Monday, October 9, 2023

Julian Assange is Dying. It's Time to Free Him.


  1. Everyone is dying.

  2. It is disgusting, and heinous that there are Harvard Student Groups are blaming Israel for Hamas barbaric terrorist attacks that have killed over 700 Israelis,
    I am calling on the leadership of Harvard to immediately, and publicly condemn these vile anti-Semitic statements by these asinine Harvard student groups!
    Over 700 Israelis are dead over 2,150 are wounded and 100 were taken hostage with the death toll expected to rise after Hamas terrorists fired thousands of rockets and sent dozens of militants into Israeli towns. Women, and children were DRAGGED out of their Homes, and their Cars and kidnapped, or Brutally Killed, young girls were Raped. An American Man was on the phone with his daughter in Israel as she was shot and killed by Hamas gunmen while shielding her son from their bullets.
    And some of you people have been BLAMING ISRAEL for this Slaughter? These people only know what their Leftist Masters tell them -- The DISGUSTING FILTH that their teachers, their Union Masters, and their leftist political leaders tell them. They're too easily used by murderers in the region like Iran, Iraq, Russia, China, North Korea, and others. What is happening today is a direct result of policies that have been taught in our Universities for years by these Leftist Professors.
    This is mainstream thinking of the left, and is essentially the policy of the Democratic party...But it's not like it wasn't predictable..
    The Left has raised a generation of Brown shirts, it’s as pure and simple as that, as they are actually cheering for another Holocaust.
    Shame on YOU!

  3. AMEN to what Frank Clyburn said:

    I Agree 200 percent.

    1. The brown shirts are being produced as we speak for the tRump MAGA bots.

  4. Who doesn't love BBQ and Music?
    Who doesn’t like a Hot Dog, and a Hamburger with all the trimming? I must admit that I do! But I like most of us Americans agree that there is a Time, and a Place for everything. Including a good BBQ!. However, this administration is so out of touch it is not deniable.
    Unbelievable is one of many words to describe this event. As Israelis are being slaughtered, and dying, these Leftist politicians people are stuffing their face with BBQ and all the fixings and whooping it up to live music.
    Dianne Feinstein Isn’t Even in the Ground Yet! And Joey Biden is Whooping it up Eating, and Slobbering it up with Music, while our Biggest Ally is bing bombed, and their Citizens Savagely Brutalized, and Killed by the Hundreds.
    President Biden is coming under heavy fire for hosting a Barbecue at the White House Sunday afternoon while a real WAR rages in Israel and terrorists are Murdering, and holding Americans hostage.

    YES, While Hamas holds Americans hostage, Joe Biden is enjoying a picnic with a live band....No, “Dr.”Jill Is not about to let a silly thing like a mass terrorist attack on a ally ruin her BBQ party..Who doesn't love a BBQ and Music? The Israelis in the desert WEREN’T having a party, they were being Killed, and Tortured, while Joe Biden was preoccupied with a cookout during a World Crisis.
    Just another example of the incompetency and complacency of the worthless Potatohead’s Administration.

  5. Some people must think that Joe's in charge, or something. Unless there's a ribbon cutting ceremony of photo op needed, the Deep State runs itself.

  6. Maybe there could be a prisoner swap. Russia could get their operative in return for them freeing someone the West wants released. That said, Assange certainly should be getting the medical attention he needs. Apparently he is in solitary confinement because the authorities are worried about Assange trying to kill himself and want to keep a close watch on him.

    The US is still trying to extradite him and his lawyers are fighting that in court. Explaining the limbo he finds himself in. He could drop his objection to being extradited. That would move things along a little more swiftly.

    Why didn't dotard donald give him a pardon? When he was in office. Obviously he isn't currently president. But he COULD have done it when he was. But did not.

    I didn't see any explanation in the video re what is causing Assange to be "dying". He's depressed about being in prison? That means he's "dying"? Isn't compassionate release for prisoners diagnosed with a terminal illness? He does not qualify.

    Hopelessness can be terminal, but (as per the video) he still has hope. So... he isn't dying, just depressed about the situation he's in. Depression that would go away if he was freed.

    This is all his own fault. He shouldn't have agreed to act as a Russian operative. Maybe he should have asked Roger Stone if tRump would help him if necessary (and if he could)? Though I wouldn't trust any assurances given to me by tRump.

    This is what his hate for Hillary Clinton has cost him. I wonder if he has any regrets. Or does he just see himself as a martyr?

  7. Apparently he is in solitary confinement because the authorities are worried about Assange trying to kill himself and want to keep a close watch on him.

    Sounds like the Epstein rationale...

  8. ps - Still muh-Russia. *tsk-tsk* *shakes head*

  9. How the Russians hacked the DNC and passed its emails to WikiLeaks.

    Roger Stone Was in Contact With Julian Assange in 2017, Documents Show.

    "I don’t necessarily think he’s some sort of paid agent for the Russians", says Chris Zappone, an editor at the Age newspaper in Assange’s native Australia who has covered Assange’s Russian ties extensively. "But I do think he’s being manipulated by the Russians". link

  10. What is wrong with the people of today? What is wrong with the people who ACTUALLY think that it’s the Israelis fault!
    And it’s not only the Stupid, Ignorant Young Collage People, but it’s also the Stupid, Ignorant, and perhaps UN-Informed Adults as well. Or is it the propagandists for the progressive communist democrats, and their policy of appeasement that convinces these Dumbbells, that the Iranians, Hamas, and the other Bastards are in the right when they Cheat, Lie, and steal ?
    When Children are found ‘butchered’ in Israeli kibbutz, ,and burned alive, and thrown in a Pit isn’t that more than enough to show them that these Hamas’ attacks are the fault of the Arabs?
    One would think that some of these highly educated individuals would understand that what they are seeing is pure, unadulterated terrorism.

    These people might even go so far as to ask a fundamental question: Why is Israel suddenly responsible for Arab-Palestinians?

  11. It is the direct fault of monotheistic religions (Judaism and Christianity) that has perpetrated othering and war for 6000+ years. And the fascist Hamas and Netanyahu keep it going today. With NEITHER side doing ANYTHING other than to continue and escalate the ignorance.

  12. How the Russians hacked the DNC and passed its emails to WikiLeaks.

    You mean "how a fake computer security company working for the DNC faked a national narrative."

  13. It is the direct fault of monotheistic religions (Judaism and Christianity)...

    Notice the deliberate exclusion of Islam... because murdering Christians and Jews is "the right thing to do".

  14. An unintended exclusion quite by accident. My appreciation for including with your comment.

    The high ignorance of monotheistic religions caused by and through human ignorance will continue to drive ignorance, destruction at multilevel, and death by the cycles of agression follwed by the avenging.

    And all three seem oblivious to this historical fact. And so will continue to repeat the ignorance.

  15. Why'd you not include the non-montheistic religions, Les. Is Polytheism the answer? Atheism? Scientism?

  16. Whatever floats your boat. We're done. Your NOT an honest actor.

  17. It's not honest to reveal your omissions? Your bias'?

  18. \\Your NOT an honest actor.

    That famous "honesty of DEMNs" here? When you cought em on their errs (more like deliberate lies) they saying "meh... you are not honest". Like there can exist any other Honesty, except stating the Truth!

  19. The problem is that democrats don't seem to be able to distinguish "information" from "facts". They believe that all the second order information that they receive through mass media are facts, when it's only hear-say.

  20. Media doesn't concern itself with "facts", it concerns itself with "information".

    "Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?" - T. S. Eliot

  21. Media distinguish "what information is known to be known" (to all of us) from "what information is not (known to be known)" (ie - hidden or secret).

  22. Why is that Freeken Anti-Semitic Les Carpenter even allowed to post here where NORMAL people post?
    Could it be that the ZOO is closed?

  23. Qtard: That famous "honesty of DEMNs" here? When you cought em on their errs (more like deliberate lies) they saying "meh... you are not honest". Like there can exist any other Honesty, except stating the Truth!

    You're claiming Minus FJ is a "Demn" again? btw, you know nothing about the truth. To you "truth" is lies you like.

  24. Qtard: That famous "honesty of DEMNs" here? When you cought em on their errs (more like deliberate lies) they saying "meh... you are not honest". Like there can exist any other Honesty, except stating the Truth!

    You're claiming Minus FJ is a "Demn" again? btw, you know nothing about the truth. To you "truth" is lies you like.

  25. \\Media distinguish "what information is known to be known" (to all of us) from "what information is not (known to be known)" (ie - hidden or secret).


    There is NO such information.

    As soying analitics know -- all relevant info -- it's in public access... just too few people who are interested, have smarts to see it. And too many idiots. Yawn.

    \\you know nothing about the truth. To you "truth" is lies you like.

    Said lying hypocrite who use NewSpeak. ;-P

  26. \\The problem is that democrats don't seem to be able to distinguish "information" from "facts".


    Not "not able".

    Don't like it.

    They like their cosy pretty sweet echo chambers... where nothing bad can happen. Or, even if it happened... it's "that damn Reps fault".

    That is BASIC trait of phychology of a humans.

  27. And well... that is WISE trait, instilled in us by Evolution.

    Base of instinct of survival -- to fear new things, to fear foreigners, etc.

    And to cuddle in out cosy little nests...

    That is difference between mere human as biological beings

    And Human... as sentient entity. Or UberMench, if you like. ;-P

  28. Enlightened. We're re-entering the "dark ages", at least as far as the general population goes. :(

  29. Yup, ignorance is rampant amounst MAGA bots.

  30. Enlightenment means "thinking for yourself" instead of allowing others to think for you. Like the Protestant "Reformation". Don't let the priests mumble Latin, read the Gutenberg bible YOURSELF. Or in the modern case, don't let the JOURNALISTS sqwuak at you on TV and in Newspapers, discover and judge the information without eliminating the "alternate facts" that the journalists leave out.

    1. Why are you not thinking for yourself then? Oh, that's right. tRump the traitorous insurrectionist rapist does not like the educated and by extension only likes those who kiss his ring and sing his praises. America's greatest fascist.

    2. Why are you not thinking for yourself then? Oh, that's right. tRump the traitorous insurrectionist rapist does not like the educated and by extension only likes those who kiss his ring and sing his praises. America's greatest fascist.

  31. The purpose of a dialectic isn't to win an argument. It's to consider all the arguments on their merit, not based upon your mind-reading of intentions which you attribute to them.

  32. It will be a dark age for America if donald tRump gets back in the White House. For sure.

  33. OMG, a dismantled Deep State. How will we ever survive?

  34. You burped again, RN. If your comment goes to Spam, don't worry, I'll fish it out eventually.

    btw- Repeating things like "traitorous insurrectionist rapist" the three holy fakes of the MSM, don't lend much credibility to either your statements or arguments.

  35. ...they just mean that you can hear and read what "other people" with TDS tend to write or say. And then you say that I'm not thinking for myself???

  36. That he is a traitorous insurrectionist rapist are three truths about donald tRump. All verified to be 100 percent factual.

  37. No, all verified to be 100% "informational". When you convict him and all his appeals are exhausted, THAT is when you will have "verified" you charges.

  38. tRump asked Russia to collude with him live on TV. I saw the insurrection in progress with my own eyes. That's how you determine what a fact is according to Qtard. And the rape was confirmed in court.

  39. Information, definition: facts provided or learned about something or someone.

    Meaning you agreed with me.

  40. Biden said that he rigged the election with his own mouth...

    Information is only hearsay "facts". It has all the appearance and none of the reality relating to a fact.

  41. That happened while tRump was president!

    On Oct. 24, President Trump and White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany shared the clip on Twitter, with the president tweeting, “What a terrible thing for Biden to say! Rigged Election?”

    He only tweeted? If it was an actual admission that Biden rigged the election, why did tRump call Bill Barr and tell him to have Joe Biden arrested?

    tRump didn't do his due diligence? As per you, cheating is fine - the onus is on the other party to catch it.

  42. "why didn't"

    Women who are raped but don't go to the police weren't raped. They gave their consent via their silence. Tweeting doesn't qualify as reporting. tRump gave his consent via his silence?

  43. Trump exercised prosecutorial discretion. Charging a political opponent with crimes is a bad look, as Biden will soon discover. :)

  44. Of course. tRump the insurrectionist, rapist, and traitor acted to protect his own egregious criminality.

  45. Something for you to still prove. The rest is the mentalism of a mind reader.

  46. \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
    Enlightened. We're re-entering the "dark ages", at least as far as the general population goes. :(


    "dark age" that is propaganda from later times.

    that was steep but sure progress of exactly as you (declaring to) like.

    why so unhappy then?

    doctor -- take your OWN medicines FIRST. ;-P

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    The purpose of a dialectic isn't to win an argument. It's to consider all the arguments on their merit, not based upon your mind-reading of intentions which you attribute to them.

    WAT??? :-))))

    Can you provide the source of such "bright" thought?

    \\Dervish Sanders said...
    That he is a traitorous insurrectionist rapist are three truths about donald tRump. All verified to be 100 percent factual.

    And THIS is excerpt from DEMN rulebook, exactly? ;-P

    Well... please cite to us that excerpt where it talking about hope too. ;-P
    What??? There is NONE? :-))))

    P-R-E-dick-table. :-)))))))

    \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...
    tRump asked Russia to collude with him live on TV. I saw the insurrection in progress with my own eyes. That's how you determine what a fact is according to Qtard. And the rape was confirmed in court.


    WHOLE YEAR... it is STILL UNABLE to learn.

    OPEN, OBVIOUS, reference to Reality itself.

    Like in that CSI series of yours -- patalagoanatom making dissection of fresh corps -- with looking like jumped off the cliff and smashed its head -- OPEN and OBVIOUS, it's suicide??? No need to investigate it further??? Naaah.

    Patologoanatom gives blood to other expert and that finds poison -- that person was drugged, and that thrown from that cliff -- THAT'S MURDER!

    And you are dumb bell of stoooop-idioty. Derpy. ;-P

    But... that's EXACTLY what makes it so much fun talking with... it. :-)))))

    \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...
    Information, definition: facts provided or learned about something or someone.


    Because there need to be LOGIC. And ability to discern Reality by themself... what it... is staunchly and homericly... lacking.

  47. /Can you provide the source of such "bright" thought?

    wikipedia? Dialectic (Greek: διαλεκτική, dialektikḗ; German: Dialektik), also known as the dialectical method, refers originally to dialogue between people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to arrive at the truth through reasoned argumentation. Dialectic resembles debate, but the concept excludes subjective elements such as emotional appeal and rhetoric.[1] It has its origins in ancient philosophy and continued to be developed in the Middle Ages.

  48. \\Dialectic resembles debate, but the concept excludes subjective elements such as emotional appeal and rhetoric.

    Seeing is believing.

    For me... that look like talks about pink unicorns. :-(

  49. "Seeing is believing".

    Not for you. You saw (or can see via online video) an insurrection at the US Capitol, yet you don't believe it happened.

  50. YOU... well, DEMN propaganda called it "insurrection".

    For OPEN and OBVIOUS political reasons.

    But is somebody else called it that way? Like, court for example? ;-)

  51. Minus: OMG, a dismantled Deep State. How will we ever survive?

    "We", as a democracy, won't survive.

    Wikipedia: Chauncey DeVega of and Spencer Ackerman in The Nation have characterized Project 2025 as a plan to install Trump as a dictator, warning that Trump could prosecute and imprison enemies or overthrow American democracy altogether.

    David Corn, writing in Mother Jones, described it as "an authoritarian danger that threatens American democracy", which if undefeated "would place the nation on a path to autocracy".

    Qtard: ...DEMN propaganda called it "insurrection". ... But is somebody else called it that way? Like, court for example?

    Several people were convicted of seditious conspiracy.

    As per Google... Is sedition the same thing as insurrection? While they clearly overlap, “sedition” centers more on plotting and incitement, whereas “insurrection” is generally understood to mean the actual violent acts of an uprising aimed at overthrowing the government.

    So, YES, courts/Judges have said there was an insurrection. Given that sedition is the planning of an insurrection.

  52. \\"We", as a democracy, won't survive.


    Your DEMN-OK-ratsy have ALL chances to not survive... trully democratic elections. ;-P

    That's why you spreading lies and propaganda, little liliPut's sock-puppets. :-))))

    For such elections NEVER happened again.


    Citing Wikipedia. About political or other hot matters.

    It's like citing scribs on a walls of toilet... as credible source. ;-P

    \\Several people were convicted of seditious conspiracy.

    So what?

    Question was about "insurrection" EXACTLY.

    Bunch of loonies conspiring -- whom you trying to kid here?

    \\As per Google... Is sedition the same thing as insurrection? While they clearly overlap, “sedition” centers more on plotting and incitement, whereas “insurrection” is generally understood to mean the actual violent acts of an uprising aimed at overthrowing the government.

    \\So, YES, courts/Judges have said there was an insurrection. Given that sedition is the planning of an insurrection.


    Derpy tryed to provide LOGICAL conclusion... for once.

    But... too bad... IT is an idiot -- and DUNNO that logical conclusion NEED to stem from it's premices -- straights.

    NOT INVERTED... as in this case.

    When premice stated is OPPOSITE to what it tryes to say. :-))))

  53. Insurrection Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › insur...
    The meaning of INSURRECTION is an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government. How to use insurrection in a sentence.

    Sedition | Criminal Offence, Free Speech & Punishment - Britannica › topic › sedition
    Sedition, crime against the state. Though sedition may have the same ultimate effect as treason, it is generally limited to the offense of organizing or ...

    PS Obviously... just a Thought Crime.

  54. Given that sedition is the planning of an insurrection.

    The Hamas Support protestor/ insurrectionist spontaneously arrived at the Capitol rotunda? Who knew? Telepathic terrorism!

  55. If any such people planned on coming they must have cancelled their plans. Given the fact that there was nobody fitting that description at the Capitol rotunda on the date in question.

  56. Did the dirtbag die yet?
