Friday, October 13, 2023

Bridgeport CT, Reaping the 'Harvest'

The Tip of the Democrat's 2,000 Mules Iceberg in Action...


  1. The video lies? Oh, that's right, you're not allowed to watch videos and draw your own conclusions. *tsk-tsk*

  2. My "no" is regarding the text below the video.

    The fakeumentary 2000 Mules was bigly debunked.

    As for the video -- what do the people Gomez is accusing have to say? What are the police saying? What is the court saying?

    How can I draw conclusions with incomplete information? You can, obviously. But that's because your conclusion (based on incomplete information) fits the narrative you like.

  3. Person in second video invokes the 5th.

    However... in the face of SYSTEMIC CORRUPTION, it IS the wisest choice.

    Those are your words. Systemic corruption wasn't a factor here? It isn't re tRump either.

  4. Indeed, there is systemic corruption in the justice system. The case proves that's there's also "systemic corruption" in Democratically run elections.

  5. btw - systemic corruption = the banality of evil. One cannot coexist with evil. It's why violence must at times be "Divine".

  6. Violence is the precise engagement of non divine activity by CHOICE. It is, in itself, evil actions.

  7. So, what you're saying is that We The People cannot coexist with donald tRump, given that donald tRump is evil? I agree.

  8. Is Trump representing himself, or the US government bureaucracy? Because the latter, is "the system".

  9. btw - Forced choices (D)/(R) candidates picked by the party or establishment, are "choices", not actual choices, people's choices.

  10. ps - DJT isn't the Republican Party's choice. They're stuck with the fact that the (R) affiliated people will no longer vote FOR the GOPe's "choices".

  11. Whereas the (D) voters are all still sheep, doing their "master's" biddi, too intimidated to exert their own authority" as voters..

  12. And sheep silently agreed here? ;-P

  13. What system, very specifically, do you, the MAGAt, support. Because from the viewpoint of realistic and honest people it sure looks every bit like designed chaos.

  14. Traditional system need to proceed through a period of "liminality" before they can again coalesce into coherence. This process isn't unique to MaGA and the US. It's in most of the European nations, and it represents "DeGlobalization".

    It's Les Mouvement des gilets jaunes, in France, Brexit in the UK, the AFG in Germany, aka, a return to "Nationalism" necessary for economic independence and escape from monopolization by government and corporate elites.

  15. While little by little continuing becoming MOAR global. ;-)

    Well... nationalism -- that us dead horse. But there never was lack of idiots who like to petend having a ride on such "fine horses"...

  16. It's become a multi-polar world. Your problem is that you want want to join the side that has already learned the lessons of global unipolarism, some beneficial, but many increasingly detrimental to the health and welfare of its' populations. If you knew the entire truth about both, I suspect you might wish to reconsider. The "green grass on the other side" you currently see is "browning", quickly. :(

  17. Minus: Is Trump representing himself, or the US government bureaucracy? Because the latter, is "the system".

    tRump is definitely representing himself. He doesn't give a crap about the dupes who support him. Currently he is running to stay out of prison.

  18. Because he was in danger of going to prison if he hadn't run. BWAH! If Trump is going to prison, it's because he IS running.

  19. \\It's become a multi-polar world.


    And EXACTLY because of that liliPut trying to buy weapon from North Korea and Iran... what NEVER happend in previous "yada-yada, globalism" world??? :-)))))

    That is JUST ONE example. As most anti-thetic to that I percieve as quite stooopid proaganda talking point of that liliPut.

    But there way-way more.

    Just open any newsfeed, and try to count how many news screaming about world becomeing MORE globalaised.

  20. Criminals eventually end up paying the price for their criminality. tRump is a criminal extraordinaire. He WILL eventually be held accountable and pay for his crimes against the good people of this nation.

    Count on it.

  21. Seeing is believing. So far, you're batting 0.000

  22. I've got no objection to global trade. My objection comes in when a single power attempts to unilaterally control it (or a bloc of it) for it's own purposes. Every country should have the right to choose its' own trading partners. But I also draw the line at chipping another bloc's trading partners off and pretending you'll back them up if their regular partners object to their secession from their former trading bloc. In other words, I'm against trading blocs. Much like corporations, they're far too akin to nation states in their "lack of diversity". Monopolies, much as "bigness" in general, after a certain size is reached, trend toward bureaucratic "fragility."

  23. Does anyone actually perceive the UN to be an "effective" bureaucratic body?

  24. \\ I'm against trading blocs.

    You must be PRO piracy? ;-)

    \\Monopolies, much as "bigness" in general, after a certain size is reached, trend toward bureaucratic "fragility."

    And what about Natural Monopolies?

    Like... we need to breath with oxygen... have no choice. Even tough nitrogen in such a abundabce tough. ;-)

  25. In aerobic organisms undergoing respiration, electrons are shuttled to an electron transport chain, and the final electron acceptor is oxygen. Molecular oxygen is an excellent electron acceptor. Anaerobes instead use less-oxidizing substances such as nitrate (NO−3), fumarate (C4H2O2−4), sulfate (SO2−4), or elemental sulfur (S). These terminal electron acceptors have smaller reduction potentials than O2. Less energy per oxidized molecule is released. Therefore, anaerobic respiration is less efficient than aerobic.

  26. Life uses the most efficient means available, in Earth's case, oxygen.

  27. ...and like the barium that blows up a flatworm's head, it soon regrows and isn't affected by the barium in subsequent generations, the genes 'express" differently in them.

  28. And how much they paid for that "anti-fragility"?
