwed mind.

    That's why it's so damn funny to observe... it. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\And yet they wanted to keep him as president.

    Who, they???

    Same traitors that runned away with or separately, or a little later?

    Of course -- that traitor are STILL there an wanting it. They have had such dream on 24 of February. And maybe even still want.

    But... who cares???

    \\Qtard: \\Like you said Putin is dead and replaced by a body double? Cause you are a tinfoil hat nutter?\\Derpy just NEED to protect its sock-master.

    \\Protect? How? Push back on an idiot making evidence-free claims?

    Evidences are plentiful.

    You just need to COVER for your sock-master propaganda. ;-P

    \\Prove you aren't a liar? But you won't. Because you can't.

    What for?

    Why I need to be so inclined to prove anything... to a heinously hypocritical liar and idiot to boot.

    What for? ;-P

    Especially as that liar OPENLY, AND many times confirmed -- that it WILL NOT accept ANY proves based on FACTUAL evidences... because it only "believe in facts"... but, feeling itself free to dismiss or ignore whatever fact it don't like. (like dRump having presumption of innocence... or people going into public places having their Human Rights)

  31. \\Qtard: For Derpy to say YET ONE time that do not see it, do not to "believe in" that or any other such FACT???

    \\Dummy thinks something is a fact just because it says so. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    "Dummy" that saying that FACTS are OPEN, OBVIOUS and nothing else but REFERENCES to reality itself...

    or, some really DEMN crazy dumb dense derping dummy... that says that it's possible to "believe in facts"? ;-P

    \\Qtard: But you will not... because you are nothing else but I-D-I-O-T\\ Right. You will not\\ Yet one famous usage "you" instead of "I", of Derr Punn?

    \\"Famous" lie you made up.


    Because you "NEVER" have said something about "you"-me... while it openly and obviously was something "I"-Derpy did and endlessly continue doing? ;-P

    Oh, yes... THAT famous lie of Derpy? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Your alter ego Derr Punn? Yeah, it is a relentless liar.

    One who writing under nickname Derpish Sadners here? :-)))))

    Yeah, THAT liar. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Baseless yammering Idiot Derr Punn NEVER able to confirm with any logic or facts...\\Confirmed by the fact that you are repeating Putin's propaganda. ...\\ Yep... with a timestamp of previous Derr Punn own burrish BS.

    \\No. Dervish Sanders's facts. But thanky for agreeing with me.

    You thanking me here. For admitting that you repeating liliPut's lies? ;-P

    Well. Why wouldn't I? While that is Factual Truth.

    \\Derr Punn's lies are your lies. Given that you are Derr Punn. *I* believe my own facts.

    Oh... not idiot Derr Punn even babbled it out openly -- that it thinks that it OWNS facts. :-)))))))

    But... it would start cry "I NEVER said it"... just that moment it will come to it -- how idiotic and self-revealing that admition was. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: That tend to explain own behavior with voices in own head, some outside will controlling em, somebody else doing it instead of em...

    \\If you say so. I agree with this observation you made about yourself.



    \\\\\Qtard is in complete agreement with Putin about both of those. It "already knows all needed truth" -- propaganda directly from Putin's asshole... m-m-m, yammy, says Qtard.


  32. Qtard: Ha-ha... and Derpish Sadners trying to say that it not crazy.

    You heard it whisper in your ear?

    Qtard: Thought it just said that it itself -- Derpy... is somebody else's alter-ego...

    Yeah. It definitely sounds crazy when you say Qtard is me. When it was you who called yourself "Q". I never called myself "Q".

    Qtard: What a DEMn bonker...

    You? Are you admitting you're a bonker? That would be a breakthrough.

    Qtard: \\But you say they did not vote to remove him\\ Can you remove something that is NOT present?

    So it's in the Ukrainian constitution... that a president who isn't present is automatically removed? I don't believe you.

    Qtard: Like a rabbit from an empty box.

    We are discussing legal removal, not physical removal.

    Qtard: And admitted to "believe in" such a bullshit counter-factual non-nonsensical things... said by crooks and liars.

    I never did.

    Qtard: And... what's the point of asking? While he was a hostage of Russia by that time ... \\A good reason to vote to remove him. Yet you say they didn't\\ WTF you are talking about???

    The necessary legal procedures that have to be followed to remove someone from office. But you are clearly too dumb to understand.

    Qtard: Like... airplane pilot took the shut and jumped out of bay... HOW you propose to REMOVE him from his pilot's sit and role??? When he ALREADY jettisoned itself from it.

    So, again, that is what the Ukrainian constitution says? If a president leaves he is automatically removed?

    Qtard: Are you out of your mind... well, sorry, you are. That's why such crazy ideas are so crazy for you screwed mind.

    You're asking yourself? Looks like you are. Insisting that no legal procedure needs to be followed to remove a president. It just happens automatically.

    Crazy people argue against reality. Insist something that happened didn't actually happen.

    ...the Verkhovna Rada voted on February 22, 2014 to "remove Viktor Yanukovych from the post of president of Ukraine" on the grounds that he had withdrawn from fulfilling his constitutional duties, and to hold early presidential elections on May 25.

    Qtard: That's why it's so damn funny to observe... it.

    You laugh at yourself because your own insanity amuses you?

    Qtard: \\And yet they wanted to keep him as president\\Who, they???

    The Ukrainian parliament.

    Qtard: ...that traitor are STILL there an wanting it. They have had such dream on 24 of February. And maybe even still want. But... who cares???

    The non traitors.

    Qtard: \\Like you said Putin is dead and replaced by a body double?\\Evidences are plentiful.

    Your delusions? Is that the "evidences" you refer to?

    Qtard: You just need to COVER for your sock-master propaganda.

    No. I just need facts. Especially when it comes to absurd claims. How could I cover for someone who is dead? How could someone who is dead produce any propaganda?

    Qtard: \\Prove you aren't a liar? But you won't. Because you can't\\What for?

    To show you aren't lying. Pulling BS out of your behind. But you know that is what you're doing. Obviously.

    Qtard: Why I need to be so inclined to prove anything... to a heinously hypocritical liar and idiot to boot.

    LOL! You can't even prove any of your claims to yourself!

    Qtard: What for?

    So I can just make evidence free claims too?

    Qtard: Especially as that liar OPENLY, AND many times confirmed -- that it WILL NOT accept ANY proves based on FACTUAL evidences...

    You? Yes, you have shown you won't accept factual evidence. Just call facts you don't like "Demn Propaganda". Also lie about researchers making stuff up and insisting they be believed because they are something you call a "trust me I'm an expert".

    Qtard: ...because it only "believe in facts"... but, feeling itself free to dismiss or ignore whatever fact it don't like.

    No. Not NewSpeak yes. That is what you do. And I did not write "you" when I meant "I".

    Qtard: dRump having presumption of innocence...

    He does. I never said he doesn't.

    Qtard: or people going into public places having their Human Rights...

    They do. I never said they don't.

  33. \\Qtard: Ha-ha... and Derpish Sadners trying to say that it not crazy.

    \\You heard it whisper in your ear?

    :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (ad infinitum)

  34. When only you make me think that there can be a bottom on your stupidity...

    you doing something like that... and redeeming itself in my eyes!

    Congrats, Derr Punn! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  35. \\Qtard: Thought it just said that it itself -- Derpy... is somebody else's alter-ego...

    \\Yeah. It definitely sounds crazy when you say Qtard is me. When it was you who called yourself "Q". I never called myself "Q".


    Your babbling have very LOW factual content. IN GENERAL. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And you keep doing counter-factual claims. Like screaming "I NEVER said"... about just written here and fixed that way words EVEN. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Which... de-valuates ANY your claims.

    Got it, silly? ;-P

    Naaah... you cannot. Cause you are I-D-I-O-T. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That STILL think that relentless, not based on any logic and/or facts yammering... can sway much smarter opponent, somehow. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


    that is obvious, and known to any smart ace, that ONLY one thing can sway us smart aces -- some logical paradox, or pointing to FACTUAL error, or even worse -- some flaw in our logic.

    Which only would be embarrassing to a smart ace.



    Can say it to you freely.

    Cause such an idiot will not be able to make use of it.

    And... I hope... it will only continue to stirr you to produce much more verbal shit here. :-))))))))))0)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  36. \\Qtard: What a DEMn bonker...

    \\You? Are you admitting you're a bonker? That would be a breakthrough.


    And I follow Bi-den. And waving DEMN party flag. And proudly call myself DEMN. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    YET ONE definite example -- how I-D-I-O-T Derpy Pulling Charlie Gordon -- when trying to use Much Smarter Opponent words... against him. Without ANY understanding why that words work on it, and even less why they might work on opponent himself. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Silly-silly Charlie Gordon.

    Continue-continue pulling your silly tricks... you'd never be able to grok why and how silly they are. ;-P

    \\So it's in the Ukrainian constitution... that a president who isn't present is automatically removed? I don't believe you.

    Of course you do.

    Because you are totally bonker ignorant fool on the verge of imbecility... that have little to no at all, tiniest idea about how jurisprudence works...

    \\Qtard: Like a rabbit from an empty box.

    \\We are discussing legal removal, not physical removal.


    I got it. That you inside your silly parody of a brain of homo sapience REALLY DO HAVE that idea... that you "discussing legal removal, not physical removal" HERE.


    Thought that is just a sign of your delusion.

    I... ESPECIALLY made that example to you -- about pilot jumping out of a plane it must be piloting...

    but IT, still cannot get it. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: And admitted to "believe in" such a bullshit counter-factual non-nonsensical things... said by crooks and liars.

    \\I never did.

    Ha-ha... like that was not you, who declared believing only to "official media". ;-P


  37. \\The necessary legal procedures that have to be followed to remove someone from office. But you are clearly too dumb to understand.

    To be REMOVED from office... ONE, need to be RESIDE in that office.

    There is NO, and cannot be such silly thing as removing nonexisting rabbit from an empty box PROCEDURE. :-))))))))))))))))

    Well... NO, there COULD be... in religious and totalitarian communities. Bestowed over clinical idiots, or reduced to the levels of clinical idiots folks.

    YET ONE confirmation that Derpy ARE clinical idiot. ;-P

    \\So, again, that is what the Ukrainian constitution says? If a president leaves he is automatically removed?

    What air control laws say? Do pilot STILL control a plane, piloting of which is assigned to him??? When he not in a cabin of it EVEN.

    There must be TONS of regulations on that part, yes?

    How pilot while sitting in a cafe sipping his... cola, still are in control of that airborn flying circus out there, far-far-away in the sky? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    Or... maybe some captain of nuclear submarine... is still Captain... even when striding lonely in the midst of Mohave Desert. :-))))) Alone, to boot. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\You're asking yourself? Looks like you are. Insisting that no legal procedure needs to be followed to remove a president. It just happens automatically.

    There is no need to REMOVE something... that is not there. ;-P

    But for an I-D-I-O-T like you, Derr Punn, such an simple and obvious common sense understanding -- is like that High Math and General Relativity :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Crazy people argue against reality. Insist something that happened didn't actually happen.


    Like DEMNs... that insist that dRump are criminal... even though NO court judgment was given.

    And chance of it happen grow more and more slim. ;-P

    Trully, they are crazy as it is... that DEMNs. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I. Agree. With... it. :-))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\...the Verkhovna Rada voted on February 22, 2014 to "remove Viktor Yanukovych from the post of president of Ukraine" on the grounds that he had withdrawn from fulfilling his constitutional duties, and to hold early presidential elections on May 25.


    And this excerpt is directly from Document of that Verkhovna Rada? And it was written in English? And directly that phrasing??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    YET ONE.... ;-P

  38. \\You laugh at yourself because your own insanity amuses you?

    "You" instead of "I"? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\And yet they wanted to keep him as president\\Who, they???

    \\The Ukrainian parliament.


    I cannot respond to such a silly ideas of yours. Try to build up em for some more.

    \\The non traitors.


    Those who working for enemy with attempt that their country to fall into hands of enemies... is not traitors?

    Perfectly totalitarian logic.

    \\Qtard: \\Like you said Putin is dead and replaced by a body double?\\Evidences are plentiful.

    \\Your delusions? Is that the "evidences" you refer to?

    Your COVERING for even possibility of such an idea -- is MY delusion? ;-P

    \\No. I just need facts. Especially when it comes to absurd claims. How could I cover for someone who is dead? How could someone who is dead produce any propaganda?

    Oh??? So, there is NO propaganda of Nazism???

    Cause Hitler itself and his most loud propagandist long as dead.

    \\Qtard: \\Prove you aren't a liar? But you won't. Because you can't\\What for?

    \\To show you aren't lying. Pulling BS out of your behind. But you know that is what you're doing. Obviously.


    What for???

    What could be the meaning of trying to "show you aren't lying"??? In given circumstances.

    When relentless and idiotically counter-factual, defying facts and very logic idiot... trying to claim such need of me???

    What for??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And... most intriguing -- how???

    While I already provided TONS of FACTS here. And bonded em with myriads of logic bonds.

    But silly delusional bonker STILL can't see em, and STILL trying to demand some "proofs".... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))00000

    \\Qtard: Why I need to be so inclined to prove anything... to a heinously hypocritical liar and idiot to boot.

    \\LOL! You can't even prove any of your claims to yourself!

    What for??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    Do I need to prove to myself obvious FACTS???? Like that I have 10 fingers on my both hands, or something?

    What for???

    Does it what overweight everyday life of such delusional idiot as you are -- need to prove such an obvious things??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That... must be tiring.

    And hopeless... as from all accounts it is obvious -- that you have tiniest idea about even what word "prove/proof" means. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  39. \\So I can just make evidence free claims too?

    Like you EVER did anything else. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Especially as that liar OPENLY, AND many times confirmed -- that it WILL NOT accept ANY proves based on FACTUAL evidences...


    Can it be MORE OBVIOUS case of famous using "you" instead of "I"? :-))))))))))))))))

    Rhetorical question. ;-P

    \\Yes, you have shown you won't accept factual evidence.

    And you can show any fact... like quote of my words -- where I do such egregious thing? ;-P


    \\ Just call facts you don't like "Demn Propaganda".

    Non-facts. Just "somebody-somebody saying something-something".

    Of course. Because such "facts" you propose to "believe in"... without testing/double-checking/confirming/doubting -- is not facts, obviously.

    Because FACT are OPEN, OBVIOUS REFERENCE to Reality Itself.

    And you try to call such non-facts -- facts, reveal your nature of idiotic liar. ;-P FACTUALLY.

    \\ Also lie about researchers making stuff up and insisting they be believed because they are something you call a "trust me I'm an expert".

    Well... to not be doubted, that "researchers" just need to provide RAW facts.

    Easy as a pie, isn't it?

    But... "researcher" you, and DEMNS in general like to refer to -- do not do that.

    Strange, isn't it? ;-P

    Those who claim basing their claims on facts -- cannot provide any. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: ...because it only "believe in facts"... but, feeling itself free to dismiss or ignore whatever fact it don't like.

    \\No. Not NewSpeak yes. That is what you do. And I did not write "you" when I meant "I".


    And you never lie too... Pinnocchio.

    Even though your nose can reach over seas by now. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: dRump having presumption of innocence...

    \\He does. I never said he doesn't.


    \\Qtard: or people going into public places having their Human Rights...

    \\They do. I never said they don't.


    And your nose just grown couple more good inches, Pinocchio. ;-P

  40. Pinocchio = Qtard.

    The resolution stated that due to the fact that Yanukovych had unconstitutionally stopped fulfilling his presidential duties, the Rada was calling early presidential elections as is their right under Article 85/7. It seems that nothing in the constitution prohibits parliament from passing such a resolution, which has the full legal force of a law, according to Article 91. The speaker of the Rada signed the resolution, again in accordance with the constitution...

    Yet Moron Qtard (while giving no evidence at all) says this never happened.

  41. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  42. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Pinocchio = Qtard.

    That your crazyly moronic alter-ego? ;-P

    \\The resolution stated that due to the fact that Yanukovych had unconstitutionally stopped fulfilling his presidential duties, the Rada was calling early presidential elections as is their right under Article 85/7. It seems that nothing in the constitution prohibits parliament from passing such a resolution, which has the full legal force of a law, according to Article 91. The speaker of the Rada signed the resolution, again in accordance with the constitution...

    \\Yet Moron Qtard (while giving no evidence at all) says this never happened.


    Where is word "remove" in it???

    Or any other word, which would have even tiniest resemblance to "we, remove the president"????

    There is admittance of De Facto state -- president NOT present on designated to him post, not fulfilling his duty.

    SAME, as pilot in a cafe sipping cola -- CANNOT be admitted performing his duty of controlling the flight of an airplane.

    And cannot be "removed" from that place and that duty.

    Because that is not possible to "remove" something... that is not there.

    That all just totalitarian propaganda of liliPut... that used old as World sophism "you have horns"

    Sophism - Encyclopedia - The Free Dictionary
    The Free Dictionary › ...
    You have not lost horns. Therefore, you have horns.” In this case the ambiguity of the major premise is concealed. If the major premise is understood to be ...

    ""Aristotle called sophisms false proofs in which the grounds for the conclusion are only apparent and derive from a purely subjective impression caused by insufficient logical or semantic analysis.""

    ""The ancient “horn sophism,” which is ascribed to Eubulides, runs as follows; “That which you have not lost, you have. You have not lost horns. Therefore, you have horns.” In this case the ambiguity of the major premise is concealed. If the major premise is understood to be universal and to mean “everything that you have not lost,” the inference is logically flawless but uninteresting because the major premise is obviously false; if the major premise is understood to be particular, the conclusion does not follow logically. This became known, however, only after Aristotle had created logic.""


    liliPut using on over such a dumb dummies like Derr Punn -- that do not grok logic.

    By making em believe -- that "if president was not removed... then it must be present".

    But "if president NOT present (which liliPut achieved by fooling him that there is threats of assasination... and him will be safe, and will retain his power as president, EVEN if he'd be in Russia, under control of Russia's secrte services), that must be because they REMOVED him".

    And with that it showing that liliPut is the SAME idiot not groking logic as Derr Punn.

    It really was counting on that. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  43. Well... it not only fled from his duty... but have written letter of resignation too. :-)))))))

    ""Yanukovych has taken several steps that appear to undermine his own faith in his presidential legitimacy -- among them, abandoning his office and recording an official statement of resignation.
    But the 63-year-old leader, having decamped Kyiv, later retracted his resignation and asserted his role as head of state, calling the vote "illegal." "I'm not going to leave Ukraine or go anywhere. I'm not going to resign. I'm a legitimately elected president," he said.""

    Basicly... it behaved JUST LIKE Trump... trying to stay in power in non-legitimate way.

    But, Totalitarian Derr Punn trying to DEFEND him. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    Not surprising, for a sock-puppet of liliPut. And open Human Rights denying Totalitarian.

  44. Qtard: behaved JUST LIKE Trump... trying to stay in power in non-legitimate way. But, Totalitarian Derr Punn trying to DEFEND him.

    I agree. You are defending Yanukovych. tRump too. Though blaming your alter ego, Derr Punn. I say Yanukovych should have been removed. You apparently disagree. Not saying you agree with me that he should have been removed.

    Qtard: Not surprising, for a sock-puppet of liliPut. And open Human Rights denying Totalitarian.

    Talking about yourself. I agree.

  45. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Oh, I almost missed this piece of imbecility.

    Such a sill gaslighting. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Continue-continue. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
